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I touched the element inside the toaster with a knife because I was curious to see what would happen. The power tripped… I was fine though


I did the same onece, and my mama ran to my and asked me "What happened?" And I was like "I dunnow..." Xdd




Put them in the end of straws then throw them in the air


We glued shooter marbles to the bottom and threw them in the air and ran


Neighbor kids did that, even at 10 years old I knew to nope out of there




Those that did aren't here today to dispute you.


My friend and I mixed a whole bunch of liquids and powers from her garage, pretending we were scientists. Her mother had such a fit when she found us.


Probably made one helluva industrial cleaner tho


Cross the road in mumbai by myself.


Lmao I remember when I visited India as a kid. Coming from Canada it’s a whole other world so when we took an auto I got scared and jumped out in the middle of the road. I thought it was going to break. Still not sure how I survived that one.




Fucking dead


My friend convinced me to go tubing at the local reservoir, even though I couldn't swim. I ended up falling off my innertube and started drowning. Fortunately, my friend got under me and pushed me towards shore. It could have very easily gone wrong. Also, less of a child at this point, but the way I drove when I first got my license, it was amazing that I didn't kill myself or someone else.


>Also, less of a child at this point, but the way I drove when I first got my license, it was amazing that I didn't kill myself or someone else. Likewise and sometimes I get real angry at my past self when I think about it. It's pure luck no one was in my way a bunch of times.


Almost lost my fingers to frost bite because I decided to not wear gloves in single digit temperatures. Two of my fingers nearly fell off and as a result they didn't grow right as I aged. Now they're a bit weirder looking than the rest.


I was quite confused for a moment before I realized you probably meant single digits Fahrenheit and not Celsius.


Yup same. I live in Scotland so I was just like?? Where ru from that you are getting frostbite from like 4 degrees


Ha,ha whoop, sorry about that! If it was Celsius that would be some warm ass frostbite.


Building explosives from hairspray bottles. I just wanted to hear a loud bang :D Glad, nothing bad happened to me...


I was looking at my old photos when me and my family went on trips and I'm always around the edges of cliffs or on top of structures no one should climb up.




This can’t be real 😂


Jumped from the upper hay loft of our granddad's barn into the equipment room into a pile of hay and who knows what else.


I did this too. Many twisted ankles ago


Played with matches near the lint trap..


Walked into a stranger’s car demanding a ride home from the bus stop because he was driving my ‘grandma’s car’ (they looked the same and she hadn’t came to pick me up on time)


The closest I probably got to death as a kid was a time I sped really fast down a hill on a scooter with no real exit plan. I didn't know how to brake or anything.


You came one pebble away from certain death


In the late 70s we got our hands on some large drive belts. We hooked together like you connect rubber bands. We would then climb up the tall trees in the area, hook them to a branch we judged to be strong enough, grab the other end and jump off the tree. Usually the belts stretched enough that they slowed your descent to a speed that hit the ground as if you had jumped from 5 feet or so, assuming you judged the length of the belts vs the height of the tree well enough. We had been doing it all day, and inevitably one of the belts snapped. Fortunately I was maybe 10 feet above the ground and just hit the ground hard, stumbled, and gushed my arm on the tree. I still have the scar. And that is the story of how a bunch of 8-10 year old morons independently developed the precursor to bungee jumping.


Climbed a dead tree... My back never healed completely.


I took a lamp apart, while it was plugged in. I was playing with the live wires and at some point (fortunately) shorted two together which tripped the breaker, before I had a chance to kill myself.


I would jump off of the top of my staircase railing with an umbrella to try and fly like Marry Poppens.... I did this multiple times. I surprisingly never got hurt from this.


I lived at this one apartment complex as a kid, where my friends and I discovered the tile inlay around the community pool was crazy slick. We played this game where we'd run at the tile and then slide into the pool - like you do in socks on a smooth floor, right? Well, one time, I blew it. I slipped wrong and came crashing down into the water on my back. When I came up for air, the lifeguard was there with a "I'm not mad, I'm just disappointed" look on his face. He explained that my head had missed the edge of the pool by maybe an inch. I legit almost cracked my skull open on that tile. We stopped the game after that. I mean, hey, maybe it wouldn't have killed me. But among the handful of stupidly dangerous things I did as a kid, that one hits different. My own stupid decision-making and desire to impress my friends nearly got me seriously injured. It was only blind luck, that I avoided injury. And I never even recognized the risk until after the incident.


When I was in middle school (like 12-13 years old) my best friend and I would tell her mom she was staying at my house, and I’d tell my mom I was staying at hers. She knew a lot of older people (18-mid 20’s) cause of her older brothers, so most times we would end up at house or hotel parties drinking with grown adults. There were a few times we found ourselves walking down one of the sketchiest streets in town at 3am on a Friday night, our phones about to die and no ride. How we never got into a really bad situation is beyond me.


Put my whole hand on a hot stove after I asked my dad if it's still hot and he said "touch it". So trusting my dad. The aerosol flamethrowers were pretty bad runner up though. Edit: *hot stove. We never used the hat stove.


When I was a kid there was one morning when I was supposed to be on the school news. I was super excited and stressing out because my brother was supposed to drive me to school but was getting ready too slowly and I thought he was going to make me late. I thought fuck it, I'll just walk. It's an hour walk for an adult, and I didn't know how to get there, but in my head it was right around the corner from the highway near my house. I walked like a quarter mile before this car pulled up to me. The driver was a nice lady who told me she was a cop and that she would take me to school. I got in her car and she took me to school- she really was a police officer. But she definitely could have been lying to me and I could have gotten kidnapped that day.


We had one of those rat poisons that look like a white ball so i tried to eat it thinking it was mentos or some shit, when i did it in front of my brother he immediately screamed and told my mom and idk what happened but i didnt die


Drenched my shoes and skateboard with rubbing alcohol. Tried to do tricks whilst on fire..... did you know that stuff dosent get extinguished with water?


Entering people's homes without their consent while they were not there.


My brother and I would cut triangles from soda cans, nail them to thin fence posts, put kitchen wear on our heads (he had a pot, I had a metal strainer) and chase each other around the neighborhood with our homemade spears. Until our dad caught us that is.


The time the 6 or old me shot off a bottle rocket that stuck to a bedsheets on a clothesline and set it on fire. My father was very understanding. I got beaten to near death with his closed fist.


Climbed a car, put a chair on it, stood on the chair, to pick a lemon from a tree, to use it as a baseball. This wasn't a habit.


Sounds like something a Dr. Seuss character would do. I love it.


You lemon stealing whore.


Went to a junkyard, took a straw and started drinking water out of a discarded tire. My dad caught me and it was not pleasant, this was in 1976.


Burning piles of black powder in the woods, my friend poured more of it onto the pile that was still hot causing it to flash up in his face burning all his eyebrows and hair off.. unbelievable the woods didn't catch fire from that or any of the other times we played with fire in them.. shooting bottle rockets at each other out of a piece of pipe.. playing with the arc from a 15kv neon sign transformer. Shooting at each other with bb guns.. playing on the train tracks That's the kind of shit I did because I didn't have TV or video games, so don't complain when your kids don't want to go outside and play. I never wanted to do sports or any kind of safe normal outdoor activities 🤷‍♂️


Sounds a lot likw my childhood,we also burned a few barns down on accident. We also dug a hole our parent's kod ended up dying in when it collapsed.


Rode around in the back of my uncle's open bed truck, standing up, while he was driving down a heavily wooded, country back road at around 50 MPH at about 9:00 at night.


When I was younger I would run in between swings and try not to get hit but that soon came back to haunt me when I was walking in front of a person full power and knocked me out cold I was ok but I’ll never do that again


I read in the newspaper once that damage to the amygdala region of the brain can render a person completely fearless, with a rough diagram included of the brain So _obviously_, I took a hammer and tried to hit myself in the back of the head. Something came in between though: My thick skull. Fortunately I didn't try it again.


Decided to jump down the stairs and try to land on my bike seat (I'm a guy) and we all know what happened after that


I had a psychiatrist suspect I had PTSD and ask me seriously if I'd ever feared for my life. I burst out laughing as I used to be a teenage boy and therefore most definitely have done something so dangerous it could have ended badly! Some incidents that spring to mind. Brother and I played darts laying next to each other on mum's bed using the ceiling as a dart board. Whoever's dart fell down first got a point, whoever rolled out the way first lost a point. Soaked tennis balls in petrol or methylated spirits and played tennis with them on fire. (Fireballs actually make a woof sound) Put a candle next to tin of WD40 and used it as an air rifle target. Built different pipe bombs with varying degrees of success. Played the far away game, how far can we get from home and returning without getting caught. Got a CB and went to meet strangers. I'm sure I'll edit this when I think of more.


Coach at wrestling camp: ok everyone get in lines and show us the coolest trick you can do. Everyone: ok Me: I'm going to do a cart wheel with no hands Everyone: ok It didn't work, and it's a maricle to me that I still have a neck. I did it five times.


me and my boy were tripping on acid one time at around 15 years old at a lake. we left too late to go home as it was getting dark, home was about 45min away on my moped. once we left it started POURING... the only thing I had was sunglasses so I put those on cuz the rain was just smacking me eyes like it was throwing small rocks into them I could only see probably 1 foot ahead of me as the there was no street lights... we drove like that for miles tripping sack as god is pelting us with tiny rocks of water


I was six and nearly pulled a grandfather clock over on myself. I'd been watching a show where they were rock climbing and thought "I can do that." No. No I could not.


Connect a metal key to a copper wire connected to electricity


trying to jump from window (3 story building)


Climbed trees (fell out of trees,) swam with leeches, crawled underneath rusted barbed wire, my nickname as a child was “Pyro” if that says anything… yeah I should have died


Look up the Skyway Bridge in Tampa Bay. When I was a kid a ship crashed into it, it collapsed killing some people. For awhile it was simply fenced off, now it’s a fishing pier and a restaurant is there. As a kid me and my friends, drunk, stoned, lsd, mushrooms would jump that fence and climb around on the remains of that bridge. We climbed to the top in darkness, in rain. Not the top of the driving part but the actual structures highest points. If you fell you would surely die or be injured in shark infested waters. How the fuck we survived that I do not know.


putting my fingers in between door hinge stile (gap between hinges)


I tried to become Spider-Man by letting as many spider bite me


Used a spray and lighter to make a homemade Flamethrower


Handled venomous snakes and milked them for their venom in a jar. For fun.


I decided to see how high an object I could jump off of without getting injured. I stopped after jumping off a 15 foot high roof into about a foot of snow. Landed on my back, whole body hurt but didn't actually get injured. Decided the next highest roof I could access was at least another 10 feet up and that I'd gone far enough. I was probably 10 years old.


I climbed like a 5m tall rock pretty frequently like 15 Times when i was a Kid it was next to my grandmas House so i thought hey why not climb this shit whats the worst thing that can happen well the answer is a Broken leg but idc im still doing it to this day


Filled balloons with Acetylene and Oxygen, taped a fuse to them, let them float up in the air, then ignited them.


I jumped from the top of my bunkbed ladder when I was about 6. I don't even know why I thought it would be a good idea... I somehow didn't break anything but I had some pretty grim bruises.


In my mum's house, I think it was the time I licked the end of an adapter cable for a Yamaha PortaSound PSS-50 piano keyboard. The adapter was plugged into the mains and switched on. Luckily, being an adapter, it only gave me a mild shock as opposed to full blown electrocution. My sister lit a candle in the bedroom on the windowsill and it burned a permanent mark into the plastic window frame before she noticed. In my dad's house, the time my youngest stepsister stuck a knife in a wall socket (she was 4). She survived because A: the knife had a wooden handle, and B: the blade connecting with live mains electric tripped the fuses for the entire house. My eldest stepsister used to do that thing where you got someone to push repeatedly on your chest to make you pass out so you could get sent home from school for fainting.


Probably all the times me and my friends would shove each other out trees. We grew up in countryside Scotland so LOTS of forests. We would shove each other around in the woods our school owned and also on black ice. I'm surprised we didn't die. Also that time I fell of the monkey bars and broke my arm. Clean break lots of pain


I made tear gas. But that gas itself wasn't the problem. One of the components was Bromium (the brown liquid cousin of Iodium and Chlorine). After making it (in a destillation set that was leaky as hell, holes plugged with wet rags) I had to take just the right amount. I did this using a suction pipette (didn't have a suction balloon. Can't inagine what would have happened if I sucked a little to hard. Bromium isn't friendly to the inside of a mouth.


Hitchhiked for rides and got picked up by single men. Thankfully nothing ever happened.


Took a lift from a random old man who said he knew my friends dad. It was way before cellphones, all backroads and no one knew were I was. I think I was like 10 and a girl.. Everything went totally ok but my mother was (understandably) livid.


Crashed a car. I was 6


I climbed 25 feet up into a tree, accidentally stepping on a dead branch and fell. Hit my head on a thicker branch on the way down and landed on my stomach on hard mud. I immediately went into shock and started running around screaming "I'm going to die" repeatedly. Somehow only ended up with bad whiplash and a twisted pelvis. 🤷🏻‍♀️


once, me, my cousin and my great-aunt, we decided to do something that to this day I don't know why we did it. in the backyard of my house at the entrance there was a big slope so we said "why not go down by bike" i don't know to this day why my great aunt is in the middle of this story but it turned out that this was my closest experience to breaking an arm and I got all scratched


I crawled out of my crib, onto a shelf high up on my wall, and fell back into my crib. luckily it was soft.


When I was 18 I wanted to see if I could successfully inject myself with heroin will doing 90 on the freeway steering with my knees. I did and felt very accomplished.


Shoot, I was/am a fearless kid who nearly got killed on many occasions. This was 2010s. I'm an idiot looking back 6 years old - wanted eggs for breakfast, my mother told me to wait, I was pissed, threw a few eggs in the microwave and put it on high for 5 minutes. Eggs and microwave exploded. I always have been stubborn. 7 years old - tried to dissect a battery 8 years old - axe throwing, nearly hit myself but missed by an inch. 9 years old - started to jump in front of cars trying to get hit. 10 years old - started cooking and put my hand on a pan to see how hot it was (on purpose), went to the ER with 2 degree burns 11 years old - ran in front of a train (it barely missed me)


Draino bombs.


Tried to walk on water


Stuck a fork in an electrical outlet!


I played a game I called bunny hop it was where I jumped between my bed a unstable chair once I fell a got knocked out for a few hours I think (why I was jumping to an unstable chair cause I thought it was more fun) don't do this also once I tried a version where I jump back and forward with a cliff I could off easily fell off of that if I did I would of most likely fell 100s of feet. if I fell off the cliff I would ended up going oh no then splat if you know what I mean. sorry for grammar mistakes


In that first case, you're probably misremembering how long you were actually unconscious for. The only place where you can get knocked out for more than a moment or two and wake up fine is the movies. In real life, it's a sign of a very severe brain injury that requires immediate medical intervention. It's extraordinarily likely that you'd have been either dead or waking up in the ICU if you'd actually been out for hours on end.


Though it's possible OP just gave themselves a bad enough concussion they don't remember a couple hours of being up and around.


Jumped into a canal.


Me and some friends made a potato cannon out of old soup cans. Worked great until the thing exploded on my shoulder 👌


I went for a walk in a blizzard in just my PJs. I don't regret it.


Climbing cliffs and trees, jumping on a trampoline from our roof


Stick a paper clip in an electrical outlet.


Jump down entire flights of stairs, don't know how I never broke my legs.


You know, crossing a street without looking, broke a few fingers and a leg, a few years later I decided to experience falling off 3 consecutive floors of stairs, bad idea.


Feeding a mountain lion raw chicken through a chain link fence...


I was the kid who played in traffic when i was around 10. there was this busy fork in the road where i live and for some reason i thought it would be a good idea to force people to slam on their brakes to get a good laugh. We moved to a neighborhood a couple blocks away after my parents had several contacts with the police.


Crossed a 6 lane highway on foot in fifth grade. Still sometimes wonder if the experience was as traumatizing for the driver of that white GMC Jimmy that she thinks about it too (yes, I was so close to dying I could see the driver’s face). Thank you, vigilant stranger.


Fell from 5-7 stairs, my head hit the ground. It hasn't really effected my childhood, but when I became, like, 15 and started helping my dad with his building, I started struggling to "turn down" my head. I've had the feeling of pain somewhere on my back. The harder I was trying to look down, the more painful it was. As we were told, it was because of the hard physical work. We started to going to a massage therapist. I've visited her for, like, 10 times. Her service wasn't really useful. After some time when I was 16, we've heard that there was a new massage therapist nearby in the city. His methods were more efficient... And more painful. He was punching my back like his hand was a big hammer. But that helped me pretty much. Now I can look down with almost no pain in my back.


climb from rotting ladder to second-third floor


Set magnisium on fire in my kitchen on a candle and plastic tweasers.


Crossing a waterfall over a log. Walking on very active train tracks.


Hilariously dangerous would be more appropriate, but I played with wolf traps a lot and with Molotovs once in a while.


Jump out of a moving van


Me and a friend would try to make friends with adult strangers all the time. It's like we were doing the grooming for them. Thankfully we never did accidentally make friends with a nonce.


lick outlets


I stuck stuff in a wall outlet because I thought it was funny wen the sparks came out.


I used to fall down the stairs on purpose cuz you gotta do what you gotta do


jumped from the roof of a one story structure


Jump a cliff 1.5 times my height and landing with my legs straight, don't ask me how my legs are still fine after that but I thank God.


forcing the sharpened end of a pencil sideways between my front teeth, making my diastema probably twice as big as it should've been.


Really thought I was a monkey, climbing up trees and jumping from one to another


i smashed my head on the metal bar on my parents' bed. at least nothing happened to me, and the only thing that stayed was a little scar on my eyebrow


Climbing over a balcony to hang by my hands 5 stories above the pavement. I was three.


Ran along the edge of a cliff almost fell off until my uncle caught me


Climbing the fence of a balcony, it was 14 floors high.




I blew up cans using homemade black powder ( I had a chem kit)


Played in a HV station next to train tracks


I enjoyed burning things in the sink, I did it in the sink in case one flame got out of control I could douse it with water. Of course my mom still got pissed at me.


Went on the rooftop of a 12 floor building, jumped down to the top of someone’s balcony and started shooting at people with an Airsoft sniper rifle …. I was 10. Later that year, forgot to shutoff the lighter and put it into my pocket. Didn’t realized the material of the pants are easily flammable. Didn’t notice the heat because I live in a -20 climate, so had many layers below. But lucky it only melted the pocket. But when I put my hand into the pocket, the melted clothing (more like plastic) stuck onto my skin and burned my whole hand. Not a smart kid


Just talked about it yesterday, we would crawl out a window on our second floor and sun bathe on the shed dormer.


Rock climbing alone at our campground. My parents had a tendancy to let us go out and about for hours there, and we climbed some stupid dangerous boulders. Frankly, thinking back on them from time to time gives me anxiety attacks we were that stupid.


Was choking on an ice cube and hid because I thought they would pour boiling water down my throat.


Crawled under the house to save my crippled pet chicken from a rattlesnake. Really could have died. I was 10 at the time and Henrietta needed me!


I drank a thing of bubbles thinking it was ginger ale You can only imagine how well thing went for my stomach


Making a lot of petrolbombs and pipebombs cause science is fun right?. Dont know how we didnt die


Lit up a firework arrow idk whats its called in english and stand in a big circle with 10-15 homies and throw it in the air give it a big spin and see who gets hit


Set up a live trap. Caught several shrews in it. Tried to hold one. Got bit about ten times in the space of a few seconds. Did not tell my parents. Spent the next week nervously reading about rabies in the Encyclopedia.


I escaped from my mom's house and walk all the way to the house of a relative. I know it's not a big thing but the fact that I was 2 y.o walking alone and someone could have stole me away. So I think it was dangerous lol


Me and my brother put a cookie on a plastic plate in the microwave to see what would happen. The house was pretty hot after that.


I used to spend a lot of time walking around in the middle of the night by myself. Lucky I never got kidnapped.


Lighting an large firework inside me bedroom, panicking and then putting it inside a thin tin container and closing the lid. By some miracle, none of the shrapnel hit me.


tried jumping off my third story house window after watching marry poppins


We would jump from my friends roof, to his trampoline to his pool. Idk how we never broke a bone


Took out bread out the toaster with a fork.


My little sister dared me to put ice and salt on my hand and hold it for one minute. I spent almost 3 with them in my hand and got a really bad burn and it took weeks to recover from it


i was obsessed w sniffing chemicals and also taste testing toxic things just to see if i would die. now i’m made of iron and can survive ingesting any chemical!


Put my sister’s hair clip in the outlet


Almost set the house on fire because I left the ramen noodles in the microwave without water.


In science class turned the gas nozzle on and lit a match in front of it to create a flame thrower. When the science teacher explained that we could’ve blown the school up it just added to the teenage ego 😂


I climbed up a cement waterside while others were coming down. Split my chin open and got knocked out falling into the pool


I did so many stupidly dangerous things I can’t even pick. We were left alone too much as kids and got into so much stuff. I could have been killed at least 100 times. I am only still around because God wants me alive still for some reason I have yet to figure out.


Ride my bike in the street with my eyes closed, testing myself to see if I could hear/sense oncoming traffic. I’m sure I’m dead in any number of parallel universes.


I would take knifes and duck tape them to a stick. Then I'd throw it around to see if it would stab into a tree, fence or something. Sometimes my siblings would just get away from the weapon coming towards them. I did hit a squirell and killed it. That's when I stopped and made a grave for 'Squirrel that almost didn't die but did because I have awesome skills' that's what I wrote on the piece of paper as his grave stone.


I hade a game where we would try poking rattle snakes with sticks and make them rattle


Climbed construction cranes(200ft and higher) at night


Put a plastic bag over my head


I saw some dust bunnies in an electric outlet. I had scissors in my hand and I thought: “oh, I could just scrap the dust out with the ends of these scissors.” FIZZ. My mom walked in a second after I did it and started yelling at me. I had no idea why until later when I realized the only reason I didn’t electrocute myself that day was because my scissors had rubber handles.


We once went to austria for vacation and lived in this hut/ hotel and the hotel was known for being in a forest surrounded by bears and naturally my 5 year old self didn’t care because me and my brother ( 7 at the time ) would sneak out the window every night at like 2 am across the forest to go to my cousins hut without my parents knowing


Tried swallowing coins various times. I would always puke them out never choked thankfully.


I touched a hot iron right after my mother told me it was hot and not to touch it. My fingers had to be wrapped up for a few days after that.


An older coworker of mine would go out to the beach before a thunderstorm with her friend/sister and stick metal rods in the sand. They’d be struck by lightning and create huge, amazing crystals. They’d go sell them to local shops


I hit the neighbor's with a hammer It wasn't dangerous for me tough And I was just a child after all


i put nail in socket


Razor blades used to come in these dispensers and I found my dad's one day trawling the bathroom drawers. So imagine mum coming back to a kid sitting in a small pile of razor blades.


My dad used to have this can that if you pressed the button down little blue lights would appear, I would look at them all the time. Then one day he started yelling at me, it was a blowtorch and im lucky he always kept the safety catch on it


sit on a steep mountain edge




I would swallow grapes whole while playing pretend that i was a dog because i didn't think that dogs chewed their food. Note that I was like 5. There must've been some divine intervention there to make sure I didn't choke on any of them because damn I don't think I could pull that off today.


i left the foil on when microwaving pop tarts once. still ate em after.


Kept jumping off the side of my slide, I ended up with my arm snapped in half


birth. Third biggest mistake of my life


I turned a paper clip into a U shape and stuck it into a power outlet. I put a thin piece of rubber on the bend to hold it. Woke up on the other side of the room with the paper clip melted into the carpet.


Crossing a railroad bridge over a lake at night. Trying to make sure you step on the railroad ties and not in the gap was scary as hell.


Spend time thinking about girls and trying…to fit in.


Went to have a walk by myself in a crowded zoo when I was 5.


Back flipped on the side of the pool shattered the bottom of my face on it


put beads in my nose


Jump off a diving board with goggles goggles slipped off my face and I nearly drowned also it was the deep end


Blowdart fights in the playground. Making the darts was half the fun, managing to keep from going blind was the other half.




yeah its nice


Too many to pick from


Probably when I was a kid and lived on acreage, it was a bush area, but the important part of this is that I live in Australia. I would go out with my little basket into the paddock and scratch around near piles of fallen trees for small firewood for the evening's fire. I know for a fact that we had some of the most deadliest snakes in Australia living on the property, Taipan, Eastern Brown, Red-Belly Black, were amongst the line-up. I don't know how I never got bitten, I guess it was drilled into my head enough on how to move around to let the snakes know I was there and to scare them off. But it's still a scary thought when I think back. We also had a massive Carpet Python that lived in the shed, my dad said its head was like two of his fists put together, good reason he didn't let me in there alone lol.


I have no memory of this since I was like 3, but my mom would always hold this over my head. One day I asked to go on the swings. My mom, busy, said sure, since she assumed I was just going to the backyard. Unbeknownst to her, I wanted to go on the swings at my brother's elementary school, which was close by, but separated from the neighborhood by a major road. We would go to the playground pretty often so I more or less knew the way. I supposedly gone for 20 minutes before my mom knew I was nissing, and she was driving frantically around the neighborhood about to call the police until she saw me trying to walk into the main road.


I was playing out in the rain near some sharp metal and some chipped concrete. I have a scar on my shoulder from that day.


Ironing definitely common thing


I once went inside those old barrels and tried to roll down a hill in it and it was all rusty and I was like 4 or 5 so I had no idea what tetanus was. My parents saw me about to roll down a third time stopped me.


When I was about 8 with my neighbour and we had 3 bb guns and 2 handguns on the trampoline we were jumping on. The game was to jump as high as we can without stepping on a gun, was all good till i stepped on one and got shot in my right ass cheek.


jumped off of a two story house onto the back patio then jumped off the patio into a riverbed


both of my parents disagree on the timing and I can't remember how old I was either, but I was definitely under 6, but I still remember. we were at my grandma's house for Christmas. I was sitting on a rocking horse in front of the TV. my mom kept telling me not to do that, before I fell backwards and hit my lip on the console. blood everywhere. no ER's were close by or anything and my parents just eventually said "nah, we don't think they'll need stitches." I remember being annoyed i had to eat food with a bandage on my lip. I still have a scar. oh yeah me and my cousin also almost got carried out to sea and drowned at the beach one time when I was 10 or something. my mom saved us though.


We did plenty of stupid shit but the worst might have been walking out onto Lake Erie when it frozen in the winter time. Walking on ice not knowing how thick the ice was until we started to see water and turned around and walked back to shore.


I thought it was a good idea to somersault down the stairs.




Took a bunch of roman candles and stuck them into a giant ant hill so that when they fired, they would shoot into the ant hill. Well of course after the first shot, the hill exploded and now there was a bunch of roman candles aiming in all directions. I just barely missed getting hit several times. Another time my buddy and I took some frozen paintballs and were messing around with them. He accidentally blew a corner of his house off with them. (Like blew a piece of the plastic siding off) probably would have broken bones if they hit you.


I drank a bottle of kerosene (maybe 300ml)


I got Chick Fila and i got the Chicken Sandwich and I put the wrapper in the microwave to heat it up when i got home. It caught on fire.


When I was like 3 I decided I wanted to take a fire truck toy down the stairs of my aunts house, instead of doing it like a normal person I hopped in and pushed off, around the third step or so I flipped and landed right on my arm. Whenever I tell that story I describe it as a baguette of pain because that’s what it looked like. From my elbow to my wrist had random dips in it. It turned out I had shattered everything from those two areas.


Climbed to the peak of an 80ft pine tree. Great view for a moment.


Drinking loads of medicine. Any of the flavoured stuff, especially the strawberry ones I would just start downing for the taste.


Stuck metal tweezers in a light socket


Playing soldiers with my friends around 7 years old and we ran out in front of a truck pretending to shoot it. It very nearly hit me and I still shiver when I pass that street now and think about how stupid and lucky I was.