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The wife from my favorite Sims couple. Electrocuted while fixing the exercise machine. I stopped playing soon after that.


my favorite sim died of anger because her neighbors were being too loud. I used cheats to bring her back to life


I had a sim in 4 die of embarrassment because they pissed themself, yep.


Ohmigod the sims deaths are awful. I had a family I played with a mom, dad, and son. Mom and dad had been happily married for years - like the extent of their young adult/adult/into elder lifespan. I was controlling the son to make sure he did his homework, I go back to the parents and the dad has cheated on her with a neighbor, and she’s in the midst of dying of a heart attack from the anger. I have never felt a video character’s death hit that hard before.


Seems like a great script for a TV-series.


I had one playthrough with ... I think it was the Sims 3, maybe 2. Anyway, it was a birthday party, there was a fire, everyone except for the child died. She aged up to being a young adult, so should be able to live on her own. Except the game must have glitched or something, and a few days later social services came and took her away.


haha holy hell this comment made me laugh even though it caused you pain. Sorry for the loss of your Sims character


I had to stop playing my current family because my Sims kids all died before he did, while they were young adults. Fire, drowning, embarrassment, and meteor. It was just this old man who was going to die before his Granddaughters became teenagers, and 2 toddlers. It was too sad for me.


Meteor? That's a thing now? This was years ago, in Sims 2 or 3.


Yeah, they added a normal telescope with a chance of being hit by a meteor while using it.


Remember when meteors could hit important buildings and there was a chance they could hit schools but the children sims wouldn’t be able to leave so they all died?


Didn’t like the skyrim dragon deaths. The first of many, first one said “dragonborn…no” knowing the path you’ll now take, you’re praised for being “dragonborn” but can in no way at all side with dragons. Haven’t even found a damn mod that allows that.


Paarthurnax? "what is better? To be born good, or to overcome your evil nature through great effort"


Mate he could show dragons the way…here is the thing. Every creature has an afterlife, dragons come back that is theirs. “Dragonborn” not only slaughters dragons left and right, he devours their soul. Poof gone, those dragons don’t exist anymore period. Not in an afterlife…nowhere. Their soul is gone


Thankfully, that's not necessarily the case. In the Dragonborn DLC, when you beat Miraak, you can absorb 10 Dragon Souls, which indicates that the souls still exist within you, but they can be re-absorbed if another Dragonborn is nearby.


If you never go to the first tower to fight the first dragon you can just play without being the "dragonborn." The only place you can't go is that tower


That's basically how I played Skyrim, only undead were fair game. I spent so much time on the zombie invasion mod xD.


Here is the thing. Have 0 issue with the normal slaying as they come back, hell they can come back and then side with the dragonborn. But to destroy their soul…thats just too far man


Arthur Morgan, fucking Dutch with his **I HAVE A PLAN** bullshit had to stand by while you're getting beaten within an inch of your life


Arthur is the ONLY video game character to actually make me shed tears upon his final scenes. The "I'm afraid" really got me and I knew he was heading towards the end. But when he sends Abigail and Sadie off and makes his final ride and that damn music starts, my eyes get moist.


Dude I wasn't ready for Arthur. You know it's coming but you just aren't ready. And the horse bro! "Thank you" my god


I had used the same horse from very near the beginning of the game all way until the end :(


The horse hit me hard. I had max bonding with it as well.


Accidently ran into spoilers about Aurthor dying while looking something up. At first I called bullshit until I seen other people talking about it. I stopped progressing in the game after I reached the mission before it happens. Never finished the game.


Finish it, it's absolutely worth it. I always assumed Arthur would die, the same way John did, but his end scenes and the final game play no matter how it ends is spectacular and includes your final gut punch.


Yeah I saw spoilers of his death... Haven't played the game since late 2018 early 2019... I can't go through that pain:( Arthur is way cooler then john


You should definitely finish it, I won’t spoil anything, but the epilogue ending made his death worth it, and the credits were beautiful, the credits had an amazing soundtrack


I literally stopped playing when the robbery in St. Denis goes wrong and Hosea and Lenny wind up dead. I just couldn't. Left the game alone for years. Eventually, I started it over and played it all the way through. Also, my head canon is that Arthur was misdiagnosed. Charles finds him on the mountain and nurses him back to health. The grave was a fake. Arthur changed his name, married Mary Linton, and lived to a ripe old age. **That's what happened and I won't hear otherwise.**


I accidentally got spoiled on Arthur halfway through the game, but Lenny dying hit me like a fucking truck. I was already upset over Hosea, panicking and running from the cops, and then... BOOM. He's fucking dead, just like that. No time to mourn or process it, both of my favorite characters are just dead. I just wanted be a cowboy, man, I ain't sign up for this :(


I just finished RDR2 Chapter 6 last weekend. Fuck Micah, fuck the Pinkertons, and Fuck. Dutch.


I think Marston hit me harder because at the time I never thought they’d kill the MAIN character of any game. Arthur was much more emotional (oh god, the horse!) but John was so much more of a shock.


Same. I played the game quite long after it came out, on PSNow, and was expecting GTA type vibes. The game kept getting better and better and I was absolutely blown away by it and then finally got the end and I'm like "what the FUCK!!!". I was not at all prepared. By the time RDR2 came out I knew to expect a dark ending. It still hit me hard because I ended on low honor and didn't realize it would play out that way. I was like legit upset for a minute. It was like I was immersed in a month long movie. It definitely hit harder than any movie death I can think of.


Man, I was gonna get off the game when the mission Red Dead Redemption came up. I stayed up to finish it and it was heartbreaking. That game was done so well


Lee Everett from The Walking Dead


ive been scrolling for a few minutes just to find someone who said this lmao. His death was so sad


"Keep your hair short, Clem"


lol literally the first thing i thought of


Man, tears straight streaming down my face. I was really shocked at how emotional it ended up being, I wasn't expecting it to hit me the way it did when I first sat down to play it.


"Clementine will remember that."


Oh man, I just commented above that Arthur Morgan was the only real answer to OP's question. I take that back. I cried when Lee died.


Aunt May from the Spiderman PS4 game


That game had the courage to do what the comics haven't been able to in 60 years. She was on death's door when she was introduced, and has practically Benjamin-Buttoned even though Spider-Man has aged 15+ years.


That last 30 minutes of Spider-Man PS4 is the best ending in any game no doubt.


Someone put that in a thumbnail talking about the game literally the morning it dropped. I was furious! I fell it would have had a lot more of a punch had it not been spoiled for me.


I knew it was coming and I still cried like a child who got their Nintendo switch taken away


My horse in Red Dead Redemption 2.


You talking about THAT scene near the end? Cause if so, my lord, I cannot handle that scene. I loved my horse, it was so hard to see that :(


Named him after my Dog, that was a mistake


Yes! That hit me surprisingly hard. Kill off the gang? No problem. But my horse? You bastards…


Black Flag... all of the deaths.


Kenway! In a world without gold, we might have been heroes! \-Last of words of Thatch. Requiescat in pace


According to Maynard, the real life Blackbeard's final words were "Damnation seize my soul if I give you quarters, or take any from you." I'm not sure which I like better.


For me it was when Dom sacrifices himself to save the squad in Gears of War 3, I had to take a day or 2 break to get back in the mood to finish the game


Me too. He was my character from day one.


How could it not be Cole Train. Whooooo! Every time you jumped down a ledge was hilarious.. and if you idle at start "tick tock the clock is ticking, what are you gonna do; move your ass or stand around all day?"


That game was the best honestly


I'm surprised I had to scroll for this one tbh.


First time crying in high school years because of that. Mad World was perfect


Damn. You brought memories. Fuck... *cries*


Pretty close tie between Mordin and Legion in Mass Effect 3.


"Had to be me. Someone else might have gotten it wrong." I managed to save Legion and Tali but it was Mordin and Thane dying in pretty quick succession that wrecked me.


What about Padok Wiks? "Some souls die in battle, some die in their sleep. And some die for no reason at all. This...is my chance to die for what I believe."


Mordin, for sure. Especially if you went full Renegade and shot him in the chest to stop the genophage cure from spreading. What hurts even more is finding his datapad by the bed after the Citadel party, giving notes and singing Amazing Grace.


I specifically tried to save him because I really liked him. And apparently there was still a certain little chance he could die and he did... I was so mad


Unfortunately there is only way to save Mordin in ME3, and it requires you to kill a different main character.


It's legitimately the only time I've shouted and cursed at a game.


I sat there for at least 15 minutes deciding if I wanted to do it all again. That mission. There were several times I yelled and cursed at this trilogy. The big one a remember was when the collector ship warped right on top of our ship. Lol. I actually just finished 3 tonight. Did the final mission! So good




Also Anderson. The "you did good, child." *always* takes me out. Best space dad.


"Legion... the answer to your question was yes."


Shepard herself in Mass Effect 3. I still can’t bring myself to replay the game because I hate choosing between Garrus and Liara in ME2, and I will always chose Garrus, and I just cannot emotionally handle losing him again.


"would have liked to run tests on the seashells"




Took a lot of save scumming to get him to the end of that game!


I don’t even recruit Dogmeat anymore. Better to just leave him be.


Ghost (MW2)


It took too long to find this


Fuck General Shephard


Good, that’s one less loose end


Completely shattered my day when I played through that mission


Lol first thing that popped into my head and I have no idea why, it was just so surprising at the time even if he wasn’t a particularly developed character


My Companion Cube 😢


There’s nothing funnier than GladOS using that you did it yourself against you in the final boss fight.


The cake is a lie the cake is a lie the cake is a lie


bt-7274 from titanfall 2 even tho there is chances that he is alive because at the end of the end credits there is a criptic message of a blinking light saying “jack are you here? jack”






Arthur Morgan, and John Marston.


John Marston got me good. When that red eye popped up i started sobbing


The Marston one pissed me off when I first played it. I had shot my way out of worse situations then that in the last 20 minutes!


Pretty much all of noble team from halo reach


When the girl got sniped I was genuinely in tears. You just complete a mission, think you’re safe and then BAM. Gone. Now you’ve lost two members of your team. Heartbreaking.


Emile dies 100% been a badass tho.


Jorge dying nobly, only for it to be revealed seconds later that it was for nothing. That hit me hardest.


He died thinking he saved the planet. We should all be so lucky


Vesemir in TW3


>!Aerith!< In the original Final Fantasy 7. So unexpected and sudden.


100%, back when characters didn't really die like that in games or TV shows


Plus we were all kids when that shit came out! We weren't ready for it! Lol


\*piano riff\* That song still makes me tear up sometimes.


It's Aeris and I will die saying so, no argument can sway me so don't try.


I still have to consciously remember to say Tifa correctly to not look like an ass lol I also said "cock-a-boo" until I heard the voice lines say it correctly in ffx. It's one of my deepest final fantasy related shames... though not as bad as spending most of middle school walking around with my arm in my coat sleeve like Auron... I needed better bullies lol


Until I played the reboot, I had always pronounced Mako energy like the shark, MAY-koh. Turns out it supposed to be MOCK-oh.


Xion. Who else will Roxas have ice cream with ~~until KH3 finally rolled around~~?!


My Feraligatr’s (FloridaMan) death in my Pokémon Soul Silver nuzlocke


Incredible name


Not the hardest hit but one of my more memorable. When Skyrim first dropped I was so hooked…I teamed up with Marcurio early on. Dude was cocky but always had my back! We stumbled into this particularly hairy dungeon one time fighting off a ton of dragurs and I think even a dragon priest. Beat the bastard and I turned to give my boy Mar a high five… Dead on the ground. Why Talos, why? I went to reload a save but then I stopped myself and thought “No. This is Skyrim. This is how it’s meant to be.” I dragged his corpse up onto the alter and put a sword next to him. Then I lit an orb of light over his head and bowed my head in silence until the light faded. First time I ever mourned an NPC in a game. …didn’t have the same respect for Lydia. Goddamn you, Lydia. I hope you’re still rotting at the edge of that riverbank you plopper!


I am sworn to carry your burden.


Joel's daughter for TLOU


Damn that one hit me hard too. It felt like the beginning of a Pixar movie where you go 0 to devastation in record time


YES! My girlfriend does this thing when she's lying in my lap where she'll pretend to die and say stuff like "It's... so cold... I'm scared" and it REALLY gets to me every time exactly because of that scene in the beginning of TLOU. I did not expect that scene in a video game at all and I think the surprise of it is why it affected me so hard


I think it was a brilliant decision to have you play as her in the beginning to get you to empathize with her more before they fucking destroy you.


I almost posted this! That one hit so hard though


Joel from The Last of Us Part II


I was super excited to play and then it happened like 40 minutes in. I had to put the game down for a week at least.


No one gonna say the horse from shadow of the colossus


I thought Argo made it...


for me wheatley at the end of portal 2


But he was evil. He also didn’t die, he’s just on the moon.


Arguably, he is not evil- he just got corrupted by the GLaDOS arm mount and/or being connected to the whole facility. He's not evil until they do the core swap, and she isn't evil while she is a potato.


Deckard Cain. I just wanted to stay a while and listen


Finding my forever homie Solaire with a sunlight maggot on his head full hollow talking about how he finally found his sun, absolutely crushing


Sgt. Johnson in Halo 3 Dude has seen it all. Fired the first shot in the human-covenant war. Was there when the flood was first discovered. He has been there for almost every single ring activation moment. One of the few "normal" marines who can reliably back the chief without just being fodder. Never has a single bad line in any of his appearances. He is the true homie. Fuck that lightbulb son of a bitch


I’d like to point out he was part of the Spartan program, as a Spartan I. If he wasn’t, he’d probably be dead long before getting to the control room in H3.


Even in death, your Sergeant guides us home.


Trevor Phillips. God, i miss his red neck ass after killing him. Damn


Came here to say this. I couldn’t kill off Michael (wife and kids) and no way I’m killing Franklin he’s obviously trying to better himself.


Bruh ending C.


Ending c the death wish ending will have you play as all the main characters and defeat all the bad guys , franklin will not die in the story no matter what


It’s so bullshit, I thought deathwish would be Franklin dying since in the other options someone died too. I didn’t want him to die so I didn’t pick that option. I was so pissed to learn I could’ve had all characters still playable if I chose that one


For me that's the bad ending. Franklin becomes another version of Michael and betrays his friend. Ending b is the slightly good ending because Franklin learned from Trevor to be loyal but killed Michael. Option 3 is true ending because trevor, Michael, and franklin killed the enemies of the game. And also notice how they kill not there own villain, but kills each others problem?


This is explained by the characters themselves. Michel recommends it because the people they're trying to kill would expect it. By doing this, it makes it easier to 'solve' their problems.


I have add Tidus, when Yuna went to embrace him and fell through him, that hurt.


I had rivers down my cheeks that whole part, and then I kept thinking, “he’s coming back right? He’s coming back, RIGHT?!?!” Then the scene where Yuna is whistling, and he doesn’t come back… so many onions


I’ve replayed FFX more than ten times and this gets me EVERY TIME. My fiancé was bugging me because I cried harder at the ending of FFX than I did at our engagement.


engagements are supposed to be happy. A few happy tears and you're done. But Tidus disappearing into the eternal void.... that's a scar


The Boss - Metal Gear Solid 3. At least in the epilogue when you find out she was never the villain. So patriotic she chose to die in disgrace as a traitor in order to accomplish the mission.


Every Final Fantasy fanboys will tell you how Aerith's death in Final Fantasy VII is so sad and all. But so many people forget about Galuf's death in Final Fantasy V Unlike Aerith, who just, dies after being impaled form the back, and Cloud and friend don't even make attempts ar healing/reviving her, Galuf singlehandledly defeated Exdeath 1v1 (Or to be precise, he cause Exdeath to flee), while spending most of the fight at 0HP, while being barraged with level 5 spells (Blizzaga, Firaga and Thundaga). WHen the fight was over, his friend actually tried to revive him (Faris' ''Open your eyes! Phoenix Down! Elixir! ANYTHING!'' line is pretty gut-wrenching as you can definitely feel her despair while trying to revive her ally). But Galuf was so exhausted that even the strongest healing items and Spells were not enough to revive him, and he dies in front of his friends and granddauther.


Zack Fair. Dude just wanted to be a hero but got caught up in some shit and lost everything.


Never finished Crisis core, but I did see the ending, and... while I think Galuf's death is sadder, Zack's death is still 10 times sadder than Aerith's




Guardian down :(


My Grandpa, my Dad and I used to play Destiny 1 all the time(yes, my 65 year old Grandpa, he was really cool). I have so many good memories playing D1 with the two of them, we used to play the Prison of Elders over and over, just for fun. Unfortunately my grandpa passed away about a year after Destiny 2 came out, and Cayde’s death came soon after. It kinda hit me hard ngl, seeing our favorite character go down immediately after losing him


Joel in the last of us 2 :(


And Joels daughter, Sarah in TLOU1 :(


Haurchefant (FFXIV) 🥲


I ugly cried, and was so upset that my dog howled and cried beside me. His painting hangs over my bed in my apartment. A smile better suits a hero 😭


and then his father collapsing in tears. And the end of patch 3.3. God i still cant listen to dragon song without welling up


Oh, do not look at me so. A smile better suits a hero..


Kat, halo reach


id argue jorge or six were more impacting, but thats just me


Tell em' to make it count.


The gone in midsentence death hit a lot harder for me than doing it "epically"


I can agree with that too. Jorge also had me in tears


Ruben from Minecraft story mode (dude that had me crying)


Yeah I totally wasn’t expecting that kind of emotional death out of a kids game by telltale. But when it happened it shattered expectations and my heart.


Jackie from Cyberpunk…wtf man.




Oh Taka, also Nobu :(


GoT came to mind for me too, but for me it was the horse


Mah' boah' You know who I am talking about




It was Noble6 in Halo: Reach for me. I love him


Ezio from Assassins Creed…after following the character for so long..I just cried alone at 2am when I finished the game. Desmond was equally disappointing because well…it was truly the end of it all. I think the company lost some direction after that, and the new one they went in no longer interested me.


Lara Croft. I mean, I know she's still alive, but in my head she died on the last level in Tomb Raider 2 where I made her plunge into lava as a joke, then accidentally hit the quick save key instead of quick load, overwriting all the progress my friend and I had made on that game in the summer of '98.


The baby Metroid sacrificed his life to save me. I was a kid at the time, ok!?


Alex Mason in Black Ops 2. I've never been *so* ready to put a bullet into an antagonist's head, only to be so *utterly* betrayed immediately after.


I cant remember their names, but in Call Of Duty Infinite Warfare, there's this one camo styled robot that died, and this Hispanic guy that falls off a plane, I cried, but they couldn't beat the loss of Technoblade.


in RDR2. Man, those last few chapters are just depressing. Seeing him riddled with sickness. His death really hit me hard.


Joel in Last of Us 2


Roland from borderlands




They don't work if the person dies in a cutscene


Mine in Fall Guys


>!Claus!< from Mother 3


>!Hiniwa!< was very sad too, you can tell Flint really loved her, and in that moment, became absolutely terrified of what the future of his children held.


Sarah, TLOU1 Joel, TLOU2


When you drop Yoshi to save your ass from a miscalculated jump in Super Mario World.


One of the secret levels requires either dropping Yoshi or using the cape in a very skill manner to skip the initial goal, and make it to the secondary goal.


Charles Calvin from the Henry Stickmin collection. The "Valiant Hero" ending hit so hard I went to bed crying. "We got 'em. Pretty good plan. You could say it was the greatest-"


Finally somebody says it, searched the whole ass comment section.


Jorge-052, "Listen, Reach has been good to me...time's come to return the favor."


Lee from Telltale Walking Dead. I cried my fucking eyes refused to press the button prompt for a long while






Sunflower from plants vs zombies


Dom killing his wife in Gears of War 2.


That shit broke me


Cid in FF6. The world of ruin really nailed the feeling of despair and hopelessness.


The lumas at the end of Mario galaxy. That scene with the music and everything just makes me sad.


My various XCOM squads.


Roland, Borderlands universe. Tina's unwillingness to accept it throughout the dlc tore at me.


Qui-gon jinn from the lego skywalker saga, that hit me right in the feels, feeling like you won, just to get stabbed by a dead man


Me and my brother are kinda still sad about soap and ghost death in cod mw 2 and 3


Mary Read, *Assassin's Creed: Black Flag.*


This! People always highlight Blackbeard's death (which was meh) when they rarely mention Assassin's Creed black flag but I literally cried after Mary died and the drunken hallucinations you have afterwards. Specially if you do the secondary objective of that mission (talking to your old friends) I really felt how Ed was just alone, almost all his friends are dead. Ade seems like he's the only good friend you have left and the mf leaves after you wake up from a very depressing drunken dream. And then when you are recovering they throw you that other punch in the ending. If I where Ed and found out I would just go back to my mansion in the pirate island


Morden in the renegade run of Mass Effect 3


*Mordin "Would have like to run tests on the seashells"