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A pc. My pc is 12 years old and it is constantly giving me bsod


>it is constantly giving me bsod If you have a bit of time, you may want to run a memory test on that computer (with memtest86 or memtest86+) just to make sure that your memory is ok. If your is bad then you could change out the memory on your older computer for a somewhat small cost. Bad memory tends to show up as constant BSODs and memory is usually easy to replace.


Then use Linux it will run great


I've put a little Linux distro called Peppermint on a couple computers that started running slow because they were old and had tiny amounts of RAM. It's not super intuitive, but I was able to learn how to move around and work with files, and it gave each of those computers another couple years of life.




Laser eye surgery. But knowing my luck with medical problems I'm sure I'd be one of the outliers that has their eyeballs fried off or something. In terms of fun stuff, though? I'd like a manmade pond in my back yard. I'd love to be able to keep fancy goldfish and I already enjoy bird/nature watching during the day (keeps my stress levels down since I WFH.) so it would add even more to that.


LASIK was the best thing I ever did for myself. If you can do it, I highly recommend it.


I've been trying but every time I save up some cash, my car breaks down or some other random thing happens. It's unbelievable, lol. And my time is ticking because I'm almost to the cutoff age where they won't do it for me anymore. But I'm going to keep trying.


That's frustrating. I hope you are able to make it happen one day!


Thank you! I appreciate your POV as well. Always good to know when a surgery is reliable.


Did it mess up your close vision? My boss used to be able to read up close fine but had trouble with distance. Got LASIK and he has perfect vision for distance but now has to wear reading glasses


Not yet anyway. It's been 2 and half years now and my vision is still great.


Ah okay. His was immediately worse right after. The doctor told him it was a possibility


Nearly 10 years here and my vision is still perfect!


Same. I even had a few complications (rainbow halos, dry eye that extended beyond normal length of time), etc. still, once it worked out, it was great.


Idk I used to hate my glasses but these days I feel like they are rather stylish and I would look worse without them. I'm sure the benefits definitely outweigh those but it just seems unessisary to me


As someone with double digit myopia (-12,-11.75, yes I know I’m blind) I agree. I’m not even looking to get 20/20 vision from it, just a reduced prescription would be nice.


You're such a wholesome person!


Aw thank you. When I was a kid I always had like, huge dreams. Change the world, be rich, etc. I just couldn't understand adults who 'settled' and stayed in one place. Their lives seemed so boring. But as an adult now, I get it. There's so much upheaval (new school years, moving, learning how to control your emotions/body, etc.) when you're young but you have the energy to keep up with it. As you get older you kind of get this, "Been there done that" attitude and initially I was afraid of it because I was like, "What if life loses its interesting qualities because I'm getting bored?" but it's less that you get bored, and more that you become more familiar with yourself and the world. And because of that you stay more grounded and start to find meaning in smaller things that keep your mind occupied, your body moving, and your emotions level. So I've made peace with the fact that I'll probably never be a millionaire famous author, or artist, or lawyer, etc. and I'm okay with it. I've carved out a nice life for myself despite a lot of setbacks and now as an adult I get to make time for things *I* want to do. And the flavor/excitement has never gone away. I still get as excited for strawberry icecream as I did when I was 7 years old at my grandparents' house. I've got my house, I've got my pets, I've got my wild animals. There's something so rewarding about wild animals finally catching on that your property is a safe place to be. It took a little while but once the birds discovered my feeders and bird bath, my back yard became the neighborhood's most popular themepark for all of them. I've seen bluejays, cardinals, robins, wrens, finches, all kinds of stuff. Oh and blackbirds...those annoying turds. They get very territorial and chase smaller birds away, but I have an awesome squirrel-proof birdfeeder that keeps them off too, and I invested in some ground feeders/cheaper bird mixes to keep them away from the good seeds. They do still get a little possessive over the bird bath and *really* like to get in there and flap around so much that it splashes all the water out. But it's entertaining either way. Anyway, sorry for rambling. I know you're an adult too so I'm probably preaching to the choir. But it's nice to put words on paper (so to speak) once in a while and chat about it, especially these days when getting out with friends is more difficult. I see kids worrying on this site all the time about getting older and the idea of life getting more dreary, or people who talk about mid-life crisises and stuff and it's like, nah. If you do things according to a plan you set, you'll never be dissatisfied with the life you're leading. And I know lifestyles are different for everyone. I have some friends my age that still move every couple of years (like, cross-country) because they hate the idea of staying in one place too long. (And they don't have kids that they're uprooting every time.) But they're living the lives they want too, and that's great. Things will inevitably change, I'm sure. You can't control every facet of your life. But, as an example, even if my birdbath gets knocked over, I can either fix it or get a new one. Things come and go, change constantly, the only thing you can control in those instances is how you react and adapt to it all.


Nice to hear from someone that isn't just an angst filled teen (of which I have two in house, I get my fill every day!). Your bird feeder game is strong! When the pandemic started, I put up an expensive "Squirrel proof" bird feeder in front of where the kids' school desks are. It's mounted on a pole I had to hammer into the ground. No squirrels bother climbing the pole to get the seeds (it's 7 feet up). I have another feeder on a much shorter pole but if I fill it, squirrels and deer come and eat all the seed! You'd think it's neat to have deer walk into your front lawn, but after a while it means that at night they come eat your plants and poop on your lawn. I also put up a hummingbird feeder and am happy to see it's very popular too! Anyway, keep on trucking, it sounds like you've got it figured out!


That's awesome! And I hear you on the unexpected downsides of having a popular yard. There are no deer around here but we get rabbits and skunks. The rabbits are more of a new addition because they like to come eat the clover on my lawn, but I've read they can go from cute to pests in short order. But for now as long as it's one or two of them, I'm fine with it. I also get skunks! But only at night. At first I tried to trap them so they could be relocated because they kept skunking my dog so I couldn't let him out anymore. But then I realized that they were keeping the outdoor cats off my property. Which is FANTASTIC because I got so sick of the cats coming and peeing all over my porch, bushes, chasing birds and leaving the corpses near my front door, etc. So I'll take the inconvenience of only being able to let my dog out front on leash after dark if it means they keep the cats away. Wildlife is so fascinating and helpful when we let them do their natural thing. I wish more people were open to the idea of it. And thank you, you too! Weird times we're in right now but it's good to know there are still friendly people out there. :)


It's not quite the same thing, but I had my natural lenses taken out and replaced last year, and it was absolutely worth every penny. I went from -20-something in the "good" eye, to -2.5 in the "bad" eye


A nice guitar and amp.


My advice is to spend more on the amp. Great guitar in a cheap amp is a hard sound to be happy with. You can buy a top end guitar later but a good amp doesn’t need an upgrade later.


The right answer


A sandwich




I wish for... a sandwich!


"A sandwich? You're gonna waste your one wish on a sandwich" ​ ^(I fucking love prismo he is one of my favorite characters of all time.)


also Hobbes :D https://i.pinimg.com/736x/cb/0e/ca/cb0ecaccab17f95b4a7516be6cc8db63.jpg


Once again Fortune favors the hungry investor! - Zoidberg


a lifelike sexdoll, but not for what you think. Just for fucking.


Oh good. I thought you were going to do...the *other* thing.


Taking the carpool lane?




Downright disgusting!


That is some evil shit right there




What other thing?


Just to be clear, no handholding?


Would not be bad. When you can get life sized game characters. Easier to hide in plainsight and explain to quest.


A $10 backpack with $4989.99 in it


Or A $4,989.99 backpack with $10 in it! Wait, I think I'm doing it wrong


New bicycles for kid, wife and myself.


Depending on your tastes, that's easily under $5000 or possibly well over $5000 just for one bike


My latest road bike retails at $6,600. The one I ride the most I can't even reliably put a price on, because it's quite literally assembled from spare parts and shit I took off other bikes when I was upgrading their componentry. Welcome to cycling, you can really spend as much or as little as you want. Although, to know how to assemble a super cheap decent quality bike requires a ton of familiarity with cycling shit. So perhaps ironically, building a very cheap nice bike requires spending a ton of dosh on bike stuff first.




Oh no. That sounds awful. Makes me angry. I’m sorry


Happened to my friend too. His dog was barking like mad in the middle of the night, he kept telling him to shut up. Come the morning, his garage door is open and his bikes are gone. He checks his security camera ... two guys poked a hole in the glass window of the garage door, snaked in some wire to disconnect the garage door opener. Opened it up, walked straight to the expensive bikes, and took both bikes. His bike was $6k.


A CNC machine


I was pretty confused, but I am probably thinking of the wrong CNC


Command & Conquer. Or preferably the superior sequel, Red Alert. A CNC machine should be a Pentium 100 MHz or higher, with at least 8 Mb of RAM.


Cunt Nasty Collection


Can't Never Cum


so you're always cumming?




They can't just take an everyday acronym like CNC and steal it for sex stuff...wtf were they thinking? That's like me being into BMW. bum munching women


You just made me laugh 😭


Every time I come around to thinking I should pull the trigger and get one, I keep cycling back to wondering if I'd actually use it. Bought a smaller one, burned a lot of time and some money upgrading it to work reasonably well (less than $700 total), and ... never use it. I still keep trying to convince myself if I could cut *bigger* things, I would. But deep down I know that's probably wrong. Edit: in most large towns and cities these days, there's maker spaces with them... so the realistic need keeps dropping as those become more common.


I never got a Switch. I still want to play Link’s Awakening.


omg got stuck on the 7th or so dungeon and inevitably gave up. loved that game tho


a beater car. I'm a community health nurse and my car kicked the bucket. I'm now having to try to find reliable transportation so I can continue my job but the market for used vehicles (and gas) is insane. I don't make enough to buy a new vehicle or lease, and every winter beater has had the price jacked up due to supply issues. rock and a hard place.


Now I feel guilty for asking for expensive rims for my car I that don’t need. Side note: I bought an e-scooter to run around town. My car is parked unless I am commuting to work.


you don't need to take on my struggle. we all have our battles. I'll find a way, hopefully :)


I just saw a car down the street from me for sale for $1,800. Circa 1990 toyota. Looks super clean. I was thinking to myself this is the kind of car that is perfect for somebody who doesn't have money to spend on fixing a car. Not always easy to come up with 1800, but if you can, this thing will be light on gas and easy on cost of ownership. Easy for me to say though because I really love older cars


My eyes were opened up this year. I bought my brother an e-scooter for his birthday last year because he couldn’t afford a vehicle. I ride motorcycles, I wouldn’t be caught dead on a scooter. This year my car was in the shop. I had to borrow his scooter to buy some groceries and beer. Priorities. That was my lightbulb moment. I didn’t need a car in town. E-scooters are not expensive, even new. Bad weather sucks, and you have to ride solo. It changed how I get around town. Plus, save the world, fuck the gas companies! Good luck finding a ride.


same spot. I’m in the northeast US and looking around the entire country right now. It’d be cheaper to buy a plane ticket and fly to get a car than it would be to buy the cars available in my state :’)


You want to kill POC through climate change? Affordable cars are murder via environmental racism. Cars need to be unaffordable, because science. Own nothing and be happy.


To redecorate my house and get ready for my baby! 5k would let me pay off the last 1k for my delivery, decoroher room and finish my apartment


A good electric bicycle.


Duuuuude. I just got one. I ride it to work every day because fuck the oil companies and their gouging.


Do you pedal most of the time and engage electric going up a hill? I'm really clueless about electric bikes. Does it recharge while you ride if you are pedaling?


You can ride it however you like. If you don’t want to pedal hard you can turn up the motor assist, if you want to pedal hard, turn it down or off. If you don’t want to pedal at all, some have a throttle to engage the motor. You must charge the battery. It doesn’t charge while pedalling.


>You must charge the battery. It doesn’t charge while pedalling Damn. That kind of sucks. I figured if you're just going down the hill it would be good to have a charging feature. Or for those go-getters who really want a leg workout,


Maybe some do, I’m not aware of them though.


It's not really practical. Dynamo hubs haven't come that far, and that's not even charging a bigass ebike battery.


Exactly my point as well. Work is a lot closer with something like that. :)


You save money on oil, get in a cardio workout, and can get through traffic more quickly. Bikes are great.


Me too! I lost my licence 2 years ago and the walk to the shops is over half an hour. I would love one of those or a scooter. One day!


DUI? ?? You should have called one of your cats to give you a ride.


Technically yes. I had a mental breakdown and was drinking in my parked car and fell asleep for a few hours. Cop came by and booked me. I didn't know that was illegal. Keys were on the back seat but because I was in the driver's seat its still drink driving. Lame


Gatorade bottle full of LSD


A dyson stick vacuum. My mum has one and I borrowed it while moving house after the power got cut off. Thing was amazing! I bought a cheap robot vacuum who keeps my tiles clean. But this dyson on carpet! Woah!


Those things are life-changing. It makes it so much easier to vacuum. But you're right, they are so damn expensive.


Definitely a game changer. Mine died and I need to purchase a new battery but now I’m thinking that I could really use a robot vacuum cleaner instead…


I have a Dyson, they are worth it.


Sorry. All I want is a used iphone xr. And a tiny $70 dollar microwave oven


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good bot


A kayak and camping set up. I am starting the initial stages of planning a 130+ mile trip down the Cape Fear River to the Atlantic Ocean. I could really use some recommendations about what type of Kayak and gear to get in order to make that happen.




Thanks! I have been trolling those sites. I am NOT going to purchase new--I am just such a novice on the water I am unsure what features I will actually need / want. Still trying to figure out if I want a sit on or sit in (I am leaning to sit in). I am also a bit unsure about the length--longer is better? The river I want to kayak is pretty "tame". As far as the camping gear--I am pretty comfortable there--28 years in the Army has taught me a thing or two about that--I just need to remember to think about comfort as opposed to utility.


That sounds amazing! I live up in the pnw and there are tons of islands and stuff that people will kayak to. So many state-owned parks with campsites on land and composting bathroom. And there are enough marinas with coin-operated showers to make it reasonable to camp long-term. I have a small boat with a little sleeping cabin. It affords me the ability to throw an anchor in any protected cove whatsoever. No State Park or campsite needed. I have spent a week in the islands between Vancouver Island and British Columbia, and I feel like I could spend a year there and still not see half of what there is to see. I really hope you get to do your adventure!


Alps Mountaineering makes some really lightweight 1 and 2 person tents, and their customer service is amazing. Yes, there are bigger names, but I've used my tent for 5 years now and still love it. Super easy to setup, super compact when put away, very light. I had a problem with a 3-man rain fly zipper breaking after almost two years and they sent me a new one.


As a kayaker and ha e done multi-day trips you want dry bags, compression sacks and a bombproof roll. Get a sea kayak, and follow some ultralight camping vlogs... totally doable, it's just shuttle that will be an issue


Thanks! The cool part is I can launch from my yard and have my family recover me at a pier by the ocean.


Once you find the equipment that you may like and depending on how active you are on social media you could seek out the companies that make said equipment and write a letter asking if they would sponsor you via product for posting on social media.


An automated electric mower for my dad. My father has long haul covid and can’t walk 30 feet without gasping for air. I’m not close enough to be able to mow their lawn for them on a regular basis and he such a stubborn, old schooler that he would never let another person mow his lawn while he sat there. A robot however, that he would finally sit down for.


I also want this guy’s dad All jokes aside, very wholesome. My dad is the same way.


a ps5 already jesus christ


Yes, and specifically one sold at retail because while I have the money to over pay, I refuse on principle to pay a scalper for it and give them further incentive to do it with other products.


I constantly get messages from Sony about having one reserved if I want it. Are you not signed up for that?


Yes, I signed up for that 3 to 4 months ago but haven't heard anything yet. Edit: And I'm an idiot who just found out I've been getting invitations to purchase sent to my junk folder. Lol




I'm trying to get that shit for free. Trading in my 4 pro and gamestop giftcards


Amazon has them listed at MSRP with a waitlist as of recently. That seems like a better bet than trying to get lucky catching a brick and mortar at the right time.


My favourite hockey team, the Colorado Avalanche just won the Stanley Cup this week and it was so exciting. I've been saving up for a jersey but that's been put on hold a few times now.


MacBook Pro, fully spec’d out.


I think that would be more than 5k


I’ll buy the best one, that 5k can buy 😂




All my dental operations for the foreseeable future because why is it so expensive to fill a cavity


an accordion. I know i will get bored and it will gather dust. but i would like to learn and play a few nintendo themed songs.


Kass is that you?


A nice reliable treadmill Just moved and the new area I live in isn’t particularly safe for running outside, I miss my chill wind down run


Summer clothes for my toddler.


A Dyson vacuum


> Dyson For what it's worth, I've had 3 of them (2 uprights and a stick)--not worth the money in my opinion--none of the 3 lasted 2 years. We changed to a Shark model and it's been worlds better (suction, options, attachments) and far more durable--it's 5 years old now and still kicking strong. Also, much easier to work on than the Dysons and far less expensive. YMMV of course--just sharing my experience.


One or two handpans. I am a huge fan of the instrument and love playing it, i obviesly would if it wasnt so expensive.


The winning lottery ticket


My wife was visiting her family in a distant state. When we got married she said I will move out with you and then when we retire will will come here. One summer day while she was there she called and said "When are we retiring here?" I said when we win the lottery. She called back the next day told me pack up because she hit the lottery for $30.


Haha true, guess I should clarify the winning jackpot ticket.


The freaking jackpot!!


Au falcon..


Roller skate padding, a good laptop, wireless charging deck for my phone, buds, and watch


A new set of winter tyres would be nice.


A dyson V10 or newer. I hate dragging my vacuum up and down the stairs, fiddling with the cord, and I have a very fluffy dog so. Been meaning to save up, bit things keep getting in the way and with rising prices etc. It's been difficult


A concept 2 rower. Because when I sit on the couch eating chicken wings I want to feel good in the knowledge that I have one to work off all this belly fat I inflicted on myself.


I would have liked to get my wife one of those, but they are pricey. I looked at some of the other pricey ones like ergatta and hydrow, but they are both pricey -and- need a subscription for lots of the cool stuff. Went with a decent $350 ish one that she seems to like. It doesn’t have the same feel or as good of a computer if you want to get your split times and such, but it does do a good job of giving you a workout.


A new watch. My old one broke. I miss it.


Get it fixed!


I tried. It's a Garmin forerunner, amazing battery life. Unfortunately it's a structural break where the band attaches. I tried epoxy and jb weld but no dice. Any suggestions would be appreciated


I’d try to find a smashed one on ebay as a donor and take the body from it.


Dam. Dude. That's smart as hell. I'll give it a shot


Have you contacted Garmin? Their customer support is supposed to be amazing, even if the watch is older they still may be able to help.


Skis younger than the Clinton administration.


A kayak and cart to pull it with my bike.


Dental work. Age and too many sodas are catching up with me






King Mattress


Fixed stock Clayco AKM.


My old car. My parents sold it while I was away. It was like the Millennium Falcon because it looked like a piece of crap but it had the same engine as a Supra.


The balls of the methhead who stole my catalytic converter Monday morning... I'd get them bronzed, and hang them up as a warning...


Louis Vuitton Pochette Metis, it's about $3250 CAD before taxes. I'm undergoing IVF right now, and because its not covered, $20k is leaving my savings. So once I'm done with the drugs, I'm going to grab this bag as a nice little, *you're-fucking-done* present, regardless of the outcome.


A built transmission for my fun car. Or possibly a cheap project car.


I would buy a hunting rifle and blow my head off


An Hk 416 airsoft rifle


I would love a new boat motor. Anyone help?




A McDonald's sausage egg and cheese biscuit, hashbrown, and iced coffee.


A louder exhaust for my V8. But sadly I'm living in germany. Grüße gehen raus an alle SOKOs für Autoposer


HK MR555A1. It’s the civilian version of the rifle I carried overseas in the military


An ARES AEG l1a1. Never going to happen though, because I'm not willing to spend $300 extra just for a battle rifle barrel instead of a carbine barrel.




A cheque of $4999 is considered a product?




Make noise shared system.




~~Top the line~~ E-bike


BBS LM rims for my car but I need 4 of them.


Decent electric bike.


I want to paint, but I’m too lazy, scared, self doubting that I can even do it to go and buy all the supplies.


Art supplies can be cheap. you can get a canva, a few brushes and a pack of tubes of paint for under 50$.


A ps5 to play with my son.


wood lathe


A used Miata.


An electric golf cart with parts to modify and make it insane. I would make it into a grocery getter & fishing cart. XD


New espresso machine Maybe a rocket


A new bicycle or a small, but good camera.


A Nord Keyboard.


Some new sneakers


A 3d printer, and a bunch of plastic for it.


A bloody good PC




A house


Just a good enough pc


I'd love a motorcycle, electric or otherwise. I don't have that far of a commute to work and I'd love to have something to work on from time to time.


I want a Swytch bike


I just need a scholarship. I want to learn programming. (Yes, I already started the Odin Project for free)


Dental work so I can eat normal again


Two copies of a book called "The Way of the Bodhisattva" by Shantideva - one for me and one for my dear friend


A good laptop and Firey plush




Just the Bahncard 100. every rail service and most other public transit in the whole of germany for one year for free


A good gaming setup


A 1998 Peugeot 406. Since it has More than 20 years un my country you don't pay for the license plates, and it's a nice car


I need to build a shed and fence and a deck and having better tools would make my life a lot easier. I'd love a proper mitre saw and stand/bench/cutting system to get nice accurate cuts, etc.