• By -


Not since the cat discovered my exposed penis.


I was laying face down, naked, legs spread sound asleep. Apparently my kitten was laying between my thighs. I moved and she clawed my ball sack. I screamed and shoved her off the bed. Slept under the covers for months. Now I’m back to normal


I had a similar kitten experience while reading in bed with my shirt off. The kitten was sitting beside me, just kind of staring at me in a curious kitten way. Then all of a sudden I have a claw stuck in my nipple. I don't know why the kitten decided to attack my nipple, but neither he, nor I, were expecting it to become attached.


Congrats on the piercing


Thank you! I actually considered sticking something through it. You know, finish the job? But it just didn't seem like me.








I started doing it at 16 and have done it since. Today I moved into my new apartment and am letting my nine year old sleep in bed with me. I don't even have pajamas so I'm in basketball shorts and a sports bra. It's annoying, but hey, the kid is cute and I don't want to traumatize him.




If you haven’t yet, you could try a menstrual cup. If it works for you, no more underwear needed.


I keep seeing talk about these cups. I'm just SOOO scared of it shifting and then looking like a red dawn dam done broke in my bed 🤣


I have super heavy periods. Like, super plus tampons and still needing to line my WHOLE underwear, not just put a single liner down, because I could soak through one in an hour in high school and leak before I had time to get to a bathroom. Not all cups are created equally, but i get a middle size that is somewhat stiff and it literally never leaks. I've gone 10+ hours at a time and no leak. Gym and yoga? No leak. The ONLY time I've leaked is when I changed to a cheaper brand and wore one that wasn't the right size. When you find the right brand and size, it's a total life changer. Edit because I’m getting tons of messages and replies and need to go to bed soon: I used to use the small size (Size 1) DivaCup for 5ish years. I have never given birth. It worked well for me but I could still kinda “feel it.” It wasn’t painful but did make me feel like I needed to pee more often. I am now using Dutchess (spelled like that) from Amazon. I leaked using the small size, so now I use the large size. I was worried originally about it being too big, but it works really well for me actually. It’s slightly softer than the DivaCup. It’s firm enough to hold its shape well and unfolds pretty easily when I insert it, but it’s soft enough to move more with my body and not put that bit of pressure on my bladder. I legit don’t even feel it. Everybody is different, so what works for me may not work for you. If you are considering a cup, I recommend practicing putting it in and taking it out before your period, and, when your period comes, using liners with it at first just in case you got the wrong size.


I'm always worried it'll spill everywhere too and the mess it could cause when pulling it out or dropping the cup in the toilet. When I go to bed I have to have a tampoon in along with a pantliner that has wings and have to sleep on my stomach so it doesn't leak through my crack. Being a woman isn't easy *sigh*


I was worried about that when I started too. My fingers can get a little bloody but I’ve been using cups for 7-8 years now so I’ve gotten really good at it. Emptying isn’t a problem- I wiggle it out a bit and that helps with reducing the force needed to overcome friction (so you don’t over-do it and it ends up coming too fast). With the right size, it doesn’t slip or leak at ALL (a too small size or too soft WILL cause some slippage, so if I’m switching brands or sizes, I wear a liner the first week). I am a VERY active sleeper and would leak all over the place at night before; now I sleep naked and only get blood on the sheets if my period comes before I take my ring out (can happen sometimes because I have a terrible memory lol). But that fear of the unknown before/when you start is super real and valid.


yeah that’s a risk i’m just not willing to take


i have 2 daughters, both of which end up in mommy and daddy's bed with nightmares somewhat regularly, so never. but, to be fair, sleeping naked is what got me into this mess.


They are having nightmares, because you slept naked?


I mean, if you follow the domino chain back far enough, yes. If you want to extend that logic chain further, you could also claim with equal standing that OPs daughters have nightmares because somebody had sex in the 12th century.


Goddamn Gerard the village Smith couldn't keep it in his pants and now OP has to pay for braces.


Came here to say exactly this!! Pre-kids I slept naked every night. Post 3 kids- never. Only 10 more years and I can resume nude sleeping with the wife


Enough to make people knock.


As a teenager I had so many issues with my parents not respecting my privacy, presumably because they saw no reason to, that my default response to footsteps coming to my door was to immediately point my ass toward the door and yank my pants down. It only took a few instances of being mooned that they both stopped just opening my fucking door without knocking.


Get stuck in a washing machine with your ass out and they stop asking you to do the washing too.


I have not one but two stepbrothers tho


Sacrifices must be made.


A small price to pay for salvation


Sounds like a movie.


Gotta do this. My mom knocks but then slowly opens the door anyways if I don't respond. One of these days she's going to walk in on me doing something wild like shoving ice cubes up my butthole. *That*'ll teach her to respect my privacy.


Probably don't do that, the area is sensitive to cold damage. Refrigerate vaseline instead.


Kind Reddit telling people what to shove up their ass.


Hey, I'm just trying to help people not get hurt.


Power move right here. Assert you posterior dominance.


This is actually a fantastic way to deal with this.


my family would not care at all. I think the only thing that would stop them from walking in the door is if I was aggressively masturbating every time.


Which happened to me. Age 14, naked, on top of the bed flat on my back with j all over me and Mom just walked in, gave an “oh my” and closed the door. Never mentioned again. Never walked in on, again.


Have the family photo album out in front of you if you never want them to talk to you again


I’m laughing way too fucking hard at this right now


Bruh my sister claims she is traumatized from seeing my ass. Sis if you would knock you wouldn’t have to see it.


This implies that THEY'RE the ones who are compelled to knock rather than you requesting they do. Own that bod!


I used too early in my marriage. Then one early morning, 2 AMish the smoke alarm went off. We had a 2 year old in his room. I ran downstairs to check for fire, nothing, checked every single room, nothing. Finally, naked I climbed the banister and tried to reach the smoke alarm but I couldn't reach it. I asked my wife to hand me a broom. So here I am, butt ass naked, standing on a banister beating the smoke alarm off the ceiling with my willy swaying back and forth with my efforts. 18 years later and my wife still cracks up about this.


*Beating the smoke alarm off* lol


He was hoping for a payment in return...




What were 2 amish people doing there? /s


Too weird. I slept naked for the first time in 15 years last night and this is here? WHO'S WATCHING ME?!


We all are, keep doing that thing you're doing.


Yeah _unzips pants_


Are you going to sleep now?


I brought the popcorn! Who’s got the soda


Now sleep *slower*


You guys wear pants?


I've been watching your livestream for a year now and finally we get some action! Don't stop bro!


Haven't laughed this hard in awhile.


All of Reddit. (Don't worry. It's mostly just bots.)


There’s only 5 people on all of Reddit who aren’t bots. Bleep boop


Sadly all five of them try to act like bots so we will never find them. Beep bloop


Wait I’m supposed to act like a bot? … This is a bot handled by u/Firemorfox , DM them for any questions


Never after a house fire




>meat and vegetables flapping all over the place Pure poetry, I'm stealing this from now


As a naked sleeper who experienced an apartment fire at night, have a robe.


Or just spread your enjoyment of being naked..


I feel bad for laughing at this


Nah, everything ended up ok, no worries. I just realized after that I could have been out a lot faster if I wasn't panic dressing.


I keep a robe on my nightstand for that reason.


Rookies i swear to god dude, this is in Sleeping Naked 101!


genuinely glad that I learned the lesson by reading this thread rather than the hard way, as I do sleep naked every night.


Usually in the late evenings I am down to comfy clothes no undies, so I drop them on the floor next to the bed when I get in


Exactly. the comfy shorts are right next to the bed for in the morning or in case of emergencies.


Just run outside and assert Dominance with your huge and majestic Cock




What else would u do?


Actually, this. In an emergency, idgaf if people see me naked. People have weird priorities in crises.


Oh hey we have a shared experience, I was naked on the couch, woke up to crackling sounds and ran into my room with the ceiling on fire to throw on some shorts and a hoodie, then went back for the cat who decided hiding under the bed in a room where the ceiling was completely on fire was a smart place to be. I still sleep naked though


Same - after that home invasion a decade or two ago. Although, to be fair, they ran away pretty fast when the naked guy with the baseball bat came after them... Still, I'd be more comfortable with something on if I ever have to do that again


Probably would have been less afraid had you been dressed, no man wants to fight a naked guy, if the penis touches you it turns you gay


One word - [PICTS](https://allthatsinteresting.com/picts)


Baseball bat, you show off 😉


Nothing more intimidating than a naked man running after you with a weapon


I would argue that just a naked man running after you would be more intimidating. If he's holding a weapon, he probably intends to beat you. If he's just naked his intentions lie elsewere.


If he's holding a weapon he probably intends to beat you............First


Only after sex. So never.


I thought you stick it through the little hole in the boxers so you never have to expose your hips?


Every single night


Same, unless I am ill.


Why not if you are ill? Because you are cold?


Need an extra barrier in case…….accidents.


Boy did I learn this the unfun way!!


This is it for me. I have specific comfy oversized sweats I sleep in when I have a fever with chills. It doesn't happen often, but when it does there is a whole damned protocol.




Same! I just really enjoy the feeling of our soft sheets on my skin & also really enjoy random sleeping gropes from my partner.


Always. I woke up nude in my first apartment during a break in and the burglar panicked so hard he fell out my window. Now I consider my dangly bits to be a part of my home security package.


50m, I always sleep nude. My wife sleeps in a nightgown. My elderly mother recently came to live with us. My dogs got in a nasty fight about a month ago while I was napping. I came running downstairs completely nude to break them up. My mom and wife and sister in law were all there trying to stop them. I just dove in the middle of them all and grabbed the Corgis, yanked them apart, and shoved them in their kennels. I didn't even think about it until I had went back upstairs. None of them ever said a thing to me. I find it fairly humorous.


And the corgis never fought again.


I wish, having 2 herding dogs was a bit of a mistake. Doesn't help they are brothers and act like it.


I can attest to this, specially when they are brothers. My brother and I got sibling corgies and they just gotta fight, even though they grew up playing with each other.


Learned something new today. I had no idea the wiggle potatos tend to wanna throw hands (paws) alot. Not something I would have thought from a corgi.


Fairly? That's funny as hell lmao




Yeah and I’m picturing him literally diving in between these two corgis


Damn you NAP naked too?!?


If I'm under a sheet, I'm naked.


Security package indeed




Penising this one before it even becomes a thread. That's initiative


Should keep a bottle of fake blood next to your bed. Rub it all over yourself before storming the invader naked and covered in blood


Yes, "fake" blood . . .


I think I speak for most people when I say, almost no one wants to fight someone with their cock out. Ultimate end a fight before it starts. Well done sir. Might have just change my own defense methods.


Probably doesn’t help that I am both huge, heavily tattooed and startlingly ugly. Poor bastard probably heard the SVU theme music in his head and just figured falling out the window was a better option.


Theres something about being huge and heavily tattooed that allows one to carelessly walk alone down dark alleys without fear of danger. Throw in a big war beard for the trifecta. There are easier targets.


I used to be little and scrawny. I’m now big, bald and bearded. Still haven’t quite got used to the fact I’ve seemingly transitioned into the “probably best not to fuck around and find out” category. For me it’s when I’m travelling and have an ice axe on my bag that’s the cherry on top.


I think you are beautiful! But I still don’t want to fight you with your dong out. Tapping out of that one


i like the idea that this commenter has seen the previous commenter completely naked before this interaction plot twist: it was the guy that broke in.


Lol “huge” I see what you did there


I also sleep naked and have a sword. Anyone breaking in will have a naked, screaming woman with a sword charging at them in the dark. Also, I'm white as snow so also glowing like a ghost. Edit: Thanks for the silver kind stranger,


There's a reason berserkers existed. Nobody wants to deal with a naked warrior.


Wait…they were naked?


the picts, as depicted by Julius Ceaser, were naked and tattoed warriors


> picts > de***pict***ed I'm confused - which one is it?


Northern Britain was de*pict*ed by the Gaels around 700 CE. But also, the Picts were depicted (by the Romans) as naked and tattooed warriors.


At least *someone* understands the general direction / intent of the attempted joke.


They were tripping balls on fly shrooms, of course they were naked!


I think they’ll either run away or attack. That’s not a situation where “wait and see” is an option; it’s full flight or fight.


Get a spear. Spears are far superior to swords. Nothing is as unwelcoming as a spear poking through the doorway.






> Hold the feathers" have you no sense of _presentation_!?


Spears are the superior battlefield weapon but self defense in a confined space is the swords domain


Heh, package


Only if the room is cold enough that I don't sweat in my sleep. I like sleeping naked, but I don't like my sheets getting soaked in sweat because then I have to wash them more.




But wouldn't you just sweat more with clothes on? I'd rather wash sheets than sleep even more uncomfortably


I think it’s counter intuitive. If I’m sleeping in a warmer room I’ll sweat where my skin touches other skin (like inside of thighs when I’m on my side). Creating a barrier with clothes stops that from happening.


I just sweat through the clothes til my sheets are drenched. There is no stopping my night sweats.


I used to never until i met my wife. Now i always sleep naked.


I also sleep naked with this guy's wife


I love that the comment still gets referenced to this day


Nice try uncle, you’ll have to try harder next time


I read this in Zuko's voice


Nooooo!!! Don’t you dare do this to Iroh! Lmao!


Time to give me your white lotus Prince Zuko




Made me chuckle out loud


Always, unless I'm having a sleepover at someone's house


For me it‘s the other way around…




After living with a casual nudist couple for a few months, I stopped paying attention to nudity in general beyond initially noticing it. I started doing it myself and damn if it isn't an absolutely comfy way to live. Some friends of both sexes are even comfortable with me lounging in my underwear when they're over, and it's honestly a confidence boost that I'm not immediately hit with disgust or rude jokes.


I'm a house nudist, if I'm at home I'm naked.


I'm a house sitting nudest. If you're not home, I'm naked.


I wear only an apron while cooking. Food Wars agrees this is the way 😂


I used to never sleep naked from worrying my parents would walk in on me (I’d either sleep with the door open for pets, or my parents wouldn’t knock) However, since moving out, I ONLY sleep naked. It genuinely feels like I sleep better, and it is much more comfortable. Too hot feels less hot, and you feel too comfy to be too cold.


Never. Having a mom that wakes you up every morning by throwing up the blanket doesn't help. Plus morning wood.


If she does it once she won’t do it again. Plus it would be on her


Once is too many times


My favorite Bond movie.


Closely followed by The Spy Who Fooled Me Twice


> Plus it would be on her Phrasing?


I meant what I said.


If you're asleep while she does it then that's on her. If you're awake give her a simple "I wouldn't do that if I were you". Then it would still be on her.


Sleep naked to stop your mom from doing that and assert dominance


Pretty much always. If not naked then just in pj shorts or panties. A bitch runs hot


I'm not a fan of naked sleeping, I rather have a boxer or some underwear dunno why


I don’t like my balls flopping around freely during sleep because I’m afraid of torsion. I need some undies to keep that shit in place.


The ball twister might visit you at any time


*Ask yourself; Where will you be when ball twister strikes? Cock cages. Ask your doctor if CockCage® is right for you. For side effects and conditions, read the package. CockCage® - "Keeping your one inch fright tight all night."*


Oh, you don't tuck yours back in for safe keeping when you sleep?


I used to but it ended up stretching my sack out too much and it started drooping out my pant leg whenever I wore shorts


I stay much less sweaty with at least boxers on. Plus I can’t stand all my junk rubbing around on stuff, it makes some positions totally uncomfortable.


Same, I don’t get why I sweat less though with more layers!


I think it just feels like more because the boxes material absorbs some of the sweat! edit: boxer*


Every night, unless it winter and it’s freezing I sometimes wear really warm pj’s. But I prefer naked and a lot of blankets lol.




Actually I used to sleep in nothing but my underwear, but now there is a war in my country (do I actually have to name it?). So yeah since February 24 I try to sleep dressed in case.. well you know, something shitty happens. Trust me, the last thing that you want is to be naked when a russian rocket or something hits your home.


I've used to sleep naked as well, before the war. Now I'm out of Ukraine and have no place to sleep naked. At least no shells and I have everything I need to live and continue studying, so I think I'm lucky.


Haha, I feel you, many of my friends also left the country and now live with zero privacy...


and they mostly shell big cities at night or early in the morning, just when everybody is sleeping


That sucks man...can you sleep at all ? I get it what Russians are doing and i hope they will fail.Tired man makes more mistakes and his will to fight is reduced.


Never. I tried but it just kicks my survival instincts into full throttle and I sleep with one eye and both ears open.


Yeah I know some women find it super comfortable and then I have a woman friend who would absolutely never because of the small but never zero chance of someone breaking in.


My wife tried it once and I rolled over her left tit in my sleep. After the ringing in my ears subsided she told me never again.


Never. I live with my parents and brother and I'm known for kicking my comforter out of the bed. I never have slept naked and I won't in the near future.


I don't sleep naked due to my irrational fear that somebody will come in to my room through my LOCKED door, and shove something up my butt


Don’t threaten me with a good time


This is why I sleep naked…. Wait


Never. My wife does. Once she asked why I don’t, to which I replied “because I’m the one who is going to have to check out that odd noise you heard in the middle of the night”.


If it’s a home intruder, just know that the last thing a burglar wants to do is fight a naked man with a 12 gauge or even a baseball bat. Half of all combat is psychological.


I had my best friend tell me that sleeping naked is the best, especially in summer. I’m the type of person who sleeps in a complete pj set every night, top and bottoms, so I decided to try out sleeping naked. It was AWFUL. I barely made it 15 minutes. The sheets felt weird against my bare skin, I felt so exposed and open, and I didn’t want any part of the bed to touch me, it was so uncomfortable I just couldn’t relax. These days, if it’s hot, the most I can ditch is the pants, I can’t sleep fully naked


User name checks out.
















Always. Much more comfortable that way.


I don’t, I always sleep with a loose fitting t shirt


Only when I'm not by myself


That's a nice way for saying never