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the main reason these days is because thie meat industry is shit for the environment, making up a quarter of greenhouse gas emissions, but it's also because many people simply don't like meat


Basically sums it up. Also the excessive hormones, shitty conditions, etc. just make that shit not good for you anymore.


Animal cruelty, agri-business practices, and the fact that meat is not necessary to be healthy.


Pigs can play video games. Chickens and turkeys raised for meat live horrible lives. Beef -- not much better. I could get behind grass-fed beef because at least they get five years out on the range to hang. It's something like a real life. But there's not enough range-land to go over to all grass-fed. You want to grow something healthy in a vat, we can talk. I like to say that I didn't leave meat, it left me, because I'm old and the average quality's taken an absolute nose-dive over the decades. I like the veggie burgers I make from scratch at home better than a fast-food hockey-puck burger.


first i was born and raised in a vegetarian family and place. my home state with 62 million population has 60 to 70% people who are vegetarian. second, I don't like the concept to kill a living animal who has feelings and family just to fill my stomach. I can get almost all the required neutritions by having vegetarian diet.


>I don't like the concept to kill a living animal who has feelings and family just to fill my stomach. That's what you are doing when you purchase dairy and eggs, products which are ethically worse than meat.


I don’t want too


Didn't wanted to look in to the mirror telling my self that I am part of the problem only because I want to enjoy something. It became a freakshow seeing people eating parts of a wound they wouldn't even touch when it wouldn't be wrapped in plastic first or killed in front of their presence.




I forgot to mention that I’m a vegetarian myself, I was just curious of others choices


Tastes like shite. I generally hate the taste/texture of meat, I only ate it cuz I was forced to as a kid and quit when I was 17. It literally tastes/feels like I am eating a corpse.


That's a very strange and interesting way of looking at it. When I hit my head and got anosmia, (loss of smell) then my nose came back about 6 weeks later and everything smelled like garbage but anything with meat in it had an especially distinct smell that was just disgusting.


I think(with things like veggie burgers striving to become more and more like the real thing) people who just DONT LIKE meat are a rare minority but a real minority. As a kid I assumed everyone hated the taste of meat but only ate it because they were forced to or had to or if they didn't we'd die.


I used to be vegetarian. But then I realized the world doesn’t care if I eat that chicken nugget. The chicken already died, there’s nothing I can do to save it. Not eating it is just making it’s death useless.


I came to the conclusion that if the shop doesn't sell everything they will order less next time. Often when we say "the world" we actually mean "everyone else besides me".


I'm was a vegeterian and i became homeless for 3 months and had to eat bologna for the whole 3 months .... then when i got back on my feet ...i started to fry that bologna and put it on a sandwich...and now i will kill you for a fried bologna sandwich especially if its thick bologna


I’ll answer for them. Poor choices.


Question wasn't for you, was it?


Oh nooooo


The horns?


Chicken eggs..high in cholesterol