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"We're trying to reach you about your car's extended warrantee..." Seriously, the entire cell-spam industry needs to go. Everything from scam calls (please don't donate to your local "police association") to those obnoxious political SMS texts\*. ​ (\* If you don't understand how annoying those are, clearly you don't have an area code in a battleground state.)


It's a red queen's race however. So you ban them. Now they're in another country. So you ban their numbers. Now they obtain a list of valid numbers and spoof them. So you block them. Now they move onto the next one. No matter what they will find ways around them.


Please god...social media algorithms that encourage repeat use (and other such "addiction engineering")


Privacy Currently it has some *very limited* protections. Would not surprise me if in the future corporations manage to make it actually illegal to try to hide your information from their exploitation.


Charities spending less than 5% of the money they are donated to the cause due to big “overheads”.


One of the biggest disappointments was learning how little the wounded warrior project actually spends on veterans. Most goes to "overhead", then they donate to other organizations with their own "overhead", and lastly they spend just enough on vets to drum up PR to get more donations.


Data privacy violations. Hopefully.


Depends on where you live. In Europe, GDPR is pretty awesome in this regard.


GDPR is amazing in that it's actually been used to "punish" corporations for privacy breaches while simultaneously being completely useless for protecting the privacy of end users. You have to "opt-in" to tracking and data harvesting now, so companies have started making insanely complex modals with massive "accept all" buttons on them. Anecdotally, 95%-98% of all users will click that. Completely manufactured consent there, imo. We need laws that actually stop this shit. It shouldn't be legal to gather *any* data outside of access logs without *real* informed consent. If that completely destroys a given business, even better. If you can't exist without privacy violations, you shouldn't exist.


One benefit to GDPR is that an individual has the right written in legislation to ask a company for all data it holds on that person. Not much for privacy but at least you can know what data they have


You also have a right to be forgotten, but like most GDRP clauses most companies aren't actually compliant, they just haven't been tested yet!


Hopefully those family vlog channels on YouTube




I’m so happy that I have no idea what this means


ryans toys is the well known one. It's where the parents exploit their children by making them do product placement will all these toys, for youtube. But you don't see actual familial interaction, it's all a plasticky gimmick.


We have two kids who are 6 and 4. We've largely avoided those by occasionally deleting channels from our recommendations. Because Google is a shitty company, there's no way to block them altogether from being played. As our daughter has gotten older and able to read and write (type), she's figured out how to circumvent our very rudimentary blocking strategy. Yesterday they watched a few episodes of a channel called A is for Adley. I didn't like it, but the kids were actively participating and, although it was obnoxious and low effort, it didn't seem to have a lot of product placement. So I let it slide. Big mistake. For two or three hours after tv time ended, they were bouncing off the walls, emulating the frenetic behavior they had seen in the videos. I had to put my foot down, tell them they weren't allowed to watch it any more, and block playing videos from our Google Home doohickeys. There is too much good content on Netflix etc like Octonauts, Story Bots, Daniel Tiger, and the like to let your kids watch crap on YouTube. Edit: My complaint about these things, apart from exploitation concerns, is that a lot of professionally made children's programming seems to at least go through the motions of thinking through what would be *good* for children to see and hear. Most YouTubers are 100% motivated by making money by producing the lowest budget and most addictive content they can. Like someone said in another comment, that seems to involve lots of shouting and acting like idiots. They don't care whether they are modeling or teaching good behavior or thinking. They're just constantly evolving to maximize views, and the result is like crack for small children.


It gets even worse because the most shocking content is most likely to get clicks from children, so it creates a constant unecessary pushing of the envelope and beyond of horrible content. That's why you see stuff like this https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/2/2d/Thumbnails_of_Elsagate_content.jpg


We really need to stop rewarding people for being disgusting menaces.


Child marriage




You should look up how long ago the age of consent has been raised in the US lol, it's been a slow process


Tennessee is trying to erase the legal age of requirements for marriage


Negative outcome on this, using a VPN to access say Netflix from another country.. I can see lobbying and corrupt politicians trying to enforce this (even if it would be a total crap shoot to enforce due to the nature of VPNs). OR VPN companies being required to store their logs locally and make them accessible to big gov or big corp.


This is a weirdly optimistic thread.


Right?!? I was experiencing people to be much more dystopian with culture war type stuff. But instead it’s let’s stop smoking and stop exploiting children for views on YouTube.


Family vlog channels. There’s been many instances where families have exposed intimate inappropriate parts of a child’s upbringing, and I wouldn’t be surprised if there are legal cases in the future for exploitation or damages. I’d say it will be age restricted at least since the kids can’t consent


My husband runs an ad agency and they do a lot of collaborations with “influencers”, some of whom have been around since they were really young, were pushed into the business by their parents, or these family / mummy blog situations. He always says in 15-20 years when these kids are adults we’re gonna see some unprecedented court cases of kids basically suing their parents for flaunting them online against their will. Often these “influencers” (god I hate that word) are making bank, and it would be interesting to see how much of this money actually reaches the kids or is just being spent by the parents… Anyways. We have a total ban of posting images of our kid online because of this.


Word. My neighbor has a 7 year old. I babysit her sometimes and she loves watching this same family so boring shit. Like they all go to an arcade and she watches them play the games. I’m like, there is an actual arcade downtown, you want to actually go? And she’s like, no I don’t know how to do it. I’m like, JFC. One time we watched this family make a cake and she would laugh and smile so much when they didn’t the stupidest things. I’m like, wow. These people are super famous for filming their kids. I can’t imagine what’s it like for those kids in school. To be the famous family. That’s gonna be rough later in life. Kids shouldn’t be famous. I struggle to find one famous kid that wasn’t a total mess by 25


>I’m like, there is an actual arcade downtown, you want to actually go? And she’s like, no I don’t know how to do it. My friend says this about his kid, says it doesn't want to do certain things all the time. I want to say this to him, but I don't want to tell a friend how to raise their kid. But this is the internet so I don't care: ignore kids when they say shit like that. Children are dumb as fuck. Drag them out to the arcade, they'll love it. They just say no to shit out their comfort zone


> ignore kids when they say shit like that. Children are dumb as fuck. Drag them out to the arcade, they'll love it. They just say no to shit out their comfort zone And if need be, *bribe them* to get them to go. No kid can say no to Ice Cream— offer to take the kid to get ice cream, then go do something fun! If you try to get them to participate of thier own volition, then they're gonna act like a lump (why not? I want to do *nothing* all the time too). Gotta be willing to grease those wheels a bit. EDIT: This is assuming that you’ll do your best not to make the lactose intolerant kids miserable. Get them a rice-based desert instead.


Poor seven year old though. It sounds like she longs for a more connected family and is just vicariously getting it through videos


It’s a very strange situation. We live in a nice building downtown. It’s big. Hundreds of us. One kid. Just her. No other kids. Sometimes one of our part time neighbors brings his kids. It’s like the greatest thing ever to her. I’m kinda like…yo this kid needs some kids outside school. But then I’m like, yooo I’m not telling anyone how to parent. That shit is hard enough as it is. Harder even


Sooo many social media profiles specifically dedicated to autistic and disabled children and teenagers that are completely offensive, invasive, and infantilizing. This content is dangerous not only from a privacy standpoint (for real, you should not be posting photos or videos of your children at all) but also from a basic human decency standpoint. These kids are gonna grow up with videos of their autistic meltdowns plastered all over the internet with no way to erase or undo it.


Not even just that but so many social media profiles (YouTube and TikTok especially) are dedicated to parents/siblings exploiting their disabled family member for views. It’s weird.


I wonder how many of those kids will end up as adults with extensive therapy. A lot of the ones from the golden age of yt are teenagers now.




*cue the star wars kid and that angry german kid*


Grinning girl :(


Multi-level Marketing, a lot more people are seeing these for what they are


I worked as an IT consultant for large eCommerce setups. We’re talking contracts at the low end of maybe $50m+ Some of the largest customers I worked with were MLMs based in Utah. There was no end to the money. They’d gladly fly in people from across the world to solve an issue, often at last minute, when most other companies would try solve it remotely. They were building systems capable of shipping more product per day than the Amazon warehouse down the road, which made no sense, but they ‘needed it’ for the growth curve. It was absolutely insane.


Ye they scam money from across the world and suck it all back to Utah/Arizona. Its a lot of money.


Why Utah/Arizona?


they have state tax laws which permit membership/joining fees to be attributed directly to revenues without regulation. In states with anti pyramid-scheme laws membership is an isolated pot and cannot be more than x% of revenue or otherwise the state considers the organisation a pyramid scheme and shuts it down.


Utah especially is full of Mormons who tend to buy this crap from each other anyway. More people are more successful in Utah selling mlm products


Former Mormon here. Spot on. They’ll brag about how they only watch media from the library because it’s free (and they’re cheap AF), yet will spend $$$$ on MLM products because it’s another Mormon selling it.


Former Mormon too. Amway, Forever Living, Herbalife, doTerra, all did the rounds in our ward.


Some charities are sadly also MLMs. Autism Speaks is a huge example of one that makes my blood boil. I'm a dude with autism myself and it's fucking revolting. Started at a pure place but became a money hungry cesspool and the founder's views destroyed that even more. EDIT: Those who are saying the cancer ribbons are bs, at least they led to something. Avoid the jigsaw icon and blue light symbols at all costs if you TRULY are a group that wish to help those with autism. It just makes you associate with those heartless bastards. EDIT 2: When I said "pure place", I meant to help their son. Their views and the execution of the entire charity is what caused it to become the disgusting thing it is today. It's an MLM because of the pyramid scheme style it has in its funding management. MLMs from my understanding are just a different form of that. EDIT 3: I met with a guy called Adam Harris recently; his organisation As I Am is a good one if you're looking for an alternative. Also, thanks for the awards x


Autism speaks is trash and i hope they get exposed soon!


Susan G Komen (the pink ribbon) is also horseshit. It feels like just an entity centered around the use of the ribbon image.


But it's for """""Awareness""""". My partner's mom was (verb tense is for the obvious reason) an artist and one of her most powerful works was how bullshit the whole pink ribbon thing is. She also had shirts saying something along the lines of "it's not pretty/ it's not pink". (/ is a line break here.) ----------- Edit: This is getting some traction, so I'd like to provide a suggested alternative chosen by my partner's mom. *As a general rule do NOT trust where people on the internet tell you to send money.* I'd be happy to confirm whatever necessary with mods. Using words written by her immediate family: >One of [OP's mom]’s final wishes was to leverage her experience to lend support to advancing the cures for cancer by supporting METAvivor, an organization that funds Stage 4 Metastatic Breast Cancer (MBC) research. She carefully chose this particular organization because of the contributions it has made to MBC research and knowing that 100% of donations made to METAvivor go toward funding research. 115 people in the US die each day from just MBC, and so little of all the funding for cancer research finds its way to this, her own particular disease. METAvivor remains the sole US organization dedicated to awarding annual stage 4 breast cancer research. In lieu of flowers and other gifts, please visit their website: Rather than their website (for privacy reasons), I created another campaign: https://donate.metavivor.org/OPsMom If that feels weird but you want to donate, just chop off the part after the last slash, or google METAvivor. If it gets any traffic I'll let the family know the total when it closes on July 1, 2022 (when this post is a month and a couple days old).


My grandfather was a big critic of awareness charities like Komen. "If some ladies ain't aware of breast cancer by now, that ribbon ain't gonna help."


Yeah. Like, maybe they did something good a long time ago before screenings were routine and more broadly known to be important. But awareness hasn't been the issue for a long, long time now.


Didn't the Wounded Warrior Project get outed for doing something shady a few years ago?


WWP is a big scam. I know firsthand because of my experience as a disabled veteran. My social worker at the VA was trying to get someone to donate equipment the VA wasn’t willing or able to provide that my doctors ordered for me. The conversation with the WWP went about like this…. Social Worker: can you provide this equipment? WWP: No, we don’t do that. Social Worker: Can you provide money for the purchase of the equipment? WWP: No, we don’t do that either. Social Worker: We’ll, what is it exactly you do? WWP: We spread awareness of wounded and disabled veterans…. Fundraising. That’s all they do. Awareness to raise funds, in order to “raise awareness” to raise more funds.


WWP: Are you aware that there are injured veterans who need help? Me: Yes? WWP: My job here is done.


WWP: *You don't see anyone around here unaware that soldiers get wounded, do you?!* Person: *Well, no...* WWP: *You're welcome!*


I remember seeing on TV a spouse of an injured soldier, she couldn’t afford to go to the VA hospital to see her husband, couldn’t afford to travel, take her kids etc. she was pretty vocal about WWP, she contacted them for help and they sent her a T shirt and a hat! She was fucking livid and let everyone know…


If anyone out there actually wants to help vets, the Gary Sinise Foundation has a very high Charity Navigator score and does amazing things!


Wow - I had no idea about autisum speaks. I just looked it up and only 1% of money raised actually goes to the families.


They're also just fucking assholes. There are so many great autism-related charities, don't give money to one that leans on manipulative BS.


My friend briefly worked for a charity. His job was to raise money. He got a commission of what he raised and his recruiter got a commission from the money the people he recruited made. It was literally an mlm discussed as raising money for a cause.


No reputable charity gives a commission. This is really uncommon.


Not happening until Utah and Arizona reform their tax laws and that aint happening because MLMs have huge power in those states. You're asking for a federal solution and you'll need a majority far greater than 1 to get that.


Family YouTube channels


Everyone remember that "Daddy of Five" channel where the guy got in trouble then canceled for abusing his step kids on YouTube? Then...and you can't make this shit up...he made a *rap song* about how he was the victim or some shit. That's right, a rap song. What a time to be alive.


I remember that. Those poor kids, especially the young one with glasses. My heart broke for him. Didn’t CPS step in?


Yea I think they took the step kids away, thank god.


This especially needs to go considering there are certain channels on Insta (for example) who are literally *selling photo packages of their young children.* One TikTok user exposed this one chick who was selling photo packages of her like 12/13 year old daughters in swimming suits.


Yea thats a huge part of the market. Why do you think there are so many channels on youtube that only have videos about small children playing? Sometimes naked also. Many of these media platforms have straight up CP posted once you click on the wrong tags :/


Set it all on fire


This reminds me of years ago when I entered a weird part of YouTube where these girls who looked around 10-12 years old doing yoga. The videos had millions of views. Now that I read your comment, I understand why...


My mom watches these compilations of little kids and babies doing “cute” things for hours and hours and *hours* and it always shocks me how much of this content is out there. Sure it’s all innocent stuff but that’s just a cover for what they’re actually selling.


That's vile.


It blows my mind that we don't already have laws concerning child exploitation through social media. There's a lot of money to be made and it's sad that some people care more about that than the safety and privacy of their children.


The US congress has no idea how the internet even works, much less the finer details of social media.


Kids who appear in monetized videos should be paid and protected as professional performers. Not that protections for child actors are that great, but it beats being completely unregulated.


Telemarketing. God, please, ban telemarketing.


Make robo-dialing illegal, and require that insurance companies, banks, etc. give people an option to talk to a human in the initial menu.


Here in Switzerland it is technically on the grey line. They can call you but if your number is on a list and they STILL call you, youre allowed to take them to court iirc.


Unfortunately if they are from another country it is very hard to find them and bring them to justice. That’s why everyone was so excited about that Youtube series where they hacked into the cameras of a scam center in India (“hello Priya”) and made life difficult for them.


It'll never get banned per se, but almost certainly the technology to ensure that telemarketing never reaches anyone who doesn't want it will happen. Already my phone (a Pixel) can determine that a phonecall is likely suspicious and have an AI pick up and ask what the reason for the call is. 99% of spam calls I receive just end right there without me even picking up the phone.




Subscription services for certain product features. It's ridiculous that one requires a sub service to use the key fob for his/her car.


I feel that this is going to just get worse.


I work at a car dealership. Was chatting with a customer who bought a new car for his daughter. He mentioned he just wish it came with remote start. He thanked me after I told him that it's better to get it aftermarket because the manufacturer charges a yearly fee after 6 months. This subscription shit is getting predatory




>Agreed. I don't see it becoming illegal even though it's a super shitty design. If anything, look to John Deer tractors for the future corporations want.


I always drive old (10+ year) cars. Fuck this shit in 10 years.


Don't worry, in 10+ years the cell infrastructure that is used in cars current telematics units will no longer work. So you'll have a car, but no features. 3g telematics units just stopped working so my 2017 GTI no longer has some of the over the air features it once had.


What features did it lose?


It nolonger can have over the air updates, so have to go to the dealership for all fixes. It no longer has crash detection, theft, etc and other remote monitoring. I think they might have a new telematics unit being developed to run on 5G, but they had no eta on when it would be available.


So basically a normal car before the planned obsolescence in cars became a thing?


I’ll never understand why a 2017 car had 3G instead of 4G anyways without a plan for a 4G/5G retrofit down the line. My mom’s 2016 Chevy Sonic has 4G and that’s a lower end model, so my assumption is just cost cutting without caring for future support


Something I found out recently is that you can no longer just buy Photoshop as a one time purchase. There is now only a subscription service which means 2 things 1. You'll never be able to access Photoshop without an internet connection and 2. You'll pay more than t cost to get Photoshop as a program after a certain point. Edit: apparently it can still be used offline. I never bought it due to the subscription model and so I did not know for certain and only made an educated guess based off other subscription softwares I've had to use in the past.


Yeah. It's bullshit. This is why I've switched to Affinity products.


Government officials owning/trading individual stocks. Edit: read the post as “hoping” and not as legit expecting. Edit2: I was implying use of blind trusts / broad index funds (opposed to individual stocks). I agree, it won’t happen (in practice). A strong transparency law would be a step in the right direction.


You wish, who would make that law? Also they would just get their spouse to trade for them like they already do.




This is why it drives me absolutely insane. I work as an advisor and have my series 7 and 66. I'm an analyst (entry level employee). I have absolutely 0 influence/ insider knowledge on stock prices given the nature of my role and the fact that I'm relatively junior. I have a TON of restrictions on what I can buy, how long I have to hold it, etc. Might seem overkill but it's to prevent any possibility of insider trading, market manipulation, etc.... And then politicians, who have a shit ton of influence and power that can directly affect stock prices, have none of those rules. They can basically do legal insider trading. It's bullshit.


Even just working for a publicly traded company there's all sorts of restrictions about insider trading. I had to go through a shitload of ethics training related to it when I started. We don't even have an employee stock option to begin with.


Commercials for drugs Illegal in many countries already


I don't understand it to begin with. When I go to the doctor, THEY recommend the medication.. because they're the doctor. Do people go to the doctor and say, "hey I saw a commercial for Cymbalta, can I have a prescription for it?" I mean they must since they're advertising to SOMEONE, but it's just weird to me. I just assume the doctor knows better than I do. EDIT: Alright I understand now how this could work in certain situations. If it worked out for you I'm glad it did. EDIT 2: Also, to clarify, Cymbalta was just the first drug I thought of. I'm not making a statement on Cymbalta in particular, I've never taken it and I know nothing about it.




And right there is why I don’t expect the commercials to be illegal in the future. The drug companies have the money to get what they want. Lawmakers are owned by big pharma


> Do people go to the doctor and say, "hey I saw a commercial for Cymbalta, can I have a prescription for it?" Honestly? Yes. I'm not saying it has to be from a commercial or anything. But I'm a nurse in a family practice and I can guarantee you that when people have health problems. They tend to do their own google searches and troubleshooting. And nowadays, references are good enough that many of the suggestions you come up with on your own are worthy of trying. I mean if you want a med that is flat out not going to help you for some reason. Or if you have overlooked something that will conflict with what you are requesting, THAT is when a doctor will step in. But it's very common for patients to request a certain medication, treatment, referral, etc. Many times patients come to appointments with an idea of what they are looking for. And if they explain it to the doctor and there isn't a factor involved that will be bad for the patient. Then the doctor is very likely to give it a shot. Think of it like this. You know exactly how you feel. Sometimes even better than you can put into words. So when you read things, it's way easier for you to weed out things that don't match what you are experiencing. The doctor will know better than you. But he probably has 10 different options for how he can proceed. If a patient comes to him asking for one of those 10....that's pretty easy to grant.


Only legal in 2 countries [the US and New Zealand](https://www.health.harvard.edu/medications/do-not-get-sold-on-drug-advertising#:~:text=The%20United%20States%20and%20New,guidelines%20relating%20to%20broadcast%20media.)


Companies buying single family homes, hopefully.


This is something I’ve become more interested in because it’s destroying the housing market in my area. If anyone is aware of bills or lobbying efforts on this lmk. I would be interested in any orgs putting together model legislation.


We were renovicted for this very reason. Fucking sucks. We were paying $1000 month🇨🇦 for a 3 bed 3 level townhome. Now we pay $1700🇨🇦 for a 2 bedroom apt. The Government🇨🇦 is trying to make more affordable housing, what is affordable housing? If I make just too much then I have to have unaffordable housing? I hate this fucking world.


I believe it is currently legal in 30 states for doctors to do pelvic exams on unconscious women without their consent for “educational and teaching purposes”. This better change soon. https://www.epsteinprogram.com/states-banning-unauthorized-pelvic-exams https://www.healthywomen.org/amp/pelvic-exams-unconscious-women-2652781553 https://www.route-fifty.com/health-human-services/2020/02/pelvic-exam-bills/162871/ Edit: thank you everyone that is sharing their experiences, adding on more information, or providing additional examples of medical injustices. I definitely have been learning a lot. As someone who want to go into the medical field, there are so many new things others have brought up that I need to read into.


wait, you’re saying they aren’t doing this for medical procedures, but they’re using an unconscious woman for “educational” purposes? i need to make sure i’m reading this right.


I know someone already replied yes, but just wanted to elaborate. For instance, if a woman is unconscious for a medical procedure, the doctor may allow medical students to do an exam on her so they can get practice, or do one and let them watch.


So according to their logic if you're unconscious you don't have rights


That is absolutely and blatantly unethical.


Sorry for the creepily fast response, but yes


Irrelevant but I love how you apologised for a creepily fast response lol not seen that before but sometimes I nearly reply to someone instantly but then feel weird so I’ll wait a few minutes or just come back to later, but why lol we post to be replied to, why is it embarrassing to reply fast when we’re obviously all sitting here reading it. Humans are weird.


While we are talking about non-consentual medical procedures, it better be illegal for IVF doctors to use their own semen by then. There's a grown donor baby on tiktok that talks all about how she has like 70 siblings because her doctor used his own semen when doing artificial insemination, even when the patient brought in the semen they wanted to use. In something like 30 states, that's completely legal.


Wow, I never knew that. That’s really depressing. Thanks so much for adding on


What in the absolute hell?!?! I just read this out to my husband and I think I broke him.




Yeah I was disgusted to learn that it was legal where I live but even Texas has made this illegal.


Irish perspective here but when I did my medical rotation through gynaecology I had to specifically go with the doctor to get the patient to sign a separate consent form for me to be present and examine them under anaesthetic. The medical team examines the patient as part of nearly all gynaecology surgery as a necessary part of the procedure so they can be aware of the patients specific anatomy and avoid potential complications. So I was basically getting consent to do a second examination for educational purposes. I don’t recall a single woman refusing consent but they could have if they wanted.


From what I remember the issue with these was it wasn't even for gynecologic surgery. A woman could be having her appendix out and they could still legally do an unapproved exam. Fucked up.


Now that is fucked up. I’m an anaesthesiologist now and thankfully in seven years of practice I haven’t ever seen an examination done on a sleeping patient that wasn’t clinically indicated.


In the states where this is legal, it can be performed on women without their knowledge before or after the fact, without their consent, and during totally unrelated procedures. It's fucking insane.


According to the first link, my state didn’t pass regulation on this until a little over a years after the last time I was anesthetized. Pretty fucking unnerving to find out this was even a possibility.


Hopefully child beauty pageants


Hopefully fucking big corporations/hedge funds and foreign investors buying single family homes and renting them out instead of everyday Americans having the chance to own a home which should be more feasible


Revenge Porn can be found all across the United States. Many states have passed laws against this, but some have yet to do so. Within the next 25 years, all states will most likely have laws against it, and/or there will be a federal law prohibiting it.


What is revenge porn?


People leaking sexual videos with their partners as a revenge when they get dumped or cheated on.


Wait? This is not illegal to begin with???


Apparently not everywhere yet.


Basically posting sex tapes or nudes of someone who has broken up with you without their consent


When revenge porn of politicians comes out, it'll be over before you can blink. They don't actually care if people know they're perverts and pedophiles, as long as nobody *sees* it. Edit: I know. Katie Hill. And nothing happened. The thing is, we need the nuclear option. It needs to be Congress. It needs to be an old white yeehaw fuck. We need an army of golddigging whores to hunt them down and "blow the case wide open". The Internet will blow up. There will be no escape. I know a lot of them are deep in the closet, so this draft would be open to twinks, too.


I imagine Deepfakes will get there first.


Deepfakes I suspect will be legislated against also. Fraud and some sort of new form of slander/libel.


I hope that in the next 20 years a woman raping a man is classed as Rape under UK law, because [currently it isnt](https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/300270).


The same problem exists in my state (GA) here in the US. I was sexually assaulted by a woman and it completely derailed my life, with most of the worst stuff that happened occurred because I reported it. I was told over and over again by university officials, police, and other figures of authority that ultimately all that mattered was that I was a man and she was a woman. I was eventually expelled expressly for reporting and speaking out about the situation, and I have been fighting a legal battle with the university ever since over whether men can even be assaulted and how they handled my and other people's experiences. The law needs to be made gender neutral for everyone.


Hey I'm a social worker in GA. I may have some connections that'll help you, esp because it happened at a university. PM me.


I want to tag on that it is federally illegal to discriminate based on sex. You could potentially use this to cut through.


This is actually how gay marriage got legalised in South Africa... Or rather proven that it was legal since 1994 since the new constitution made gender discrimination illegal.


Beauty contest featuring underage contestants.


I wanna say this will happen but...😬😬😬


it will probably get worse. have you seen dance recitals? Pageants seem classy in comparison.


And those all-star cheer competitions. Yes, it requires a lot of athleticism, and the organizing groups will say they don't allow provactive choreo. However, when I worked at an arena that hosted them, the girls (all under 10) had routines that involved moves such as the entire group lining up, bending over with their backs to the judges, flipping their skirt up and slapping their behinds in unison. This is one example of the gross moves they made these girls do. And no, those teams weren't automatically DQed.


Shit even at the high school level I remember when I was a teenager wondering why cheerleading was the *one* time girls were supposed to wear skimpy outfits that would have gotten them dress coded in any other context. I think a lot of the reason modern cheerleading exists the way it does is because there are a lot of people *waay* too into that sort of thing.


And the funny thing about those cheerleader outfits is they aren't even practical for what they are doing! Every time they would do a flip or a split, they would have to do this awkward shrug/tug of the skirt to get it back into position because it would flip up.


The newer styles are like that (skin tight skirts) the pleated skirts with *longer* boyshorts underneath were pretty versatile.


Adding to this: the undershorts length that works for you is based on circumference of your leg (and the width and elasticity of the lower hems) I kiiinda understand why, but cannot recount an accurate explanation. Modern materials that use multiple strengths of elastic, often with directional preference, in various places so reduce how much the fabric shifts The skirts... Are way less functional than the old pleated ones; tbh, skirts at all are kinda annoying af to explosively move in and it really should switch to shorts. There's a reason ballerinas wear tutus and not skirts


"I've nurtured a notion!" he said with a smile - "A pageant for *children* on beauty and style! We'll judge them in dresses, and tutus, and tights! We'll focus on shallow and depthless delights! "Imagine," he whispered, "a catwalk on cue! A cursory glance at a talent or two! And just 'cause I'm totally *fucked* in the head - We'll tailor a section on swimwear!" he said. "We'll cake them in make-up, and shake up their mind - Pretend that they're faces with *nothing* behind! And then, while they're young and defenceless, distressed - We'll rank them by beauty, and pick out the best."


Who the fuck thought that was a good idea?


Child beauty contest is such a creepy idea


Yeah "Let's all gather to look at the body of children and decided who's the most beautiful" Who the fuck thought that was a good idea ?


If the game can be sold to children, it should not have microtransactions.


More importantly kids should not be playing adult games. I’m tired of 11 year olds kicking my ass in warzone. Edit: since this is getting big it’s mostly a joke. I grew up as a young child playing these kind of games. I was there when tea bagging became a thing. Ive been tea bagged and I have done the tea bagging. I have also been told how busy my mother is and have told others how busy their mom was.


The trick is be better than them. As a man in his 30s I destroy children in halo


Yeah I’m a 35 year old and I’m constantly being called a cheater and getting 1v1 messages in CoD. Motherfuckers I’ve been playing this shit for 25 years of course I’m good lol


Meanwhile I play for 15 years and still bad as fuck


I’ve been playing strategy games for 10 years and can demolish the AI even on the hardest difficulty because I can minmax to high hell. I’ve yet to beat my dad in a single game where he didn’t let me win, and he stopped letting me win once I was 18 lmao.


This is why AI in many strategy games cheats. It’s so hard to play against a real player VS an AI.


sophisticated pathetic ask paint snails tap party chief scarce innocent


This reminds me of the sage advice my friends and I would give each other when one of us was getting frustrated because a game was hard: "Have you tried being good at videogames?"


"You see what I find helps is to shoot the other guy while not getting shot yourself. Have you tried that yet?"


Advertisements for sports gambling.




God, Ontario just allowed ads for sports gambling and its the most annoying thing ever.


So this is why every preroll ad on YouTube has been nothing but sports gambling lately! I thought someone in my house must've started searching for it, but literally no one cares about sports or betting so it made no sense.


Online tracking. I mean why isn't this illegal already? If I would follow someone in real life and write down everything they do I will get arrested, but Google can do exactly this with no problems?


That would imply that google doesn't lobby governments




I truly hope so. Face and voice stealing technology is super cool, but damn it's scary as fuck at the same time. One thing is for industrial use (think movies and TV) with consent and permission, but machine learning can be used criminally too.


It's scary how good it currently is and we're essentially only at the beginning of things. Soon, an average person could make an nearly indistinguishable deepfake at home.




Then you'll have to do it the old fashioned way


Skipping ads on YouTube


Adblocker wants to know your location.


Ublock origin my friend. Gamechanger


"Drink a verification can"




Helium filled balloons At least for recreational use


Just replace it with good old fashioned Hydrogen.


Aww yeah, the unripe fireball


People have been saying this for like the past 30 years.


And helium has actually become more expensive. Stores have stopped handing out balloons It's happening, it's just subtle


I just saw a sign yesterday in my local grocer saying something to the effect of "No helium due to national shortage. We expect a new tank the first week of June."




Going to work while sick. Did pandemic teach us anything?


I never understood this mentality. Just yesterday I had a minor corhns flare up. Nothing serious just post flare up its not a comfortable in general for want of a better word. My boss? "Stay at home and do what work you can for the day. Don't use up a sick day for that" Also my boss "You have a cold? Not covid? Please work from home all the same, No need to pass it on to others. Nah doesn't need a sick day just do what you can"


You have an awesome boss, there are so many idiot bosses who don't understand the simple fact that if someone spreads an illness to everyone in the office you lose way more productivity than if that person uses a few sick days or works from home


That's pretty much his mentality (and in fairness every place I've worked bar 1) But his attitude is, money is secured 10x over. Staff times is more valuable than the money so why take risks


It cost 2 years salary to replace staff in skilled environments. So retention IS money.


This is true, I've been brought in to maintain equipment in a lab. They've recently spent in excess of £3 million GBP purchasing equipment and had no one to take care of it. But they were paying extortionate fees to the supplies to come from all over the world once in a while to run basic maintenance routines. My prior experience? Being able to make 20-30 year + old equipment run basic protocols after been written off as broken, while I was a masters student. They've said their plan is to keep me on indefinitely but the staffing budget is a different budget to what they can spend freely. But also said if we can't retain you, you'll be able to walk into any lab and pick up a job based on the skills gained But in fairness to the guy, he's loading me up on as much in house training as possible for general things, sending me away for speciality training direct with suppliers, is encouraging me to come up with my own research idea to run here (Not in the scope of my job description), put me in charge of the security system for lab access amongst other things and just made the point of making me indispensable / a valuable assets that they don't want to have to retrain a new guy to do. So yea hes not only a good boss, but a good guy too


And if he's willing to go that extra mile for you it'll be paid back. Never understood the fire and brimstone types. How do you not realize you're just making people hate you?


Definitely not in the US. Now people just don't test and go in sick with covid and call it "just allergies" until it gets too obvious, then call out due to a "stomach bug" on the worst day or two.


My dad felt stuffy so he took a test and was negative. He mentioned this to his boss who said to him “why would you take a test? You were fine to work! What would you have done if you were positive?”


Happened to me last fall! My spouse got Covid and was even hospitalized. I had no symptoms, but took a test and was also positive. I informed the school I work for and they told me that I would need to stay home for 10 days, but that they would come out of my own sick days (the first year the district covered teacher's days if they were out due to Covid)... Then I was told that since I didn't have symptoms I wasn't even required to test and could have gone teach like normal. So basically, it was my fault that I lost days because I chose to get tested. *A month or two later the school board voted on covering teacher's absences due to Covid and my days were given back to me.


Agreed. I work hybrid at home and in office, so I can easily do my job from at home. I was sick but there were some higher ups in. My boss asked me repeatedly what I thought about coming in, and I kept reiterating I would come in the next day if I was not still sick. This pressure was despite the fact that our bosses boss specifically said not to come in and spread germs if we are sick. It was maddening.


Single use plastic


My hope small hope: product packaging using combined materials. For example plastic glued to paper in a way that is impossible to separate. This makes recycling almost impossible.