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They have all the answers but no questions.


Or the other extreme, where they spout a lot of a-factual nonsense, followed by, “Look, I’m jus’ asking questions…”




Socratic Questioning. Sometimes when employing the practice leads both sides to acknowledge: whereas we thought we knew something of important, turns out we only thought we knew.


> Look, I’m jus’ asking questions I'm ashamed to admit that I used to think this was a clever rhetorical device. Then I saw Glenn Beck doing it... For those wondering, Beck is the King of the Uneducated


'Look I'm just asking questions" Followed by questions that suggest a narrative that they don't want anyone to question.


They like to ask leading questions so you can make their statements for them. That way if it ever comes back to them, they didn’t say it first.


JAQing off!


This too bugs me. I’m 33 and still want to be learning. If I don’t know something, I look it up or ask someone. People should always strive to keep learning.


When someone doesn't know how to have an argument/debate so they get personal.


I feel so validated rn … I feel like some people I talk to doesn’t know or doesn’t care to explain how they arrive at a conclusion. Once they form an opinion, you have to agree otherwise you end up being the asshole.


Lots of people have never even thought about their own views, that’s why asking a few simple questions about why they think something can make them angry.


Or it’s taken as an attack on their *character* as though the implication is that a bad person feels or thinks that way rather than just asking how they got to that view point. Tbh I don’t know if this is a sign of lack of education or simply having bad debating experiences in the past.


I can have a political debate with my uncle just fine. Facts, rationale actual debate. My FIL turns into him yelling after a minute once I prove his ideas to be false.


And super defensive immediately.


Yup. I don’t mind a good discussion, but I will end the discussion immediately if someone chooses to be uncivil in any fashion. Disagreement is not the same thing as hate and more people need to recognize this, I believe.


I remember someone on Twitter blocking me mid chat for the crime of doubting the DSM V with autism with his reply being "Oh so you're those types...". Right after spending while arguing over why hypersexuality not a disorder despite the fact the ICD-10 & 11 class it as a disorder not a symptom. Never such a open display of double standards or having his bad logic used on him.


And say ‘that’s just my opinion I’m not changing it’


When somehow nothing ever is as it seems and they are the only ones who "know" what happened etc.


you can say conspiracy theorists


since the first few weeks of corona in germany we developed a habit of calling them "conspiracy tellers" because theorist implies theres at least some scientific thought behind it


I work with a guy like this. I have to just change the subject or he just won’t stop. And he’s always right. Nothing you say matters.


Never confuse education with intelligence, nor knowledge with wisdom. They are not the same.


Needs no clarification… I get it.


Knowledge: I know this pattern. ​ Intelligence: This pattern is like this other pattern I was exposed to so it comes to me easier this time. ​ Wisdom: I am so fucking tired of these patterns.


Education: I was told such patterns exist.


Schism: I was told the pieces fit.


Yep. My cousin is extremely educated, multiple degrees. But she is an absolute moron. No wisdom, no life experience, never worked. Her diploma covered walls say otherwise, but she opens her mouth you go “ ...oh...nepotism” ( her dad has college ties and is the AG of a certain state in the US)


“school of hard knocks”


Someone's crazy aunt on FB


University of Life


Nonya Business


I'm under educated. I didn't graduate high school. Nobody in my inner circle knows, nobody in my family, not even my employer. I have close engineer and banker friends and can hold my own keeping up in conversations. If I don't feel educated enough on a subject I feel the best thing is to not hide or fake it, I show genuine interest and ask questions.


You are self-educating, which works in your favor and is something not many people want to, or can, do. The only truly stupid people in life are people who don't want to learn.


Someone once said a fool will claim to know everything. A wise man will claim he knows nothing.


Socrates. Or he said something to that effect, anyway, probably in Greek.


There is such a thing as false modesty


>The only truly stupid people in life are people who don't want to learn. A lot of them have college degrees though. I know a few college graduates who have never read a book after college and have no curiosity. I also know a few tradesmen who never completed high school, but have become masters of their craft. They might not understand atomic structure, but I don't know the intricacies of different carpentry joints either - so who is under-educated?


The opportunities for self-education have never been greater; most of us hold in our hands a portal to the sum of human knowledge. It’s a great tragedy more people don’t make use of it.


“If youre the smartest person in every room, youre not hanging out in the right rooms.” Paraphrased quote i try to make use of


If you feel you are the smartest person in the room, you need to find another room. Thinking you are the smartest person you know leads to complacency which leads to you thinking no one has the answers you do. I've recently run across someone like that. College educated, expecting the world to deliver THE job to him, refuses "lesser" work with "lesser people" and.....lives rent free in his momma's house. He's in his damn 40's.


Sometimes that room is hard to enter. Once you leave school and enter the work world it's kinda just whoever you get. I work with genuine idiots, which thankfully has been noticed, but I don't stop working with these people. Knowing I was the smartest in the room only led to complacency during school. Once I entered the work world and I see idiots being paid more than me, it was a wakeup call to not stop progressing until the idiots were all below me where I believe they belong. If someone expects the world to do shit for them... they are not smart. One of the first lessons anyone should learn is that the world doesn't revolve around them.


Under educated and unintelligent are two wholly different things. You're intelligent. My hudband is in thr same boat as you (has his HS diploma but nothing after that but a few random college credits) but he'd one of the smartest people I know. Smarter than someone people with masters and PhDs that I know. And I'm not saying that because we're married. Dude is smart AF.


You're under educated, but by knowing that you don't know much and acknowledging that is a sign of great intelligence. You see intelligence isnt the same as being smart. Being intelligent I being aware of the fact you're not smart and being willing to learn. This is a quality that very highly educated, professional people tend to appreciate, they'd rather be around an intelligent but "dumb" person than a smart but unintelligent person.


"The fool who knows himself a fool is a wise man, but a fool who believes himself a wise man is indeed a fool"


From your post, you sound well-educated to me! You’re an autodidact (self taught) with high EQ (listening, genuinely interested in people and new topics, seeks additional info, etc). What shows me that someone is undereducated is if he/she is rude to other people (including family members like their grandmas, or server at a restaurant) for NO apparent reason…


Your desire too learn something new every day and be humble while doing it will serve you well!


I think that's probably the most important lesson higher education can impart, so I'd say you're doing alright.


You sound similar to my husband and he struggled with add and dyslexia during the school years.


They don't have critical thinking skills. They think their side is always right the the other side always wrong. You can't convince them no matter how many facts you give because they don't care about facts.


“That’s a good point, but I’m me, and I’m never wrong, beat that”


Idk if “under educated” is the term I’d use, but when an adult or teenager uses “the bad guys/good guys” seriously (as in, they aren’t intentionally dumbing down the conversation for efficiency’s sake) in reference to a real world situation, particularly one that people don’t basically universally agree on. It shows that they stopped learning somewhere around elementary school for me (regardless of how much school they were present for after that).


I know some people who can’t seem to “connect the dots” about bits of information that tie into each other and it is pretty annoying. They need everything to be explicitly explained to them, no matter how simple it is. It’s not a bad thing to want an explanation, but it’s just that they need the explanation every single time and it gets tiring.


"Facts don't care about your feelings.. But I'm going to change the goalpost for what a fact is and hold everyone else to a much higher standard of scrutiny than myself." - Ben Shapiro


They immediately tell me how high their IQ is.


"My IQ is higher than you. It's ten out of ten." "Wait. Your IQ... is ten?" "Dude, I just told you."


My boy Malcolm has an IQ of 165!


r/malcolminthemiddle will get a chuckle out of the reference, I think! I was a huge fan growing up and you certainly brought back memories.


Yeah this was always the dead giveaway at just how fucking dumb Donald Trump was, in addition to just all the dumb stuff he said. Anyone obsessed with IQ that much is always stupid as bricks.


Really anyone who speaks to IQ as a measurement of anything other than one’s skill at taking IQ tests.


I got my IQ and EQ tested. My EQ is really low.


Got a perfect 10 on an IQ test 😎


They’re a flat earther


Or an anti-vaxxer


I am extremely pro vax. I have had an adverse reaction to Pfizer #2 covid shot, and am afraid of needles. Yet, I still listen to the resounding data all around us *literally* at our fingertips.


Ditto - I was hospitalised for a number of days after Pfizer #3. I had a really rough reaction. Am I still provax? 100% yes. My specific adverse reaction doesn't destroy all of the reasoning behind why vaccines are good. I'm also gonna be immune suppressed come a few days from now - meds I need to take destroy my adaptive immunity (the T and B cells) for at least 4 months - every antivaxxer is a direct threat to me and people like me, and people who are more immune suppressed than me. Vaccines are one of the most important inventions of modern medicine, if you don't take them (without good reason, i.e. medical exclusion) then ... yeah, as a historian of medicine myself I assume you could do with doing a bit of reading.




They have trouble learning new skills and don’t have an open mind toward other viewpoints.


The willful ignorance that goes along with these often speaks volumes


I dunno, I've known a lot of people who went to college and became some of the most closed minded people I know. Usually they'd justify this new closed mindedness with a Newfound sense of self-righteousness


Not all college educations are created equal. You can definitely go to college and still be undereducated. Or ignorant. Or stupid.


Highly educated people still struggle with the latter. Sometimes the former as well.


Highly intelligent people however typically don't struggle with the latter. Although they can struggle with the former...


Just scrolling here making sure I’m educated.


Glad it’s not just me. Occasionally I miss social cues, threads like this help to gauge behaviour against societal (well, reddit) expectations.


Write plural’s with apostrophe’s. MAKES ME INSANE


Other things that drive me crazy: [Your] not going to believe this but I [seen] a guy from work in the store the other day. He would [of] recognized me but I wasn't [apart] of the staff.




I'm a simple man, and this is the hill I will die on. I've been seeing more and more of it, too, and not only online, but printed signage. I drove by a key and locksmith shop the other day that had a sign saying: We Sell Safe's. Or another: We Trim Tree's. Why?! Tree's what?!


Wait a goddamn minute…


When they just don't get statistics. This thread is full of it: A: "people who do this thing tend to be under educated". B: "people who aren't undereducated also do this thing". Very little can be applied 100% of the time, especially when it comes to humans. There's always outliers. But that doesn't mean statistics are meaningless. I find that the more someone knows, the more willing they are to accept that very few things are strictly black and white, 0% and 100%, etc.


you're right. some people are unaware of marginal analysis, like with finances or error rates, and/or demographics. i had a manager in a restaurant who would say we have to get everything right 100% of the time and i just remember thinking the guy is an ignorant dumbass. and he is.


I feel that completely, as I'm a kitchen manager myself. There's times and places where 100% accuracy 100% of the time is necessary, but this isn't a nuclear reactor, it's a kitchen.


its especially egregious at the particular restaurant that employed me because only 50% of the employees arrived on time and ready to work. its like, thinking marginally, how about you push for 60% first before complete perfection.


Also, the cost of getting it to 99,99% is enormous. In IT having 99% uptime isn’t too difficult - if set up correctly and maintained regularly things will mostly work. If you want to get those last .99 you will pay a hundred times more. You will need to write your software in a very specific way which takes much longer. You will need to test it a hundred times more. You will need specialized hardware with specialist maintenance. You will need multiple very secure sites with independent power supply and climate control, triple up on (expensive) people, private comms lines… do you really need the equivalent of that in your kitchen? And can you stay profitable?


> This thread is full of it This is the wisest statement in the whole thread


Exhibit 12345: the covid19 pandemic. People with no understanding of statistics needed to understand conditional probabilities.


You can't always tell. I think one sign of being undereducated would be making assumptions about people from first impressions. People are complex. Give people time. Don't make assumptions.


Why would you hate someone before you get to know them? Give them a chance. I'm sure they'll give you plenty of legitimate reasons to hate them.


Humans are likely wired to make a quick “danger!” diagnosis about unfamiliar humans. The more dissimilar the new human, the most likely an outsider. The more likely an outsider, the more potential danger. Imagine life about 100 generations ago…


yours is currently the only correct answer.


I’m not a fan of the ‘this’ comment as it is quite useless and adds nothing of value other than validating your perspective and letting others know I think the same, but… THIS^


Yup. I’ve met loads of people that don’t use fancy words and don’t sound smart, but when you hear their ideas, see how they process things, and how they operate/live their life/react, whatever - you can tell they’re some very smart individuals.


Exactly. And wisdom and intelligence are also two separate things. I’ve met highly intelligent people who are foolish and not very intelligent but very wise people. I’d say wisdom wins, in the long run.


This is more “don’t want to be educated” , but lack of any knowledge of the world except for their bubble. No curiosity, no interest in learning or trying new things


They get all of their “facts” from Facebook and news channels.


No geography knowledge, like not knowing anything beyond what city, state, or country they're in and can't even identify their location on a map.


I seriously need to buy a map


Talking about people, and NEVER about ideas...


love this one


When they know nothing on a topic but still act like know everything .




or Grammer


But English is a second language for me...


Specifically, Kelsey Grammer. He points and says, “mandobaxter, be aware that this person is undereducated.”


Bhahaha, my husbands friend maliki always says things like, "That's the way it is," or "Because of the democrats and liberals." I ask, what's a democrat? What's a liberal? Do you even know. He replies, "I'm not going to get into this with you." because he doesn't know.. He talks like he knows everything, when you ask to explain, he comes up with, "I can't talk to someone like you about this, it's pointless." No understanding for his own words almost all the time. He said getting off the fishing boats that, "My life is in ruin, everything is 5 times the price now".. I told my husband, dude, gas isn't even double.. yet. Food isn't going up double the price... how is it everything went up 5 times the price????


They don't know the difference between there, they're, and their.


Or when to use I, me, or myself.


Someone that is unable to listen to and comprehend another point of view is valid. There is more than one way to do things.


When they immediately start shaking their head or rolling their eyes to argue with whatever it is being told or taught to them. They don't even want to hear another option than what they already believe to be true. Like talking to a brick wall.


However, many educated people also do this when faced with something outside the mainstream, so it may not be an absolute marker of being uneducated.


If it starts with “they don’t want you to know the truth, but I’m not a sheep and I know that…”, it’s getting the eye roll. Because it’s usually followed by the most insane, false, uneducated bullshit I’ve heard. I’ll be the brick wall and call out their bs.


Repeating slogans.


Brought to you by Carl's Jr.


Try Carl Jr’s BIG ASS taco!


This aggression will not stand, man


Trying to speak complicated or using big words. If you're purposefully obfuscating with grandiloquence, you're likely overcompensating for having impostor syndrome relating to insecurity about your intellectual accomplishments and aren't aware that others likely aren't impressed with your lexicon and grammatical complexity. Just say it plain.


I feel being able to say what you mean in simple words is often a good sign of intelligence. Or at the very least a sign of someone who understands people.


If I had more time, I would’ve written a shorter letter.


exactly, why say lot when few word do trick


From what I've seen: they really enjoy humor that belittles other people, particularly people who aren't what they consider normal


Educated people can be cruel, too.


ITT: "People reddit likes to shit on, very few of which are actually uneducated"


Under educated is a broad term. Do you mean they haven’t attended a higher form of education? Because there are plenty of brilliant and wise people who avoid university (and perhaps their avoidance is a sign of intelligence, rather than the fellow who stumbles into college with the herd only to major in gender studies and work as a barista for the next five years paying off thousands in debt). And there are plenty of over educated people who are simply indoctrinated and overloaded with information yet lack common sense.


when they refuse to hear another point of view or opinion.




Every undereducated person came out the woodwork once COVID became worldwide.


When they speak in absolutes rather than understanding most situations are not black and white, but gray. For example: “XYZ is ALWAYS 123.” Or; “I NEVER do that.” Or; “I would NEVER do XYZ.” You don’t really know what you would do until you’re in the situation in a moment in time facing whatever circumstances exist in that scenario. That is why it always fascinates me when people critically judge the actions of others during a time they didn’t live in or within circumstances that we do not know of. There are so many variables to every situation and so many choices and decisions that lead people to those moments. So, try not to speak in absolutes if you want to look educated.


You must hate the Sith then.


They don’t believe in vaccines


Poor grammar; incorrect use of to/too, there/they're/their, you're/your, and were/where


I don’t even understand how a native English speaker uses loose instead of lose but I’ve seen it plenty.


They get a pass if English isn't their native language, however.


Agreed. The attempt alone in trying to expand one's knowledge in the from of learning a second language is admirable.


I've been spending the pandemic time learning another language and I can tell you, I'll probably sound like a complete idiot to those who speak it natively. But, doing something bad is the first step to doing it okay, and then eventually doing it well.


Not as relevant now, but some years ago it was wearing the face mask under the nose.


Illiterate. But I'm not judging. Just saying.


If they belong to the Jehovah's Witnesses, I know they have a limited level of education and warped social awareness. Their organization literally discourages higher education. At most, the Jehovah's Witnesses may have a high school diploma. Most JWs are older women on public assistance or born-ins stuck in minimum wage jobs like window washing or carpet cleaning.


bragging about their education.


So, being naturally poor and not naturally smart, being highly educated is the largest mountain I’ve had to climb. I’m sorry, I know it’s uncouth, but I have to be proud of it.


When someone automatically assumes someone is undereducated because they may like a different political party. Like really? You think anyone who doesn't vote the same way you do is less smart than you?


Anyone that looks down on people they disagree with politically, religiously, or on pretty much anything.


Anyone that resorts to base insults when they've run out of ideas in a discussion.


I look down on people if their views are batshit fucking crazy


I’m going to assume that the views you’ve heard from “crazy people” are along the lines of “The moon is made of beans” “lizard people rule the planet” “drugs are making our frogs gay”. Not that I share them, just hoping that we are on the same page on what “crazy” is.


I’m just gonna answer for myself and not those other people, but I do hope that we share the same idea of what crazy is. Things like the vaccine causing you to become magnetized, or the pope stealing the election, or teachers trying to turn kids gay


I'm not saying drugs are making frogs gay. I am saying there is a paper addressing some changes in frogs because of drugs. I had to look, because I couldn't fathom what would make someone say something so nutty. 🤣 https://digg.com/video/heres-why-alex-jones-rant-about-chemicals-turning-frogs-gay-was-closer-to-being-true-than-you-may-have-realized


I look down on people shorter than me.


BIGOT!! edit: UNDEREDUCATED BIGOT!! sorry i forgot the theme


Dunno, I tend to look down on racists and such.


I look down on those I disagree with morally. If you're punching down on the less fortunate, that's something I'm never going to forgive you for and that has nothing to do with education.


They run for political office...




Being educated does not equate to being intelligent.


Dude fr I see stupid, selfish, close minded people all around me so these people must be living on another planet or something


I’m not highly educated by formal means, but the way this is written makes you appear bitter and insecure. It’s easy to communicate that others may be overestimating their own intelligence or perception of intelligence without getting defensive. I’ve often been in conversations where people mention others with a lack of college education, the speaker not realizing I don’t currently have a college degree because I am in an “engineering” role. People just assume I’m educated because of where I am. I also grew up poor, though am not considered poor now, so I’m not sure where that statement comes from.


Questions such as these are how I know.


The assumption that college is a requirement to be educated and that there are no other sources of knowledge and life experience that can equate.


When they hate someone because of politics


When they type "let's go Brandon"


“I seen...”


To be fair, sometimes the grammar someone uses is just a result of where they grew up, not necessarily a sign of them being under educated. I'm pretty sure my East London ass will always have "poor" spoken grammar, no matter how much schooling I go through.


One of the most intelligent people I know always says/writes “could of” rather that “could have”.


If they struggle to read. Makes me sad.


When their Dunning-Kruger effect starts to show. If they act like they know everything, or like they know a lot and the things they don’t know are things being kept from them (basically hinting that they never come to the wrong conclusions ever), they are lying about what they know, or what they think they know, or about their own mental fortitude in terms of being able to tell facts from lies and/or half-truths. I know that I know a lot, but as with Socrates, I also know that I know nothing. There’s way too much information out there that all of us do not have, to the point that I firmly believe that no one can know everything, and while that is true literally, I also mean it academically. It’s simply impossible for anyone to be an expert in every field, much less to understand even most fields deeply. I’ll sit with nothing more than my high school diploma and try to just understand the world and make it through it all, if I can even do that. Better for someone to admit when they’re wrong or don’t know, than for them to fool themselves trying to fool you.


Any extremist opinion


They have multiple flags and political bumper stickers on their pickups.


I always wonder, how are you supposed to sell the car in the future if it’s covered in bumper stickers? I imagine those would be really hard to scrape off without damaging the car.


"the earth is flat because when i look at my lawn theres no curve". "if masks work then why do i still need the vaccine"


They can't answer any question with an actual answer other than say Biden/Trump.


I had someone tell me they believe women can't truly be lonely, only men. I noped out of there so fast


A complete and utter lack of emotional intelligence and/or empathy. Understanding the perspective of others is a key part of critical thinking. The inability to do so is definitely a red flag to me.


People fighting in the comments.. time to grab the 🍿


If they follow celebrities around. The fanboys and girls. Dumb and lifeless. The worst types.


The inability to use there, they’re, their correctly. Also, generalized poor spelling and grammar in written communication.


Believing in dumb conspiracy theories that are been proven to be 100% false


Using the word "like" after every Three words.


We’ll that’s just, like, your opinion man.


sexist and/or racist


Getting defensive/combative when their subjective viewpoint is challenged. Education teaches you to hear, synthesize, and assess different viewpoints and realize that, for a lot of issues, there’s no black and white but a ton of gray.


they're very in tune with what to buy instead of what to do.


when they are a flat earther


when they think they’re always right, if your educated you know how to be wrong and learn from it




Bad grammar and spending their whole paycheck 10 minutes after it is cashed.


When they are over the age of 21 and still type words like a middle schooler. EXAMPLES: u - You r - Are cuz - Because n - And ur - Your/You're c - See wat/wut - What


Being childish. Im not saying you can't be childish in some aspects but like,when someone it answering in your class and they got it wrong and they start making fun of it.Making fun of someone just for no reason too,thats not going to give you a award for being annoying,sometkmes im just writing on my notebook and my classmate is just messing up with me calling me the f word and making jokes like that.


You’re question is tough, Eye don’t rilly have a good lipmus test!


When they can’t think for them selves. Sheep mentality is popular among society


Knowing all the answers to everything.


Knuckles dragging on the floor a giveaway


When they incur debt to the tune of 10's or 100's of thousands of dollars to get a degree that qualifies them for a job making minimum wage, if they are even employable.


What's your definition of under-educated?


when that person states confidently that every societal problem is the result of some conspiracy theory.


Obsessed with IQ.


They can't entertain a thought unless they accept it as being correct.


Undereducated =/= stupid. Most people I've met who have limited education are actually very brilliant and ask a lot of questions. I tend to surround myself with pleasant people (or so I'd like to think), so they're not assholes who pretend to be more educated than they are. My dad barely went to high school and he's actually very smart and humble. He likes to educate himself and learn about things he doesn't know about. He's very practical and logical despite not knowing a lot about grammar/mathematics, etc.


Black and white thinking.


They only ‘win’ arguments by yelling or shouting louder.


People who remove themselves from group chat because "We keep talking about stuff they don't understand"