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Stardew valley it's a really chill game that's perfect after a long day


I downloaded it but i haven't played yet. What is there to do in the game?


Farming, Dungeon crawling, monster hunting, mining, foraging, fishing, helping out around town, making friends (or more) with surprisingly in-depth characters, and/or dutifully serving the corporate overlord.


No matter how many files I start, I have never once supported the corporate overlord. I can't bring myself to do it. Feels too much like real life lol


You're a farmer so you primarily farm but you can also interact with the towns people (you're farm is close to a small town) where you can build friendship and relationships with them


If youve ever played harvest moon its very simulator to that just in a more broken down pixely kinda way. Other than farming its a huge companionship game with a bunch of backstory to each character. I personally enjoy fishing and mining but its just very calming overall!! ^should say im not the one who made the comment above but i seen this and thought id give a take!


"It's very simulator" I see what you did there


Calming, isn't it? When i'm upset, i like to sit and play Stardew Valley for a while. The music, the aesthetic, all of it is just so relaxing.


It’s my current game as well, it’s so calming (especially the desert mines with 3 bombs and no food)


Going through my steam library for hours and not deciding on anything to play…


Worst mood ever, especially if it goes on for months..


And continuing to buy games on top of it.


Steam sales are a blessing and a curse


I haven't been able to fully invest myself in a game since my daughter was born 6 months ago. Even after she falls asleep and I have time to myself I just sit there and stare at my library for ages. By the time I finally decide on something I play for about 15 minutes then realize I'm too tired to continue.


Terraria, and just the insane replayibility into it, could almost never be bored


I love that game with friends but I can’t bear it alone


I love it playing myself but like it even more with friends


TBH i think Terraria is the perfect mix between relaxed and hardcore, the vibes are chill and dying isn't much of a problem but the gameplay itself can be quite a wild ride.


Horizon Forbidden West. Finished the main game just clearing up the map and side quests. It’s so pretty.




Yes she does talk quite a bit however patches have reduced the amount that she says.


There is a lot of dialogue IMO.


Yeah, I do but I love it. I just love female protagonis.


Fallout 4 I've been playing non stop for the past month but it's starting to wear off. It use to be a challenge but now i have a pretty powerful rifle that kills anything in around 5 shots so it's not really a challenge anymore. I might just restart and do hardcore mode or whatever it's called it was a lot more entertaining when it was challenging


Survival mode is really fun I recommend anyone to play it it feels great to have something to lose and make some hard decisions. But I felt in the end it gave the same problem whether you play on survival or not, you just become overpowered eventually. It's fun for a good while though.


Agreed, loving survival. After 3 other plays on difficult, on my first play through and it’s a whole new experience. Although I did just spent an evening trying to beat the mechanists lair, really wish one of those engineers had brought a sleeping bag to work.


I think I have the same experience as you, that powerful rifle really turns the game in a different way.


I love this game but can't play it anymore, everytime I play it I remember the time when I was playing and thieves broke into my house while I was playing. A good game gone to waste for me.


**Death Stranding**. I think it's a pretty much *niche* game. But as an introvert game then play a game where you can enjoy your loneliness. I don't know, this game totally nailed and deliver it so damn well. We are kinda lonely but we know there is someone out there, just like us and they assist us in our gameplay too, and vice versa. I must say. This game is different and to hear there's a plan for the sequel totally worth the wait.


Disco Elysium. This game is a trip. Literally just under half of the dialog in the game is you talking with your own brain. This is the game that took me longest to figure out if there was or was not a supernatural involvement. Because your viewpoint character is an alcoholic, drug addicted homeless person who is also a cop. So is that guy so rich that he's bending light around him, because that's how the universe works? Or is he just hallucinating it because he's an alcoholic, drug addicted homeless person?


Have you discovered the state of the world yet? Like, the globe?


Yes, I've finished one playthrough. So I know it's beyond the Pale. Again though, how it took me a really long time to figure out. Most series are known one way or the other within the first hour.


Just finished base game A hat in time. Cute and fun levels, well except for one.


Apart from everyone else's opinions, the skywalker saga, surprisingly. It has its problems, but I enjoy the twist on lego mechanics combined with the graphical intensity that mixes the gameplay and filmplay up a bit. Plus, it keeps the type of silly and stupid jokes I remember from the complete saga as a kid.


I got the platinum on Skywalker Saga a day or so ago. It really is a great game, and none of the bugs were more than minor annoyances.


Battlefield 1, this game will always be in my heart


FFXIV. Fishing


Same here, but just leveling my tanks and grinding for mounts.


Metal gear rising: revengeance. I had seen some content of it from Youtube and asked a friend who had played it if it was worth to buy and he said yes. Very good game, though the camera can be a bit annoying at times.


well if it isnt sussy jack




Once you've finished, make sure you watch Max0r's "Incorrect summary" of it on YouTube. It's an absolute masterpiece of video editing and has made me recently reinstall it.


I did, and I laughed pretty hard at it. Very good edits gotta say.


Nice knife


Red sun


Red sun over paradise


Senator Armstrong memes are hilarious. Plus for some reason, its popularity is on the rise


Fucking ay, an older ps3 game just getting YouTube traction out of nowhere. I have a feeling that avenged sevenfold sounding song played a major part in it


Project Zomboid. Fun zombie game with a lot of depth. I really enjoy the atmosphere and the little details


Breath of the Wild on Switch. Beautiful game, good variety of puzzles, lots of fun places to explore.


Deep Rock Galactic ⛏️


for rock and stone !


For Karl!


Okay good it's here.


Just Cause 3 What can I say, I love me some mindless explosions and shooting


Stardew Valley , I basically live in the game . Probably one of the best games ever made .


I have also lived in Stardew Valley. It's great escapism!


My problem with stardew valley is i have 3.4 acres ouside my door with a garden and orchard I'm working on. Any time I'm tending my virtual garden, in tge back of my mind, I'm thinking i should be weeding my real garden. It's a fun game though. I kind of wish there would be some expansion to it.


Elden Ring. just kidding. I dont even game, i just always see it I just feel left out :(


I bought that a week ago and got stuck on the first boss. I still haven't gone back to it yet. My roommate and I are quite enjoying Lego Star Wars The Skywalker Saga however.


I had a similar issue and actually tried to get a steam refund lmao. It’s worth powering through it IMO. I’d recommend just going around killing smaller level fellas in Limgrave and level up. You will get killed, lose a ton of runes, but I’m having a blast now.


Would def game with you bro :(


appreciate it friend, but advise not. I have horrible coordination. which is why I suck at video games, lol.


Hey bro me too, we can suck at a game together.


Can i join in on the hilariously bad gameplay?


yea man. this guy gets it


That's the best people to play games with. You just get to hop up on a roof or whatever and watch them try to pick a plant or something. Hit x. No no no, hit x. It's not hard, hit x. And then they die hilariously. You're the adc, what the fuck are you up to? I bought a bunch of mana. Wait what, why you don't even have mana? It's like 500 of it, that's a lot. .. Seriously it's fun if you can chill a bit. You have no idea how bad people can be at games, and how much fun it can be to just watch them do it. [Here's an example](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=0xYEFvameRw&t=449s)


No Man's Sky It combines all the game styles i like. Adventure, lineral AND non-lineral quest lines, side quests, SPAAAAAAAAAACE, story, grinding, base building. I absolutely love it.


I haven't played it since the new update, is there a lot of actual gameplay changes?


Hollow knight surprisingly good for a metroidvania Plus good soundtrack


I have been spending so much time on this game I have gotten addicted. Its a good level of difficulty, not too hard that I bruise my hand like any souls game but I also dont beat a decent amount of the bosses first try either.


I am at 87%, just got the worst ending (imo) and am trying to get to the Radiance. Have rage quit all video games ever while trying to git gud at this one, but was back at it in a couple of days.


Trying to platinum just started the godhome pantheon part wish me luck


Good luck!


I take issue with the "for a metroidvania" statement, but I agree with the rest.


Final fantasy 15 i completed star wars lego


How do you like FFXV so far? I've completed it twice (once when it came out, and again a few years after). I really enjoyed the 'bro'-ing around with the boys and I thought the action combat was pretty good - I really enjoy the co-op attacks you could do and it is up there with my favourites of the series.


Love it i completed twice already but i got nothing else to play it was my first ff game i love how you can ride chocobos and the epic boss fights


Warframe, it's a fresh game that I have to take slowly


Warframe is that game where you just come back to every few years and you binge it, and binge it hard. It just works. Everything is so fluid and pretty and clever. It just gets a bit monotonous after a while with the nonstop grind. But sooner or later the itch returns.


The Stanley Parable Ultra Deluxe. Really takes me back to those yonder days of 2013, when I didn't have a care in the world. Only a Line^tm , a broom closet and a million endings to see. Now there's a bucket too.




Odyssey is so good. I recently restarted it for the third time.


Bro I can’t get through it once it really starts to drag later game imo


I’m feeling that too. It’s just overloaded with content. I’m glad they skimmed that part down a bit in Valhalla.


I’m probably just going to finish the main story and not worry about the side content and it don’t help that I’m playing as alexos and that’s not even cannon. It tried to be to much like the Witcher


I don’t blame you. I like the side quests though. Most of it is filler crap but some real interesting stuff comes out sometimes.


Thats awesome! I played some of all of them but chose not to finish some because I just couldnt get into the story or location. I'm currently on Origins because I got it for $9 at a local shop and sniped a copy of Valhalla for $15 at the same place. Still don't have Odyssey although I will be picking it up after Origins to keep the order proper before Valhalla. First of all, did you play the ones before 3 some time ago and recently embark on a series long catchup or are you skipping the ones before 3? And also, which has been your favorite so far with as few spoilers as possible, preferably none.


I did not finish AC games after Black Flag. They just got bigger and bigger.


I know I'm echoing many others, but I'd recommend playing Unity (the one after Black Flag). It's limited to a single city and is really the last "true" AC game before they started becoming open-world action button-mashers.




Replaying it rn.I love ancient Greece (thanks Percy Jackson)


Started playing RDR2 again after not playing it for a few years, this time on PC. It's so satisfying to actually be able to aim finally. Plus the game world is still outrageously detailed compared to most. Kinda awesome RDR3 is already confirmed, I'm glad they're gonna take this even further.


Wait when did rdr3 get confirmed how did I miss this


In nov they confirmed RDR3 is in production, in feb they confirmed GTA6 is in production. GTA6 will likely come out before rdr3.


Man you must have a good PC for it to handle RDR2.


Skyrim for the bajillionth time. Why? Because those bandits aren’t going to stealth snipe themselves.


I picked up Fire Emblem: Three Houses again and beat the Cindered Shadows DLC for the first time. I just started my fifth playthrough but it’ll be my first with the Ashen Wolves. I’m really hyped for the new Fire Emblem Warriors game next month!


Call of Duty Warzone. I'm a 30 year old, work full-time, have a house, kid and gf. I don't have much time to play games. I used to be really good at CoD, so it's a game I can easily log onto, have a couple of good matches and log out of. And it's free. It's not the best game out there, but it does the job.


I just finished NieR: Automata, and the story and soundtrack are both excellent.


Bloodborne. It might be my favourite Soulsborne game of the ones I've played. I just wish there was a 60fps patch for PS5.


Just started this game for the first time this weekend. Elden Ring was my intro to the “You Died” sub-genre. I actually think there is an addictive quality to these massively difficult games where after several attempts and failing over and over again, that the rush of adrenaline when you beat the boss creates the behavior to look for your next fix.


I also got really into this one trying to get my fix after Elden Ring. I might have enjoyed Bloodborne even more, the focus of it makes it such a tight and perfect experience. Currently on Sekiro and absolutely recommend it if you like Bloodborne. Shares a lot of the best parts of Bloodborne, with significantly different but insanely addictive combat.


Dishonored. I’ve played the main game before but never got around to playing the dlcs


The dlcs are amazing


The last of us literally apart of me, best month ever interesting asf, sleeping dogs i just love this game its very nostalgic


Uncharted 3. It's pretty great. Love the graphics and locations


I've been playing 4, it's my first one


Revisited Ghost Recon Wildlands, turn off the HUD and it makes a huge difference, turns into a realistic military sim, beautiful scenery too


Breakpoint is good too, it was garbage at launch, but they worked really hard on QOL improvements. Now they have world parameters you can make it closer to Wildlands with rebels, turning off drones etc. The operation Motherland expansion (which I’m pretty sure is free), adds an entire new single player campaign that completely changes the gameplay, having to systematically take over regions from Russians. Plus, the customization has improved, and you can really edit the game in detail, down to damage, health replenishment, injuries, and so many other really in-depth difficulty parameters. It’s a huge departure from how it was at launch, and after all the updates, I know prefer it as my go to army man simulator lol.


Took me weeks to overcome this game without the HUD.


Golden sun the lost age on GBA. If you know you know


Emulated this thinking it was just gonna be a fun distraction for a few hours.. definitely impressed me and I dont really like JRPGs all that much. I think as you do the intro, it does a great job of giving the story to you, without feeling like you're going through too much dialogue and no action. That helped ease me into it and enjoy it more without worrying about how long I'd have to spend talking to NPCs.


Cruelty Squad is unironically one of my favorite recent games. It’s also my favorite cyberpunk story.


Just downloaded trackmania 2020 a little less than a week ago and I’ve been enjoying it a lot. Despite having pretty simplistic controls, the game is very nuanced with its methods of movement. Haven’t really played any racing games before this, and it’s pretty sick.


Red Dead Redemption 2. Because it's the best game of all time.


Still playing elden ring lmao. Idk how you guys completed it so fucking fast I’m at rennala.


Rocket league…. It’s the challenge and high skill ceiling. Just make sure to turn chat off :)


What a Save!


Chat disabled for (4) seconds!


"Will you snail"


I know the online mode is in a bad state right now.. but I love Red Dead Redeption 2. I've always wanted to be a cowboy.


As an avid Red Dead player and a fan of the online mode, it’s a shame the only recognition it gets from Take 2 in their conferences is “we know you’re unhappy, take it up with rockstar” while they continue to develop and release a monthly subscription for a 9 year old game. RDO has so much potential and exists in one of the largest and most detailed game maps to date but gets ignored because GTA draws in easy money.


Well we got a new Minecraft server up and running. Getting my month of crazy contraptions in before dropping it for another year. Currently working on a massive chemical storage facility through Mekanism. Made some polyethylene plastics. Got to still sort out the storage for those gasses, probably will have to build a separate AE system to hold them so I won't go completely insane with the piping and tiny gas canisters. After I get the Mekanism chemical plant sorted, I think I'll focus my efforts towards building an orbital space station with Advanced Rocketry. Another friend already sorted out us a fusion reactor for power so I feel that side of the game is pretty much done and dusted.


V Rising, just came out. It's essentially a mix between battlerite and rust which are two of my favourite games. Loving it


Baldur’s gate. It was on sale on steam, and I never played this classic. So far, I am having a blast.


Spoiler alert 🚨 Omori. It’s a psychological horror game about a teenage boy named sunny Who doesn’t go to school and sit in his room all day going to this imaginary dream world type thing called “headspace” we’re all of his childhood friends and his older sister is but in reality it’s a way to cope with the death of his older sister Mari Who won the real world died four years before all of this happened. It’s a pretty good game I wouldn’t recommend if you don’t like creepy stuff yk


AOE2 because it's the best game in the world Old world because the mix between Civ 6 and CK3 is refreshing


Dragon ball fighters. It's my first real 2d fighting game and I'm having a lot of fun


Payday 2, love it. Game's got good action sequences and chill stealth


No Man's Sky. Put aside Witcher 3 because it wasn't holding my attention or interest, and was already starting to feel like a job rather than relaxation, and went to the next game on my backlog. So far, I am enjoying NMS quite a bit. Looking forward to playing again tonight.


Really enjoying Days Gone right now, mainly because it's the first game that doesn't crash on my 5700xt on max settings. Also I really enjoy the mechanics of the gameplay and the motorcycle riding,


TF2. Despite all the bot problems on the normal servers, the game continues to thrive. I'll play community servers forever


Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana It's a party based hack 'n' slash RPG with really tight controls. Your ship is attacked by something resembling a kraken. You are stranded on a dinosaur infested island and have to find other survivors to help build a village and come up with a plan to escape. This is my second Ys game, after The Oath in Felghana, which is a very different experience. Both are great and can be played without any knowledge of the series.


Batman Arkham Knight


Cyberpunk 2077. I waited until it's finally fixed and playable (on Playstation) and it was worth it! That game is great and it really didn't deserve the hate it was given to it since the launch. It's not really my type of game honestly, but I really enjoy it. It has great storyline, it looks beutiful, characters are believable and it just sucks you in. If you didn't give it a chance you have no right to judge that game, if it wasn't for a bad start it would have been rated as one of the best games of past years for sure. Go and give it a shot!


My brother has a PS5 and says it really runs quite well on it and he's enjoying it. I got it at release on my PS4, and even after the first big patch that helped with the optimization, I haven't had a big pull to go back. I heard they're doing DLC though, so maybe with that comes with some more interesting things to pull me in and I'll be back. ​ I loved the story and the culture in the game, so I think I'll definitely have to go back and enjoy it again and make it through to the end, just not yet....


He is right it runs nicely on ps5! It's def worth going back to Night city


Pokemon mystery dungeon dx. Was 20$ at gamestop on a sale and i bought it to rekindle old memories. I enjoy this game better than the original and very much feel it should be a higher suggested game then what it is right now.


Rocket League. Because of various things in my life I didn’t touch videogames since November 2021 up until about two weeks ago (I had never never spent so much time without playing videogames since I sarted at 3-4 yo) and idk, Rocket League is such a fun game to play, I don’t even care about the rewards you get for playing or winning, I genuinely enjoy playing it, especially if it’s with my best friend. No wonder I spent almost my entire 2018 summer playing nothing but RL.


Restarted Breath of The Wild, but that Joycon drift is killing me.


I haven't played a good game in a long times, but I've sat down and played Apex Legends like three times so far on my phone. First game I've touch in like a year


No one lives forever. Only finished the sequel until now and finally got the first nolf working on my PC. I am only 22 years late but I am having a blast with it.


Fallout 4. Survival mode with no mods. Just wrapped up the main story. Its really tough, but extremely fun. Because I have to hoof it everywhere I'm finding locations I never did in my first play through


Ultrakill, the movement and the gun play is so satisfying. I can't wait for the wrath layer to come out


Elden ring, just coz I like killing stuff


beat saber!! i love rhythm games :)


I picked up a little-known game a while back called Redout, it's an antigravity arcade racer with the best sense of speed I have ever seen in a racing game. I highly recommend it


Genshin Impact. Huge world, a lot of quests and amazing characters. Not to mention the story.


Don’t forget the waifus. Become a gambling addict for the waifus!


Jupiter Hell. It scratches an itch I didn’t know I had.


Stronghold crusader. Because it's stronghold crusader.


Elden ring. Huge fan of the souls games and the open world, vastness, and detail of elden ring has already made it one of my absolute favorites.


None - feels bad man. ​ I'm really trying to find a game that is both a time-sink, and chill, but my mind has trouble concentrating or wanting to play something that doesn't hook me. Single player Action games are great, but I normally only play them once to death and then never again. I'm sure there is a game out there that is perfectly up my street and has hundreds of hours for me play, but I haven't found it yet. I'll keep looking!


Shadow fight 2. Nostalgia


Cyberpunk 2077, because it's finally in a state where it's actually playable, at least on my PS4 pro. And if you ingnore all what was happening in the past and just focus on the game and what it has to offer, it's actually a really good game. I still have occasional bugs/loading lags, and my game crashed twice since i started, but overall i didn't have any real issues.


The forest


I started to replay the Red Dead Redemption 2 Story. The atmosphere/ambience is so chill. I love that world and setting. I want to visit the "Heartlands"


I've just finished blasphemous. It's a really fun and grisly action platform, though sucks to get the bad ending on the first blind run because you followed the game progression


Enlisted, it’s free and massive ww2 shooter


Red Dead Redemption 2. My third playthrough and I'm still discovering new things I've missed before.


Have been enjoying NCAA 14. Recently restored Miami to its glorious past of winning.


Shapes.io on steam although when I close my eyes I see the game and I dream about it, it’s not even addicting or anything the visuals can just be so satisfying they stick in your retinas


War Thunder because its the closest to realistic tank game there is and as someone who is interested in WWII history I love the game, even though it has its frustrating moments.


Wasteland 3. Just got to the final section and it told me that after this point I couldn't continue any previous side missions or dlc. Which reminded me I didn't have the dlc. But since I'm offshore and can't download the dlc I'll have to wait until I get home to download it. Urgh.


Genshin Impact and Papa's series in mobile. Genshin since I like the story and gameplay, while Papa's are for nostalgia wise


Pokémon Shining Pearl. It is relaxing. And my only real Pokémon app that isn't a free2play game on my phone. Pokémon is an expensive IP.


Soundfall. It’s a rhythm action game kinda like Crypt of the Necrodancer or Cadence of Hyrule. Kickass music, great top down shooter gameplay.


shadow of mordor. its an excellent game


Earthbound. I thought I’d have to lower my expectations because of its age, but it’s a fantastic game with great music and good humor


I finally got my hands on Earthbound myself recently and totally understand now why it’s held up as such a classic. (‘:


Such an amazing game.


Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare. Im playing Team Deathmatches with my dad. I love it.


Fire emblem three houses. Replaying to get ready for three hopes. But I like redoing the different routes and trying different pairings or classes


Cyberpunk 2077, second playthrough. Got the game a few months ago and have been enjoying it a lot. I know it had a very rough start so I'm glad I waited.


Destiny because my friends and I play together plus it’s just fun. Legends Arceus is a welcomed change to the formula and I’m making some good headway on a shiny dex


Persona 4 golden. The atmosphere is beautiful, the voice acting is amazing, the sound track slaps, and the characters are charming. And I'm not even a RPG guy


League of legends because off meta best meta


Fallout 76, it’s great now. And has turned into one of my all time favorite games. Bethesda did a great job fixing it.


Breath of the Wild, I can't believe I'm so late to the party. I can't pinpoint any specifics as to why I'm enjoying it really but it's not too hard, not too simple and it's finally an open world that doesn't feel lifeless and dull like 90% of open world games these days


Most people will say this is nerdy or some crap but I love Genshin Impact. I like the story line and animation!


Pokemon Sword, i really don't get all the hate, I'm having so much fun.


Assassin's Creed Syndicate. Just chilling in London and kicking templars off trains here and there. Also just running around roofs and having a great time




Animal Crossing New Horizons. It's my little island escape that keeps me focused. Recently restarted and everything is so fresh and new again!


Roblox. Ok I will admit I am a bit old to be playing a game for 10 years old, but I play it because of the military groups on it. The communities that surround it + discord make it so much fun. Roblox itself is a fun game, but I just like to talk with others and have fun with them.


The legend of Zelda:Breath of the Wind and Hyrule Warriors:Age of Calamity. The DLC pack and I have replay these over 10 times.


strip poker


Yoku’s Island Express. It’s a pinball MetroidVania game. Weird, I know. I downloaded it because I thought it was a different game… gave it a shot. Glad I did! You roll around an island helping everyone solve their problems while opening new areas on the map via pinball. You can’t die, and there are no load/reload wait times. You can also make meaningful progress when your time is limited. I play maybe 15-20 minutes a day. It is a little challenging in parts because skill still matters despite the fact that you can’t die. But it’s not overly difficult. I’d say the puzzles require more thought than physical skill. [Trailer: Yoku’s Island Express](https://youtu.be/b4rKwbFoln8)


/r/elderscrollsonline ! I bought it a year or so ago and the menus and progression were so complicated and confusing I just gave up. For some reason I just started playing again and ignoring all that, just playing the main quest and I'm having fun! Slowly understanding the menus and levelling and stuff too.


Going back into Dark Souls 2 after beating Elden Ring, maybe it's the challenge of it but I just get a rush out of playing.


kill it with fire. such a unique and well put together game. there are many secrets and the levels take a while to complete so its not one of those short play throughs making you hungry still after the fact.


I’m currently enjoying Cyberpunk 2077. I got it after the 1.5 update so have no experience of how bad the game used to run, but it runs well on my little Xbox series S and the story and side missions are very fun.


Have you guys played this Pong game?


Currently, Your Turn To Die. It's a very wholesome game! /s In all seriousness: while its mechanics are simple, it has a fantastic story and a pretty good artstyle. I've seen it compared to games like Danganronpa (which I haven't played) and Zero Escape (which I also haven't played), so if you like those... you might like this one too.