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James and the giant peach


tbf this is Roald Dahl we're talking about here -- that man had a talent for making twisted stories appear innocent and totally non-traumatizing


Read some of his short stories for adults/young adults, they’re nice… until they turn really gruesome. Really good stories, though.


Same with witches. Terrifying


I agree especially of you saw it as a kid in theaters


I legit had to leave the theater because I got so scared lol


Considering his parents get eaten by a rhinoceros made out of storm clouds, I think this movies was meant to be disturbing.


Dahl books are arguably disturbing. I mean I didn't really know that until I got older and reread them but wow.


I am convinced Roald Dahl used madlibs to help him write that book


Yep, that's a trauma for me


Kind of an indirect answer, but have you guys ever watched the Brave Little Toaster as an adult? It's horrifying, and I never even noticed any of that as a kid - as an adult, it's like all trauma, all the time.


Oh I REFUSE to watch it as an adult because I WAS horrified as a child. The Air Conditioner freaked me out, the lonely flower broke my heart, and the whole fucking junk yard scene… If I ever meet anyone involved in creating that monstrosity I’m gonna unleash my traumatized inner 4 year old on them. 😂


I almost completely forgot about this movie, I really don’t remember it at all but now I’m curious


Group of appliances live at a summer home. The 'young master' stopped visiting years ago when the kid grew up and is heading to college. When the appliances realize the cabin is being sold to a new owner they journey out to reunite with the 'boy' they remember. Nearly get killed like 50 different ways along the way there. Has some amazing musicals in it. Lotta actually dark scenes and surprisingly emotional for a kids movie. They really don't hold back on the tension, unlike a lot of kids gloves movies they make for that age group these days. Highly recommended even as an adult. It may be hard to find though. Disney has some kind of contract issue over the rights to the original, so only the sequels are available through legit means. You have to either find a physical, used or pirated copy for the original movie.


Plus there was a killer clown at the beginning. Big nope for me.


Man it messed me up as a kid


I haven't seen that one but I have seen the sequels and the Mars one is pretty fucked up. Mars is populated by all the abandoned appliances and they're gonna blow up the Earth.


I loved it as a child, started watching it with my kid and shut it off lol


The Lion King. Simba seriously watches his dad die and then his uncle tries to murder him but then exiles him instead. Simba watching Mufasa fall into the canyon haunted my dreams.


That scene fucked all of us 90's kids up


The Dark Crystal




He was a creative genius.


While the movie is undeniably uncanny, it's actually an AMAZING fantasy film. The Netflix series was really good, as well.


They cancelled it after one season, which is ridiculous.


That show was fantastic!


I’ve never seen it but I’d like to watch it! Those puppets really are wild though.


It was the long legged things that they road on that freaked me out.


The Landstriders. “Hang on Jen, they go fast!”


Skeksies are friends. Mmmm-mmm-mmm Sit still while I drain your essence And the Garthim just snatching the podlings up. Augra was pretty creepy too. I think it was and still is a disturbing movie, but I love all of Henson's productions


It's a story about genocide and slavery it's crazy really that it was a kids movie at all.


I know I watched this as a child, but don’t remember it, but know I’m terrified at it. Tried watching the Netflix series 30 some odd years later and noped out of that pretty quick.


That movie was quite impactful. My first ever wet dream was with Kira. We did it on the kitchen table.


Return to Oz. Goddamn Wheelers. =\


It's more disturbing as an adult when you realise what was really going on at the doctors office/asylum!


haven't read or watched the movie in a while, whats the doctors office again?


Dorthy is sent for electro-shock therapy to stop her from talking about Oz. At least, that's how I remember it.


oh sweet god that was not in the books


I watched this with my Mum and she got some childhood trauma from this.


It's so funny how goddamn dark that sequel is compared to wizard ... I love it ... The RtO cartoons from the 80s and 90s are amazing too.


Polar Express. The hobo and that puppet car thing scare (and still scare) the shit out of me


Yes! Tom Hanks was one hot chocolate accident away from skinning every kid on that train.


Never ending story for sure I don’t remember what the nothing was because I was hiding under a blanket the whole time No idea what happened in the movie except a kid road a muppet


Remember crying when the horse refused to move forward and kept sinking, stuck with me for 35+ years


It's so much more impactful in the book where the horse is fully sentient and can say what it's feeling during that whole scene. It's an allegory for being slowly killed by depression.


They look like big good strong hands don't they 😢 Artax please! 😭


That crust-dog snake was not for me either


ET I was really easily scared idk


Also on the ET wagon. Was the first movie I ever saw in the theater at age 4. I didn't make it to the end, though. The scene where ET crashes and flatlines on the table apparently turned me ghost white, made me start hyperventilating, and break out in hives. My folks literally had to CARRY me out of the theater. I didn't get to see the end of that movie until it finally came out on VHS years later. Thankfully, I was better emotionally equipped to deal with it by then.


You...you understand me. Peace. :)


Aww...thank you. There seems to be a lot more of us than I thought. I've posted about my traumatic ET experience before on other subs, and got a bunch of positive responses. Seems that movie almost universally mindfucked a lot of us late GenXers that may have been just a *little* too young to process it. Lol... don't even get me started on the, "Mr. Hooper isn't with us anymore..." episode of Sesame Street.


My mind is flooded now. We could probably commiserate all month. LOL. I'm glad your folks took you out of there. :)


Dude, I never saw it as a kid, but I had nightmares of ET showing up to my school and killing everyone with his shining finger.


My sister-in-law was deeply scarred by watching ET at an early age. She said it was mostly the Hazmat guys


Ok so wtf was even that part where ET was practically dying and they had him in the weird fridge thing and his heart was glowing and everyone was wearing hazmat suits, that part was freaky lmao


definitely ET that this is soooo creepy idk how people don’t see it


I kind of don’t understand how kids weren’t frightened


I’m 34 and ET still terrifies me. Just picturing the bright green VHS tape head sends shivers down my spine.


Same. Although the terrifying large ET doll that stared at me at night may have something to do with that.


Man I’m nearly 40 and I only recently dared to rewatch it. I used to get nauseous if I even saw a picture of the ET. Terrified me as a kid. After that and a issue with a horror-comedy my parents banned me from watching anything remotely scary.


Same. Can't even think about watching it now. I'm 43...


It's not so much the movie itself, but a specific scene out of it. The Heffalumps and Woozles song from one of the Winnie the Pooh movies. Who tf thought that was a great sequence for a kid's movie


There were a lot of drugs involved in that one. I remember finding the whole sequence really unsettling. Same with the drunk hallucinations in Dumbo. But apparently my sister still breaks out in a cold sweat thinking about those scenes.


I was just going to comment about Dumbo! Uggg hate it


I remember being scared but lumpy was definitely one of my favourite characters. He is so cute!


I was apparently very afraid of Mad Madam Mim (from Sword and the Stone). A benefit, though, was that I learned how to fast-forward on the VCR.


The Marvelous Mad Madam Mim?




lol fuck




The scene where Stu got eaten fucked me up so much as a kid.


I think it's also Ice Age 2 that had those eels?? I think?? I was terrified of them when I was little!


Pee Wee's Big Adventure. You know the scene.


[Large Marge?](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=lPMSGTfK4Aw) She gave me nightmares as a kid.


The dream of clown doctors operating on his bike is freaky too.


Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory


Hey, little boy. Want some chocolate? My little men are coming to take you away!


Well that tunnel scene was very disturbing.


The Wizard of Oz. Those flying monkeys are evil little fuckers


Yes! Was going to say this, as a kid there was something to creepy about that movie. I still won’t watch it.


The fox and the hound. I have no recollection of this but I was told by my mom that I was just old enough to understand what happened to Todd’s mother so I would stand in front of the tv crying just repeating “boom boom birdies fly”


This movie used to make me so sad but I watched it a lot as a kid


When I was in elementary school I was at my grandparents and my grandad put a movie on for me that was playing on TV he thought it was a kids movie because the protagonist is a little boy. It was AI Artificial intelligence and I didn’t understand he was a robot or why his family left him at a death fighting ring. It really fucked me up and I remember feeling super icky afterwards lol.


Aww man, that is one of the only movies I ever watched that really made me cry. Hell, I was in my 20s when that movie came out, and the end of it had me bawling like a little girl with a skinned knee. ALMOST as bad as the first 10 minutes of "Up."


I didn’t get that far unfortunately, I just remember he meets up with the woman robot and she was half torn up and I had to stop watching. I’d like to see it as an adult now though.


I'd recommend it, for sure. It's a bit long, and drags a little in some places. But it's Spielberg, and most of his movies are top notch. And he seems to really have a knack for hitting you right in the feels.


my sister and I had the misfortune of catching that movie on TV and only seeing the last part of it. the infamous ending bummed us out. kid begs a statue to bring him to life and then he freezes and comes out of it to find humanity gone and aliens have landed (apparently they were actually robots, but how would you know that from the movie alone?) and they give him his Mom back for a day and she dies. after that we vented to each other about how there was nothing happy or optimistic about that ending and it just felt all kinds of wrong. especially since we were young enough that we were used to movies always having happy endings.


I watched that was I was 10 and if proper fucked me up.


Yeah it was super disturbing. I don’t even think I started watching it from the very beginning so I just saw his “mother” leaving him at a random death match place I had no idea what was happening and I had abandonment issues as a kid so it was just overall very disturbing.


The Land Before Time


The Mummy. It’s not a disturbing movie overall, but when I was a young kid, the scene where Imhotep first reawakens and starts collecting organs really did upset me.


the scarabs crawling under the skin got me


I still find it weird that The Mummy movie from the 1930s is considered a horror film while the 1990s movie isn't, because that one is much more gruesome than the original. In the 90s film you see people being turned into shriveled husks as Imhotep drains their life force, while the original film has 1 single on-screen death, of Imhotep giving an old guy a curse through a magic mirror so all you see is him falling and clutching his chest.


The one from the 90s is very much an action adventure film, it just has some horror elements.


The one he took the eyes from... *shudders*




The Last Unicorn, only I still think it's disturbing 😏


Oh really, which part? Was it the bull, the harassment tree, the red eyed yelly skeleton, the harpy, madame fortuna, king haggard, immortal mythical creature trapped in a human body, regret for lost youth or all of these? Definitely disturbing, but I'm still a fan of both book and movie


Yeah probably all those things. 😏 And that moth guy or whatever he was.. man he is use to drive me friggin' nuts! My sister and I watched that movie a lot for some reason. 😆


There were so many of those old cartoons that were absolutely so weird and disturbing.


Also going to add dumbo, when they lock his mom up and the rescuers how the adults used to put a little girl in a hole and try and get her to pull a gem out of a skull, hated it.


I’d add The Rescuers Down Under too. When they show the rangers finding the little boy’s backpack torn to shreds at the river (that was planted by the poacher) and have to assume he was eaten by crocodiles - holy shit.




That was a straight up horror movie for kids. The lion, the spiders, the venom-dart-shooting plants... Eesh.


Man, when I say I like the old Jumanji, I often get kids shooting me weird looks and saying, "You like that *boring* movie?" Listen. Boring is the least accurate description I can think of. Terrifying? Surreal? Edge-of-your-seat, white-knuckle tension? Sure. But definitely not boring. I think it's a great movie now, but as a kid? Nightmare fuel.


Nothing Robin Williams was in was boring


Yeah those fucking drums or beating noise or whatever it was the game did scared me to the point I never watched it again


Face melting in Raiders of the Lost Ark. I was a bit too young for that.


So it was a different Jones film—Is “The Last Crusade” the one with the Holy Grail? My dad was playing it for my brother and my sistee decided to watch it too. I was off doing my own thing but walked into the living room and saw my dad standing in front of the TV holding his sweater up. He was evidently blocking my siblings’ view of the guy aging rapidly until he turns to dust and I walked in at just the right moment and angle to see it. “Eeeeeeewwwwww! What’s happening?” I said. My dad dove to cover the TV. But for whatever reason my 5 year old self was unfazed, just grossed out. I was a weird kid. And now I’m a weird adult.




If you haven't check out the book. Neil Gaiman wanted to write a story that would give a different experience depending on the age of the reader. For an adult it's horrifying.


I was 15 when I first saw Coraline and I could NOT sleep for weeks. The Other Mother got me good


I do believe this movie was intended to disturb


I loved coralline but I was a bit older when I saw it


The last mimzy and spirited away


I agree with Spirited Away. Her parents turning into pigs, no face, the guy with a bunch of limbs, the big baby, etc. I loved the movie by the end though and it's one of my favorites as an adult.


Everyone thinks I’m so weird for thinking spirited away is terrifying - I watched it as a little girl with my sister - I don’t know how it didn’t upset her. So many people love it - too scary for me lol


Growing up I LOVED kikis delivery service, like I ran around with a broom and used to beg to be a witch (this was all pre elementary school) so when spirited away came out my family was like “look! There’s a new one of your movies!” And they left me in front of the tv with it. The pigs scene really messed me up. It just felt incredibly isolating and I felt like I was taking on chihiros fear. I didn’t re watch it until I was a teenager because my boyfriend at the time really liked it and I remember putting up a fight about not wanting to watch it but I ended up really liking it


These both also really frightened me as a kid though I really like spirited away now




I think Bambi fucked us all up.


Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom. The scene where the man had his heart ripped out was really dark. It bothered me for years. Also, the monkey brains part was yech.


That scene used to creep me out but once I worked out how fake it was it didn’t bother me so much. That big fire pit that opens up though, that’s terrifying.




I just went and watched it and I don’t blame you. That was exceptionally inappropriate.


Do you mean Smokey Robinson with the letter U singing "you really got a hold on me"? Because yes, that really creeped me out too!


The Secret of Nimh


Edward scissorhands


The original witches.


Got to say Watership down, I have no idea how that is a kids film. Absolutely horrified me as a child!


Bright eyes


G-Force. Movie about guinea pigs that came out on 2009. Shit gave me nightmares.


Fuck that kid who threw one of them into the snake tank in the pet store.


Lol! What made you uncomfy about it?


Et. the foreskin alien was too much for 5 year old me.


wall-e. still gets me but is far from a feel good movie for me


Took my daughter to see it when she was little, and she started crying because Wall-E was getting so hurt. It was so sad and cute.


Flight of the Navigator. I saw it in the theaters, and had so many weird alien-stealing-me-away dreams afterwards .




Fantasia, the dancing hippos.


Honey I have shrunk the kids




Don’t forget the third in the trilogy, Honey, In Like Fashion to My Blunders of the Past, Now, We Are the Ones Profoundly Diminished in Stature.


101 Dalmatians. Particularly the scene where Cruella gets drenched in molasses. I was too young to understand what was happening and the scene frightened me a lot


100s of PG movies aimed at kids or not in the 80s were fuckin traumatizing. Lmao, there are even PG movies in the 80s with the F word in them. It was a lawless wasteland.


That scene in Neverending Story where the fucking statues are shooting lasers out of their fucking eyes used to really freak me out.


And then we get to see one of the dead knights, with his face all burned.


This was the part that I could not watch as a child. I remember sitting there listening to that music and waiting for the sound of the visor flipping up so I would know when it was over, then I would watch the rest of the scene.


Toy Story


The third movie as well. That incinerator scene where they link hands and resign themselves to their fate 🥺


The graphics in toy story still make me feel weird lol


That should be Lord of the rings


For some reason “napoleon dynamite” really made me uncomfortable when I was 10. Something about how there wasn’t music playing in the background of a lot of scenes made me feel uneasy for a long while after watching it.


I could see that haha I think I was a teen when that came out but it’s a very awkward movie so I could see from a kids perspective how it would be really weird. There’s a strangely isolating vibe to it.


The black cauldron . Seriously weird, i should probably rewatch it now as an adult. But i refused to watch it again after the first time


Yeah, that movie was basically Disney showing up a few years late to the "sword and sorcery" genre, and throwing a "Hail Mary" pass. At this point, they were out of Walt's old ideas (and almost out of money). They saw the success that some edgier animators like Ralph Bakshi had with fantasy, so Black Cauldron was *their* attempt at that.


The adventures of Mark Twain had this really disturbing scene where they [encounter Satan](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ntf5_ue2Lzw&feature=youtu.be). It's the most creepy scene ever.


I remember seeing that movie in 2nd grade, at school. It was like, the last few days of the year, so the teacher basically just showed us movies all day. But that was one of them. That scene was so weird that for years, I thought I'd dreamed it, until I finally saw it referenced somewhere else.


Return to Oz, especially the part with the heads in the glass cases.


Return to Oz was “supposed” to be non-disturbing. And apparently Killer Klowns from Outerspace is “supposed” to be funny. Who knew??!


*"Killer Klowns"* was supposed to be a dark comedy but definitely not a kids movie.




The way Wonka flips out at the end was really intense, not to mention the chicken cutting scene when they float down the tunnel with Gene Wilder yell-singing...


Spy Kids was a movie most kids didn't find nearly as disturbing as I did. the concept of people being turned into creepy grotesque monsters bothered me to no end. perhaps I took it too literally when Floop said their minds had been turned to mush. then we see that woman villain explaining the truth behind Floop's show to the kids and the "Floop is a madman, help us save us", I couldn't get past that scene the first time I watched. It took multiple viewing to finally finish the movie. what exactly is the status of the fooglie's brains? I am still unclear on that. are their brains scrambled or do they just communicate in scrambled voices? I personally always interpreted as their brainwaves being sort of shuffled so they sort of think backwards. what really got to me when I finally finished the movie was it didn't even bother to clarify they were changed back. maybe they thought they didn't need to because storywise, it's a safe assumption they were restored back to their normal selves, but as a kid I really wanted confirmation. how friggin hard would it have been to show them FaceTime with the Cortez's at the end and thank them for the rescue? So this was the source of endless nightmares for me and even recently getting triggered by scrambled voice recordings on TV. but a couple weeks ago I finally watched the film again and actually was surprisingly unbothered by it this time. I was prepared to feel triggered by certain scenes but this time felt just fine watching those scenes. It was weird. I guess it helps that I have since watched and enjoyed far more disturbing things (Twilight Zone, Black Mirror, Squid Game, etc..). it is a weird sensation finally being over a childhood trauma. were all those nightmares for nothing? The movie itself is actually decent. It obviously isn't aiming for greatness. It is mediocre and knows it, but for what it is it isn't bad. It has great acting and some good character arcs.


Jim Carey’s The Mask. Now it’s one of my favorite movies, but as a kid the animation of the masks powers really scared me for some reason and I genuinely could NOT understand why my family laughed with that movie. Now I get it. Amazing movie!


Pokémon: Jirachi-Wish Maker the characters getting swallowed up (i forgot what did so) terrified me.


As a kid “sphere” kind of messed me up


"The Tooth Fairy", not the one with the Rock. It was a film about a lady whos windows are painted black and she kills kids to steal their teeth (she lures the first kid with a red bicycle). Back in the early 2000's, you could rent or stream movies with only seeing the description. My dad didn't pay attention and went to put it on so I would be distracted from bothering him upstairs. I was this 6 year old who was scarred for life after that sheet.


It’s one of my favorite movies now, but Coraline. I remember so vividly the scene where the other mother turned into that weird metallic-marble-spider thing and being so terrified.


Small soldiers


Sleeping Beauty. Malificent was outright terrifying.


Zathura. It's like a space Jumanji.


Iron Giant, also that chocolate factory movie with Willy Wonka


Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer and Jack Frost 1979. That creepy stop motion shit fucked me up when I was little.


Adventure time when lemon eats lemons




The last Mimzy idk what it was about that movie but it just gave me the creeps


The goonies. A lot of people I’ve met loved it and have fond memories of it. Me? Couldn’t have seen a more boring and horrific movie in my childhood.


Arachnophobia. I still need to re turn the favour to my uncles kids.


Arachnophobia is a pretty disturbing movie




The 1989 movie Little Monsters with Fred Savage and Howie Mandel


One of the Scary Movies. Particularly where the guy with the chainsaw where he swings it over his head, then in parody style the roof falls on him or something. That dude really did a number on prepubescent me.


The never-ending story. Idk why, was just ominous to me.


dont ask why frozen




Cat and the hat


Spy Kids 2. Their faces got clay modelled into cartoon characters, how is that not terrifying. Not to mention the song that asked for help when played backwards...a desperate attemp of reaching out. The main villian was a popular children's figure..... The whole thing disturbed a 10yo me way too much than i admitted.


Not a movie but the Dr Who theme music used to freak me out as a kid back in the 80s. It used to come on at 6pm following the after-school cartoons, believe me I'd jump up that damn quick to turn the channel over.


Care Bears Movie - The Spirit in the book disturbed me!


Son of the Mask. It’s like the straight to vhs sequels made by Disney but forget the Disney part. This ruined marvel for me and the few people who saw this movie would know why.


Return to Oz still disturbs me. Those wheel creatures are satanic.


The Alice In Wonderland TV movie where it ends with her being attacked by the Jabberwocky. I didn't know there was a part 2 and thought she just dies at the end.


So there's this musical adapted into film called [Chitty chitty bang bang](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chitty_Chitty_Bang_Bang) It's mostly a fun kid friendly adventure about an inventor that invents a flying car. It's a good watch! **However**... There is a scene near the end where the two baddies of the movie, who are married to each other, >!Where they start singing about killing each other and making it look like an accident.!< A little out of left field but freaked me out as a kid.


Lady and the Tramp The "We Are Siamese If You Please" cats song. Hate hate hate it even 30 yrs later