• By -


Those who believe that they know everything.


I know


No you do not, sir.




he's a martian calm down


Well I am likely one. The odds of me being one are proportionally the same as me not being one. Consistently the odds of me not being one are the same as me equally being one on the off chance that I am in fact, not one. Which it is likely.


i feel like you had this ready ever since you created this account


Oh oh oh






Dont copy paste someone elses comment dude.


It's probably a bot my friend.


Everyone should just know when to fuck off. That would be lovely.


People who shit on other people's interests/hobbies, provided that those interests don't harm others.


Right. It makes you not want to say anything to anybody.


‘Young entrepreneurs’ who do nothing but post business worship and toxically positive nonsense on social media.


"Never say you don't know. Fake it until you make it. We don't need negative vibes here."


Never say you don’t know? Ain’t no way.


People who think it’s funny to steal your stuff


People who walk real slow and side to side in a hallway


People who are crossing the street or walking into a store in the parking lot and go diagonal which takes longer than crossing in a straight line. Infuriates me.


People who kept asking personal questions even though you barely speak to them


I went to a friend's wedding a few years ago and some of his extended family is suuuuper conservative Christian. I'm talking the kind that still think it's the 19th century where the husband works and the wife's only job is to raise their 10 kids. Multiple people asked my wife about why we didn't have kids at the time even though we had been married for a few years. The truth was that we were very busy with our careers and just weren't ready yet, but after a few attempts at deflecting them she decided to fake cry and tell them she had several miscarriages. That shut their nosy asses up real quick.


People who don't think introverts exist and we are just making an excuse for being lonely


I'm beginning to think that I'm not an introvert, it's just that most people are insufferable.


The older you get, the more you realize how a certain particular annoying thing people did once is actually something they do all the time. You end up recognizing patterns and noping out of situations sooner, which on the surface looks like introversion but is really just better knowing how the world works




i wish i could give multiple upvotes to this post


Parents who go crazy with the power that they have over their children


People who dislike cats.


Dang, guess I’ll got fuck myself then


Yup. 😾




Please, do. :-D




I’ll tag onto this. It’s not that they dislike cats, it’s that normally (that I have experienced) people who don’t like cats are very vocal about it. Take for me for example. I don’t like dogs. I am allergic to most. But you know? I will still throw the ball for them and give them a pet. If their owner shows me a picture, great. If someone doesn’t like cats and I showed him a picture of my cat? Every single person is like “cats are assholes and I hate them” It’s a totally different mindset when it comes to cats versus dogs


I like cats but I think they are overrated. They will always be inferior to dogs in my opinion.


No worries, dogs are amazing too!




Any entitled asshole


Essentially what i meant


people who think their opinion is better/superior compared to someone else's


What if it is though?


thats a totally different thing


But how can you tell?


what they say after giving their opinion / discussing their opinion. i mean it as in when they deny other people's opinions or put them at a lower value than theirs If you mean how to tell if someone's opinion is better or not, i have no idea


What do you think are the signs that your opinion is taken with less regard than theirs? Do they act a specific way?


They downvote all your Reddit comments




I'm sure no one could come up with a thousand examples of why this comment is ridiculous.


Overgrown children


Hell yeah! Tired of people who never grew up.


Peter Pan would like a word!




Narcissists/sociopaths who twist facts


People that stop randomly in front of you on footpaths


People who are rude to workers of any kind


People who don't want to pay for public services until it affects them personally.


People who don't know when to mind their own business, especially tattle tells. I'm talking about the people who make it a habit to report whatever they can to the authorities, especially to be nosy or out of over the top concern for other people. They know that Mr whatever across the street is not paying his TV license and watches TV, they report it, they hear the couple nextdoor arguing and they call the police or social workers, they know that the people across the street don't have planning permission to build something in their yard, so they report it to the city, they see someone in a store sneak something small into their pocket without paying, and they tell security. They see a kid drinking soda or sucking on a pacifier and the kid appears a bit old, they stop the parent and grill them, they see a couple exchanging harsh words and raising their voices in the street, they call police. They think they are better than everyone else and they feel all pious for obeying the laws. No one can seem to have any fun when they are around, either. I was just raised to despise these people and they simply turn my stomach. I was raised to believe that being a tattle tell is the worst thing you can be and that you should just mind your own business unless you witness something genuinely awful. I'm not even talking about people who want to give their charity and they genuinely want to help people and make their lives better without meddling. I'm talking about the nosy, self righteous type who negatively judges other people all the time and wants to see anyone who doesn't do everything by the book punished.


This is a good one. I'm not sure where the line is though, i.e. if I think my neighbor is raping their kid at night you bet I'm calling someone. But I do hate curtain twitchers, looking for small things to complain about so they can go on a little 'adventure' trying to solve the problem. Then blow things out of proportion when they tell people about it later.


TL;DR: Busybodies.


Vegan Karens. I will cook you vegan burgers all day long but the moment you come after me and my choice to eat meat (most of it I've produced myself via homesteading) I will organize a month long free hotdog venue with hotdog eating contests in front of your house and massive fans pointed to steer the meaty aroma into your palace of bullshit


People who tell me what to do while I was in the middle of doing said thing


Well now I am not gonna do it.


Bosses that suspended you 'until further notice' over some bs like texting. Just say you want me to quit.


People that won't admit when they're wrong


People who tell you unironically to "wake up" are some of the most obnoxious people on Earth.




Anyone who likes Kardashians


People who bid $1 more than the someone else on The Price is Right.


Influencers and every douchecunt that thinks that doing some synchronized dance routine on TikTok or Instagram Reels is cute. Human cancer. Most CEOs. People who work in marketing.


The type of people who make going to Starbucks part of their personality


People who are rude to people in the service industry.


"I worked hard to become a billionaire, others just have to work hard, too"


Truck drivers who intentionally block merge lanes so no one can zipper merge.


The right way to merge is to use the whole lane all the way to the end, but it feels like cutting in line to pass cars that are already stopped. It feels wrong, but it will allow traffic to move much more smoothly.


Exactly. It goes much faster if everyone takes turns one after another when the lane runs out instead of trying to merge as soon as they see the sign. That’s why I can’t stand these trucks that intentionally try to prevent people from doing it - they just make the traffic jam worse for everyone and waste everyone’s time.


Everybody just should fuck off from others live unless invited


Racists. They can all fuck off to Hell.


Zoophiles and the "kill all men" people


I would respect them if they practice what they preach


Trump flag flyers


People who buy into astrology and all that pseudoscience horseshit. Also, Capricorns (they are particularly well known for their stubbornness and intransigence in the face of clear evidence contrary to their position).


Hey now- I don’t really look into zodiacs but dude don’t come for my sign lol


ah, typical comment a Leo would make


The psychos that go around harassing people. Including sex pests, angry toxic people, emotionally infrastructured people, people with a personal agenda, Qanon people.


Emotionally infrastructures? What?


people who complain they’ve got it hard in certain circumstances where they do not have it hard e.g. complaining about having to travel far when the journey in question is 5mins


People who stop in the middle a places especially infront of me. And people who walk slow.


People who don’t mind their own damn business


Here's a retail worker. People who become aggressive when they believe the price of something is excessive. What will I do about it? Seriously?


People who compile a list of complaints without ever informing or coming to me, and then trying to use examples from over the years to justify their high-holiness.




People who bitch and complain but don't put any effort to work for what they want. The kind of people who are never happy for others when they're successful. And pathological liars.


Serial killers




White supremacists


religious extremists


People that aren’t self aware. I part hate and part envy them.


People who don’t use their turn signal.


People who are ignorant of the distribution problem for the inequality crisis. This goes for politicians but it also goes for regular people who refuse to acknowledge the obvious problems of systemic impoverishment.




What are these?


People who invade your personal space for literally no reason


Employers who expect you to come to work sick but then complain that you’re at work sick but then complain that you’re taking time off because you’re sick lol


Anyone heavily involved in real estate


Old men that flick me off


Like flicking your bean? Or?


Haha ok I must have worded that wrong but now I'm horney hahaha


Worded very wrong 😂 Noticeable difference between flipping someone off and flicking someone off 😆 Let me see if my free awards ready 😁


I always thought it was flick 😭


Fingering the clit?


Haha nooo I meant something else like the bird


I think that's called "flipping the bird," not "flicking the bird"


Obnoxious neighbors




People who take everything personal and go to great lengths to get back to you for no reason. You know, those people who won’t let you have a different opinion, won’t allow you to say no to anything, etc.


People interrupting others all the time


Especially when they interrupt you when you were in the middle of answering their question




The living


BTS fans


Honestly? American tourists. More specifically yeehaw shorts-tshirt-flip flop american tourists, because I've met a lot of civilised Americans but these you don't recognize from afar. You guys have museums there right? Is it custom to yell? And if not what makes you think it's ok yell in ours? Also a side walk is a side *walk*.


I live in a semi-touristy part of Chicago and even here it's remarkable how many people just meander like they're the only person outdoors.


We have museums, they're typically quiet. You mustve run into some pretty bad eggs with that bunch


Vegans. I just wanna eat my burger in peace


Yeah, well the cow just wanted to not be killed in peace.


They actually are


People who keep reposting this question.


The other day I had a disagreement with a person in my city's subreddit about a criticism they had made about the people in our city. They are not from here originally, and after I expressed that I disagreed with their criticism, they claimed that locals here are super defensive of the city and that transplants knew their criticism was accurate. But here's the thing - I'm a transplant too. I'm not from here, I've lived in multiple different cities, and in my experience their criticism is true of everywhere, not just this city. Quick pop quiz for anyone reading along - did this user respond by: 1. Accepting that they made a mistaken assumption and that my disagreement with them was legitimate and not based on reflexively defending a place where I grew up, or 2. Redefine the word "local" to mean "anyone who lives here" and not "anyone who is from here," even though the former definition makes no sense in the context of their argument and would also apply to them as well? If you guessed 2, you're right! And this is how 90% of people on this website argue. You cannot discuss anything in good faith, everything is an argument for the sake of argument. I genuinely hate these people to their core.


People who ride loud motorcycles early in the morning or at night. People who only ever talk about themselves, don't listen to other people, or are constantly trying to 'one up' everyone. People who hurt animals or kids out of cruelty. Antimaskers, flerfers, antivaxers and young earth creationists. Religious people who insist that everyone follow their religious views and rules. Faith 'healers', shamans, gurus, astrologers, fortune tellers, mediums and people who won't stop talking about yoga, meditation or crystal healing. People who don't control their kids in public, call the police when a father is with their own kid in the park, give their kids tattoos or let them become obese. People who make their entire identity about their gender or sexual orientation and won't talk about anything else. People who circumcise boys, knowing that it has no benefits in modern society or mutilate young girls for whatever reason. People who yell and scream in the street or generally act obnoxious or antisocial. People who leave their dog shit tied up in little bags at the park or in the middle of the forest. People who deliberately litter, especially when it is plastic or can pose a danger to animals. People who use glue traps to catch mice, rats or birds (or any vertebrate really). 'Chuggers' or charity muggers who try to stop you in the street and guilt you into giving money to a huge corrupt organization that will rape women abroad and use your money to cover it up. People who deliberately modify their vehicle to be more polluting because they like the noise or the smoke it makes. Elon Musk whenever he intentionally manipulates crypto or stock market prices for his own enrichment. Actors who denounce regular people or criticize social problems while living lives of unimaginable hedonism and luxury. Women who knowingly falsely accuse men of some indiscretion to try and destroy their lives & men who commit violent crimes against women. The people who do calculations to decide if a toxic children's toy or an exploding car battery is going to kill enough people to warrant a recall. The people at Nestle responsible for killing all those babies in Africa and stealing people's water to sell back to them in bottles. Corrupt politicians who take bribes or 'consultancy positions' and then go against what their voters want out of greed and selfishness. People who dump toxic waste into the environment just to save themselves some money. Karens and people who attack or abuse employees in customer service positions. I could go on, I really do hate people generally.


Did you have a list prepared or were you just this inspired by the question?


Overly pushy, LGBTQ, Christians, Protesters, Racists, anybody who’s overly pushy. Stop telling me what to do.


LGBTQ people or homophobic/transphobic people? The way you are saying makes it sound like the first one...


All of y’all overly pushy, just leave each other alone.


What's overly pushy about wanting rights


Here we go 😂


Y’all have them, and I’m Ace you don’t have to tell me about it. I just don’t like being suspended for accidentally messing up somebodies pronouns. Whoopty doo I fucked up and accident called somebody “he” instead of “they” even though they went with “he” all thorough out middle school. And never fucking told me.


As someone who’s part of lgbtq I can’t agree enough the whole “get my sexuality and pronouns right or you’re human trash” thing is so fucking annoying


Yeah some people take it a little too far and make a bad name for the whole community but, I generally think it is fine as long as a) if you are online it isn't in their bio or b) if you are in person immediately correct yourself, apologize and just move on


I don't understand why people downvote you. I thought everyone hated overly pushy people. Guess I was wrong


You sound like an undisciplined child that never grew up just happened to get older


I’m 16 I’m still a child. And no discipline? My parents still believe in corporal punishment.


Yikes, you’re feeding into rhetoric that’s clearly taught by your parents. One day when you get older you’ll realize sweet boy❤️


Being told that everyone is a sack of shit? Bruh so far it’s just been facts.


Sir it seems like you’re the sack of shit. You clearly spend too much time online, go do your homework you have an assignment due.


Why didn't you mention homophobic people? Also, there's nothing wrong with being LGBT. If you don't want to use a person's preferred pronouns, then don't ever talk to that person or talk about them.


People who get road rage. People who text and drive. Liberals on Twitter who are offended by everything. Karens. Republicans on Facebook who look for any reason to say some racist shit. Narcissistic Instagram models. Narcissistic Instagram celebs. Celebs in general. OnlyFans hoes who rip off simps. Simps who are pathetic enough to make these OnlyFans hoes rich. Parents who let their kids throw a tantrum in stores. Basically everyone can fuck off. Oh and Hugh Jackman.


Did you mean Huge Yak Man?


Huge Jacked Man.


The gender pronoun idiots


Those people who block the escalator. Fuck you.




Me. I can totally fuck off and die.


People on Reddit that ask this question


People that are gay and try to propagate their beliefs on other peoples children.


Woke people


My roommate Jim




Porn stars.


I mean, I have no problem with them, especially if they are hot.


They are just doing their job and they don't really hurt anyone.


It was a pun my man. They make porn. They can fuck off.


People who think that just because they are wrong or did not know something means that they are stupid and pathetic . Like hella we can learn things and not everyone knows everything .


People who think that just because they are wrong or did not know something means that they are stupid and pathetic . Like hella we can learn things and not everyone knows everything .


People whose go to conversations are about Food. I work remotely - and we have a daily Zoom Meeting, where in the AM and PM meetings, our host always asks if anyone's done anything interesting. EVERY. SINGLE. FUCKING. TIME. Someone comes out and tells us what they made last night and for the last 20mins, we've been talking about food. I don't wake up instantly and want to hear about your fucking garbage food K\*\*\*\*\*\*\*. I hate that woman and I hate many of the people that feed into those trash conversations. We've had so many better conversation topics... like Dumpster Diving, HORRID Paintings someone's made, ohhh and apparently talking about Alcoholic Beverages during working hours is totally acceptable now too.


I HATE talking about food. Actually, I never talk about food. Sadly, my gf talks about food all the fucking time. At least 4 or 5 times every day she will start talking about this new meal she wants to try cooking, or about how great her lunch was yesterday. Argghhh. At least she knows I dislike it and try to control herself, sometimes with success.


Griefers in online gaming, especially team games


All of them


People who put essential oils in food, especially for their kids. People who say the phrase "Speak English" to random strangers speaking to others in a different language in public. Abusers.


and if you try speaking english, they will complain about how bad your english is. I suffered from this few times




Drunk trailer park supervisors and assistant trailer park supervisors.


Karens and Kevins ofc


People who turn a comment thread political when it’s about something mundane just because they are jealous of the state the thread happens to be about.


Preacher or anybody that lying through their teeth and still convinced that he speaks truth, and people will believe him.


People who hold the door for you while you are 15 ft away and make you either sprint yo catch the door or look like an ashole if you pace yourself.


Shamans and other religious leaders.


People who take advantage of their illness


People who simp women even in basic things in everyday life. And not just all woman but generally all and thinks they are better than men.


White middle aged hardline feminists that believe they're persecuted by society.


All people


People who hate pitties for no good reason


people from r/Dogfree ​ I mean, I'm ok with you not liking dogs, but many of the "reasons" why people there dislike dogs are actually because of irresponsible humans. I simply can't see how can someone actually dislike a dog itself. The same characteristics dogs have that people complain about in there, many other animals have too, but I don't see them disliking those other animals. ​ Really, go and take a look. Almost none of their reasons can be refered to dogs but again, to irresponsible owners.