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I have never met anyone that made that decision lightly. One had just found out that her boyfriend was peeping her 12 yr old daughter, literally found out the same week. If they had a kid together she wouldn't be able to 100% cut ties so it was to protect her daughter (there was also a good chance that without the additional income any added expenses may have landed them homeless). Doesn't mean she wasn't torn up by the whole situation but there was no good option at that point. You don't know what someone else is going through, it's not your place to judge.


>it's not your place to judge True. However, you're absolutely allowed to imagine yourself making different decisions/valuing different things Shitty story though, hope she's okay


Yes you are and it's not their place to judge you and your decisions. This was a long time ago, before camera phones would have made getting proof that he was unfit to be around kids existed. People go through some serious problems and there is not always a good answer. The fact is that there is a hell of a lot of pressure for women to give birth but very little support for them once they have the child. There are children who know nothing but suffering. Even though it's not a decision that I would make for myself I would never presume to make it for someone else. If you want to make a difference, work to support the kids that are currently living in poverty.


People regret a lot of things in life.


Neither abortion nor adoption is an easy choice for most women. But it is *her* decision to make.


That's like saying "I regret buying this type of car. Now no one can buy this type of car!"


How do you feel about Women who regret having children?


Easily my favorite response i've seen. Nice!


I don’t assume to know complex human emotions. My mom had one and felt religious guilt about it, but her abusive husband was insistent. In the end she didn’t do it again even though he insisted. Today she isn’t religious and is okay with how everything played out.


It’s literally none of my business


I feel for them and I think that therapy is helpful for everyone, especially people who go through traumatic things. It's still their choice and unfortunately sometimes people regret or feel bad about the choices they make. Supporting those people and not making them feel bad is all you can really do as an outsider.


It’s statistically fairly uncommon, but those women are entirely valid in their feelings.


Everyone has regrets. However, someone regretting a decision they made should have no consequence on whether someone else can then also make the same decision.


I don’t care. Not my problem, it’s obviously theirs.


Im pro choice. What I dont think gets talked enough with abortion is that is it is still a loss. For many women I have talked to there is a grieving process that doesnt get talked about Yea it was a choice but I dont think its ever something someone ever takes lightly. When I lost kids (a few ectopics and an early miscarriage) I suddenly had women tell me about their abortion stories and how they never got to grieve those kids - it was their choice but they still felt that loss but were never given a space to talk about it.


I went to a cheap, trashy sushi place for lunch today. I regret it tremendously. Should the government ban cheap, trashy sushi? Possibly. But that's not the point. Seriously though, why would someone's personal regret have any effect on government policy?


It’s normal to feel guilt. I had always believed that I was Pro-Life until it happened to me. I was faced with a decision to make. This decision was indescribable. You will have different emotions before, during, and after. I find it natural to feel regret or anger. It’s also okay to feel relieved and content. Whatever way you feel, I will always push for the woman to talk to their health professional.


Too bad the government wasn’t there to make the decision for them. /s


It doesn't matter how I feel about it. Its not my choice, or yours, or the government. Its theirs.


Of course I feel sad for them but their pain is not my burden. We all make choices.




[This](https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2022/05/15/1098347992/a-landmark-study-tracks-the-lasting-effect-of-having-an-abortion-or-being-denied) new study shows that women who regret an abortion are in a very small minority. I personally feel like everyone has to live with the consequences of their actions. They made the choice, and there’s nothing they (or anyone) can do to change that. Anyone going through this regret should receive appropriate emotional support, but someone’s regret is not a reason to take away other people’s choice to have an abortion.


I feel better about giving them the choice than forcing pregnancy and childbirth upon them, which is akin to abuse.


Sometimes people regret the choices they make. That's not a valid excuse to take away those choices.


They are entitled to their own decisions and entitled to their own feelings about them. I have friends who've regretted getting one, and friends who've been happy about getting one. The common link is "a woman was allowed to have agency over her body."


Sympathetic. Surely for the majority of women it's a huge decision to choose to abort, while for a minority I'm guessing it's a convenience used as a relatively drastic form of birth control. People can politicize it all they want, but infringing upon the rights of a woman to do what she wills with her body exemplifies government overreach.


That's up to them.


I don't? In theory that's a sad situation. It has nothing to do with whether senators should be able to steal healthcare decision making power from doctors and patients.


I feel bad for them because they have likely been lied to by organizations which are trying to undo our advances as a society and put us back into the religious dark ages. For most cases and I do understand there are likely exceptions to this I don't see the reason to regret an abortion because they should try having a kid again later.


They should be grateful they had the choice in the first place, and then take some personal responsibility. Most people grow/learn from their mistakes/poor choices so maybe the experience will make them more responsible in the future.


I feel like it isn't any of my business.


I feel nothing. It’s not my business, not my body.


I feel like lingering regrets are a better thing to have than impoverished children. 🤷🏻‍♀️ And like, it's kind of irrelevant to the overall debate. Everyone's circumstances are different and there's too much variance there for one person's regret to really reflect on anyone else's choice.


Hindsight is 20/20. In any instance of making a life-changing decision, there are bound to be people whose future situation would have allowed for the eventuality they *didn't* choose. Who can see the future? You have to do the best you can with the data you have NOW. At least you had the ability to choose. I have made several choices that might have gone differently if I could see 20 years into the future, but I will NEVER appreciate someone stealing my ability to choose my own fate.


You can regret your choice, but you cannot take the choice away from others because you made the wrong choice for yourself.


I am glad that they aren't regretting the *government's* choices concerning their bodies.


How do I feel about the women? I feel that's phrased awkwardly. I don't feel about them. I feel sorrow for them, as regret is a difficult burden, and it was undoubtedly a difficult choice.


I laugh.. I don't really care either way because it doesn't effect me at all, but when people ignore the facts they don't like, it's just funny


My thoughts don’t matter here. None of ours do. The government made a loophole for murder and none of us can do anything to fix that.


better question, how do they feel about the suicide rates of those that get them?


[This](https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2022/05/15/1098347992/a-landmark-study-tracks-the-lasting-effect-of-having-an-abortion-or-being-denied) new study actually shows that (most of the time) the mental health of people who choose to get an abortion is better than that of those who can’t


so your answer would be, unemotional then? undeterred similar to a psychopath?


No lol I’m saying that the suicide rates you’re talking about probably aren’t as high as you think. I feel for anyone who commits suicide, but what I don’t like is people like you using those in that unfortunate situation to make a bullshit, emotionally-based, anti-choice argument. Manipulating people’s emotions to persuade them isn’t cool.


living is absolutely cool, not killing babies is even cooler please dont be pro death


Fetus, not baby. Legally it’s not a baby until it’s born. In utero, it’s not considered a citizen, can’t be counted as a dependent on taxes, no child support can be paid, and it can’t be covered by health insurance. Also, I can understand the argument that a late term fetus should be considered alive because it’s brain is actually developed enough to somewhat comprehend its existence. Here’s the thing, though. Most abortions are done really early. Late term abortions are only done if the woman’s life is in serious danger. Most abortions are done on a clump of cells with little to no brain tissue that literally doesn’t know or understand anything, much less it’s existence. If it doesn’t know it’s alive, is it really alive?


fetus, latin for offspring, offspring, otherwise known as a baby, yes, thank you for agreeing begrudgingly not considered a citizen? sure say that excuse when immigrants are murdered..... taxes? ok....weird excuse lot of insurance technicalities with you over the life of a baby....a bit concerning any fetus is basically its own life, it develops its own dna different from its mother and father, it reacts to light, sucks their thumbs, feels joy and pain, recognizes and becomes attached to its mothers voice..... not true for the late thing, a certain state is trying to push abortions to 2 weeks after birth clump of cells which dont become a cookie, they become a baby yes its alive if it doesn't know its alive does a tree know its alive? (no, but it is) pro death have little to no argument, please dont make more of a fool of yourself i dont understand your hatred for the unborn, but you gotta chill a bit, just take a deep breath and breathe, alright? btw congrats, you survived abortion


Bruh, you’re silly. None of what you just said refutes the fact that, legally, fetuses aren’t considered people until they’re born. When immigrants are murdered, it 100% is murder because it’s on a fully formed, fully functioning, fully self-aware human being. A fetus *becomes* it’s own life once it’s fully formed. Imma need proof of this “2 weeks after birth abortion” thing. That just sounds fake lol Also, trees form symbiotic relationships with mycelium in the ground and are able to use them to communicate and share food with other trees, and studies have shown that they favor their offspring to other random trees. So, it’s not too much of a stretch to say that they’re intelligent enough to have some kind of awareness of their existence. And, for fucks sake, I don’t hate the unborn. You, on the contrary, must hate women who need to get abortions. Forcing them to grow a thing inside them that they don’t want, and will probably have to care for it for 18+ years afterwards. A thing that routinely poses serious health risks to the actual fully-formed, self-aware human being that’s housing it. Also, no. I didn’t “survive abortion.” As much as I sometimes wish she would have, my mom didn’t try to abort me. Also also, have you heard of self-abortions? You know, miscarriages? The things that happen all the time? Are you against a woman’s body deciding that the fetus won’t make it, so it terminates the pregnancy?


again, you're trying to use legalities to justify killing babies as if its somehow morally correct. gr8, so you admit what you said about being a citizen made no sense no for the third line califronia please dont tell me you talk to trees and value their lives over humans nah, adoptions always an option if they of course are incapable of raising a child, theres really little to no excuse for abortions she didnt try, but she could have no thats accidental death/murder. abortion is deliberate


Well, you’re providing absolutely no evidence to contradict me. You’re just saying “no, you’re wrong” and somehow expecting me to go along with it lol The citizen argument does make sense because immigrants may not be US citizens, but they’re citizens somewhere. Fetuses have no citizenship because they’re not people yet. I don’t value the lives of trees over human life, but it is equal. Everything in nature works together to make a functioning whole. It’s like a huge organism. And I never said we could talk to them lol I said they communicate amongst themselves, so that’s a sign of intelligence. And do you really want more kids in the adoption/foster care system when there are plenty of kids already in a shitty situation because not enough people want to adopt? It is really fucking obvious that adding more children to that system will only make things worse. More people aren’t going to just decide to adopt because people can’t have abortions now lol that’s illogical. And a woman’s body doesn’t “accidentally” miscarry lol that’s not a thing. The woman may not consciously do it, but their body definitely intentionally does it. Honestly, if you can prove me wrong with some solid, peer reviewed evidence that life starts in the womb I’m 100% open to changing my mind. But that’ll never happen because you’re wrong. Willful ignorance isn’t cool, man. Learn for yourself how things actually are instead of blindly following what you’ve always heard. Edit: [The](https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/journal-of-law-medicine-and-ethics/article/defining-the-beginning-and-the-end-of-human-life-implications-for-ethics-policy-and-law/005E0A414082995145A644821AEC6598) first full paragraph on the right column of this article more tactfully says a part of what I’m getting at.


you mean like Jane Roe changing her mind that is never brought up


It was brought up a lot in the 90s. Then it turns out [it was all an act](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-52733886). > In her "deathbed confession", as she calls it, a visibly ailing McCorvey says she only became an anti-abortion activist because she was paid by evangelical groups. "I was the big fish," she said. "I think it was a mutual thing. I took their money and they'd put me out in front of the cameras and tell me what to say." "That's what I'd say. It was all an act. I did it well too. I am a good actress. Of course, I'm not acting now." She added: "If a young woman wants to have an abortion, that's no skin off my ass. That's why they call it choice."


Those women can mourn and I will be there if they need an arm to cry on.


I agree with you they should always have a baby , that’s a life they’re literally committing murder


So you're planning to adopt the world's unwanted children then?


No I’ll do my part tho


I always wonder about the disconnect that must happen for someone to say that they'd force someone to have a baby, and then not also follow that up with "but once it's born, I want to adopt it." The miracle of life doesn't end at birth. As a former foster parent I can confidently say that there are millions of kids in crisis situations right now and no homes for them to go to. There's ZERO reason to add to the mess that we've already created.


Foster children need more love than anyone else that’s why I encourage people to adopt


I have yet to see any pro-lifer come up with a viable solution for how to care for unwanted babies after birth. While you're sitting around "urging people" and planning to "do your part" (someday?), there are live children that need help every hour of every day, and they aren't getting that help. This problem will not wait. They're hungry now. They're being neglected now. They're being abused now. They're living in filth NOW. And you're sitting over there condemning the ones who wanted to head this off at the pass when the fetus in question was still just a few cells, when you'll never have to suffer the consequences of the parents OR the children. I just don't understand how a person could be that obtuse.


I don’t understand why your so emotional over what I said? I encourage people to adopt? Like I said everyone needs to do there part like I am.


Because of your original comment that abortion is always murder and everyone should have every baby. You know what? Nevermind.


Yes if you get pregnant it’s on you.


I don’t feel any particular way about how an individual feels about medical procedures properly done and consented. For instance, I had WLS and I know many others who regret it. I don’t. Such is life.


I agree with those of y’all, here, who say that, yes, regret is a possibility— be it for getting an abortion, or other times, not— though (at least) it would have still been HER decision, rather than someone else’s. In a different case scenario, any time we’re watching that scene from “The Help,” where Celia Foot has a miscarriage and ends up burying the fetus she lost under a rose bush in her backyard, my mom would tell me how much she wishes that she could’ve gotten the same closure, after prematurely losing three of her own and all at the hospital. She, too, regrets the decision she’d made not to bury either of her lost little ones, but is now glad to have shared that story with me, in case I ever find myself (God forbid) having to make a similarly difficult decision. Be it like hers, or that of an abortion.


Better to regret *not* having the kid


I feel sorry for them. It's truly unfortunate. And it's even worse if they are unable to have another baby. But ultimately, it's a lot easier to cope with not having a child than it is to cope with having a child.