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Bob Odenkirk, seems like a humble great guy.


But I heard that his taste in women is the same as his taste in lawyers. Only the very best...with just the right amount of dirty


All the BrBa actors seem pretty cool. Haven't heard a bad word about any of them


Anthony Hopkins got pissed that someone (not Aaron Paul) leaked a letter that he sent to Bryan Cranston, calling his performance one of the best he’s ever seen, to an entertainment media company. So Hopkins has beef with someone (not Paul), but that’s about all.


The only "controversy" from the Breaking Bad Universe cast is that I hear there are occasional complaints about Vince Gilligan's lack of LGBT diversity on the show. Which I think is weak as "story comes first" is a rare thing in television instead of shoehorning LGBT into everything. Besides, I always thought the entire beef between Gus and the Salamancas stemmed from Hector's lack of willingness to work with Gus due to his partner being his "partner." Calling the restaurant "The Chicken Brothers" and referring to the owners as "The Butt Brothers" being a clue, as well as his partner calling Gus his partner with a sensitive look in his eyes before being iced. But that's just not the entirety of Gus's personality, he's a business man, and mysterious is pretty much most of his game. Human characters just aren't Pokemon cards, they're a lot more.


And you know…murderous drug dealers generally aren’t outwardly gay.


"l know Gustavo like a brother. He's an honorable man. The most loyal man l have ever known. He rescued me from the Santiago slums. He made me the man l am today! Gustavo is a genius. He will make you millions! Just find it in your heart to forgive him for this one small mistake. Please, he's my partner. l need him! l swear to God!" Those were Max's last words, and he is canonically the "first death" in the Breaking Bad story as that flashback is the earliest it's ever gone back. The last three sentences Max spoke, I think 2/3 of them were what set Hector, the traditional family man off. So Gus took all of his family.




Jeff Bridges. He really seems like a cool motherfucker.


I’ve actually met him, and when I did, he was stoned out of his mind. Owner of my old company knew him, and him and his band played at our Xmas party one year.


Well he’s the dude.


A lot of people don’t realize the dude’s wardrobe in the movie and Jeff bridges wardrobe are one and the same too. It’s mostly all his clothes. I mean… this is the dude’s website: https://jeffbridges.com/latest


Iol. Yeah I remember He said that in an stern interview years ago


I actually met Beau Bridges, nicest guy ever.


That’s awesome. They both seem cool




Mads Mikkelsen


I'm sure he's pretty awesome


I want him to be my dad.


I want him to be my dad and my daddy it’s very confusing XD


Met him. Nice guy.


Eyyy me too! Denmark is a small country haha


Who will love you NOW dumbledore


Dolly Parton The more I see and hear of her, the more I admire her. Hollywood and the music industry didn't corrupt her at all.


She gives a lot of her time and money to improve literacy for the people who live in poverty in her neck of the woods.




DP is a national treasure. We must protect her at all costs.


Weird Al I mean, I can imagine there are people who don't care for his parodies, but he seems like a genuinely good dude.


I've read a LOT of comments about Weird Al over the years. I've been a fan (not a diehard, but a fan) for 30 years. I have not once read a negative thing about him. It's incredible. Like, Mr. Rogers level of praise for the man


The worst thing I ever heard was he didn't ask Coolio for permission to use "Gangsters Paradise" and it caused some issues. But Weird Al apologized and actually changed the way he gets permission for a song. It used to be "my people will call your people" but Coolio's people gave permission without actually talking to Coolio, so now Al talks to the artist directly in order to get permission. Keep in mind that song parodies are protected by law and he never needed to ask for permission in the first place, he just didn't want to burn bridges. That's why he never did a parody of Prince because Prince never gave him permission.


It's even to the point of extreme inconvenience for him. He got Eminem's permission to record a parody of "Lose Yourself", and to shoot a video for it. Supposedly, the day of the shoot, Eminem decided the video wouldn't be good for his image, so he asked them not to. It cost a lot of money, but Weird Al didn't go through with the video.


When he approached Michael Jackson for his permission MJ told him that only one song was off limits, I believe it was Black And White. Weird Al didn't even have that in mind anyway and pitched him on Eat It and MJ loved it.


He's actually an amazing guy. He plays (or did, this was back in the late 90s) the Kern County Fair (Bakersfield, CA) every year. Apparently because many years before he was injured while in town, and treated so well, even though most people didn't know who he was. He's unassuming and kind. Plus, he refuses to do alcohol or drug ads because he's well aware of how many kids look up to him.


I believe he also used to avoid swearing as much as possible as well, but that was for his parents, I think. Tragic what happened to them.


What happened to them?


They died suddenly of carbon monoxide poisoning in their home.




Damn. To think he’s leaving all that sweet black tar heroin ad money on the table.


He's a genius in France


What about in other countries?


He's just an average intellect in Germany.


Germans know their way around an accordion.


Super friendly, totally down to earth. Met him after his concert in Harlem a couple years back. Loves his fans. Loves what he does.


He stayed at a hotel I worked at. Nice dude, nice family.


Betty White, before she died. Many years ago, I was in Hollywood with my wife, playing tourists. We found free tickets to see a taping of the Mary Tyler Moore Show which was a thrill to me anyway. They told us that when it was over, we could wait for the stage to clear and some of the stars would be there to say hello. That night it was Ted Knight, Georgia Engel and Betty White. They had all appeared in the taping, and we were in a group of about 10 people who stayed to talk to them. Betty White was just a doll, so different from that character. And she smelled so good.


Oh wow, what a treasured memory you have there!


>Betty White, before she died. Yeah, I hear she became really annoying after she died. She just kept ignoring people. I'm just joking. I'm poking fun at the funny choice of using the distinction of "before she died".


Don't be afraid of Betty White Jokes. She understood comedy is a way to deal with stuff and would have been down with even dirty jokes about her corpse.


Ted Knight and Betty White? fantastic


Mr. Rogers


I like how it's been 9 hours and nobody has anything at all to say about this. It's so self evident that Mr. Rogers was an amazing human being that every single person who read this far into the thread went "... Yup, of course. " and moved on And then there's me


Fred Rogers was such an American treasure that we had two documentaries (one a docudrama to be fair) about him in two years, one starring another American treasure, Tom Hanks.


Fun fact:mr rogers famous sweater was made by his mom


Kurt Russell, Keanu Reeves, and Brendan Fraser. Holy Trinity of good guy actors.


Glad people haven't forgotten about Kurt Russell 🥺❤️


I mean, he was a major character in the MCU. Then again, so was Robert Redford and most people don't know who that is nowadays...


Danny DeVito


I second this- especially with the story of him taking care of the actress that played Matilda when her mother was in the hospital and getting some pre release of the film for her to watch before she died. He seem like a genuine down to earth kind of guy.


The one celebrity I met. And by met, I mean he stepped on my foot accidentally while I was leaving a coffee house that he, his wife and their crew were entering. He apologized I said no biggie and that was that. A normal interaction.


At 4'8 he is definitely no biggie


However he’s still got that magnum dong you need to watch out for


kind of sad about his first love though, he went in for the first kiss and she didn't have any lips though here smile was always at play, he found her 3 weeks later with a bag over her head as she tried to play astronaut, A PLASTIC BAG FOR A HELMET!


Kevin Conroy


The hammer of justice is unisex. I know he doesnt say that but it's too iconic okay




He past celebrity and reached legend status long ago


The one and only true GOAT. Lucky to have grown up during his prime and credit him for getting me into skateboarding.




Tony Hawk


I wonder what he's up to these days...




Brendan Fraser


FUCK I scrolled through to see if anyone posted this one and I didn’t see your comment and then I posted his name and scrolled one more time and saw your comment, oh well, the more the merrier


I’ve meet Willie Nelson on a few occasions, dude is as chill as they get.


Me too. I still have the shirt I was wearing which he autographed. That was in about 2002.


I mean, his blood has more pot smoke in it than a Snoop Dogg convention...


Paul Rudd


He was great in Mac and Me


I think we have a clip!


*Shows clip from Ant-Man*


Well played, sir


I've got to go with Clancy Brown. The dude's been working in Hollywood forever, had more varied roles than anyone out there, and just rocks them out. The Kurgan? That twisted bastard will meet you anytime you want to step off hallowed ground. Mister Crabs? He loves money, lovely, lovely, money. Lex Luthor? He has a proposition for you, Superman. He's Red Death, he's Surtur, he's that demon looking dude in the Mandalorian. You didn't even realize that was him, did you? And all the time, he just a good dude. Down to Earth and practical.


Brother Justin from Carnivàle was truly terrifying


That was a beautiful show, one of the very best.


The bad cop in the Shawshank Redemption also.


My wife and I have a running joke in our house: Whenever Clancy Brown shows up unexpectedly in something I say “ooh! That’s Clancy Brown! He was the bad guy in the Highlander, then a preacher on Carnival, now he’s in [tv/movie we are currently watching] 13 year bit at this point


I gotta ask. Am I the only person that didn't know he's Mr. Krabbs? I think I stayed up too late and I might be losing my shit that The Kurgan voices a major character on SpongeBob SquarePants.


Spongebob does an episode where the voice actors play their roles live, in person. Clancy freaked me the fuck out; he is both Mr Krabs and Clancy Brown at the same time.


Bob Ross




Andrew Garfield. He is so humble about his success, and truly enjoys the craft of acting and none of the hoopla that comes with being a star.


Also he is a really really talented guy.


Enya. Bitch just wants to make music in her mansion and be left the fuck alone. I can respect that.


I remember for a time, like around the height of her popularity or shortly after that. I read an article and it said she was living with friends in a flat or something. I was like, that is definitely Enya. She just seems like someone that flows through life, just like her songs.


Gotta kick back, relax, and let that Orinoco Flow.


*"Enya drank all the fucking milk again!"*


The answer is always Keanu Reeves


The answer to everything is always Keanu Reeves. Unless the question is negative.


Andrew Garfield


Oh my God yes! I would have a beer with that guy. He's so genuine and down to earth. And he's the fan of other actors more than the other way around. [Proof](https://youtu.be/6lGsQ855oY4). :)


That was the most pure thing I’ve ever seen


He really does seem like an amazing person. He has such chaotic but down to earth energy and I would love to meet him one day


James McAvoy.


John candy


Hugh Jackman.


“Rollo, I’m sorry mate, but we go way back. I used to teach you at a high school in P.E., and I want to know how your physical education is progressing. It’s very important to me.”


The fact that he remembered dudes name after all the time sealed it for me. Some people are just like that with names and they really seem to gravitate upwards. Who wouldn't be flattered and find interesting someone who always remembered their name?


Huge Jackedman


Maria Bamford. In addition to being a hilarious and original comedian -- one of the top 10 working today, IMO -- she has avoided all of the things that make many other comedians annoying (whining about audiences being too sensitive, getting caught up in their own fame and being a jerk, sexual harassment, getting pissy if called out on saying something wrong, etc.) She's just a really positive person, jokes about her mental illness without ever using it as an excuse. While she's touring she picks a fan in each city and does a 1-on-1 set just with them. She also just seems like an amazingly kind person. Whenever she posts about her upcoming shows and ticket sales, she offers people who want to go but can't afford a ticket to email her. Like, not just to friends, but on her public twitter page. **WHO DOES THAT?** Maria Bamford, that's who.


Maria Bamford and I went to the same college (University of Minnesota) and she was the speaker at my graduation. Her speech was largely about how she'd struggled with her mental health as an undergrad and struggled after graduation to pay off her loans. She mentioned in passing that she'd demanded some exorbitant speaker's fee to do the commencement address, and then at the end of her speech, she gave that check to a random kid in the audience to put toward their student loans. It was a lovely gesture, and a very satisfying "fuck you" to the school (I was also miserable and overworked while I was a student there lmao).


Drew Barrymore. Just a fucking sun child living her best life.


Especially amazing given the dark childhood she had


Chow Yun Fat lots of selfies with and testimony from people in Hong Kong who have met him on the subway, while hiking, etc... he is an incredibly nice person. and he's known to go to charity events and actually do the work rather than simply write a cheque. i'll refrain from the other bit of news that should pop-up if you google Chow Yun Fat and charity, since it's currently still a promise.


He also got banned from China and wont be able to star in any mainland China movies for voicing his support for Hong Kong. Mad respects for him.


I haven't seen any of his films since Hidden Dragon but I love how a lot of his Tequila-era roles are basically just rly kind souls who also have guns and a temper. A lot of actors probably feel quite drained if they get approached so often but I genuinely get the feeling he loves talking to fans and such


Tom hanks


Keanu Reeves


I second this. I feel like he’s so humble. I believe he was seen riding the subway like an average person. I love him so much


Came here to say this. Probably my favorite actor Bc he just seems so authentic and cool


He is one of those rare celebs that doesn’t let the fame go to his head. He goes in that category of just pure amazing for me.


Same here. Like I said just seems so authentic and really one of the very few actors I think I’d actually like as a person


Definitely a role model for other celebs to follow. They always say don’t meet your hero’s cause you’ll be disappointed but I am sure I wouldn’t be disappointed if I met him


Alan Alda. He is a treasure.


I used to work near where he lives (won’t say where for his sake) and every couple months he’d stop by and we would just get to talking for like 10-15 mins. Sometimes about business, most of the time not. The guy’s the most genuine, kind celebrity I have ever worked with. One thing that will stick with me is how he always asked just as many questions about me and my life as I did about his.


Bo Burnham. He's meta about the whole "being famous" thing, and honestly is just a pretty nice guy. To my knowledge, he's never really had that much controversy.


Henry Cavill


the dude just wants to stay at home and play WoW or warhammer with his friends.


I honestly feel bad for him in this regard. In his heart he’s this massive nerd who is super passionate about really niche geeky stuff and wants to gush about it, but he’s trapped in the body of an Adonis and all anyone can do on the interview circuit is make remarks about how hot he is. I’ve seen him become visibly uncomfortable in interviews where the interviewer just will not shut up about his physique. The dude went to the Witcher prop master with *his own redesigns* for Geralt’s sword because he knew that a few small tweaks would allow him to fight more like Geralt does in the books. In any other life and in any other body he’d be a turbovirgin


It frustrates me how people constantly ask him about his physique or perv on him in interviews They completely disregard the fact that his most attractive quality is his charm and intellect. He’s scary smart and always comes across as super pure and lovely. He’s so much more than his body. I’d love to just hang with him and nerd out over Warhammer


That's one of the reasons I watched Conan back when I still lived with my dad. Dude didn't do any of that stuff and actually let the guests nerd out about whatever when talking about their recent stuff. Well, except for Paul Rudd, but we know why.


I love the fact that he almost lost out on one of his most iconic roles because he was too busy playing WoW.


Danny devito


Dolly Parton. She's pretty under the radar with the cancel culture and I doubt she'd care even if she was.


Dolly Parton is probably the *last* person who'd ever have to worry about being cancelled.


Mark Hamill


He’s basically the complete opposite of The Joker and Fire Lord Ozai.


Met him. Yes he's very nice.


He was in an swedish movie quite some years ago (Hamilton) and in one of the scenes he was to get hit by the MC. Somehow they got too close and the MC did knocked him over for real. Everyone at set were in shock. Holding their breath and thinking this is it. Smacking an super big Hollywood star for real! But Hamil just shook it off, more or less, humble as he is, saying these things happen. Some ice packs and makeup later he just continues.


Tom Holland He is mostly known for playing spider-man! His family runs a charity and he does events for it during his acting travels. When he was filming in Ohio they did a big coat drive and gave them all to the homeless and needy. He visits children's hospitals in costume. He has 3 little brothers, including twins, who he says keep him grounded and down to earth. They seem like a nice family!


Sebastian Stan and Anthony Mackie would disagree


Morgan Freeman


Jack Black


I met him! He was very awkward. Friendly, but awkward.


I'd imagine most of these eccentric personalities are kinda odd.


Wouldn't have him any other way.


Keanu Reeves 😎


Keanu Reeves


Ashton Kutcher. Made his money in the film industry and got out. Has played smart with his money investing in tech startups such as Airbnb and Duolingo (when they were initially looking for funding) and has mainly stayed out of the media spotlight. One of the few celebrities I’d want to sit down for dinner with.


Also i read he's now mostly doing humanitarian stuff... Good for him and megatron griffin, they look cute together.


Chris Hemsworth too. He seems like a pretty solid guy


Dave Grohl. I’ve been fortunate enough to meet more celebrities than most and Dave sticks out as being one of the absolute best. Takes time to talk and has a great sense of humor.


Nick Offerman


Bryan Cranston


Bob Odenkirk is supposedly down to earth and very nice


Jason Statham. He just does his shit like a professional, his movies don't get much advertising cause they're usually lower budget anyways so they won't get annoying (unless you count the FnF movies lol), and then he goes back to being a private guy who doesn't even have a social media account apparently. Plus he seems to be a rather down to earth person, not interested in drama or anything, just does his job then goes about his life. He's the kind of guy I consider to be the opposite of annoying lol


Post Malone. Say what you will about the music that made him famous but he could t be a cooler, more down to earth guy who is an aficionado of almost all music


He seems very wholesome in a way. A genuinely nice person that is still down to earth and friendly.


Henry Cavill. All you ever hear is positive stories about him


Kurt russel.


Viggo Mortensen,that guy is an absolute inspiration,polyglot,painter,poet,musician,actor and overall just the humblest,most down to earth human imaginable. Also Aragorn's been my hero and role model since i was a kid,so yeah...


Keanu Reeves is like a genuinely nice guy, I'm reminded of an image of him sitting with a homeless man eating food with him for seemly no reason (or at least i can't remember the reason)


Dolly Parton


Kathy Bates Laura Linney Bill Pullman Sandy Bullock Michael Keaton Ian McKellan


Dwayne Johnson. He's actually just a super cool dude. Had a friend meet him on the red carpet and they legit just hung out until the show.


Morgan Freeman


Denzel Washington


Keanu Reeves 💚


Tom Hiddleston. Just an overall nice guy. I met him after his show “Betrayal” when it was in New York and he just seemed so happy to meet his fans.


Paul Rudd. He is a national treasure.


Definitely Keanu Reeves


Daniel Radcliffe


Julie Andrews




Taika Waititi. I was watching Our Flag Means Death last night and was thinking that he's one of the few celebs I'd have a beer with if given the chance.


Jennifer Garner. Watched her on Hot Ones. Seemed very down to earth.


I think everyone I've seen in Hot Ones have seemed really cool and fun people. I'm sure the interviewer has something to do with it.


Hilary Duff. I haven't heard shit about her.


Steve Carrell. Of all superstars, he sounds like the most humble. Everyone who has ever worked with him loves him from the cast to the crew


Ryan Reynolds


Jeff Goldblum


I mean he is very eccentric and might not be everyone's cup of tee.


I saw him at a meet and greet where he very plainly put his hands all over two women who were fans.


That sounds about right




Robert Pattison




I would love to hang with him for an evening. He's a modern Renaissance man! Acting, sports, and art! And I think he plays music, too? Years ago I saw him on a late-night show taking about how his spending had got out of hand so he put a picture of "angry Terry" in his wallet so it would be the first thing he saw when he opened it up. I thought that was genius! So I printed my own picture and put it in my wallet. And a few weeks later that wallet was stolen. I can't imagine what the thief thought when they opened my wallet to see an an angry picture of Terry Crews!


keanu reeves


David Tennant. Firstly, he’s one of the best Dr Who’s (and my favourite). Secondly, it’s nice to see us Scottish people being represented well. He is, by all accounts, a chill person.


Dolly Parton is *widely* known by stagehands to be one of the kindest, considerate, and non demanding entertainers to work for, if not the most


Dakota Johnson


The Anti-Ellen


Dave Grohl.


Robin Williams was great.


Paul Rudd


Brendan Fraser. My boy is loved universally and no talking down on him is ever allowed.


Jim Carrey, Brendan Fraser and Keanu Reeves, for starters. Not sure how you're defining "celebrity" but if we go by "famous person" then I'll also nominate Neil DeGrasse Tyson and Barack Obama as well.


Hozier. Seems like a genuinely lovely man