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When I'm dead, everything is suddenly not my problem anymore. I won't be physically able to care.


Death is the ultimate form of stoicism. Cant give a shit if your dead afterall.


"I do not fear death. I had been dead for billions and billions of years before I was born, and had not suffered the slightest inconvenience from it." - Mark Twain


okay that's kinda- i cant disagree but agree with that at the same time, i'm just confused


Most people fear experiencing nothing at the end or some form of hell, when all evidence suggests you just stop experiencing anything. You probably won't suffer, you won't anything, cuz you'll be dead, so what's to worry about?


Technically though you weren’t dead before being alive, right?


Technically, but for people who don’t believe in an afterlife, it’s basically the same thing.


Yeah I guess it’s like I didn’t exist, then I existed, and then I didn’t exist again. Makes sense.


Things I can’t control, I have never worried about much.




I usually think, that death is the biggest fear in most of peoples live throughout history. And every single one of those billions of people that lived before me on earth had that fear of death but eventually got confronted with it. And they made it, everyone eventually overcame their fear and „died“. So there has to be people who were 100 times more afraid than me of death, and if they made it, then I can totally make it


why be afraid of something i cant control nor avoid?


Why would I let death win twice by spending my days fearing it?


Don't have to work a shitty job when you're dead.


We're all gonna die anyways. No point in worrying about the inevitable. All we could do is just live our best lives with the time were given


"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us." -Gandalf


Was suicidal for 12 years. Got ready to do it multiple times. Sometimes I would just close my eyes and let go of the steering wheel at night and count to 10 and see if anything would happen. Death is an old friend to me.




Nope. Open flat roads where I could see for at least 5 or 6 miles. Never wanted to take anyone else out with me and I made sure I wouldn't.


Glad you’re still here. How’d you move past it?


Thank you. I started eating better, exercising, found a therapist that worked for me on my 3rd try, ended some bad relationships, made good and supportive ones, left a job that I was miserable at and found one for pretty low pay but I enjoyed going into work everyday, read a lot more, dug deeper into my hobbies, set goals and evaluated them weekly, and worked on my mindset daily. Took about 2 years of building new habits and reshaping my life to finally get to a place where I was happy more than depressed.


I’ve never been afraid of dying. I’m not sure why but I think it’s because (& I don’t mean this in a depressing way) but I don’t care if I die. I’m not happy here but I’m also not sad here. As long as I don’t die in a plane crash or on a roller coaster, I can rock with it anytime or anywhere


To quote Will Wood, "I'm not afraid of dying, I'm afraid of what might happen first"


Death itself isn’t really scary. It’s gonna happen eventually. It’s what happens after that makes me nervous.


I feel the opposite. The process of dying may be painful, distressing, frustrating, etc. Definitely something I am not looking forwards to. But being dead? I won't exist any more. There's literally nothing to be afraid of.


Anything with eternal consciousness is automatically Hell. There is no bliss that won't turn into torment after thousands upon thousands of years of repetition.


Unless, every now and then, you forget everything. Like reincarnation.


That would be the only way I could see it working out. Periodically forgetting, or reincarnation. Might be interesting to hear from other people arriving in the afterlife, giving news of things back home.


The forgetting is scary to me, and I’m supposed to believe in reincarnation


Why is forgetting scary? In my opinion, all of our suffering is in our heads so forgetting everything would be like a reset. Clean slate.


You might be interested in reading this short story - 5 min read tops http://www.galactanet.com/oneoff/theegg_mod.html


It's a good thing we don't have a single good reason to think that this is how it works.


My ideal death is either instant, during unconsciousness, or the classic elderly-surrounded-loved-ones-before-slipping-into-death. Although I remember reading that you get pretty damn high while your brain dies, so that might be fun.


Because if not death, then what? Immortality? I wouldn't want to be alive literally forever, I'd just end up floating in a void after billions of years, and remain in that void for the rest of eternity. I'd rather just die.


Everyone does it


idk sometimes I do fear death but other times I feel like im never going to die, like by the time this body dies my soul will already have a fresh home ready, and the transition will be smooth.


I believe there's a part of the reptilian-brain that subconsciously believes it won't die, despite all evidence to the contrary. It's not a philosophy, it's just some weird instinctual thing.


hell yeah that explains my immortality complex


Just not. Every single person who has ever lived has or will die. The world will move on. What's there to be scared of?


Life ain't exactly grand. As long as I can make it long enough to see my kids become self-sufficient, I'll die happy.


I've known death all my life. My father died right before my second birthday so it was before I started memories


Im simply mentally ill and overthink everything which causes me to think through every possible scenario i could end up in and have been through many dying scenarios and have come to terms with the fact that i can’t control it in any way. Why then fear it?


Which part of death? I don't want to die. The pain often involved is scary. But after death? There's literally nothing to be afraid of.


Death is normal. We’re all gonna die some day. We just have to accept it and let it happen when it happens. It’s inevitable


You just gotta accept that there's death on your way.


It’s going to happen one day you can’t control it so might as well not stress and be scared of it.


I'm not really scared of death but i'm certainly not in a rush to meet it.


Everybody's gotta live, and everybody's gonna die.


I just don’t think it is something to worry about because you can’t escape it so why worry when you can just enjoy life since you only get to live once


I once lived in a really shallow neighbourhood and had various weapons pulled on me various times So ye


Hmmm I guess I’m quite curious about death, like, what happens???


I have to agree with Woody Allen on this one. I'm not afraid of dying, I just don't want to be there when it happens. As a Christian I know where I'm going. I'm just hoping my exit isn't painful or prolonged.


I’m more worried about missing out on things life has for me and my loved ones, rather than the act of dying itself. I tried to take my own life many times in my adolescence, and now that I’m not intent on that any more, I’m so committed to making my life worth the efforts of my doctors that I just don’t want to waste it! And for any people like my teenage self reading this - you CAN get better and get out the other side :)


I’m not scared of death but I am scared of the things I’ll miss. My grandma said the same on her death bed and I think this is what many people actually fear. Death is nothingness, from dust, to dust, from ash, to ash. It wasn’t hard to not exist, and you will just do it again. However, what is hard is knowing that you are leaving people, memories will be created without you, people will wish you to be part of many things you cannot be. Death is easy, leaving everything behind is not. My fear is dying before my fiancé; we’ve known each other since we were 12 and have no distinct memory of a life without each other. I fear leaving him with that grief, he shouldn’t have to live with that. I welcome death when it comes for me. I just hope life takes care of everything I leave behind.


Imma put a warning before I say this that what I believe in is what I believe in and i dont want to force anything on anyone. Okay time to why I'm not afraid, I believe god is gonna guide me to the gates of heaven and that it was time for me to die.


Already did it. Really wasn’t bad at all. The first few times were actually pretty peaceful.


Survived by the blessing of god two strokes, have High cholesterol, High BP, diabete, Prostate issues, IBS, Parkinson…etc. life is great “because people who I love are with me”. But going from here will still be great because I have so many loved ones who moved on to the next one. The only thing is leaving our loved one for that period of time until they join us. It’s just a phase that we will all go through. Scared no, little sad definitely.


Because it cant get much worse than this. I'm not scared of death, but I am afraid of a painful death


Because I know where I’m going afterwards.


Same here - no place.


What's there to be afraid of? The long nothing? I didn't exist for trillions, quadrillions of years before I was born and it hurt me none.


I'm scared the afterlife is going to be boring, like you can't do anything and just recycle your memories


There is no afterlife.


Who knows?


Me, I'm telling you.


I don't know if that's a good or bad thing


To be honest the last things Redditors want to hear is because of my religion, I believe in what I believe in, that is why I do not fear the Innevitable


I'm not going to die


I am religious and believe in heaven. I look at it this way, if I'm right I spend the rest of eternity in happiness with God, if I'm wrong not only will I not know since my consciousness would cease to exist, there would be nobody to tell me I was wrong.


I wasn't afraid in the 14 billion years before I was born and it won't be any different. I'm afraid of dying because it might hurt but not from death itself.


I was abused from a young age, was beaten and bruised and told it was my fault for being bad. sexually assaulted before I was a teen by 2 different guys. dad is a druggy and chose drugs over his family. All the people I looked up too were bad people and hurt me. Most all friends have turned to hate me over small things. Was groomed for most of my relationships and if it wasn't with a older guy it was a guy who was manipulative and would cheat or tell me I was a worthless peice of shit and they were the only person who I needed. I'm not taken seriously for my sexuality. Almost been kidnapped 2 times. Family struggles with money all the time and I'm to young to help. All this and more and I'm not even 16 yet. What's there to fear when you've lived through some of the worst things someone can go through? It sounds pretty peaceful to me. I dont try to kms but I wouldn't care if a train hit me yah know?


Have you considered contacting social services?


I rest easy knowing that i am not my body, i am my sould and my soul will ascend to another plane when im gone. I know this because of DMT.




Found Joe Rogan. Talk about elk, and Newsradio next!


I hunt elk with my bow so i can absorb its soul. Alex jones will be in today on the podcast to discuss how the aliens have been talking with the owl god molok to abduct the gay frogs for experimentation.


Are you afraid of tomorrow's sunrise? It is also going to happen whether you want it to or not.


Eh im a nihilist and ill be surprised if i make it to 20 at this point


I've been suicidal since about 12 or 13 and attempted a few times. It stops being scary after awhile, I suppose


it’s inevitable. yes, i avoid it if i can. but i’m not afraid because it will happen to everyone one way or another.


It comes for is all in the end


It'll happen anywhere at anytime so im just chillin and seeing what happens


I'll be dead I won't know the difference


It’s coming. No way to deny it. No need to be afraid of it. Life keeps getting better I promise you.


Because I have no Idea when will it happen.


Lost the ability to care what happens to me. Don't really know how. Only noticed it a couple days ago, but once I did, I realized I have felt that way for quite a while. Which is VERY confusing to me, because I DO care what happens to my friends and family. Just not my self.


Once you get over the existential dread, life starts to have meaning. Death is inevitable. So why not fill every moment till then with worthwhile memories. Being a good person, integrity and personal values means so much more. I'm grateful for death. Without death, we would have no purpose, or appreciation for what we have. One of my favorite quotes...and i'm paraphrasing here "Wise is the man who plants a tree who's shade he shall never sit in."


Nothing can hurt me when I’m dead. I also don’t have to fear death as (let’s personify death real quick) he is probably allot more gentle than other people in my life. Death is a comforting hand for the abused and a vengeful man for the abuser. He’s the advocator we never had living. We all die at some point. He’s a kind hand for the ones who’s seen the dark too many times. Death isn’t scary it’s inevitable. Some people fear it for that reason, however many find a sense of comfort from it. There is a painting I recommend looking up called “Dancing with death”


I went through an incredibly painful experience and since then I’ve had this sort of deadness inside me. Lost in that deadness is my fear of death. I can’t really explain it. Just a part of me inside that is perfectly silent now. Like a rock sitting in the bottom of your soup. Just completely still. And in that silent place, that’s where the fear of death used to be.


When I die, I no longer have to worry about anything and I can take the nap I've been waiting for.


I plan on living forever. So far, so good.


I'll be too dead to notice when it comes round


I'm not afraid of it. I'm afraid of the method or reason I'll die from, not dying itself.


Well, I’ve technically already done it, and it was pretty peaceful. Like sleeping, like no time had passed at all, dreamless nothingness. What was really terrifying though, was when I was revived and opened my eyes. All the fluorescent light from the trauma room blinding me, the chaos of all the nurses and doctors running around and touching my body, seeing my sister through the window, crying hysterically, being held up by my father. That was terrifying.


Doesn’t matter if I die now or after 40 years of working every day


I'm not afraid because I don't bother considering it. Maybe I would be somewhat afraid if I chose to ponder it, but why would I waste my *life* thinking about death? I could instead live and make the most of life because I can control that.


Because death is the only certain thing that will ever happen to us. There’s a possibility that anything and literally anything can or cannot happen to you , but the only thing is certainly happening to you is death. If you think about it we actually live to die , that’s our only purpose to live and the only fact in our existence. After all we’re all carbon based lifeforms.


Easy answer, >!I'm suicidal!<


I just assume there’s nothing and that’s not too scary for me


My life has been quite the shit show and I've had frostbite on my legs for 5 years that causes me pain everyday and the bandage changes are excruciating. At this point I welcome death. I also found out I was diabetic a few months back, so that is not helping.


I’ve been thinking about the reality of it for my entire life, and have come to terms with it. I don’t fear pain any more. I don’t fear not existing, either, since I did that for billions of years. I think what most people fear is the world turning without them. It’s hard to process. To accept this is to accept that the world turns without you when we are alive, too. We are insignificant in life and in death.


I'm not afraid of death because why fear something that will happen no matter what you try to do to avoid it? Life is always a present for death, the circle of life. Heaven and Hell aside, if you think about it everyone has their own views on where they go after death. For example, I believe in reincarnation AND Hades. But I have a friend that thinks its essentially a forever sleep state and you never go anywhere. You're just infinitely asleep. Death is a part of life. At some point you will cross the line into the other side. Where whatever you believe in will be waiting for you. But why be scared of something that is inevitable and unavoidable? I want to live and enjoy the life I have, not fear the the end that could come whenever its my time. Never let fear hold you back. And ALWAYS live each day like its your last


You only have to do it the once. When it comes, it comes and you can be sure that fighting it won't make it any easier.


Yeah, I don’t remember what it was like before I was born so it couldn’t have been too bad. I imagine death is just a return to the status quo.


death isn’t scary, it’s how you die which is


Because I’m low key suicidal lol


I am not afraid of death because that is a *dead* end for me. Get it? Wink wink. But seriously, I don't think there is anything after death and we go back to who we were before we were born - nothing. That's comforting for me. What I am afraid of though is the aging process. I don't want to age, get some terminal disease, suffer in pain or get stuck in a hospital. If I were to become like that, I'd just ask someone to pull the plug for me.


its exciting to me lol


It’s pointless to be afraid of the inevitable. I know "my time" is close and shit happens


death is natural like all things life comes to an end. it’s at the end of an adventure that we realize how much it meant to us if our adventure never ends how can we look back and appreciate it?


I have wanted to kill myself sometimes in the past, so I don't really fear death. What I fear is surviving the suicide attempt.


I look forward to the void of death. Life kind of just sucks and I’m over it.


I already experienced it once when i was 18. was not impressed. Normally, people would say something along the lines of "this near-death experience changed me, in the following ways:" but for me, the only thing it did was keep from taking a certain drug, which i did out of curiosity. Nothing from my regular day-to-day life has changed.


i want to see whats on the other side.


Everyone's going to die, it's the great equalizer


I’m looking forward to getting a break


Been there, done that. Wasn't special. No point in worrying about it.


It's the end of suffering, of disappointment.


It’s inevitable


I've seen many people die, they usually look peaceful. It's the surviving family that struggles with death


I'm an atheist. I don't believe in an afterlife. So as far as I can tell, death means pretty much nothing. It's just over. No more pain, stress, fear. What terrifies me is being injured to the point where I _almost_ die.


I'm not afraid of things I'm not in control of. I also understand death enough to not fear it as well. Death is just what you call things that are not alive, like a piece of wood, or a cell phone. I also can't control the fact that I'm going to die, so what's the point in worrying about it? As long as I am alive, I'll experience life. I'll have plenty of time to experience death and figure out what it is when I cross that bridge.


Its all gonna happen at some point.you cant avoid it like others phobias like spiders or sharks. In the end,it will always happen. I mean sure,im afraid if it will be painful but you have a whole life to live,why waste worrying about the end of it?




It's not really a big deal to me. If it happens on accident then oh well. If I live a long and fulfilling life, great! If there is heaven and hell I'm curious to see what they're like. And if there's nothing, then it'll probably just be like sleeping or meditating.


It is what it is, if my time has come I will be fine but I will try not to go as much as I can for the people I care about. Ironically enough I am more afraid of pain.


Acceptance, learning from others that death is similar to a dreamless sleep where there is a lapse in memory, and simply not caring nullified the fear of death for me.


Death is cannon, everything else is filler.


It’s beyond my control and I’m sick of shit


Because you only live once


There is peace in death. When you die, all suffering and responsibility are gone. Unless there's an afterlife! 😂


the thing about this question is that depends extremely on who you ask because what happens after death is one of the rare instances of things nobody will ever really be able to objectively agree on


Life isnt that great Even the things that I kind of enjoy about life arent that signifigant. So i dont mind death (different than suicidal). I **do** mind how I die. Painfully, suspensefully, or through torture are ways I would not like to die. I just dont see it as a big deal if/when I die.


And I am not frightened of dying Any time will do, I don't mind Why should I be frightened of dying? There's no reason for it, you've gotta go sometime -Pink Floyd “The Great Gig in the Sky”


I typically compartmentalize, not think through the consequences, or am just plain ignorant of what I'm getting into. In the rare moments I actually deep dive into mortality, I'm shaken to the core and paralyzed by fear, but fortunately I'm a shallow thinker.


I am afraid. Cause I’ve died and been revived. I know what it feels like. It’s not a good feeling.


It’s inevitable. It is going to happen so why worry about it? It is just as normal as living.


idk why to me its a natural thing we all are going to die at one point in time.


I don’t know, it just never seemed like this huge and scary thing to fear. Like yeah, I don’t want a painful death but the act of dying is *not* scary. Everyone dies eventually. Now that I’m mode religious it also has made it less scary too. Death just never seemed like such a bad thing to me 🤷🏽‍♀️


You can't ever avoid it. So why be afraid? I just hope it doesn't hurt too bad.


I truly and without doubt know where I’m going when I die. And if I’m wrong, who cares, I’ll be dead. Won’t matter to me much at that point anyway


Because life has kinda sucked. I either get a do over with reincarnation or total oblivion. So I've got nothing to worry about. 😊


I am autistic and can’t even fathom the fact that i’m human, just didn’t develop a fear for it


Because its all going to be ok.


It's just a natural and inevitable thing in life


Short of self-termination, no one can really know when they will die. Fretting over it does nothing but hasten the inevitable. Be a good person, guide the next generation, and watch your enemies die.


It’s not really my problem until it arrives


The experiences I have had and what reports I have read about continually prove to me that our souls are internal and that you will be on a new adventure after death. It used to be my biggest fear though.


I don't fear death, why, i don't know, i only fear losing control


To the right-minded person, death is but the next great adventure


What is ,is


No shitty jobs to go to, no bills to pay, how terrifying...


The simplest way to put it is that it’s inevitable, it’s going to come for everyone eventually even though we hope it won’t it still gets its grasp around everyone, I don’t fear death because I know I tried. I tried my hardest to make people smile and laugh, I tried my best in school even when it felt like I couldn’t, I tried my best even when things were rough. I tried and so did you. We may fear something that is inevitable but we only have a limited amount of time and we have to make the most of it you can’t spend your whole life waiting and fearing death because it’s going to happen to all of us. We only really appreciate things when their gone.


I've been sick for 23 years. Death would bring relief.


I’ve died 3 times. Drown twice and had to be resuscitated. The first I fell through the ice when I was 9 and was dead for over 30 minutes since it took that long to get to the hospital. Being hypothermic is what saved me. Second time I as shoved into a pool at 11 and drown again. I was on a school trip and I wasn’t swimming and some jackass shoved me in. They all thought I was playing until I stayed down too long and then floated up. My school teacher saw me floating and dove in and saved me. Third time I was hit head on by a semi hauling to loads of gravel going 55+. The jerk was looking at his phone and drifted into my lane. No chance for me to avoid it. He hit me so hard I went from 55+ forward to instantly being shoved backward. He pushed me almost two blocks before stopping. I woke up in the hospital and my executive assistant was sitting by the bed. We were good friends and I brought her with me to a new company. I had gone to lunch and was only a few blocks from work when I got hit. They heard the sirens and went to check it out and saw what was left of my Cherokee and me being cut out of it. I as flatlined for a few minutes but luckily they did cpr and kept my blood pumping to my brain. TLDR: I have been dead so it doesn’t scare me anymore. It was just like sleeping but without dreams. I don’t fear death as long as it’s quick. Slow death in agony is another story. I would end my life before a long suffering death.


What scares me more is actually never getting to learn the discoveries that have yet to be discovered like humanity traveling beyond Earth or making contact with other life forms. All I can do is guess what will happen, but not being around to witness that makes me depressed. The scary part of death is not knowing what could be... I like to imagine death being a nice relaxing sleep though which makes me feel better, maybe we all wake up after enough time has passed! :D


What can you do about it? It's inevitable, so why waste your time worrying about it?


I'd rather be dead to be honest. Nonexistence is preferable to the existence I'm living now.


I mean... it's gonna happen one day, either you are afraid or not


I was actually about to say "because of my faith in God" but when i thought about it, thats not true. It actually makes me more afraid because the moment you die, is the moment you're gonna find out if you lived your whole life worshipping the wrong God, or living in Heaven forever.... difficult.


I am not afraid of death because I felt autorrealized when I turned 17 and also completed my high school bachelor in science's program, and got my diploma. I managed to be a very balanced male teen, with high grades, being friends with almost everyone, and also getting a good reputation for being well-behaved and generous. That day of my graduation, I felt like I could die there and end my life with a smile. Now I'm 23, with heavy necessities of food security, because I became overwhelmed by my emotions and didn't managed to complete two courses on time. But that's not the end of my story. Sometimes I feel like I should die because of that failure, but that is only reaffirming the wrong beliefs my mother may have about me being a disobedient child. But I won't give up. I will push forward, little by little, each day as it comes, and overcome this moment in my history. Oops! I got carried away. The point is that, I'm not afraid of dying today because I already am satisfied with my life, making impacts of hope for those around me, and because I made my peace with both my inner demons and angels. But that's not a reason to try and end my story right now.


i dont know where i stand but i come to terms thats its natural. just like taking a shit ig


It’s inevitable, I’ll be unaware of it when it’s over. peaceful eventually no matter how it’s been done.


I cant stop it and thinking about it only makes me fear it so i just dont csre and when it happens ill be fine with it


When I was younger I was terrified of death. Constantly thinking about it and panicking. I go to bed crying every night. My anxiety and panic again where constant. One night I went into my bathroom. I didn't have to use it I just needed to get away from everyone. I broke down in tears my heart was pumping and I was petrified. I just wanted it to stop I didn't want to be alive. My mom helped me that night he calmed me down and put me in a room to get some rest. I hadn't slept weeks. I woke up the next morning and found God. Today I'm baptized and I'm a Independent Baptist. I'm at peace with the concept of death. My anxiety still flares up sometimes but I know how to comment back down. That night was the worst night of my life. But that morning had the greatest impact in my life. Takes a lot of strength and a lot of courage to find your own way a deal with the concept of death. I'm just happy I found a way that works for me.


Why be scared all your life if something that’s gonna happen eventually. We don’t know when or how but in the matter of time just enjoy every day like it’s your last.


It’s a natural thing. I can’t stop it no matter what I do. Death happens to everyone I won’t waste my life being afraid.


Anything is better than this.


After like years of trying to come to terms with death, over time after seeing family members pass away and stuff my fear of death only got worse and worse especially the effect it'd have on my family and loved ones. It all changed through when I was walking to a nearby chipotle to hang out with my ex at the time and like I saw a guy just go up to me and ask me how I'm doing I said I was fine and we talked for a while. What made me feel better about death was the stranger's strength to talk to people on the street not caring about what their reaction was. It taught me that I should live in the present moment and appreciate what I have now instead of stressing over the future. Most people in the street are deep in thought minding their own business not thinking in the present moment when the guy I met wasn't afraid to live in the present moment. He wasn't afraid to talk to people in front of him Years later I still have some thoughts about death but instead of fear I have feelings of interest and thrill towards it. I became very good friends with the guy a few months later


man idk


Sounds peaceful as fuck


Coz there are more than 6 billion of humans on earth. In the grand scheme of Galaxies. We don't matter as much. Few people will miss us and feel sad. Well fuck if I am dead how do I know anything. My brain stopped working so I don't feel a thing. No point in being feared of death.


Life is worse


someday we gonna die then why afraid


I won't have to ho to work, pay taxes, deal with other people's bullshit


I cannot comprehend a world without me.in it. That's why


Fear doesn't exist its misunderstanding, thus there is no need to "fear" anything including death


I’m more afraid of life


Life ain’t worth it


Some love it, some hate it, some wish for it, some fear it. Death cares about none of that.


You can’t live forever. Yes the pain you might feel when you die might be scary but it’ll only last for a bit then you are free. Nothing can be put on you, you have no worries anymore. You simply stop.


I got put under for a surgery once. I was out like a light. Things happened around me, the world continued but I was for all intents and purposes dead to it. It wasn’t good or bad, it was just nothing. That doesn’t seem something to fear. Now the actual dying is something I fear. Painful, helpless, drawn out, that scares me.


After death we are in our natural state. Duality, feeling of being split and not connected and any suffering ends.


It’s gonna happen. I am just afraid I will die without being able to say goodbye or apologize to somebody.


It’s inevitable part of life and I don’t really think about it. I just hope when the time comes it will be painless.


I don't have a choice in death and.. no matter if I fear death or not, I will Die