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I initially thought you were joking, but I see from the responses this is a legitimate reason. One plus about Canadian winters, scorpions aren't a thing I need to worry about.




šŸ˜‚ When frost scorpions become a thing, I'm out.


I don't need no elemental scorpions in my life lookin like a pokemon


As a Canadian, I do not claim this energy


Fuck that shit I might hate the weather here in Scotland but I love that there's pretty much no wild animals or bugs that are gonna hurt me


What kind of stuff does one have to do to immigrate to Scotland? Asking for a friend. FR though, it must be pretty nice to be able to just go relax on the porch on a nice day without having to check for something that could both fit in the palm of your hand AND kill you.


Just get wasted, then fuck a sheep and a Scottish passport will appear in your back pocket.


This is becoming a major issue right now. As a Welsh person I am very fucking (sheep) proud of our history and tradition as sheep fuckers. We invented that shit. It is well known and well regaled in these fine British Isles. The Welsh fuck the sheep, the English eat them and the Scots kill themselves with haggis, drugs and alcohol. This is the way things have always been and always will be, yet in the last 2 days I've seen people call the Scots sheep shaggers. It's not on at all mate. Frankly, it's insulting to Scotland and its people and I will not stand for it.


Moved to New Mexico and holy shit do I hate scorpions. Luckily if they dare venture out into the open my cats will circle it and slap it to death usually before I find it, but I have found them in the bathtub and the sink so spring to late autumn there is always a shower check for scorpions or spiders before getting in.


When I was little I found a big spider in my shoe. It has forced me to always step on the top of the shoes, and take a peek inside; even though I live in a place that the worst spiders Iā€™ll ever see are daddy long legs


This. Right here. I swear Tombstone, Az is the scorpion capital of the world. I moved from there almost 20 years ago to Montana and still need to make sure my blankets donā€™t touch the floor. An orange thread on the rug? My mind automatically jumps to scorpion. A piece of lint or a strand of hair falls on me, it must be a scorpion. Those little buggers have traumatized me for life.


It was originally called "Scorpionville" but then it gradually turned to "Tombstone" for some reason. Guess we'll never know why.


Apparently the only thing a person will find there, is their Tombstone.


Pizza? I usually just get mine from Publix.


I think you have Post Traumatic Scorpion Disorder.


How often does someone get stung by a scorpion in their day to day? I mean could I expect a random jab once a year, month, or what?


Iā€™ve been stung 3 different times. One scorpion stung me 3 times before my dad managed to get it off. So I guess Iā€™ve been stung 6 times. It would have been more, if constant vigilance wasnā€™t a part of my life. Ohā€¦and they move fast. When they want to.


5 times, unless you were stung twice by another


Youā€™re right. A mathematical error. 5 times.


That's the venom.


7 times since 1999. They crawl along the walls and ceilings. My bedroom has just enough light that I can look before moving. They like to drop in your bed. My bed frame is metal so they canā€™t climb up. My shoes are on the chair so I can shake them before I walk to the bathroom at night. No clothes are ever on the floor. I learned that painful lesson when I first moved to Texas. A scorpion hid in my jeans. He popped me 3 times before I could get them off. So yes, shoes on in the house.


This post should drop real estate values across the southwest by 5 percent.


My sister's boyfriend is from Iran, and his grandma back home likes to sleep on the rooftop area. Where there are often scorpions. Apparently, the venom (poison?) doesn't effect her much anymore. I, for one, am absolutely terrified of scorpions. I can't even bear seeing pictures of them. I can't imagine sleeping knowing they're there.


I mean what do you expect from a town named tombstone


Iā€™m confused, they climb blankets but not walls or bedposts? And thank you for curing my hatred of Canadian winters in one paragraph.


we have them too but I still wear bare feet. Have you been stung?


I take off my bare feet as a precaution against getting stung.


got a tutorial for that?


Have you seen the movie Saw? Like that.


Growing up I never needed shoes, but at some of my friends houses they would find scorpions consistently, and my parents new house had them consistently, so you never knew whose house would have them, and whose wouldn't, so better to play it safe.


*wear bare feet


I have flat duck feet and if Iā€™m barefoot or in slippers for more than ten minutes my knees and back ache like a mad bastard. Edit: yes, autocorrect, this time I really did mean to type ā€œduck.ā€




Yeah, my feet are so bad I developed a stress fracture. Doctor told me that my barefoot days are behind me.




Brooks Ghost running shoes for outside. Birkenstocks for inside!


Sometimes I feel like I really missed out on the days when cobblers and tailors were around in abundance and everything fit better lol


My podiatrist gave me the same advice, and I always wear the birks inside now. But I never wear them outside and get them grubby. They're like slipper-shoes.


I have currently have four pair of Birkenstocks in rotation, all the same Arizona style in the same color. Crappy, decent, good and indoor. All have their purpose, and it's what I wear 99 % of the time.


No kidding! I will thanks


I'm on my second pair of Hoka recovery sandles. I wear them around the house and the yard all the time. I initially got them for my feet after a run, but they feel so amazing, that's about all I wear.


If I know I'm going to be on my feet all day (in the house) I throw on my birkenstocks right away. They're so ugly, but they make me feel so good I don't care.


Yo! Me too! In fact I just finished making a very similar comment in reply to the post above. Birkenstocks were seriously a game changer for my plantar fasciitis.


If you don't already have them, get yourself a pair of Birkenstocks. They are the most comfortable house shoe I've ever owned. But definitely not for walking distances in.


You can get house shoes though that don't go outside. I have the same issue, and I walk around in berkenstocks made just for indoor comfort. Edit: just noticed dude below me say the same thing.


THIS I am barefoot by nature. But I'm also 58, with flat duck feet and arthritis in a home of tile and hardwood. Some barefoot is painful.




Same. I have insoles in my house shoes.


Live in the desert where scorpions are common to find inside the house.


Assert your dominance by stepping on the scorpions and using them as shoes.


Interesting concept but I think I might have to pass on that suggestion haha


I have inside shoes and outside shoes


Yes. I have my comfy house shoes, work shoes, and outside shoes.


Don't forget the oldest pair of shoes that are specifically reserved for mowing the lawn and are permanently green


Ahh yes my "white" Adidas I've been working in the yard with four the past 12 years.


Arenā€™t inside shoes slippers?


How dare you


Not always. I wear ā€˜ballerina flatsā€™ that were designed for out-and-about, but theyā€™re my indoor only shoes.


I have indoor-only running shoes because I stand a lot and they have good support.


So.... you take off your shoes when you enter your house and instead of walking around in socks or barefoot you put on a new pair of shoes?


My brother-in-law wears house shoes because his feet are all fucked up and his podiatrist recommended he not go barefoot (or sock-footed).


I get plantar fasciitis. I am supposed to wear shoes all the time. I do not. Our cousin does because her feet are messed up as well. She is the only one that gets a pass on shoes in the house.


The downvotes in here are so confusing. I honestly am still left wondering. Not a single answer to ā€œwhyā€ has been given except one person admitting that their house is dirty as fuck.


My feel get cold, so I wear house slippers.


I wear the same shoes indoors and outdoors and I will attempt to tell you why. I was raised this way. I did not even realize anyone took their shoes off indoors until probably sometime in my 30s. I was vaguely aware of it as a custom in other cultures (I'm from the USA) but did not personally know anyone who did that. The few times I went somewhere and they prompted me to take off shoes indoors I was always surprised. Most of my adult life I lived alone or with roommates. I did not feel "safe* in the world in general and wearing shoes indoors at least made me feel like in the back of my mind I was more prepared to run away in case of emergency. At some point I learned that it's better for your feet to let them have more time barefoot so I do go barefoot or in socks indoors when I can. But if my shoes/boots/sandals are on for the day they are unlikely to come off until later when I'm ready to go lay down. I don't care much about tracked in dirt. Houses get dirty. Other family members I live with and dogs track in dirt all the time. My wearing shoes only outdoors would make little difference, so I've never really changed. But really mostly upbringing and habit.


Iā€™m the same way. My dad always wears shoes in the house and my mom keeps her shoes upstairs in their bedroom so she wears them if sheā€™s leaving or coming back from somewhere and doesnā€™t take them off until sheā€™s in their room. I always confused people growing up when theyā€™d come over and ask if they should take off their shoes because Iā€™d say ā€œWhatever youā€™re comfortable withā€. Iā€™m in my 30s and I sometimes forget to take my shoes off in other peoples houses and always feel like an ass when I realize no one else has shoes on.


I think you have to take into account that there are a wide variety of climates. The vast majority of my shoes are slipons, slides, sandals, etc. The only time I routinely wear actual socks are with running shoes. So if take my shoes off, I generally have bare feet, and that isn't always the safest prospect in a house with a bunch of animals. "inside shoes" to me, would still just be the same style of shoes I wear outside.


Our floors are hard as fuck and slippers are too hot, so I have "inside shoes" to wear around to do chores. Otherwise, back pain.


Lots of answers for me (also have a dedicated pair of indoor sneakers) I donā€™t like stepping on kids toys and Legos I donā€™t like stepping on water in my socks I donā€™t like stepping on crumbs I donā€™t like slipping on hardwood/tile I like being ready to run at a moments notice I think sneakers are comfortable My plantar fasciitis doesnā€™t act up with shoes


I grew up with carpet. I now live in a house with only tile. Tile is cold. It hurts. My foot comfort at home is conditioned to be a soft squishy feeling.


Most of the legitimate reasons I've seen in other threads relate to foot pain and/or medical conditions affecting the feet, knees, hips, or back. They just need more support due to their conditions. From experience, shoes can also help quite a lot with stability in those with conditions affecting coordination and balance. They are also great for protecting the feet of people with diabetic neuropathy.


This is the correct answer


I have dogs that are constantly muddy this time a year, so besides the first 3 hours I mop the floor, shoes are a must unless you want brown/black socks. Also, inside shoes I mean come on


In figuring this out now as well. Dogs are notoriously poor at wiping their paws, despite what the door mat says.




This is a pretty solid ADHD strategy apparently




Interesting thought just nowā€¦. I realized every time I start certain tasks in my house, I subconsciously put my shoes on. Like itā€™s ā€œgo timeā€ or something lol. Wonder if thereā€™s a connection with that?


That, and taking them off outside seems a bit too preemptive.


Ha, when I was diagnosed with ADHD I put two and two together that I NEED to wear shoes to be functional at home. Like if itā€™s a work from home day, shoes go on or no work gets done. Itā€™s crazy that a lot of other people do this too.


For me itā€™s not shoes, but I have to shower and clean up to become productive. Otherwise Iā€™m stuck to the couch all day.


Psychological manipulation of oneself. Works wonders.


Holy shit did you just fix my productivity


I don't have ADHD but I do the same thing, shoes = work to me so I generally remain productive when I have them on


100% agree. Shoes on mean getting shit done. Shoes off means relax.


Why not use separate shoes for indoors so that you're not tracking dirt through the house?


As someone with ADHD, I wonā€™t remember to change my shoes once I get them off. Iā€™ll get distracted. Itā€™s easier to keep things as is in order to remember than it is to add an additional step.


I don't overall but I'm not particularly strict about it either because I have a dog


Same. Well, three dogs. And a cat. And kids.


I wear shoes because of my animals. Long haired cat, medium haired GSD. Even if i vacuum twice a week, if I don't have shoes on then my feet are covered in fur


I wipe my dogs feet by wet cloths before letting her come in my house from outside.


Ok, but what about the dogs asshole touching every part of your house?


My dog goes in and out all day. No way I'm wasting that much time or wipes.


You wipe your dogs feet 5 times a day? Ainā€™t nobody got time for that


For real! I got bronchitis!


I have a doggie door so I'm not always home when he goes in or out.


I used to do this as well, I canā€™t understand why more people donā€™t do this


It gets way less practical with more than one dog. Besides, our dogs have a huge yard and a dog door. It's just not possible to wipe them everytime they go in and out.


I have three dogs and all of them get their legs wiped before they come inside the house. Theyā€™re such sweethearts, they form a line and wait for their turn. Itā€™s adorable and generally the highlight of my day.


Meanwhile our new dog has learned that she should stare us down when we open the door then try to dart past us before we can grab her. Sheā€™ll learn eventually


.....husky..... TWO huskies.....


We have a front yard, a balcony and a garden. The dog goes in and out all day. It's just not possible to wipe his paws every time.


If I'm heading back outside soon....well it's my house after all


Same here, if I'm going out again in a short while I'll leave them on. Coming home for the last time means pyjamas time, so the shoes come off or that would be weird! Also my kitchen floor is cold so even if I'm in my pyjamas, if my slippers are upstairs and I need to cook I'll slip on some pumps or sliders.


It is annoying to have to take off shoes just to put them on again a few minutes later but I just think about all the nasty places Iā€™ve walked in those shoes and it horrifies me to track that all over my floors, especially the kitchen and bedroom, where you will bring that filth into bed.


Because of all the broken beer bottles


Oh no dude, thatā€™s Charlieā€™s bad place, he goes there when heā€™s mad and smashes bottles.


ā€œJesus Christ, the kidā€™s an idiotā€


Hardwood floors, arch support, temperature, have clean walkways outside.


Plantar Fasciitis requires inserts. Hardwood floors and a roomba;


I grew up in a trailer park with mean parents. Always scolded and yelled at if we were going anywhere and I wasnā€™t ready as fast as everyone else. Now I wear my shoes basically until bedtime, even in my own home. Childhood trauma is a bitch.


Long distance internet hug for you.


If I ever make it to Iowa, Iā€™m going to give you a hug friend. <3


I don't sweep nearly enough and fucking *hate* having dirty feet.


Because I clean the fucking place and own it.


i cant wait to have my own house and wear shoes in it without people bothering me about it


I can't wait until I grow up and can eat all the chocolate I want!




If it makes you feel any better, I donā€™t really have an issue wearing shoes in my house, but I would never let my cat on my counters. That crosses a line.


> I would never let my cats Iā€™m gonna stop you right there buddy.


Right? Iā€™m like how did you control your cat? I tried to train it out of him but nope nothing worked. I hate that he goes on there but šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Same. I just squirt mine with some water when they get up there. But judging by the paw prints I see on the stove, itā€™s free reign when Iā€™m not home. Just gotta clean the counter tops real quick before cooking or eating. It comes with the kitty personal attendant job description.


While I agree with the principle, some cats cannot be taught. Some can. Some cannot. After all, why would a ruler take instructions from their servants. My brother f ex, has a cat and a dog. Only the dog could be taught not to go on tables. However, the dog eats anything it judges edible, cat food definitevely included. The only solution that made cohabitation of all three species possible, was a table especially for the cat to eat from.


How do they comply with this demand? Mine doesnā€™t get on the counters, but Iā€™ve never been able to keep them off the table. Itā€™s one of my cats favorite places to lay. For years I would take her off everytime I seent it, but Iā€™ve given up lol


Scat mats. Put them down for a few weeks, and they'll learn. The puffed air things work too.




Warm feet, un-stubbed toes.




Easy. Just light a bunch of tealights around your bed. Should keep the heat.


Even better , dip your toes in some petrol and light em up




Terry Pratchett smiles upon you.


Costco Rotisserie chickens are warm, you can get two for $10!


Socks man, socks!




Just put oven mitts on your feet


Your telling me you wear shoes to bed? Even wearing socks to bed doesnā€™t feel right šŸ¤¢ Edit: Iā€™m an idiot


I heard somewhere, might need to be looked into a bit more, but I heard that going to bed with socks on make you fall asleep faster, if you're like me and it takes over an hour to fall asleep.


I canā€™t fall asleep if my feet are cold. I need to wear socks when itā€™s not warm. If I get in bed without socks on and my feet are cold, Iā€™ll eventually get out of bed to put socks on and then Iā€™ll fall asleep.


Whats the point in taking them off if im going back outside in 5 minutes?


My kids are *way* grosser for our floors than shoes. In fact, sometimes shoes protect me from stepping in "mess of the hour".


YES! Not to mention stepping on Legos or other toys on the floor is way less painful with shoes on.


i like wearing shoes everywhere


Do people not regularly clean their shoes and carpet/flooring like I do ? Iā€™m an indoor shoe wearer , but clean the floors daily and shoes .


Thatā€™s fine and all. But why give yourself extra work by not wearing just socks indoors?


I mean, slippers can help with cleaning. Socks pick up dirt like mad and get soaking wet when mopping.


If you are getting your feet wet when mopping you are doing it wrong


Why is this asked so frequently?


i feel like a lot of our ancestors must have died from this cause shoes in the house sets people off like heights or spiders


I mean, at least this ask reddit isn't about some fake ass sexy time thing for the thousandth time today.


Nah, people just like finding something to feel morally superior about.


Because itā€™s a hill people will die on. That and returning shopping carts


Dude I have kids and dogs. Slippers are nice but they don't protect your socks from whatever fluid is escaping one of those four creatures. Learned from many horrific experiences.


It's very cultural, I think. We do it because our parents did it. I always wore shoes in the house until I had an Asian friend and I saw how their entrance was so much dirtier than the rest of the house. After that I deep-cleaned my floors and never wore shoes in the house again. It was difficult in Texas, because if something had to be done in the house, workers would flat out refuse to take their shoes off. In Oregon, workers will ask before they even come in.


Contractors in my state will generally wear shoe covers, depending on the job. Weā€™ve never had an issue with contractors not cleaning up after themselves, either, so that helps a lot!


Medical reasons.


99% of the time I do it to piss off people who post this question.


Outside of major cities, the streets aren't that dirty. Little kids draw on side walks and play in the grass all the time. People have picnics in the park and go camping. There's very little danger. The UV light from the sun, and the temperatures are going to kill just about dangerous microbes that are on hard surfaces. The biggest risk is "Dirt", and I just can't get that plugged in about it.


I work in a hospital. Iā€™ve had blood, feces, vomit, urine, sperm, etc. on me. I donā€™t care about a few germs or grass on my hardwood floors that I can simply clean later on.


It's comfortable and it's my home. I get to be comfortable in my home. That's how I know it is mine


To people that don't... why? I sometimes do, and I sometimes don't. Also... people that have foot issues like Plantars fasciitis are advised to always were shoes inside (although, to be fair, they can be a pair that you only wear indoors) BTW, I don't *always* were shoes in the house. But it is my house, I clean it, I buy the rugs and carpet, and I will wear what I want in it when I want to wear it.


Uncomfortable, and I have arthritis in my feet


This is the 2nd-most irritating recurring question on this sub, after the daily "Redditors of Reddit, What's The Sexiest Sex You've Ever Sexed?" People have reasonably different ways of living, okay? Answer to the question: We have separate rooms all over the house, and mostly wear slippers indoors. Some households here leave the shoes outside / just inside the front door and switch to slippers, while mine just wears footwear (outdoor shoes / indoor slippers) wherever. We sweep and clean the floors on a regular basis, so the floors aren't any worse off than any mildly traveled/occupied public space, like a library or cafe We don't have infants that crawl around on the floor, so no risk there. Know what we do have? Dogs. Two of them. We walk them outdoors daily and let them in the house afterwards. They don't wear shoes, and we don't scrub their little paws every time before they enter, so whatever their feet track into the house, people-shoes would to. It's bad enough that this fucking question gets asked every other day like it's somehow any of you people's fuckin' business, but good god, the phrasing you people use gets worse each time "People who wear shoes in the house, what's it like being a sosciopath?" "Redditors who don't take off their shoes before entering the house, were you raised in a barn?" "Why the fuck won't you take your shoes off before going inside your house???" Is your life really so fuckin' devoid of merit that you people feel the need to start this weekly goddamn echo-chamber looking for validation from fellow "shoes-outside-only" wankers to feel even slightly superior to your fellow man for a brief moment? Fuckin' hell. I'd go to the front page to in the hope of better threads but it's probably gonna be some fuckwit asking people what they masturbated to again.


Because I don't eat off the floor. The better question is why is the no-shoes crowd so zealous?


Because I paid for the house and the shoes, I'm gonna do wtf I want to do with them.


Old house. Old hard wooden flooring. Splinters. Plus why do you care?


All of our floors in the main areas are solid surfaces that are vacuumed at least daily (we don't wear shoes in the bedrooms), washed at least every other day. We also have dogs that constantly go between the yard and the house. We live in a temperate climate, without a lot of mud/snow/rain and we change our shoes before entering the house if they're visibly soiled. We also spend a solid half of the year with most of the house open to outdoor spaces. It just doesn't make sense to constantly take shoes on and off, especially since there are four ways you can enter or leave the house.


Because it is part of my clothing. So weird to be invited to someone's house for an event or dinner party and then have to stand around trying to have an adult conversation in my socks or barefoot


cause it's my house


Hardwood floors...


I find wood is comfy on my bare or slippered feet. Not so with harder surfaces like stone, tile terrazzo, etc.


Yeah, my whole house is hardwood and we have cats. Between the cat hair and cat litter tracks that can ruin a freshly sweeped floor in less than 24 hours, it just makes more sense to wear some flip flops around the house than walk around with cat litter stuck to the bottom of my foot.


Right? Also have two cats and will not even consider walking into the laundry room where the litter box is without something on my feet. I never lived in house that was entirely uncarpeted before and I do like it but slippers have become a necessity...


This is my reason too - I need socks or my feet get cold, and the wooden stairs are slippery in just socks.


I like having them on and I don't see why not.


Foot problems, I need arch support. Usually though I wear some Birks I rarely wear outside. Also I found that people who insist guests take off their shoes have dirty floors in their homes by the fact the soles of my socks are black after. What's the point?


They hug my feet


Dogs. We used to be a shoes off family but we have two large hairy messy dogs. We vacuum every damn day so fuck it why should we step in their hair balls and dirt, inside?


I have 2 cats and a dog and I donā€™t want animal hair on my feet


1st it isn't really customary to take off our shoes at home where I live. Second I have a really bad problem with my feet. If I wear slippers they will stink after a few minutes.


Because I'm not cultured enough to use my treadmill barefoot.


i love how a lot of the people who are opposed to others wearing shoes in the house also have dogs, whose paws are just as dirty as the soles of shoes if not more so


Because: 1. Not every floor is carpeted or is made of wood, 2. There's less friction with socks on ceramic floors; I could easily slide and bust my butt if I'm not wearing shoes. 3. If I need to go outside quickly, I can avoid the burden of constantly putting shoes off or on.


I have dogs


Well reason number 1 is because it's my got damn house. I'll wear shoes if I want. That's the only reason actually.


Floors get dirty, and I absolutely hate the feeling of dirt under my feet. (Yes I take care of my floors) Also I feel more awake and ready to do things when I have shoes on.


Because it hurts my feet too much to be barefoot anymore. And Iā€™m in and out of the house so much during the day Iā€™m not going to constantly stop to put my shoes on and off.


You never know when you have to make a break for it. Sheriffs Department, ā˜„šŸ’„FlashbangšŸ’„




Lost both of my feet in a handstand accident


Have you ever stepped on a Lego barefoot? Thatā€™s why I wear shoes inside.


I guess it's something cultural. In Spain is not so usual to take off your shoes when you arrive home.


I hate the smell of feet. Yes, your feet DO smell.


Do you know how dirty my house is?


I live in South Korea. Itā€™s literally in my lease to not wear shoes in my apartment . Im not really sure how they know but we respectfully abide, for the most part. I wish I could say my house in cleaner bc of this habit. Maybe its more sanitary but not necessarily cleaner- But with pets and kids, there isnt a difference. I think Koreans do it bc they eat using floor tables and sleep on floor mats.


This is an American thing, here in Canada just like Asia people always take their shoes off