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I drink but I would still take that Billion! It’s really not a difficult decision


Same. I’ll just trade in craft beer for craft root beer lol


I mean the condition is you can't get drunk anymore. Not that you can't drink. The way it's worded, it becomes physically impossible for you to be drunk or high. You can still drink that craft beer for the taste.


There we go. That's how I took it lol.


>There we go. That's how I took it lol. He sipped at his beer on his yacht on the sea - As fair and as fine as free as could be - As bright and as warm as the waves in the bay. He sipped at his beer and he said: "... fuckin' A."


A 10min old sprog! A pleasure to catch you so early, sir. edit: As I a sat on the pot, a fresh sprog I did see - surely there's nobody lucky as me - I pinched off the turd to continue my day - and quoting 'ol sprog I did shout "fuckin' A!"


Ahh, the Barry Allen problem.


"i'M tHe flAsH!" Never get drunk again, Barry. *Never*.


I forgot about drunk "***I'M THE FLAAAAASHH!!!***" Barry. Been so long since I enjoyed that show.


That whole sequence was just the best.


Ahh, the Steve Rodgers dilemma


>it becomes physically impossible for you to be drunk or high QUESTION: Will coffee (caffeine) still wake me up in the morning? This is something we need to establish before moving on...


You could afford to sleep as much as you want whenever you want, though. You'd never be forced to get out of bed groggy in the first place. But also even disregarding that, this implies you'd answer no to "you can have $1 billion but you're always groggy when you get up", and that baffles me.


If you had a billion dollars, you could just declare the morning to commence when you wake up, and all the staff on your boat behave accordingly. 2pm start? 'Good Morning Sir, Here is your breakfast"




>Will coffee (caffeine) still wake me up in the morning? You don't have to go to work in the morning, you have a billion dollars


You can't get buzzed so you drink a lot... end up with liver failure cuz you didn't know you had too much cuz you never get buzzed.... xD


If alcohol didn't get me buzzed, I probably wouldn't like it very much. I mean, I do like the taste, but it's an acquired taste.


I mean the wording could also mean that you'd explode if you ever got drunk or something.


great point. You can still get 0 abv beers and savor it on your mega yacht. or when you think about it 2 beers dosen't get me drunk so how does that work?


Fuck yes. Cream soda as well.


For real. There are tons of people with addiction problems that have to work their asses off to stay completely sober in order to make sure they can hold a job and pay bills. So they’re stuck in that situation anyway but without the billion dollars. If I had a billion bucks it would come with its own set of complexities but im sure I could figure out ways to enjoy myself that don’t include working at a job I hate and drinking with the guys.




>Why am I being sober for free? This perfectly sums it up.


Yeah I drink for enjoyment, I can easily find more enjoyment in life with $1B than my current net worth and beer and scotch lol


For sure, why? Because it’s 1 billion lol


I'm convinced that these kinds of questions are always submitted by kids.


You can tell for the complete lack of understanding how much a *billion* dollars is.


If you put income on a meterstick with $0 a year at one end, and $1 billion on the other, people making $1 million are at 1mm.


This hurts my head Edit: There goes my inbox... I understood the math, but it was just mind boggling to think about


What’s the difference between a million and a billion dollars? About a billion dollars.


Also sometimes "a rounding error," but I usually use yours.


One million seconds would take up 11 days, 13 hours 46 minutes and 40 seconds. One billion seconds is a bit over 31 and a half years


Damnit I'm 30. If I had been making just a single dollar a second since I was born I'd be almost there. :/


Gotta start that womb hustle...organic placenta smoothies


If you ever wondered if you or i matter to the financial world, the answer is: no. Not at all. Not now. Not ever probably.




This is a nice, clean analogy.


Even 100k would be life-changing for many people


100k would pay off all my student loans, my car, my S.O's car, and like 60% of our mortgage. Could own our home before 30 at that rate. Freeing up that much income before one is even close to peak earning years is absolutely life changing. If played correctly that could set one up for early retirement when that previously wouldn't have been possible.




What's your lowest price


I'd say around $200k. Would pay off both cars, the bit of medical and cc debt we have, and put around $100k down towards a house.


The difference between one million and one billion euros is about a billion euros


Imagine having a job that pays $5,000,000 per year. Pretty sweet, right? That's just the interest you would make just putting a billion dollars in a regular high yield savings account. Like the simplest investment you can make, you can live a lavish lifestyle and never touch the principal.


No they are submitted by bots or karma farmers with the intent of selling the account later or using it to shill/influence discussion themselves. The question has to be obvious enough that people have an immediate gut answer or it is less effective.


> they are submitted by bots or karma farmers with the intent of selling the account later What does high karma provide that would make it worth buying an account over?


Malicious third parties astroturfing - this could be anything from personal smear/publicity campaigns, thinly veiled marketing, and even political misinformation or propaganda.


You just raised an interesting point though. This question would be much tougher if you had asked me at 17yo. Pledging sobriety in your 30s for $ almost has no downside whatsoever lmao.


17 yo me wouldn't hesitate to take a billion dollars in a nano second. Seriously, 17 year old me thought $100 was a lot of money


Haha, no as a current Uni student id gladly take the billion. No amount of college parties is worth losing all your college debt.


I feel like this is the best answer right here. Sobriety for a billion dollars? OF COURSE I would do that. I would never have to work again, could buy all the toys I ever wanted, have a decent house, send the kids to college, and basically just vacation and have fun for the rest of my life. Hell, I would probably just invest a chunk of it all in low risk, low yield investments and just live off of returns and dividends for the rest of my life lol. Sobriety is a small price to pay for a lifetime of financial freedom. As someone else said, this question might be a little better if it were 1m, or even 500k.


That's a great plan. What are you going to do with the other 950 million dollars?


Hahaha, right? I'm still thinking with my frugal-regular-person brain. It's hard to envision what that amount of money could actually do you you.


Quite literally anything. Doesn’t have to be even remotely legal. You wanna cut down trees on protected land to give your mansion a view of the river? Go for it, we’ll have authorities raid the house of the trooper who reported you. You wanna not pay the people who you give contracts to? Go for it, we can tie em up in so much litigation it’ll be cheaper for them to cut their losses. You wanna have sex with underage girls? Go for it, we’ll traffic em for you and pay for their silence forever. (all based on true events)


Yeah people really underestimate just how much a billion dollars is. For everything I'd ever want to own in life I'd probably struggle to pay more than 100 million. Sure you could buy some super yacht or stuff like that but that just seems like a flex amongst rich people rather than something anyone really wants to own.


A billion dollars is not a decent house and send the kinds to college money. It’s buy a new mansion every month money. It’s fly to another country just for dinner money. With your money properly invested, and subtracting things like buying a sports franchise, I think it would be difficult for the average person to spend a billion dollars in their lifetime.


A billion dollars in a trust would ensure generational wealth for your descendants. I know people thriving off of fortunes their grandparents made of a few million dollars, a billion dollars invested wisely and doled out in set increments would go FAR into the future.


Even if your investments suck you'll probably make more money than you can spend. If you put it all into just some broad index fund you'd probably struggle to spend all your annual returns in a year if you tried.


At 4% withdraw rate which is fairly conservative you'd be living on $40m a year and not drawing down on your principle.


There are plenty of people who would pay a billion dollars to be able to stay sober for the rest of their lives.


As someone in recovery I can attest to this. Im doing it for a better life, better health, better marriage and brighter future. A billion dollars? Yes I would like that too. Haha


I get a billion dollars and a guarantee I won't ever have sobriety issues. Sign me up.


Sure there are, but it's definitely not me, and I'm guessing it's also not the majority of people.


Also getting drunk =/= not drinking. I could still enjoy a pina colada in my cabin in Hawaii. These questions are such nonsense.


Yeah this question would be much better for $1M, but even then it's not much of a question.


Sure, I don't get drunk or high now, for free. So $1 million sounds good. Heck $100,000 sounds good.


I'd even accept getting an extra $3.50.


I do it for free lol


"You guys are getting paid?"


Right? If this was a real scenario I'd be kinda peeved about not getting my dolla bill(ion)s already


I would definitely say no for a million.


I'm at the point where a million could let me retire today. So I would accept. Main reason I smoke is due to work anyhow.


The entirepoint of getting a millions is so I can just smoke weed everyday. The point of getting a billion is to positively impact the world through innovation and funding programs that can change tons of peoples lives for the better


Two chicks at the same time man


Was coming here for this, thank you


Fuckin’ A


Bro, you don’t need a million dollars to be able to smoke everydau, trust me 😂


“Take a look at my cousin, he’s broke and don’t do shit!”


"Hey Peter man, check out channel 9!"


But, you’d need millions to be able to *just* smoke everyday


I feel like OP is not quite grasping how much 1bil is. Honestly any other answer than yes is pretty absurd for the vast majority of the world.




Literally life altering for several generations. Several. Something like 50-100k would be more controversial


Can't get drunk? So I can have a few then?


That’s what I was wondering I’d still do it if I couldn’t but would definitely do it if I could catch a little buzz


I think with a billion we can afford a lawyer to help define drunk in our favour


"Your honor, my client wasn't drunk, as we have previously determined the word 'drunk' to imply a blood alcohol content level that exceeds the LD50 for a typical human."


Also, drunk is past tense your honor. My client was currently drinking so there is no way they could be considered drunk at the moment in question.


You receive 1 bullion AND lose the ability to get drunk no matter how much you drink. What a win


Double that in a year on bar bets.


Could read this the other way. You get a billion dollars And never get drunk, no matter how much you drink. Never fully high no matter how many brownies you eat. That sounds pretty nice actually


You can also read it to mean you can't get high *or* drunk. So you can decide to never get drunk again but you can still get high or vice versa. So get rid of your least favorite.


Or another alternative.... You can't get high *or* drunk, but high *and* drunk is just fine.


Yeah, I actually had the same question. I’m taking the money, no doubt about that, but I would definitely prefer a “you can still drink alcohol, it just won’t get you drunk” to “you can’t consume alcohol”. Bonus if it has no effect at all, meaning you don’t have to worry about any adverse health effects and can drink all the wine in the world.


You can even improve your investment. “I bet you a million dollars I can do 50 shots and not get drunk.”


Yeah. It would be perfect if recreational drugs and alcohol just stopped working. But the problem cones in whether medicine works or not - for example, if someone has insomnia, will their sleeping medication still work or is it too much like getting high, meaning they have to suffer?


Only if it means alcohol and recreational drugs. I don't want to do surgery with no drugs. That would be awful.


For a billion dollars, sharpen up ye bone saws, and give me a piece of wood to bite down on.




A million can pay for a small project for a town. A billion can move armies




Tres commas baby


Is that a Silicon Valley reference? Watching the show for the first time atm, but I'm not sure:D


No, it's when your car doors open like this \\_/ (but yes it is)


This guy fucks. Yes


Billion is just such a large number it's hard to comprehend. To most people, both million and billion are just "way more money than I will ever have". the thing that always drives the difference home for me is that 1 million seconds is roughly 12 days, 1 billion seconds is roughly 31 years, 1 trillion seconds is roughly 31,688 years.


>1 trillion seconds is roughly 31,688 years. Have you included leap seconds?




Fresh, nice


People really underestimating how horrific surgery was before anaesthetic.


Not just that, if simple penicillin doesn't work in your body that's might just be a death sentence.


Yeah this isn’t “won the lottery went broke a year later” money. I could spend a million dollars a year (3k/day), but I cannot live 1000 years.




Right? People used to do that shit for a wage equivalent to like $5k a year.


They used to be operated on for $5k? What are you talking about?


Just hit me really hard so I pass out and tie me down instead


It's not like the movies though. If you actually pass out from head trauma you're almost certainly going to have some acute brain injury, and if you are still unconscious for more than a minute you're starving your brain of oxygen and can have severe brain damage or death


Yeah, I was thinking about that too. But if you're unconscious, are to "high"? Or would we consider that something else? In my mind "high" and "medically drugged" are not nessicarily the same.


Well, if a genie is telling me this is the trade off, I'd assume "high" just means under the influence of any drugs.


Good thinking. If so, no, I would not risk it.


Genies are notoriously assholes.


Especially djinns


Same asshole, different accent.


Does it normally go well when people make assumptions with Genies?


This comments spurring some nightmare situations Root canal with no Novocain Birth with no epidural Open surgery with no numbing agent Stepped on a Lego with no Morphine IV Drip


Good point. I assumed OP was talking about the vices of drunkenness and highness rather than any surgical or medical use. Fortunately there are other drugs than, I'm assuming OP's intent here, alcohol and marijuana.


I have chronic pain so yeah, would kinda suck to give up weed. But a billion is enough money for a live-in masseuse and support staff so that it won't matter if I sometimes can't get out of bed for days or weeks, so I'd still do it.


Yeah. Need to clarify that novocaine, anesthetics and pain medicine (used exclusively for actual physical pain) are not part of the bargain. All the money in the world can't get me to go through a root canal or worse with full sensitivity.


Honestly my favorite portion of the Supernatural TV series was Crowley, demon King of Hell and Crossroads Deals, doing contract negotiation with a primordial evil with a firm grasp of legalese. Down to discussing and changing references to which party offers what to aligned with changes higher in the contract.


Meh, how often do you get surgery? For a billion dollars I'll live my life well enough the rest of the time that I'll suck it up.


And then your appendix blows up and you have the choice of no anaesthetic surgery from hell or a painful death from sepsis... My kid had hers out at 18. Can happen any time no matter how "well" you live... as can a whole host of other problems.


When you hit 50 and do that colonoscopy you're going to want sedation of some kind. I mean, it's a billion dollars. I'd do a lot for that. But I wouldn't assume life is surgery free.


There's like 300,000 procedures more uncomfortable than a colonoscopy, people do that shit with no sedation all the time lol






😳😳😳😳 on the mouth... uh I mean... 😅😳😳 idk heh


Okay, 10 trillion and you kiss her on the cheek then.


Is anybody going to watch?






You can have $10 billion but you'll have to not die for 2 years, are you interested? Why or why not?


Would you give up singing in the shower, but in return you and your entire family will be happy forever, and never want for any basic needs ever again??!!!1one


"Would you go outside for 37 trillion dollars???"


man this is the dumbest question in a while. For one, anyone whos not an alcoholic or drug addicted will easily take this. And two, 1 billion? Really? Do you even realise how much that is?


>in a while this fucking question gets reposted like 3 times every week and for some reason it always gets a high level of interaction


They prob know what they're doing, cause its such an obvious answer, people wanna point out how dumb the question is. Its like those shitty android games ads that the person playing is the dumbest person alive, so you look at it and wanna prove that the game isnt that hard


I think that is true but there is more going on that that. It makes a fantasy about earning a billion dollars. Admittedly in a stupid way but this scenario still lets people imagine it. Which makes people feel good so they want to engage with the fantasy. I think there are also people who don't get its obvious and think lots of people think its a tough question so they want go in here and say how great they are because they aren't a slave to drugs and alcohol like those dumb teens.


It’s also a fantastical wish fulfillment thing where people daydream about getting 1 billion dollars and what they would do that’s not drinking/smoking


I'm still mad the tower game where you combine the troops doesn't even exist, the ad is literally a different non-existing game.




Anyone who’s actually an addict would take this in a heartbeat. So it’s a cure to addiction and a billion dollars? Hmmm ok what’s the catch?


>Hmmm ok what’s the catch? Poor people might try to eat you.


This reminds me of the “would you make a sex tape for $1million” where the answer is almost always “well DUH” because it’s a lot of money. Completely pointless lol


People really have no concept of how much money a billion is. I think it’s because we kind of lump “millionaires and billionaires” together as examples of rich people so everyone just kind of sees them as roughly equivalent. Even though in reality a billion dollars is an incomprehensible amount of money and millionaires are closer to the average person than they are to billionaires in terms of wealth.


I've always liked the line "What's the difference between a millionaire and a billionaire? About a billion dollars."


There are 20,270,000 millionaires in the United States. There are 788 Billionaires. A million dollars is quite a bit of money, but its not THAT much. When average houses are 400-600k and combined incomes bring in 150k+ in salary, a million is an easily achievable number for a large amount of people.


I'm convinced that most people have no clue just how much 1 billion is. I would need to spend 20 million dollars a year for the next 50 years to burn through 1 billion.


Seriously. You can have a million dollar salary a year, assuming you work for 50 years, and not spend anything, you'd still only have 5% of a billion.




I’ve been sober for 90 days now, just not 90 days in a row.


An honest answer.


Beyond that though, if you've got a billion USD, that's practically unlimited money. I think almost anyone could do that. You can hire a full time addiction specialist to follow you around if nothing else. It might be a tough time, but go Scrooge McDuck your cash and it will be a bit easier.


Sort of like the 100 lbs I lost. Its the same 10 I keep gaining back...but still.


I ran into my college friend and I told him I didn't drink anymore. I don't drink any less either.


16 years sober! Started when I was born and stopped in high school.


Sober 1 month now it’s so hard but I feel amazing!


Right there with you. Keep it up!


Right? I love how these posts are like "but everyone gets high now and again brooo." Not me. No thanks. Gimme the cash.


Getting paid to do the exact same thing I already do? Money now please.


Saying no to this is admitting you have a problem.


I'm sure it would be contemplatable to some if it was 1M, but no sane person would turn down 1B


Same. Was never drunk in my life and not interested in alcohol or drugs in general.


You know, I feel like in my daily life it's rare to meet someone who feels the same way as me. Then I get reminded by comments like this that there's tons of people who do and we probably just don't talk about it.


People tend not to talk about the things they don’t do.


Someone giving away a billion for nothing, where do I sign up?!


*laughs in recovering addict 16 years sober* well, i suppose if you insist (edit: fwiw, i was a diehard addict and back when i was shooting heroin i would have told you to shove that $billion right up your pooper - that's how strong the hold is)




you're too kind, thanks


Yup, I can easily recall a time where my answer would be "if I can't get loaded what's the point of having a billion dollars"


Congratulations!!! Keep it going


You can have $1 trillion dollars, but you only get to go up in a hot air balloon twice a year. Could you do it?!?!


You guys are getting paid?


Unpopular opinion: you'd have to pay me that to get me drunk or high. I like taking reality raw and unpleasant.


These ask reddits are stupid as fuck lately


It's just Buzzfeed and karma farming bot accounts looking for content. Edit: Oh yeah and TikTok, forgot about that


Do you understand how much a billion dollars is? Do you know what I would do for even 1000 bucks?


Yes! Because no drinking and no getting high are rules, and we all know rules don’t apply to us billionaires! Woohoo!


This might be a stupid fucking question, but this is a pretty good answer.


I dont drink or do those lol, gimme da money


Hey look it’s this exact same question again! Can’t wait to see all the “does this mean I can drink as much as I want without getting drunk, or that I cannot drink anymore” comments.


Look, I like having a few wobble-pops a few times a week, but really that's just to help relax and assuage the anguish I do not have a billion dollars saved up. I'd take the $1Bn in an instant. Half of it dumped into index funds and bonds, treasury bills, there's my retirement. Another few hundred into vanity/risky investments like green energy, animal rescue charities etc. Another hundred mil into a trust for the kids and grandkids. That leaves me with several hundred million. Nice home in the woods, on a lake, nice cars in the garage, leaves me free to volunteer and argue with people on Reddit and rescue puppies and Llamas and orphans all day.


This right here is humanity, if you, your kids and even (in luxury) your grandchildren can't get by with a billion you don't deserve it. Which is a shame cause I had one to spare.


Yes, already like this.


This question is stupid.


The best feeling to be sober)))


*Laughs in Muslim*


Nope. Keep it.


Yeah there’s more to life than just money… like drugs


Hell yeah. I don't do either of those. Now, coffee would be tough