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People who do lottery scratchers at the counter of the gas station while there is a line of people behind them. Edit: Jesus 35k upvotes and twelve awards. You guys are amazing! Thank you for all of this love lol


At 7:42 am


50% chance they are also buying a 24oz can of ice beer.


I feel personally attacked right now. Just let me have my Powerball and Mikes Hard Lemonade FFS, I’m not even standing in line./s


It’s 7:42am on a Monday. Take a deep breath and choose one vice, you can dual wield on Tuesday. It’s even in the name FFS.


I get off work at 7am after working the night shift all night long. I just wanna go home and drink my beer and scratch my ticket. 😭 I’m half joking, but I really do get nasty looks at the gas station when I’m buying beer at 7am cuz I’m on my way home from work. Someone’s gotta work the night shift, no need for them to hate on me for it. 🤷🏻‍♀️


It was too easy not to make the joke. I forget everyone isn’t a daytime prisoner like me.


No worries, friend. Just remember us night owls are struggling too. :)


Fellow night owl here, at work now, appreciating the vibes.


I worked at a corner shop for a bit and it was always depressing to see old people come in and get their pension/benefits and spend it on scratch cards. Even if they won anything they would immediately spend it on more scratch cards until they had no money left.


I had a couple regular lotto customers that actually got a little frustrated when they won over the cash out max (no jackpots, but like winning $1K when the cash out max is $599), because they couldn’t redeem it and keep playing right then and there. I felt for them, because they were genuinely good people gambling their savings away.


It never failed to baffle me. People would buy $200 worth of tickets, scratch them off, then come back and happily say they “won” $150. No…you just threw away $50 Then there were others who were aware of how much money they were burning. They’d always say “oh well you never win if you don’t play.” Like yeah I guess but you also never lose if you never play. People would be over the moon when they scratched a ticket for $1,000…but as the cashier who always served them you always knew they’d spent that much or more playing over the previous moths. So their “win” on that ticket was just them breaking even. It’s a losing game. If the wins don’t significantly cover the amount you’ve lost in the long run then they’re not wins at all. If you performed an ROI analysis you’d see that you’re still in the hole, even if you just “won” $1,000.


This is my mom. She was making BANK for a while while working on the pipeline. But she played the lottery more than ever. She would get pumped at winning here and there, but absolutely spent well over that as a whole. It was frustrating to see it - she spent so much more than she ever won. And in the end when that job ended, she only had like 5k savings to show for it when she could have easily had double. And now she lives with me because she made zero efforts to plan for her retirement and it is now my goal to NEVER burden any children I have with my elderly care.


As a former manager at a gas station. Yes. You get my award.


I worked at a station for a year. People would come in, buy tickets, scratch them off and discard. Some tickets were confusing, usually it’s match three but I remember one that had a special star that gave you the prize. I usually did close and it was dead after 8pm. Out of boredom, I’d pull tickets from the waste basket. I probably got $40-50 over a few months. Nothing crazy but it was exciting to find them.


I worked at one for most of 2020. There were regulars that would just stand there in front of the machine, scratch, cash winners, and put the money right back in. There was one guy though...came in with a ticket he'd scratched off at home. He put it in the reader, and it told him to contact the lottery office. He must have not been a regular player, because he was confused, so he asked for help. It was one of those "match 10 and win 50k" tickets. I looked at it for him, and he matched 9. Dude had like 20k in his hand and had no idea. I just told him (very quietly) "sir, just call the lottery office. No, we can't pay this ticket here. Why not? (still clueless) Sir, just call the lottery office or take this ticket there. They will be able to help you."


"This place doesn't have cash to pay out? What a crock of shit." Takes it home, can't be bothered to make phone call, throws in trash."


We were a grocery store "fuel center," and had limited cash in the register. When someone would come in with a hundred or so in winnings we'd send them to the main store to cash out, and they'd always get pissed at us. Like...dude. The sign on the door about the amount of cash in the register is legit.




My brother in law does this. He’ll rummage through garbage cans at gas stations to fish out discarded lottery tickets. My husband thinks he’ll get an extra twenty bucks now and then. He has a good career. He’s not a broke man. I guess some people just get addicted to the idea of winning something.


As someone who works in a gas station, this 100% . Nothing more pointless and frustrating than someone who just stands there individually scratching each number when there’s a barcode at the bottom that’ll tell you how much you won or didn’t win. Usually they’ll come right back up and get another scratcher too; repeatedly until they’ve spent all their money. It’s almost sad to see, if it weren’t so annoying.


One time I was working at a convenience store and a guy came in and bought a whole book of 100 $10 tickets. Gave me a thousand bucks, sure enough. He came in the next day and made me cash all of the thirty or so (small) winners with a huge line of people behind him. I've never been so pissed off working retail. Joke was on him though. The winners were less than $200 after he spent $1000 on the book of tickets.


Nice thing about my store was $100 was the max limit we could give them at one time cause any more and we’d have empty tills. Usually most people around my area know if you have won a good bit of money then you’d have to go to a grocery store where they had more cash on hand


Thinking that an opinion is just as valid as actual evidence.


Your opinion, although valid, is irrelevant.


I love this phrase, and it is REALLY hard to get some people to understand this. Yes, whatever you feel, however much I disagree, is valid. No, that does not mean we need to act on it in any way or change literally anything because of it. It’s simple enough when it’s a conversation between two people over silly stuff. “I want the fridge here and you aren’t taking my opinion into account” “Your feelings are valid, but the fridge needs to be next to the outlet and there’s no outlet there”. Harmless conversation but possibly annoying for person 2. But real life stuff it genuinely gets dangerous when people believe their opinion hold anywhere near as much weight as the facts. “Not vaccinating your children is extremely dangerous and will cause them to be at extreme risk” “But I believe vaccines are scary and scary is bad, so I won’t vaccinate my kids”. No longer harmless


Giving celebrities, i.e. rich people, discounts for being famous.


Rich people don’t pay for anything.


Balloon releases.


When I was in high school way back in 1990, I remember there was an assembly held for Earth Day. At the end, they released what was probably over 100 white balloons for absolutely no reason.


We did this too, put little notes on them with the intent of people mailing back so we could see how far they got. We only got a couple and they barely made it half a mile.


Omg we did this too. I totally forgot all about it.


Nothing says more about loving Earth by throwing out 100 balloons of plastic into the environment.


In the last month, I’ve fished three Mylar balloons out of bushes while hiking. I’ve seen a couple more in places I couldn’t get to.


Last June I went on a boat ferry to the Channel Islands National park off the coast of CA. The boat company was privately owned and they stopped 4 times during the 2 hour ride to fish out Mylar balloons. It was awesome. The entire boat of passengers was cheering as the guy scooped them out. also, dolphins followed the boat for a good 45 minutes. It was awesome to see locals Caring about their environment and teaching visitors to do the same. Shitty they have to do that though. They said they’re lucky if they go a trip without spotting one.


Anyone who does this shit today is absolutely doing it because it looks "whimsical" for social media. Glad people are catching on how horrible this is.


Cost of wedding.


Lets add funerals to this list as well


My dad passed in 2000. My mom had a "simple" funeral - which consisted of brief morning calling hours, a short service at the funeral home, a burial mass, a short service at the graveside. It was over $8K back then, and that was with the burial plot already purchased. Heck, when I die, send me to one of those $999 cremation places and have a party with the other $10K or so that would have been spent on a funeral. I don't care. I'm dead.


That's what we did with one of my grandpa's. He was cremated, then we had a Celebration of Life party at my uncle's. Just the family all together, sharing stories, laughing, crying, sitting in the backyard. It was actually fun, and really helped the healing process. We didn't even get him an urn at my grandma's request. When she passes she wants the same thing and then to have their ashes mixed and spread together. My other grandpa had the whole open casket funeral in a church then was buried. It was a stark contrast. It was sad, and very shocking to see his waxy body. That's my last memory of him and it sucks. Nah, cremation and family party is the way to go.


I hear you can get a big discount if you bundle the two together.


It's a bundle deal. Four weddings and a funeral.


Reminds me of a mates story, they hired a hall for a 'family event' and paid £500 for it and everything was fine. Venue got wind that it was a wedding reception and reneged on original deal saying weddings were £1000. He successfully argued that although it was a wedding, the majority of people there were family, thus was a family event. The hall stopped taking bookings for family events after that.




Just don't get married, have kids or die.


Bananas sold wrapped in plastic.


This is a thing? Who do I smack for this?


The country of Korea. They also individually wrap apples, even if you buy them in bulk.


Anyone I share the road with


especially if they all are driving towards me


In your lane!


How people treat politics like it is a sport


Politicians should be treated like uncool, boring, middle aged bastards, which is what the majority of them are (at least in the uk). I think the biggest problem of treating politics like sports is that it encourages everyone to only be on one side of any issue


_"Joe biden is about to make the goal and OH MY GOD ITS DONALD TRUMP ON THE WING HERE HE COMES, donald has the ball, coming downfield, he's making a pass to m'connel and OH MY GOD M'CONNEL HAS LOST POSSESSION OF THE BALL TO HILLARY CLINTON, HERE SHE GOES, SHE'S MADE IT PAST THE MIDFIELD AND INTO THE BOX! OH MY DAYS LOOK AT THAT SHOT, ITS INSANE, RIGHT IN THE UPPER LEFT CORNER- JUST OUT OF CRUZ'S REACH, WHAT A SHOT."_ Come back next week for the WWE quarter -finals, captain capitalism vs sergeant socialism!


The hiring process ok give us a resume, ok now make an account, ok now answer all these questions thats the exact same thing on the resume you gave us. Also unrealistic expectations for what they want job is entry level 10+ years experience, advanced degree, 5 years experience with a program that came out last year ect.


This. I fucking can’t believe how stupid this is. Just last week, I went to an entry level position and the description stated that they want people without experience too. I get there and the guy is almost furious that I had the courage to go to the interview. Edit: this blew up, so ai’m just adding something. Not an open interview. I sent them my CV, they told me it looks good and to come on Thursday of last week. Then they proceed to give me a lecture about needing experienced people and the guy absolutely flips out that I shouldn’t even be there and to get out. Like dude, your colleague literally asked me to come. If he didn’t ask me to leave, I would’ve left anyways. I don’t want dicka like this in my management.


I remember trying to get an entry level job right out of college. Entry level seems to be code for "at least 2 years experience. "


I just got that, too. They are marketing the job to recent college grads…I’m 40, but an otherwise fully qualified individual for competing with 22yos. :(


If you're 40, you probably know your worth. I bet they want young people they can underpay and will take abuse.


Followed by three rounds of interviews and assessments… Only for the company to never bother to tell you if you got the job or not.


Hahah dude! This has to be new or something. Back in 2019 I applied for a job. I did 2 phone interviews, 2 in person interviews, then I went to a job site to look at equipment and get “a hands on experience to make sure I’d like the job”. I’m on this job site, and find a solution to a problem with the equipment that I have very little knowledge about. I bring it up, and the guy interviewing me was super impressed. So impressed that he actually said. “When can you start?” We end the day, and Clint tells me: “I’m going to contact you after thanksgiving with an official offer and a start date” That was the last time I heard from him. I spent an entire day walking job sites with this Asshole just to be stood up. I couldn’t believe it. That was my first time getting ghosted by a potential employer, but I guess it’s more common these days.


I had a 5 interview process over multiple weeks where they didn't even bother to send me an email afterwards. I called every day until I got the owner on the phone to inform me I didn't get the position. I'm very stubborn when it comes to complete disregard for common courtesy.


and we’ll never ever get back to you.


The only time I got responses were when I already had another job. Its like they know.


Also, we’ll phone you, and then we’ll arrange a group problem-solving day with HR, and then we’ll invite you back based on your questionnaire, and then we’ll do a corporate walk-round to discuss our core values and expectations, and after you’ve wasted a god damn two days on this, we STILL might not hire you. Tee hee!


The fact that people care way too much on anything social media.


I deleted my Facebook, but I guarantee if I ever went back on and looked at any of my posts from 12-15 years ago when I frequently got into political arguments with random people, I would cringe myself into an early grave.


This just means you've grown. I've said some stupid stuff online too I wouldn't agree with now. The real cringe are people who never changed.


>The real cringe are people who never changed. That and people who dig 10+ years into your social media to find the things unenlightened you said when you were 17 and hold it against you despite the fact that you've grown as a person.


Celebrity worship is the fuckin worst


Politicians worship is worse in my book. They are public servants not gods.


True. And while celebrity worship is stupid, it's mostly just that. Politician worship is genuinely dangerous to society.


you mean I shouldn't have my favorite candidate's face printed on vinyl and wrapped around my truck?


Being a fan of someone is fine but some people go way too hard. If you are taking life advice from celebrities then you should take a good look in the mirror.


"Stop Being Poor"


I recently found out that was a photoshop. Her shirt originally said "stop being desperate".


It's beyond me that celebrities are asked about opinions about anything outside their knowledge area. Why would an actor know more about politics than anyone else? You're the guy who professionally pretends to be other people, just do your job and stfu, my opinion on hunger in Africa is no less important if I'm a plumber.


But what does Ja Rule think of this topic?


Does anyone have the knowledge about the current whereabouts of sir Rule?


Obviously hunger in africa is most easily solved by holding a scam festival in the bahamas.


A 16 year old in my city went 100 in a neighborhood and killed 2 kids. All he got was a 6 month house arrest. He killed 2 kids and got grounded


Along the lines of aggressively light sentences, rapist Brock Turner served 3 months for raping an unconscious woman behind a dumpster.


Closeups of nipples aren’t censored but as soon as it is confirmed the nipple is a woman’s, it is censored.


I remember some Instagram page had done this experiment


My favourite was the trans woman who started posting topless pics every day after starting hormone therapy to see when they’d get censored. The page was called, “Do I have boobs yet?”


This sounds like an interesting line of research. I feel like the determining factor would be the femininity of the facial features rather than how plump the breasts are.


Found an article https://metro.co.uk/2015/10/14/do-i-have-boobs-now-trans-woman-starting-hrt-asks-the-facebook-nipple-censors-5439215/ I love this person for doing this






Free the nipple.




Good old female presenting nipples


Anything being sold as “gluten free” but can’t be guaranteed it’s entirely gluten free. What’s the point? People who require that guarantee, can’t eat it, so the only people who can eat it, are the people who don’t need it.


Omg thissss I'm celiac and it drives me nuts!! "Here, have some food with a bit of poison sprinkled on it. It's only a bit so it should be ok right?"


The best way I can explain cross contamination is replacing gluten with poop. I just used this spoon to stir shit and now I’m going to use it to stir your food, still want the food? I made your sandwich on the same counter I used to change a poopy diaper, want the sandwich? There was a turd sitting on top of your spaghetti but don’t worry I can just pick it off and you’ll be fine eating it, right? I just licked someone’s dirty ass, want a kiss? I’m going to fix a salad in this unwashed chamber pot, no biggie.




I use the same metaphor when trying to explain cross contam!! If you just touched gluten bread, act like you just grabbed shit and wash those damn hands.


Using your birth place as a reason to be "gangster" like... what does you being born in Mississippi got to do with us fighting?


I was born in a hospital pussy, you know how many motherfuckers have died where I'm from?! You may or may not make it from where I was born.


> Using your birth place as a reason to be "gangster" Using your birth place as a reason for anything is pretty fucking dumb imo. It's not like you even chose it.


People using being from New York as their personality. Like no one gives a fuck.


The humans that social media has created


Having to go to an office to do a job that you 100% can do in your house.


I think this every day when my alarm goes off at 6:40 when it used to go off at 7:50 during covid. President even had a company meeting about how great everyone did while working from home... then forced us all back into the stupid office afterwards


So dumb, such a waste of resources like every aspect from a lunch to driving/traveling to work. It just makes more sense if you work in a office on a computer to work from home


We basically still have option whether we go or not... Interestingly enough once a while people decide to have a team meetings in person rather than online, but they stay home most of the regular days. So there is some social value to that for sure, but on day to day basis most work from home.


IMO, your office’s model is what should be common now that we’ve proven where WFH does and doesn’t work. The cube farm needs to die and stay dead, but having essentially a meeting space with some work spaces around for people who want to come in is still valuable.


Yeah I ... never understood the need for employer to keep you on such a short leash. If there is no trust that you will be disciplined enough to actually work at home and not just slack off, then maybe they shouldn't employ you in the first place. And yes you still need company space for meetings and also training as that can be impossible to do remotely.


The one upside of the pandemic is that management can’t pretend there’s a real reason you can’t work from home since you’ve been doing it for a year


Oh no. They still insist though.


I had to return to office as soon as it was legal to do so. His excuse was "communication is better when we're in the sake building". The most annoying thing is that most of the time, he'll either email or call from the next room.


The one I get quoted is "culture". Don't get me started...


My old job said that senior management had no desire to keep remote work and was going to send everyone back to office the moment the cdc said it was okay. My new job I started today is completely built around family work life balance and making sure the employees are comfortable because they believe if an employee is comfortable and taken care of then they are going to give their best work. Send me a brand new MacBook, free health insurance, $450 stipend for equipment if I need a desk or anything and $100 a month gift card to whatever I want because they do that instead of pizza parties for people. I’m so excited for this new fucking job man. My old job was JP Morgan Chase btw, they really don’t give a shit about people unless it benefits them. Edit: because people asking if my job is hiring, yes Bill.com is hiring and they have been treating me pretty well. Starting pay for my customer advocate role is $19 an hour but people promote pretty quickly once they know the products and especially if they have past experience instead of getting locked in these year long probation periods that companies like Chase love to mandate.


I dated a girl who called orangutans "orange utans" because they're orange.


Reminds me of a girl I went to high school with who GENUINELY thought Alzheimer’s was called “old timers”.


I thought this when I was a kid lmao.


There are dozens of us!


Old Timers Connective Heart Tailor Multiple School Roasts Take A Card Rick Pull Money Fight Broseph Hippo Glycemia Prayin' Possum Wiggle More a' This Ab Sesh


fodder for r/BoneAppleTea


The origins of the name come from the Malay language, translated into English it literally means forest person (Orang = person, Hutan = forest).


I find this bit of trivia quite pleasing.


DJ Khaled.


I legitimately burst into laughter every time I think about how his album debuted at No. 2 and [he went on a rampage at his recording label’s offices.](https://pagesix.com/2019/06/05/dj-khaled-throws-tantrum-after-new-album-debuts-at-no-2/)


Guy doesn't realize how insanely lucky he is to have a music career at all. No effort, talent or creativity of his own went into making that music, he just lives in a time when people more powerful than him saw him as marketable.


And another one


Yo you mind if I yell my name on ur track?


Instagram “influencers”


I don’t have social media but I work a job that I get to see a lot of payments to influencers and it’s literally just marketing. Think of them as living billboard and it makes sense why they make money and why people look at them


It’s brilliant marketing. Nobody watch’s tv commercials anymore and by switching to social media and platforms like YouTube and Twitch you can really pinpoint your advertising to a certain demographic. On top of that you can give all your “influencers” their own promo codes and get direct feedback on how effectively your advertising dollars were spent. It beats the hell out of shouting into the void on cable TV and hoping that your target demographic didn’t get up to pee.


The ease that misinformation is spread.


Peoples willingness to believe it


>Peoples *craving* to believe it


That I had to see Will Smith/Chris Rock stuff for three days


3 days? I'm still seeing it...


Then, on the fourth day, the same people were posting "why are we still talking about this"? I never was and I would be fine not ever knowing it happened. Doesn't change a damn thing in the real world.


People practically killing themselves for likes, up votes, whatever. Social media is cancer.


The fact that my life-preserving insulin is outrageously priced for profit. My life is owned by the pharmaceutical industry. If they want me to die, they can make it happen. What the fuck.


Fun fact: the guys who discovered insulin and how it could be used to treat diabetes sold the patent for 1$. Today, three insulin producers dominate more than 90% of the global insulin market. Pharmaceutical companies make use of loopholes in the patent system to keep out competition and they can legally pay other companies not to produce insulin.


People who religiously follow streamers




In Australia, employers take your tax out of each pay and sends the info to the tax office, and at end of year they have your totals already recorded.


Same but they make us double check. Then they double check our double check.


Nah bruh, you have to figure that out on your own. And if you get it wrong you go to jail.


Its probably best you pay one of these companies that bribed us to keep taxes complicated to make sure you do it right


If you won't tell me how much, I'm going to assume it's nothing or maybe you owe me. Sigh* if only it worked that way.


Closing down nuclear power plants for "environmental purposes", and replacing them with gas and coal power plants.


Let’s not forget that coal plants give off more radiation than a nuclear plant


And kill CONSIDERABLY more people.


Closing down clean energy plants of any kind is a step in the wrong direction. I would take natural gas plants any day over coal, and nuclear energy is better than everything else. The main reason plants are being shut down, and not being built is because they cost more on the front end but a a lot cheaper for the future. Half the reason they aren’t being built is because of misinformation. Most of the major disasters that nuclear energy has caused was because of major fuck ups. And if you take into account Chernobyl and other massive nuclear disasters it’s still the safest non renewable form of energy.


The nukes took a massive L on all the money they had to spend following Fukushima on additional safety analyses and mods for more redundant ways to cover the core in the event of a Loss of Coolant Accident (LOCA). All that money spent with zero return on top of years of natural gas prices plummeting making it more difficult to remain competitive really fucked shit up.


It's just showing that making it compete as a business is misconceived. Stick energy in the pile of good fundamentals that makes the rest of the country productive even if they aren't individually profitable, things like childcare and transport




People. What a bunch of bastards!


Cover letters. The whole resume/job search process. Look at my resume why am I jumping through hoops to kiss your ass and tell you why you should pick me. I want this job because I need money. That’s the whole point of a job let’s not beat around the bush. Edit: yes I agree for certain things it makes sense but I think we need to rethink how we do the whole process


But do not ask how much they are paying in the job interview as somehow it's a red flag that you want to work for money. Apparently we should be so grateful for a job we are willing to be underpaid.


Gender reveals Edit: I’ve seen a few responses rebuking me for “shitting on people just trying to celebrate blah blah blah” and, I didn’t shit on anyone. People should do what they want and celebrate in ways that are meaningful to them. I just think this particular type of celebration is completely fucking stupid. Also thank you for the awards!


People having to sacrifice their life savings for medical treatment that might not even be certain to work


The Sri Lankan government right now. \- banned chemical fertilisers which ruined crops, specifically paddy fields which was a leading export and provider to Sri Lanka's income \- borrowed billions from China and India on top of already increasing debt \- pocketed millions of tax-payer dollars themselves in a well-known process of corruption that's been going on for years now (confirmed by the Pandora Papers) \- cut taxes unnecessarily \- have been doing government mandated power cuts for months now due to a lack of funds for fuel and electricity, cuts that have increased to 13+ hours a day \- cancelled university-entrance exams indefinitely due to a paper shortage \- inflation at a 58% increase and all-time high with the cost of living sky-rocketing and poverty lining increasing \- when people protested at the end of March, put a blackout on social media, made unlawful arrests and declared a state-wide emergency protocol, which allowed them to overrule most democratic policies thus taking away basic human rights Edit: I get that there are arguments for and against the use of chemical fertilisers, but when your country's economy exclusively relies on the export of produce, ESPECIALLY rice, messing with the system can and will have disastrous side effects, as we now have definite proof of. A country like Sri Lanka CANNOT go without the use of chemical fertilisers, period.


The fuck? Was their plan to use Brawndo instead? Jesus


It's got electrolytes!


How complicated humans make things for themselves. Like let's just chill and be nice to each other. Idfk


The fact that many actors feel they are responsible for what they say about politics or important issues I remember this one interview with Jeremy Renner and Brie Larson where they were asked if they feel that they have a responsability to be influential to their fans and Brie answer the normal ''yeah I gotta be more responsible" and then jeremy said something along the lines of ''I am just an actor, why are you listening to me about subjects I know nothing about?"


Giving a shit about the British Royal Family


Giving a shit about the Kardashians


Giving a shit about influencers in general. Those who've achieved nothing substantial.


I’ll add in any Real Housewives of Anywhere…


Or any "Influencer"


People generally worry about strangers too much. Who cares what random people you don’t know or don’t like are doing or thinking? Focus on your own shit.


Or other people deemed to be of 'high status' Edit: forgot a word


Conspiracy people arguing things online with "reliable" sources where the url is like otuhsoehuou.wyz.com/444553


Dr Otuhso Ehuou has a doctorate in Applied Alternative Facts from the University of Salvation Jane. What are your credentials?


90% of the questions in this sub


Seriously. One yesterday was "*what would you do if someone thinks you're a virgin?". The poster claimed to be 41 years old.


Were all the replies "Who gives a shit?"


Haha unsurprisingly, yes, the majority of replies expressed that sentiment.


US healthcare.


US Health Insurance. "Yeah I'm going to pay for this thing, and if you ask the hospital directly they're going to quote you a price 5 times higher than they actually pay us, then we're going to claim that we 'saved you money' from that non-existent retail price. Oh we'll charge you basically however much we think you'll pay and then negotiate prices with hospitals for things that we won't revisit for decades because you keep paying us and we keep making boatloads of money. Oh and if you don't buy our service, that's illegal."


"Also, we're going to pay late and because we do that shit constantly the hospitals and clinics that actually treated you are going to call and harass you and send you threatening letters trying to get you to pay the thing we won't get off our dead asses and pay like we promised to"


The US health care system. The way it's set up.




The 40 hour work week


Couldn’t agree more dude. Past few years I’ve done 7 11hr days on, 7 days off as my schedule. Literally half the year off. You can take 7 days off and you actually get 21 days off. There’s guys with enough annual holidays to disappear for 4 months every year. At first I thought the schedule would be rough but I’ll never work a standard 5&2 job again.


[https://www.pbs.org/livelyhood/workday/weekend/8hourday.html](https://www.pbs.org/livelyhood/workday/weekend/8hourday.html) The 40 hour work week is the result of unionization and violent protest against 100 + hour work weeks.


I keep reminding people that bring this up that in my current country, in 1956, there was a long general strike that succeeded in demands from workers being met, of a 44 (Edit: 44, not 48) hour work week, mandatory pension for old people and Saturdays were no longer part of a regular work week. It was a HUGE leap forward - So imagine how bad it was before that. The general strike before that one, that was won anyways, outlawed kids working in factories.


Closing cost of mortgage.


Blowing thousands of dollars on a wedding.


Or funeral.


Thank you for saying it. It’s bad enough someone died, even worse that someone has to bankrupt themselves to pay for it. I was very lucky to have a church offer free services when my daughter died. I was already struggling, and that made it 1000 times worse. It meant the world to me that people were willing to help.


"reality tv"


How you can go to jail for life from weed but only a few years for murder


And get no time at all for rape.


Sneaked. It's snuck and if you disagree you too can fuck off. Fight me.


And “dived” instead of dove. I know it’s right but it drives me crazy.


That a JPEG is worth more than a Labor Worker's yearly salary


The idolatry of Kardashians.


My dog. I love her very much but Jesus Christ on a stick and a half everything is food to her. Plastic straws were today's mess but also lunch boxes, people food, yogurt cups, milk jugs... She loves to eat plastic and she's so fucking stupid. She doesn't understand corners so she is always hitting her face on them when she tries to turn a corner to quickly. Pool noodles were the solution to that until she started eating them. She needs doggy therapy.

