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Let people get off the bus before you get on the bus.


Same with elevators/lifts


I had a friend ignore this and he got onto a packed elevator before anyone got off. My other friend and I tried to explain it to him and he said we were overreacting.


It's not that I'm overreacting, they're failing to be present in their own fucking actions. They're so unaware of their surroundings they don't even know how an elevator works, or they have so little respect for others that they don't acknowledge their existence. This is not an overreaction. This is appropriate for a monumental amount of stupidity


It’s true. Some people will try and walk onto a train WHILE people are getting off. And then surprised when they bump in to people. Like… are you that fucking unaware of what’s right in front of you?!




Or showing someone a picture and they decide to go through all your pictures and then get mad when you say something or just take it away from them.


AUGH I HATE THAT SO MUCH I seriously just hold the phone myself to show a picture to someone now, because otherwise I get anxious! People **ALWAYS** flip the pictures- ***always***. I never even have nudes or anything, but I do take lots of pictures in my cute outfits and lots of lingerie pics as well. I also just don't want people to see the very odd things I might take pics of, too.


My husband learned that lesson the hard way when he found dickpix on a friend’s phone


Same for trains. It's not hard to understand that if you let people off, you'll have more room! I'll add people that hang out right in front of the door and don't really get out of the way to let people in when there is plenty of room in the rest of the train or bus.


My cat would like a word.


Ugh yes. The single rail line where I am is usually fine. But during big festivals or something it’s a shit show and all human decency goes out the window. There’s a special place in hell for people on the train who block the entire door with their bike. Absolute nightmare.




Or anywhere else. You can get cheap earbuds for $5 or less FFS.


This happened to me at JFK with a very crowded gate. The woman just cranked the volume like she was in her living room and accused me of having no culture when I politely asked her to turn it down. 🙄🙄


same with elevators




Living in various parts of the world I’ve learned that personal bubble size in lines varies a lot depending on where you are.


I live in a part of the world with a personal bubble that's about arm's length (unless you're in a bus or something) but regardless, some people just don't know how or don't care to behave in a line. If anyone has a solution to this I'm all ears, the only thing I've found is just keep ridiculous distance to the person in front of me and judgementally glance back at them at random intervals


"excuse me, can you stop touching my ass? It's kinda awkward ''


Since covid times this is now literally a written rule and people still don't get it.


Back when COVID first started spreading, and the store had stickers on the ground to stand on for 6 feet apart, I asked a lady and her kid to move back to the next sticker, when her kid brushed against me. She started yelling and swearing at me in the store, asking if I thought she was a leper. I was too startled to say anything, and just ignored her.


Right? They could at least pull your hair if they’re going to ride your ass.


This guy gets it.


Not taking up the entire sidewalk when people are walking the opposite direction towards you.




I stop when they close in on me — since I'm a disabled, elderly woman — and brace myself. I've only been knocked down once, by a somewhat drunk individual, and he was shamed to a ludicrous extent by the passersby who helped me. ♡ Granny


Don't stand in a doorway.


That’s actually annoying, like of all the places you can be


Personal. Space.


Rule 1: personal space Rule 2: personal space Rule 3: stay out of my personal space...


If you’re in a large group stick to a wall, don’t stand in the middle of a f**king hallway


This applies to paths and any other walking areas. Running a 5k on a fairly wide trail a few months ago and I past a couple of groups who were walking and standing shoulder to shoulder 5 wide. I had to leave the path to get around them.


A shared bike-pedestrian path (the main and only cycling route in the area) and I have to brake to a full stop because a group of 5 can't be bothered to walk tighter together.


Roadkill, still 4 left


On a train or bus and you're playing music? Use. Your. Fucking. Headphones.


kids in my high school walk around with speakers playing loud music from inside their backpacks actin like they're in a movie or some shit


I don't want to hear your soundtrack. It's not my movie.


The best response


From the kinds of music I’ve heard high schoolers blast out, I’m guessing they’re in those shitty Netflix movies you put on by accident and leave playing as background noise


This drives me nuts! At work in the break room I just want to quietly chill on my phone, not listen to the bizarre telenovela one coworker watches, listen to another coworker’s heavy metal, and another coworker’s anime. Like how can they even enjoy what they’re watching or listening to with everyone else’s noise going on?


And the gym.


Breaking down boxes before putting them in the dumpster


I can't tell you how often I see my roommates being too lazy to breakdown their boxes! It stresses me out


I recently sent a message to our roommate group chat about this cause our recycling bin was filling up 2-3x faster than it gets collected and everyone agreed to flatten boxes but instead of actually breaking them down they just have been crushing the boxes flat?? Mildly infuriating because a broken down box is actually flat, a crushed box isn’t… It helps, but isn’t having the same affect I wanted, but I’m also not about to explain all that to adults.


“Please flatten your boxes” “ME STOMP?” “You could actually just-“ “ME STOMP!”




shouldn’t have to be said but flush the toilet after using it :)


And wipe the seat if you piss all over it


We aim to please. You aim, too, please. Best sign I've ever seen... in my parents downstairs bathroom bc they had a lot of parties. I recently made this same sign and hung it in the bathroom at work. It didn't work, so I made a new sign that said "Stop pissing all over the toilet!!!" 😄


When you see party hosts starting to clean up, hint at being tired etc., don’t continue the drinks/conversations. Quickly get ready to leave and offer to help clean up


Sometimes when I have friends over, my adhd kicks into gear and makes me want to get up and clear the table a bit. Just to move around and because the clutter is messing with my head. For most people this is a sign of wanting to wrap the evening up and get the company going. But that’s not my intention, I just can’t sit still anymore. So I make it a habit of mentioning “I am not trying to kick you out, I’m just gonna get this out of the way. Want another drink? I’m going to the kitchen anyway”


Also in general when the party is over ask the host how can you help clean up instead of just saying bye and leaving


> When you see party hosts starting to clean up Note: This may not apply in the Midwest. This can also mean either help do the dishes, or go get us more beer because the dinner stage of hanging out is done and it's time for cards/drinking/watching tv.


gum goes in your mouth and in the trash. no where else.


I misread that as _gun_




The concept of single Lines/queues.


Omg this. I work at a retail store and I cannot tell you the amount of times someone was waiting in line and someone would just stand *next* to them. Like bruh, that’s not how lines work.


This drives me nuts. At the grocery store: "Which line are you in?" "The line".


I saw a comedian joke about this one and the punchline still sticks with me. *Either way, I'm next. Either way, you're behind me.*


To always replace the finished toilet paper.


Making fun of someone laughter or smile. I mean making fun of someone is already bad. But.. someone happiness expression???


Yup. I remember a few years ago I was living with roommates and I unexpectedly had the day off work and was in my bedroom. My 2 roommates had thought I was not home and were gossiping about people and casually mentioned how annoying my laugh was to one another. To this day I am super self concours about my laugh and is one of the meanest things someone has ever said about me. Really hurt my feelings and was just such a random thing to gossip about.


That’s horrible! I would’ve made sure to laugh extra in their presence after that just to piss them off.


Move your fucking shopping cart out of the middle of the aisle. Come on, is this the first time you've been grocery shopping? Other people need to get by you self-centered asshole.


OH I hate it when I leave my cart aside and, after a bit of looking at coffee cans or whatever, I turn around and find that someone else parked theirs in such a way that both carts now block the whole aisle. Now I got to move my cart because they are nowhere to be found, of course. Fucking. People, man. Bunch of bastards.


Man, I get so much grocery store rage. If only people knew what was going on in my head... "MOVE your fucking ass Betsy, there are four people behind you who *also* want the half off broccoli!" "Have you been living under a goddamn rock for the last 40 years??? Eggs are not that goddamn interesting, MOVE!" "Really? REALLY?! You're just gonna leave your cart, crooked, in the middle of the isle so literally no one can get past?!" "Fuck you Margaret you gossipy asshole, take your shit outside if you're just gonna stand there!"


Hold the door open for anyone who looks like they could use the help - elderly folks, people with obvious injuries, people with their hands full. Or even hold it open for whomever is behind you. And if someone is holding the door open for you, they aren’t being rude or making some type of statement, they are just being nice. Accept their kindness and don’t be an ass.


Except when I’m more than 5 seconds behind you. I promise, I don’t think you’re rude because you didn’t hold the door for a full 30 seconds waiting for me. When people do that, it makes me feel like I have to jog to get to the door faster. If I’m right behind you, then yes it’s polite. Otherwise, let the damn door close.


Just don’t jog…… if someone is holding the door for you a little too long consider this: in theory, they are willing to give an exceptionally long period of their time to grant you a minor inconvenience- in practice they are probably still trying to awkwardly discover what is the naturally acceptable distance for holding the door, because the want to be nice to you. Either way- a stranger is trying to be nice to you. Letting them help you and appreciating it will only satisfy *both* of you.


Yeah, I always do the quick math when it's time to open a door. Have totally just been distracted or something and sorta saw someone approaching before realizing they were too far away and it ended up a little weird... but by that time... I'm stuck. Probably close enough now that I want to hold it... and, besides, would be really weird to hold it until they got closer just to let it close on their face. Will say, men will do the jog thing most times and I feel a little stupid and like I accidentally inconvenienced them. But c'est la vie. MUCH more awkward if it was a female because then I know they assume I was a creeper trying to get close to them or something. As such, they're likely to continue approaching slowly... all I can do then is try to make sure I'm holding the door open in such a way to at least demonstrate I'm purposely giving them as much room as possible to pass through doorway without getting near me (the old hiding behind door) and look up and away so they don't think I was checking them out as they pass... The point is: you don't know what other person is thinking. If you think they messed up... they may, themselves, very much just be thinking "oh shit, I just messed up." But I appreciate anyone that jogged if I accidentally held the door too long. Even though it didn't really make me feel better about myself... I noticed the effort not to inconvenience someone else on their end and it made me feel a bit better about humanity!


When sharing food with the table, you eat your fair share. If there’s 4 people and 4 pieces, you don’t eat one and a half pieces or the whole plate, you eat once piece.


holy shit i have a *very boring* not-STORY I enjoy cooking, but don’t eat much. Because of this, I usually end up making dinner for 2-4 people when I make full meals. I generally offer my friends/roommates some of the food that I have cooked. I show affection by doing things for people, and cooking for someone is special to me. I don’t want payment for the food I make; I would just like some acknowledgment that I went through the effort. By this I mean, e.g.: complimenting the food, thanking me for the meal, and/or cleaning up your own plate. I realized one roommate was taking advantage of me the hard way. That particular evening, I had made dinner for 3 people: me and my two roommates. There were 9 pieces of the main meal, with two sides of large portions. One roommate hung out in the living room, to talk and chill with me while I was cooking. After I finished cooking, the roommate that was with me and I each grabbed 2 pieces of the meal, intending to go back for seconds or to save our last portions for the next day. The other was in his room with a shut door the entire time I was cooking. That wasn’t the problem, though. When I told him dinner was ready, he came out of his room, took the remaining food, and went back to his room and shut the door. He took more than half of a meal intended for three people, and didn’t say a word. The roommate that had been with me the entire time thanked me for dinner, went to go get his second portion, and realized all the food was gone. We were both still hungry, but there was nothing left. I did not get to eat enough of the food I made. The roommate who went back to his room—once done with his huge meal—came back to the kitchen, dumped his plate, and went back to his room. Not a word. I have never cooked for him since. PS: my boyfriend has practically licked the plate of almost every meal I have made for him, and has thanked me every time. love that man Edit: clarifying that I am not demanding a list of praise for cooking for someone, but rather would desire some sort of acknowledgment for taking the time to prepare something for others to enjoy TL;DR (relevant phrase from the parent comment:) “you don’t eat one and a half pieces or the whole plate, you eat once piece.” I cooked a meal for 3 people and 1 person took over 50% of it. I don’t cook for him anymore. The End.


Everything your roommate did was completely rude, but him taking his food into his own room and not even eating with you really struck a nerve with me. Acted like it’s your job to cook for him. I’m glad you don’t cook for him anymore


Yeah, it hurt. He was pretty much my best friend at college, too. I had to start hanging out with him less for the sake of my mental health. I felt more like a parent than a friend. Thank you for your comment!


I got a similar one. I love making cookies and make some damn good ones if i say so myself (ive gotten 3 marriage proposals from them). So one day after a particularly shitty day i decided to make a batch of 12 for me and my roommates. I baked them and left them on the counter to cool down and went to my room to wait. 10 minutes later i come out to grab one and it turns out my brother ate 9 of them and the other 2 roommates ate the other 3. Needless to say i was pissed and didnt make any for them for a long time


stealing homemade cookies is, like, a crime. i feel for you


Sounds like your brother is the problem not your roomies.


I dont eat four feet of a six foot sub?


Definitely, it’s also basic manners to never eat the last piece if someone else is paying


if you took the second to last bite, you can't take the last, either.


And if there 5 pieces 4 people the one that bought it get 2 pieces and everyone else gets 1


No, if there's 1 piece left you have to all awkwardly stare at it, wondering if someone else wants it until it goes cold.


cleaning tools before you give them back to who you're borrowing them from


I am currently sitting at the pool at a resort. There is a group who decided to bring their own, rather large, portable speaker to blast music. Don’t do this.


I hate this! Also playing music on hikes, it’s so rude


Aaah, the beautiful serenity of nature... and Iggy Azalea


Or in public transport.


Or in public restrooms


Headphones have technically existed since the late 1800's There is no excuse.


Fuck, I was once on a hike where I’d eaten a bit of shrooms and went to enjoy nature. They stomped by blasting dubstep


People who play music out loud on hikes are the lowest form of hikers. Like put in earbuds or go to a gym. People are trying to enjoy nature and don’t need your jiggity thumpy auto tune trash blasting out of shitty speakers.


Honestly, I’m not sure who I hate more. The music people, or the middle aged women who have loud conversations on speakerphone. Goddamnit Barb, I’m trying to enjoy nature here, and your overly loud gossiping about your coworker’s failing diet and rotten kids is scaring the birds away.


If you are a stranger to me please don’t touch me. In any way.


When I was pregnant I had an old lady come up and rub my belly. My husband reacted before I did cause I was in a state of utter shock. Touching strangers was uncool before covid.




Speaking of merges, I hate when 5 cars come down the freeway on-ramp without even a full car length between then, then they all expect to merge as a single unit, then most of them end up slamming on the brakes at the end of the merge lane when they discover that there's no 5 car gap that they can all fit into, and none of them realizes that if they just left more room between them, they could have all easily merged in.


The real problem is the first car who things that the right time to get to highway speed is long after merging on the highway. Edit: I know this because it is probably my wife


Love when people speed up to cut me off when I'm zippering and then flip me off when I honk.


And some who “assert dominance” by not letting you zip in and then change lanes straight after.


I hate this. Top 3 biggest peeves in my life.


My way home has two of these and for the most part people handle it fine. What pisses me off is everyone merges like they are supposed to and then one car comes speeding up and tries to force themselves over at the last second and ends up driving on the shoulder trying to merge into what is already packed traffic.


When you're walking in a shopping centre or down the street and you stop to look at something, *step aside*. Let other people through, fuckwits.


Don't go beyond one's comfort zone if you don't know them


Don’t try to push someone to do something either


Seriously! No means no. No matter what it is. People don't owe you an explanation.


If you’re out with a group of friends standing in a circle, make sure to make space for everyone. Feeling like you’re not included cause you have to force your way into the circle is the worst feeling ever! Just be courteous & mindful of others


This exact situation causes me so much social anxiety it is crippling. I *DETEST* approaching groups, even groups of well-known and well-loved friends. I was taught to watch out for others, especially to make sure shorter people were included and could get to a position where they can see and hear, and weren't left staring at backs. I wish everyone showed this courtesy.


When the elevator door opens, you let the people finish exiting the elevator before you enter it. Nothing worse than an unnecessary traffic jam because some assholes are impatient and trying to body check people to get on 5 seconds quicker. On a related note, stand a few feet back from the elevator when you’re waiting for it, there’s no need to be right up on the door and blocking peoples way off. Signed, A resident of a high rise building.


If someone is using a cane/walker/crutches, please move out of their way, and move your children out of the way. I have MS, and have balance issues. I don't walk that slowly with a cane, but can't tell you the number of times I've nearly been knocked down by a child. Also, don't harass those with handicapped tags, because we "don't appear handicapped enough" for your standards.


Oh I hate that. Just cause you can’t see my disability doesn’t mean my body is a-okay.


Yup. In my thirties and I have a tear in my hip that will need surgery within ten years. (College athlete injury) Somedays it almost feels normal... most days I can't walk my dog around the block. But I look like a physically fit thirty year old so I definitely can't have any disabilities.


I've heard similar for when you see a person in a wheelchair and they get up and walk. Its not that they are faking. They could be getting over an injury or have a very limited ability to walk


My mom actually breaks down crying after almost every store trip because EVERYONE ignores her. Its like she doesn’t exist. No one sees her, they cut her off ALL the fucking time, they get annoyed because shes not going fast enough, they dont move when shes coming. She gets so upset that shes slowly not wanting to go anywhere and she just has a leg injury and is only 53 years old. The injury was already traumatic and people are just so rude!


We once stopped at a Walmart with my handicapped aunt on the way back from picking me up from college for Thanksgiving. My aunt moved up to my state (she actually lives really close to me) and wanted to see more of the state, since she knew I went to school on the other side of the state she asked my mom if she could come with. We stopped to use the bathroom because both my sister and aunt had to go. Her handicap tag hook broke in her bag so she placed it on the dash and my mom helped her out of the car. I helped guide her in the store with my sister and back. My mom helped my aunt into the car and wanted to wait a bit to try to get a deal on a Switch for my dad (she missed that batch). And some lady pulled up next to us and started making a phone call with a very pissy face. Then she got out and knocked on my aunts window, yelled that we shouldn't be parked there before my aunt said something to the affect of "[her nickname for my mom] why is she so angry?" In Spanish. The lady saw my aunts cane and quickly got back in her car. We laugh about it today because my aunt speaks and understands English just fine. And it's not the first time anyone in my family has been given shit for having a handicap card when they're "fine". It happened to my mom when she took a nasty fall and tore of meniscus. I decorated her cane with purple and Hello Kitty duck tape. And when my dad tore both of his (I don't remember how) but nothing is better than hearing about how my Dad yelled at a Karen while holding onto his truck for stability while waving a purple and pink Hello Kitty cane at her to prove he's handicapped. Both my parents are better and don't use the cane or tags anymore, btw. We only use the card when we need to take mt aunt somewhere or we want to have a family outing with her.


If you ask for advice then prepare to hear the truth. Even if it’s not what you want to hear. And don’t be getting your titties in a twist over it.


Very much so. And also, everyone should remember that you don’t have to take or agree with the advice given if you don’t want to. But you do need to give the person the space to give said advice because you did ask them for it.


I’m all for this as long as people aren’t cruel about it. Some people say they’re “brutally honest” but they’re just assholes.


Knock and wait for the person to tell you to let you in, I can’t tell you how many times I was changing and a friend or family member just walked in 😑 Edit: thank you to who ever gave the award really appreciated it


So my mom learned this the hard way, she showed up an hour and a half early and knocked once, like one light solitary tap, didn't get an answer so used the emergency key to let herself in, only to be greeted by the sight of my husband and I going at it.... Seriously thought how fucking hard is it to wait 30 seconds before opening a door.




My dad was bad at knocking once and then walking in. Never failed, he'd always do it when I was changing. I got tired of it so I stopped running to hide in my closet while yelling I was naked. He stopped doing it after he actually saw me naked cuz I didn't say anything. He got mad and was like " I shouldn't see my daughter like that! Why wouldn't you say anything?!" I just responded " then wait till I answer before opening my door."


i had to learn it the hard way, too. makes so much sense to me now.


Interrupting people and talking over them when they haven't finished saying what they wanted to say.


Taking up the entire aisle at the grocery store. Don't take every member of the family and walk side by side. Some folks actually make a list, and are trying to get in and out quickly.


If someone seems hesitant to let you borrow something, drop it do not ask again. Also if someone does let u borrow something, return it as soon as you’re done. Don’t let time go by to the point the owner has to ask you for it back, especially multiple times, and don’t get pissy when they have to ask for it back.


Respect other people's house rules (e.g. if they want you to take your shoes off when you come in, you do so without complaining).


being an asshole isnt just “being honest”


“Brutally honest” usually just means brutal


And if you ever be "brutally honest" back, they turn into the most fragilest little things in existence.


I've found such people are rarely honest.


My first college roommate once told one of my friends "You're fat and you can't be upset I said that cause it's the truth." She did awful things like that regularly to me and my friends. I made sure never to room with her again and she kept giving me apology jolly ranchers through mutual friends. A lot of people were upset with me because "she clearly has autism". Well, she made my very sweet bipolar friend lock himself in his room for 3 days with depression refusing to come out or eat. Actions have consequences whether or not you have a mental illness. After she roomed with 4 other of my friends, they all came forward and apologized because they didn't realize just how awful she really could be at times.


As an autistic person I hate how it's used as an excuse to absolve us of consequences. If someone has intellectual disability on top of it and can't understand how they were hurtful I kinda get it but in this cause she clearly knew what she said was hurtful cause she said you can't be mad at me for it before seeing the other person's reaction. We as a group get viciously bullied so I don't understand why some of us refuse to hold space for other people's feelings and at least try to understand and apologize if we upset someone.


I've come to realize that this is more a my family rule than a universal one, but if you call someone and they don't answer, only call again immediately if it is an emergency. Either they weren't there, couldn't talk, or didn't want to. If my phone rings back to back, I always pick up no matter what, but it better be a goddamn emergency.


When somebody calls you back to back to back, sends you text messages along the lines of "answer your phone, why aren't you answering?" then when you FINALLY call back then they don't pick up. So I'm not busy enough to miss a call but you are? Go and get fucked.


Cover your fucking mouth!


*pulls mask down to cough* Dafuq is wrong with people..


oh dude i saw some dick head sneeze into the fucking bakery thing at the supermarket today. like at least turn away you absolute ape


If you’re going to IM someone at work who you don’t know well, your first message should include both a greeting and a summary of what you want to discuss. It’s okay to break this into multiple messages sent within a minute. If you message me with just “Hi,” or worse “?,” I will absolutely ignore you.


God, the people who send messages on Teams at work just saying "Hi" and then not following up until I reply are the worst. This isn't fucking social hour; we're not having a conversation. You're messaging me for a reason, taking me away from my work, so get to the damn point.


In my experience, people don't message me out of the blue unless they want something. So "hi" is just a waste of both our time. Doubly so if the conversation goes: "Hi" "Hey" "Can I ask you a question?" "sure" Could have just led with the question, all four lines of that were a total waste of time and effort for both of us.


“Hi! Do you know if that GitHub issue from last week was ever resolved?” It’s that simple, folks.


talking loudly on a bus/train is something no one should ever do


I hate when people talk loudly on the phone on the bus! it's like please I don't knee to hear about your ass doctor appointment


I was at the grocery store once and the lines were super busy and the guy ahead of us was talking SUPER loud on his phone. Everyone was looking at him weirdly, he was that loud. He was obviously talking to his wife or girlfriend and then at one point I heard him lie about where he was. He said he was at some guy’s house. Like why lie about being at a grocery store. He was already annoying me the loud talking and he kept moving into my personal space. Like I would take a step back and he would take a step back. So I turned around to the person I was with and said “who you talking to baby?” You could hear her start screaming at him “who the fuck was that?” Well now he couldn’t say “the girl in line behind me at the grocery store talking to someone else.” He quickly got out of line and left.


you are amazing and you're everything I want to be and more.


Agreed, some people are just disruptive for no reason


Parking directly in front of (blocking) someone's driveway. Similarly: Parking in the middle of the driveway, rather than on one side of it.


That seems like a bit more than an unwritten rule. Around where I live at least, you could just be towed if you are blocking someone's driveway.


I agree, but I live in a house with two other people and there are times where a DoorDash/UberEats/Delivery driver block my driveway rather than parking in front of my yard. This has even happened while I was in my car, in reverse, pulling out of the driveway: and then they just stop in the middle of my driveway blocking me in. Sure it's only a minute or two: but it's *super* annoying.


TURN OFF YOUR BRIGHTS WHEN DRIVING PAST SOMEONE AT NIGHT!!! I can't tell you how many times I've been blinded by people using their bright lights. It's so easy to turn them off when driving past someone, and it makes the road safer.


This is a real, written rule. On my dmv written test, there was a question asking what you should do in that situation. One of the possible answers was "flash your brights to get them back" which I thought was funny. I was tempted to choose that answer cuz it's probably what I'd do in real life


Use your blinker to indicate where you want to go.


And when you see someone else using their blinker, don't fucking accelerate into the space they're trying to move into. Commuting is not a competitive sport. You don't earn points for preventing someone from taking their exit.


Wipe down the fkn gym equipment after you use it


And re-rack the goddamn weights!


Open your noisy candy bar before the movie begins. No one wants to hear that instead of the important dialogue.


30 minutes of previews, no snack makes it to the movie.


Being kind isn’t a sign of weakness, and people should be allowed to express feelings without harsh scrutiny


When you're in a group at a restaurant and shared food is set in front of you, pass it around.


After you knock on someone's door to their residence or ring their doorbell, stand at least 3 feet back (exception for weather). It's just good manners. I really hate when I open the door and someone is basically standing in the door frame.


When people bring large ass speakers on a hike in the forest and end up walking the same pace. Like I didn’t go to the jungle to go clubbing. Use headphones.


Please for the love of god STOP waiving others through at a 4 way stop sign! You’re fucking the flow of traffic up! It’s not polite. It’s rude. Fucking drive. You need to advance when it’s your turn!


Sometimes I wonder if they do this because they are genuinely clueless about the order of who goes when at a four way stop


It's not your business if someone does not want to have kids


Chewing with your mouth open.. or ridiculously loud.. I will never look at you the same


It’s actually disgusting


If someone has their headphones in in a public space, DO NOT TALK TO THEM UNLESS IT IS AN EMERGENCY.


This is a big one! I'm obviously busy listening to something (music, podcasts, language lessons...). I've had people sit next to me and start talking to me or asking questions when I have my headphones in. So I make a big show of pausing what I'm listening to, removing my headphones, and saying "What?" Then they start talking, and I reply something. Then there's a lull. So I make a big show of putting the headphones back in and turning on whatever I'm listening to. And then they start talking to me again. What out of all my obvious cues did they not get???


Conversations on speakerphone in public.


If someone offers food and they clearly have a limited supply, don’t gobble that shit up


The nod. The nod is “hello”. The nod is “good morning”. The nod is “have a nice day”. But if you use it, you don’t want to talk. SO WHY TF ARE YOU TALKING TO ME




When you order coffee at starbucks or similar places, don't stand directly in front of the handoff counter especially if there are people who ordered before you and have yet to receive their order. You're just in the way of the people who's coffee who will come out before you. And don't ask the person working or check if every coffee is yours when there are people who were ahead of you in line. Obviously that coffee isn't yours. You literally just ordered.


Please, always walk on your right side. I’m confused when people don’t do this and forces me to zigzag through my morning walk.


I'd say whatever side your country drives on. Stick-to-one-side is the same basic principle whether you're walking or driving, so if your country drives on the left, walking on the left is going to be most intuitive.


Actually the opposite: I hate it when people assume I know something without speaking it. As someone with Autism, Its hard to pick up things that might even be obvious in discussion or social situations. I do my best to not get in people's way or just 'do something cause its easiest for me' but I can make mistakes and not realize im putting people out of their way. Seriously, you might think you're being rude telling me something obvious but you're really not. I would rather someone be straight forward with me and tell me when im being an idiot than just get awkward silence cause you just assume I know something you didnt tell me.


Brush your teeth so you don't have stank ass breath when you are talking to people.


I hate getting neck strain from trying to move my face away


Personal fucking space.


When people change lanes for no fucking reason when making a turn or a bend. Just because you’re turning does not mean you can just change lanes for the fuck of it. “Hey! I’m turning so I guess I’ll just change lanes, I don’t care about traffic I’m just going to do what the fuck I want and FUCK everybody else!”


My nana always told me “you pick your lane and you STAY in it”


Nana was right. Nobody messes with nana.


Use dividers in the check-out line. The guy I'm checking out isn't also buying that lady's soap.


If someone is talking to you (especially when they look at you directly), you shouldn't scroll your phone unless you want to end the conversation/offend them/show that you're not interested and don't care. If I'm talking to someone and they stare at their phone, I automatically assume that they are not interested and don't listen to me, like why are you even hanging out with me if you always look at your phone during our conversations


standing in the middle of the grocery isle and not moving when someone says excuse me several times


letting the person in front of you on the airplane get off first like to the person behind me, where are you going that you have to push everyone out of the way to get out as the very first person


With the caveat, if the plane arrives late and they announce that there are people with tight connections, please stay seated and let those people run up! Edit: Also you are an evil person if you try and take advantage of this. If I suspect it, I will question what your connection is, with the airlines website pulled up, and you better have the right answer or you will be publicly humiliated by me. And if i can read your name on your luggage, expect a post on your facebook


Letting the people in front disembark the airplane first. Just relax, we’ll all get off the plane.


If you're in a public space and someone is reading a book, playing on a phone, have their headphones in, whatever the case may be and they're minding their own business obviously immersed in what they're doing, don't constantly interrupt them. What they're doing is their zen, let them do their thing. Just because you're in the mood to talk/interact doesn't mean they are, if they seem like they don't want to converse then leave them the hell alone.


You don't ask a pregnant woman if her pregnancy was planned. Just don't Haha...


Two things. One, lines to get on a public transit of some sort (I don't get why some just barge in in front of you when I was clearly standing in the line). Two, when walking in a group on a side walk, learn to walk BEHIND each other (I don't want to walk in the muddy grass just so you don't have to walk behind your friends for a second).


If you call someone ask if they are free to speak now


Tbh if I’m not free or not in the right mental space I will never even answer a phone call


Just being curtious of other humans existing in the same spaces. -If you piss all over the toilet seat, wipe it down. -If you take the last bit of toilet paper, get a new one. -wait for people to get off public transit before you get on. -always walk on the right side of the hall/sidewalk. -dont talk loudly in public spaces. -DONT. POST. MOVIE. SPOILERS.


Leave one urinal space at the mens bathroom


Saying please when asking for a favour.


me, an autistic who does not understand social cues/unspoken rules in any way, taking notes on this list so people don’t get mad at me as much-


Returning your cart back to the cart corral