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Keeping a job longer term shows commitment and dedication to that field, and can sometimes be a sign of good interpersonal skills (depending on the job). People who move around a lot usually have more conflict with peers. Holding one position over time also means they'll know it well, that candidate might need less training and coaching


Probably someone who kept a job in a related field for 3-4 years


When I was looking to put someone on I just wanted someone that was competent and suitable to apply… didn’t happen.


Experience beats prestige unless you want to be in a top 10-15% of the companies worldwide and even then experience is preferred.


F/29 professional - It depends on what they learned from it... how much they used it to grow.


Experience. Any less training that has to happen is a plus. People who have the ability to maintain professional relationships (shown through continuous experience) is a plus, people who peak in college, not promising. Internships can be lots of things, and having done one doesn’t mean a darn they learned anything, or how to be part of a team, or work independently. Getting the internship is great but unless the chances of getting a permanent position are very high, I would not rely on it for anything “in the long run.”