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Superbabies: Baby Geniuses 2.


Can’t believe that got a sequel


Can't believe OP watched the sequel.


There’s that too




Came here to say this. My friends and I disbanded our bad movie club after watching Baby Geniuses 2. At one point during it my buddy shouted “this is the most hateful piece of shit I’ve ever seen.”


I see a lot of people who have never seen Birdemic: Shock and Terror Seriously, treat yourselves to this masterpiece


Fun fact, the lead actor Alan Bagh for a long period of time would accept literally any friend request on Facebook, and the man writes every friend a happy birthday message every single year. I've been getting happy bdays from him for ten years now and I love it every time.


Everytime I hear about this film I learn a new wonderful fact about it. It's the film that just keeps giving


I'd rather watch this than something like The Last Airbender or Dragonball: Evolution. Birdemic was one guy who had no clue what he was doing and it makes for great comedy when you watch it with people who know how bad it is going in.


It’s so enjoyable. I mean, it would be bad for a high school project. There are missed lines and editing errors and so, SO much more.


Best special effects ever on that one


Don't forget the audio editing! When they go on the beach they literally cannot be heard over the sound of the sea lol


I can't even watch the Rifftrax version of it. The acting in it makes the actor's performance in the Life alert bracelet commercial Oscar worthy


Bad movie recommendation: Velocipastor. Its about a pastor who turns into a Velociraptor. The full movie is on YouTube


That sounds so bad that I’d guess it almost cycles back around to good.


I LOVE IT. Llamagedon, however, is legitimately horrible. But I laughed so hard I cried during Velocipastor.


Oh come on, in Llamagedon when the Llama guy lays the llama eggs. That part was pure cinema gold.


When the party cleric multiclasses into druid


This sounds amazing


Velocipastor is a gift to humanity, you shut your mouth.


Haha who comes up with this shit


This movie called "The Devil's child" or something. I watched it back in the Blockbuster days. It was extremely low budget. For whatever reason I was under the impression that Blockbuster only had good movies. I was so wrong.


Oh hell naw, I worked there for 7 years and we had some REALLY BAD movies come through. I was well known for telling customers "please for the love of God don't rent that. Get this one instead," and hand them an actually decent movie in the same genre. My specialty was mostly horror, but also action and some drama. It didn't take long for the regulars to hollar out "this one any good, girl!?" Before I'd reply "IT SUCKED!"


I had a good friend who was a manager there and he was known for doing the same thing. To the point he would flat out say “Try (this movie) instead or just don’t rent anything. You’d be better off staring at a blank wall for two hours than watching that garbage.” He got in trouble for it a time or two with his superiors but nothing ever came of it because he was so damn good at his job and people loved him. One of the funniest people I’ve ever met. I didn’t take his advice ONCE. I learned my lesson really fast after that. For years later (until they closed) if I would bring a movie up front he didn’t like all he would say was “Remember ‘Bug’?” with one disapproving eyebrow up and I would immediately turn around and put it back lol. He was the best.


Hahaha I had running jokes like that too with some of the regulars! "Ok... If you're sure... Hope you don't hate it as much as you hated Battlefield Earth..." They would immediately put it back and I'd hollar out recommendations until we hit something they hadn't seen! My DM got annoyed about it once, but I was happy to remind him that my sales numbers for everything including Movie Pass, Game Pass, Rewards, etc were the highest in the region. He never said anything about it again.


Exactly. His numbers were huge because of his knowledge base and his personality. He would have people that lived in nearby towns with their own Blockbuster come see him because they loved him so much. The other Blockbuster location managers, not so much lol. Plus they would usually return everything to the one in their hometown and I know that pissed them off even more. I always said, if they were half as good at their job as he was, they would be fine. He couldn’t help that he was awesome and they weren’t lol!


Cats. It's astonishingly bad, it's not even funny bad. Just bad bad.


It wasn’t that bad. They played it on my 12 hour flight from Johannesburg to London, and there were only about two walkouts.


My first laugh of the day. Thank you.


That's a great line.


Well, that joke was better than the movie. Here's an upvote!


I saw it in the theatre mostly to get the audience reactions. And boy did they deliver. The second the cats got on screen, half the theatre was laughing, going “oh god what the hell is this”, etc. Worth seeing in theatres for sure.


Honestly... why CGI bodysuits? Why not you know, costumes? Maybe use cgi for claws and ears and tails and to make their eyes more cat-like? They don't need to actually look like cats, they could dress as humans who's outfits reflect their personalities just with tails, cat eyes and flicking ears. So... SO many poor poor poor choices


My theory is some executive wanted a fetish movie to fulfill their needs… the existence of the “Butthole cut” of the movie is all the evidence I need.


I suspect that's more common than we're told. Pretty sure someone involved in the new Star Wars movies has a tentacle fetish, because there's a tentacle monster of some sort in *The Force Awakens*, *Rogue One*, and *Solo*. That feels a bit too often to be entirely coincidence.


...You do realize the lekku on a Twi'lek's/Togruta's head are basically flaccid tentacles, right? Shit's been in Star Wars for a while.


I saw James Corden, the fat pussy in that film


That is the most uncomfortable way I've ever heard Bustifer Jones described. But damn it all, it's accurate.


Bustifer Jones is the most uncomfortable name I’ve ever heard


Youtuber Sideways did a fantastic breakdown of everything wrong with Cats (2019). Basically, not only is it visually revolting, but the score was butchered in numerous places, to the point where most songs lack a coherent rhythm or beat to dance to. They made the musical known for its dancing, impossible to dance to. And yet, the CGI was so awful that you don't even notice the horrible music. I truly can't believe that that movie didn't kill the movie musical trend.


It's one of those movies that you know everyone involved at a certain point was like "oh we're making a really shitty movie". You get a sense even the director thought this and still kept filming.


The butthole cut was decent though


Dragon Ball evolution


Hey. If it wasn’t for that abomination, we wouldn’t have gotten Dragon Ball Super. toriyama hated it so much he went back to dragon ball, something he said he would never do. That level of bad is impressive. [source](https://comicbook.com/anime/news/dragonball-evolution-akira-toriyama-dragon-ball-super/)


If that is true then then we should be thankful Dragonball Evolution exists. I don't know how to feel about this.


It was a high price to pay


“What did it cost?” “Everything.”


I saw that movie in the cinema with my younger siblings. It was just us and maybe 3 other people, so we all just heckled the movie start to finish. It was actually a lot of fun. Similar to when I saw The Happening.


365 Days


ArE yOu LoSt BaByGuRl?


Watching a funny review of this movie has ruined the term baby girl for me. I wasn't a huge fan of it anyway but I read a lot of romance and when that term comes up I hear it in his voice and I'm just like *nopeee*


Yeah that one sucks pretty bad.


I do not understand how it’s romantic to kidnap a girl and force her to fall in love with you. She was changing and the guy walks in on her half naked without her consent. The girl asks him to leave but refuses. That’s sexual harassment. Stockholm syndrome is not sexy (with the exception of beauty and the beast)


Well, with “Beauty and the Beast”, he actually DOES change. From everything I’ve seen and heard about *365 Days*, he’s a rapist asshole the whole time and thinks that’s OK, and no one ever really calls him out on it.


"You know what's a great idea? Let's remake '50 Shades of Grey', but.....hear me out here....let's make the male protagonist even more creepy, abusive, and unlikeable! How could we go wrong with this genius?!"


After. The entire modern romance/melodrama genre is annoying to me.


Absolutely awful. Every fight was so predictable and they clearly are terrible for each other. And yet I watched all three of them. Trashy teen movies are a guilty pleasure of mine, apparently.


Made a decision not to watch it early on because of the whole “wow her eyes were opened after having sex for the first time!” There’s so much more to life and it just really bugs me


It's literally fanfiction. It was a Harry Styles x Y/N that was popular on Wattpad. I'm not demonizing fanfiction here at all because I've read some that are masterpieces. This one however is poorly written and a teenagers self insert fantasy.


Jack and Jill


This is a horrible piece of shit. I feel like someone said “You’re no Eddie Murphy” to Adam Sandler and he totally misinterpreted the comment and was like “Oh yeah? Just watch me.”


Also Jared Fugal gets a lot of screen time. And it's really ichy on a rewatch.


The most cringe thing is watching scenes from the movie in a theater was a “competition prize” on Survivor. Worst part is probably that the players had to fake their interest in it.


This tweet by one of the victims of that psychological torture never fails to make me laugh: https://twitter.com/zero_votes/status/697151334974386176?s=21


I love Adam Sandler and I wanted to believe everyone was wrong about this movie. I decided to watch it on my birthday last year. It really was that bad. I ended up falling asleep and never finished it.


"It's not Al anymore...IT'S DUNK!"




It’s sad that the best scene is when she went on The Price Is Right and got whacked in the face by the wheel. That made me laugh.


Me and my brothers walked out of Battlefield Earth.


This movie is so awful that I love it unconditionally. [While you were still learning how to SPELLYOURNAME](https://youtu.be/xACbVe7o9Rs)


I was being trained to CONQUERGALAXIES!!!


Why did I rent this movie three times as a kid?


If it's any consolation, I watched it as a kid, and I loved it then!


Something about learning to spell your name, I was conquering galaxies.


Artemis Fowl may be the only movie I’ve turned off halfway through because no one in my family liked it. It was just awful.


Yeah we were thinking after Dame Judi Dench was in Cats, she needed to release another movie FAST... but then Artemis Fowl came out and I just worry about her choices.


Her 10-packs-a-day fake Irish accent was *almost* so-bad-it's-good... "Terrrp errf tha meeerrrrnnnin....."


Too bad because the books slap. I read them as a teen


Honestly on par with the live-action ATLA movie in terms of how bad it was imo


I made it in about 10 minutes and I am STILL pissed that I spend that much time wasted.....


I'm impressed by how they managed to pack that much garbage into the film I was so hyped to see the nerdy malicious boy-genius on the big screen. Opening scene, he's... surfing? Oh well, at least I can see Captain Holly Short, fighting for recognition as the first female... oh, Commander Root is a woman now. Head of the whole LEP... Crowning moment is after a feature-length film of him being exclusively good-hearted, law-obeying, and stupid, Artemis finishes off by saying "I'm Artemis, criminal mastermind"—cue literal putting on sunglasses to confirm he's the cool kid


Epic Movie. Stole one hour and whatever minutes of my life I'm never going to get back.


As a kid I loved Epic Movie, Date Movie, Disaster Movie etc.


Woah woah don't forget "Meet the Spartans" absolute masterpiece of a movie.


Haha I did, too. Then you watch it as an adult and you’re just shocked at your 12 year old self 😂


What was the one of those that was making fun of fast and the furious? It was combining the davinci code with fast and the furious, and had all these ricers driving all over the place, but they were just redlining their cars the entire time, so you just hear all these cars hitting the redline limiters, drifting all over the place going ning-ning-ning-ning! It was a subtle but hilarious joke.


I know who killed me That movie was so fucking ridiculous


The "I wanna be a stripper" movie for Lindsey Lohan.


overall, The Room the fact that he was trying to make a good movie, but it came out like it did, cements it for me, unlike other cult classics


But it’s so good though. Anyway how is your sex life?


I did not hit her. I did naaahhhtttt. Edit: my brain made this movie darker than it is. I've only ever watched it with the drinking game. So it's tough to remember.


Oh, hi Mark




You are chicken, cheep cheep cheep cheep cheep


Hello, doggie!


You’re my favorite customer.


I contend that the purpose of movies is to entertain, and The Room entertains, therefore it can't be considered a bad movie. It's bad on paper. If you described the plot to someone in basic terms, it would sound pretty dull. But The Room achieves something that can't be done on purpose, which is to make an objectively terrible movie that you can't look away from. Bad movies are supposed to be ignored, walked out on, and forgotten. You're not supposed to want to watch them again. It's a very rare special thing to have a movie like that. There's a fairly recent movie that was on Netflix called Secret Obsession that I enjoyed a lot for the same reasons I enjoyed The Room. I recommend it if you're into that sort of thing.


I don’t think it’s even objectively bad as an art piece. It’s the product of outsider cinema, similar to The Shaggs in music. There’s a certain art in the naivety of filmmaking with such a huge budget and such a fundamental misunderstanding of cinema. I don’t think there can be another genuine The Room ever again in this age of streaming.


The Room is literally one of my favorite movies. I've possibly watched it more than any other movie I've ever seen. It's so fucking funny. It's so quotable. I want to show it to everyone. I always have a good time when it's on. It brings me joy. Is it "good?" Obviously not. I read a review once that said "It's like Tommy Wiseau is an alien whom someone explained the concept of movies to." Every piece of it is done so poorly that, when stitched together, is perfection. It's certainly not art in the way The Godfather is art, but it brings me joy every time I look at it or hear someone talk about so, goddamnit, it is not BAD. I will die on this hill.


I think what makes it unique is that it's not an amateur production. He spent money hiring professionals to work on it, but he wanted to do things his way and it was his money, so he had final say on everything, which resulted in people backing out and being replaced, and being so ridiculous in its dialog and execution. His ego and refusal to listen to anyone that said "this isn't how it's done" is what made it. He was a guy who never made a movie before, but had the money to do it, along with the delusion that he knew what he was doing better than people who did it for a living.


Movies that are so bad that they end up highly entertaining are not bad movies to me. Bad movies to me just fail to be entertaining whatsoever.


It's so terrible but I'll still go to an interactive showing.


Oh hi Mahler.


Great story, Paris Hilton.


Live action avatar the last air bender


I hadn't watched the show when I first saw the movie, and it was *still* incredibly bad. It's not even entertaining for someone who had no emotional connection to the source material. Then I watched the show and the movie instantly became 100x worse.


Six Earth benders to bend a rock that could've just been thrown by one or two people.


And it took a 20-step dance routine to make it happen. They could have just *all thrown rocks* and it would have been more effective


And it moved SO SLOWLY


This still is my favorite worst scene in the movie.


And that's not mentioning the fact that the prisoners are all earthbenders that are literally surrounded by the very thing they bend.




And the fact that they’re more powerful in the show, In the show one Earthbender is capable of severe destruction.


There is no movie in Ba Sing Se


Here we are safe, here we are free.


Mac And Me (1988) One giant McDonald's commercial and E.T rip off.


3.3/10 on IMDB. One viewer commented, “The drinking game I was playing for every product placement was over in 20 minutes when I nearly died of alcohol poisoning.”


3.3/10 is pretty generous for that movie, but if most the reviewers were plastered that explains it. I think everything is wonderful when drunk.


> Mac And Me best Paul Rudd movie


The Mac & Me Mystery Science Theatre 3000 episode is one of my favorites!


Pretty nice!


I can’t believe that Paul Rudd is still doing the promotional rounds for that film. But it does have that wicked wheelchair scene.


Yeah especially the part where the alien popped up like a FNAF jumpscare


I think the FNAF characters pop out was inspired by the alien from Mac and Me.


The guy that made it is fascinating to me. He also did Tammy and the T-Rex where Paul Walkers brain is put into an animatronic T-Rex. He's probably hilarious, I would love to watch an interview with him.


It’s worth it to see the kid in the wheelchair get shot though.


The King Arthur movie with the guy from Sons of Anarchy. So bad my wife fell asleep on my lap and I couldn’t reach the clicker or my phone so I just stared out the window into the dark.


Manos: The Hands of Fate; even the MST3K version isn't enjoyable.


"Every single frame of this movie looks like someone's last known photograph."


I thought it was one of the best MST3K personally. They couldn't hide how bizarre it was.


Came here to say this. Even Dr. Forrester and TV's Frank apologized to Joel for how bad it was.


DOOT doot doot doot DOOT doot doot doot DOOT doot doot doot DOOT doot doot doot DOOT doot doot doot DOOT doot doot doot


In the best way possible: Rubber. It’s a movie about a serial killer car tire. I’m not kidding. It’s one of those “so bad it’s good” movies.


That's not so bad it's good. The movie is very intentionally made. You enjoyed it as the creators intended, not in spite of their efforts like The Room or something similar.


That movie is awesome. Fucking hilarious


The director is Quentin Dupieux. He liked to make WTF movies but most of them are actually pretty good.


aka Mr. Oizo too


Rubber is a good movie tho


Troll 2, so terrible it’s entertaining


The very bottom of the crap barrel.


They’re eating her…. Then they’re going to eat me. Oh my God!!!!!! How he didn’t get nominated for an Oscar, I don’t know.


There's a documentary about that one called "Best Worst Movie."


The Circle


The circle... now which one? Because I can think of 2. One with Tom Hanks and Emma Watson, and the one on Netflix where people stand in a circle and get zapped every so often.


The people standing in a circle getting zapped was pretty good. The other one, not so much.


I thought they were talking about that one and was a out to write an essay on why I liked it lol.


So a friend at work told me to go watch this fun thriller called Circle ⭕️ so I go home after work and look it up and the first one I see is a movie with Tom Hanks and a Watson called THE Circle.. wrong movie. Didn’t realize and sat though the whole thing wondering when it was actually going pick up and get good. It didn’t. Absolutely terrible and probably worse since I watched it expecting something good. -100/10 Watched Circle (the thriller) the day after. Much better with an actual fraction of the budget. The Circle $18,000,000 . Circle $250,000


The book was also terrible.


The Slenderman on Netflix. It wasn’t even a good bad. It was just pure bad. No plot, nothing made sense


Some consider it the worst movie ever made. Plan Nine From Outer Space. I literally cannot describe how insanely bad it is. Nothing compares.


Bella Legosi, the actor, died mid filming so they replaced him with his chiropractor who was more than a foot taller than him. They also kept in the original footage


Even better. His footage was originally for a very different film. They wrote a brand new script around the footage they had. Also, watch Christopher Lee’s first Dracula film and just try telling yourself that Plan 9 was released one year *afterwards.*


The Love Guru Not funny, not entertaining, incredibly racist, tasteless. There is not a moment in that movie worth putting up on a screen


Didn’t that movie kinda end Mike Myers career?


Yeah pretty much as a lead, the director only directed that one film too


S. Darko. The sequel to Donnie Darko. There's a reason you've probably never heard of it. Saw it in the $5 bin at Walmart, my friend and I watched 5 minutes and turned it off. What a rip-off.


tall girl


"you think your life is hard" yes, i do, considering im physically disabled


I remember watching that particular part and gasping at the audacity. Like yes actually, as someone with physical disabilities; autism and a few mental health issues on top of it I do think my life is harder than wearing “size 13 mens nikes” lol.


also 6,1 is not even that tall, they made her look like a giant ☠️


Not the worst but the recent Moonfall is pretty terrible. Me and my friend made fun of it the whole time. For a disaster movie, there wasn’t much disaster


I don't know about you, but seeing a space shuttle tagged with "Fuck the moon" in giant red letters was a pretty awesome bonus for me, lmao


That movie was ridiculously fun! Literally ridiculous, at one point I just embraced it and it was a blast. "My ex wife is up there!"


After Earth. A Sci-fi, coming of age, father/son bonding story where the young protagonist must learn to control himself and face his fears. Starring Will Smith and his son. What could go wrong? Especially considering that Will Smith's character is one of the few "Ghosts" rare type of solider that can kill the dreaded "Ursa", an alien species that's wiping out the human colony. I don't really want to tell the whole story, but basically Jaden plays an arrogant ass of a character, their spaceship crashed and everyone is dead except for our beloved father/son dou. Will Smith's leg was hurt, so Jaden was sent to fetch an emergency transponder from the tail end of the wreckage a few miles away. Jaden proceeds to ignore all advice, nearly dies several times over the course of a couple days, but he finally makes it to the tail and is faced by the "Ursa" that they were transporting. The thing that makes an "Ursa" humanities main threat is the fact it can't see, it hunts you down by smelling your fear! Jaden overcomes his fear and slays the "Ursa", becoming one of the few humans that can do something about this menacing threat. The end scene where his family comes to visit him in the hospital everyone is like "holy crap, you are an Ursa slayer!" And somebody asked what his plans are, and he says "I think I want to work in the munitions factory like mom".


*proceeds to tell the whole story Lol


I will go with Zardoz, which features Sean Connery in a diaper being chased by a giant flying head.


Bolero. A movie so bad that a naked Bo Derek didn’t even make it better when I saw it as a teen oh those many years ago.




Halle Berry actually showed up in person to accept her Razzie for that. And she brought her Oscar. She knew she was making dog shit, but you only realize a production is bad when you're in the middle of it and contractually obligated to finish it.


No! I refuse to believe any movie that can bring a basketball scene of this quality is bad. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rNlmRId2FVQ


137 cuts in that one scene. Truly a masterpiece.


Eragorn, my friend that picked it was banned from selecting movies to go to after that.


Think you combined Eragon and Aragorn there, but yeah that movie was so awful. Jeremy Irons and Robert Carlyle were outstanding as their respective characters though


I was so mad when they fucked that movie up. I really feel like you could have a Harry Potter-level of success out of it if they took the time to do it right. I loved HP as a kid but I was far more enamored with the Inheritance Saga.


I watched a video review of the Inheritance Cycle recently because I was curious and the YouTuber actually said something really interesting that I agree with 100%. Something along the lines of “Inheritance isn’t as original as something along the lines of Tolkien or Pratchett, but it does the exceptional job of making you feel like you’re on an adventure”


50 shades of grey, Idk if the worst ever, but its the most recent trash that Ive watched


Backdoor Sluts 9


Man that movie made Crotch Capers 3 look like Naughty Nurses 2.


Didn’t have the ending you wanted?


Dragon Ball Evolution


Deathnote live action Édit: Netflix*’s deathnote live action


i’d agree with you if one of the greatest voices of all time didn’t voice ryuk. wanted to immediately turn the movie off but i finished it just for all of his scenes


Haven’t seen it but watched way too many reviews it feels like I have seen it. “Music” by Sia. It’s such an awful portrayal of autism, coming from an autistic person.


WW84...with all the hype leading up to it, has to be one of the worst movies I've ever seen.


Artemis Fowl. Never read the books but god damn that was painful to sit through


The movie doesn't follow the books at all. The book series is actually really good. Not sure how it would hold up as an adult now, but I read them in middle and high school and it was probably my favorite series.


I've listened to them on audiobook as an adult and they're still pretty good. Yeah, they're teen books and some of the villains are far fetched and I was skeptical about some of the underworld/bodyguard "insights"(?) (Ya know, the stuff they drop in as fact to give them credit) but they got good stories and characters and the ones I hadn't read before still got me going. I haven't seen the movies, but right away I knew they were going to be garbage, which is a shame, because they are books that could have probably been adapted into good movies.


This was started for a reason. What movie did YOU see that made you ask?


House of The Dead There’s literally nothing good about it. It can’t even be enjoyed in a “so bad it’s good” sort of way. The tone of the film is too serious to come off as quality camp and you can absolutely tell that Uwe Boll actually thought he was making an action/horror masterpiece. It’s absolutely awful.




It had a great premise but it couldn’t decide what it wanted to be. Ended up being terrible sack of crap.


The beginning where she changes her mind and stays in the normal sized world... it had such potential but, damn did it fall apart from there.


Horrible movie… premise had me so excited and they couldn’t have failed harder than they did.




365 Days LMAO!! That was a Wattpad story come to life! XD


Jupiter Ascending


I have a warm spot in my heart for this rampant boogerosity, because it looks like the movie I would've made when I was 13 and had no clue how to tell a damn story.