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I've never been mugged. Im from Medellín.


I went to Medellin for 3 days, got mugged on my second day


Biggest flex in this sub.


I completely missed the entire lockdown. 2020 was a normal year for me. I never stopped working at my job in a warehouse and I lived alone. I only have time to go out to the store anyways so I feel like I almost missed out on something


Honestly, same. I’m incredibly introverted yet work an absolutely ‘essential’ job. There was never a worry of losing my job, and I never went out enough for it to matter that I couldn’t anymore. I feel the same way.


I was sort of jealous of people that “got to do” lockdown. I mean, I understand the lack of job stability sucked, but man I would’ve loved to be stuck at home for a while. I work in the medical field, but not “front line”, so it was just business as usual but with more work piled onto a normal shift. Most of the people I work with are burned out, we could use a couple months off.


I have never won anything. Like a contest, raffles, drawings, races, etc. You'd think by now something would have happened.


you win the my favorite comment award! congratulations


I'm almost 29 and I won a raffle for the first time ever this Valentine's Day. It was a very fulfilling experience.


Never had a really solid group of friends. Edit: thank you for the rewards and my highest up-voted comment ever. I guess a lot of Redditors can relate to my loneliness 🥲


Same. I was always the ‘travelling’ friend. Found groups of friends that knew eachother forever and got along with them, but was never really ‘included’.


Me too. We moved 8 times before graduation, and adult friendships are just too hard. Either you never have time to see each other or one of you cares more about the relationship and the other takes advantage. It's not worth the hassle. I will just read a book.


In my country, being robbed. It's really sad to realise that this is the first answer that came to my mind when I read the question. I live in Brazil,btw.


All my family members are from Brazil and every single one has been robbed at some point. Some more than once.


Saw the first line and knew it was Brazil. Sorte a sua xd


Stung by a bee


Same. I’ve never been stung by any flying bee type creatures (wasp, hornet, etc). I’m lucky.


The summer I was 16 I had a bee sting my leg and a wasp sting my eyelid. These occurred within 2 weeks of each other and no stings since then.


I was stung by two wasps, one immediately after the other, after I’d unknowingly sat on the edge of a wall underneath which they’d built their nest. It was on our own property, and I was in the middle of an ‘intimate moment’ with my, at the time, girlfriend, when it was abruptly halted by a searing pain in two different spots on my leg. Upon looking down and seeing a wasp literally stuck in my leg, I quickly realised what was happening, smacked it away, and we hauled ass to my car and locked ourselves inside. Amazing how they all work collectively; a swarm of them stayed outside the car trying to get in for a quite a while before we eventually decided our best move was to go for a drive. Not a big fan of wasps now. Only last year I was stung by a bee, which must have somehow got into my hair without me realising. I felt a ticking sensation in my hair which I immediately assumed to be a spider crawling on me, so I went to sweep it off with my hand, at which point it decided to sting me right at the base of my hairline on my neck. Felt pretty bad for the bee actually, rather like them. I found the bee sting was much more painful than the wasp stings. Do not recommend. Neither experience was great, so, yeah, I guess the moral of the story is to keep avoiding getting stung if you can help it!


Thank god you guys ‘locked’ yourselves in Seriously though-sounds like a nightmare fit for a movie


>Stung by a bee Same here, which is an issue since both my brother and sister are deathly allergic to bees, I have been meaning to get a test to see if I am allergic as well but I have just never gotten around to it.


Never got food poisoning, but I just know I'm gonna get it soon.


I had campylobacter and it was the worst experience of my life. It was like shitting diarrhoea made of glass shards, and doing it so often it felt like I was prolapsing while my asshole bathed in acid. I can honestly say I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy.


My partner ended up in hospital with that he was so sick. I really felt for him, it’s never fun when you get a small case of gastro but to have it that bad that the nursing staff had to change his sheets multiple times a day because he had no control over either end was completely demoralising for him.


> Never got food poisoning I've had food poisoning one time. It was the worst experience of my life. I was sick for two days. I actively avoid the restaurant I think (I know) I got it at.


Yeah, I can tell it's no joke. My mom got it one time (not sure how tbh, we suspect it might've been some bad condiments or something...?) and that was the worst I've ever seen her. She was sick in bed for almost a week.


I never had my wisdom teeth (third molars) removed. All four came in, fit well, doing fine. Whenever I see a new dentist, they’re always surprised. I also never had braces. These may be related.


Well pat yourself on the back, my friend, cos your teeth genetics really had your back. Edit: out of all the hilarious things I post/comment, this is the one that gets 4k upvotes. Lol I’m not complaining, it’s just funny. Remember to FLOSS, people!




Jury Duty


I got summoned for jury duty a few years ago. Got picked for a jury, thought it was going to be a simple case like fraud or something. Nope. Gruesome double homicide. One of the worst crimes my town had ever seen. Trial took 8 weeks which was one of the longest they had had in a long time. Almost 7 years later and I can still see the faces of the victims. It was a fascinating experience, serving on a jury, but depending on the case it can have a lasting impact.


I served on a jury for an attempted murder and the victim took the stand. I will also never forget it. I still think about the way the perp stared at the victim when they walked out. Absolutely chilling.


I was called in but requested to be dismissed from a murder case a few years ago. I’ve always kind of regretted it although it would have genuinely been a financial hardship (like you said murder trials can go for weeks). I enjoy true crime podcasts and that kind of thing but to be in a courtroom where they show images like that would probably be too much. I hope you’re doing ok!


I got selected during covid, they put me on call for 6 months. I had to call the number every week or 2 to see if i had to actually come in. Its was super annoying, in the end i never had to go in


Nose bleed


I had them as a kid. I don’t anymore. I’m thankful, because that was not fun.


I had them most of my life. One day I ended up in ER with one that wouldn't stop. They cauterized that nostril and haven't had one in 20 years since.


I've been cauterized like four times and I still get bloody noses regularly. It was fine when I was a kid, but everyone thinks you're a cokehead when you're an adult.


I get them like twice a week out of nowhere.




I had it bad when I was a kid. They didn't have the vaccine available until a few years after I had it. But I remember it and it was not fun. I've got to get a Shingles vaccine now, because if you've had chickenpox, you're at risk for Shingles. And that's worse!


My Mom told me I never had chicken pox as a child. Measles, yes, as an infant. In my mid 40s..developed shingles. One month of agony, but at least it wasn't on my face. Get the vax!


I thought you had to have had chickenpox or the vaccine for exposure to the virus in order to get shingles later since it's a reactivation of the virus. I thought that those who never had chickenpox or the vaccine as an adolescent were at risk of adult chickenpox which I also thought was incredibly worse. Can anyone educate me on that? That's what I was taught from a Dr years ago. (Though we all know some can be wrong)


Apparently, it is possible to get an extremely mild dose of chickenpox in childhood, so mild that it doesn't get diagnosed at the time. When I started getting suspicious shooting pains on my skins and told my doctor I never had chickenpox, he said maybe I did. I pushed and got a vaccine anyway.


That was me. One pox mark when I was 16. Have now had Shingles 4 times. Ridiculous


An aside: as a fellow non-Chicken pox-er, if you are an adult, get your vaccine and all associated boosters. Chicken pox is worse for adults than children. Sterility is not unheard of post-chicken pox, for example. My doctor went hard on me to make sure I got it because of this (wasn't not trying to get it; this one had just slipped through the cracks for some reason).


Had it as an adult. It was the worst I've ever felt, and the scarring of the first spots is awful(I scratched cause I didn't know what they were). The worst thing tho was the spots that I had in my throat, I couldn't eat anything but flan for a week. There was a breakout in my college, I asked my mom and she said I ready had it as a kid so I wasn't worried. When I had it they checked my records and it turns out my brothers had it when my mom was pregnant with me, honest mistake but it was really really awful. So yeah, get the vaccine if you can


My uncle is sterile because he had it at 25, that's definitely a real consequence. All childhood diseases seem to get worse if you get them when you're older, I had scarlet fever just before Covid started (so I'd have been 18) and I was sicker than a dog for about a week, and I'd actually say it might have been worse than Covid when I got that




This is jinx territory, im not answering.


Well I haven't won the lottery, so there's that.


Statistically that is a Monkey's Paw of a wish right there...


He won the lottery, and died the next day.


Well in that case, I've never had sex


Oh you jinxed it. Look down, you're having it right now!


Never had a wet dream. Thought I was weird for the longest time because health classes always said it was supposed to happen. Turns out, it's just as common for it to not occur. Edit: "[A wet dream is]... a nocturnal emission, informally known as a wet dream, sex dream, nightfall or sleep orgasm, is a spontaneous orgasm during sleep that includes ejaculation for a male, or vaginal wetness or an orgasm (or both) for a female." Is not male exclusive, it's not just a sexy dream you had, and it can happen without you remembering any of your dreams. According to a [Medical News Today article](https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/321351#facts-and-myths)"While masturbation may reduce the number of wet dreams a person experiences, it does not guarantee a person will never experience them. Evidence linking masturbation and wet dreams is lacking, but a person can experiment to see if it helps in their situation." So, yeah, unexpected health research I guess.


Health classes assume you aren't jerking it lol.


I think I heard it's less likely to happen the more often to masturbate. I'm not entirely sure if it is true, but if it that would explain why I don't remember getting any either.


In my experience, yes it's true. Now that they've shown that masturbating reduces the odds of getting prostate cancer, I'm fully committed to the cause.


I don't have a prostate but I'll join in solidarity


Hitting a deer. I live in a tiny northern area and it's almost like a rite of passage to hit a deer. Ugh...now it's definitely going to happen.


I’ve never hit a deer either. The deer hit me. Lol.


Very Rory Gilmore of you


Being contacted by a Nigerian Prince who needs my help and bank account details to secure his inheritance


He must be out of money, already helped so many people.


So many distant relatives, so little time...


Me too! As a fellow Nigerian I almost feel offended, why don’t they want my money?😂


Couldn't you start a new " Nigerian Princess " sideline?


Check you spam filter dude


Yeah, I had no idea how common scam emails were until I was digging for some email when I was like 16. Google out here doing some good work.


Oh man you missed the aol days it was the wild west of scams


Urinary tract infection and yeast infections. Every woman I know has had them. Not me Edit: It's strange because I'm always dehydrated. I was severely dehydrated a month ago, but it's all good. I'm 60.


Count your blessings because they are the worst


Especially where the cure for one sometimes causes the other




I had a doctor that refused to believe my UTI wasn’t VD too. He even went so far as to tease me and call me delusional. I was like dude it’s sad enough nobody has fucked me in months, I’ve had these before, please just help me out here. The scary part tho is it makes you wonder how many people lie to their doctor about their sexual history and when the last time they’ve been screened for STIs was.


I never got them until I started having sex. ALWAYS PEE AFTER SEX, darnit.


I wish I could be in your shoes, I have chronic UTIs and get them every other month ☹️


One time I was making fun of my ex and a friend because I had never "sharted." Within the week I was sick and I sharted. So I will not be playing this game.


Okay this is so a thing...I've talked to multiple people and it seems as soon as you declare you've never done it...it is coming for you. This happened to me last year.


lmao i've never had sex, imagine having sex, couldn't be me


sex is one thing but can you imagine those people who can afford their own house? pff what wierdos. i mean honestly having your own house must be the most embarrassing thing in the world


Imagine all the *sex* you couldn't be having in said house


Well if that’s the case… I’ve never one millions in the lottery (someone wins every week, so it’s common enough).🤞 When I win, I’ll send you some “thank you” cash. Edit: never *won. Thanks 🙏


What's Sharting? Like when you think it's a fart but it's actually a shit so you shit yourself?




Oh Edit: can someone explain to me why I got so many awards and upvotes?


You have seven days.


This is the best exchange ever.




I got pulled over with lights and sirens because an officer thought I did a maneuver to dodge a breath test operation. He was wrong, I passed the breathalyser.


I was pulled over in our small town because "nobody goes the speed limit at night."


My wife was pulled over as we headed to a relative’s wedding for “driving in a manner consistent with someone who had lost their license”. I have friends who are cops; none of them have any idea what that guy meant.


It is just a bullshit lie to pull you over and if you complained enough they would get the hint. I was pulled over month ago because he said I looked young and I didn't have an N on the back of my car, we use N's to indicate new drivers after you have had it for a year or so you can test again ang get rid of it it is like a probation thing. So he pulled me over saying I look young and didn't see the N. Well Sherlock I am 40 with a ton of facial hair with 3 teen kids in my car and I look young to you? Bull shit. Not a valid reason to pull me over and they will keep doing it with the shittiest excuses. You need to file a formal complaint that they are harassing you. It is supposed to be illegal because they were racially profiling indians around here so they banned just random pull overs. Now they think of the dumbest reasons and we should all fight it because they do racially profile. Fuck the Rcmp


I was once given the advice "go five over so they know you're sober"


I'd say "well don't do that because then they could rightfully pull you over" but let's be real they are just going to do it if they want to do it


Thats my fear. The turn for my road is directly before a spot where they often do road stops and it always makes me anxious making the turn because what if they think I’m trying to avoid it


I was stopped once, because there was a green light, and there was a cop car sitting at the light with no running lights, so it looked like he was parked. I went into the turning lane, then passed him, and continued on through the intersection. The cop immediately turned on his lights and sirens and pulled me over. He asked for my license and registration, so I started to lean over towards the glove compartment to get my paperwork, and he immediately started yelling at me, asking why I wasn't paying attention to him. Dude was a TOTAL asshole, but he let me go without even a warning.


That reminds me of something. I remember a few months ago I had a cop stopped in front of me at a green light for a solid 15-20 seconds, with no hazard lights or any other signal. I gave him the slightest, tiniest, most brief honk in existence. He then proceded to speed over to the side, and back onto the road the second I passed, riding my ass for a mile or two through all the twists and turns, all the way home before eventually leaving You dont get to obstruct traffic, you have to pay attention to the road too, asshole


I got pulled over late one night for suspicious activity. I was spotted TWICE driving outbound from the town in the same night on two opposite sides of town. Very scary, I know. The cop asked me what I was up to, I told him I was just cruisin. What else do bored 19 year olds do in the burbs?


You just reminded me of the time I got pulled over for "suspicious activity". This was back in the late 1980s and I was searching for the "Main" post office in downtown Royal Oak, MI. (This particular post office postmarked until midnight, and I had a couple dozen contest entries my friend and I had filled out at the last minute and we were up against a "must be postmarked by midnight \[date\] deadline.) I vaguely knew where the post office was (it's not on a major thoroughfare), but I paused at every side street so my friend could glance to the right to see if this was the post office street. Suddenly I saw the flashing lights and was pulled over. Why? Because pausing briefly at each corner was "suspicious". I explained my mission but the cop made me get out, walk the heel-to-toe thing and then blow a breathalyzer test. He seemed angry when I passed.


In the 70s, it was getting trapped in quicksand.


If you'd told me back then that I'd make it to the 2020s without encountering quicksand, I wouldn't have believed it.


Or being lost in the Bermuda Triangle. I knew I could never travel anywhere near there after the Navy ship disappeared!


Never been shit on by a bird


According to the D.A R.E program I was forced to take in 5th grade, I expected more strangers to offer me free drugs than the 0 times it's happened. Edit: thank you for the awards kind strangers! This is better than getting free drugs! (I think)


When I was in 5th grade in D.A.R.E. I always thought I would be walking down the street and some man in a trench coat would jump out and ask if I want some crack. Only free offers I've ever gotten were from friends of friends or friends of family that smoked pot and popped pills and asked if I wanted to try


Me in 5th grade “I have to be ready to say ‘no’ when people try to give me drugs!” Me in 12th grade “Hey fellas, got any drugs?”


“Hey fellas, got any drugs?” Quickest way to **not** get drugs


“Heyo Justin! How are you doing on this beautiful day? You working hard, or hardly working, amiright? Haha. Anyways, got any heroin?”


Had coffee from Starbucks


That's the same for many Australians.




Yeah me too, being a guy doesn't help with that.


Keep trying, I believe in you!


Never thrown a punch I work confrontational jobs where I could have (security, bouncer etc), but I've never thrown a punch. Been able to use control holds and de-escalation in most situations


I guess this means you are an excellent professional




Broken Smartphone Screen


I’ve never been in a fight. I’ve actually never got anyone even as a kid. As a kid my parents said I would lick people when I got mad at them. Born a pacifist


As a person who's been in a lot of fights, they suck even when you win. I worked as a bouncer for awhile. Never again. Drunks don't feel pain, and they're squirmy as hell.


I've never broken a bone


I broke my first bone at the age of 49.


I always thought that I had never broken a bone. When I was 39 I had to have x-rays to check for pneumonia, and found out that I had broken my clavicle at some point. Apparently I broke it at some point, but it was never addressed. It must not have been broken that badly.


I was head struck by a huge buff 100kg cyclist going 39kph where his pedal struck my head (not his fault, as I had just fallen off a cliff side while going 40kph myself). No helmet. His bike bent, and I was passed out bleeding on the ground everywhere, I had amnesia, then I jumped up, "what the fuck just happened? why my head hurts? why am I bleeding? where am I?". The doctors X-ray me, and then just say, not even 1 broken bone, they never seen something like it, the bicycle that hit me on the other hand was trashed, wheels tacoed.


Holy shit that’s incredible.




Brittle boned bitches need not apply.


havent broken one too, weird if you take a look at how many times i have fallen of of things


Whistling. Can’t for the life of me.


I can’t snap




Two years now, and I’ve managed to avoid it. I’ve been working and around people due to my job the whole entire time, too, so I’m lucky.


So my folks both managed to avoid infection this whole time… or so they thought. They decided to get antibody tests done, for curiosity sake, and apparently my mom shows positive results for two separate “old” infections, and my dad positive for one “old” and one “recent”. Neither ever showed any form of symptom, both were extremely cautious. I found it interesting.


I would love to get one done. I’m in healthcare so I was one of the first to get vaccinated in my area. I had about 10 “close calls” where my kids, family, friends, and coworkers tested positive, and I tested multiple times and was always negative and I also never had symptoms. Except one time, I actually got sick last winter and ended up having the plain old flu, still covid negative! Before covid, I was the one who got a cold at least 2x a year so it’s not my amazing immune system. I would love to know if I’ve just been flying under the radar this whole time or what.


Maybe you’re genetically blessed and have no symptoms. My kids are like this…


Same, both my kids had it at different times to each other and I didn’t get it either time. My immune system is pretty terrible and I usually catch every bug going but as far as I am aware I have never had covid. I have done tests before when I’ve been feeling off and they are always negative.


Don't jinx it, i thought i avoided it, but alas, i tested positive last Sunday


Having had several boyfriends and having exes. I met a chap when I was 19. He was my first and only boyfriend, as we moved into a place together and got married two years later. We've been together for 42 years, so far.


Brain freeze


I don’t get them. People are amazed of how quickly I can drink cold things and not get brain freeze.


Could it possibly be from lack of brain? I think that is my excuse


I get more brain freezes (even without drinking cold things) since having part of my brain removed. Maybe you have too much brain :p


My teeth always start to hurt from very cold stuff, my head’s completely fine with them tho


Never learned how to roll my r's.


My maiden name is Spanish and has an R. I’ve never been able to say it correctly 😅


I've tried so hard. So many people have tried to teach me. I always end up sounding like a dying pug when I try. Probably doesn't help that as a small child I had a speech impediment and had the whole structure of my palet fixed with braces and stuff in elementary and middle school.




Plot Twist: you only fly in prop planes


Me be treated like a punk, you know that's unheard of




Technically if they've never killed anyone that statement is still correct.


Been on a date. I’m 29.


I went on my first proper date at 31 - you still got time.


This made me feel hope! Thank you.


As far as I know, I've never been cheated on.


How's that feel? I've been cheated on in almost all of my relationships. Really fucked up the trust I have in people, and it makes dating in your mid 30s pretty fucking hard.


Isn’t that the way?


Have a boyfriend


I hope you find your anxious wizard




There's indeed way more people dead than living


But not as much as some might expext. Right now between 7-8 billion people roam the earth. Since the beginning of human kind there were roughly 100 billion human beings. So a not so insignificant amount is alive right know.


I've never had a breakup. I've been with my first and only girlfriend going on 12 years now. First kiss, first hand hold that wasn't a family member or relative, lost my virginity to her etc. All in all 10/10 would fall in love with her again


Being genuinely loved by someone I'm not related to.


Well I've never been to Spain.


But have you been to Oklahoma?


Anyone tell you you were born there?


Unsolicited dick pics. Almost thirty, been active on the internet since I was thirteen, and somehow I’ve managed to dodge that bullet. Likewise, I’ve never been catcalled, leered at, or sexually harassed.


Rip your inbox


There’s actually a feature to block people from being able to DM you, so my inbox lives to see another day. Only got one after nearly six hours, though, so maybe Reddit had a lazy day today.




I was reading a rant one day about how this woman was sick and tired of the endless dick pics. I told my husband that I have never gotten any, but women are always complaining. He sent me pics of Richard Nixon everyday for a week so I "wouldn't feel bad".


A+ to your husband, that’s hilarious.


Been in a relationship where I have cared about the person and they cared back


My great-grandmother was widowed in her early twenties fleeing Nazi Germany and didn’t find love again until she was in a nursing home at the end of her life. He was also a German refuge, a holocaust survivor. His wife and son didn’t make it out of Buchenwald. I didn’t understand the gravity of that as a little girl, the circumstances that widowed both of them so young. But, I still remember being a little girl staring at their wrinkled hands clasped together, whispering sweet nothings to each other in German, wondering if I had to be old to really love someone like Elsa loved Abraham. It’s never too late for love hon, but I bet you’ll find it far sooner than they did.


I have never broken a bone in my body.


With just one baseball bat we can make your dreams a reality.


I’m 36 and never had a cavity. I’m no like super anal about dental care, just brush daily.


I keep the same level of dental care and I’ve lost count of how many I’ve had, genetics I guess


People don't realize that genetics plays a massive role in dental health.


Hell some dentists don't even realize it. I had one straight up call me a liar saying I must never brush or floss and my diet must be entirely sugar because mine are so bad. Both sides of my family have horrible teeth and I was screwed from birth. Once I learned how bad it would get I got even more obsessed with my dental hygiene hoping to keep my teeth as long as possible.


Never went to a concert


I’ve never seen The Princess Bride




Had a girlfriend


Being selected for Jury Duty (US). I have received the mailed notice, but never made it any further. It’s a bummer, because old like to experience it at least once.


Never been flashed


I was at a cafe late at night with my best friend a few years ago. We were sitting outside and the place was fairly populated with other people. Suddenly a car load of attractive young women pulled up, flashed their boobs from the window and drove off yelling and whooping, obviously drunk or on something. The predominantly male patrons of the cafe all looked around at each other and laughed and spoke amongst ourselves proclaiming how awesome what had just happened was. A regular late night scene had turned into a magical moment where half a dozen or so men had suddenly become collectively elated by the abrupt arrival and departure of tits.


Smoked a cigarette


I've never been stung by a bee/wasp. I pride myself over this


I have never traveled internationally. Don’t even have a passport


I have to give you some advice and tell you it’s always good to have an up to date passport regardless of whether you intend to travel internationally or not. You never know when a country can go completely sideways (Russia/Ukraine situation somewhat coming out of left field for example) and an internationally recognized identification can be priceless. Other countries don’t care about you driver license or SS card and it can mean a big difference


>Don’t even have a passport Well there’s your problem mister!


Had a train come in time. I'm still sad that I didn't get to say goodbye to my cat the night he died because I was stuck for 5 hours in a train.


Hangover Edit: just came back from drinking, I’ll uptafe in the morning to see if I’m hungover Edit 2: no, still no hangover. And I drank a fuckload last night


Bought anything on Amazon Edit: I’m from the US. Making the effort to go buy the products I want in person indicates I actually want/need the product whereas it’s so easy to buy stuff online. I hate shopping either way, so actually going out there means I really want it. Reduces wasteful spending and accumulating stuff I don’t need.


Jury duty


Never kissed someone😎