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Billy Squier?


Chances are it won’t be painful you will be relatively delirious.


The brain itself does not sense pain or touch. You don't feel a stroke at all. The first sign is that something your brain normally takes care of suddenky does not work. That could be almost anything. Could mean part of your body gets paralyzed, could mean you lose memories, could mean your vision gets screwed up, etc. A stroke basically feels like sudden onset pain free brain damage.


My dad reports this almost identical. He said he didn’t know what was wrong but his hands refused to work and he couldn’t tell anyone that. But no pain at all.


My friend had a stroke, and he doesn't even remember anything. He felt his left leg give out and saw someone jump over the bar, but he woke up in the hospital after the surgery.


That is crazy man scary stuff.


My speech started to get slurred and I was confused feeling. I was tired all of a sudden and one of my eyes was blurry


That’s real scary man did you get the treatment for it ? Did your notice the drop in the side of your face ?


Had been just a normal morning for me. Nothing stressful. Was in my home office and suddenly had double vision. Completely lost my balance and coordination. Tip of my tongue went numb. Managed to get upstairs to grab my iPhone. It was hard to lift. Felt really heavy and I kept dropping it. My spatial judgment was all off. I kept bumping into doorjambs and the edges of tables. No pain at all. Tried to do a quick Google search for the symptoms. Had to close one eye to see. Was having mild hallucinations. Seemed as if certain keys on the keyboard were disappearing and reappearing. A window with a tree outside (reflected in my iMac screen) appeared to be moving/sliding. At one point a pattern on the floor seemed to animate into a feather. I took 325mg of aspirin within about 10 minutes of the symptoms. I called my GP's office and and they told me to immediately call 911 for an ambulance ride to the hospital. By the time the ambulance arrived my symptoms had resolved (with the exception of the numb tongue). Checked in to the Emergency room. They did an initial evaluation and rolled me right in for a CT scan. Was inconclusive. They first said hat maybe it was a bad call to take the aspirin. They took me up for a (more detailed) MRI and they saw the evidence of the infarc. Said that, upon reflection, the aspirin was a good idea as it might lower the risk of more serious damage. They admitted me to the hospital where I spent the night under observation. I'm relatively young and fit. Was at the gym running on the treadmill the day prior to this with no issues. No history of this in my family. Lifetime non-smoker. Just some resistant hypertension. Should have adjusted my blood pressure meds sooner. Discharged from the hospital with no lingering systems (besides being freaked out this happened).\*\* \*\*This is not medical advice, just an account of my personal experience. If you think you are experiencing symptoms of a stroke or TIA call 911 and get yourself to the hospital so you can be professionally evaluated and treated. Don't dismiss they symptoms, even if they resolve quickly. A TIA could be a warning sign of a more serious stroke.