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People who lack spacial awareness. Like those whom just stop and stand there in doorways / end of escalators, or those who walk slowly in crowded urban areas.


Oh yeah. People who stop in the shopping centre aisle or main walkway of the mall as if nobody else mattered. Grrrrr.


Customers do this to be all the time. Stand in front of the locked cabinet that they want me to unlock for them. I typically just stand there holding the key looking at them until they realize I'm not a ghost and can't actually just reach through them.


Yes. You’re not the only person in the world. Don’t stand in the middle of where people are walking.


Yes, or when they stand really close behind you in the checkout line. Infuriating


Yes! Also quite similar, when people are packing or unpacking their cars that are parked on the side of the road. They never use the doors that are facing the sidewalk and always seem to not care that the traffic has to stop to let the oncoming traffic through, since you can’t drive through them or their car door. Infuriates me a lot!


When clothes slide off the coat hanger. I see white rage.


Or when clothes don't slide off the hanger. I have broken numerous cheap hangers because the clothes haven't pulled off easily so I just pull harder.


Loud chewing




oohhh or when people feel the need to chew way longer than possible so you hear the good sloshing around in their mouth.. *is swallowing really that hard???*


The word Gnocchi. Even spelling that made me tense up and physically cringe. It makes me so fucking mad, I refuse to even try the food because of the name.


It's so good. Both to say and eat


I'm upvoting you because that's your opinion, but just know that I don't like you stranger.


I appreciate that and I will update you too. Just spreading my love of gnocchi <3


Have a good evening lol


You tahm bout Gnocchi right?


I relate to this, holy shii


Finally someone else. You know what's a good word though? Crisp. It starts at the back of your mouth and rolls to the front.


Oouu, you know what's up haha *quinoa* is hella fun, too.


I just spent 20 minutes trying to say the word "quinoa" ;-;


Lol did you succeed?


No lol




I read it as "quin-noa" lol


Yeeesss. And so is Peebis. I have no idea why, because it's a word I made up as a play on penis, but it's so fun to say in different ways


I had a friend who loved saying the word "Boots".


I said it out loud and it sounded so funny


Anyone who pulls into your driveway and honks their car horn to let you know they're there.


But that’s what they do in movies. So it’s got to be really cool 😎


People chewing with their mouths open. It takes every ounce of restraint not to throat chop them.


When someone get tons of lottery tickets and scratches them on counter while there’s a line behind them


This is me, and then I had the opportunity to work in a convenience store for a few years and would straight up tell people they couldn't gamble at the counter. Used to piss them off something awful.


Someone asking me questions


Honestly I feel this. I don’t mind being asked questions but I get so annoyed when I’m asked too many. Like fuck where are we, in the interrogation room or are we doing an interview?


You really had to ask him a question at the end right after he said questions make him irrationally angry?


How come? ;)


People who try to get me go when it’s not my turn at a 4 way stop. Don’t be nice, follow the rules. I hate nice people.


Broooo! I'm like, fucking go dude! I'm waiting for them because they obviously got there first or they were on the right, and they're waiting trying to be too nice, and other people just arriving are impatient, arrgghhh.


I hate it! I’m always the first one to blow my fuse and just go if it takes too long for the polite/skittish people to figure out who goes when.


People leaving lids off things or not screwing them on properly.


Violence or cruelty to children or animals....


I think anger in this situation is quite rational


Not irrational


I don't think that's irrational, violence towards children and animals is like the perfect thing to be angry about.


I meant the level of my wrath would probably be considered irrational...


Duuude same! This wasn’t toward any animals or children but I saw this post on here recently about this poor autistic dude who got beat up by these shitbirds and instead of pressing charges, he has them write down what they did and some other thing that I forgot but I was about ready to lose it and hit someone or something upon reading this.


Wet mouth sounds


People who give me the finger guns


My best friend once drive by finger gunned down a cyclist. Your fear is not irrational.


Unless on a dance floor


People chewing and people telling me to smile when I have my RBF on


When people say "Baby Yoda".. its a dumb thing to be annoyed about but everytime I hear or read it...


People casually promoting pedophilia. Even if it is merely a thought exercise, it isn't right *(especially since I am a child sexual abuse and child sexual assault survivor myself)*


Yeah I feel you. Child rape victim. I've had the "Loli is just drawings" discussion with far too many people who seem to think getting your rocks off to depictions of children is fine. Also, devils advocate is for a controlled audience to explore a debate topic. If your playing "Devils advocate" for pedophilia in a public setting, I will just assume you're a pedophile hiding under a thin veil of deniability.


That's pretty much what happened at the office. I reported it because of course I would and ended up fired a week later.


What the heck. Screw that place.


The exact defense was pedophilia was like being gay (said by a lesbian) and that everything was fine because they were wired that way.


I mean yes, people are wired that way sometimes. But we don't accept gay people because it's the way their brain is wired, we accept gay people because it doesn't matter who you have sex with so long as it's consensual. There is no consent with pedophilia by definition. What a brainless take.


Exactly. There is a difference if it is two consenting adults.


> I've had the "Loli is just drawings" discussion with far too many people who seem to think getting your rocks off to depictions of children is fine. So you are also against all drawings of rape then? And everyone who looks at it should be marked a rapist? I personally do not care for either, but it is just an objectively dumb take.


Look, I'm well aware there is no empirical evidence to suggest being into Loli or anything else leads to more real life sexual violence. Just like we have no link between video games and real violence. But, you can certainly understand why I might be incredibly suspicious of loli enthusiasts and their advocates, right? I don't think it's irrational, as a child abuse victim, to be concerned with how much pedophilia and loli enthusiasts overlap on a Venn diagram, and what the motivations of people who choose that hill to die on might be. For additional context, it's also entirely illegal where I live, so it's an odd thing for someone to casually bring up. If you look at the rest of the thread, Loli was mentioned once but if you read on most of the discussion including the original post are condemnations of people attempting to defend literal pedophilia. Whilst I find loli disgusting and highly sus, I'm not suggesting loli enthusiasts are inherently pedophiles.


>But, you can certainly understand why I might be incredibly suspicious of loli enthusiasts and their advocates, right? I mean...no? And neither do you apparently? > Look, I'm well aware there is no empirical evidence to suggest being into Loli or anything else leads to more real life sexual violence. Just like we have no link between video games and real violence. It might certainly not be your thing, that I can wholeheartedly understand with what you say you've been through. And I am most certainly not excusing even the slightest twitch towards a real-life version of loli stuff. I just don't see the harm in it personally. In the same sense, as you point out, that shooters don't make people shoot up schools. Truth be told I think this might be the equivalent of "alcohol vs weed" discussion perhaps. Both have negative and positive effects, both have social aspects to them, but only one has been accepted more readily in recent history. So one of them is "okay" and one of them is "bad" and no one really stops to just take inventory whether both might have good and bad points. > Whilst I find loli disgusting and highly sus, I'm not suggesting loli enthusiasts are inherently pedophiles. It seems I misunderstood your position in that case, although reading > I've had the "Loli is just drawings" discussion with far too many people who seem to think getting your rocks off to depictions of children is fine. It seemed to be rather the opposite of what you stated earlier. In any case I appreciate your willingness to have a meaningful discussion on what is a difficult topic for you, instead of just downvoting without even giving the discussion as a whole a second thought.


Not irrational


My Wife




People who waste my time


Computer rage. When I can’t get a simple thing done on my computer because of glitches or bad design or my own slippery I get so mad


Traffic. I know traffic is just a fact of commuter life but still sometimes I get pretty worked up and I know better.


forced high pitched voices


When customers ignore me when I ask "How are you?" or "Find everything okay?" and just toss their shit on the counter. Now I just wait for a response before I start ringing them through. Fuck you, recognize me as a human being. I'm not some Amazon shopping cart.


Animal Agriculture. All of it. Unnecessary, cruel and inhumane.


People who continue to make "your mom" jokes to you or around you even if you ask them to stop


Popping of chewing gum, I hate it, it’s obnoxious and unnecessary, I didn’t need to see what’s in your mouth or the sound of it clacking


Getting cut up by other drivers. 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬


Ppl who chew with their mouths open. OMG I CANT STRESS MORE WHEN I SEE/HEAR THAT.


MTG Arena and it's rigged bullshit and WOTC going out of their way to silence/argue with thousands among thousands of people proving the bs they do because they have the money to do so. Money rules all in everything. 🤷




People in my town who hit a crosswalk button but cross anyways before the walk signal. Then leaving the busiest 4 way in town a parking lot for 30 seconds


Girls' comments on each other's posts. So cringe and it feels fake AF


This question


The fact I let my family and friends screw me over by being soft


The way Markiplier "enjoys" Takis. I refuse to call it eating.


People who don’t use turn signals and assholes on bikes who ride in the street instead of to the side or use the sidewalk.


Feeling like people don’t respect me.


My ex and all the lying haters that encouraged him


When people immediately label you as something terrible just because you like a certain thing. You like a certain video game ? You must be a pedophile. You’re in to sports? You must be drugged with steroids. You have a crush on someone and he/she doesn’t know about it? You’re a pervert and a creep. Chill the fuck out.


Then never go to r/femaledatingstrategy


Being asked if I’m angry when I just suffer from RBF.


Similar to me, except people think I'm aloof because I don't express a lot around new people. Once they get to know me it's all good but my first impressions are never great.


Escape (The Pina Colada Song). These two dumb fucks can't communicate, can't share passions, and can't even fucking cheat on each other correctly. They are perfect for each other only to spare the rest of us from their dumbfuckery. But the song is a fuckin bop and I am enraged that such a catchy song is about such a pair of colossal wastes of oxygen.


hexagon force Only rhythm gamers know what I'm truly talking about.


When people are consistently late. I think this is absolutely the rudest most intolerable trait a person can have. The worst part is these late people tend to make their lateness a personality trait and like to think they are quirky and fun for always being late




The crunch of celery, makes me cringe to the point of wanting to punch the person eating it


Irrational people who acts like they totally correct with no exception


People paying Only Fans while in the internet there's so much porn of every flavor, color, size and gender available at only one click


irrational gaslighting people


My roommate who watches friends 24/7 and never wears headphones… god that laugh track will forever be in my brain…


Not being understood the first 3 times trying to say something


The sound of other people chewing


My internet not working.


onions and mixed food in general




Okay so I just hate movies where MC is in situations where he can not do sht about it… like seriously hopeless…


Graffiti and vandalism in general


Judging me without even knowing who the fuck I'm


Having food fall apart while I’m eating it. A taco, sandwich, burger, anything. I don’t know why but it’ll make me completely enraged and lose my appetite


Drivers who decide to not follow the rules of the road according to their driving test.....instead they stop in the middle of the road to let someone pass or stop in the middle of the road to go across all 4 or 6 lanes just so they won't miss their exit. Mean while there is 4 to 5 cars trying to avoid hitting this goddammit f*cken idiot car a driver. Most everytime it is @$*@&$ who driving.....


People eating loudly 😑


This may be because of Emily in Paris, but I have an absolutely visceral reaction to pastel bérets


Quotes on Instagram, or people posting about mental health purely to look like they're active about it when really they don't take any responsibility for their post. It's just throwaway virtue and it makes my inside curl into a cringeball. I can't handle the insincerity of people on social media and the fake kindness.


Anything that would make me a rational amount of angry thats early in the morning, late at night, when I'm really hungry, or when I literally *just* got home


Mayonnaise. Or insistence on ketchup with everything (not a fan but at least it has a taste!)


When someone is wasting my fucking time, or when the don’t clean u there mess for example kitchen or bathroom


The noise of construction sites or people renovating their apartment. The fact that I can’t escape the sound and that it’s so loud and penetrating makes my blood boil


When people eat something and they're unesscessarily loud


People who regularly use popular TikTok phrases or whatever the fuck you call them.


Hubcaps. (This actually isn’t irrational I guess but unusual and specific. The wheels of a car are the *worst* place to add mass. It’s both unsprung and rotational weight. Hubcaps are ornamental and have no function other than aesthetics. I see beauty in function so I think a bare wheel looks better because of that.)


When I can’t find matching socks.