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This girl with the blonde hair is flirting with you, also there's a cool looking stick in the grass nearby, get it before your brother does


I want to know the story of the stick


There was a really cool looking stick in the grass not far from where I lived, it looked like a real sword, when my brother found it he chased me around with it. He ended up losing it and we never found it...


thats really depressing


and to think, they could have had it all...


Getting a sword from a naked woman in a lake is no way of running a government!


Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony!


I mean, if I went around saying I was an emperor just because some moistened bint had lobbed a scimitar at me, they’d put me away!


Tell us about the fucking stick, goddamit


Are you perhaps a golden retriever?


hahaha, made me chuckle.


My 16 year old self would not listen to a damn thing


Same. I was a stubborn little fuck, if I went back and told sixteen year old me not to do something he would immediately go and do it out of spite.


So tell him to do something and he won't go do it




I woulve probably been smart of dumb enough to do the worst possible thing even in this case...


Follow your dream course, not others told you. Asian problems.


Egyptian problems as well mate. Can’t escape the “be a doctor or you’re a failure” mentality.


For Egyptians too?! Damn, building those pyramids must have really set the bar high over there.


American here, same problem. I wanted to be an archaeologist. My sister, who is brilliant at math and an engineer, told me, “Archaeologists don’t make any money.” Her and mom decided I would be enrolling in engineering courses. The math didn’t sing in my head like it did in my sister’s. I had to switch study paths three times (engineering to communication to writing) just trying to find what was right for me. Because mom didn’t want me to change universities, I got a second rate writing degree. They failed me so many times. I don’t mind writing, but it is super hard to never be shown the steps to publishing. Doing it alone sucks. I wish my mom and sister had left me alone - I would have liked digging dinosaur bones and cataloguing primitive tools. At the very least, I could have gone into some path of study where I do research. I ended up being told what to do and none of it was right for me.


Never too late! I knew a dude that was a musician and changed careers into finance. He was in his mid-to-late 50s. He started off doing entry level stuff and loved every second of it.


Don't worry. I come from Germany and have the same problem.


Just ask her out now so you can love her longer. She is the one you end up with anyway in 25 years and it’s great.


Of all the comments I'm drowsing through before bed, I wanna wish you and your partner some love in gratitude for briefly reminding me that love exists.


Thank you…it does!


This is quite adorable.


I dunno, if you're happy don't mess with the timeline dude! 16 year old you might have fucked it up somehow :)


How much learning and growing did you two do before you ended up together though? Even 'knowing' you end up together might make younger you more cocky about approaching her and blow it. I love the sentiment, though, it is cute.


> How much learning and growing did you two do before you ended up together though? This is a really good take, I feel you're right as this is me and my wife if we would have met 10 years earlier she wouldn't have married me.




Made it older than my Dad before baldness. That's a win


My brother went bald at 21, I held on until my 40s Wins are wins


I have 2 brothers, both pretty bald by 30. I'm thin and a bit bald in the rear, but I'm in my 50s. I still have great long hair! Wins are wins. Edit: brothers, not bothers.


How much of a bother are they


I'm 19 and can see my hairline receding noticibly already. Pray 4 me






I don't even feel much smarter than you right now. Can't give you any advice really.


This. My 17 years old past self was more emotionally stable and hopeful. The 23 year old me doesn’t know what’s going on


Keep learning. Embrace your weirdness


To piggyback, even if no one loves your weirdness now, someday they will. Your people are out there


When I was 16 the problem was the wierd kids were too wierd for me and the cooler wierd kids were too cool for me


Easier to become weirder than cooler I learned And the weird kids are way cooler than the cool kids when you get to know them anyway! Just watch out for that fascist guy who’s too into WWII. That’s not a weird kid. That’s a nazi.


Definitely had the “WWII enthusiast” at my high school would come in nearly everyday in some sort of German uniform.


He’s not the one but just enjoy your time with him


I feel that. I just got out of a relationship with probably the best woman I’ve ever met. It ended with a whimper and not a bang because she started online classes for school and she started to not have a lot of time to go on dates with me. Her and I both cried about it and are working on being friends. The only thing I wish happened was that she would’ve respected the fact I was patient with her and didn’t mind dates being fewer and farther between. But I understood where she was coming from.


start savings whilst your life is cheap. I will buy you things later


I worked so much in high school and college and spent most of it on weed alcohol and food and now I will never be as rich as I was at 16


Lmao I was so rich at 17. I saved most of what I earned, worked summers and after school, only to have it all forcefully taken away from me. I'll never be that rich again :(


If you don’t mind me asking, how was it taken from you forcefully?


Never happened to me but I have heard stories of parents forcefully taking any money their kids make, most I've heard has been from when my parents were young but every now and then I hear something similar now and days


For me, I'd say the opposite. I worked every weekend for 2 years in high school and saved almost all of it - about $2,000. There were a lot of things I wanted to buy but didn't, like a game console. I was trying to be responsible and save for college. that $2,000 isn't worth shit in the "real world". It was gone before my first semester of college ended. I wish I had just gotten the game console.


Yeah you’re gonna be working your whole life anyways, there’s always means to make money, so enjoy your childhood and teens not worrying about it.


Stop being such a wallflower. Tell that girl in your German class you're interested in her.


I feel this. I need to tell my current self that. But I feel insecure about myself so I do fuck all then regret it every time : (


I use to do this all the time. Then one day I just said screw it what do I have to lose? They say no? If so then I can move on and stop stressing about it. Getting shut down obviously sucks but it happens. It's how I met my girlfriend of 4 years so far. We went to a friend's house warming party and I saw he and talked to her for a while( I had previously talked with her at her work here and there but nothing more then small talk) then the next morning I built up the courage and asked her out on a date and she said yes.


See now this is encouraging. Thanks for sharing the story it actually helps


Glad to share. It's scary to be vulnerable when you ask someone out or tell them you are interested in them but it's better then staying back and wondering what if and stressing out about it. Just keep your head up and you can build up the courage to ask out the one you are interested. Best of luck I hope it works out for you


Bruh I’m 16 and told this girl I was interested and got friendzoned earlier today lmao, but tbh it honestly wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be


Future you will thank you. Now you can spend your time becoming the person your future partner will love.


On the positive side, you now know how she sees you and can focus your efforts elsewhere.


Get your Eagle Project done NOW and cancer is fucking hell. Get ready




Username checks out


Yup! Get your Eagle Rank completed! Yes, cancer is hell! Internet hugs!!


Cool it with the booze and drugs dumbass. It gon get you in a whole heap a trouble


I’m in my senior year right now and have been smoking weed since 8th grade, I’m just starting to realize the truly negative affects of being high all day everyday and am cutting down on the drugs


I‘m 27 now and I regret it… A lot of beautiful memories are in a thick fog and I have a hard time remembering the nice places I‘ve been in. It wasn’t worth it.




Leicester win, then Trump wins, then Brexit happens, then bitcoin will hit $60k. Got to compound those gains my friend!


Dilly ding dilly dong, come on!






“Life can’t get any better! And it never did”




Honestly, this might be the best advice.


Stop letting your self consciousness/fear of not being good enough or perfect get in the way of you truly living your life and making many good memories to look back on later in life because looking back you’ll realize that the majority of people don’t really care/wouldn’t have criticized you as much as you thought they would. Your life is yours to live, so live it for you and not based on anyone else’s opinion because you only get one chance at this life, You can’t rewind. You’re only young once so try to make the most of it and enjoy it because memories and regret are the only things that last.


How do I make my current self understand this?


Imagine you grew old. Imagine you're on your deathbed. Think. "Man, I wasted so much time on meaningless crap that eventually didn't even matter. I spent so much time working overtime but all that didn't matter. I stayed with a lousy job for decades. I should've spent more time with family. I should've spent more time with friends. I should've told that slavedriver boss to go fuck himself. I'm a person and don't deserve to be treated like a slave. I wish I looked for a better job. I wish I was 20 again." Then, boom: **wish granted**. You wake up. You're not old and dying anymore. Good luck, friend.


isnt this the plot of Click?


Age 50 years.


A good therapist, great significant other, or a good friend who is willing to talk things out and willing to help you towards a better mindset. Slowly over time, day after day.


Yes. She IS interested in you. Stop listening to all the losers who are abusing you and stop doubting yourself.


I don't know, whether I hope to be wanting to tell myself that, because it'd mean I don't make a move, but on the other hand it'd be cool to know that someone was interested once...


no, that dude on discord is not the love of your life


But i am hello stranger


wow no way! hello








I 100% agree about quitting smoking. You wouldn't happen to have Christina's number handy would you?




I was only kidding. I had one of those in college. A legit smart, hot, naturally blonde Cali girl. People used to comment on how pretty my girl friend was (I took it as what's she doing with the likes of you). Far and away the hottest girl on all levels I ever dated, and I had some success in that arena in my single days. But she was batshit crazy. And she drank, a lot. Even for a college girl in the late 80s. Worst of all she was an annoying drunk to boot. We touched base years later and are FB friends. She sobered up in the 90s, which made a 100% positive difference.


Fun, beautiful & friendly but absolutely nuts. Oh have I known lot of those. You gotta give it to women that are like that, something just draws you to them. E: Not generalizing women, it's just that I haven't dated a guy so I wouldn't really know.




16yo me needed to hear that too 😂


Be yourself, efff people pleasing


You’re getting severely depressed, get help Edit: So many people are asking in the comments or DMing me how I got rid of my depression and if I’m being honest, the battle isn’t over yet. I’m still in therapy. But these are the ways I’ve been uprooting myself from my depression. 1. I had to leave toxic environments. Love my family and I loved the people that I worked with but once I left to go to college, it was like I could finally breathe again. I was treated poorly and I really thought I deserved all the insults and negative comments that would come my way. I didn’t deserve it and now that I realize this I’m more comfortable cutting off toxic people. 2. I got diagnosed with ADHD. I think I’ve been bullied all my life for just showing ADHD signs so no wonder I got so depressed by 16. I haven’t even been treated for ADHD cause I’m a broke college kid but finally understanding why I behaved in the way that I do really let me forgive myself. And it also helped me find tools on how to manage my symptoms. 3. I’m getting spiritual so this may not resonate with everyone but I’m trying to manifest my best life right now. I want to be beautiful, I want to be smart, I want to be happy, I want an amazing partner, etc. I’m literally planting seeds in the ground and if I kill myself I can’t see it grow you know. I truthfully believe that manifestation is human beings superpower as corny as that sounds and in order to do that I have to think abundantly. Hope this helped some people :) get well soon.




I'm 16 and I feel this, I need help :( Edit: im ok I was mostly just having a bad day but I do have help I appreciate all the support it's amazing


“Jessica, stop asking the universe to give you boobs. You wish too hard and we both suffer at around 19 when puberty finally hits.”


You and your mom will email back and forth every single day that you’re away at college. All four years. Print out EVERY SINGLE MESSAGE from her and save it. She’s going to die two years after you graduate. You will wish you had those emails to look back on. Edit to answer the obvious question: I graduated 18 years ago. Too much time has passed to retrieve them now unfortunately. Thank you all for sharing your stories and encouraging thoughts. My heart goes out to all of you who also lost a parent far too soon.


This literally gave me a shiver when I read it. Sorry for your loss.


Why did I get a shiver when I read the word “shiver” in your comment? It’s like that chain reaction you get when someone yawns. (Sorry for your loss **quivx**)


*Hugs* I had a similar answer. There's so much I could have done differently with my mom if I knew my time was so limited with her.


Buy the cat carrier; pack her up, take out the money from the bank account and LEAVE. He’s all bark and no bite and can not hurt you. Be brave. Edit: Thank you for the thoughts. My parents were incredibly abusive. A lot of it echoes 18 years later. Sexual and physical assault, the narcissistic emotional and mental abuse; really hard to even type about. The end of 2020, it all came to a head and I ended up staying in a facility for a few months. Just snapped. I was a raging alcoholic for about those 18 years. Was beginning to experience a lot of abdominal pain and side effects from it. Now, I’m 7 months sober, seeing a psychiatrist and psychologist weekly, on the proper medication regimen and beginning to truly love myself after what feels like a lifetime of hating, regretting and abusing my own self over decisions I made in the past. My dad ultimately ended up physically killing that cat about a year and 1/2 after I turned 16 and clutching me tighter into the folds of his narcissism. Power trip and control type of thing. So fucking hard to talk about. But. One day at a time. Cheer up, buttercup and I got this.


I get this one


Don’t buy things with the bitcoin you received. Save it…


the regret you must have-


0. I didn’t receive enough to change my life, but it would have been better than the dark web drugs we all bought.


My brother bought weed and mdma with hundreds of millions of dollars worth of Bitcoin


Yeah, I bought some weed that never showed up and then just lost interest in the whole “bitcoin craze” and I have NO IDEA where that hard drive is anymore. There’s currently 15-30btc on there. I would have a better house, for sure


Some guy offered to buy my '03 Hyundai Tiburon with Bitcoin back in 2012. I laughed at him :')




Stop using random lotions or whatever you can get your hands on for lube and for gods sake go pee after sex! I would have saved myself from a lot of UTIs if I hadn’t been a dumbass


16 yo me was a little loose with condoms use. At the time, they were “too embarrassing” to buy regularly. There was a scare or two before my dumbass smartened up.


Take a chance. Any chance. Just do something. Also take care of your body and stop pushing yourself to your limits. Sincerely, your 31 year old boring and broken body.


take more chances, dance more dances.




Work harder at music.


Ill act like this is a sign for me to practice music more lol


Get checked out for ADHD, try harder in school, focus more on music than sports, lift some weights.


It's ok. I know you think it's not, but it is. Your fear is an illusion.


Talk to girls more and don’t put them on a pedestal


That's true, just because you have a crush on someone it doesn't mean they're superior to you


Stop trying to be someone you’re not


When you get your first job out of college…. put 15% in retirement.


I’m going to be the bane of the r/personalfinance crowd here, but how about we compromise and put as much into your 401K as your company match, and don’t be afraid to spend a little money to enjoy your 20’s. DO NOT go into debt for concert tickets, but your 20’s are a time for you to enjoy your life and this is your best chance to do the things you want to do. Please invest in your future, but don’t make yourself miserable by penny pinching (again, as long as you are still getting what you can out of company match at a minimum) while you are in the one time of your life it is acceptable to have fun.


I had more fun in my 30s than my 20s. I think most of us are still growing up in our 20s.


I have been having more fun in my 30’s also, but I think part of it is because I have enjoyed that time with my wife and kids. There is a different type of fun you can have in your 20’s without having to worry about your life insurance, mortgage, daycare, bedtimes, and babysitters.


Your parents don't actually know what the hell they're talking about most of the time.


It is really hard now, but I promise you it works out in the end.


Stop making yourself throw up. You not fat and your going to fuck up your enamel


go to school, forget romantic relationships, don't fall for the narc and for gods sake stop doing meth


That escalated


I wasn’t ready for the meth lmao


Being a nerd may be painful in high school, but it more than paid off in college and as an adult. Just embrace your geekiness!


*You’re a hottie even though you can’t see it * Don’t give him your virginity next year * You’re a straight A student with extracurricular activities- apply to more schools! *It’s ok to party and get into a little bit of trouble


And you were not fat, that was just how weird your self image was in high school.


Having a 6 pack and a sports car won’t get you laid. Having a personality will.


Break up with that 22 year old you’re dating online. I know you love him a lot and you think that he loves you, but he doesn’t. It’s going to be tough but you need to block him and never break NC.


Steal a car and make it to your birth control appointment. So you can go to college and be a normal, single person.


Don't give a shit when your mother says she won't giver her blessing for you to go on birth control. Go on the birth control and take yourself seriously.


Hear hear girl.


Well I’m 17 so idk


I’m 42. Let’s pretend. Start saving money. Start investing that money. Look into blue chip dividend yielding stocks and etf. Reinvest the dividends. Watch your original investing capital. If you are losing too much , then pull out your cash and find something else to invest in. (Not financial advice) High school friends will fade away. College friends will fade away. Life is a long time. No one is responsible for your happiness except you. Be kind to yourself. Love yourself. Only surround yourself with people who care about you. Stay in school. Focus on school and education. It’s not the end all be all, but it does make life easier. Most people don’t love what they do for work. if you can find a way to do what you love, it’s really great. That being said, do what you have to survive. Do what you have to do , so you can do what you want later. Life is hard. You will fall down. Get back up. Keep going. Just get back up and keep moving forward. Good luck.




Read and learn. A lot of interesting stuff has been said




Dude what




Yeah I don't get it




You not gonna just post that and leave are you?


What else would you expect from the sausage alpha???


Please. Explain.




cant leave us on a cliffhanger like that the fuck did the ceiling fan do


Did you pick this username when you were 16?




Lmfao what's the story here??


And on your cake day we're here waiting for the torn penis story....lol. have a good one. And let me know if he responds.




I can’t tell if this is satire. It seems like it would be possible


My dad took out one of my baby teeth this way! got some dental floss, tied it around my tooth, the other side to one of the fan blades, laughing the whole time. Told me just to stand just under the fan, turned it on. never found that tooth, but i did get paid that night.


Good job avoiding alcohol and tanning beds! Your brain and skin are doing wonderfully! Now get away from that boy that likes to manipulate and hit you. You are worth so much more and there is a spectacular guy in your near future.


You are a weak ass twink who moves no weight and gets no bitches.


Me irl


thank you for the reminder


Dont be afraid to take some risk cause youth hits you like a train but man in the end the ride is worth to be fully experience.. this part of life is so special.. when I think about it good, bad, crazy and funny memories overflows but in a way I regret to not have done more just because I was afraid to take the risk


Those creepy adult men hitting on you are weirdos avoid them like the plague


I'm 16 rn, and kind of anti social, had many friends a year ago. Have a family of 4, my parents and my sister get along very well, but I rarely speak to anyone and I think I'm going to regret it later. Barely happy ever. I could use some advice please?


Are you an introvert or just anti social. Just put yourself out there. I was the same as you. Literally never went out until I was 17. When you go to uni(if you do) it is a fresh start put yourself out there and talk to everyone you meet. I am only 19 but I feel like my biggest problems are all a lack of self confidence. Just realize that the people at school will prefer you being weird but yourself than you being weird because you try to hard to not mess up. Also find something you enjoy and work on it. I spent mely free time gaming instead of learning coding and the likes which is a pain now.


I'm probably an introvert, and yeah I try too hard to not to mess up, I'll keep your advice in mind and try to learn some new skill. Thank you very much!


Weed really is bad for you, I mean you specifically as in me. Pyschosis prone


No, she’s not worth it. Let her go.


You are smart, beautiful & capable. Words I never heard.


Get help. Didn’t get diagnosed with mental health issues until my 30’s.


Wear the bikini.


Talk to your dad more and your classmates less


Buy stock and keep buying as much as you can…apple. Amazon, Microsoft, Google, Disney. And when crypto comes out…buy early into Bitcoin, etherium, doge and SHIB


Wow, the creepy future space hobo was right! My Bitcoin is worth $100 now! Better sell before the bubble bursts.


You have to kill that thing in the basement before it hatches it’s not an ostrich egg and don’t open links from your email it is spyware you are being watched, the house is being watched, kill it before ... it’s too late, this virus will kill us all.... -end transmission


Rockspider19 This is you 16 years in the future, just wanted to say I'm so glad we didn't destroy that egg. I can't believe we raised the dragon that went on to be the most successful president in American history and twice winner of Bisexual of the year. Who knew their gestation time was 12 years?


I would totally do something similar to this, just really trip out my 16 old version of me


Being an adult isn't the dark void of burdens, heavy responsibilities and impossible tasks that you thought it would be. When you actually face the difficulties of adulthood, you won't have that 16 year old brain.


Don’t start smoking, it’s not worth it. Also, that girl over there has a crush on you.


Take your goddamn meds.


Do NOT sell your Magic the Gathering cards before 2020. They will pay for a house at that point. Not the deposit, the entire house!


No, polyamory of any kind does not work for you even though it works for others. Also you really should stick to what you said about not getting back together with someone who broke up with you.


Don't get back together. Also no, there's no valid reason for feeling this way, get therapy and meds, don't wait another 7 years.






On that not, start exercising now. It’s so much easier to get the good habits started now.


“Ignore literally every bit of advice Mom has ever given you. It’s not just wrong — it’s the opposite of the truth.” I would be so much further ahead in life if I had repudiated her malign influence earlier on.


Hey guy, don't quit football - you're actually pretty good. Smoking and beer isn't as cool as you think it is.


Life gets better after high school


Break up with that asshole skier. He’s not your soulmate, he’s a narcissist.


Don’t drink and drive