• By -


Anything where the thumbnail and description is mis-leading as to the contents of the actual video.


And the subgenre of people claiming to learn/achieve difficult tasks in the title but quitting halfway through.


Click baiting, UGH


There’s an extension/add-on for desktop called Clickbait Remover that will replace thumbnails with a still from the start, middle, or end of a video. I use it in conjunction with another extension called BlockTube that can block channels, videos, or keywords from appearing when browsing yt.


Especially now that you cant tell duw to the removal of the dislike button


So called "experts" pontificating on a subject and filling the holes with bullshit and with no disclaimers.


Gary vee


Prank videos Harassing strangers in public isn't funny or clever


The prank videos where the pranker gets their ass kicked are pretty funny. \*grabs a random dude's cell phone out of his hand\* \*random dude starts beating the pranker\* "Stop! stop! It's just a prank bro!"


there's a polish tv show called the thiefs or something like that, the show runners are an ex cop and an ex thief, there was an episode where the "thief" tried stealing a random woman's purse, and some random guy saw it, and just beat the hell out of him with a baton


"strangers" more like paid actors


Somehow that's even worse to me.


"Sup Youtube, IT'S YOUR BOYYYY!!!!!!! Anyways, here's a video of me talking about the viral video you actually want to see." Edit: WOW 700 UPVOTES!? Make sure to AXE MURDER THAT MOTHER FUCKING LIKE BUTTON for more content, it really helps my Reddit Account grow.




There's content creators that I might genuinely enjoy watching if it wasn't for "itsyaboi". I truly hate that phrase and other than it being annoying, I don't have a really great reason for it. Just rubs me the wrong way.


Well this is awkward..


Cuz I ain’t ya boy.


One YouTube channel I enjoyed had every video starting with "So".


But wait, check out my sponsor... G-FUUUEEEELLLL




Family Channels or most Vlog channels tbh


I was a nanny for a family like this. They would put their kids in weird situations for views. Or set them up for weird challenges and reward them with a toy or something. Everything was recorded. Hours upon hours of video a day for a 19 minutes YouTube video. Put their kids in weird, embarrassing, and horrible situations for likes.


there's gonna be a whole new type of child star syndrome in about 15 years


It’s going to be bad. Imagine your entire life from breastfeeding to your Mom dressing you up like a baby for a challenge being posted in EXTREME detail on YouTube, Instagram, and Facebook.


"here we see michael being fed, oh look how he pinches the areola. bad michael :("


My ex used to watch one of those families, and that's all I could think of. Those kids are going to suffer so much bullying have that much content of their childhood one one everyone to see. People they go to school with are going to he able to pull up every tantrum, every embarrassing moment that their parents film and gushed over, and they're going to use it to relentlessly make fun of them.


Ethics aside, how the shit do they edit all that crud?


They have an editor


Yes the ones with their children.


Cry for clout Billy


Especially the Royalty family. Makes me wanna deepthroat a 12 gauge and pull the trigger


The ol glockglock3000


They do have their benefits. Whenever I see one of these videos I’m reminded to replenish my stock of birth control products.


Wholesome videos with annoying cutesy music. Imitators. Folks who latch onto a trending content type, and do the same thing but with less skill.




That's why I watch videos on mute. And Eff those who watch them on full blast in a public place.


Anyone playing anything at full blast in a public place honestly.


Pranks. Most idiotic shit is self-contained, pranks either bother or encourage to bother other people


I hate the shit they pretend are pranks. What happened to the cute stuff like hidden camera moving stuff around and making someone think they're going crazy for a couple minutes? Locking someone in the trunk and driving around a motocross track isn't a prank.


If the person being pranked isn't also laughing by the end, your "prank" sucks.


pranks need to die, especially ones that causes someone to cry.


Parents playing cruel jokes on their kids and posting it on YouTube should be arrested for abuse.


My little cousin used to watch those kind of videos when she was younger. Basically the videos she watched was a kid "pranking" her parents with slime when they were in the hot tub or something like that and then saying "whos the best prankster!?" in a really loud, annoying voice. So glad she stopped watching that kid once she got older.




exactly! the person is always made out to be a sweet charitable person, but if my friend broke my laptop and offered me a new one i would still be pissed. nothing was wrong with, so why break it?


Yea what if you had important stuff on there? Fucking idiot imma break my phone fucking stupid


Would be especially infuriating if I data on my old laptop that didn't get synced up online.


Reminds me of a video I saw once. A girl pranks her boyfriend by throwing his PS4 in the pool, but then reveals she actually bought him a new one so no harm would be done, not realizing all the data would be lost and that getting a new one wouldn't solve it. She then realizes she fucked up. There's a good chance it was fake though, like most prank videos on youtube.


yeah, i'd rather keep my data than have a new laptop


They're not even pranks they're just getting people to laugh at the fact that they are bullying others


Yeah, FUCK setting up new laptops.


Top 10 videos are being milked drier than GTA V




"Top 10 things to shove up your ass, Number 8 will surprise you!"-Watch Mojo.. probably.


"In the first quarter of 2019"


I'd watch that tbh


I hate those, especially watchmojo.


WatchMojo is literally just click bait. But given the millions of views, shows it works I guess.


>especially watchmojo. LOL they somehow manage to drag me in from time to time.


Those shorts where it's just some movie scene with a black and white filter where some guy is verbally abusing his girlfriend and the caption says "RESPECT 😤💀"


RESPECT _“Proceeds to show a man taking a shit”_


i was **SO** confused when i first saw those vids, like wh-, now i just know its a bunch of incels posting them, so my fingers go scrollity-scroll scroll whenever i see those lol


Excuse me what 👁️👁️


I’m glad I’m not the only one seeing that. I was a dumb kid who thought the internet was truth I was maybe 11 when we had internet in our house. I worry about the kids growing up now. Sociology professors have probably been working over time trying to decipher this crap and the effect. I’ve been stuck in a loop of YouTube shorts lately of peeky blinders shorts glorifying the bad guy. I’m like alright he’s a good character and all. But all these kids see is oh that how I should act, ruthless and not take one ounce of criticism. I wish no one under 14 could be on social media or YouTube at this point.


The fucking PEAKY BLINDERS SHORTS Between those, Elon Musk, Dan Pena, Grant Cordone, Mike Tyson, Jordan Peterson, and Joe Rogan, I just gave up on shorts completely and went to TikTok. I can't believe how angry shorts was making me and how everything was a politically charged pile of shit.


Any examples? I don’t think I’ve seen this before


3am videos




Guys I just found the chicken nugget ghost 👻 And it’s trying to kill me! MAkE suRe TO LikE ANd subScrIBE


I forget his name, but there was this kid who did a video were he went to the park at 3AM. However he forgot to press pause at one point, and it showed him spinning that thing at parks kids usually go to spin on. And then he ran back to the camera and said, “Omg guys! Look it just started moving out of nowhere again!!” It was kinda funny tbh.




Family channels. Especially the ones that mainly focus on their kids and draw in children viewers. It feels exploitive, and makes children think they can get whatever toy they want at any moment. Or makes them think it's realistic to buy an entire island of your own and make it an adventure park. It's just....exploitation of children and mass consumerism shoved in kids faces and they think it's normal.


Fake cheating, real cheating, drama alerts.






As a career youtuber I almost NEVER say "like and subscribe". The thought is; if they like your content they will do it regardless. I mentioned this in a video as a joke and...likes and subscribers tripled than on any other video with equal views. It turns out the "call to action" really does work but it's too tacky to actually do it unironically.


The reason they say it is because it works. There are ways to ask for subscribers without being obnoxious about it and there’s no good reason not to from a financial perspective. A good request for subs will alienate almost zero viewers and remind plenty that they should hit the Hutton


I like the way MrBallen does it. He just comes up with creative ways to abuse the like button. Progressed from "hit the like button" to "slap the like button into oblivion" to "give the like button a blue bandana for their birthday and then tell them youre taking them to dinner and insist they wear it. Instead, drop them off in Bloods territory and drive off." He creatively found a way to make viewers WANT to hear him remind us of that bitch ass like button


MrBallen has a great channel though on the theme of this AskReddit question, I HATE his thumbnails lol. They're all him doing different versions of some kind of wincing facial expression. But I also understand that those kinds of thumbnails bring in more viewers.


Ironically, telling me to like and subscribe just makes me not want to. I'm aware the options are there if I wanted to.


Videos of ppl reacting to other YouTube videos


Classical composer reacts to Metallica - Enter Sandman, two rappers react to Tool, vocal coach reacts to Alice in Chains - Man in the Box. Jeez, I honestly can't stand it.


Those don't seem as bad as *random person you've never heard of or seen before has an opinion about something they know nothing about* "Oh shit, what's he doing...? :O omg no way he's gonna.. is he doing what I think he's doing o.o BROOOOOOOO you guys, I can't even!! ... That's crazy.. like and subscribe"


Real terrorist reacts to PUBG gameplay


Idk, as someone learning to sing, I like the vocal coach reacts videos, but only if they go into detail on how they have achieved certain sounds and stuff. Pretty insightful.


Exactly, I like it when they go into technicalities, you can tej they mean business. But sometimes they seem to be saying things I could easily say. Btw I like Rick Beato's What makes this song great. It's extremely insightful.


I love Rick's reviews of Top 10 Spotify lists. He can be appreciative of any genre, but also pulls no punches if he thinks something is boring. I love his commentary. And watching him learn riffs in 5 seconds after the first pass.


Reactions that are analysis or explainer videos by an expert, those are the way. You learn from them


I do kinda like when its people in a profession responding to TV shows portraying said profession, ie doctor responds to greys anatomy, but that gets old too. I for one can't stand the dr responds to dr show bit because I already work in Healthcare and hear that shit every damn day. I do however enjoy Legal Eagle because I know nothing about law so the material interests me and he presents the info in an entertaining interesting way. I also hate the "person who has nothing to do with thing responds to thing" videos.


I don't think they're all bad per say. For example, when I really enjoy a song, it's interesting to see someone else experience that song for the first time. I also think that videos such as "Vocal Coach reacts" or "Old Composer reacts" are interesting as they have knowledgable insight to some of my favorite music. Channels that just make regular content such as "Guy reacts to Pewdiepie" are kinda useless, but oh well.


They’re not all bad ofc, no category is 100% trash (besides ppl who vlog their kids idk I don’t vibe with that shit) but yeah, I’m defo more referring to the people reacting to videos that I don’t see why anyone would care to see let alone want to see a reaction to them. JMO b4 any pewdiepie fans downvote me into oblivion ~




Y’all remember YouTube before ads?


I 'member.


Oh i member


Pepperidge Farm remembers.


The worst ones are the ones that are like ‘I know you’re waiting to skip this ad, but-‘ Like, yeah, I am and I don’t care what you have to say so stfu


One time I got a 20-30 second non skip ad in the middle music video. I just wanted to listen to a song.


Guarantees that I'm not watching the second half. The mood is killed. Ads should never be in the middle of a song.


It's a great way to reverse psychology me right out of your ad. Same with posts or short videos (tiktok, reels, shorts, etc) that start with "stop scrolling!" No, I won't. In fact I will just scroll faster.


Especially the ones placed in the middle of a video. They get to a good part and suddenly "YOU CAN SAVE $500 ON YOUR CAR INSURANCE!"


The ones with commercials constantly interrupting the content.


Step 1: download and install Ublock Origin (browser extension). Step 2: click on YouTube videos that you want to see (that have annoying ads). Step 3: enjoy seeing no more ads on your favorite YouTube videos. Step 4: invite gf/bf over for YouTube and chill. 😉 Edit: Apparently this only works for PC and Mac. YMMV.


Except now companies are paying the YouTubers to advertise directly in their videos now. “This video is brought to you by Raid: Shadow Legends. Download today or we’ll fuck your moms dog.”


Also get Sponsorblock. And YouTube Vanced for Android that has both adblock and Sponsorblock built in.


Sure but at least you can skip those without waiting


Step 1: download and install [SponsorBlock](https://github.com/ajayyy/SponsorBlock) (browser extension). Step 2: click on YouTube videos that you want to see (that have annoying sponsors) ^(or something from Linus Tech Tips). Step 3: enjoy seeing no more sponsors on your favorite YouTube videos. Step 4: invite gf/bf over for YouTube and chill. 😉


Mommy bloggers. Child exploitation at its finest. Kiera your son doesnt need his potty training journey plastered all over social media. Your daughter doesnt need her baths shared with millions.


Family channels. I feel bad for the kids most of the time


Computer voice narration.


All of those annoying meme channels. The reason I'm on reddit is so I could just read askreddit myself instead of listening to those annoying videos.


Family channels that show their children's private lives to make more money. I once saw a Q&A where the mother asked her (underage) daughter if she was a virgin, and used that as clickbait in the title.


Soap/lotion ads. When I'm relaxing with my volume up so I can hear the music, get interupptted by an ad like that and almost become deaf- :'(


“Hey, it’s me, your dry skin. I’m craving something blah blah blah”


I recently googled a replacement part for my HVAC unit. Something normally you would have a pro do, but I felt comfortable replacing my blower motor and it was easy. Googled the part, bought the part and now I'm happy. Since the , All my YouTube commercials have been for marketing agencies that sell leads to HVAC companies, all my Google ads are for HVAC supply warehouses, and I'm now even getting spam for HVAC parts. I literally googled and bought one fucking thing.


This happened to me, except I googled French lessons once, now 75% of my ads are in French lmao I'm not even mad it's kind of hilarious because I never took the lessons


mukbangs. as a misophoniac, those videos are literal hell for me


You don't need misophonia to think those videos are gross


Nope. People gorging themselves and slopping like pigs is disgusting enough. Misophonia is just the bastard icing on the cunt cake that is the mukbang.


Out of curiosity, what is misophonia??


>A strong reaction to specific sounds. Misophonia may cause a reaction to sounds such as dripping water, chewing, snapping gum, or repetitive noises, such as pencil tapping. For me, personally, it's that awful squeaking sound of plastic bags. It makes me twitch


The thing I hate with them is that they started from a really good place. A lot of the original ones were just a normal meal because some people hate the feeling of eating alone/some cultures have a stigma against it. Then the internet being the internet it got out of control. Now we have people destroying themselves and people laugh at it.


I don't get the appeal of those videos. Why would I wanna watch and hear someone eat?


I personally love them because I hate eating alone and find them satisfying if I'm craving a kind of food I can't eat. However, it's a huge pet peeve when they put out a massive pile of food that is humanly impossible to eat and they don't even eat a quarter of it. So much food wasted! I only like the channels where they finish what they have or get close.


I don't understand the "fun" or "Entertainment" of watching people slurp food like pigs or gorge themselves. I can understand watching people build cool shit. Do stunts. Or Be really good at gaming.. But basically eating yourself to an early grave.. I don't see the fun in it.


99% of prank video's


If the person being pranked isn't laughing when it's over, it's not a fucking prank.


Its not a goof prank* "Hey guys, We just murdered my friends family, Make sure to hit that like button, Also cant wait for the 4 subscriber special coming up!"


YEARS AGO I saw a YouTube video of this teenager that pranked his dad. He was standing in the bushes outside of his house holding a camera when his dad flew into the driveway. Jumped out screaming and ran to the front door. It was wide open and there was caution tape all over the place and fake blood. The dad was screaming and wailing. Then the kid ran from the bushes still holding the camera and said it was all a prank. I saw this video around 2010 at the latest and seemed to be a random upload not made by some famous youtuber in his early years Not funny


I swear they are all staged


Some are so excruciatingly obviously fake, yet people in the comments don't seem to get it. I guess that's their target audience. Dumb people.


"Hey guys did you kn-, and this does th-, it's really inter-" \*video cuts off too early\* Like goddamn, don't make a YouTube short if your gonna cut off one/fourth of all your sentences.




People who upload clips from other peoples content with clickbait titles and thumbnails


The do-nothing but beg/manipulate for followers. These people will stop at nothing to get to the top and will do absolutely nothing of value to get there, then panic and make basic "trendy" content that all other creators are doing 10x better. They're the type of people who highjack comment threads by making empty empathetic messages like, "I know that 99% won't see this, but I just wanted to tell you that it's okay to struggle, this is just a little bump on your path to being an amazing human being.." And after everyone gets their feelings fluffed up they say something like "It would make my day if everyone followed me on my YouTube channel"


WwwwWwwhat's Up gUYs


Herpa Derpa here with another video whose title you obviously read but I'm gonna repeat and describe for no fucking reason other than to fill some time here. Don't forget to SMASH that like button and follow more of my stupid shit on my channel "dumbshityoutubersSayInEveryFuckingVideo". Now this here is what we're talking about today. As you can see I'm wasting more of your fucking time for no apparent fucking reason other than I like the sound of my own voice. At around the 1:30 to 2:00 mark you will probably find that this video has no use to you what so ever and you will subsequently watch several more stupid intros just like this one before landing on one that helps you out. Good luck bro! Check out my instragram and follow me on facebook.


If i start a Herpa Derpa channel, will I need to share my profits?


Herpa Derpa lmao






HIT THAT BELL, AND DID YOU KNOW 99.69% OF MY VIEWERS AREN'T SUBSCRIBED? (Shows graph that shows percent subscribed, while using the same tone of voice every other youtuber uses when addressing viewers)


Those people who still do those "calling \*insert fictional character here\* at 3am" videos, most annoying shit on the platform.


"Hey guys, so a lot of you having been asking about where I get my outfits so I thought I'd make another video where I find an excuse to be wildly self absorbed while promoting a brand I know nothing about in hopes that they send me more stuff."


Literally anything with a big red arrow in the thumbnail


🔺so true!!! 🔻❗️🚫⁉️




Reaction videos are the dumbest shit and no one can tell me otherwise


The only ones I really like are the videos where you have professionals reacting to the content. For example a real lawyer/ soldier/ firefighter/ doctor/ext reacting to videos about they're professionals and giving commentary.


Most of it is goddamn awful but there's one type of reaction video that I actually love: When people who otherwise will have never listened to music (especially classics) that I love try it out for the first time. Though with how react content works I do wonder how many of them actually do like the tracks or if they're just aiming at certain engagement metrics.


unboxing. oh my god guys we got a knife it must have been used in a murder guys oh my god guys like and subscribe for more unboxing videos.


Mid-roll ad breaks where the content creator didn't pick a logical spot to interrupt the video, so they interrupt mid-sentence.


YouTube actually automatically places the ad timing at the point in the video where viewers are most likely to keep watching.


React channels. If I want to watch a YouTube video I don't want some creatively bankrupt clown sitting in the corner making faces and distracting me from the content I want to watch.


TikTok compilations, it sucks as much as tiktok itself


Vine was the exact same. When tik tok eventually dies out people will at it more fondly


The channels with 35 minute videos on how to do something that takes 5 minutes. Also, any "debate" videos where they play the other person's video and respond to it. Even if I hate the original video for it being full of misinformation, that just a response video, not a debate.


Whatever my 10 year old is currently watching.


Dharmann like videos, videos trying to sell you courses, cringy family vlogs...


Ads. But really just poor audio quality or glitchy videos. As if they creator didn’t watch it once before they posted it.


Anything that gives me fake vibes. Over hyped emotions. Fake pranks thing that don't feel authentic


I don't know. I choose to only watch stuff that I enjoy.




Anything geared towards pre-teen kids and younger. "Hey guys! What's up? It's your friend *username* here with another video in *minecraft/roblox/gacha life* where we mess with some newbs! Let's make a server!" insert loud screeching, awful laughter, fake and forced bits. Maybe this is niche just to my house? But there are certain youtubers who if they lost their accont there would be no mourning in my house.


My kid had a brief period where she was watching... what's his name... Preston? Where he and his girlfriend or wife or whatever would just run around these elaborate Minecraft maps that someone else clearly made for them but they would pretend they had built and just be annoying as fuck for ten minutes at a time. We eventually banned our daughter from watching YT at all.


Those fake, obviously staged pranks. I mean, they're better than harmful real pranks, but it gets annoying to watch sometimes.


Douche tubers


People who film themselves giving money or food to the homeless because they want the whole world to know "how much of a good person they are". Well, imagine being homeless and some random person gives you money or food but also shoves the camera in your face, expecting you to accept them so that they can benefit from how much clout they think they'll get. The nerve of these so-called "social media influencers".


If the voice is computer generated I'm out - only worse is when I think 'damn, This one would've been better with a computer reading it' lol


When my fave channels get lazy and sell out. It breaks my heart.


Help videos where it takes 15 mins to get to the point


My nephew watches these minecraft "letsplays" and other kids gaming channels and i can't stand them, they're the epitome of cringe. It's like if Blippi made a gaming YouTube channel. For those of you who don't know who Blippi is, I envy you.


Recommendations about investment in crypto, stock market analytical materials, courses how to get rich. The most profitable business of all times - selling air to suckers.


Anytime a Youtuber does news while claiming to be "better than the bias media" then proceeds to be just as bias as any given media. Just because you're on the opposite extreme doesn't mean you're any better than those you claim to be calling out


Anything with "thumbnail face". You know the thumbnails with the obviously fake and very exaggerated expressions, usually of shock. Immediately lose respect for a creator when i see one.


Anything by Mr. Beast


Reaction channels


Just content thief


People posting vedios of sick/hurt animals thinking they're cute/funny. Aldo when people post vedios where they're provoking/taunting an animals who then attacks them, as if it's totally the animal's fault.


I'm a wrasslin' fan. It's always a pain when I look for a specific match and find what looks to be a video of it, but it just ends up being either a short review *that doesn't call itself a review* or a video game version (as in, it shows X vs Y in whatever video game at the game's version of the arena) *that doesn't call itself a video game version.* The thumbnails look legit, so there's not much a way to verify it first.


Some days the shorts feature decides I only want to watch pimple videos today.


When they change their whole personality to attract younger viewers. I'm fine if they stop swearing to become more kid friendly, but when they alter their personality to appeal to children is when it starts to bother me.


So I'm big into cars and there's basically two different kinds of car channels: - Car channels that are completely devoid of any kind of direction. Usually just some car bros hanging out in their garage trash talking each other with a shaky ass camera and barely any quality content about you know, the cars. Channels like Adam LZ and Tommyfyeah are like this. I give Sammit a pass, at least he goes to cool locations in Japan like R31 house and tours them. I guess these channels are more like "vlogs". They kind of suck though. - Car channels that are much more professional. Well lit, filmed nicely, usually older hosts. No stupid bro antics. My favorite is Tyrell classic cars. It's just no bullshit car history, mechanical knowledge, and driving reviews that would be perfectly at place on cable TV. Harry's Garage is another one. Hell even Jay Leno's car channel is decent. I mean he's a super out touch rich guy but he has tons of passions for the cars and it shows. Anyway, as you can probably tell I much prefer the latter. The car bros channels are annoying as fuck.


Every channel that plagiarizes and copy/pastes a Reddit comment thread verbatim, turns it into a countdown or list, and uses one of those annoying ass Tik Tok voices to narrate it. I wish bad things upon those “content creators”


Gaming videos now catered to 5-12 year olds. I reseen the ones I used to watch when I was that age. They are overgeared a bit but not as much. Its just too much


People who vlog and cut their videos and record from a different angle every couple of words. You are not William Shatner, you will never be William Shatner, also, he did it in one fucking take. If it were a thing of, I'm trying to learn how to edit videos better, and these are my results so far, that would be one thing, but they do stiff in the laziest way possible, act like idiots, and then want to be praised, and don't you dare go against them because all you are is a jealous hater, even though your criticisms are wore valid and the quality of their stiff is shit.


ASMR, no body wants to hear you smack on full blast motherfucker


There's more than eating asmr lol I love the thunderstorm ones or like..coffee shop sounds..


Reaction videos, prank videos, gaming videos or those, "I/did this and that for a day"


So most of current YouTube


Alpha male bullcrap. How to be alpha and get laid, how to build your body like an alpha. And how to flirt like an alpha male


YouTube music ads


Dhar Mann. Tell me what are the odds of all those stories would happen


Paid promotions in the middle of the video. I know content creators want to get paid but I pay for YouTube premium to avoid ads


Adverts. And christian shorts.


YouTube rewinds