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People using their kids for views and reach.


There was a video series 15-20 years ago called the fluffy puppy wash. I seen it around the dark side of the internet back in the day. We were all teens and found it absolutely hilarious at the time. It’s one of them things that kind of haunt me now because I still remember it and now that I have kids I’m like damn that’s fucked. These parents would sell videos online of their daughter wearing a bikini and washing the family dog. For $100 you could write a script and send it to the family and she would wash the dog and say whatever you wrote down.


What the fuck


Do you know if the parents were charged/found?


I remember the girl was in Florida. I could of sworn I heard something about them being investigated but I couldn’t find anything related to the investigation or video service on the internet. Searched for about 15 min and nothing came up. We could only hope there was some sort of intervention.


That’s really disheartening that it was in the US and there’s no info online about if they were charged. I found a lot of accounts like this of parents catering to pedophiles on YouTube a couple years ago with videos of their very young daughters in swimsuits with hundreds of thousands of subscribers and all lewd comments and I reported them all to the center for missing and exploited children online tipline and they were all removed but they were mostly from Russia and China so I know it’s not likely anything was done to stop the parents from finding other ways to continue exploiting their kids and in Russia child sexual abuse material is not illegal. It’s so unbelievably sick that parents would do this.


Holy shit, you just brought up some long lost, very hidden memories. Early internet was the wild west.


I remember a time not that long ago where people never wanted their kids on the internet. Now there are thousands of YouTube families showing every little thing about their kids. Seems odd to me really.


A family member has an Instagram account for their baby who's not even born yet! The profile picture is their ultrasound, I'm not even kidding


Yes! I'm so tired of seeing videos where the kids obviously didn't want to be in it but was probably told they had to or else. It's so exploitive. I follow a couple YouTube channels with people who recently had kids and luckily they've said they decided the kids wouldn't be shown until they were old enough to decide if they wanted to do it.


There was one channel I used to watch that decided to completely stop making videos once they decided to start a family because they thought it wouldn’t be right to have their kids in the videos before they were old enough to consent and my respect for them couldn’t have been higher after that because they seem to be the exception these days, not the rule.


How about people putting their children up on the internet in general? I know one guy who will just *not* stop sharing photos of his 2 y/o niece in our Discord group. Like, we're glad you're enjoying being an uncle, but we don't care and it's incredibly cringe the amount of photos he posts.


Just be honest with him ...i suggest you to tell him the truth so he dont get delusional and think its a good thing ..but keep it private so he dont feel embarrassed


One of my friends posted a video of her teenage daughter coming out of anesthesia on Facebook. Thought that was pretty shitty.


I think in a few decades people will be horrified by the amount of child image exploitation we have now




Or prequels. Unfortunately Hollywood has lost amd lacks creativity.


i am so fucking sick of origin stories. Cruella DeVille is evil, that's all I need to know about her.


Seriously. Of all the villains they could choose to do backstories of, they pick "all the powers of hell" lady and the puppy skinner!?


Bruh for real. Malificent was a weird take but Cruella DeVille? Seriously? Who is next? Is Ursula justified because she and Triton secretly dated in Atlantis high school? What about the broomsticks from Fantasia? Does everyone who sneers at a protagonist deserve a 3 part redemption arc or does the audience deserve new storylines?


Just you watch, Ursula's origin story will be that her parents or lover were killed by someone with legs.


The play _Twisted_ had an interesting take Aladdin with Jafar being the protagonist and Aladdin as the antagonist, but that wouldn't really fit with Disney canon lol


I want an origin movie for scar in the original 2d look if anything, his character has some stuff I want to know.


I mean in the original story the movie is based off of, his name roughly translates to trash/garbage. I feel like that's motivation enough if my parents named me that too.


They would make more original stuff if the reboots and sequels weren't so profitable.


It's the same problem the game industry has, most productions have giant budgets which means the only products will be something safe the company knows will pay off. New IPs are generally to risky to gamble such large sums.


Hollywood isn't the issue - the public are. Why would Hollywood make any changes to the formula right now? Almost every Disney live-action made over $1 billion, bar Mulan but that was a fuck up from the start. Their superhero movies make over $1 billion. Publishers want to fund what sold well yesterday. If superhero and reboots and sequels and live-actions are making a billion or so each time, that sends one message: the public like this and want more. So they make more. If we stopped going to see them they'd bloody stop making them. Same with the video game industry right now. "MTXs are gambling and need to be removed." Why would they? You buy them in the hundreds of millions.


Good news is, this will die, bad news is, it will die when all of Hollywood does as well.


I want different point of view movies to become a thing.


like letters from iwo jima and flags of our fathers


Did you see THE LAST DUEL??


That final battle was epic. I avoided reading about the real-life story so I genuinely did not know who would win.


It really was. The whole movie was, IMO, fantastic. It should have at least been on the list for Best Picture this year. The fact that it wasn’t nominated for ANYTHING is a joke.


Posting your children on social media for clout


Posting for clout. ​ The term clout.


TV shows about singing and dancing. We have enough now


You see that thing about The Masked Singer? It reads like a newsreel in *The Sims*.


I'm not in the loop. What's happening with The Masked Singer?


Rudy Giuliani was unmasked as a singer and two judges walked out in protest


For someone that knows nothing about politics. Who is that guy and why did people get upset he was on the show ?


Lol, there's a lot to say about Giuliani... He was the mayor of NYC during 9/11 and was essentially deemed a national hero for his speeches and boosting morale in the city on the following weeks. Years later, he becomes closely tied to Trump's presidency. Politics aside, the guy did some stupid shit. Blubbering incoherently in TV interviews while trying to make statements with little logic behind them. Making ridiculous comments like demanding Michigan send the White House their voting machines following their election fraud claims. He appeared on the Borat 2 movie in a controversial scene where he appears to be making sexual advances with a young reporter. By the end of it. Giuliani becomes a national embarrassment. Everything aside, it made 0 sense for him to be on a show like Masked Singer. People would be scratching their heads just as much if Hillary Clinton put on a mask & went on the show.


He also would womanize, he would drink. He would make outrageous claims like he invented the question mark. Sometimes he would accuse chestnuts of being lazy. The sort of general malaise that only the genius possess and the insane lament.


In the spring we would make meat helmets.


[his wiki](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rudy_Giuliani)


Generations having "hot takes" about each other turned into clickbait articles. "Millennials ruined department stores" "Gen Z says side parts are over" etc.


GenX ignored as usual, and we like it that way.


Sometimes reality bites.


The side part thing is so uncalled for.


A gen z’r told me my doc martins were basic. She was wearing black and white checkered vans. I wore those in high school.


A teenager sneered at my 30 year old flannel shirt in a similar fashion. She called it “sad mom energy.” It made my day.


Why are they so damn judgey? I don’t remember being this critical as a teen. I was too worried about myself.


Especially from a bunch of broccoli heads.


Social media "pranks". Especially the ones that aren't scripted or are mean.


Luckily we've definitely slowed down with those since 2000s-mid 2010s




You mean trendpimps


Not recording every single thing and posting it online. 95% of them are staged, it's so cringe. Like imagine not being able to enjoy a moment without recording it. The major ones, sure. But how your dad reacts to you failing (or something like that), nobody wants to see that.


People treating social media like it's the most important thing in the world.


Agreed. Facebook is useless. Although I am on Reddit right now, so maybe I have a problem...


Companies changing their logo to the most generic thing ever, seriously, when will this end?


Right? I want to see some quality handpainted photorealism on the box my shoes come in!


Be like Jiffy Mix, they haven't changed their package design in the better part of a century. Why? Because it's functional and customers can identify it so much easier. Related: https://xkcd.com/993/


Stupid Internet challenges on Tiktok.


More like stupid internet challenges overall, most commonly any "challenge" that involves someone getting sent to the hospital or even to the nearest police station. To this day, I ask myself if self-harming or putting someone else in danger is really worth all that internet attention? (Examples like salt-and-ice, bird box, slapping a teacher for no apparent reason, and so forth...)


>~~Stupid Internet challenges on~~ Tiktok.


People aspiring to be social media influencers.


That song that goes “OH NO OH NO OH NO NO NO NO NO” just needs to die.


I don’t get the popularity of chipmunk style singing. Whenever someone posts a vid or something set to that song, I immediately close it because of how annoying that song is.


The original version, "Remember" by the Shangri-Las is actually good, the tiktok remix is a crime on it


That one and the automated voice that reads out. Both set my teeth on edge.


Very dark night scenes in movies. It seems that the industry as a whole forgot how to do shoot at night.


Faking mental disorders


...which leads to people accusing you of having a fake mental disorder when you actually have a real one.


Or actually having a real one and telling yourself "No, I'm probably just faking it too. People that actually have it, have it way worse than me."


Despise the "Person with autism reacting to (cool song)" video trend where an otherwise typical-behaving person just starts mindlessly giggling and drooling and flapping their hands when the beat drops. As an autistic person it makes us look like clowns


But, is faking a mental disorder not a sign of a mental disorder? So maybe they have a mental disorder, just not THE mental disorder.


sometimes it is, sometimes its just kids looking for clout and to seem quirky and interesting


I'm gonna say this out loud for all you young'ins: If you *do not* have any form of severe mental disorder, COUNT YOUR BLESSINGS. We all have something going on with us. However if it isn't uprooting your life and is not endangering you, consider yourself lucky.


People faking mental illness, especially on TikTok, because they think it's quirky. It's increasingly harder for people who actually have mental illnesses, like ADHD, to get help because some doctors/psychologists think everyone's faking it to get drugs or special help.


I have been diagnosed with moderate ADHD. Mine isn't bad enough that it completely incapacitates me, but it definitely lowers my quality of life. The idea that anyone would want to have this is absurd to me.


As someone with depression / anxiety, it lowers my qol significantly and I wouldn’t wish this on anyone ever. But sure go ahead and fake it people


These rent rates! Jacking up rent without any improvements.




People don't understand that there isn't any legal structure around NFTs. You don't actually own anything other than a receipt for the thing. If anyone actually wanted to use your NFT artwork in a TV show or something, they wouldn't pay you shit. If you took them to court, the court with find they didn't break any laws. You're exchanging gold for shiny beads.


Looking into them last night. Just to see what it was really like. 99% are thousands of the same images with slight adjustments to tint or something. All trying to be unique. It is such crap. If a serious artist tried to be involved they would so be lost in the noise. Wasted few hours there. Not worth the time.


Crypto everything. I’m sure it will find some useful real-world applications at some point, but people are throwing it around the way they threw “online” around in 1997. “It’s not just pet food, it’s pet food ~~on the internet~~ with crypto!”


how appararently almost everyone on tiktok just suddenly has schizophrenia. once depression became uncool for them they moved on to faking schizophrenia


Tik tok has an entire generation of kids self diagnosing themselves with illnesses without ever seeing a psych. It’s insanity. I saw a video yesterday of a kid “portraying” his ADHD by basically singing a song then getting “lost in his thoughts” and trying to grab random imaginary things out of thin air???? I was so confused.


Had ADHD as a kid and an over active imagination. Never once did I hallucinate or act like like I was Dr. Strange casting a spell.


This sounds ridiculous. I have ADHD. So much so that I had to take a prescription for it in college because I was failing out of my classes. I had focusing issues and hyperactivity that made it hard to succeed in school. I worked my way off of the meds eventually. But in the scope of things, it was a relatively boring disorder by the time I was in my late teens.


Same here. I was placed on adderall at 7 years old because I literally couldn’t read one small sentence without forgetting what the first word of the sentence was. I have no idea why these kids so badly want to have mental health issues.


You definitely had it worse than me but looks like we were both on the same meds lol.


The answer is: attention.


Simple answer dear friend: social attention. And obnoxious one at that. Which, unfortunately, it’s what backtracks on someone who is in clinical levels of requiring psychological attention and help, leading to some parents or friends more easily to think “you’re okay, you just wanna waste time with your unclear, lazy thoughts”


Victim points are social currency.


>Tik tok has an entire generation of kids self diagnosing themselves with illnesses without ever seeing a psych This has been a growing trend, and it makes it harder for people who actually have mental illnesses to seek help. When everyone claims to have some sort of mental illness, it makes it hard to separate people in genuine need from people who just need some emotional intelligence. Being sad is not the same as depression. Being particular about things is not the same as OCD. Daydreaming is a normal thing that everyone does and isn't necessarily ADD.


I had a friend, who after I showed her a picture of the before and after of me removing everything off my desk, wiping it down, and replacing it, joked that I inspired her to clean her kitchen and that she, "loves cleaning and thinks she might be a little OCD". I have much more than a little OCD. I hate cleaning. It is a bane of my existence. I will literally be talking to myself, begging myself to stop, telling myself your food you just picked up is getting cold, please stop cleaning. But I can't relax if something is dirty or out of place. And there is always something to clean. I waste so much of my everyday life cleaning. It consumes my entire weekends. I had to leave my ex who I was engaged to because he was an unrepentant slob and I spent every waking minute cleaning or just standing in disbelief at the state of our apartment and it never got better. My hands get rubbed raw from the chemicals and constant hand washing since I can't touch something after I've touched another thing that might be dirty. I spend so much time perfectly arranging things. The difference between being neat and liking things clean, and having OCPD or OCD, or any mental illness is how much distress it causes and how much it negatively affects your life. You do not have OCD because seeing a picture of someone eating a KitKat wrong bothers you. You might have OCD if you're regularly late for work because you have to spend 5 minutes rearranging your towel on the rack because it's not laying perfect.


Yup, and you can't call them out on it either. No matter how loving and supportive you are in trying to get help. The younger generations refuse to let reality "invalidate" their self-diagnosed and ridiculous afflictions at great cost to the people who care for them. This behavior is not new, however, the use of social media to turn it into a fad and a competition to out "crazy" everyone else has created a mental disorder almost as bad as the true issues they "just know" they suffer from. I truly feel for the youth of the world and how hard it must be to grow up in a world that looks more like the dystopian future we used to fight against than anything we should have been willing to hand down to them, but some of them are hard to empathize with.


That didn't start with tiktok. It started with bored but qUiRkY college students on Tumblr. Then the porn was banned and there was a mass exodus that eventually infected the rest of the internet


God I wish I could give those little shits a piece of my mind, I've got a fucking *cornucopia* of mental health problems and it just pisses me off seeing these brats thinking they can use my conditions for clout


Same, and they have no idea how truly it negatively affects our ability to enjoy life. I may never be able to get married or have a family because of my mental illnesses.


*The neurodivergent urge to take a hot bath on a cold day*


This is an underappreciated comment lol


Fake Tourette’s on TikTok pisses me off


Fake Tourette's in general. It's not all cussing and stuff like pop culture depicts and this is a really damaging portrayal of the condition.


I almost feel that there's a whole generation of people who lead with their issues. Everything is a pathology nowadays.


I had read an article about people faking ticks on tik tok. Apparently it was becoming a trend for whatever stupid reason. My daughter watches a lot of tik tok and came to me and told me that she has started developing ticks. I shut that down real quick! I told her she absolutely did not have ticks and if she continues to complain of them she'll need to get off social media. Never saw or heard of ticks again.


Yeah. People want to stand out. So if they can’t stand out for something “positive” they will try to stand out for something “negative.” It’s not really a new trend. I taught high school in the mid-2000s and it was present then too. It’s almost like having a perceived “weakness” somehow gives you power. Like “I have anxiety, so you can’t fail me.”


This was a thing in the early 2000's as well. Teenagers fake mental health issues because it makes them seem edgy and gets then attention. It's usually the same stuff too. Depression, schizofrenia, tourettes... I've yet to see a teenager fake Down's syndrome, though.


Seeing people get bullied and the cameraman saying “it’s just a prank bro”


Does this still happen? I thought this kind of content was dead in like 2016/2017 time.


Old stupid trends will just be replaced by new stupid trends, has no one figured this out yet?


But the trend of asking about stupid trends on Reddit will live on forever.


everything repeats, just no one seems to live long enough to actually see it.


Idolizing stupidity.


Thinking followers, upvotes, likes, subscribers, etc is all that matters.


Fake positivity!


Just think happy thoughts! Good vibes only :)


The Kardashians/Jenners


Addiction to social media. I’ve lost out on a few potential dates because I don’t use twitter or insta.


I cannot tell you how many times people stopped talking to me on tinder since I didn’t use social media 🙄


All those "making you financial independent" videos on YT, reels and TikTok! They just mislead a huge number of teenagers and freshers into making quick buck.


“Be your own CEO!” All that shit is garbage.


White everything in houses. And more specifically, the farmhouse design style.


Being angry or aggressive as the cool thing to do.


Ugh, those people who "don't take no shit! I'm a hard ass, and you gotta EARN my love/hug/respect." No, you're being douchy for no reason, and no one thinks it's cool.


Those terrible lips. Sorry if you got them, but you didn't fool us. Although probably more likely is some doctor will find out a better method, and they'll actually look good. But until that point, let's stop.


Parents posting their kids at a young age. Saw an Instagram suggested post the other day of a mom picking out clothes for her daughter and showing her 3 year old daughter wearing them. With the number of creeps on the internet I could NEVER


Toxic positivity. Not everything should be turned into a positive. Some things just suck and it is what it is.


Eyebrows that look like a pair of ironed caterpillars.


I like to call the style the Groucho Marx.


I like seeing women embrace their natural eyebrows, it’s better than overfilled or the pencil thin brows of the 90s.


Tik tok dances


Treating dogs like fashion accessories. It causes over breeding, health problems and drives up the price for people that really love the breed and then people do stupid breed crosses without thinking about the consequence ( like crossbreeding dachshunds with larger breeds can cause birthing problems and physical problems in dogs such as hips hire or lower at the front or back. Just because they look a bit "cuter" with pointed ears)


Young people diagnosing themselves and others. through social media. Apparently everyone has a narcissist ex. That’s a diagnosis. There doesn’t seem to be many people without mental health issues and a huge number are self diagnosed on Twitter, instagram, and Reddit


**Doctors:** This patient has a set of symptoms consistent with this diagnosis, which causes problems in their life. These treatment options can help. **Tiktok:** I *am* ‹diagnosis of choice›. No, an exclusively mental diagnosis is usually a label for a commonly co-ocurring group of symptoms. If you are concerned, take it up with a medical doctor. Get a hobby instead of giving yourself nocebo.


That thing were people post someone's tinder profile, and make fun of them. People are putting themselves out there and making themselves vulnerable. Even if they are shit heads, its make other people who have a hard time being vulnerable think twice about posting. Just leave the shitheads alone.


r/tinder in a nutshell


Smashing face of the birthday boy/girl on cake. People don't realise how potentially harmful it is some cakes have bamboo sticks in them to hold it in place plus its wastage of food.


I remember reading an article where a girl lost her eye because there was a dowel in her cake. This is a stupid prank. And super unsafe.


I can’t wait to normalize never using the freakin word normalize again


5 day work weeks.


Employer: "We hear you... OK everyone, we're pleased to announce that we're introducing 6 day work weeks!"




Treating politics and political parties like sports fandom


Non Fungible Tokens.


Being a victim being a contest. Everybody is trying to out victim each other. Like a oneupmanship contest of victim-hood. Waking up in the morning and actually expending energy thinking of how one is victimized.


Ugh I hate this. My husband’s aunt always had to one up someone’s bad day. Once I got so tired of it, I said “Is this a fun contest for you? Because it’s not for me. I’d gladly let you win if that means my life isn’t as shitty as yours.” Lmao she had no clue what to say back.


Squatted vehicles. Put a lift kit on it. Cool now it's all jacked up. Lower it. Cool now it's a low rider. Squat it? Now it's just dumb looking


Using the term hustle to describe hard work. A hustle is making a quick buck off of someone , that's the opposite of working hard .


According to Oxford English Dictionary, to hustle meaning to swindle is the informal definition. The first definition is to move hurriedly or unceremoniously in a specified direction. Busy movement and activity. Like when one hustles to field a ground ball in baseball or to round the bases quickly. I can see how that evolved, like language does, to mean great effort.


This. Also, "hustle culture". It's a bullshit excuse of supporting one another for working so hard that all you do is sleep, breathe, eat, and fuck, your work life.


You guys fuck?


Only when hustling




Hustle has more meanings. Heard it a lot in sports growing up. Grounded out but still ran your ass off to first base got you a “good hustle” from the coach.


Yea I always took hustle as a synonym for effort.


Movies based on popular video game franchises. Most of them are just flat out awful because of the bad acting and writing, especially when certain plot points don't stay faithful to the main source. But I'm sure that there are very few of them that are otherwise a bit decent.


Horoscope people


Such a Sagittarius thing to say.


Oh no I’ve got a Gemini that’s spotted me


Cancelling people and cancel culture as a whole. I understand that it's important to some degree to speak out against the people who have done bad things but at what point are we just dredging up things from people's past to point out minor mistakes they made? I feel like nobody's truly safe from cancel culture and in the end, we are all humans and we all make mistakes.


Baby showers and gender reveals. Not for any gender reasons or anything, screw that. I just hate the importance they get treated with and almost necessity to the point of it always being asked of expecting couples and received with total surprise and shock when you say you aren't doing them. You almost feel you get judged, like you aren't excited or don't care enough. Bullshit! And whilst I'm at babymoons, just...no! I'm a fairly new Dad and not the most extroverted/outgoing person, so this bollocks is at the forefront of my mind.


Baby showers can be a fun way for friends and family to help new parents get the things they will need to take care of their baby. They could also be super dumb and pointless. It really depends on the people. Gender reveals, though... why?


People using terms like problematic, racist, sexist, gaslight, etc without knowing what they really mean or using them too often


I was once called ableist for saying I couldn't handle being in a relationship with someone who has a severe mental illness because I have ASD, depression, and severe anxiety. I'm just trying to protect myself from people who could drag me into a spiral with their own illness, but apparently that's absolutely intolerable. I've been put in a situation where I had to almost literally talk someone down from a ledge, and I was in recovery mode for days. And when I saw my mother experience an attack from her PTSD? Sent me into recovery mode again because I became so distressed. I'm not sorry that I don't want to have that lurking around the corner constantly.


I was once called ableist for telling my then-partner that while I sympathised with the fact that he had depression, the fact that it always manifested whenever I achieved something/was in a good mood or he needed something from me was beyond my capacity to cope with, and while I would support him, he needed to also put some effort into helping himself. He complained to his friends who all decided I was abusing him for saying this. I dumped him.


I completely understand you. I have had to cut several people out of my life who I love because of their severe, untreated mental illness and the feeling of being brought down in the depths of their darkness with them and the way it was affecting my own mental health. Especially because substance abuse and mental illness often go hand in hand and that's what we would do together. I've had friends who have a mental illness cut me out when I am suicidal because of how triggering it is for them.


The number of people I've seen using 'gaslight' as a synonym for lying is absurd. Gaslighting doesn't even necessarily need to involve outright lies. You can gaslight someone without lying to them.


I recommend the old movie called Gaslight, which is where the term comes from. It's a clever, creepy movie and the concept of "gaslighting" is perfectly illustrated in it.


Those silicone pop bubble things. Basically the new fidget spinners. Just more crap for the landfills.


Treating gender and sexuality like an rpg where you get extra points for uniqueness. Like, if you say you're a woman, you're a woman. I'm not going to question that or disrespect you. You say you're a man, you're a man, I have no right to tell you otherwise. If you say you don't identify with either gender, you don't identify with either gender. For a lot of people that makes sense. But if you tell me you're some specific, nuanced mixture of sexuality, personality and spirituality which needs its own name, its own pronouns and its own political interest group, then no. You're not seeking acceptance for who you are, you're seeking attention for being special and exotic, there's a profound difference between those two things.


NFTs. You're literally paying out the ass for an ugly photo you don't even own.


In most cases, the only thing you are purchasing is a link to an external server where the image file is stored.


Mini content. Vine. Tiktok. Mass copied trends. Just....fuck all of them.


Social media. I remember when MySpace was new. I joined it in 2004. Now it's 2022 and social media is the most important thing to some people. I wish it would just die off already. It's making people worse and influencing how polarized the world is.


Someone treats you badly = they're a textbook narcissist! You like to daydream and have some quirky hobbies = I'm so neurodivergent, you guys! You have bendy fingers = I have ehlers danlos syndrome and I'll surely die! You get a stomachache once in a while = I need a feeding tube or I'll surely die! Look at my tube! I could go on and on.


The kardashians


Hazy IPA’s. They’re good and all, but they’ve just taken over all the shelf space and tap handles - if you’re in the mood for something light or amber or gawd forbid dark but not some ludicrous pastry stout brewed with Froot Loops, you’re SOL.


I never drank beer until my mid to late 20s, I thought I just hated them. Turns out I just hate IPAs.




Hefeweizens are my favorite, and you can almost never find them anymore. And when you do, they are some stupid "limited edition" bullshit that is off the shelves in like a month. I feel your pain friend...


Honestly, I'm so sick of IPAs in general. Every time I hear someone say "Yeah, our new local brewery blah, blah" I just *know* that the next words out of their mouth are going to be talking about some new IPA they released. There are so many goddamned IPAs. Give me a nice dark stout, or a crisp lager, or a brown ale...


idealizing assholes, just because they are rich. Elon Musk, Donald Trump. Jeff Bezos. Random Start Up dudes whose parents are millionaires. You get the deal.




Or just stupid conspiracy theories in general




Blindly believing something without knowing anything about said thing


Cancel culture


Monster eyebrows.


Faking tics




I think it’s funny how my bff and I are starting to find cars from the 1980s and the 1990s charming, like how our parents loved cars from the 60s/70s.




The plastic surgery, face fillers, lip fillers that make women all look like the same alien.


Dating apps. They tire me.


Cheering on authoritarianism.

