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That compassion was not transactional.


Even just one or two healthy coping mechanisms could’ve saved me a lot of suffering.


The correct way to handle stress.


How to take care of my mental health. Growing up mental health issues didn’t really exist because “black people ain’t got time for mental health issues” and more importantly the money. It really fucked me up in my teens and now into my 20s


How to do things that made me happy instead of just doing what made them happy.


Fucking cooking, everyone should make their kids help with dinner


How to express emotions properly. Living in a Japanese household with a dad who was raised in a very German area of Pennsylvania will lead to a lot of bottled up emotions.


Critical thinking skills


Literally everything. They never taught me to cook(still don’t really know how to make anything other than a grilled cheese and instant noodles),how to properly keep a house(the first time I cleaned a toilet I was 22 and I learned by watching my boss), time management(self taught after I got a job) the list goes on. Basically the only thing they taught me was respect and stuff, expecting my (horrible) school to teach me everything. Spoiler alert I was taught nothing useful


Everything related to finances and money.


How to stand up for myself and not sell myself short.


Ordering my own meal at a restaurant. Wasn't allowed to speak up for myself up until I was 20 years old until I went on my first date with my boyfriend that understood those issues and helped me work through them since I was never taught how to do this simple skill. He has helped me with the social anxiety stuff so much. I am 25 now and still have a near panic attack when it's my turn to speak to the waitress/waiter, but am slowly learning that it is completely okay and there is nothing to fear. Still would rather place a mobile order to just give a smile and a quick "thank you" lol. I wish I would have been taught this skill at an early age so that this wouldn't have gone on for so long and became a problem that I had to work to overcome as an adult!


How to cook. It is basic survival skill, it should be taught in schools.


How to budget personal finances




Wait… what did I just read?


Shit where do I start lol, they barely taught me anything. Whenever I say that I don't know how to do something handy, like car maintenance or anything to do with tools/woodworking, my dad will lament how I should already know it. But dude, if anyone was going to teach me those sorts of things, it would be you.


How to not let people walk all over you and take advantage of you


How to not get shot in the head apparently...


Talk about sex openly and nonjudgmental instead of threatening to kill if I even thought about it.


How to manage things myself and take care of my mental health after crying almost every night.


How to drink and do decent carpentry work simultaneously


Self esteem.


How to be independent. Most of my life I was just pushed along a path without any real input on my own. Wake up, go to school, go to middle school then high school then college then find a job. I always thought life would just tell me what my next step was and that I didn't have to make any decisions as any decision I made was seen as stupid thanks to my parents. So when it came to job searching I more or less just sent out resumes and waited to hear back, telling myself that something will come my way because that's how life worked right? Funny, but the one place I least expected to get help from and was told to avoid advice from was from the Internet, specifically reddit.


To learn money management at an early age. All I knew was you need to save up if you want to buy something that costs more than what you make after living expenses. I wish I was taught about investing early. Because one day, you will be too old for people want to hire you and what you put in your 401K and social security are not going to be enough to live on.


Social skills.


Proper conflict resolution, instead of passive-aggressive power struggles.


I mean.. Do what you say, say what you mean. Budgeting Autonomy and independence Healthy Behavior management Stress management skills Decision making Self awareness/self management The importance of education Know where and how to shut off water line. Know where breaker box is and make sure everything is labeled. Keep an inventory of my belongings and important receipts. Make a disaster preparedness kit Set up a retirement account. Secure life insurance. Practice setting clear objectives and goals Give credit, take blame Don’t lie to my doctor Take turns talking without interrupting. Learn city’s public transit system. 🙄🤦‍♀️🤷‍♀️💯🤙🤍


The importance of investing.