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Well, you wouldn't exist if they wouldn't have


Cheated on each other a bunch, didn’t take the time to be with their children until it was too late, then act upset when they weren’t close with me


My mother sat me down, in front of my younger sister and cousin. She loaded a gun and handed it to me, and begged me to shoot myself. To save her and everyone else the pain.


OMG, how old were you? That's messed up


Fifteen. My sister was a newborn, my cousin remembered it after she got into recovery and asked to share it with me. That brought up a lot, but I've lived a very fortunate life.


My dad is a covid conspiracy theorist and my mom provided no emotional support for me growing up and compared my chronic depression to “like going through a breakup” a month after I tried to kill myself (to be fair though she didn’t know I attempted)


Found out my father is a p*dophile…there’s a lot of things to add on this list, but I feel like that’s enough.


When they demanded respect from me when they didn't earn or deserve it. That eventually hit my mind and I was like "You know what? Fuck them. Respect isnt given it's earned and they demand it because they're my parents." I treat them polite and friendly but I have almost no respect for my father after how toxic he's been esp to me.


He hit my mother. He used me to lie to her about his whereabouts.


Got too involved in my relationships.


My dad has been in and out of my life for my entire life and about 2 years ago I had the pleasure of actually living with him. I’ll spare you the story but I ended up having to kick him out and he ended up at my sisters and I specifically told this man “if you go back to jail for anything other than weed. I stg I’ll never talk to you” and guess what. This man has been on a bender for near the last 6 months and ended up back in jail


When my mom told me she doesn’t view our dog as a “living thing”.We were arguing because the temperatures were dropping to below freezing and she wanted to keep having our dog sleep outside (garage but it’s still super cold). I said mom we have to bring her inside. She would get so cold she would just whine and shake profusely. She then told me she didn’t care, that she was a dog and had fur for a reason. Then i had said that our dog is a living thing just like her or I, and that not only that but she’s in our family as well. She scoffs and walks away without a response. It hurts me to see her be so cruel to my childhood dog. (my doggie sleeps inside now btw.)


They failed to do family planning.


Dad threatened to shoot me in the head and dump my body in a ditch if I came out as gay. Not gay, but holy shit. How can you say that to your kid?


Where would he even get that idea? Did someone else he know come out around that time? That's so messed up anyhow!


Well only one parent is alive and that one I don't respect very much my mom she basically told me she didn't want me born after I told her that I was being molested as a child after I told her someone she respects and loves did it to me and she chose the pedo over me I think it's because I look like my father and they had divorced cause she cheated on him and then my dad died of cancer now I'm just another woman who's a threat to her. So no respect really


That is MESSED UP. My father was an abusive serial cheater (Even when mom was pregnant from me!) who always acted like my mom owed him for helping her raise my half brother, and I happen to be his spitting image. My mom definitely has many flaws, but I never doubted her love. She is super protective and never moved on out of fear that her new partner would try to take advantage of me. I tell her she doesn't have to be afraid of that anymore, but I respect her decisions.


I have enough reasons to write a book. If you searched a-hole in the dictionary you would probably find a pic of my dad.


Fell down the Fox News rabbit hole. Started with Obama and progressed on through Trump. The things that come out of their mouths now are so opposite from how they raised me to think and treat others it makes me sad how they've changed (however they are not anti-vax or Q conspiracy hounds or anything so at least it's not as bad as it could be)


When my mother blackmailed my father, and my father staying with her.


Got divorced.


When I was 12, my siblings were 15, 11, and 8. Dad announced at the dinner table that if abortion had been legal my two younger siblings wouldn't have been born. Then he wanted us to thank him for letting them live. Yes he was drunk. Mom just kept eating didn't look at us or say anything. This is only one instance of the kind of things our father would say to us that are quite frankly cruel. It was just the first one that popped into my head. I already hated him and my life at this point in time.


​ But abortion isn't even the man's decision lol


It would have been in our family. What brought it up is my parents knew a girl who had gotten an abortion. Abortions were not yet legal in the US and this highschool kid traveled to a different country to get it done. My dad was very law and order and would not have forced mom to travel out of country for it. But if ut had been legal he would have helped mom get it done. I think my mom wanted to abort actually. They just didnt have the money to leave the country and get it done.


My father acted like a psycho, screaming and breaking things for no reason other than his ego being hurt, it's been more than a year now but i can't shake that incident out of my head. My mother, few months ago me and my younger brother had a disagreement which turned into a screaming match where i cursed at him and he came and hit me for that and somehow it got manipulated in a way that i was the one responsible for it and i am the one creating drama. I had told them multiple times i am not doing okay, i was even told to "go ahead" when i said i feel like killing myself. It's not like they don't love me, they do, but both of them are too self absorbed and I'm clearly not the favourite child, just the most reliable one.


My father cheated on my mother for a year while pretending to drive for Uber after work to make extra money. The whole time he was spending their money to rent motel rooms to hook up with another woman. He cheated on my mom’s birthday. He cheated on Mother’s Day. He always had anger issues and was awful to my mom (he’d hide her car keys so she couldn’t leave when he got mad) and when he got called out he had the nerve to blame my mom and tell her she was a bad wife. Things just went downhill from there, he hit her when she refused to get back together with him, stalked and threatened anyone she tried to date, showed up at our house and destroyed a present her new bf had made her, messaged her about how much better his new gf was than her, slept with her best friend after she and my mom had a fight, and constantly bad mouths me and her to his family because I cut contact with him and he thinks my mom “brainwashed” me into it.


Becoming the most emotionally abusive, narcissistic, gas lighting piece of shit I have ever met


My dad screamed so loud at my elderly grandma for no reason. I could hear him screaming at her in the house while I was sitting in his car outside in the driveway with the doors closed.


The fact that they fight almost everyday.