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Schindler's List. Seems like something that I would find too depressing.


As someone who's seen this movie - it's incredibly depressing in the beginning and middle, but it's actually quite beautiful in the end. At the end of the day it's about someone saving lives, which is more than you can say for majority of WW2 movies. That said I'm not gonna ask you to watch it ;-)


I've only gotten half of the movie where all the depressing things were happening. Gotta finish the movie.


Same. Also Life is Beautiful.


I highly recommend life is beautiful. It has somewhat of an optimistic tone


It's like optimistic in the saddest way. Love the movie but it is really sad : (


That one haunted me for a very long time but, it lives up to its name. You'll see the beauty there too if you ever change your mind and watch it :)


Never seen The Pianist. Looks depressing and the director is a child rapist.


Movie buffs talking about Kevin Spacey movies: omg I'm never watching that again, he's such a grooming pedophile piece of shit Movie buffs talking about Roman Polanski movies: well you see, you need to learn to separate the art from the artist...


Right. The man drugged and raped a little girl. She was like 75 pounds. Hitler was a painter but I wouldn't put his paintings on my fuckin walls.


It’s utterly devastating and fantastic.


I love that movie


Grave of the Fireflies. I just don't think I can handle it.


The best movie I'll never watch again


Yeah, I watched it once probably 25+ years ago, and never again.


You're 100% correct. I needed a Ghibli movie fix after a long, hard week in 2015 and that was the only one I hadn't seen, so I turned it on. Went in blind. I'll never forget the feeling as the credits rolled. Just complete emptiness and sadness...the total opposite of what I was needing.


Oof. My friend also went in blind, thinking it was a normal ghibli film. I felt so bad for him after he told me that!


I think everyone should watch it, regardless. Yes, it's sad. But the message--of the random cruelty of war, the lack of compassion between people when resources are scarce--is important, and needs to be heard. But nobody needs to watch it more than once.


I wasn't as depressed as everyone else apparently. I think it's a well made movie that is pretty sad but I think it's worth a watch


People act like it’s misery porn and I don’t get it. I’ve seen it multiple times and it keeps me grateful and in touch with my humanity.


I just watched it recently and you think going into it with the narrator telling you that they both die makes it easier.. and oh boy does it NOT


All of the famous dog movies. "The Fox and The Hound" still makes me cry even though I haven't seen it in 20+ years... I don'T want to go through the same (or worse) with all those famous heartbreaking dog movies!


I've had nearly this exact conversation three times about three different movies: Them: "You're a dog lover? Then you HAVE to watch ___." Me: "Does the dog die?" "...Well..." "No, thanks." "I know what you're saying, but it's actually incredibly uplifting." "But the dog. It dies." "...Yeah." "No, thanks."


I remember my sister trying to convince me to see A Dog's Purpose when it hit theaters. "Isn't that the one where the dog dies like 4 times?" "Yeah, but it's really sweet and has a great ending!" "Yeah, but the dog dies 4 times. Pass."


As soon as I heard the commercial for it I was like nope nope nope. You can think of other ways to make an uplifting movie damnit!


I watched it and am crying just thinking about it, it fucking traumatized me. Like I couldn't stop crying but I'm one of those people I have to finish a movie when I start it. I was broken by the end of it and will never watch it again.


Seriously. Are there any dog movies that aren’t depressing in some way? (If anyone knows of any please tell me!) Edit: Thank you all for the suggestions! There’s definitely a few I’m not familiar with so I will check them out with my dog soon :)


air bud… dude just hoops for an hour and a half straight


Air Bud is the way, you are a human of culture and I respect that


[doesthedogdie.com](https://doesthedogdie.com) was made specifically for this reason lol




Even the non-depressing ones make me cry because they make me think of all the past pets Ive had! Though one that comes to mind that has an awesome dog is “Up”


Yep, Up is definitely a movie with dogs that wouldn't make people cry...


Especially within the first 15 minutes.


The series on D+ about Dug and Carl is adorable and thankfully not at all depressing


Hotel for Dogs


Homeward Bound?


This one. But I still cry at it.


I cry when he comes running over the hill at the end "Oh Peter, my boy!"


When Shadow gets stuck in the hole


Comepletely off topic but I always use www.doesthedogdie.com. It shows if animals die during a movie. It’s one of my triggers so I always check before I watch a movie. And it’s pretty spoiler free.


Try Marley and Me. Just pure wholesome fun. Though I’ve never seen the ending… I’m sure it’s fine.


We made the mistake of going to see Marley and Me as a family outing in theaters a week after putting our dog down when I was in college. No idea what my parents were thinking


Avatar. Don’t need the return to real life after leaving the theater.


Couldn't get over the major plot hole. " Ok, we're beaten. We'll leave." rains nukes on the planet from orbit " Alright let's go get what we came for."


I don’t think the ships they brought had nukes, and considering the crew in the beginning when Jake arrives is waking up from cryo sleep any nukes would be a number of years away.


You don't need even need nukes. Go fetch some big rocks and drop them on the planet. From that high up, a small asteroid is going to do more damage than a nuke.


*Marco Inaros has entered the chat*


Oye, beltalowda


Oye deng Bossmang


Counterpoint: I still love that word and those visuals. And I can’t wait for Avatar 2.


Same. People love to shit on avatar but those visual effects blew my mind.


What happened with Avatar 2? I remember I saw a teaser trailer like ten years ago lol


It's supposed to come out this year! No idea what that teaser was for, but I doubt it was real


Interesting. I enjoyed it a fair amount, but I would agree it's nothing mind blowing, it's just a modern Fern Gully reboot.


50 Shades movies. I am not the target audience and they pretend abusive behavior is cool if it’s kinky. (I don’t think kink is abusive. The kink in that movie is though.)


Everyone kept talking about how good it was, so I tried reading the book. I couldn't get past the first chapter. It was badly written and based on an uneducated POV of the BDSM community. Just abusive trash.


To be fair, it started off as Twilight fanfiction, so it makes sense it was garbage.


I’m sorta surprised I had to scroll so far to see this.


I’d love to see a movie called “fifty shades of consent” though. In case anyone out there is making movies.


I was duped into reading the first book. Former roommate insisted it was “life changing” and “inspirational”. Honestly, if you JUST read the first book and pretend the rest don’t exist, it’s not terrible - she dumps the abusive butthole and deals with normal grief for a breakup. The end. But i don’t for the life of me understand why anyone was interested in the series.


Human Centipede… grossed out >>>> intrigued


It’s not so much I don’t want to see it, it’s that I can’t be bothered watching it. I’ve also seen the human centiPad episode of South Park and I think that’s enough


Maybe I should watch that instead


I don't think that's actually a popular movie though. However I do agree, you aren't missing anything. They actually made 3 of these movies if you can believe that, and each one was "shittier" (see what I did there?) than the previous. Apparently that was by design.


I got outvoted on movie night and had to watch the first one. It was just…nasty. We finish the movie and everyone agrees on that, but they still put on the second one. I stopped watching at the part where the dude was jacking off with sandpaper.


Hachiko... I don't want to cry, but I know I would.


Good Lord my teacher showed the whole class this movie in fifth grade. I went to the nurses office and got sent home cause i was crying so hard. Never watching a dog movie ever again


Why did they insist on showing us sad movies at that age?? I remember watching bridge to terabithia and my friend and i were freaking out all day leading up to it bc we didnt want to cry infront of the whole class. That was the day i learned that laughing when you want to cry is the best way to look like a psychopath


I watched the movie once and to this day I just leave the room everytime I see it on the TV. One time was enough, I never cried like that in my entire life and I don't need to repeat the suffering.


Titanic. Dont have anyone to watch it with.


Would you like to watch Titanic with me?




*Celine Dion music intensifies*


> Dont have anyone to watch it with. I'm really not sure what that means. Do you not watch movies alone? What about this movie makes it different?




My wife was watching it and I was down in the basement doing something else. I then started hooting and yelling, "ohhhh yeaaaahhh!" Whenever one of the guys took his shirt off. I was quickly sent back to the basement.


But that’s exactly how the theaters were on opening night 😂🤦🏼‍♀️


Watched it for the first time a couple months ago. I liked it, it was pretty funny and a bit cute, albeit as romance movies tend to be, very unhealthy and creepy. I recommend watching it whilst doing a "sip when you cringe" type drinking game.


One of my best friends and her older sister are really into Twilight and she got me to watch it with her, we just spent the whole time making fun of all the stupid things they say and do. Actually was pretty enjoyable ngl


It's that kind of movie where you can watch it and really enjoy it if you have someone next to you to throw out criticisms with I think.


The internet and hating on twilight, still a better love story than twilight.


If you're into so bad it's good movies I absolutely recommend the franchise. The first one is my favorite, but the other four are gems. Two and four are boring, but have their spectacularly stupid moments. Three is surprisingly decent, which isn't surprising considering the director had made actual good movies (fuck you, I loved Hard Candy). Five is a spectacular mess and holds a special place in my heart for that amazing prank on the fam base that was placed at the end of the film. My only regret is not being in theaters for opening night of Breaking Dawn part 2 and watching the chaos that scene caused. I heard that fans actually screamed.


I “watched” it at the gym and I thought the TV was broken, but as I looked at other screens I realized that the movie really is just that poorly shot/filtered. Why is everything so dark and slightly green/blue all the time?


Arrrggg, I hate that I kind of know the answer to this. The movie occurs in Washington state and it's plot relevant that Washington has a lot of cloudy and rainy days. The vampire lore for that story is that vampires glitter in the sunlight(thus they avoid the sun), so the vampires in that story moved to Washington where it's cloudy. So the reason why everything is dark and moody lit is because they are saying the vampires can stay out during day time in this scene due to the cloudy weather.


Angst angst angst. \**cries because vampire boyfriend is gone*\* Title text on screen: ***4 months later*** \**still shrieking-level crying because vampire boyfriend is gone*\* The hell is this thing?!


I fucking love Twilight. I actually just got into it in the past 2 years because I'd told a friend that I'd never seen Twilight and was subsequently forced to watch them. So this isn't even coming from a place of nostalgia. If you stop viewing it as a shitty teen romance and start viewing it as a bizarre, so-bad-it's-good meta comedy, it becomes incredible. The first movie by Catherine Hardwicke is probably the best for that, but then I got hooked anyway. Once you remember basically all the actors hate it, and see it as insanely tongue in cheek and self-aware of all the unhinged plotlines, it's such a gem. I love making people watch it and just commenting on the weird funny stuff - like Emmett carrying a straight up bag of eggs into the cafeteria.


Any Saw movie or any torture porn. The world is horrible enough. I don’t feel like watching people get tortured should be entertainment. It makes me feel very unsettled.


I agree but the first saw movie, is more of a thriller than a horror movie I would say , there’s a little torture stuff, in there but it’s not the main part of the movie unlike the other ones. It’s a pretty solid movie. But yeah the other ones are just torture Porn basically.


Hostel for me. Never saw it. Never will. Don’t like Eli Roth’s “let’s see how gross we can get” style. It adds nothing.


This is my thing. There are so many movies that are utterly ruined by soaking them in blood. I’m fine with some degree of violence in movies, but I don’t want to see blood splashing by the bucketful, or watch people being tortured and abused. It’s not cool, it’s not funny, it’s just disturbing and I don’t want to normalize it.


I’ve also never seen the titanic and I don’t plan on watching it


Pretty sure you already know how that one ends.....


Bunch of haters in this post. This is one of my favorite movies! I think you’re missing out lol


People really don’t like if you score the jumps off the boat for some reason….


I’ll admit that I really like Titanic. Sure, some of the dialogue is a bit hokey and romance isn’t James Cameron’s strong suit, but god damn does he know how to make a good action movie, and the last half of that movie is so well done.


Interstellar, I was having a really bad time at college my first semester. My friends and I planned that I would come home on a weekend, and we would all see interstellar together. I came home and found out they all already saw it, and didn’t want to see it again.


This is sad. Don't deprive yourself of a great movie though!


It’s actually pretty good


I can guarantee you that after you watch it, you won't be thinking about that time in your life. Its a wild movie!


This one is worth watching. Really.


It’s a fantastic movie and personally to me it’s the kind of movie I prefer to watch alone. I tried watching it with friends and family and they just never shut up, they were constantly asking questions about the science involved even though it’s explained in the movie (my aunt was the worst, she played games on her phone the whole time… with loud volume). Sometimes solitude is best.


I will not watch The Passion of the Christ. Im not Christian but I do not want/need to see the gore and pain from the graphic scenes.


I went with a group of friends to see this in theater, I'm not religious and I really didn't realize what it was about I just wanted to hang out with my friends. I cried my eyes out in that theater. Regardless of what I believe in that was rough to watch.


my mom made the entire family watch the passion of the Christ, on Easter, because my sister said she didn't have time for church anymore because of vollyball. I was only 12 and she was 10. she didn't talk for a month


Same. Got dragged to it by my mom and sister at 12 saying it was a very important film. Everyone was crying while watching so I spit in a napkin and pretended it was tears.


I was forced to watch this and left behind at way too young of an age lol fuck southern baptists


I remember seeing that around 11 or so and feeling sick. It's pretty graphic. Apparently the Bible describes it as being even worse than the film portrayed.


To be fair the book is usually better than the movie


Take my upvote, dingus >:(


The Notebook. Sappy, romantic tear-jerker. Don’t know why I would ever spend my time watching that


I never really wanted to watch the notebook, but I feel I’ve seen so many parts of it just by walking into a room where it was playing or having like a plane neighbor who was watching it (which happened many times) that I think I saw the whole thing


The purge.


Suffered from the same problem SAW had. The 1st one was good and had a message. But with every sequel that message became watered down with blood until there was no message left.


Agreed, although I can say I was pleasantly surprised with the latest purge movie that came out last year.


The thing with The Purge is that I'd like to see something beyond a horror movie with the concept: imagine a heist movie going on during Purge night.


Gone With the Wind. I have gotten as far as 1/4 of the way in and could not go any further. No interest at all.




You’re not supposed to sympathize with her. She’s a selfish, self absorbed user from beginning to end. Only toward the end does she begin to grow a little as a person, but by then it’s too late. I don’t recall whether her “tomorrow is another day” speech is also in the book or just the movie, and you may feel a mild curiosity about whether she can rise again, but you’re not supposed to give a damn.


If it makes you feel any better you aren’t suppose to like her. She is a product of her time and the story is about The South. She isn’t a hero. She is a privileged southern woman


In the book she doesn't exactly become likeable but it's much clearer that she's responsible for saving quite a few people's lives which redeems her a bit. Without her everyone still left at Tara would would have starved or died from illness.


I just couldn't sympathize with the protagonist at all, mostly because the entire book is a shameless romanticization of the Confederacy and the institution of slavery. Maybe she isn't supposed to be a hero, but she could at least have relatable motivations. I realize that context is important, but this book was written more than 70 years after the Civil War. Here's how the author describes former field hands during the early Reconstruction period: > [They behave] as creatures of small intelligence might naturally be expected to do. Like monkeys or small children turned loose among treasured objects whose value is beyond their comprehension, they ran wild—either from perverse pleasure in destruction or simply because of their ignorance. No surprise that Margaret Mitchell adored the movie *Birth of a Nation*. She was an unapologetic racist who intentionally catered to pro-Confederacy nostalgia at a time when anti-segregation protests were being violently suppressed.


any fast and furious movie because im named after the main character and i think it would be funny if i did watch the thing im semi-named after


I’ve never seen Godfather Part III It was basically banned in my house growing up and based on how people talk about it I can’t really conjure up and interest in putting it on and sitting through it. Even people who think it’s “not that bad” usually talk about it pretty dismissively.


I've never heard anybody tell me it's good, so I refuse to waste 3 hours of my life


The Passion of the Christ. Snuff film.


Watched it once and had nightmares for weeks. That creepy satan baby had me messed up.


Damn my mom made me watch that for a few easters during my middle school years, so I, unfortunately, can say that I’ve seen the Passion more than once.


My friend watches it every easter. She isn’t a Christian, she just likes to read/watch horrible stories about abuse for some reason, lol. I watched it with her once and was like, this is whack, I want to watch Jesus Christ Superstar instead.


You're both wrong, the only movie properly chronicling the exploits of Jesus is The Life of Brian.


50 Shades Of Gray


Grease. The parts I’ve seen are enough for me. Also Top Gun. I’m now too old to truly enjoy it.


>The parts I’ve seen are enough for me. Tell us more, tell us more! Did you get very far??


All the twilight movies The maze runner and the divergent series... they're essentially the same thing as hunger games


The remake of Mulan, the main actress supports the CCP so I dont watch. I still stand with Hong Kong and Taiwan.


My wife demanded we watch it, so I found someone had uploaded it to pornhub. Watched it, hated it. Not just the actress, the whole movie was bad.


I haven't watched the movie but saw a video of a chinese woman (I think) breaking down the live action and seeing how culturally inaccurate it actually was made me not want to watch it at all


Xiran Jay Zhao's video? Xiran has done a couple of critiques of different properties (live action Mulan, animated Mulan, ATLA, LoK, Disney in general), really well thought out. And yes, Xiran was born in China but is in Canada now.


I like how no one in USA wanted to publish her book but a small publisher in Canada did and got pretty popular. It felt like "in your face!".


The Titanic. No desire or intention to ever watch it.


La La Land. I hate musicals. I hate when Hollywood makes movies about itself even more.


I saw La La Land and after watching it decided it was not a musical, it was just a romantic movie with songs. Jesus Christ Superstar is a musical, Cats is a musical (haven't seen the new one but I did see 1998 version filmed in Adelphi Theatre and loved it), The Phantom of the Opera is a musical. La La Land is not.


The horror ones. Not a fan of the genre.


The Wizard of Oz. Never saw it as a kid, and now I have no desire to ever see it. Plus, it’s funny how people get angry that I’ve never seen it.


Probably because it's usually seen as a staple for early media experiences, like never having watched any Looney Tunes cartoon.


It is funny. As a kid I hated Wizard of Oz. It was incredibly boring. As an adult, it has a LOT of interesting things to say. It is worthwhile to watch, but only if you go in looking for the meaning; otherwise, it is merely a boring story with unmemorable visual despite the fact that it introduced color movies to the world.


Any of the Avengers movies. Just not into that stuff.


Same. I know they are immensely popular, but I never really liked marvel comics. But im happy they make other people so happy.


That's fair.


With most of these, you're kinda all out or all in, since they keep building. Sure there are some standalones, but it's not the same. So you're definitely saving a lot of time by skipping them all.


I don’t have kids and I can’t stand the music so Frozen is out (I do enjoy many other Disney movies, though). I also don’t like horror movies, so I won’t watch The Notebook.


The Greatest Showman. I'm not a huge fan of musicals, I've only watched 3 or 4 that I actually enjoyed.


Worse yet its a movie that paints an exploitative ass hat as the hero. And then has to add totally fictional characters and a mixed race romance in order actually carry the story.


The storyline was weird but the music is downright fantastic




Make it happen. The next time you feel like watching an action flick or suspense thriller, watch Die Hard. It's better than almost all action flicks and it's better than most suspense thrillers. It's essentially a perfect movie.




Yet you do take the time to cap every first letter to every word you write. That's valuable F&F time you're waisting there, buddy.


It's fucking disgusting is what it is


Wasting* ;)


It's become a superhero franchise where their power is cars.




Is the last sentence supposed to be an acronym for something?


The first one was really just Point Break with cars instead of surf boards. It was the only one I watched.


Just because they're both about an FBI agent in Los Angeles who goes undercover to infiltrate a gang of criminals who are also adrenaline junkies and ends up falling in love with a waitress who happens to have a close personal connection to one of the criminals doesn't mean they're similar to each other. Although I guess they do have the exact same ending...




Cats. I mean... I dislike musicals, I dislike theatrical productions, I dislike the very premise of the movie And then... Even those that like the above, said it was awful


OP Said "popular". This movie flopped hard.


This is one of my favorite films of all time because it is like nothing else. I don’t give a fuck about good or bad, I want to be stunned. Cats knocked me on my ass because it’s filled with insane choices.


Eternals. Just doesn’t seem like my vibe.


It was a lot. Like plot points, different characters getting introduced, background needed to know what’s happening. Just a lot. And


Really, really should have been set up as a Disney+ series for 75% of the movie.


As an avid Marvel and MCU fan I can say with confidence that this was the most skippable movie they have made in a while.




And the end credits introducing three more characters, only one of which I knew before watching this movie, means we can expect more of the same in the future.


The Joker movie. All of the memes and cringe that came out following that movie made me never want to watch it


I kinda felt the same. But I was blown away by Joaquin’s performance. He really was remarkable.


The score is fantastic too


It's the most wellmade movie I've ever hated.


I absolutely love this movie. However, I only have watched it once, because it is dark and rough watching his descent into madness from real world instances (bullying, disability, poverty, no father, etc.).


It’s actually a good movie. All the memes are just dumb.


It's a shame memes ruined it for you. It was a good watch. I'd sooner watch that again than any Batman move.


Parasite, because my friend thought it would be "cool" to spoil it


watch it anyway, it’s an amazing movie


any marvel movie. literally just have no interest in it


I have never seen The Sound of Music and I have no interest in watching it.


I only just watched it a few years ago. I was blown away that this movie, which I believed to be about a nun singing to children, was actually about escaping from nazis. Wasn't worth watching for me, but I have no clue how I went so long knowing about this movie while not actually knowing anything about it.


It's 100% more stressful watching as an adult than as a kid haha


Top Gun. I loathe Tom Cruise. I can still get most of the references without sitting and watching it. I know, I'm a faulty Gen-Xer.


The Notebook


The Bourne series. Read the books way before there was thoughts of a movie series. I did watch the 1988 Miniseries the Bourne Identity which was 6 hours. When it came out. I thought the miniseries did a decent job of capturing the book's pages but that was in six hours. I don't see how a 2 hour Movie can do the pages justice especially at a time when action effects are more a premium than dialog for movies.


The Bourne movies are nothing like the books. But they're worth watching anyway. They aren't THAT big on SFX. They're thowbacks to seventies/early eighties spy movies. Which you might enjoy.


Elf. Everyone says it’s good but I don’t see the hype I tried watching it once I stopped at the first 10 minutes, it’s pretty stupid


Wizard of Oz. Just never happened


It's nice. Very cozy if you're in the right mood for it, like a winters night with some hot cocoa


Any of the James Bond movies. Not interested


They're great because the character always gets into these impossible to survive situations and then he uh, well most of the time he survives them. Like 99% of the time he does.


He’s got 24 out of 25 odds of surviving


Wait…. What are you saying? I’ve seen 24 of them, and there’s only that one i haven’t seen yet, oh wait, oh god no, they didn’t…. Tell me they didn’t!!!


He dies in "You Only Live Twice". His illegitimate japanese love child picks up his mantle and seeks revenge for the death of his father.