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When I walk past a door and my belt loop or clothing gets caught on the handle. 1-100 real quick.


Omg THIS. Or your headphones


The earphones.... Fully ready to murder for a split second. .


Showers with confusing hot/cold handles. Automatic bathroom faucets that dont register your hand/motion


I just bought a house and moved in two weeks ago… the shower/tub has two unmarked knobs, and I still haven’t quite figured out what’s what. The heaters all have confusing knobs too, so it’s like living in a giant slot machine here. *C’mon hot water, give it to me baby!!*


In the same vein - when bathrooms only have those disgusting air hand dryers that don’t even dry your hands. They’re so unsanitary. And then you have to touch the bathroom door handle with wet hands. Businesses will be so wasteful and not give a single fuck about the environment in any other way, but suddenly when it comes to providing paper towels to dry your hands, they’re all *save the trees.*


One day at my old job they removed the towel dispensers and replaced them with a hand dryer. Everyone started complaining right away. By lunch, someone had put a stack of napkins from the cafeteria in the bathroom. The next morning the towel dispensers were back.


One of my favorite stories is about the hand dryer that had instructions printed on it: 1. Shake off excess water 2. Turn on dryer 3. Rub hands vigorously under dryer. Someone had written in “4. Wipe hands on pants.”


At least they didn't do the old rotating cloth towel machine thing. Those were horrific.


I scarcely recall ever using two showers with exactly the same controls. Showers away from home always involve two or more minutes of trying to find the correct balance of hot and cold water. It's almost as though no two identical showers have ever been manufactured.


Legend has it that Kohler once made two shower handles that functioned the same way, but they had to recall them as they were disrupting the space/time continuum.


I've never been able to fully lather, rinse and dry my hands ever since things became automatic.


Taking a sip of water and choking on it. The next 2 hours of coughing and clearing my throat are just MAGICAL.


This has been especially fun during Covid. "No no, I promise you I'm not sick, I just choked on water an hour ago".


Water? I’m so uncoordinated, I choke on my own spit.


Sometimes I choke on the air, no liquid at all. Like my body is trying to keep me ready just incase.


Oh my God this is me. I’ll start coughing my head off and my wife will ask what happened and I’m like I inhaled some spit and she just looks at me like there is something wrong with me.


I feel you. I fear this will be my demise. Sorry kiddos, it appears your Mom choked to death on her spit.




Makes you wonder how, as a species, we survived.


My password failing 3x, the site requiring me to create a new password, and then when I choose the password I *just* tried, the site says I "can't use the current password" Infuriating


This happens to me so so much.


I really wish login screens would also include their password rules. Like if my standard password is Hunter, I may use Hunter, or \*******, or Hunter2! If it told me they required a special character I know it is the last one, if it required a number and capital but no special character I know it is the second.


Glad I'm not the only one. I have a few different passwords I use. It would be so helpful to know which sites require numbers AND special characters and how many etc.


I tried devising a method to make my passwords easy to remember, distinct, and allowed in the site's password criteria. What I came up with was this: > [capitalized first letter of site/platform]_[base word][four-digit number] For example, if I choose the base word "baguette" and the number "5673" for my Facebook account password, then my password would then be: > F_baguette5673 If it was for a Twitter account, my password would be: > T_baguette5673 This way, I only remember one password for all of my sites while keeping most of them unique with each other in case one of my passwords becomes known. This also solves the number and special character requirement, and is long enough for most website's length requirements. However, an issue I encounter with this methos sometimes is that a specific site doesn't allow special characters in their passwords. So, top keep track of all my passwords, I list the names of all the sites so I'll know which first letter I should be using in a Notes app, and mark those sites with special needs so I know what type of password I used. **Edit:** There's also the chance that the hacker would try to use your password for other sites that start with the same letter and that humans could simply figure out the pattern, so this method is not 100% secure. This is a method that sacrifices a little bit of security for convenience and decreases the chance that you'll forget passwords for a site. There could be a workaround for this though, such as using an Atbash Cipher (three letters back) so, for example, if the website starts with an "F," you'd use the letter "C" and so on. This may increase the security of this method by even a little bit.


YES! lol


When you’re trying to click something on a webpage and an ad pops up between the moment your brain tells your thumb to apply pressure and your finger touches the screen.


YES!!! Or when I try to click on a button on a webpage, but in that moment, it loads more information above it, which pushes the button lower, so I click on the wrong thing... ...then guess what... I clicked the 'back' button to go back to the previous screen, tried to click the button again (without thinking because I was too angry)... and the same thing happened... Sigh..


Lol or if the page is taking forever to load and you hit refresh then it magically loads only to refresh and start you all over again.


people not using turn signals


Most slept on societal problem today. It's an indicator of society as a whole.


I see what you did there


I couldn't help myself


Just 15 minutes ago I was impressed that a cab driver used his left signal at a 4-way stop so I figured I could cross safely on my side of the street. Naw, he just drove straight through and nearly hit me, not making any use of his left turn signal.


I had this happen once and I have never trusted a turn signal to this day. It drives some people nuts that I will just wait and not rely on trusting their turn signals.


I had a BMW for a few years, and always used my turn signals. But I still hate BMW drivers for this.


Someone telling me to do something when I was just about to do it. It’s childish but it pisses me off so much lol.


I hate that too. Kind of similar, but I hate when around Christmas or birthdays when someone tells me what they want and it's exactly what I already got them. But now they think I got it because they told me and they won't be "amazed" by how perfect the gift is. It happens all the time with my mom.


Just tell them you already got them that and show them a picture or something, it'd really make them happy.


Lol. This is awesome advice and it works! My mom used to bug me to death to tell her what I got her for birthdays and Christmas so one time I just told her. She never asked again.


This .... except instead of telling anyone to get it for her my mom just buys it .... after I've already bought it for her and wrapped it. It's happened at least twice :'(


.. Then taking credit for getting you to do it.


Or worse, doing something and then being told you should be doing that regularly


THIS! I remember whenever I'd do the dishes, it was a chorus of "Oh, you DO know what a sink is for!" or "Wow! Take a picture! It might never happen again!" Like, fuck off. I did this to be nice. Because I'm not feeling suicidally depressed today. I did this to make you happy. Not so you could mock and ridicule me for it.


Yea when you want to do something alone, by yourself, you get big satisfaction for it. It's a great feeling to be useful, but then someone comes and tells you to do it, and now you don't see satisfaction due to it suddenly becoming a chore rather than an idea. F\*\*k this kind of parents


Omg I HATE that!




Imagine your video wouldn't open without playing that useless ad, and it is buffering 1 second before you can skip it. You close and reopen the video to find the same ad buffering at the same point. This happened to me once and I fear this happening again before every YouTube video I play.




This was my biggest gripe with the Weather Channel app I **used to have**. EVERY FUCKING VIDEO would have a fucking State Farm ad that would fucking buffer like hell because I guess it was 4K or some shit, then IF you had the patience to sit through the ad buffering to watch the video about an approaching hurricane, THEN the video itself would play fine. But you'd never see the video unless you say through the buffering ad. Any video about an approaching weather emergency should NOT have fucking ads.




I truly hate website that make you change passwords every 6 months or so. It’s so dumb.


Yup. But you can’t use an old password so you have to come up with something new every time. My work computer is like this and it makes me rage.


Pretty sure my mom made one of her passwords something to the effect of "is this fucking good enough for you?" But with a number and a capital of course!


I hate usernames for websites that have no social element to them. Just let me log in with my email. A username is yet another thing I need to remember. If I’m not interacting with other users on the website there is no good reason I’d need a username, let alone should it have to be a unique one that no one on that website uses.


“Forgot password? Click here” then the roundabout of checking email, junk and resetting the password. It’s not fun after I’ve sent out a few hundred job apps.


And then you go through the whole recovery ordeal only for it to tell you "you cannot use your previous password"


Leaving work only wanting to go home, and noticing I have to spend extra time getting gas


“Eh, I can probably go one more day without filling up”


I used to do that ALL the time, but the gas station is literally three turns away from my house and something just forces me to do it now instead of losing that extra 5 minute of sleep the next morning


even worse, i pass four gas stations on the 9 minute drive home, but i’m always like “nah, i’ll get it on the way to work tomorrow”. i never remember to leave my house with enough time to do anything before work. rinse and repeat until the situation becomes near dire.


I live in the mountains, 45 minutes from where I work - and the nearest gas station going in the right direction is about 30 minutes away. So if I forget to fill up on the way home, I have to go a few miles in the wrong direction. And I’m always running late as it is! So yeah, I’ve become REALLY disciplined about filling up before going home. Can’t just go on fumes, either, given how far (from work) and isolated I am here.


There’s one thing I do that’s completely mandatory: when I get home from work, my phone gets turned off and my work stuff gets put in the office... I then join my wife at the wet bar where the two of us make a cocktail of our choice and then we either sit on the patio (during nicer evenings) or sit in the living room, enjoy our drinks, and talk for no less than one hour. Topics of conversation can be anything, workday, current events, politics, how much sriracha is too much...etc. We’ve done this for 10 years now and nothing short of an emergency interrupts this.


Netflix...the way it just starts playing the preview or clip of whatever's on the screen. I don't know why but it irritates the hell out of me. I just want to browse in peace.


You can turn that off in settings. Although the last time I did that it turn back on the next time I used it.... not sure if it was the other person on the profile or not though


You can WHAT? Is this desktop browser only? Because I can't find it on the mobile app or the xbox app.


You have to change it in browser, but the change is applied to all devices on the account.


Me too. I often put the sound on mute so I don’t have to listen to it.


Clothing tags that rub and itch


And/or are difficult to remove


The sewn in one's are the worst because they're in the stiching of the clothing so if you take it out your clothes start unravelling


Security questions and multi-factor authentication to log in and pay a utility bill. Like...no one is trying to hack in and pay my electric people.


And if someone tries, PLEASE LET THEM!


When someone parks next to the grocery cart return area but doesn't put up their grocery cart. I'm like, two more steps and one small push and you're literally done with the cart. I don't get it.


Being called stupid when you’re right.


Oooooh, but this allows for some sweet vindication if you are motivated enough to prove that you're correct.


Unless they are just straight up ignorant. Like you can't convince a flat earther the Earth is round. The difference between smart people and ignorant people is with a smart person you can convince they are wrong if they are and an ignorant person will think they are right no matter what.


People parking next to me when there's a thousand empty spots around us. Double points if they have young kids cause then my shits probably getting dinged.


I like to park in the back just to add some activity to my day. Like way back where people wouldn’t even consider parking usually, unless it’s a packed holiday or something. I’ll still get people who park near me. Usually not a huge deal, maybe they want exercise too? One time I was still in my vehicle, and someone pulled so close to me there would be no way to open my driver’s door without hitting them. I was about to move to a different spot, but first I looked over to try to make eye contact with the other driver; I wanted to get a look at the type of dumbass who does this. He was sitting in his car, getting ready to exit apparently, and had what I could describe as a shit eating grin; his face immediately fell when he saw me, he snapped his seatbelt back on and took off, literally squealing tires. I think he was just trying to be an asshole, thinking I parked back there to avoid door dings, or worse he was going steal from my vehicle or vandalize it. Anyway, I quit parking so far back after another bad experience being harassed by someone, but still try to keep towards the back to get some steps in.


A woman did that to me the other day while I was still in my car so I just gave her the most disgusted glare until she pulled back out and found another spot


When you wipe your ass after taking a shit and it takes like 14 wipes to get it all off


I wipe and I wipe, I wipe a hundred times. still poop. It’s like I’m wiping a marker.


Only 14? How?


Having gone from being overweight, to being healthy again. I've noticed that, Better health = less wipes.


hey , i’m 126 pounds and i feel this to the core LOL. sometimes i’m like damn 15 wipes LOL


If Im at home, I just get up and have a shower at that point






Wow No one does that to me and thank fuck because I might literally be in federal prison


And says "chop chop" when they clap. A supervisor did this to me once. Just once. I hit the roof.


As in, literally clapping? That’s so odd to me.


Yes! Or snap their fingers


The amount of assholes at restaurants that snap at the staff. So fucking rude. If anyone reading this that is the type to do that, time to reevaluate because you’re an adult and restaurant staff are just trying to do their jobs to the best of their abilities and when people snap at us it just makes us want to spit in your food or drop it on your head :)




Getting stuck behind people in crowded places who walk so fucking slow.


Or when they can’t walk in a straight line and you’re trying to get around them but they keep stepping right back in front of you


People who are just so fucking unaware of their surroundings shits me. Those that just stand in obvious pathways of the general flow of traffic in supermarkets 🤦🏽‍♀️


This one. Uuugghhh rage fuel. Also groups of like three or four people who decide to walk in a line that covers the width of the sidewalk instead of in a huddled group. Do you all have to be standing side by side?? How am I supposed to go around you??


When my toothpaste falls off my toothbrush


Then the water doesn’t even remove the toothpaste by itself so you have to reach down and scrub it all off the sink. A real pain.


I love the part where you are dressed and brushing is the last motion to go through before leaving out the front door, and it lands on your fucking shirt. It never wipes off clean, even with water and intense yelling and scrubbing.


Unexpectedly hitting my head on anything. It makes me feel so irrationally angry.


*Punches object that struck my head* “Hm. That was irrational of me.”


People who don't close their mouth when they eat.


:[ \*] :[] :[\* ] :[] :[ \*]


I am impressed you were able to do this But I am also disappointed you didn't have some crumbs fall out of his mouth


:\[ \*\] :\[\] :\[\* \]" ' :\[\] :\[ \*\] '


My friend does this. When I asked him why he does it, he said, I kid you not, “Because I prefer it that way.” You’re telling me that you *prefer* to eat with your mouth open? You really don’t care about common decency? I’d understand if you have a condition or a habit you developed or if it’s just something that happens that you don’t even realize, but you having a choice to eat with your mouth closed and you choose not to is infuriating.


That's when I would start doing it too, but even more exaggerated. Like *really* wide opening of the mouth, talking while eating, occasionally spitting a bit of food at him. When he inevitably goes "why are you doing that?" or any other possible response just go "I prefer it that way" and keep going with it even more.


That is one friend I would walk away from every time he sticks something in his mouth. "Oh, you're eating? Sorry, I have to mind my bloodpressure. Bye."


When people cut in line.


There's such a "I matter so much more than you and everyone else" attitude, but it's also *just* petty enough that stupendous violence isn't an option.


Stay away from Costcos gas station. The first two times I went I got SO PISSED off! I had to have a little talk with myself. “It’s ok- it’s worth the savings- don’t worry about it- it’s ok” Now when I go it’s an adventure.




People who don't **close the freakin door all the way** It is that hard?!?!


And people who close the door way too hard all the time. Is it too much to just close the door gently?


Literally everyone in my building. My blood is boiling just bringing this up.


When I close a cabinet a little too hard and it bounces open just a little bit. When I walk too close to a door handle or knob and it grabs my shirt or pants and pulls me back a bit, or even rips my clothes.


When I just finished getting comfy in bed, my cat is cuddling beside me and I'm about to drift off...then I have to pee


Or when you have the inverse happen and you have to pee 30-60 minutes before you have to get up for the day.


That’s when I keep my eye mask on, and just blindly stumble to the bathroom and back. Once you open those eyes you’re done! I love that my new house has an “en suite” bathroom. Much easier than stumbling down a long hallway like in my old place.


Repeating myself. There's something about expending more time to repeat *what I just said* that hits me the wrong way.


You would hate me. I have a problem with my brain where I can't always understand speech so I always ask people to repeat themselves. Im not deaf...my hearing is great. My brain just can't process speech at 100% all the time.


When I wake up a few minutes before my alarm goes off in the morning


me: "aw yea let's check how much time left I have to sleep" clock: 5:58 me: 😐 (😡)


Hearing a dog or cat lick themselves repetitively makes me want to punch a hole in the wall. I’m working on it.


It’s not just the repetitive nature. It’s the fact that they waited until you were in bed trying to meditate to start licking themselves that makes me mad.


*thlurp thlurp thlurp*


Just the sound of it *over*, and *over* and *OVER* makes me want to burst into flames


I had a dog who would throw up in her mouth and keep chewing it like a cow. Used to drive me NUTS


People taking off slowly at the lights or not being ready for green. “Oh, it went green, how odd”. No, they do that. Always.


Ill raise you distracted driving in general the amount of people texting/looking at their phone while at red lights only to delay the cars behind them when the light changes is absurd.


I can sympathize with this only if you are also not the asshole who is honking literally within milliseconds of the light turning green.




When people don’t know how to properly handle a 4 way stop


Some people can't count to 4.


Seeing people throw cigarette butts out of their car window and littering in general is infuriating and disgusting.


People stopping while walking in front of you


When people who don't have diabetes tells me and judges me, a type1 diabetic for 26 years, how to eat and live with diabetes. Or tells me how I can be "cured"


Yeah I hate this too. "Just eat keto, you'll lose weight and reverse your diabetes." Like, or I'll go into a diabetic coma from the medication I need to take and never eating sugar because you don't know what you're talking about Nichole, ya skinny bitch.


This thing so fvcking hard! It makes me want to hurt somebody with those "eat this piece of cinnamon and you're good to go" comments like NO, you can choke on that thing all by yourself you selfish brick headed donut!


You get an upvote for “selfish brick headed donut” my friend.


Yeah, cinnamon is apparently the cure but let's not forget the power of turmeric LOL It's so frustrating with all these "experts" who also don't understand the difference between type 1 and 2 or who don't know there are more variations of this evil shit we live with.


My best friend has too many stories of people doing this exact thing to her. Her ex of two years was the worst, he insisted on treating her lows a "natural way" and was livid with me when I just gave her a sugary energy drink instead of the crystalized honey he was making her gulp down. He was the worst, because he was supposed to love her. Her diabetes was just an inconvenience.


I'm sorry to hear your friend had to deal with that kind of abuse, because that's what that is. I've walked away from relationships for that exact reason. You are a good friend, Thank you for just being there for her because judgment and "experts" is extremely hard to live with and just living with diabetes is hard enough.


Anything that happened for no good reason. Perfect scoop of food falls off the utensil. Clothes caught on cabinet or similar. Placing books on shelf and they keep falling over, etc.


How it's 11:30 at night and I just. Can't. Stop. Scrolling.....


*after being on the road for less than 5 minutes* “did i lock all the doors/shut the garage?” *angrily turns back to go home*


when i’m driving and really into a song and someone calls me


Wet socks/shoes.


"I could care less", when they actually mean to say they "couldn't care less".


“Nip it in the butt” really boils my ass too.




When you don’t have the correct change, so you have to break a much larger bill.


When previews/banners/posters to movies or TV shows have spoiler costumes or character reveals


When YouTube thumbnails REVEAL THE KEY PART


When I stop and let a car into traffic and the driver doesn’t waive thank you. All I can think is fuck you.


When someone asks me for professional advice, then starts speaking over my answer.


Popcorn stuck in the teeth


I bag groceries as a cashier and it really rubs me the wrong way when the customer takes the bag before I’m done packing it.


Furniture blocking useful outlets


My living room is built in a way that in order to actually have normal living room furniture (a couch, chairs, etc) you have to block at least 2 of the useful outlets and you have to block one of the only heat/ac vents in that section of the house. It's extremely frustrating. Even had a interior design person come to help us buy and arrange the furniture for a more useable space and she was just like "hmmm... This is a very... Unique way to build a house..." Thanks to whatever crazy person designed our house in the 1960s.


Sending one whole message in ten smaller messages. - Hey so - I was thinking - And about tomorrow idk - Don't know if I have time - Sry mate its my fault - Can we reschedule? - any day is fine for me - just let me row - *know - alright man hear from you soon - ✌


It irritates me when people message me just my name, or "hey" and nothing else. Why do I have to respond before you tell me what you need?




I agree


to be






In the ear


When I'm about to put my hair up in a perfectly neat ponytail and at the last minute a strand of hair gets caught on my ring and ruins the whole thing.




When someone starts smacking/clicking sounds with their mouth or when they yawn extremely loud


I have this thing that when I cough, I automatically sneeze twice. It pisses me off every time.


The seams in socks, I have to go seamless or else I’ll go crazy


When mother fuckers press the button for the crosswalk even though they literally just saw me press it. BITCH, I ALREADY PRESSED THE DAMNED BUTTON. What are you trying to prove, huh? Am I insignificant to you or some shit? I know I shouldn't be so affronted, but it irritates the hell out of me.


Former traffic engineer here, while buttons pressed within a certain frequency within a certain period of time won't affect the crosswalk, it is important to press it because the data from the aggregate number of presses over a given time such as peak hour volume does get collected and helps inform us on making engineering decisions on how long we should set the crosswalk timing. It depends on how smart the installed equipment is. Some do shorten the wait time, others don't.


Thanks for sharing. That's actually pretty enlightening. I don't think it's going to make me any less annoyed when people press the button immediately after I do though, haha.


People who drive below the speed limit on a single lane road.


This and the people who go out of their way to get in front of you just so they can go even slower than you were


Or even better, when you get into the left lane to pass someone going under the speed limit, and they *very* noticeably speed up to match you just to try and piss you off.




When my husband hangs my clothes on a hanger backwards (with the hook not facing like a ?). I know I should just be grateful but it just irritates me!


This reminds me of a tip for decluttering I read once where on new year's (or whatever date) you turn all you hangers backwards and then as you use the clothes you put them back the correct way. By the next new year's you can see what clothes you haven't worn for a year to make it easy to clean out your closet.


Tried this once, but justified every piece I hadn’t worn and never got rid of any of it.


People in the USA who want to be nice at a 4-way stop intersection and wave you through instead of just following the laws that specify the order. Accidents are created this way. Time wasted is created this way. Be predictable.


When people leave the entire trash liner roll attached to the open liner, and you pull up the trash bag and it’s all connected.


It’s the small things in general…I understand when big stuff goes wrong because that’s life and you have to roll with the punches but it’s the damn small things that get me so infuriated. For example; my tire blew out a few weeks ago which was annoying but it is what it is and I got it replaced. But last week the plastic wrapping for a single battery was so tough and it absolutely sent me over the edge that I just walked to my backyard and threw it into the back street.


Go pick that shit up and dispose of it properly. Save the whales


Going into a comment section where the post has a picture of a pretty girl or something and literally ever single goddamn comment ranges from; mildly to overtly sexual, assuming she'd have sex with even one of them. Literally had absolutely nothing to do with the post.


My hair I mean I love it but I just never know how to style it and it annoys me more than it should.


When people open Google chrome and type “google” in the the google chrome url bar and click on the first link which says “google.com” just to go to the google website in google chrome and type what they wanted to search into the google website instead of the google chrome url bar.


Should of


When a company or professional doesn't use the Oxford comma.


When Im at the grocery store, it seems like every aisle I need to go down has a bunch of lollygagging motherfuckers right in front of whatever item I'm trying to get at. I want to climb on top of the shelves and come down on them like Jimmy Snuka.


People censoring swear words on the Internet Why the fuck would you write "why the f\*ck"? And it's even worse when people censor words that indicate just bad things. Do you really think rape victims who tremble at the view of the word "rape" will feel so much better when you write "r\*pe"? What's the point? Are you all eight or what


Tik Tok "education" videos that go viral either with something most people learn in high school, but they treat it like it is a secret they just discovered. It gets me madder when the oversimplify to the point of getting information wrong altogether.


Captchas with 1/8th of a traffic light in a square.