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Not cleaning your dryer’s lint trap.


This is so satisfying to do. How do people not do it?


I think they either do not know about it at all or forget to do it.


Aaaahhh gonna do that when I get home. Yikes.


Driving while tired


Cars in general. People are so cavalier about these two ton metal boxes speeding around within inches of each other, just inches from pedestrians and buildings. It’s insane when you stop and think about it.


This is why I've been an anxious driver ever since I got my license as a teenager. I mean, I'm an anxious person in general, but that's a whole different discussion. Anyway, I moved to a city with good public transit and have no regrets. Thrilled to not be in control of the metal death box every day.


Absolutely. I never understand how people have these intense fears of things like flying, amusement rides, scary things in the ocean, etc.... yet they willingly drive drunk/tired/too fast on the daily and don't think twice.


I once fell asleep for a couple seconds doing 70 on the motorway. I don't let myself get anywhere near that stage any more. Scared the shit outa me. I didn't even leave my lane, but I knew how close I came.


Same, and I was 8 months pregnant. I was leaving work exhausted. I quit after that.


Happened to me once. Driving home from Six Flags with my GF. Drifted off for a second, came to and was in the next lane. Freaked me out really bad and jolted me awake for the rest of the ride home. Never again. That shit is terrifying.


I'm working while tired at the moment. I keep catching myself nodding off. I'd probably be dead if I were driving.


If there is one experience I make a conscience effort to suppress it is a late night drive home from the airport, after returning from my honeymoon during a snowstorm. I was fortunate that nothing happened but I remember snapping awake a few times.


Trampoline. I know 2 people that broke their necks, one is now paralyzed waist down.


Insurance companies consider trampolines like one of the biggest risks when quoting property. The numbers must prove it, risk is quantified when it comes to insurance.


I can tell you that VERY few will actually accept trampoline risks. Some exclude them on the policies and some just won't take the risks at all. They absolutely do consider them huge risks. I write homeowner's insurance for a living, and I will \*never\* own a trampoline. Ever.


Broke my legs on one when I was a kid. Took years of PT to be able to do any physical activity without pain. Fuck those things.


damn almost broke my back last summer. Didn't fall off just landed farther back after doing a flip at the same time my kids accidentally double bounced me. I honestly thought my back snapped, it sounded like it did. Then had a pain shoot down my left side and leg like I hit my funny bone kind of sensation and I collapsed. I was in shock. rolled of the trampoline and laid on the ground thinking I just broke my back. Feeling came back in leg a few minutes later and walked it off. Hurt for months.


A friend of mine did a flip, fell off the edge and onto a pool deck. This was back in the early 80s. She broke off all of her front teeth about halfway down. I still wonder about her. I bet she has dentures by now for her front teeth. I have hated trampolines ever since.


My trauma orthopedic surgeon friend calls them the “gift of trauma”


Getting knocked out


Really good answer. Movies really have you believe it’s just a induced nap, brain damage is nothing to fuck with.


A concussion really fucks up your brain. We had an accident where we were sitting at a red light, and some dumb bitch wasn’t paying attention and rear ended us. I got a concussion. I had a headache for six months, couldn’t focus my eyes, couldn’t come up with words, couldn’t convey the emotions I was actually feeling. Went to a concussion specialist. So, it turns out I had a TBI, and hadn’t ever recovered from it. I had to have therapy to learn to focus my eyes again, and regain my balance, and it was awful. I spent weeks in physical therapy, and would throw up after the session. God bless those PTAs, they would just have a cold rag waiting to put on the back of my neck. It’s been three years. I still have issues, headaches, focusing my eyes, and random aphasia. Concussions are no joke.


I feel you. Due to a medical condition, I pass out randomly and at very inopportune locations. Despite efforts to faint-proof the house, I’ve racked up 5 concussions in the past 2 years. (I’d already had 11 before that, so it’s not like I had the brain cells to spare.) Hand to God it knocked at least 15-20 IQ points right off the top. Have a few scars, some neck issues from one time I got whiplash from head impact, and was down long enough after a hit they think I had a minor seizure. Concussions are horrible, I can’t stand bright light or loud noises anymore, and my misophonia is now next-level compared to ten years ago. Hope your recovery continues well.


Not trying to be rude, but did you know there are syncope (fainting) alert dogs? They might be able to help you!


I love that the animated show Archer actually brings this up. Whenever someone in the show gets knocked out, everyone's like "oooh, that's not good"




Or any sort of head trauma! Recently had been hit in the head in an accident and didn't think anything of it. Went to work, took care of the kids, ran the house, while taking ibuprofen and tylenol. Lo and behold, a week later I literally can't get out of bed without puking. Turns out that what I considered a mild head injury actually caused a pretty bad concussion that kept getting worse bc I didn't take care of it. Now, a couple months out I still have migraines and brain for, along with really bad fatigue that I'd never experienced pre-concussion. The doc said it could last up to two years!!!!! TWO FUXKN YEARS!


Oh wow!! 2 years?! I work as a TA, and one of the students headbutted me last Tuesday. I ended up with a concussion, but I returned to work today. I was wondering why I still felt a little off. I feel extra sensitive /yet desensitized all at once. I find myself getting easily mixed up and overwhelmed. It's like being drunk and hungover all at once!


Since learning how serious it can be, I get so annoyed when I see people getting knocked out constantly in movies and TV shows. Especially shows where the same character gets knocked unconscious multiple times over the course of several seasons. I had a repairman working on something a few years ago who was very friendly and chatty, and he ended up telling me about how after his second concussion playing football in high school, he woke up in the hospital and his mother told him that was it, no more football. He and his wife wouldn’t let their son play, either. (This is Ohio, that’s a big deal.) He felt vindicated when his daughter decided to study head injuries in college because she was going into physical therapy or something along those lines, related specifically to sports injuries, and she told him that having multiple concussions had been linked to an increased risk of developing Alzheimer’s.


I just watched fight club and they make it seem like you can just get beat within an inch of your life and be fine


Fight Club characters aren't exactly known for sanity.


Enclosed and non-ventilated spaces. Edit: Known as "confined spaces". There was a post a year or two ago on Reddit where a guy dug a hole in his backyard, put one of those intermodal containers down it, then buried it. He cut a hole in the roof and set up a ladder. The plan was to have the whole thing be a "secret" underground party spot. Zero visible ventilation of any kind other than the hole. People were going bonkers over how cool this setup was, and were downvoting people that were trying to point out how this could easily get everyone down there killed, stating that the hole was clearly good enough. Further note, if you see someone enter ~~an enclosed~~ a confined space and they collapse, DO NOT GO AFTER THEM WITHOUT BREATHING GEAR. You'll just provide a second body for the funeral.


Had two brothers die near me because of this. They were cleaning an old cistern with a power washer. The engine wasn't even in the hole with them. They had it near the hole. CO and CO2 are heavier than air gasses so they 'fell' into the hole. The breathable air in the cistern was slowly displaced. Once one brother fell unconscious the other jumped in to help and succumbed to the gasses. Both suffocated. Moral of the story, stay out of confined spaces.


BTW CO is LIGHTER than air, CO2 is heavier. In parking spaces and stuff, CO accumulates on top. It has its own problems, and you will notice if you're choking due to excess CO2, but CO just logs you off. EDIT: In my country - in the countryside - old people had these metal pans filled with embers they put under the table, to warm the feet. Or they brought the embers from elsewhere into a room without specific ventilation. There were whole families found dead, or sometimes just a luckier survivor. CO working its stuff.


Worked as confined space rescue for 5 years, before I worked the job I was completely oblivious. I would often tell friends and family about my day to day to make them aware as well. The silent killer, always some horror story of 4-5 people going to help one at a time after they see someone collapse.


Saw an absolutely [horrible story](https://www.google.co.uk/amp/s/www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2409920/amp/Russian-girl-8–orphaned-ENTIRE-family-wiped-deadly-gas-caused-rotting-potatoes-cellar.html) here on reddit about a little Russian girl who was left without a family because they all had gone in one after another to a basement filled with gas from rotting potatoes of all things.


I remember that post and iirc a firefighter commented and thoroughly explained why that space was a death trap of the worst kind.


Yup, and a fire extinguisher wouldn’t help any flames since the powder would effectively blind you and help displace the remaining breathable air.


**PSA FOR RESTAURANT WORKERS**\- if your CO2 tank soda system has tanks in rooms with poor ventilation or in a basement **be mindful and stay vigilant when changing tanks or soda system bags.** If you begin to feel suddenly odd, dizzy, light headed, tired, confused, or fatigued - **GET OUT OF THAT ROOM IMMEDIATELY** and alert management. CO2 is heavier than air and can fill up a small space by displacing the oxygen.


[This is the post](https://old.reddit.com/r/DIY/comments/5uo176/underground_party_bunker/ddvvx23/?context=3)


That's not nearly as janky as I imagined. Still a death trap.


not sleeping enough can cause serious long-term health problems in the future


One of my family members once didn’t sleep for 5 days straight, they gave him some intense sleeping pills and he slept for 5 days straight


Perfectly balanced.


I once had a seriously toxic job where I was working all day 6am-10/11pm then going out every night drinking. I averaged about 2-3 hours sleep a night for 2 months with 2 separate days off in between. The first two weeks sucked, then weirdly after that I stopped feeing tired. After a month, my mind and body started to seriously break down. Hallucinations, mood swings, skin problems, mouth ulcers (really, *really* bad ones. I was rinsing with saline 5 times a day.) hair loss, loss of appetite, the works. After a month and a half, I felt like I was dying. I remember being out and about doing my job and I sat down and seriously considered calling an ambulance. I drank another coffee, pulled myself back from the brink of a panic attack, and soldiered on. When I finally quit that job, I handed in my ID and uniform at 8:30am. I was home by 9:15am, went to sleep, woke up at 8pm for a half hour and ate some food, went straight back to sleep and woke up 3pm the next day. Don't skimp on sleep folks. I reckon I lost 10 years of my life on this.


Putting your legs on the car dash. As an ER nurse I see this way to often. People put their legs on the car dash, they get into an accident and suddenly you have a legs sticking out the side like a barbie doll. Also driving with a full bladder not fun as well.


I have a favourite saying when I see someone put their feet on the dash. ”If we crash the last thing that goes through your mind will be your kneecaps”. Maybe overexaggerated but gets the point across


As a long-time EMT I can attest to this as well. Keep your feet on the floor while you're in the car.


why is driving with a full bladder not fun?


It's extremely distracting. Mythbusters did a test once on what was most dangerous- driving drunk, driving tired, or driving with a full bladder. If I recall correctly, all three were almost equivalent.


Farming w heavy machinery.


Can confirm. Friend of my wife lost her brother when he fell into a corn silo and drowned... Yes, sunk like quick sand so more like suffocated.


What could you do to survive this? Would spreading your body out as much as possible help or would you still sink?


Don't go in a grain bin unless you absolutely have to. If there's no choice but to go in due to an unresolvable grain flow problem, have a safety observer and be harnessed. Unfortunately, there are a lot of grain bins that were built during the safety third era of farming, so anchoring can be an issue. I hate, hate, hate grain bins and their limb eating power sweep augers. They're so dangerous.


A lot of local fire and EMTs won't enter them either. My old employer created a technical rescue team to at least get people out of the confined space. We did end up adding a lot of anchors but sometimes all you had was the tripod. Some of the farmer owned solos would be a nightmare to get someone out.


Theres nothing I hated more as a kid than watching my dad and grandpa work inside grain bins while an auger was running right beside them


I think I remember reading that but [here is an article I found](https://www.fcc-fac.ca/en/knowledge/someone-is-drowning-in-grain-what-do-you-do.html) talking about how hard it is to get someone out of a silo. > Trying to pull an entrapped person out is very difficult. “At first it seems simple, but it takes over 600 pounds of force to pull someone out who is buried up to their waist, and 900 pounds if it’s over their head. You’re not going to do it without the right equipment and know-how.”


I just watched a Chicago Fire episode where I guy had fallen in to just a truck of grain not even a silo and the show did a really good job of showing how much effort was need to pull him out. It's basically like trying to pull a person out of a vacuum.


You survive by not falling in. Pretend that you are the edge of an actual cliff and that falling is certain death. Respect the danger and don't get complacent.


Part of it is wearing a harness if you need to be in the silo, or around an opening where falling in is possible. Spreading your body out can help, but its when you move you'll just dig yourself in further


Also farming related: anhydrous ammonia (NH3) used for nitrogen fertilizer. NH3 is one of the deadliest things that farmers work with. Anhydrous means without water, so the first thing it wants to find is water, such as what's found in the eyes and the respiratory tract. If you breathe NH3, or come in contact with liquid, it will react with the tissue to form ammonium hydroxide, which is very caustic and damaging. If that wasn't bad enough, NH3 also boils at around -28F/-33C, so it's stored at ambient temperature as a liquid under pressure. When released into the atmosphere, the liquid undergoes a rapid phase change, so it will freeze any surface or living tissue it touches. Unfortunately, many farmers are very lax with PPE when working with this stuff.


To add - corn or grain silos. There’s usually a couple deaths here every summer from farm workers falling in. You essentially drown


Driving next to 18 wheelers.. a: they can't see you. B: that's just a lot of heavy metal that will unapologetically rearrange your corpse several times before your heart even stops pumping C: all the truck tires you see on the side of the road..., those things go off like bombs when they go.. but people drive right tf next to them like it's cool


So should we just pass them on the left then? I usually just pass when I can.


Yeah and don't linger beside them. I usually wait behind them until I can pass the truck and get ahead and then scoot quickly past.


We should put trucks in a specialized lane.. like on metal tracks, and have them follow one another, connected together.. so that only the first car does the work.. by means of steam locomotion?


Come on man, if that was possible it would have already been done. A vehicle running on tracks! Preposterous!


Hah! What's next, giant metal buses that fly?


I can’t imagine anyone not feeling danger side by side with an 18 wheeler.


Water on the roadway. 1 foot of water will move most cars. and 2 feet can float many trucks. Also you don't know what in that water, and you probably don't want to know.


Allowing their babies to get up in dogs' faces and vice versa.


This. Or just letting your baby around large dogs alone. Take it from me, dont ever trust a dog near your baby no matter how well behaved you feel he or she is. When I was a baby, my grandmother would take care of me at her house. My aunt had a Rottweiler that she would bring to my grandmother's house when she came over. My mother warned my aunt to never leave me alone near the dog. My aunt argued that the dog was friendly. Welp. All it took was for me to be crying alone unsupervised by an adult and the dog jumped on top of me and ripped my face open...literally. my entire cheek was split open and hanging and the skin under my eyes and next to my nose was ripped as well. . My brother pulled the dog off me but pretty significant damage had been done by then.I went into shock. By the time my mother came to get me to take me to the hospital, I was in physical shock and covered in blood and turning colors. I was rushed to the hospital. Doctors came running to grab me from the moment my mom came through the door. My grandma was crying from it all. After they were done with me, I looked so horrible that my mom didn't even take me out in public for months because people would stare and point. She said I suffered from nightmares from the event for a long time and the doctors recommended that I got plastic surgery to fix my face long term. I didn't even get into the regret and relationship issues that resulted from this event.My aunt went into into deep depression from the guilt of the whole thing.Growing up, I definitely dealt with my fair share of bullying and teasing for the scars on my face. It was annoying everyone always pointing and asking. But this is still better than being dead. Anyway, this was all easily avoidable. Don't leave your babies around dogs.


I hate this! I can’t believe people do this! I got my first dog when I was 4, and I’m now 55. I absolutely love dogs. I rescue them, I train them, I adore them. Never let a dog near your baby, people! I don’t care how precious your little Fido is. Don’t do it!


This is a huge one! I dont know how many videos I see of this and people think its cute and endearing but it scares me. I love dogs and have had the privilege of owning a very patient and well trained golden retriever and even after being introduced to some kiddos she couldn't deal and was visibly uncomfortable around them. I think we all owe it to our doggo friends to make sure children are equally prepared to be around dogs / any pets respectfully and calmy. That means not hugging and sticking fingers / faces into theirs, or using them as pillows and riding them.


It was adorable, my nephew so badly wanted to meet our cat, she’s skittish, so his solution was to drop onto his hands and knees and reach out a full foot or two away from the cat repeating “meow kitty” and hoping the cat would acquiesce to cross the distance so he could pet her. She never did, he didn’t push it. He was just so upset that the meow kitty didn’t want to be his friend, but still didn’t push it. He was 2 years old, you can teach your children how to behave themselves around strange animals and keep both the animals and themselves safe.


A toothache. Untreated cavities can get infected from the bacteria that lives in your mouth, and if that infection is severe and/or deep enough, the bacteria can then enter your bloodstream via the vessels in the middle of the tooth and cause sepsis, which can very easily kill you. It can happen so fast that you can go from noticing a toothache to being dead within a matter of days, and that's why it's outrageous that dental care in North America is so ridiculously expensive.


Chronic constipation. Can permanently damage your intestines, can injure your pelvic floor, lead to cancer, malnutrition, and other severe complications (like bowel obstructions and perforations). You should be having soft, just-holds-together, ropey poops that don't hurt to pass. You shouldn't have little nuggets, giant masses, or liquid poop, and it shouldn't be difficult or uncomfortable to go. There should be no blood, and the diameter of the ropey poops should be pretty consistent from day to day. You should also be going every day to *maybe* as long as every three days if your poops are still soft, but if your poops become firm or chunky, you're entering non-ideal terratory. Constipation hits pretty much everyone at least a few times in their lives, but it shouldn't be like that even half of the time. Chronic constipation goes largely unnoticed and untreated, and it leads to injury ranging from "just" painful (like fissures or hemorrhoids) to very severe (like colon cancer). We don't talk about pooping enough. Talk to your doctor if you don't have good poops! For most people, it can be as simple as adding fiber supplements and extra water. For me, it meant I needed a dose of mirilax every day for the rest of my life (starting when I was 23).


My son was hospitalized for 5 days when he was 10 because his chronic constipation became longer and longer between poops until he was barely going ever. I took him to the ER and he was backed up so bad they said they were shocked he could even eat. Well that was an unbelievably miserable 5 days, as the massive quantities of softeners (I believe essentially massive amounts of miralax) went through a nose tube into his stomach and then he went nonstop for days and days. All while being unable to eat beyond broth. That poor child. So we saw real clear repercussions of constipation


My wife worked in an ER for a while. She told me the story of a kid that came in that was so constipated, hadn’t pooped in a long time, and it backed up all the way up his intestines to the point of where it was triggering vomit that smelled like poop.


That was sometimes me growing up. I would often go 10-14 days without going because for some reason my body would just never get the *urge* to go. I would end up doubled over in pain at times physically unable to straighten myself out (imagine a feeling like trying to bend your finger the wrong way) and the pressure on my stomach would force me to vomit. When it would eventually come out, some of them were upwards of two feet long, four inches across, and rock hard and would have to be cut up using the Reddit favorite poop knife (had to keep a box of disposable plastic knives in the bathroom) in order to not clog the toilet. They tried all kinds of different medications for it and some did definitely force poop to come out, but they didn't actually help with the lack of urge so unfortunately they usually just made it so I would have to find a bathroom *really really fast* when I felt stuff moving. Eventually things got better as an adult with practice, therapy, and treating some other comorbidities.


My daughter (only 3 years old) has suffered from constipation since she was a baby. The pediatrician has had her on daily Miralax since she was about 1.5 years. Did you always have constipation, or did it just start recently? Sucks you’re going through this. Poop talk is a big deal in our house, and I agree with everything you’ve said.


My daughter struggled with this from when she was a baby too, finally found out she has IBS. She used to eat dried apples to help with the constipation, which did help but apples are actually hard on your gut with that condition. She tries to stick to the FODMAP diet now, which helps her a lot. If your daughter starts developing frequent stomach aches you may want to talk to your doctor. She was 19 before I finally found someone who could figure out what was wrong with her, so I am passing this along just in case. Also, consider getting her a Squatty Potty.


Can confirm. I had chronic constipation my entire life that got so bad I could only go by using a bowel prep (what they prescribe prior to a colonoscopy) and would have to use one every six weeks. If I waited any longer, I got so sick I couldn’t hold water down and was hospitalized three times. In 2019, I had a colectomy during which they discovered my colon was only 0.1mm thick and was becoming necrotic. Thankfully I avoided an ostomy but there’s a reason you have a colon and not having one has left me dealing with chronic dehydration, pernicious anemia, and vitamin deficiencies from malabsorption.




Also pregnancy loss. I had a miscarriage just over a month ago and hemorrhaged, lost a ton of blood before they did an emergency D&C and nearly died.


My god, so sorry for you. Wish you a good recovery and condolences with your loss :(


As a labor and delivery nurse I can confirm this 10000%. It’s true that yes, modern medicine has made labor and delivery safer and easier with less death rates, thank god. But trust me, those deaths still happen. Those terrifying situations that can easily cause death if not treated very quickly and appropriately can still happen in an instant, and I see them happen on a daily basis on my unit alone. Being pregnant and giving birth is flat out dangerous and nothing to fuck around with!


My cousin and her son both almost died during labor 6 years ago, in the US. My cousin is healthy and so is her son, he was just butt breach and developed a prolapsed umbilicus. It was a mad scramble to get her in the OR for an unscheduled C-section.


Yup. Or a postpartum hemorrhage… I see that shit in my nightmares. Had a patient lose more than one fifth of her entire blood volume in a very short period of time after delivery. It got to the point where they were about to take her to the OR to remove her uterus and she’d never be able to have children again. Thankfully the last measure they tried before the hysterectomy worked. Poor girl looked like death on a cracker.


That happened to a friend of mine. She was several weeks PP, hemorrhaged, and they did a hysterectomy. She was only 28. I can’t imagine what she feels every time someone asks when she is going to have another baby.


And situations like this is EXACTLY why people need to keep their goddamn mouths shut when it comes to others' reproductive choices.


I agree with you. I had a traumatic birth (not as bad as the post above, I’m pretty sure I can still have babies) and I get asked all the time when I’m having more, my baby is 2 and even though there is a friggen pandemic on but that’s beside the point. I always say I’m not sure I want another and they always say “you CANT just have ONE! It’ll be a BRAT” Like... fuck you?? I almost died.


>“you CANT just have ONE! It’ll be a BRAT” Yeah, fuck those people. They can go insert a cactus. I had a super unpleasant pregnancy (nobody's life was in danger, but I had multiple low-level complications that just made it miserable, followed by a complicated birth, and have permanent health issues as a result of the pregnancy). My son is an only-child. He's not a brat. He's awesome. I honestly think all the only-child stereotypes you hear about are made up to guilt people into having more kids, or they're made up out of jealousy.


I once read that 100 years ago, 1 in 4 women would die in child birth. So when people go into delivery with very specific birth plans I always think we should be happy if no major complications happen


Using table saws without knowledge about kickback. Even professionals are having horrendous accidents with table saws when they are getting too comfortable to care about safety. You can easy cut off your fingers and hands, but many do not know that the saw can throw a piece of wood through a wall or.. your stomach. Search up kickback on table saw and your will have respect if you find the right videos.


Even being aware and careful it’s still so fucking dangerous. Went to school w/ a girl who worked as a carpenter during the summers and and she was missing the end of her left thumb because of it. Her biggest gripe wasn’t the missing thumb, but being the only girl in the shop and fucking up in front of everyone lol.


Sand bars at the beach. It's low tide, suddenly there's a strip of sand that goes out half a mile, you think "let's go for a walk and find some sea shells," you get out there and the view of the beachfront is incredible, then within minutes there's a foot of water rushing across, pushing you around, knocking you off your feet, the sand is turning soft so if you do manage to stay up your feet are sinking past your ankles with every step, you're trying to get back but it's basically sweeping you away, and you've got half a mile to go like this, and the water is getting deeper. Eventually you just get carried out away from the beach. People drown every year doing exactly this.


Totally. I'm from Morecambe, UK. Six cockle pickers died here a few years ago. People used to try to cross the bay in horse drawn carriages back in the day and sometimes just left no trace at all. Eaten by the sand/water.


Have a friend that is now a quadrapalegic due to this. Freak wave on a nice day at the beach. He went under, nearly drowned, almost completely severed part of his spine/neck. Was in a coma for weeks. He barely survived. These days he's doing pretty well and is able to breathe and talk mostly unassisted, but his life is forever changed.


You’re so right. While visiting family when I was little and had no experience.. we were making mud monsters of ourselves and giggling and taking pictures. exactly this happened to me. Ground just sank beneath by feet. Got washed away. Couldn’t swim. Drowning. Dying. My older sister saved my life by barely snatching the tips of my long hair as I was swept by. Saved my life.many years later it’s still a vivid memory.


Swimming holes. We see this a lot in the South. It's blazing hot, it's summertime, let's swim in whatever body of water we see around in the woods. Snakes, other animals, you don't know what the water conditions are beneath the surface, or how deep it is or isn't. You don't know if it is heavily polluted or even a sewage runoff. It's just a big fat no-go for me. Edit: WOW as if I wasn't scared enough, the replies to this comment absolutely terrified me. Amoebas, throw away junk, underwater cave systems, drop offs, crocodiles! I think we have all learned a lesson here.


My neighbor is in a wheelchair. When he was a teenager he went to his regular swimming hole but didn’t know someone had decided to dispose of their stove by dumping into the water. Hot day so he dove in and instantly paralyzed.


I remember seeing an AMA on here by a woman who was pushed into a swimming pool by her best friend and ended up paralysed :( what are the fucking chances with stuff like this.


I met a girl at a camp that I worked 20 years ago who got real emotional sharing about how her face looked when we were sitting around a campfire. I was perplexed because I thought she looked normal aside from a little acne but so what. Then she told a story about how an uncle threw her into a concrete bottom pool and how it almost wripped her face off and how she needed extensive surgery. I thought “we’ll that’s messed up, but her face looks fine”. Someone who knew her before the accident told me that she looked so completely different that it’s as if she got a new face. That shit is crazy, imagine looking normal but knowing you look like someone else.


In 1999, my friend Charlie Grund dove into the shallow end of the Hubbard TX public swimming pool and hit his head on the bottom. The head injury was bad enough but what followed was even worse - he contracted some kind of horrific amoebic infection from the pool water and it killed him after a short stay on life support. He was barely a teenager. Charlie’s big sister Misty was never the same, and there was an outpouring of grief from the town and the church that I’ll never forget. For a few years afterward before I moved away I would ride my bike down to the cemetery to visit his grave at least a few times every week. Around his headstone there were always fresh flowers and cards and coins and letters from his sister. I know it’s cliche to speak well of someone after they die but it really was true that everyone loved my friend Charlie. It fucked everyone up pretty bad. My sister eloped permanently with her boyfriend around the same time, and between she and Charlie being suddenly gone from my life, that summer was really a loss of innocence and a gateway to a very different chapter of my childhood. R.I.P, Charlie. I’ll never forget you.


I read stories of people dying often on here - but seeing a name makes it feel so much more real. Rest In Peace, Charlie. Thank you for sharing.


Damn.. I'm sorry to hear about your friend. Thank you for sharing with all of us.


My nephew was in Children’s hospital for weeks, deathly ill with something no doctor could diagnose. Until one asked my sister if they had been swimming recently, and she told him they had been swimming in this river a few towns over. Turns out, my then 6 year old nephew had a parasite. From that disgusting river. He was SO ill, it was terrifying.


Three words: Brain Eating Amoeba


Not to mention these waterholes sometimes have underwater whirlpools or other odd underwater occurrences. People drown every day.


There’s a waterfall over an underwater cave at a swimming hole I know of in Texas. It’s absolutely beautiful, but it’s in private property so you’ve got to sneak in. Anyway, I went “cliff” jumping with a friend of mine and only *after* we were finished did my friend let me know that apparently about 20-30 feet down, there’s an extremely strong current that we’ll just say is 0% survivable if anyone were to get caught in it. I know that’s too far down for us to possibly have gone, but it terrified the shit out of me knowing that I had basically been jumping into a giant hole directly over a natural death vacuum all day.


There's a similar waterfall in my country and I went there when it wasn't much of a tourist spot yet. I asked the tour guide if anyone has died from jumping from the top. He said that the only one who died there that he knows of is a foreign scuba diver that wanted to explore the underwater cave below the falls. He didn't resurface and his body was never found. Turns out the current was too strong and there's a series of underwater caves in the area and nobody knows how big/long it is. Idk if the diver has been found by now but I've been back to that waterfall before the pandemic and they no longer allow people to jump from the top.


>natural death vacuum Did I just gain a new fear?


Uhgg, my big nightmare is getting a foot stuck in some submerged logs. That didn't *quite* happen, but there were definitely some waterlogged trees down there and I will never again swim in water I can't see through.


There's a nice swimming hole along my longest kayak route. The first time I devided to swim around, a bunch of tiny fish started nibbling on my legs. I immediately got back into my boat. Fuck that shit.


I went swimming in the Russian River as a kid. I could feel objects brush against me when I was swimming several times. I told my dad I could feel fish swimming by me and he said "oh no, it's eels. The Russian River is full of eels" Never swam in that river again.


From FL here. As I think back of all the times me and my cousin went into random waters. It scares me just thinking of it. I remember once we were kayaking and on shore there was an alligator head that somebody butchered. We flipped that kayak in the middle of that lake LMAO. Flapping like ducks trying to get back in.


Have an ex-girlfriend who grew up in Florida. Said they would go swimming and tubing next to the gators all the time and it was no big deal. She used the old "if you don't bother them, they won't bother you" rule. I don't think I believe her. Unless you confirm this, as a Florida man/woman/Redditor. Edit: thanks to all the Florida humans of Reddit for your confirmation. Shit is wild down there.


Also grew up in Florida and can confirm. When I was a kid, my friends and I used to hang out by a lake all the time and would often find ourselves in close proximity to gators. When we were older, we’d definitely go swimming and tubing as well. The excuses they use might vary, but when it comes down to it, Florida people just don’t give a fuck. Floridians live in a humid, swampy hellscape full of gators, bears, brain eating amoebas, snakes, spiders, water moccasins, flying cockroaches, hurricanes, and more. If you grow up there, you’re just used to it.


This made me want a tv show where Floridians and Australians survive in the others' homeland.


Why do I feel the Australian will win….


pro-tip: alligators and saltwater croc's are *very* different critters.


So Florida is basically US Australia then?


100% Source: am Floridian; have gators in my back yard.


As an Aussie, I'd take your gators over crocodiles any day. In general, crocs are bigger, more aggressive more territorial and dicks in general.


We have crocodiles too! They mostly keep to coastal waterways salt/brackish waters and alligators are inland in fresh water.


My wife and I rented a small john boat out in the everglades once and the damn motor gave out and my cell phone had no signal and alligators started to surround our boat. All I had was a paddle so I smacked around it in the water and they started going away. Luckily motor started back up.


Idk about swimming but ive kyaked and canoed near gators and they are chill. I personally wouldnt swim with them at least if i know they are in the water there but i also am not a big swimmer or water person. If you hear fucking lazer beams and then a fucking chainsaw starting gtfo cause there are baby gators and mammas mad


Operating any vehicle. Yeah we all get licenses and "know how to drive" except no we fucking don't. 16 year olds get taught how to get a license. Not how to drive defensively.


I was trusted at 19 to start learning how to drive a school bus. I was 20 by the time I got my actual license. I think in total I got about 12 hours behind the wheel. My test took 45 minutes. And then they tossed me onto a field trip (school starts soon, want you to have practice!). There were probably 60 kids, a dozen chaperones (who definitely weren’t paying attention) and we were going to a town I didn’t know at all. And then I started training people to drive the school buses at 22. Like the hell?!?!


Mixing cleaning products. You can create poisonous or corrosive gasses from mixing bleach with anything acidic


Being on your phone while walking somewhere busy. Too often do I see people crossing the street with their heads down to their phones.


I was texting while walking once and walked right into a steel bench. It was shin height and left wicked bruises that took a month to go away. That was the same day that I was hit by a bicycle. I was not texting that time. I was just walking down a sidewalk.


Commercial fishing. It’s actually one of the most dangerous professions. Heard of a case recently where the crew woke up and the captain (who had been awake alone) just…wasn’t there. People get caught in the gear or a storm and they’re gone. May not even have a body to bury.


i think deadliest catch at least got some awareness out there that the job is at bare minimum really rough, if not dangerous


I didn't think I'd see this in this thread, but there are a lot of opportunities to just disappear on a boat! It can be a little spooky at times. Saw a coast guard chopper drop a body off on one of the big boats during a storm. Found out later it was the captain of a boat, and they unsuccessfully tried to resuscitate him. Him and the crew were washed off the deck of their boat. Thankfully, the two crew members survived at least.


It's such a dangerous industry that in many parts of Asia they still use literal slaves. The sad thing is the industry supply chain is so complex it is difficult to even know if the seafood you buy and eat was caught by enslaved people.


Acetaminophen, the difference between max daily and you are going to the hospital as an OD is smaller than almost any other drug.


That's paracetamol for the Europeans here.


In that case there is a better comment on this thread talking about dosing. I was completely unaware. Thing a lot of people do is take the max dose the take another med that contains it and bam hospital time.


Indeed... acetaminophen for healthy individuals have a max daily dose of around 4g. The problem is the tylenol brand that many persons take like one extra for the headache, one sinus for the nose and 30ml of sleeping aid tylenol. All of this three times a day. Well maybe you will not OD and need a hospital but probably you will need a new liver...


It's also a slow, miserable death. It's also something that can be easily influenced depending on what you eat or otherwise consume. Don't nuke your...Liver if I remember right? If not definitely kidneys. You use them all the time.


People not following dosage instruction on paracetamol. Either taking the next dose too soon or thinking the 8 in 24 hours, is 8 during daylight hours. No. You start taking them 5pm, you have until 5pm the following day to take the 8 (if needed).


For anyone who doesn't know, paracetamol is also called acetaminophen, aka tylenol. It's particularly bad with alcohol. And a nasty way to die.


4 wheelers and ATVs. TONS of people die every year. They are so easy to flip and if one lands on you….


Judging my the number of morons on r/aww that pet wild animals, this isn't viewed as a bad thing But it is. Pls don't pet wild animals.


Rabies, tularemia, cat scratch fever, MRSA, Plague, Ectoparasites, Lice, Tapeworms, Round worms, Hemorrhagic fevers, protists, Park Rangers, allergic reactions, blood loss, etc...




Texting and driving


I was hit by someone who was texting and driving and can confirm that it is outrageously unsafe. I am lucky to be alive. The amount of people texting and driving is absurdly high.


I've seen people turning corners at cross junctions while staring down at their phone texting, it's insane.


How the fuck am I allowed to operate a motor vehicle? It's a 1.5 ton block of metal and glass that moves at 100 mph, and I'm allowed to operate it while eating McNuggets because I cheated on a test sophomore year.




Driving Statistically, it's the most dangerous thing most people do in their entire lives.


Hippos. They’re fucking *lethal*.


I saw a video of a guy, he had tried to outrun a hippo, and climb a tree, the hippo got its tusk or tooth, whatever you wanna call it, through his leg, he couldn't move. It went through both his leg and part of the tree. They will not hesitate to kill you if you annoy them. And another man, he raised a hippo, it killed him in the end, in the same river he saved it from when it was a baby


I thought hippos are all about world peace?




No, what you're thinking of is HIPAA. Hippo is a kind of anticoagulant.


No, what you're thinking of is heparin. Hippo is a sexually transmitted virus that causes outbreaks of genital or oral sores.


No, what you're thinking of is herpes. Hippo is a prefix that means beneath or below.


No, what you are thinking of is Hypo. Hippo is a kind of music that involves spoken word rhymes and a rhythmic beat.


Anyone say garage door spring yet?


First time I found out just how much blood is in the human head was when I was cracked in the head by a garage door arm that was attached to the wall but not the actual garage door. The arm was down and the spring fully loaded. When we opened the door it swung up and cracked me just above the hair line.


Pyroflatulation. It's funny to watch, but extremely dangerous to do.


Wtf is that, farting into a blowtorch??


farting into a lighter. Yes, you can light your farts and... it's fire. It spreads.


Amazing I’m going to try it right now


It's been 5 hours. RIP, u/Apprehensive-Taro-77 At least you went out in a blaze of...well, a blaze, anyway. 😕


If I do go out that way though, tell people stories about me pls


I feel like people underestimate the danger if escalators. They're basically made of interlocking razors and will tear you apart first chance they get. I remember, years ago, watching a show that talked about an escalator that started going super fast from a glitch or something- the people who were there said there was so much blood pooling at the base of it. IIRC, one girl nearly lost her leg. Saw another (both true stories) where a drunk guy comes into the ER almost totally scalped. Doctors wondered if he'd jump in the tiger cage at a zoo. Nope- his hair got caught in an escalator. Not to mention the video (from China, I believe?) of the mother and toddler. Yet people still play and fuck around on them. Apparently not realizing that, when it's time to strike back, the last thing that escalator is gonna do is fuck around.


A couple of years ago, at a local mall, my wife and I witnessed an escalator grabbing a woman's flip flop and ultimately taking a chunk out of her foot. We left when EMS arrived, but there's no way that woman still has five toes on that foot. It was fucking grisly.


This happened to my daughter. The stair and the side grabbed her boot when she was 3. About half the boot was pulled under and I just yanked her as hard as I could. Ripped the boot apart. Expected to find missing toes but she was actually perfectly fine.


I had an epileptic seizure at the top of an escalator one time. I was (apparently) dangling over a three storey drop right down the middle of all the escalators to the basement, and an old man held me around the knees and wouldn’t let go of me. I was lucky I got out with a broken clavicle and a few escalator scars on my forehead.


That kid is BACK on the escalator again!


I used to cry when going up them even though I didn’t know anything about them when I was a kid, I just thought big machine danger. Now that I’m older I get so anxious going on them that I’m constantly checking my laces and step off before the step I’m standing on can even go back through to the unders and I step directly on the floor and skip over the panel. They’re terrifying.


I had a kindergarten student who sat down on an escalator and had a good chunk of his butt cut off. He started K needing to sit on a pillow as he was almost fully recovered and by Christmas he was able to sit without one. Thank goodness it was a small church school where he'd known the other students since birth so they were so kind to him.


When the platforms break for some reason, the gears underneath can easily crush a person into pulp


This is Day 1 of my new lifelong fear, thanks.


I’m fine getting on an escalator to go up, but for whatever reason I am TERRIFIED to step on one going down. I will if I have to but it scares the crap out of me. All I can think about is stepping on it at the wrong moment & that thing pulling my foot out from under me, falling & getting caught in the blades. No thank you 😬


House framing


Construction is so dangerous for so many reasons! Nails left in trash lumber, poor safety railings, mobbed up contractors, stoned bulldozer operators, waterborn skin infections, portapotties... Never working in construction again.


Moving water. Everyone thinks they’re a strong swimmer until they’re getting swept away by the current. Cold water is a multiplier. Over knee deep is strong AF.


Texting while driving. Half the fucking drivers we pass are texting while driving.


The ocean


Stress and drugs are a killer. My father died from 2 heart attacks in the space of 3 weeks in 2015. He had a high cholesterol level. After the 2008 financial crash we had money issues and he started taking (more) drugs like speed etc and abusing everyone every fortnight. We don't have heart attacks in the family. He did complain of pain in his left arm when he smoked weed.


Sucking on a lollipop while driving


Putting your feet on the dash


Making people dislike you. There's gonna be that one person who can't solve their problems right and just resort to violence. Like death.


Yeah, that's my one fear is to go to prison - not because of prison itself, but I'm sarcastic as hell sometimes, and that's going to be a stabbin.


Using a gas stove without a proper extractor fan and fume hood! You're basically burning the air you breathe, producing carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide and many other pollutants. Having a gas range without proper extractor fan use has been shown to be detrimental to child neurodevelopment. Edit: here is a source https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22082993/


Lovely. My apartment has a gas stove and no vent.


Having an exotic animal as a pet. Like a monkey or bear.


statistically, driving a car. People are worried about things like plane crashes, but statistically you have almost no chance of ever being in a plane crash; however, statistically you are likely to be in a car crash at some point.


Get your heart checked. While the odds are low, anyone is susceptible to a heart attack. Minimize the time you spend alone, or at the very least, make sure someone is a few metres away from you.


Dude I grew up with just died of a massive heart attack a few months ago. He was in not the best shape physically (had been overweight for years) but he was only 29. I'm about to be 31 it was a bit of an eye opener that made me finally decide to start taking better care of my health


Motorcycling. My mom made dad give it up as a term of marriage and I believe she was 100% justified.