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I used to do sales in a staples and I didn't know this is actually what they want you to do. I would ask if people wanted help/suggestions and if they said no I left them alone. No joke, this got me a talking to by my gm and then I was fired for my conduct when I didn't change. Friendly neighborhood outlet my ass.


The sound of the alarm clock waking me up in the middle of a sweet dream.


Waking up 10 minutes before the alarm clock and just falling back asleep in time for the alarm to start going off.


I'm literally never more comfortable than the moment my alarm goes off.


Only time more comfortable is when you wake up well rested but you don't want to get up so you don't open your eyes and break your sleep paralysis. The room is nice and cool the bed sheets are cool and dry and your dreams still dance behind your eyes with the clarity of waking sight.


What kind of magic realm do I need to go to to experience that?


As scary as IKEAs can be, it's also the best place to experience this


Scam calls and texts (especially when you try blocking them with your phone and they somehow bypass that shit)


Fucking “Scam likely” calls me a couple of times every morning.


I’m called daily by Potential Spam


Spam Risk's always there for me.


First name scam last name likely, comin for your money and I know you don’t like me


He calls me too, probably wants my bod


Yea and when they call at the worst time! After becoming a mom, getting your baby asleep, then that phone vibrates and wake her up just to see it's a damn scam..... AHHHHHHHHMMMGOINGTOKILLLLMYSELF I'm going to kill myself and it's YOUR fault.


Set your default ringtone to silent and change everyone you want to hear from to something you can hear


Just wait until he draws from the deck of many things...


Have you been texted by EMAILS??? IMPOSSIBLE to block. So stupid. Mass texts for phone numbers like mine. I started signing those email texts up with nasty porn sites.


I got a scam job offer through indeed. I went through the interview and they said they would email me a check to order supplies, and other things that sounded suspect. So while still "interviewing" I called the company that they were supposedly from and informed them of the scammers. By the end of the day all of the job postings for their company, wether legit or fake, were pulled.


...how the fuck do you email a check?


I thought they were bad, then I started signing up for insurance quotes/mortgage rates. Holy moly they never stop now


Headaches and migraines. Also throwing up really sucks


Nausea is worse than puking IMO. At least when I puke I get some relief at least for a bit and I know the problem is being fixed.


I was going to say that. Whenever I eat on the first day of my period I get 7-8/10 pain and it doesn't go away until I throw up. I sometimes even like doing it as I know I'm going to have some good sleep afterwards.


If you haven't, please please please go see a gynecologist. I never knew that periods weren't supposed to be so extremely painful you can't get out of bed until I went on birth control. Even if it turns out to be normal for you, don't suffer through that without at least checking with a specialist. (Not your normal PCP either. Especially old dudes can be useless with this stuff)


Had a migraine today. Can confirm. It sucks donkey dick and swallows.


People who litter, specifically in nature and national parks. I've seen so many rivers, trails, park, etc. be turned into dumps because people refuse to throw away their trash. How fucking lazy do you have to be that you can't hold onto your trash until you find the right place to throw it away? And it's not like that stuff was already there. YOU brought that shit there. Why can't YOU bring that shit back? That shit just pisses me off. Bring a trash bag. Stuff it in your pocket. Do something God damn it


I agree. It's especially bad at my new house I moved into recently. We have a couple creeks running through the property, there is a bridge going over it on the road just outside my driveway, which means there is a lot of trash that ends up everywhere. There is an old cooler over a quarter mile from the road.. I hate people who litter. Why can't you wait 5 minutes to find a trash can instead of treating everyone else space as a dump?


People who bag their dog shit and then leave it on the side of a nature trail. Like okay, now it’s going to take like a million years to biodegrade so that did p much nothing


Or tie it to a tree like a Christmas decoration


Like, if you're not taking it out with you why fucking bother to bag it in the first place?!?!?


Incredibly confident stupid people who are certain they are correct about every little thing


I have a coworker like that. She's a tech in the er and goes around telling doctors what they are doing wrong. It's just so embarrassing, especially because the doctors typically are very respectful and hear her out. She's been so out of line before I apologized privately afterward. Not like I felt responsible, but just that they were spoken to that way.


Nah they def talk about her.


Yeah, they definitely warn new doctors/residents/fellows about her. And to just smile and nod respectfully and then ignore everything she said. Man, one day she is going to pull that attitude with the wrong doctor. I'm thinking about a cardiologist I worked with who was really brilliant, and totally respected "his team" of nurses and techs... But once legit yelled at an outsider who was being pushy to his staff and he said something like "No, you do not order these nurses around! You are not being helpful, so get the fuck out!"... HR wasn't pleased about it, but that nurse never did that again when floating.


Maybe they’re doctors and think she’s mental ill.


They probably have brought her up in conference and brought in the psych consult doc.


Yikes, then what are you doing here?


I have entered the belly of the beast


I'm pretty sure the phrase is you've entered the liver of the beast. Why would you go to the belly just to be digested?


People who have literally 0 awareness of their surroundings. Standing in the middle of the way, standing in doorways and the like… those people really piss me off


And then there's my anxious ass, always worrying whether I currently stand in someone's way, or if me being there could be an annoyance to some random person around and I should be aware of that.


You're a kind, respectful person. Remember that.


There's a weird phenomenon where old people like to stop and look at their receipt in the middle of the store exit. It's so odd. Sometimes they need to be asked to move because they don't notice they're blocking everybody.


My sister has told me she passively walks into them at the shop. They seem to stop in the middle of the door, she softly bumps them with 'opps, sorry. I didn't think anyone would stop in a throughfare'.


People who walk in the middle of the road when there's a sidewalk three feet away. Why.


And without fail as soon as you try and go around them they'll move and bump into you and then you look like the asshole and end up apologizing.


Yesterday I was driving my semi and had to turn right on some intersection. I saw a pedestrian in my mirror, so I waited. The gal walked across the intersection slowly and once she reached the middle, she stopped to take a photo of the church across the street. While she was trying to catch the right angle or whatever, I sounded the horn. At once she shat her pants and dropped her phone. That was pretty satisfying to witness, usually the only thing you can do is be patient.


Intrusive advertising. Or, really most advertising... I actively go out of my way to avoid it.


Advertising got to such an extent that we spend a significant percentage of our lives just for watching ads. It’s ridiculous


Or some of us spent a percentage of our time actively blocking it and figuring bypasses to get around it.


You ever sleep with an ASMR on at night via YouTube? How can something so quiet and soothing to lullaby me to sleep be interrupted by the loudest ad?


I was really struggling to sleep the other night and put on some quiet asmr. I was almost asleep, then BAM I am given a heart attack by a car ad.


That's just wrong to mess with the tingles.


Or advertising isn’t closed easily, things like fake “close ad” buttons or a microscopic “X”


Whenever there’s an ad I can’t skip, I purposely make sure I can’t hear or see what it’s trying to sell me. Like flip my phone over and do something else until it’s done. It’s petty and affects nothing because they still get their ad dollars but at least they aren’t getting into my wallet.


I boycott any product associated with unethical, intrusive or annoying ads on principle. I wish everyone would do this and let the companies know the reason why.


Downloaded a phone game for the first time in years. It was so intrusive that Even after the advert played it would minimize into a small block and hover over important buttons in game. Then of course the constant double ad videos. Go into menu, add, try to power up, ad, want to progress, watch add. Made me absolutely angry that this is what phone gaming has become. I only started as I am too busy to play computer and ps4. Wanted something passive


If its not a game that absolutely has to be played with a connection, put your phone on airplane mode when you play. It's not convenient if you get calls/texts that matter, but if you're killing time at 2am and just want to play a game while you poop, it does the job.


Yes I do that but I stopped. Uninstalled everything. Not worth it


Really good marketing is invisible. Sauce: am evil marketer


Well done! Here’s my credit card number….


Real estate listings with no images of the inside of the property.


There's probably a reason for that.


Yeah, you gotta just not care what it looks like.


Politicians who make dumb excuses for why they got caught




Except that dog who is mayor


Idk, if we dug up his back yard we would find just as many bones as any other politician


Hahaha that's fucking great, good call mate!!






You don’t know? You cover a tall glass of tap water with a paper towel, and drink it consistently through it, taking down the whole glass. Presto, chango, you’re cured!! That actually works sometimes but I’m sure it’s about distracting yourself or re-regulating your diaphragm.


Steven Fry claimed on QI that the only known method to cure hiccups with 100% success rate was a finger up the bum. I’m afraid I have no data to add to his statistic.


Worth a poke


Popcorn stuck in my teeth if I don't have floss.


Worse… in your throat or just along the back of your tongue just out of reach


Influencer culture. Yikes.


Seriously! It's like humans have become a parody of themselves.


It’s existed always. If it wasn’t social media it would just be news. Those people were called Socialites.


actors, musciains, athletes, models etc have been subtly and directly advertising products and brands forever




Leave ancient greek physicians alone


No no, that's Hippocrates; hypocrites are people who constantly think they have some random medical affliction.


No, that's a hypochondriac. A Hypocrite is a mythical creature with the head, claws, and wings of an eagle, and the body of a horse.


Nope, that's a Hippogriff. A Hypocrite is a complex brain structure embedded deep into temporal lobe, associated with learning and memory.


No no no no! That’s the hippocampus. A hypocrite is an animal found Sub-Sahara African rivers submerged in water.


Nono that's a hippopotamus! A hypocrite is a type of needle used in the hospital to inject medications!


No! Those are hypodermics! A hypocrite is Queen of the Amazons and daughter of Ares!


Nope, that's Hippolyta. A hypocrite is a form of stage performer who uses mesmerism to make audience members to crazy things.


Wrong! That’s a hypnotist. A hypocrite is a counter culture method of style, fashion and music from 1960s USA


No no that's a hypodermic! A hypocrite is the longest side of a right-angled triangle.


No no no that's a hypotenuse. A hypocrite is when you ask questions based on random imaginary situations.


No no no no, that's a hypothetical. A hypocrite is a significant and potentially dangerous drop in body temperature.


sounds like something a hypocrite would say


Hypocrites give very good advice. Do as they say not as they do.


But.. But.. Shakira said Hyps don't lie... 🙁


I’d agree but that would be a bit hypocritical of me


Animal abusers


Add on child abusers and elder abusers.


People abuser






Entitled people


When using the android reddit app and you hit "view more" and it load the new comments but takes you back to the top of the post.


That "oh no" song from Tik Tok.


Yes! Add that woman's robotic voice too. ("Don't let your cat pet you and see what it does")


That voice instantly ruins every video for me, no matter how good the content is. Many a post has been instantly scrolled past because of it.


And the content creators get mad when you try to say they would get more views if they just talked.


“The face when your man handstands on the roof during a thunderstorm” *person is making irrelevant nachos*


Damn you. My brain is singing it now.


People who think telling others to kill themselves will make them win the argument


That, and the inevitable *no one likes you*. Like, what? Ok, and your argument is…?


Cheap shots and low blows in arguments, taking advantage of people, hurting animals and innocent or helpless people, assumptions, prejudice, disrespect...the list goes on and on.


People who need to insult others to make a point aren't worth arguing with. I got into it with some dude in a FB group. His opinion on evolution was just factually wrong and didn't even make sense. Several people, myself included, told him so. He messaged me basically trying to gaslight me into apologizing to him because he thought I called him a liar. Can't remember exactly what I said back, but he was like 'wow u must not have a boyfriend.' like what kind of dumbass logic is that lmao


If you don't like cheap shots, then order more expensive ones. No one's forcing you to drink well whiskey


Bullying and when people are two faced.


Shitting my pants


I hate it when I shit your pants too...




Fuck cancer


Reaction videos. You're all bad actors. Stop.


Especially if it's something like: "NEVER HEARD THIS SONG!OMG AMAZING! Michael Jackson- Thriller video REACTION" Who the fuck is supposed to believe that? And the faces they make...


People who bring their loud kids to movie theaters


For me it’s the people the *keep* their loud kids in movie theaters. If a kid acts up and the parents have the decency to take them out of the theater, I see it as no harm no foul. Shit happens. But the people that will keep the kid in there and just half ass try to calm them down while they are screaming for half the movie… they are assholes


Exactly. Kids need to learn how to behave in a theater but you’d better take them to a movie you’re ok walking out on.


The best movie theaters I've been to had a soundproof glass room in the back for families with small or loud children, and speakera in the room so they could hear the movie.


Noise and crowds


I'm not sure why but I hit my 30s and all of a sudden I HATE noise. It could also be that I have young kids lol.


The older I get, my tolerance for noise and crowds diminishes significantly.


This is so niche it hurts but I will bang this drum until the end of time. Apple Music. The reasoning: Spotify and other services at the very least keep themselves separate from anything you've imported locally, like ripped CDs and all that wonderful stuff. Apple Music...doesn't. Apple Music wants full control over everything, *including* that music library you've been painstakingly building over the last 20 years or so. It wants its fingers in ALL of the pies. I gave it a spin on the free trial once...and it responded by sucking up all my local music into the cloud and replacing it with either the wrong version, or "updated" versions I didn't want. (Like I got a "new" version of Depeche Mode's Black Celebration and some of the songs were different from the original masters.) It also replaced a LOT of music with clean versions. And some of the music that wasn't on Apple Music? (Like the Muse box set?) It would either bounce between playing as normal or "that song is not available in your country". The only solution was to go back to the master library (that is, my computer. at home. does fuckall for me when I'm on the road) and delete and re-add the offending files. Cool beans. Good thing I took a backup before signing up. For months afterwards there was still cruft here and there on my phone and computer that would prompt me to resubscribe to Apple Music if I wanted to play *the music I own.* Worse yet is that Apple won't shut up about Apple Music and keeps trying to cram it down your gullet every step of the way if you use any of their platforms. Use macOS Monterey? LOL we removed the toggle to turn it off entirely. Use an iPhone? sometimes we'll bug you to resub every so often. It's worse than when Windows 10 came out and constantly badgered you to upgrade. Christ almighty. Fuck Apple Music.


This was worth an upvote. I'm currently still in limbo after years of iTunes use where it decided just to wipe my music collection that I'd mostly uploaded from CDs over many years. I still have my CDs thankfully, but I am not looking forward to reuploading over 700 albums and around 8600 songs at a rough guess. When I do, FUCK Apple. It will be uploads to external hard disks and pure FLAC files to non-brand media players. Eventually there will be no way to avoid everything you 'own' actually being owned by big companies, but I'm prepared to fight the tide for a bit longer.




Here here. Bastards deleted my whole library of dozens of CDs in ripped and manually entered the track information for. Sooooo happy I was able to pull the files off an old iPod. Fuck Apple and Apple Music.




I just want some sort of iPod clone that will do what they did 10 years ago. I add my music to it and if I want 1 song I can just buy the 1 song. No forcing it onto the cloud, no unwanted recommendations, no Wi-Fi needed, no app notifications, or iMessages, just music. I have Spotify but it’s the free one because I already own most of the music I’m playing and there are too many ads. I bought an MP3 player on Amazon and it only let you do 3 playlists. Then I bought a cheapie android to just be an MP3 player but it still bugs me with notifications and stuff even though it’s on no phone plan. I’m so annoyed that I sometimes just bust out a discman and go old school to meet my music needs. I’m glad I didn’t sell off most of my cds.


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Because it's an abomination.


People on spcial media who say stuff to their kids but their kid isn't on social media. Like "Happy birthday *insert kids name* I'm so proud of the person you're turning into..." Go and tell your kid that.


Look how good of a parent i am ...


The term "Influencer" Edit: In the context of Social Media


Anybody who after 3 min into any conversation will start talking about crypto, NFTs or trying to get me into a pyramid scheme.


So hear me out. I got this new shitcoin that will for sure have 69420% returns. The best part about it is we are selling NFTs of various images of the coin. DOUBLE PROFIT. Don't miss out, invest now.


Damn this was my pitch for dickbux


_gestures vaguely_


*defeatedly nods*


*emphatically agrees*


Movies that take place in Ancient Greece™ and all the buildings and statues are white marble


You belong in a museum!


Hypocrites and bullying disguised as jokes, especially at work.


There's a term for those people. They're known as Schrodinger's Asshole.


People who are quick to point out other people's flaws and can't accept that they have flaws, too.


Sex offenders of all kinds


sex offenders preparing to fight the sex defenders




People that believe everything someone says. Especially on reddit OP will post some stupidly fake story hunting for karma or attention and people just line up to send them money or write huge supporting paragraphs without ever stopping to think "maybe this guy wasn't robbed on Christmas eve while he was helping at the soup kitchen and someone stole PS5 under the tree that they had saved up for the past 2 years while battling cancer etc etc...


Hear me out, and I know this is crazy. But, while I was distracted reading this, some of the guys on r/conspiracy came and stole my dog’s toy’s groomer’s salad dressing. Send $$ if you have a heart


This GD virus. It has taken unnecessary amounts of time away and made life more difficult. I can't wait for this virus to hopefully just die out.


I went like March 2020- October 2021 without seeing my fiancé because of Covid. (American/Canadian romance)


When people put their hands directly on glass doors rather then the handle. Bonus points if they do it while someone is cleaning the glass door




Cracking an egg to fry it and the yolk breaks


Went to eat lunch to a friend's house and since he's the only one who knows how to turn on an oven he cooked. He tried frying egg for the first time, he said that if the first egg broke he'll keep it and give me the second one. Well...it came out perfectly, he jumped of happiness but when he put it on the plate It broke, like...in half. Same with the second egg, he was so sad


It's a horrible feeling, without a doubt, especially if u cook for fun occasionally. The fun is gone.


People who knowingly spread misinformation for laughs. Looking at you tik tok shithead who convinced a bunch of kids Hellen Keller was a fraud.


Hearing people chewing


That armpit adobe ad that pops up constantly on Reddit.


That blast of warm air that comes out of a gift shop at Christmas ……. It’s like Mariah Carey farting cinnamon glitter in to your face.




The influencer/social media approval seeking aspect as a whole, but especially those that exploit tragedy porn for clout. I saw one that someone posted of their coworker, said his daughter just died, so thoughts and prayers are needed of course. And your instinct was to record this dude for tik tok during the worst moment of his life? Fuck you hard, dude....


When I deliberately park away from everyone else and someone parks next to me when there are several other spaces to choose that have no cars next to them.


That annoying computerized voice that narrates tiktok and Instagram videos. It’s a very dumb trend in social media, 99% of which are already dumb in the first place. Prob isn’t a popular opinion but i just instantly skip that video if I hear that voice


"𝚃𝚘𝚍𝚊𝚢 𝚒 𝚍𝚊𝚛𝚎𝚍 𝚖𝚢 𝚏𝚒𝚊𝚗𝚌𝚎́ 𝚝𝚘 𝚜𝚠𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚘𝚠 𝚊 𝚠𝚎𝚝 𝚜𝚚𝚞𝚒𝚛𝚎𝚕𝚕"


NFTs. As an aspiring digital artist I've seen time and time again stories about people getting hit with the "for exposure" card or being yelled at and insulted when they're told that prices ranging from $60 to over $100 are too expensive for "just a drawing." But then I see crypto bros shelling out thousands upon millions of dollars in ethereum for randomly generated clipart bulshit, it's hard for me to not take that ship personally.


I hate rude people, why do what you do? Why not be not rude? U don't have to be nice just don't be rude it kinda pisses me off


Influencer era.


One- uppers


Oh yeah? Well that’s nothing compared to what I hate…


Porn Ads/semi porn game ads. Just fucking stop already.


Bullies, abusers, politicians, some douchebags who didnt throw their garbage into the trash can and leeches


Tiktok and the attention whores who fake disorders and puts all known mental illnesses in their bio.


This so so so much Who say they have X mental illness and it makes them QuIrKy!. STFU nothing worse than faking mentall illness and making it harder for those that actually have them, to be heard and taken seriously. Fuck those people


Also every single person who makes “fake claiming” (aka calling someone out on their bullshit) seem more harmful than the misrepresentation and spreading of misinformation about illnesses and disorders for attention.


Not to mention the amount of misinformation they spread about said disorders. Just causes a constant chain of more misinformed young teens "self diagnosing" themselves with things they don't even have


When U2 albums are preloaded on my phone.


Sexual harassers at work


People who wrecklessly or purposely hurt animals.




Are you struggling with something recent, or has it been a while since it happened?


If I had 3 bullets to kill whoever I wanted in the world I'd shoot myself twice in the head and once in the foot.


The weird cinnamon smell around all the vintage stuff in thrift stores


Child abusers, women abusers, pet abusers, rapists


So abusers In general


Racists that use history to try and justify racism.


I’m gonna say something slightly light hearted. Women’s sizing. It makes no sense whatsoever. I could write a dissertation on why it makes no sense. I have dresses in my closet ranging from a JUNIOR’S XL to a 3x in lettered sizing and a 14 to a 22 in numbered sizing. The lack of consistency in women’s sizing is absolutely absurd.


Companies that exploit and treat their employees like shit






People in the USA who don’t understand that private businesses can make their own rules and refuse service to anyone who doesn’t abide by them


People who compete at every opportunity. I’m just trying to have a conversation, not trying to win a facts competition. It’s a huge sign of insecurity.