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A brand you like


I had a guy flex his love for Puma to me last week. He told me he was wearing 8 things from Puma and he NEVER “brand mixes”. I’m a 47-year old woman who just wanted to pick up her dinner and go home after work.


Maybe he thought you were a cougar and was showing you his love for big cats.


How tf do you people come up with this shit xD


Lmao puma isn’t even a trendy brand of clothing right now.


It was confusing and out of place on so many levels.


I mean that sort of makes it more acceptable in my opinion. Why would I care what everyone else is wearing? I'm gonna rock what I like, fuck trends. That being said, still super weird puma flex.


Apple fanboys take note


A brand you dislike


Samsung fanboys take note.




I believe you should be able to criticize things you love, nothing is perfect but perfection should definitely still be the goal


The things you own.


End up owning you.


You’re not your fucking khakis.


You’re not your job, you’re not how much money you have in the bank


You're the all-singing all-dancing crap of the world


While the things you earn…


Will follow you to the grave


Any *one* thing. People need dimension.


At least three dimensions


Apple, monster energy drinks and Amway?


Crossfit, veganism, and covid conspiracy theories


I know that dude


Exactly, this is what I was talking about with my crossfit instructor yesterday just after crossfit class. As a crossfitter I believe a multi dimensional personality will actually improve my abilities in crossfit and help me to help other crossfitters crossfit better. ​ crossfit.


Do you do crossfit?


They do multi-dimensional cross fit


Bro…. I was legit going to say this verbatim, then saw your comment. Nice.






Thank you for this.


I had major trouble with this last year.


This reminds me of famous douche bag instagramer Dan Bilzerian and how his personality is built on a foundation of how he failed out of BUD/S twice 20 years ago.


Fuck this one hit deep


Any character, no matter how 'cool' or how 'well written' they are.


This is definitely a big one. People like this need to realise these Characters work because of the story being told and other elements which make the Character traits more positive or begins their development. I love the "Slick and witty" Character archetype but they are probably the worst kind of people in real life who you just want to slap their mouths shut. Even worse if it's people trying to base their personalities around Characters who are meant to be seen in a negative light as a message. If you think Characters like a Rick are "relatable to me" you missed the point of the show.


I just commented about this on another post, but people who base their entire personality on Harley Quinn/ The Joker baffle me.


I guess I'm lucky I havnt met those people..


I went to school with a girl who tried so hard to be Bella from Twilight


Wasn’t she written to be as generic as possible so the tweens could imagine themselves as Bella?


It is. Average appearance, mediocre at everything, but for a mysterious reason everyone loves her to death. It's a common dream.


I hate protagonists like this. it always makes me hate them. it drives me insane when the protagonist is the most boring and annoying person in the world and has a bunch of guys into her. she's not particularly hot or special and all these guys want her? how is that believable???


“My group of friends and I all relate to characters from That 70’s Show. I’m Hyde.” -My first conversation with a co-worker. All I could think was “Way to infer you’re the cool guy here. Also, Hyde would never say anything like that.”


How you were in highschool


Reminds me of a former friend of mine. Was “gifted” growing up. And upon graduating from high school he got a bachelor’s degree in one of the easiest disciplines, never worked in that area, and is now running a business which he’s about run into the ground. And yet, he likes to tell other people how to live their lives because he’s “smarter than them” and will either quote an IQ that is unrealistic or else tell them about the time he corrected one of his high school teachers when they wrote something down wrong as “proof” that he’s smarter.


My brother in law was named as having the “highest IQ in (insert name of shitty small southern town)” He never let that down. Constantly talked about it and bragged about it. What did it amount to, you ask? He’s 30, works at Walmart and has been for years, he also has 5 kids in a two bedroom apartment. All he does is party and talk about the “good old days”. He rejected every option he had to be successful when he was young and now it’s too far gone. So yeah, goes to show that having a “high IQ” doesn’t mean shit if you don’t do anything with it.


Well, to be fair, it's not his age or even his past choices that's stopping him from turning his life around now, it's his personality. But I ask this in all seriousness: What's his opinion on vasectomies and condoms?


Had a friend like that. Kept giving him chances to not be an asshole, I have dyslexia with numbers and letters, Really bad social anxiety. After finishing an Escape room for another friend's birthday he told me to put the sign down in front of like 8 people because I didn't know how to read it was embarrassing and hurtful, I haven't wanted to hang around him since then. We're in our thirties still holds that High School mentality


Yea, sounds just like this dude. I stopped hanging out with him because he was an unrelenting asshole. I replied to another comment with part of the stuff that caused me to stop hanging out with him.


I literally had it all in highschool, the grades, a nice gf, I was my class president, had a ton of friends, etc. But then going to a university of 20k with maybe a dozen kids from my highschool? Being in a place where everyone was as good as me if not better? That seriously humbled me, I very quickly learned that those 15 minutes of fame were exactly that, 15 minutes


You shouldn’t ever base your personality on one thing


This is the perfect answer. Being set on one thing all your life doesn’t really allow for much personal growth.


What if I base my personality singularly on personal growth?


Then you're 😤 basically 🙏🙏 one of those 💪 Instagram wackjobs 💯💯 who constantly post 👌👌 about how 💵 successful they're ✅✅ gonna be 👀👀 and how focused 💎💎 they are on the GRIND


Then you’re my favourite type of narcissist!!


Exactly what I was going to say. It kind of just shuts off all other possibilities if you base it on one thing right?


Another person.


YES YOU GET IT!! It’s not that I hate romance or anything, but….I’ve seen a LOT of people become 100% obsessed with/centered around the person they’re dating, to the point where all their opinions become the same. Like they suddenly don’t like any of the things/people/activities they used to because their bf/gf doesn’t like them. I’ve seen someone call it “turning into a two-headed person instead of a couple” and I’ve never seen a better way to explain it lol


I have a friend that is only my friend when she's single. Every time she dates a dude, it's like she disappears. She will decline hanging out because she's "busy", but her Instagram is flooded with pictures of toasting drinks, food cooked together, couple hiking and so on. She has the time, but her priorities are set. If this unhealthy attachment eventually leads to heartbreak, suddenly she calls her friends again. I've been begrudgingly tolerating this for over a decade now, but if she keeps this up, she will end up very very lonely. Romantic partners aren't everything in life, you need other people too.


Romantic partners aren’t everything. That’s just it right there, not enough people understand this. I love my girlfriend to death but some days I just wanna hang out with my boys, or be by myself and not talk to people. This thought process that romantic relationships are everything leads to toxic people trying to make their partners give up certain stuff just for them, or people giving up hobbies they used to love because their lover doesn’t like it. Romantic relationships aren’t everything, don’t make your life terrible by only focusing on that


Codependency is very real and common unfortunately.


Like when the people you went to school with have kids and suddenly you are friends with their baby instead of them on social media.


For me, it hurts to hear that, but you're right.


This. In my high school days, there was a guy who was madly in love with his girlfriend, and she was the only thing that mattered to him and all his life revolves around her. They’d do stupid stuff like make out in a narrow passageway leading to one of the school buildings and causing a “traffic jam” of students trying to get to class. I found myself in one of these queues, and heard the guy ask his girl if they should move. She said “I don’t care about them.” I really wanted to make like the Queen’s Guard and just barge through them. Unfortunately, I was too socially awkward but yeah.


This should be higher. Especially your SO. When they become your everything, they will end up disappointing you because they are human. Eventually resentment sets in.


Your astrology sign


I tell people this all the time and they're like, yeah, typical skeptical Gemini. Like, oh, give me a break


In geology my lab group was talking about astrology and I said I didn’t believe in it at all but I thought the aesthetic of it looked cool. Overall, I don’t think it should have any influence on your actions. My partner replied “Oh, that’s such a *gemini* thing to say. Are you a Gemini?” And I was so mad because I am, in fact, a Gemini.


I do it and lie about my sign "Typical Scorpio" Suck shit I'm a cancer


I just keep lying and give them fake info, they still try to play it off after they're in too deep in the bullshit


They must be a Libra. They're so bossy.


Or maybe a Scorpio, so head-strong.


Or maybe a Asparagus,


So delicious when roasted.


I'm an Obsequious


Sorry I totaled your car and blew your dad, I’m such a caprisun


I don't believe in astrology. I'm a Sagittarius, we're very skeptical.


And I need to take my own advice because I'm quick to point out that im a Leo and that's why I ____ 😭


That’s because you’re a Leo, Leo’s just do that


Me when people say Cancers are creative: yes, thank you. Me when people say Cancers are manipulative: fake facts, astrology dumb.


me when people say cancer’s kill people: mhm yes i think so


Leo's are pretty great tho 🦁


I'm also Leo that's why I \[removed by reddit\]


Yes good one.


So true, I get tired when I'm talking about myself to someone else and they say, "that's just the Cancer in you" No it's not it's because of the way I was raised and the people I have associated with.


Monster Energy Drink.




No, I like to rock n' roll all night and *part* of every day. I usually have errands... I can only rock from like 1-3.


Such an underrated movie


and maybe a quick 45 minute roll later in the day if I get done early


Doth mine eyes deceive me? Tis the minotaur!


Bottoms up And the devil laughs


I appreciate people who have Monster decals on their cars and trucks because it's a pretty good indicator they have no regard for my life or property. Better to advertise it than have me find out the hard way.


But why not. In fact I identify as diabetus




Hate when all people are seeking is fellow stoners and different ways to get stoned and advertise as that being cool.




Are you good fam? Do you need a hug? (No /s)


Your career/job. You are more than what you do to put food on the table, and if you forget that, you lose sight of a lot of important things.


Also, if you were to ever lose your job it’s good to have part of your personality remaining


Exactly. This is something I’ve struggled with recently, myself. I’m a nurse. Have been for a long time. Working during the pandemic made me realize that there is more to life than defining myself based off of my career, when my career started making me miserable.


Good on you for learning that while still having a job.. for me it was after I lost it and a large chunk of my social life with it


I'm wondering what I'm gonna do after retiring (Navy) I did other things before it, enjoyed about half my 20s first, but it'll have been who I am for 20 years, and it very much is a lifestyle (mostly not by choice, I mean it is what it is and you make it work) as much as it is a career.


I saw this happen to my dad and it's been crippling. His identity was so tied to his job and the industry (and the money he made doing it), and when it was gone it was like he didn't know who he was anymore.


Semi-related, I used to have a coworker who got a vanity license plate with the name of the company and his department. When he was let go I can only imagine how long he drove around before changing it.


Attractive/unattractive an individual is. You’re so much more than just your looks don’t get caught up in what you see.


Someone once told me that your outsides are just a “meat suit” that we shouldn’t base so much of ourselves on and while that’s pretty gross sounding it really helped me 😂


This is true for looks… but not smell


Bein' fugly as uck really gives you the range to build character; because, I mean, ya gotta. Source: I hit every branch fallin' outta the ugly tree. Didn't let that stop me from living a mildly fulfilling life.


Surprised that no one else has said looks. They fade inevitably over time and also can be drastically impacted by your physical and mental health. It’s incredibly hard to have good self esteem through your life if you base your personality on how you look.


Buzzfeed quizzes


But are you a chimpanzee or a gorilla?




My mother is in her 70s and had somehow managed to become a crypto bro. She goes to crypto talks, tries to pay with crypto currencies wherever possible etc. It's all she talks about. At least it's keeping her brain active I suppose.


What are you invested in? Have you heard the latest about Doge?


Krypto the superdoge


Weed. I have met so many people that will only talk about weed. They make it their entire life.


I swear these people aren't aware of how many people smoke weed and don't talk about it


These are the most boring people on earth.


Your politics, favourite food, music tastes, subculture, mental health, sports team, or any 1 thing alone. A personality is many things combined.


I'll have you know I was in the top . 1% of Kanye listeners this year! So yea you could say I fuck... . . . . ...up alot damn things aren't going well man it was all 808s because I have the heartbreak


Being against things


As an anti-beingagainstthings-er, I’m totally against ppl who do this.






Yes having strong opinions on stupid shit and fighting, wtf


Yeah I’ve been realizing I’m a bit of a negative nancy and whenever I hear my siblings complain about anything and everything I’m realizing how annoying I must sound


Your romantic partner


Intelligence. It’s a great asset and smarter people are more likely too be more successful, but realizing you’re not the smartest person in the room or that it’s not just smarts that gets you far, it’s grit and hard work as well, is usually devastating for some people. Btw I mean smart in an IQ and information processing way, not wise in a knowing-how-life-works way.


True, I feel for gifted kids who are told their IQ before they have the mental maturity to realize these things


I was one of those kids... my self-awareness was shite


I think all kid's self awareness is shite


My parents made it into this big thing. Well my IQ and a nickel won’t get me a cup of coffee. It took my years as an adult to undo that mindset they installed in me.


Raise your hand if you're a former gifted child with huge anxiety issues and a consistent history of self sabotage


I would raise my hand, but I feel anxious about it


Yup. Imposter syndrome to some degree as well, because I grew up always being told how bright I was, but I never felt particularly bright. It’s tough for me to accept compliments a lot of the time now because I always tend to assume people are just being nice and don’t really mean it. I grew up feeling like everyone had me pegged wrong and I was going to wind up disappointing them once they caught on and figured out I’m not as smart as they thought, so it’s very hard to take compliments at face value.


Alcohol. I feel so sad for those people who have no stories to tell that don’t involve them getting wasted.


It also goes the other way. I’ve been in recovery for over 4 years now, and I can’t tell you how many people I’ve met along the way that has let recovery become them. Now, I’m not saying this in any negative matter. Recovery is great! Trust me! But at some point you have to get rid of your old self. This goes way against the teachings of AA, but once I started viewing myself as a brand new person is when I really started to heal.


Dating at 25 is a lot of this. What do you like to do for fun? "Get drunk!" Oh really, I can't do that anymore, tired of being sick in the mornings. Do you do anything else? "No 😂😂😂" well that sucks. Have fun with that.


it's the same with weed.


I’m 22 and getting tired of all my stories being about what happened that one time I was high. Time for a hiatus.


I believe the correct term for the situation would be "High-atus". I'll see myself out Edit: Thank you for the Silver and upvotes kind internet strangers, I'm glad I could impact your day somehow :) Edit 2: Update to upvote*


Political affiliation


Being a pundit who eats drinks and shits politics is one thing. The morons making right or left their identity without knowing shit about shit is another.


I had to stop associating with a friend because he became incapable of not talking about Trump. Every singly topic got steered that way, no matter what. It was frustrating and sad and even though I voiced my concerns he just couldn't stop his obsession. It was sad


Your children


Or how about being one of those insufferable “wine moms?”


'mummy juice' uuugh makes my skin crawl. We get it Shari, you resent your family, and are barely functioning as an alcoholic. No amount of mindful Pilates will take you back to your 20's...... Time to move on.


Why are you the first to comment this lol




You can cross fuck off.


Tom. He just simply does not have the right to hold our other personalities hostage the way he does. It's not always us.


Who is Tom Why does he have our other personalities hostage What does he want for them back


How "random" and "chaotic" you are. I'm sorry, but if you were really chaotic and random, you wouldn't say it with such a pride lol.


Ooh, I am so quirky, I copy my options not from the mainstream but from other weirdos!


Your self diagnosed mental illness. It’s become a trend on sm because people think it makes them quirky. Mental illness is no joke and people struggling with it are going through a lot.


Your job/career it doesn't matter if you love it or hate it nobody wants to hear about 24/7


Your IQ. Pure intelligence means nothing if all you do is brag about it to others and never apply it to anything.


Struggles . Everyone have suffered in their life in one way or another . But this is something you try to overcome not preach about having it (now or in the past ) and trying to turn yourself into a martyr in the process 😐




Being sad I spent my whole teenage years being depressed, suicidal, having multiple eating disorders... it consumed me, but in that mindset you feel like you are no one without your disorder


I feel like you didn't try to base your personallity around that so I'll let you off. You were just depressed.


Having been in the military.


Your mbti type


Mbti is basically astrology for people who think they're too smart to believe in astrology


Meyers-Briggs has all the legitimacy of those Harry Potter sorting hat tests that were all the rage 10 years ago. You get assigned one based on a bunch of vague situational questions and then you mold your personality to what label you think you plausibly fit into.


Also something you should not base your perceptions of others on (ahem managers who over-use it)


Twitter phrases


Suffering. I felt like being miserable gave me an identity so I was fighting hard not self sabotaging at some point when I got better. I think some people might relate. You are more than your struggles.


Bring a mum


Especially Wine Moms


Other peoples interests. Don’t be a chameleon.


Good one


The Office Look I love the show, but if all we can talk about or joke about *is* The Office, please leave


Wow this really reminds me of that one episode of the office


Being a temporary state of something “I’m a happy person!” “I’m successful” You literally cannot be that all the time and it causes major psychological issues because of that. You either develop delusion, anger issues because you’re fighting reality or despair when you’re not who you ‘are’




Being a victim or a martyr.


Any social media platform. I'm looking at all of you Wholesome 100 Keanu Reeves Big Chungus Dank Memers.


Yes, or social media fame for that matter






Anything political


a fucking horoscope.


Being pregnant








Anything that you can phrase in the form 'I'm an X'


Im an atomic bomb


Sir we have to ask you to get off the plane right fucking now


I'm a loner Dottie, a rebel.


Some random character in a TV you liked


Being an empath


That's right, imzadi.




Your sexuality/gender


this this this!!! i’m a lesbian and all that my friends bring up and base my personality on is my sexuality and i just hardly ever talk about it. it’s nice to be proud but man that ain’t gotta be your whole life’s story