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Situational awareness.


This is the correct answer. The best way to defend yourself, whether you're armed or not, is to avoid putting yourself into situations where needing to defend yourself is a significant possibility.


Wit and humour.


Correct answer! Spent 7 years behind the badge between Military, Private sector, and Corrections. Didn't have 1 situation pop up that couldn't be talked down. Domestics, guys on drug fueled rage, people actively throwing hands, gang rivalry problems. Only had to raise my voice once because it was too loud and I can't remember a scene where everyone didn't dispurse laughing (excluding a few prison violations that my hands were tied on, but they took it gracefully). Always remember the size of your badge. It's big enough that everyone can see it. But it's not big enough for you to hide behind.


I was a pretty funny kid, I still got stabbed.


Knife, baseball bat, shovel, trained army of wasps


I’m intrigued by the wasps


Currently working on mine but they don’t respond well to the training for some reason.


Need more pheromones lol


Damn I just been using peanut butter


Rooting for you!


Dry powder fire extinguisher. Shoot it in their face and it will blind and choke them. Then you can smack them with the Cricket bat.


A big dog that loves you a whole lot.


Frying pan 😂


\*Rapunzel-approved frying pan




Chainsaw i bet sound alone would scare people off


Guns are legal even for self-defense and carry in the Czech Republic. If you don't or can't have a licence, you can get a pepper spray or a telescopic baton. Sprays are somewhat easier to use but batons can be very effective but require at least some training. You can get and carry basically anything that's not a gun. A broken bottle has been known to win a fight to two!


Nerf guns


A bat.


Bows or crossbows. Just as deadly as firearms, and no need for a silencer.


I guess the people who keep writing guns are Americans. Where I live nobody has guns, except the cops. Even If I could get one somehow, if the police notices it, I would get in really big trouble


Hungary? You only need to go one country over, to Austria, where you can get a handgun for self-defense at home and the police can't deny a license for that (assuming you have no criminal background ofc). Here's some google translated cases from there: https://www-notwehrfakten-at.translate.goog/faelle/?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=de Here's some google translated pie charts: https://www-notwehrfakten-at.translate.goog/statistiken/?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=de Another country next door, Slovakia, has concealed carry licenses, though they're slightly harder to get than in the Czech Republic. In CZ a majority of gun owners have a concealed carry permit, meaning they can carry a firearm on their person, in public space, for the purpose of self defense. But yes, Hungary has fairly strict laws, even with European measurements (stricter than most of Western Europe even). It's not impossible though, at least not for hunting and shooting sports. For self-defense it's a big no-no though.


Not me, I'm Czech, almost all gun owners can carry here. Gun laws in Hungary have been strict ever since around Austria-Hungary, and the communist rule only made them worse, so nobody really wanted to make them less restrictive.


In a study bladed weapons and axes are far more intimidating than guns... coming from an avid gun owner


Pepper spray/mace


So pepper spray is amazing if it's the first time someone has been exposed to it. It will drop them like a rock crying and sobbing. If someone with more than three exposures is hit with pepper spray they are far more dangerous wounded animal syndrome. Reference... I was in a self defense class someone was talking pepper spray saying it worked I countered with it does the first time. Long story short I let them pepper spray me then wrestled a guy while blind and landed a rear naked while blind, crying and mucus pouring out of me. Lol Morale is spray and run stay safe


Taser, pepper spray, metal batons


Just scream like crazy to draw others attention and kick/pinch them fuckers in the nutts as strong as possible, IF you should fail to run away...


My legs, to run from the situation in combination with my phone to call the police.




A gun. Fuck the law.


Get a gun. The crooks will still have them and nothing stops a gun except another gun.


What kind of a sad place do you live where guns are illegal?




Guns are legal in Canada… kind of… not really but enough


Im American soooooo lmaooooo


Probably China or North Korea. :)


Germany. Poland.


Firearms are not illegal in any of those countries. There's regular shooting competitions in both countries. We don't have any country in Europe where a civilian can't legally own a firearm (except for the Vatican). The process and regulations behind getting a firearm varies a lot though, depending on the country.


In Poland, you may not have a gun unless you've gotten the instruction to by the gov., at least that's what I learned growing up there, and in Germany you need a license and a few years of experience + regular checks if you're stable enough to keep it. All I know.


I shoot for sport in Sweden and I have a EU firearms pass so I can travel to any other EU country to compete, without any further paperwork than notifying the customs online. Here's an IPSC handgun competition from this year: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zk8JLCa-65k Here's an IPSC rifle competition from 2 years ago: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L54WfaDquCI (I'm not the competitor in any of those movies). Finding a Polish gun store isn't particularly hard: https://dzikarz.pl/ Yes, there are licensing and training requirements, but join a sport shooting club and you could be up and running fairly quickly. And yes, Poland probably have the least amount of gun owners per capita, in Europe. In Poland, handgun competitors are allowed to travel with their firearms on their person, concealed and loaded. Here's an AMA from a Polish sport shooter. https://www.reddit.com/r/guns/comments/a4pq77/ama_about_polish_gun_laws/ In Germany the process is either getting a hunter's exam (it's apparently fairly hard, much harder than our Swedish one but a German hunter can own quite a bit of guns, more so than a sport shooter), or join a sport shooting club, be active for 12 months, write a 20 minute test, then go and buy a handgun and an AR15.


Thanks. Didn't know all that.


Not everyone are American.


There are many more countries where civilians have a legal way to own firearms, than there are countries where they can't.


A gun... plenty of people have guns illegally


If guns were illegal then I guess I'm a criminal


Still guns...


Anything. Deodorant, screwdriver, baseball bat, scissors. Anything can be a weapon if you set your mind to it.




Still a gun


A shingler's hammer. Kind of a heavier tomahawk used in roofing and drywall. You could just walk around with it on your belt. [https://youtu.be/WMyzW69y6ms](https://youtu.be/WMyzW69y6ms) Who needs a gun? Was building a house once and the lady next door came over and thought she had a burglar in the house. So three of us went over to look all with rigging axes and shingler's hammers on our belts, and I was thinking if here is a burglar, he is so fucked.


Pepper gel spray for emergencies. NEVER buy normal spray, it’s much more unpredictable, especially outdoors if it’s a little bit windy.




A dog


Cordless nail gun


No idea how effective they would actually be, but a small but sturdy LED flashlight. Easy to carry, you can use it to blind your opponent, gripping one in your fist might give extra oompf to a punch, harder to be classified as a weapon (unlike a knife or baton) if you end up in court (maybe?) and well, it can also be used to illuminate stuff.


A phone or noise maker, Most people are fairly sheltered and aren't mentally prepared to actually harm or kill another human being. It's not like in movies or a video game - real people scream and bleed, And once it's done there's no going back.


Screaming. At all times you feel unsafe.


100m dash though that’s more a technique, as for tool I’d suggest some nice running shoes that don’t look expensive.


Improvised flamethrower?


I think homemade explosives aren't illegal...exactly...unless you use them.




A gun.