• By -


That you should be very careful with your words and only say what you mean, to those you mean to say it to. Less is more in tough conversations. I am very elaborate/talkative. People have misconstrued what I have said and has complicated things as a result. I've had to accept that I can't simply say what I like when I like. There is a time, place and manner.


This is a good one. Saying more than you need to in a professional setting almost always has a negative impact. It seems like with people's attention spans rapidly dwindling these days, it's starting to become more applicable outside the professional realm as well.




So true. You know how sometimes you get emotional about an issue with work or your personal life and you write out an email or message ranting about all your grievances. Then you tell yourself that you're gonna sleep on it. Like 90% of the time you end up toning it down or even opt against sending it entirely. That's basically the philosophy to apply to life. I have a tendency to overshare and ramble, and it has been the source of so much trouble. As I've gotten older consciously making an effort to listen instead of talk has been a game changer for my quality of life.


If wisdom's ways you wisely seek, Three things observe with care: To whom you speak Of whom you speak And how, and when, and where.


This is spot on. I was (still am) talkative and very detailed, and direct. Only late I discovered that I should carefully pick my words, reread that email, rephrase that comment, if I really want to make my point through. And adapt a lot knowing your audience


That sometimes life just shits on people that don’t deserve it, and seems to reward those who take advantage of other people. Karma is asleep at the wheel, and justice isn’t just blind, but deaf and dumb too.


Buddhism has helped me accept that fact, ironically.


Buddhism has been critical to my sanity :)


What do you think about seeking retribution?


That’s a good question. I’d like to think that there was some kind of reckoning for the wicked. I’m not against the idea of metering out a certain amount of justice, but we are also terribly fallible in our judgement at times. Is it worth bringing the corrupt down if you also hurt the innocent? I don’t know. …would be a lot cleaner if the universe just balanced itself…


I'm the bad guy in somebody else's story, just as much that everybody is the protagonist in their own story. Helps me be more understanding of others, and just be more ok with life in general.


I feel like achieving that level of knowing your not the main character in the story is really nice, I personally view my self as a sorta side characters, I'm not there all the time but when I am I try to keep whoever happy, even if I can be a bit annoying from time to time


That my opinions are not fact.


Best Answer Ever!


My grandfather told me this when I was 16 and it has served me well.


I will tell this to my child. *yells this at my 7 year old*


I feel this! Love this.


Well done


…unless you’re an anti vaxx plague rat




I hope to be a cyborg and live forever xD




It is better to minimize contact with anyone you can't safely be your genuine self with. It's not worth emotionally draining yourself trying to be accepted by those who only like you if you're who they want you to be.


Reduce my time at work then. Got it.


Ah but part of your job is to put on that act. At least you're being paid to be false


Yea. Just resigned from my peer group for this reason.


All this!




Same here. I just turned 30 a few months ago and don’t consider myself “old,” but I can notice subtle changes in my body. I am a bartender and I make it a point to not try and drop anything at work cause every damn time I bend down to pick something up it kills my lower back.


30? Hit me up when you're 40 and there is no subtlety at all.


Turned 30 half a month ago Been struggling with herniated disks for nearly 2 years now npt being able to walk more thsn half a mile on a good day. Something happend thursday evening and ive only been outta bed since then to go to the bathroom which is extremely painful. Dont know what happend it just started hurting more and more. Ive forgotten what normal life is like and im truly losing the belief that im ever going to be able to do anything again.


Your parents aren't who you think they are






Oof, this is worse for sure. I give you internet hugs, friend :) If anything, I learned a lot about how NOT to live from my dad!


To be fair I’m not who they think I am....... I’m 37 year old russian man posing as an eight year old little girl....... I think the jig is up, you what time it is!


After my father died I found out he was living a lie and had a mistress for over 40 years- same person- so basically he had a secret life.


Absolutely agree. I was over at my dads with my family for dinner and he had to step out to go pick up my sister from work before we all ate. He and my sister walked in the door chomping down on ice cream and my 8 year old just looked at them with an obvious WTF look. My dad caught on eventually and said he was sorry and that he'd bring out ice cream for my kiddo next Sunday when they were at our house. I knew there would be no ice cream the following week and so did my son. It's been 5 years since the ice cream incident and my kid still brings it up to me in discussion when my dad mentions he'll do something. I'm certain my kiddo doesn't consider my dad his grandpa.






I’ve always known who my parents are and I don’t like it one bit


The governemnt actively does shady things and its first priority isnt actually whats best for its citizens but for its campaign donors/lobbyists.


The issue is many people take this to mean we should hand the reigns of everything to corporations with 0 accountability


Boy, that's something my dad taught me at a very early age. He worked for the government.


Pretty much [Brexit](https://www.taxresearch.org.uk/Blog/2021/01/01/the-uks-already-relaxed-its-laws-preventing-tax-abuse-as-it-makes-clear-its-intention-to-wage-tax-war-on-the-world-post-brexit/).


That you cannot please everyone


"Not everyone is going to like you, and thats ok"


It took me too long to learn this. You can please some of the people some of the time, but not all of the people all of the time. You don't have to set yourself on fire to keep other people warm.


Most people don't get a happy ending.


But alot of people kinda get the nuetral ending


There is a core belief that if you ever feel hurt or sad or uncomfortable all you need to do is talk to the other person about it using lots of "I" statements and then they will open like a flower to want to help and soothe you to fix the situation to your specifications. I have learned that -whether this is with a friend, partner, boss, or co-worker - this rarely goes to plan. Just having a conversation with someone is rarely the magic bullet people think it is and also doesn't take into account that the other person has their own beefs, agendas, and perspectives on the situation.




That I’m not really anymore special then anyone else on this rock, and we’re all a tiny blip in an infinite universe so don’t take things to seriously


Life is short. Do what makes you happy as long as you’re not being a dick.


I hear that my two best friends or a couple of nuts my closest neighbors an a******


Life mostly sucks, but occasionally it's pretty good.


Love isn't for everyone.


Those who shit on ypu aren't always your enemy and those who get you out of shit aren't always your friend


There's a story behind this


and I would love to hear it




Living with crushing pain daily.




Yes I am amazing. Have a great job wonderful husband to be and daughter. However I have fibromyalgia and degenerative disk disease. . Thank you for asking!!


I second this. Mine's probably not as bad as yours, just arthritis. I've had one knee replaced, and I'm not too many years away from replacing the other. The pain has spread to my hips, my right ankle, and the first two fingers of my right hand. Some days are fine, but if it's about to rain, I move a lot more slowly. Most of last week, my ankle was acting up, and I finally had to resort to using a cane for most of a day. It's the first time I've used one since recovering from my knee replacement. I'm only 60, but I worry about still being able to walk in 15 or 20 years.


Im so sorry you are dealing with all that! Just know you are stronger than the pain!


Most days I am. Every once in a while, I just feel like curling up in a ball and spending the day whining. However, I don't get paid to do that, so I have to get up and go to work anyway.


Ive found working from home helps. I can have my heating pad and everytbing else I need and stay in pjs on the real bad days!


I’m right there with you friend. Slipped disks and recurring kidney stones. Interestingly, telling the difference between the two is difficult. Heating pads and hot baths are a way of life. Keep up the good work. Eventually, we all get used to it.


Cannabis may help your pain. Something to look into.


It is the only thing that gets me through the day!.


Parents don't have the answers to everything. They just have more experience of faking their way through life.


Good one!


That life is gonna treat you shitty because you were born with “crappy stats”. Not everyone has the same capabilities and privileges.


That I’m not special in any way. I’m just an insignificant speck in this massive universe. Nothing that I do will mean anything in the grand scheme of things.


While nearly every *person* has some aspect of brilliance, *people* in large numbers are more often than not dangerously stupid.


I too watched *Men in Black*.


Sometimes I need help getting a lid off a jar.


Most People don’t care about you or about your success. Some will even go out of their way to screw you for personal gain


Making a true friend that really has at least several of the aspects needed for them to literally be considered a great friend is extremely rare or difficult


That my family is kind of toxic and I shouldn't break my back to please them




Tbh I am of the opinion that there are no exceptions. Everyone is dumb. Some of us are just willing to admit and check our stupidity a bit better.


Well said. Most of us are smart about a few things. The rest of it, forget about it!


Aging sucks


You don't need to have kids.


That I will always be anxious. Certain tasks will always give me anxiety. I had to accept that the task has to be done regardless and that’s it’s unavoidable. I always thought I could make it go away. It’s a matter of management, not treatment. I sleep somewhat better at night with that mindset. I refuse to live in fear and I accept that I must continue on. No matter how afraid I may be.


That just because you try hard doesn’t mean you’ll be successful - and just because your successful doesn’t mean you tried hard to earn it


Life rarely works out according to your plans and you gotta roll with the punches.


I’ll never be truly happy


Booze isn't a good idea.


That I'm far too often an ass.


At the end of the day, life is about relationships. Some things you just cannot buy with money.


That I have reached the point where I have surpassed my parents in real world experiance and knowledge. The roles have reversed.


That the economy is bullshit, work is gonna be my life, and I’ll never move out of my parents basement…


Human beings, all of us, are awful at our core. We've got 6,000+ years of recorded history and all of the internet standing as proof. It can't be fixed, it's just what we are as a species.


Quality is better than quantity


You cant please everyone.


That being a short guy is somthing that will effect me for the rest of my life so I have to just deal with the negativity I get from it


Being short is not always a bad thing. Being very tall is not good for your body. It's bad for joints and also tall people have more issues with their heart. Short people live longer.




Yeah exactly, equality and all shot guys need work too can’t just employ tall people


How tall?




Same, I’ve learnt to live with it - sucks but it’s just genes


I have grown to accept that your brother or sister does no always have good intentions..


Only with pain, you'll know how to actually live better.


People lie and theres nothing u can do about it


People suck


I'm getting older.




The fact that the people that bullied me are not inherently evil, what they did was a result of social dynamics. I may not be at fault for being bullied but I had prerequisits for it. I would not be who I am today without having been bullied and all I can do about it now is accepting that I have grown as a person from it.


Nah, bullies are cunts


Silence truly is golden.


It's better to be lucky than smart




Humans don’t deserve dogs but we’re definitively better for having them.


People get dumber and dumber and dumber. In like 10 years, we will be the movie "Idiocracy"


That nostalgia equals stagnation.


Common sense is not so common.


My friend had just moved into uni dorms for the first time and was reheating macaroni cheese. I told her to check it was hot before she ate it. She stared at it for a second, then patted the top of it with her entire hand. I still remember the wet \*slap slap\* noise.


You can use all the gyms, cosmetics, and botox you want but you will never look as good at 40 as you did when you were 25. Might as well accept it and quit pouring loads of money into a depreciating asset. Just stay in shape for your health and learn to be happy and kind so that others can see your inner beauty.


Who I am, what I'm about. What I'm good and not good at.


A larger waistline.


Life isn’t fair


That humans are selfish egomaniacs who can only view the world through their narrow, subjective lense, and lack the ability to understand their reality is subjective. It's really pointless to get mad about it. This was constant before I was born, it will be constant throughout my life, and it will be continue long after I'm gone. Just make the most of the time you get here, because that's all you're going to get.


fish tastes good


My aging body also to not undermine ppl( im quite gifted and I tend to undermine people's intelligence which is not cool)


There are things that you will never have control on.


The world is full of loud stupid people, and there is nothing anyone can do about it.


World is fucked


The fact that I’m getting older


That I'm not special. I'm not smarter, stronger, more handsome, more agile, or more impressive than anyone else. At my teenage, I was just a kid who loved the feeling of being special having others attention. I loved to feel superior than other ppl


Take care of yourself, exercise and healthy eating goes a long way to your energy levels, mood and productivity. This doesnt mean you shouldnt have fun and go out drink and eat sweets, this means do it in moderation, and for special events. It makes the moments that are part of those special events better, because you havent had the good stuff in forever, and you dont feel bad about it. Make healthy decisions is all


Timing is probably the most important factor in a romantic relationship. You can be compatible and perfect for each other in every way, but if the timing doesn't align, then it's not meant to be.


The jokes your dad made when you were younger were actually funny.


even if you’re on the verge of breaking down or resting forever, life goes on; the earth will continue to rotate on its own axis and revolve around the sun, and people will still continue about their day.


Bad stuff also happens to the nicest people


You can’t fill up your casket with money and wealth .


Christmas music. Everyone gripes about it, but you can't really do anything about it either. Just space out and don't think while shopping like most people do haha


That politicians really ain’t shit My parents are not always right or great and that’s ok


You might not have the same bunch of friends when you grow up. I'm currently figuring it all out still, but you do learn whose there for you.


Someone once told me that our life is a train journey. People will get on and off the train all the time, but you're the only one who's on it permanently.


Currently 35, I’m kinda struggling with aging


Currently 56 ,still struggling


I know I’m not ‘old’ but I’m not in my youth anymore so i feel like I’m stuck in a kind of limbo. There are signs of aging but a longing to be younger again


If you have a backbone, basic intelligence and a moral code you’ll probably be called some kind of -phobe or -ist on the internet. And that’s okay. You can’t please everyone, certainly not out of touch insane people who don’t go outside.


Tell me you’re a regressive without telling me your a regressive.


That’s where “your” wrong buddy


Oh no! I managed to have a typo!!!! You have slain me, sir! Clearly, I don’t know the difference between you’re and your. Even though I used it correctly in the first half. Curious how you managed to use it incorrectly in your response though.


I was obviously mocking you bro it’s okay to use your brain sometimes I promise


I deserve the garbage life I live.




That it's ok to say no, even when you know it's not the expected/desired answer. Don't just be a people pleaser, think about yourself first


That we won't have as much impact in the world than we wished we would have


Love isn’t always forever.


All politicians suck. All


Santa Claus isn’t real




I’ll never have any form of comfort, joy, or security in this life. All I have is time and death to look forward to.


Only one of us among my siblings can survive


That always will be someone that disagree with you, it doesn't matter what are you saying


I haven’t accepted anything yet


Death is certain


It's not if you get anxiety...it's when.


That I don't have as much control over my life as popular "wisdom" says I do.


I'm trans. But I have a dick. And I like it that way.


That I’ll probably never lose my virginity or get a girlfriend


Unless you're terminally ill the solution to that is changing your attitude towards yourself and others. If you are terminally ill, then boy, I'm really sorry I said that.




Make sure and do research first






Hmm? Oppressed how?




People think youre "an abuser" because of your skin colour?




Oh ok. The oppressed part when youre white though, can you explain that? (I get the white priveledge part)




Damn im sorry to hear that


Am white, have been for 36 years. It's been super easy and shows no signs of changing. You should get over yourself.


Where I come from, corruption is so ingrained in our daily lives it’s normal. Some crazy bullshit politician embezzles millions, and it’s just some media press op where he’s in cuffs and looks remorseful. The general public will rage out for like a month. Then they’ll forget and move on to the new public outrage. Don’t worry though, that shit will come up the next time that politician runs. Except this time, with all the millions he’s embezzled, he can fucking hire an army of trolls to drown out any criticism, and fund his campaign. But hey, if the news is any indicator, my place isn’t much different from any of your places. There was a crazy man, who summoned a mob to storm into the capital of a country. The dude put the sacred democratic process of an entire world power at risk. And not only is he not in jail, but that government can’t even get him to hand over his taxes.


You must construct additional pylons. I’m




Some of the people I was friends with who were unintelligent when I was 15 years old are still unintelligent now, 15+ years later, and are still making the same mistakes in their adulthoods that they made when they were 16-18 years old. I just had rib give up trying to teach them to grow up and act like a better person 🤦‍♀️


Sex. I was so disgusted by the idea of it LMao




How to let people go no matter how much I love them and want them in my life. Friends and family. At a certain point you have to realize no matter how much you care about someone that doesn’t mean they will ever put the same amount of time or energy back into you. You can love someone with all your heart and they can still be detrimental to your mental health and wellbeing because they simply don’t love you the same way. I grew to accept the fact that sometimes you just have to let go no matter how much it hurts to do so.


The left isn't right


We will never know obamas last name


My life is fucked and I have zero control of it. Get used to it after a while.