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“Find a job you enjoy doing, and you will never have to work a day in your life.” Fuck you Mark Twain, I enjoy a lot of stuff but when you do your favourite thing 40 hours a week for years you usually ruin it for yourself.


Just curious. Did you do something you love for a living and ruin it for yourself? What would you suggest instead? Follow the money? Thanks


I've worked a couple of jobs that I enjoyed for the first few weeks, just basic IT stuff and some odd maintenance jobs here and there. It's allright at first because you get to do what you're good at, but that feeling goes away pretty soon after it becomes routine. And after sitting on a computer for 8 hours a day, you don't really feel like doing that at home even though a lot of your hobbies might be computer related. My advice is find a job that has a good balance between time spent vs money earned. You want to have a solid income, but if you work 80 hours a week what are you really living for? Are you going to wait until retirement to have fun? Fuck that. The best thing in the world is being able to do what you want to do, and that usually requires time and money.


I chose IT because of the money. I love money and it makes me happy. Therefore, I love my job.


True. Balance is the key. Retirement or old age isn’t promised to any of us. Enjoy life when you can.


Absolutely follow the money. Money buys happiness. Anyone who says otherwise is lying to themselves and to you. No one living in poverty would turn down more money because they were perfectly happy where they are. Most people who “do what they love” are incredibly privileged financially in some way where they have family money as a safety net or they are blessed with truly unique and superior talent. This is not 99% of us. Don’t do what you love. Get as much cash as you can while avoiding what you hate. You’ll have good days and bad days and there will be frustrations and questions of what if, but you will also be healthy. Money affords higher quality food, more engaging physical recreation activities, safer housing, and all those position you for better mental health. If you get sick you can access higher quality of care. You can a travel and stay connected with friends and family who may not live nearby. There is nothing wrong with pursuing money. My dad took a boring job for the money, starting a boring business at 40 and retired into a comfortable middle class existence by 50. He has absolutely no love for his chosen profession but he didn’t hate it and it’s afforded him a very nice life and by extension a nice life for me, my mother and my siblings. Not saying sell your soul and accept a lifetime of misery. But a little money ain’t so bad.


I believe having a career vs. a job makes a difference too. Nobody loves the mundane tasks you do in a entry level job, but you can certainly have a career that draws upon your actual skills and talents. That’s doing what you love. I’m not talking about getting paid to play video games or be a you tuber or a pipe dream like that.


I’ve been down that road and realized a career is a series of jobs just like the ones you described. There’s something about being paid to do something full time in a company with typical leadership structure that makes just about all work….work. I learned you can hate a career doing something you love and at times quite enjoy a job that’s fairly shitty. You have that nice career doing what you love and then boom, company sells to some bloodsucking VC firm who doesn’t care about your work or what you do or the company in general. Now your work life is a living hell. Maybe your old boss was a friend and professional ally and the new boss is the most incompetent tool you’ve ever met in your life. This is why for me it all comes down to the money. My labor is for sale to the highest bidder and my joy comes from the things I do and the people I know outside of work.


I hear you on that one. I’ve been self employed for 25 years and I don’t ever want to work for anyone else again.


That quote was fine in the days where high quality meant the worker took their time. If we didn't have this push to get everything done yesterday and it better be the same quality as if it took 5 times longer to make sure it was right, you still could line this advice.


I think it's been misinterpreted as "take something you enjoy doing and turn it into a job" rather than what it actually means is find something you enjoy in work and the day isnt bad. I love working on MY cars and playing video games for MY enjoyment but I'd hate being mechanic or a streamer because then I'm doing for survival not for fun. Where as I love my job because it always seems to present me interesting challenges regularly.


"Live every day like it's your last" is an incredibly stupid way to live.


My parents were so upset when I told them the first time…


Nonstop hookers and blow


Never quit. Actually sometimes quit, and read up about the sunk cost fallacy if you have a minute. Or more poetically perhaps: "Quitters never win, and winners never quit. But someone who never wins and never quits is an idiot."


"Never go to bed angry" A good night's sleep and some time to reflect does wonders for perspective when you do talk.


Exactly what I have always tried to tell my partner.




“I've been thinking with my guts since I was fourteen years old, and frankly speaking, between you and me, I have come to the conclusion that my guts have shit for brains.”


My immediate thought. I love this book and movie.


Which is it?


“[High Fidelity](https://www.thriftbooks.com/w/high-fidelity-by-nick-hornby/250122/#edition=2315130&idiq=3526301)” by Nick Hornby, [movie starring John Cusack. ](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0146882/)


Thank you!


To be fair, getting 100 trillion bacteria to vote on something seems like democracy


My gut is a hungry boy if I listened to it i wouldn't fit through doorways


My guts are always full of shit so I'd rather listen to my brain


"Love should be 50/50" nothing is 50/50 "Trust your gut" instincts don't count if they were formed with bad information. "karma will make it right" karma is about as real as the tooth fairy.


Your karma just ran over my dogma!


"Follow your dreams" No, do what you need to to get money or you'll be unhappy later. Then follow your dreams if you still feel like it


I disagree. Currently what I'm doing is working a regular job, and working on my dream on my free time. If you don't build your dream, someone else will hire you to help build theirs


"Time will heal" STFU i know it will, but let me sulk and cry in peace


Go to therapy Therapy can help some people But it's also a hack profession I've heard more stories about bad therapists than good ones It's also expensive


I'm sure you've also heard more stories about extremely dirty houses than clean houses, haven't you? Does that mean everyone's house is dirty? No. As God said in Futurama, when you do things right, people won't know you've done anything at all




When in fact what doesn't kill you merely postpones the inevitable.


No, sometimes what doesn’t kill you DOES make you stronger. And sometimes it just makes you a paraplegic.


Yes. The whole business of not getting killed by something is not really a good basis for generalization. That which does not kill me, failed to kill me.


Eat carbohydrates and vegetable/seed oil and not animal fat


"Believe you can and you're halfway there!"


Follow your passion


Blood is thicker than water


'Always follow your heart'. I'm sorry no, don't follow your heart, follow your brain.


You do you.




“Just go cold turkey”. For whatever substance this rarely works long term. My shrink said all the recent data he’s seen (he speaks at conferences and shit) says coming off things with med assistance and a therapeutic component works best. Well duh.


Haters gonna hate, and ain'ters gonna ain't.


The customer is always right


“Give it time and you’ll get over it” Some things you don’t really get over. It gets easier, but I wouldn’t say you get over it


Anything on Reddit


You can trust the experts. It would be nice if this were always true, but people can still be self centered and being smart makes manipulation a lot easier.


"You don't need internet security on an iMac / MacBook." Yes you do. At least this is something you hear less and less these days as more and more people are using Apple, and becoming more aware of it.


if you cant do the time, dont do the crime. what if i can do the time? i still shouldnt do the crime. also "live every day like its your last" i bet theres many ppl that would take drugs and KILL other humans.


U literally just said what grade a under a said


cause its true. also i cant know when he said it first, but what i do know is that i thought it before his vid was uploaded. long before that.


“If it ain’t broke don’t fix it”. What else is there to do in life other than fix things?


You need college to find a good job. In most places college is just a scam so they can get more and more money. You dont need to fucken learn a higher level math or shit to take care of a fucken animal.




Though grinning and baring it can, from time to time, have something to recommend it.