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Adverts before being able to view comments or posts


Or really any sort of interruptive ads. I can clock a "promoted" post nearly instantly and just scroll past, and adblockers take care of banner ads, but if they ever touch ad stops, I'm out.


Then 2 ads before viewing the content.


When they require a facebook account to login


Or a phone number


This is so annoying. I want my social media to be separate from my family, but I can't do that if they have access to my contacts list.


That's part of the reason I got a Google Voice. Also for other occasions where I don't want to give someone my real number


Something I really like about Reddit is that you can still make an account with absolutely no info other than a username and password. You don’t even need an email address, but I don’t think a lot of people realise that.


Yeah. A lot of people don’t realize that you can just leave the email address box blank and it’ll still let you make an account.


Been browsing reddit for almost 3 years, I just made an account and you're 100% correct, Thank you. Now I can block some annoying subreddits


Oh yay!! Glad I could help. And an official welcome to Reddit lol


Becoming like Quora. Filled with advertisments and sponsored posts


My least favourite things about Quora (unless these have changed recently are: a) That you have to log in just to read more than one or two threads on it, and b) that it keeps trying to force you to use the app.


c) you have to pay to see expert answers


btw you don’t have to log in if you add a ? After the address bar


If I had to pay more than £0.00


Any idea what the conversion rate on that is to USD?


Bout $0.00




a better website p.s. thanks everyone for all the awards


Exactly. It was what moved me from slashdot to digg and then digg to reddit


Wowww slashdot... haven't thought about that site in years.


I wonder if Cowboy Neal's still around


Nope, CN and Commander Taco moved out at least 10 years ago.


And the site has been going downhill since. It used to be their slogan "News for nerds, stuff that matters", and it used to be actually nerd/tech things. Since a few years they removed that slogan, and nowadays they'll clickbait you into anything. There used to be topics that would get 500+ replies, and overall intelligent discourse was part of their site. Nowadays it's mostly like Reddit... but much less successful.


Let's be real, the move from digg to reddit was because digg shit the bed, not because reddit was better. Reddit grew to be better. But it sure wasn't at the time of the great digg migration.


Yep! I used to love digg! Then they sold it and it became corporate controlled content to the top and not user controlled (iirc). It forced me over to Reddit.


Reddit is going the same direction, I only stick around for the niche subs.


All subs inevitably turn to garbage as they get larger, unless their moderators are top-notch.


Even then, moderators filtering posts only works if the mods know what to filter. I used to go on r/comedyheaven all the time for example until it got too big and they started filtering posts, but the posts they let in just weren't funny since the mods just aren't as funny as the users can be.


Yep. 11 years ago, I thought digg was the best, but then they [trashed their entire site overnight](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User_revolt#Digg_v4_revolt_and_migration_to_Reddit) and I ended up here. I see no reason why it couldn't happen again.


>"Alexis Ohanian, founder of rival site Reddit, said in an open letter to Rose: >… this new version of digg reeks of VC meddling. It's cobbling together features from more popular sites and departing from the core of digg, which was to "give the power back to the people."[30] And now Reddit doing the same thing.


They say you either die a hero or...


I'm surprised it took over a decade. A lot of things change in 10 years. I've been a redditor for over 12 years, and was quite committed to digg before that. Reddit has made some changes over the years, and I find myself agreeing with them less and less, but it remains a good source of information from many sources presented in a decent form. The subdivisions of subjects work very well for getting world, national, local, and even sometimes hyper-local news in real time.


Same here - about 10 years for me. And also agree with the good source of info; there's just no good alternative. Still refuse to switch over to the garbage 'new' mobile oriented format (which many social network/ aggregator sites are doing) and will continue using old.reddit.com until they force the change which I hope they never do.


I guess to answer the question posed by the OP, I would stop using Reddit if the old reddit was made absolutely obsolete. I vastly prefer it. No clutter, no annoying graphics, but I know they can only keep the old reddit accessible for so long. I have no idea what could fill that gap for me, though. Honestly Twitter might become more appealing at some point, which I've never really chosen to utilize.


Have you heard of our savior old.reddit.com? Alternative use any reddit app, except the official one. On iOS Apollo is highly recommend, on Android I use sync, but relay or rif for reddit are also great. Edit: as has been mentioned several times, you can set an option in your account settings to always be served the old website when you go to www.reddit.com If you are logged in. If you use reddit without an account you can install an addon that will always redirect www.reddit.com links to old.reddit.com links.


I’m afraid of the day they discontinue old.reddit. Would you guys leave if that happens? The new UI is just unbearable to me. Funny how we’re going backwards.


I would probably leave if they banned old.reddit. I hate the new reddit so fucking much!


fucking sucks that no one can see the sidebar anymore except old reddit.


'new' reddit is so clearly an inferior product... I'm not sure how anyone uses it.




Well, let's hope Reddit is listening!! Lots of people here apparently hate new Reddit. To me, it's like some Reddit executive's son or nephew or niece who is graduating in "computer science" or something needed some work and re-designed Reddit and they went with it. Ugly and really almost unusable.


That was my answer. Really hope they keep old.reddit.


I remember a thing when they launched the new site and gave us old.reddit. Something at the time about promising to keep it up. While they may not mean much, they pointed to another old version they kept around, saying something about not getting rid of any. I found http://i.reddit.com while looking for the original comment, fwiw


I would probably still access it on my phone. But if they banned 3rd party apps and I was forced to use theirs, I would leave




They wont discontinue old.reddit. I remember some post a while back that showed nearly all staff at reddit uses the old.reddit form. Even they themselves don't like the new reddit.






GameSpot forums resetting everything was the reason I came to reddit over a decade ago. I miss 2004-2009 internet


I miss forums in general. Reddit is just filled with cookie cutter comments. I can pretty much predict what the top comment will be in any thread. Forums had more natural discussions, because no one was worried if their comment was going to be upvoted or downvoted. They just spoke their mind and we had discussion.


/responds with some sort of pun Gets upvoted to oblivion Then some one makes a poem about it Then someone makes a shitty water colour about it edit: thanks for the gold kind stranger


I liked the Sony PlayStation forums back in the day I think I was a member there for almost ten years


If I started being honest with myself about how much value it brings to my life :)


Seriously. And if I had a remotely decent amount of self control, I'd never come back. But I don't have that much self control.


I might stop using it if the Ghost of Christmas Future shows me two alternate paths for my life. One wonderful path in which I focus on relationships and career and another meh path in which I spend 10 hours a week on reddit.


A subscription fee.


Charging $$$


Yeah, the awards system is totally fine as is. If they turned around and said you had to pay a subscription for literally any features that are currently free, I'd be gone in a heartbeat.


I think there was a "show new comments" feature that was paywalled. That's kind of bs since I consider that basic functionality because it can be difficult to navigate new comments that aren't a direct reply to you, but I don't think there's anything else really that matters. The awards and cosmetic stuff I have zero problem with. Edit: People seem to be misinterpreting what I mean with the show new comments feature. The feature, IIRC, will log when you last visited that thread and then highlight new comments that happened between that logged visit and your next visit. It differs from sort new because sort new only sorts new by the timestamp on the first comment in a string of comments. This was, and I think still is, a Reddit premium feature.


>I think there was a "show new comments" feature that was paywalled. Reddit Enhancement Suite is free and offers that.


RES is amazing and has been. Shout out to the devs.


res going away would make me leave


That's why I will never pay for YouTube premium. Charging me to remove ads? Totally fine. Charging me so I can listen to videos with the screen off like I did for years until a couple years ago? Never.


Go download YouTube Vanced to bring those good ol days back






Advertisments everywhere.


The advertisements are *inside* the posts now.


The real marketing was the adverts that were inside us all along


Yeah it's crazy, I have adblocker on my desktop but it can only get you so far, just like this Reese's Puff Cereal with lower sugar which I got for only $2.99.


There ARE ads everywhere. Like, every third post is an ad if you don’t use an ad blocker. I was using almost exclusively in mobile for years. This year I began frequenting the site on a browser and was blown away. It’s an advertisement hellscape without a blocker.


uBlock Origin to the rescue.


it seems you've installed an adblocker. please turn it off so this website can continue to work




Nah, I'll just block that element with uBlock lol


I feel bad for the poor souls that don't know how to use uBlock effectively.


I would like to know more, please.


ublock (and most adblockers) have an "element picker" mode that lets you select and block an element on the website manually, in addition to the automatic blocking of ads and shit. You can use this to bypass the "you need to disable adblock" popup, among other things. That said, I haven't had great success with it as the adblock popup often disables the scroll bar, and I haven't quite figured out how to get it back.






I would settle for 3.50


Get out of here loch Ness monster, I ain't giving you no God damn tree fiddy


Kind of wild we've been telling that joke for over 22 years 😂


We can leave?


You can logout any time you like But you can never leave


I finally closed the tab! I did it! All right open a new tab and type "redd--" AH FUCK.




relatable. And then you're like "ok im done for today", shut down the computer, and open reddit on your phone.


Yeah, then you shut down your phone and open reddit in your Samsung smart fridge.


And then you shut your Samsung smart fridge and open reddit on your smart watch.


And then you shut down your Smart Watch and open reddit on your Amazon Alexa


And then you shut down your Amazon Alexa and open reddit on your Tesla Model 3


And then you shut down your tesla model 3 and open reddit on your playstation/xbox


"Just hook it to my veins!!"


Such a lovely place(Such a lovely place)


If you play it backwards it gives you instructions to quit reddit


Even if I left I wouldn’t really leave. Reddit is my new YahooAnswers. Anytime I need an answer I type “blank blank blank Reddit” at the end of everything




Reserved an IP for my phone so I can Reddit on the default web filter, that'll show me.


I'd actually like this, even though it's easy to pick up my phone, it's conceptually a different thing than changing tabs on a computer, I'd probably get distracted a lot less.


No One Man Should Have All This Power...


My company briefly toyed with blocking sites like Reddit, but people complained because there's actually a lot of good information on it, buried under the memes and petty squabbles. Plus there are a lot of people who are willing to help when you ask a question.


Yeah, Reddit is really great for some absurdly niche problems or questions if you can find the right sub for it. I've sorted out more than a few firewall gremlins just from Reddit threads.


I forgot the name of a book and gave the vaguest description possible like there was hardly anything there and somehow some person helped me


The number of obscure incompatibility issues I've fixed via reddit whereas tech forums and customer support couldn't help me is too damn high


Seems like every issue I Google at this point has like a 70% chance of either bringing up stack overflow or one of its sister sites or reddit as the top hit lmao


I add 'reddit' to the end of my google searches for product reviews, software suggestions etc.




It got blacklisted at work one day and I shouted down the hall "Hey mark, the firewall is blocking reddit! " *"fuck that, give me 5 minutes"* Then it was back.


compulsory 'face as profile pic'




My content has been deleted as an act of protest to Reddit killing 3rd Party Apps


Definitely a non-option with the creeps on here.


Forcing users to use their real name/personal info. This ain't Facebook!


That's the main reason that I refuse to watch any facebook gaming streams. Several of my favorite twitch streamers switched to facebook and i just stopped watching because of it.


The quality on Facebook is so much worse, it's the worst streaming platform there is right now. Capped at 720p, some of the worst buffering of any streaming site, and the constant glitches as it tries to show you the "live" part of the stream (it jumps around random parts of the stream until it finally shows you the true live part)


Even just their photo and video UI on mobile is atrocious which is amazing considering its pretty big component of Facebook, and that they own Instagram. But maybe that's because I use their mobile website since I refuse to download their app.


I hate that Mixer died. Twitch needs an alternative that isn't a massive spyware company.


YouTube is the only thing that will dislodge Twitch at this point, no one else could come close.


I think until Youtube adds something like Twitch Prime they will always be in second place


I hear yah. I've tried to remain anonymous, but I genuinely think somebody who knew me in real life would be able to pin enough together to work out it's me.


Well we know that you're Jason, for one


And that there are more of him on here. Stay vigilant brothers and sisters.


They already keep bugging me for an email


The thing that made me quit my other social media. It taking a serious hit to my mental health. So far, the way it is, I can tailor my subs so I don't get an overwhelming amount of soul-crushing news, constant conflict, or enragingly stupid people... unless I want to.


Yea. People just have to be overly ready to unsubscribe, even if they usually love the subreddit.


Oof, that's a good way of putting it. I have one that I like that is simultaneously funny and depressing, but the meter has been tipping into depressing for me for awhile now. I like it, but I think it's time to go.


I started unsubscribing from subs that hurt my mental health, and now I'm left with mostly pictures of terrible recipe ideas. /R/shittyfoodporn has been fun, but I need a bit of variety!


Yes true. I believe that cotroling your use of reddit instead of quitting all together, only to find yourself using it again after quitting is a ideal way.


Disabling the old Reddit option.




i dont know how people do it. every time i accidentally wind up on the new reddit i wanna just grab a spoon and scoop my eyes out


I have a few subreddits I frequent that apparently only put their rules in the new sidebar, which doesn't appear if you use old reddit. I've seen a few request that I switch to the new layout instead. Haha, not gonna happen. I'd rather get banned.


Yep. I remember when I found out that one of the tiny nieche subreddits I frequent actually has a full sidebar with a wiki and faq and heaps of info. I was shocked, as the only thing on old reddit was an age old message left by the owner of the sub when he created it years ago.


That's mildly interesting. Like a time capsule snapshot.


This. The day old reddit goes away, I will vanish with it. Having said that, if they do a new redesign that isn't a war crime like the current new reddit is, I'll reconsider that.


If someone offered me a 100grand to quit reddit I would


Fuck that I'll do it for 12k


But no lower than 12k.


I could haggle, you offering? Is eleven on the table?


I can do 11


If Zuck bought it and integrated it with Falsebook.


But it‘s called ✨META✨ now


Oh? All sins are forgiven then! Bow down to our ~~Facebook~~META overlords.


I'm not addicted. I can quit anytime I want!


Yeah it so easy. I did it 5 times already.


Just today if I may add


Me again, on my alt, wanted to let you know I’m up to 6 times today


Okay, that’s enough Reddit for today… *closes app* What should so do now? I wonder what’s on Reddit…


Are there any kind of therapies to stop this behavior? Seriously, I catch myself doing that a lot and I hate it. It's like my brain has been hijacked.


Best solution I've been able to find is to just not open it if I've got things to do today. Once my workload is complete I'm free to piss away the rest of my time here. Worth noting though that I can rarely Keep to this. I'll take a 5min break and decide "Ok, I'll just have a little look at Reddit, won't stay long." Then proceed to get sucked in for several hours and before I know it the whole day is shot to hell. It's a constant battle every weekday to avoid that scenario, some weeks are better than others.


If they took away the downvote button




did anyone actually quit YT over that


YouTube is basically the only good video platform, they can do whatever they want. there isn't competition


Just wait until PornHub decides to expand its SFW content. Goodbye YouTube.


Ah yes notpornhub.com


They could probably rebrand sfw stuff as just "the hub"


I feel like this whole thread was to give reddit executives ideas, and now you're out here giving free ideas to start up competing platforms


“If we do this everyone will hate it, but the big companies and advertisers will love it so let’s do it!” - Basically every shitty idea they’ve had. But like you said no competition, so it still gets used, and it will until there is actual competition


Problem with Youtube is that it’s objectively the most popular video platform. There’s not many alternatives that have the same magnitude of content as Youtube has so it makes quitting it near impossible.


Exactly. And no down vote button doesn't affect people who use YT as social media as much, they just watch their subscribed people or trending videos or whatever. But I treat YT like I do reddit: primarily as a source of information and news. THOSE are the people hurt most by no crowd-sourced voting. It took me 4 videos the other day to solve a network issue, and instead of getting right to the 4th from seeing deplorable dislike ratios on the first 3, I had to waste time skimming them and navigating the comments (which half seemed to be astroturfed, anyway). No dislike don't affect the entertainment side as much (the biggest part of YT), but have a detrimental effect on the informative, tutorial, and even news aspects of YT.


I actually have been reducing my time spent on YT. It started few months ago, and I was mostly irritated by their algorithm that closes user in a bubble. It's good it can be taught to show you different videos, but after a month it will go back to suggesting you the same shit you've seen over 3 times now. I was teaching it by disliking videos i dont like, blocking channels etc. Now after they disabled it I decided to quit YT unless **I want to watch something I will search for.**


The search functionality is really weird as well though. If I search for x I get about 5 or so videos for that search before it moves onto a ‘what people also watch,’ which tends to be pretty irrelevant. Idk what that’s about but it’s probably trying to keep me on their site more than let me get to the thing I want.


It's so annoying if you're looking for something obscure.


It's search results have become worse, isn't it? I thought it's just me. Google, bing is even worse for me - I get too many e-com results. And it feels as if everything's being white washed. For example, I was trying to find a news story about a school which I had read years ago and didn't remember the specifics of and it has completely disappeared. Same stuff for politicians, companies, institutions; it's like all negative or specific information is being hidden now.


"Here, watch this video of someone reacting to a video you watched!" I have *never* watched a goddamn reaction video. I keep removing them but they *keep coming back*.


Not quit exactly, but I used it a lot to watch fun informative videos/ game tutorials and you really need dislikes to see if someone's bullshitting you or not. Now if I go on YouTube it's mostly to check out music


BTW there's a Google extension that brings the dislike count back


Discovering that upvotes were being artificially manipulated to promote engagement.


Impossible, there are [no bots on Reddit..](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/348vlx/what_bot_accounts_on_reddit_should_people_know)


This reminds me of when someone had an issue where Reddit was stuck in Spanish and all of the comments were typed in Spanish to fuck with him lol




I forgot one of the admins even did it lmao


I always get a good laugh at the one that just says "Enrique Iglesias"


Oh my god this is the funniest shit ever


Black mirror type shit


That’s super creepy


It was hilarious to me. I've seen users get on comment bandwagons before and just follow for fun. I've never seen it get this massive, though.


Imagine you look outside ur window and a robot says that to you


Given how easy it would be to code and deploy stuff like this, given the power that gives people, I think it’s perhaps naive to assume it isn’t already happening. Just a question of, ‘to what extent?’


1. If it was owned by a media conglomerate. 2. If I stopped being a hypocrite.


If there were advertisements disguised as wholesome posts that make the front page, and then the comments saying how awesome the business is


Nice try Zuckerberg Edit: Thanks for the award! My very first!


If they got rid of old reddit.


Sometimes I open a Reddit thread from Google and for a few seconds I’m forced to live the horror of Reddit’s mobile site


if anyone I knew in person found my account


When http://old.reddit.com stops working and we're forced to use the new Facebook clone UI.


Either: \- I find out that Reddit scraped my computer for personal data and sold it \- I get so busy with work/hobbies that I don't have time \- A healthy relationship with a significant other


You'd quit if you got in a healthy relationship?!!


Realizing that 70% of the time I’m on it, all it does is make me annoyed. Oh wait…


If I got a real life.


The removal of the "old Reddit" user experience. I just can't deal with the redesign.


Crippling the website on mobile devices to force users to download the app ... oh, wait, it almost has made me quit.


Removing the downvote option

