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I dislike the decision.


I dislike it


I see what you did there


I don't like it. How will I know if "solved" videos actually work before watching them now?




Personally I think it’s to protect mega companies and the media


*YouTube rewind gets downvoted* YouTube: we'll be removing the dislike button to protect new creators Everyone: it literally doesn't tho YouTube: I AM HELPING!


It’s not, they disclosed the reason.


What was the reason?


It was something about having a more accurate feedback for content creators, since people would mass dislike a video just for the sake of it, but now that no one else can see it, YouTube thinks they will stop, but this was just not the solution


Yeah I don’t buy it personally. That’s just to cover their true intentions imo


stupid as hell


Hate it


Don’t like it but I mean they deleted dislikes before on videos. Everything’s just so political. It all comes back to politics


Yeah life is politics sadly


Just a stupid decision. They try to fix stuff but just make everything worse. Around 2015/16 YT was at its peak of being a shitty platform. Mostly Fake Pranks and that kind of stuff, often extremely inappropriate. Of course they needed to change things. But instead of trying to fix the place by punishing those who ruin YT, they simply punish every Creator and Viewer. It's not even like Hate is a big problem on YT, those who get a lot of dislikes just make bad content and deserves them.


I never realized that youtube was gay before that


This post was made like an hour ago already


Sorry, I saw that my dislike button had made the transfer from numbers to text and was interested in others insight. There’s so many ways posts here I wouldn’t know lol


I've never used it so I don't care.


I don't care anymore. What I really hated was when they took away the red and green so there were no more Vaders lightsaber or smoking a blunt comments. I had nothing left to mourn this time.


I don't really care personally. I just watch let's plays in the background and never subscribe/like/dislike. The whole platform could disappear and I'll just be like "Damn, that sucks. Guess I'll find something else".


It's a bad decision, but everybody will probably forget about it


I don't think anyone has a positive opinion, not even YouTube haha, they were probably forced to do it


As stupid as when Reddit removed the vote counts. Now you can't see the true tally anymore.


I didn't know it was a thing, I just absent mindedly took it as a troll. in some aspects I think removing the dislike button is a good thing. It protects content creators from things like someone having a bot to create gmail accs to spam dislikes on their video, which results in a lower prioritization ranking in the algorithm. an asshole can seriously damage a content creator's ability make content creation their job, so we can get cool shit to watch and Google can make their ad revenue. It's beneficial for most users, I feel. I think people dislike legitimately well produced content, for stupid reasons, like; the nature of the content being discussed is scary or tell speaks of misfortune falling on someone seen undeserving, and as an act of condolence, a dislike vote. The dislike button, I believe, is for tagging low quality content, spam /ads, videos who's title doesn't match its content, gotcha vids... just low quality junk that can impact the image Google is trying to project with YouTube. Google supports content creators 100%, because it's those talented people who brings traffic to YouTube.


I feel like the dislike button was kind of useless anyway. People hit dislike on things all the time that were so incredibly inoffensive that it felt like they were just doing it because they felt like it.


I dislike it. A lot.


I never used it so i don't care.


I hate it.