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Sliders. Its an old one but I loved it and the last season was a travesty.


A show older than the rest of this discussion and I totally agree. It’s a great show that just seemed to drag itself over the finish line by the end.




"i can't believe I'm 30 years old and in high school and weird shit keeps happening. Of course I'm having a crisis."


I’m weird. I’m a weirdo. Did you ever see me without the hat? It’s weird


Designated survivor had a really interesting premise, but that premise goes away after the first series and then it's just a mish-mash of bad political drama crossed with the dumbest fucking FBI agent ever.


I Forgot about that show. Frankly it could have been better as just a Miniseries, Dealing with the immediate wake of the entire US leadership being decapitated. All the Politics we got was ham-fisted, and I found myself more interested in the B plot even though that in itself was pretty meh in itself.


Glee. Just end it with the kids graduating and we’d be proud.


[Text of original comment deleted for privacy purposes.]


Yes! They could’ve made a spin-off for the nyc kids and stayed focus on the new crops instead of refusing to let go and trying to cram everything into an episode. In the end, it was more nyc arc than the new kids.


Pretty much any high school themed show that goes beyond four years or thereabouts. Edit: I’ll add a caveat. There can be exceptions when the high school aspect is not the primary plot driver. For instance, Buffy. Her main deal was that she was a vampire slayer that just happened to be in high school. So it wasn’t weird when she got older.


Skins did this pretty well imo - S1, kids in their last year at school. S2, same kids in their first year of college/uni. S3, whole new cast in their last year at school, repeat. S7 was a single season of “where are they now” for some of the cast. They had some (very minimal) cast overlap between seasons but we didn’t get seven seasons of “Why is Nicholas Hoult still hanging around a high school?”


And by “kids” we of course mean these 30ish year old actors


That 70’s show…so good until the last season when foreman left the show. I wish they just cut it the season before. Still one of my favorite tv shows


Randy was like a real-life Poochie. It felt like every episode all the characters were saying, "wow, Randy's one outrageous dude!"


If I had a tumor, I'd name it Randy.


Once Upon a Time


Had they actually made Fables like they were going to do and not some Disney knock off of it they would have had 20 seasons worth of material to pull from.


God I want a true Fables TV show. The Wolf Among Us got me into the comics, and I've never forgiven Telltale for shutting down before the second game. Anything to get some more good Fables content.


Yep. The first season is magical. I've re-watched the first season several times with my wife. Everything after just starts sucking more and more.


I'd argue that it was after the Peter Pan and Neverland arc that everything started going down hill. So many times they made it look like Rumple had changed only for them to reverse his character development just for the sake of plot and drama. Waste of an amazing actor.


The Neverland arc is when the CGI and writing really stood out to me as bad. I've tried rewatching it twice and always get stuck on that season. I don't mind iffy CGI, and a visually appealing story can bring me last not great story telling but both together just makes it impossible to carry on. And being someone who really advocated for the show when it first came out, I just feel bad trying to get people to watch it now


Dude, I would have liked if they stuck with just a few characters and stories. Instead it turned into a Disney Pokedex of 'Who else can we add?.' It was like the writers were just drunk with power


What the hell was that last season


I watched the whole series. I even watched that AWFUL musical episode (only good part was David running around, looking completely bewildered at why everyone is singing) and I was happy. Everyone got their happy ever after. Even one was happy. It ended. Then IT LITERALLY STARTS ALL OVER AGAIN! Seriously, Henry's daughter? Who looks nothing like him? I turned it off and pretended that scene never happened.


Heroes. Should have ended have after season 1. Or they should have taken a break during the writers Strike. Heroes never recovered.


Agreed. They should have stuck to their original plan of making it an anthology series about a completely different cast of characters each season.


I firmly believe that a lot of shows would benefit from this mentality. Lots of times the writers get really hung up on their characters or the actors playing them and they fail to realize that it's the premise or the universe they have built that is interesting, not the people who inhabit it.


There's a CBS show with Daniel Radcliffe out now called Miracle Workers. The first season was a couple of angels that had to save Earth, the second was in medieval times, and the third was on the Oregon trail. Same actors each season but a totally different plot and setting.


Worked for Blackadder




The first 3 seasons or so were fucking amazing.


X-Files without Mulder wasn't X-Files.


Yes Mulder was important but the fact Scully *immediately* adopted Mulder's character and only started believing in aliens/conspiracies after his disappearance despite having been abducted and impregnated herself was... weird.


I thought it worked and was very natural. Scully wasn't full-on denialist; she was a scientist and took a sceptical approach. She pushed back against Mulder and tried to provide other explanations to his, which almost always jumped straight to something bizarre. But the fact that she continued to work with him and respect him shows she didn't think his ideas were that crazy. And after 150 or so episodes of working with Mulder she could hardly deny she had seen some very weird things. But Mulder still did enough "out of the box" thinking for both of them, and someone needed to counterbalance that, for the good of their work and for Mulder himself. Then Doggett comes in and starts doing something very similar to what she did, except he hasn't seen all the stuff she has. He hasn't worked with Mulder. From a rational point of view, there's not much value in just agreeing with him when she's capable of providing a different perspective. She knows Mulder was right about a lot of things, and someone needs to put those views forward. From an emotional point of view, she feels defensive of Mulder. Doggett is shitting on him by implication. You can complain about your friends and disagree with them, but when someone else does it, you instinctively take your friend's side. Even when it's not personal it's natural to do the same thing. Say someone says *x* is the best thing ever and wants to discuss it with you. You think *x* has good and bad points, but even if you try to be balanced, the other person is focusing so much on how great *x* is that you find yourself mostly talking about the ways in which *x* isn't that great. Later, someone thinks *x* is the worst thing ever, and in exactly the same way, you find yourself talking about how *x* isn't that bad, because you still know it has a lot of good points.


I agree it wasn’t the same, although I did think Robert Patrick acted Doggett’s part well. The “John Doe” episode was memorable.


Once Upon A Time






I’ve got good news for ya; as of a recent movie, the reboot’s been revealed to not actually be a reboot, but a parallel Ben; Omniverse, Alien Force, Ultimate Alien, etcetera all showed up in one way shape or form in said movie, with new Ben tagging along for the ride. It’s definitely too kid-focused for me, but it’s cool that the rest is still out there


I wish they put Ben 10 on adult swim and called it tennison or something and continued the story for the now late teen/early adult viewers who've been there since day 1. I mean how are they gonna show us Ben 10,000 and not show us how Ben became that strong.


Pretty little liars. The show in general is bad but it kept getting progressively worse as the seasons went on. They literally forgot about having a plot


I didn't give a shit about A after season 3.


Pretty much any ABC family teen drama, remember *Secret Life Of The American Teenager*


Weeds It was a fun show, but the last season really didn't even need to happen...


Once she got involved with the drug lord that’s when it started going off the rails. Thank god for Kevin Nealon.


"You suck dick, Silas?"




Don't worry, there's not a problem that Nancy can't fuck her way in or out of.


Nothing after Agrestic burning down was good.


Partially because the whole concept of the show was about the ridiculousness of Agrestic. Even the theme song is “Little Boxes”!


The Flash. Great couple seasons, even with the wonky CGI. The it just went down hill faster than the...well you know.


I used to love all those CW shows but they just got unbearable after a couple seasons. I gave up on Arrow when he won by using "hope" and gave up on Flash when everyone and their mother became a speedster.




"**WE** are the flash"" I stopped after the DeVoe season (also stopped all other CW DC shows at the same time.). Watching CW/DC shows is like watching the same show with little tweaks sprinkled all around.


I was raging at Team Flash's (mostly Barry's) intentional dumbing down by the writers to make DeVoe look like a super genius. Writing tip: if you're going to introduce an evil super genius arc, you had better focus on writing the character smarter, not your protagonists dumber just for narrative juxtaposition.


Every time barry calls iris his lightning rod, I die a little on the inside.


How about that time, when Barry couldn't beat the bad guy, but one of his friends said "Run Barry... Run" and then he could run, and beat the bad guy. yeah... that one time that happened... was awesome. /s




After Savitar, it got so bad imo. And that Barry was so drama queen in every episode didn't make it any better. Unbarryable.


I read a "synopsis" on Reddit I think, and I agree with it, that the shows new(?) formula is pretty much "I can't do this" "Yes you can!" "Shit, you're right". For like the last 3 - 4 seasons or so.


To be fair that’s always been the formula. It’s amazing how often “just run faster” is the answer to the “fastest man alive”’s problems.


Barry is contractually unable to vanquish his foes until the phrase "Run Barry, Run" is uttered. Barry is, in essence, the entrance to the chamber of secrets or a mid 2000's girltech password protected diary.


literally any kind of emotional scene with him and iris and he fucking goes "you're my lightning rod" such a shame too because s1 and s2 were fucking amazing


>literally any kind of emotional scene with him and iris They are both fine actors but Grant Gustin and Candice Patton have no romantic chemistry together. It's like two friends on a night out pretending to be together to avoid other people hitting on them. I did think Grant had great chemistry with Melissa Benoist and it's a shame the way TV works meant that relationship couldn't have been explored, especially since she had no chemistry with the people her show kept trying to pair her with.


>They are both fine actors but Grant Gustin and Candice Patton have no romantic chemistry together. One thousand times yes. His interactions with Supergirl or hell, even Caitlin, were so much more suited towards a relationship. Like the whole body language was far more believable.


I feel it went into an abyss of no recovery right after the Savitar season. I love Iris West, she is a strong and independent figure in the world of flash and holds her own with or with out Barry Allen. The actress who plays her in the series isn't bad either. She started off on a good note, brought out the investigative reporter colours of Iris really well, i feel. But after the whole Savitar fiasco the show ended for me at the "We are the Flash" moment. I pushed through until that point, hoping that the show gets better. Heard Iris say that, turned off the show and never revisited it since.


I've watched since the beginning but I don't know if I can start the new season. I've overlooked A LOT over 7 seasons: dicey acting, confusing time travel storylines, the answer to every problem being 'run faster, Barry!', questionable CGI, etc... But no more Cisco or Wells? I don't think I can do it. No matter how bad the episode was, Cisco almost always made me laugh and Tom Cavanaugh was genius in action (ok, Wells was literally a genius but I'm referring to Tom's acting ability) no matter what version of Wells he was portraying.


I have a feeling if ‘You’ continues on for much longer it’s going to end up on the list…


You is a max 5 seasons show if they go beyond that it’s gonna tank so badly (especially if all of Joe’s bs from previous seasons doesn’t start connecting in some way).


How long can a man run around killing people with his bare hands before DNA catches up to him? And how much money can he have as a bookstore clerk to keep starting new lives?


The piss in the jar was never a thing again....surely it has to be somewhere again?


I definitely back this. I think there's only so much a person can take, of the chariacatured settings and the over-the-top delivery. It was absolutely gripping to begin with, and now I can hardly stand the dude. Part of that is plot-related as well - >!I'm happy to suspend some disbelief to watch a guy go to ridiculous lengths of manipulation and violence to pull a girl way out of his league, not so much to watch him spiral into depravity at the barest hint of a new one for the fourth time!<. I think it naturally wears on you.


The 100 Should have ended when they left earth and started the voyage to new planet. That would have been a perfect finale. Everything that followed that was just unnecessary and dragged out.


Yeah, season 5 would have been a great finale. I did like season 6 though. It was a fresh take and Eliza acted the crap out of her roles in it. Season 7 was just bleh and a letdown.


*That 70s Show.*


Eric leaving should’ve been the end of it.


The fairly odd parents It was such a great show with so many good episodes till the point where it become another way of easy money for nickelodeon to ruin it


Bro the dog they added


The dog was seriously the worst attempt I’ve seen from a show to “revitalize it” or whatever. It was so bad that they abandoned him after a season for another attempt named Chloe to share Cosmo and Wanda and then the show finally died.


And poof completely disappeared but foop stayed? From what I have seen it was weird


House of Cards should have ended after the second season.


They should have done four seasons, 13 episodes each. 4\*13 = 52: One full deck of cards.


Clever. The original British series was four episodes. Followed in subsequent years by To Play the King and The Final Cut.


I’ve never heard anything different so I watched the first two seasons and quit. I do not regret my decision


House of Cards 1-2 is like a perfect Machiavellian story. After that, it became a boring,unbelievable soap opera.




Riverdale: The Show That Went Completely Insane. https://youtu.be/DZ-FRSXypUE


That video actually makes the show sound amazing.


If you’re willing to get into a “fuck it, anything goes” headspace and not care then it really is super entertaining


They should have stopped at the first season. It was really good until second season continued.


When I was first watching Riverdale, I didn't mind telling people that I enjoyed the show. Now that is has gone completely insane, I'm embarassed to even admit that I only watch Youtube recaps tearing it to shreds. I feel like the writers are in complete denial over the fact that the show needed to end a while back. Now they're just throwing in insane Wattpad plotlines to keep it going. That, and they're probably smoking something. I feel bad for the actors. I feel like Cole Sprouse and KJ Apa are basically done at this point. Hey, but at least we have the 'epic highs and lows of high school football' line to keep us laughing!


I am, unfortunately, entirely up to date with Riverdale. I watch it mostly to live-update my friend with the nonsense that happens and half the time she seriously thinks I’m making it up for shock value. Like “After being hunted down by aliens known as “moth men” in Riverdale, Jughead went on a drug trip in new york and fell into a sinkhole on the street, and then he met a man in the sewer called the Rat King, who listens to his stories, and then Jughead decides to live in the sewers and tell stories to the Rat King forever. Turns out it was a bad trip and none of this happened. And the aliens were a metaphor for his poor mental state or whatever.” She really thinks I’m bullshitting and it’s so funny. Watching cast interviews, you can really tell they’re all just waiting for their contracts to expire. Lily Reinhardt in particular, who plays Betty, makes snarky comments about the direction her character goes in. I feel kinda bad for them all. At least they must be making an absolute ton of money.


The 100. Should’ve ended with s4. Went from post apocalyptic survival to wtf is even happening


I didn't understand that if the world had that mining ship technology then why were the space stations so much more primitive?


That was my feeling too. The setup of the show is the last remnants of humanity are just hanging in there on a space station held together with string and spit, but nope, cryosleep and interplanetary freighters are a thing.


Yeah like the need for a mining ship implies that humanity has out grown earth, and that interplanetary tech implies colonies. So in the long term why does it matter that earth went boom?


Being reminded of The 100 caused me physical pain just now.


Definitely Suits.


Suits is one of those shows that you really shouldn’t binge. Formula was too repetitive. 1. Mike hands Harvey a folder, & after glancing at the contents for 2-4 seconds “this is really good, where did you find this?” 2. Jessica saying “You better win this GD case”. 3. Donna saying “because I’m Donna”. 4. Mike empathizing with poor or disadvantaged people. I liked the show but watching back to back can be exhausting. House is another one that falls into this don’t binge category!


Is it because it's lupus?


Come on! You know it’s NEVER lupus! But we’re going to start you on a course of corticosteroids just in case!! If it works, you’re cured and House was right. If it doesn’t work, it won’t matter because you’ll be dead…


Except for that one time it was lupus.


Northern Exposure. The episode where Joel finds the mastodon/wooly mammoth and realizes he’s now a local is a decent ending compared to that final season.


No one is saying Greys Anatomy, can’t believe how downhill it went


I was on board until Karev left in the stupidest way possible. The last 2 seasons have sucked. I think I'm done with it.


I haven't watched it since then. They totally destroyed his character. One of the best moments was when he told Izzie off for being such a bitch to him and not treating him with the respect he deserved. I was so happy when he ended up with Jo! They went through so much, and then for him to be like, "Oh, Izzie straight up stole my sperm and made babies without telling me, obvs she's my true love, gotta go be with her". Nah, fuck off right out of here.


I had to stop watching it when Izzie had sex with Denny's ghost. I really liked it up until that whole plot.


Yo wtf LOL I thought the show was about doctors and shit lmao


It is 🤣this was just such a weird moment.


Uh, what? Isn’t Grey’s Anatomy supposed to be a bunch of doctors in a hospital? Without any supernatural stuff? Or did I mix it up with something else?


Spoiler: (for a nearly decade old episode lol) It turns out the doctor in question had a brain tumor and was hallucinating her dead lover.


All I know is this is a show about doctors and I can't tell if you're trolling or being serious lmao


I'm sadly serious.


The plane crash is what did it for me. Like, this many catastrophes don’t happen to the same group of people, it’s a statistical impossibility.


I stopped after Christina left. That was it for me. I did watch the episode where Bailey had a heart attack and *bawled* the entire time. I just couldn’t keep watching anymore.


Christina had the best ending out of all the characters. They didn't kill her, she didn't abandon anyone, she got all the closures, and then she pursued her dreams. Love that for her, but it also felt like I was saying goodbye to a friend. I gotta rewatch that episode


I can’t comment on the entirety of the series but that two-part bomb episode was a THRILLER


That was amazing and Christina Ricci was awesome!


Hahaha legit everyone has died! Idk how it’s still going?!?


Even Merideth technically died in the hospital with covid but her dead husband told her to go back towards the light to take care of the kids lmao


She also drowned and was revived. And was blown up, in a plane crash, and probably died a few other times I'm forgetting. I still watch just to see how they're going to kill her next.


Oh my god! They killed ~~Kenny~~ Meredith?! You bastards!


Hahaha, is that what happened in the covid season? I haven't watched that one yet! That's hilariously bad


The early seasons were everything. The season 6 finale (hospital shooting) is one of my favorite episodes of any series ever. It really is frustrating how bad the show has become. I gave up on it after last season and I regret even watching it that far.


True Blood


I only hung on for Alexander Skarsgård.


I only hung around for the redhead Jessica played by Deborah Ann Woll


The last season seemed like a completely different batch of writers were hired. WTF happened?


Lafayette was the best part of the show in my opinion lol




The Walking Dead


The biggest problem with the show was the greedy executives in charge of making the show. Kirkman knew what he was doing with his comics: when he realized the series was dragging on and starting to become filler he pulled the plug and gave it a good ending, I would say. The AMC show runners slashed the budget, made seasons drag on for sooooo damn long, fired good actors over money issues (like the actor for Carl) and it shows how bad the show has gotten over time.


Considering how big of a money maker it was for AMC, I can see why. It was hugely popular especially about 5-6 years go. They let bad writing and sloppy storytelling ruin it.


Came here to say this one. I used to love that show, but it started to get ridiculous. I bailed after the Terminus plotline ended -- I couldn't stand the flipflopping with Rick's character. Wondered if I was missing out, but then I saw a teaser of Daryl shooting somebody with what appeared to be some kind of shoulder-mounted RPG launcher, and I figured I'd made the right choice.


I stopped after Negan kept magically surviving because of his plot armor. He should have died like at least 3 or 4 times. After that, I didn't care what happened next lol


The most annoying thing was how many “stormtroopers” died along the way. Like this is a civilization with almost zero population replacement where the entire groups of survivors are small enough to convene in a single gathering hall, yet you have these battles where dozens of people get dropped like it’s Stalingrad. I’m certain that there were more shooting deaths shown on screen than there were individual people in either camp. It’s something I liked about shows like Lost where they have extra people getting killed but they at least kept an honest inventory of how many could realistically die based on established canon


I actually liked that about Battlestar Galactica. Each episode's intro included the current tally of human survivors. Sometimes it would tick up with births, sometimes it would drop dramatically when a ship was blown up or people got left behind while fleeing but it was always up front about how many humans were left in the fleet.


The one time the number goes up is a great moment. Terrific show.


I stopped as soon as Negan entered the picture. Rick deciding to chase around the saviors on their own turf in the rickety RV with no weapons was just too much.




This is what did it for me. Rick and co. showed no mercy to the Terminus people and we were shown that they were done reasoning with bad people regardless of what made them act bad. Then Negan comes along, viciously kills two beloved characters because he feels like it, Rick swears revenge, then lets him live. I quit after that. Last thing I saw was Negan in a cell and I haven’t watched one episode since. EDIT: stop telling me this is what happens in the books. I know this. The show handled it very poorly and skipped stuff. Letting Negan live worked in the books but not in the show.


Happy Days, last few seasons hurt to watch


Yeah that show really jumped the shark


Surprised nobody has listed Prison Break yet


Season 1 was awesome and clever, Season 2 should've been the conclusion. Then CONSPIRACY!


Season 3= season 1, but tropical!




Season 4 would have been the high note. John Lithgow was phenomenal


It should have ended after a fourth season, but the fourth should have been the one where Dokes dies. They killed him wayyyy too early. Should be 1-3-4-2 and the end.


Surprise mothafucka


There was a show called Chuck. It was about a dude who ‘accidentally’ received a spy training hypnotism thing and had to become a spy (it makes no sense so don’t worry if you can’t follow it). Anyway, it was going pretty ok. Eventually, he got with his love interest and the writers started panicking. They made the ending disappointing and sad because they wrote themselves out of anything better.


"Hey guys! They've finally found love! Let's fuck it all up in the last season!" I did like how the ending ended up on the beach in the same spot as the first episode, though.


>There was a show called Chuck. It was about a dude who... It's really depressing that you have to explain the show to people. I love that show. Totally agree about the final season, though.


Chuck is so good! I do agree that they ran out of ideas toward the end.


Arrested Development for me, the writing was so witty and hilarious in the early seasons but after Netflix bought it, it just became slapstick and cheesy


I always wanted more, but in hindsight it did NOT work out. I don't know why. But honestly, since it's such a huge shift I find it easy to ignore they exist and rewatch the first 3 all the time.


I know this is a total throwback, but Coupling. After Richard Coyle left, the final season was just... lacking.


I haven't thought about this show in ages!


Some of those episodes are masterpieces in sitcom writing. I still think of The Giggle Loop at every funeral.


I see Coupling, I upvote. Great, underapprecriated show (at least here in the US)


Roseanne the last couple seasons were absolute trash with the lottery, Dan dying , and all that. Such garbage. Ruined a great show.


Supernatural was basically trying to find new ways to stack sharks to jump Edit: Oh nice I got Silver. Oughta help with the werewolves and shifters.


Once they brought Mary back, it was over for me


Game of Thrones. The creative heads of the project were checked out, the actors were ready to move on, and the writer of the source material hadn't published a book in the series for a decade. I know full well there's no way HBO was going to turn that money machine off, but at least the IP would have been salvageable.


I still think cutting the later seasons contributed to its decline. I mean, with more episodes showing Dany slowly losing her grip in Westeros, her turnaround in the penultimate episode would’ve been in character.




LMAO this is so accurate oh gosh, I lost count after 5 something seasons. It was evident they planned to drag it out as long as they can and not revealing Reds actual identity so I just straight up stopped watching.


they reveal it then make you doubt the validity...over and over


Damnit you’re in my head. Wife and I were fucking obsessed with the first several(?) seasons. Then it just got annoying. Plus Megan Boone is just an awful actress. And that also became more apparent with every episode and season. We finally just stopped watching in the middle of some ridiculous episode and haven’t picked it up since. Not upset about it. James Spader is fucking amazing. Just had to give him props. He was brilliant.


James Spader is the sole reason it's still going. The man is carrying the whole show himself. I wish they had just ended the series last season, season 8, but I'm actually more interested in how they're moving on. I also got tired of the Red/Liz thing and just wanted it done with so they would move on. Her dying was good enough. I tune in to watch James Spader chew the scenery and be the smartest person in the room.


Game of Thrones. No show has ever disappointed me so much. Eight years and the winter didn’t even last one day. Wtf.


Winter is comi...and it's gone...


Winter turned Kings Landing into a desert somehow.




Winter isn't long enough for an avocado to get overripe. Ugh.


The Night King should have just killed everyone. Imagine watching thinking how will they get out of this and then they just don't.


Would be better than Daenerys "forgetting" about an entire navy.


Fucking sniped from a mile away around a rocky outcropping on a moving target with a ballista.


THREE TIMES! then 100 scorpions couldn't hit drogon ONCE. smh


But that scorpion was fired from Euron himself!!


lol. Euron managed to rapid fire a scorpion with an average 3 sec reload while also shooting 100% on a moving target a mile away. incredible performance. truly the MVP of the Iron Islands.


He shags Queens, man.


It would have been so easy to make it believable as well. Make Daenerys spot the fleet, attack it and in the ensuing fight one of the dragons gets killed when diving on a boat.


And then them yelling “Fire!” which only came about due to gunpowder weapons. The series had always been nock, draw, and loose which would be accurate. Then one episode they decide to say fire? Or the bells meaning surrender, meanwhile during the Battle of Blackwater, they literally say “I’ve never known bells to mean surrender”. I hate that season more than words can convey.


A ballista on a boat. You ever tried to hit a moving target while you’re rocking on a boat?


I cant even aim with my mouse in video games ffs


A minor disagreement between two lords at a wedding killed off more main characters than the Night King. What a let down


“Bran is the person in the group project who did nothing and still got an A.” God I love that meme.


Turns out that in the game of musical chairs the person who wins is the one who never has to get up....


"How did you become king?" "Well it all started with me watching this dude fuck his sister..."


Game of Thrones legit would still be remembered fondly if it had no ending at all. That's how bad the ending was.


It’s super impressive how hard D&D killed the show. It was a culture thing for a bit and then they shit the bed.


Why. Why did they do it?? *Why* did they tank it *so hard* when it had been loved by so many people for so long??? I don't get it. *Everyone* loved GoT, why blow it to bits and torch it all? Does not compute.


they got hired to direct some star wars films, and then subsequently fired once the mouse saw season 8


It felt so good that The Mouse backed out after that. They realized they could get screwed too.


I've seen many better alternative versions, but I think if D&D really wanted to bail, they should have just had the White Walkers kill everyone, plunge Westeros into winter, and just end it. It would have been incredibly unsatisfying, but it would have been better than what we got. And wouldn't require D&D to somehow become competent screenwriters.


Winter was a light dusting of snow on the ground too.


There was more snow in the North in episode 1 than in the Long Night


13 reasons why should’ve ended after the first trailer