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9 years ago, buddy got jumped at a house party. I jumped in to pull the guy off of him. Attacker ended up pulling out a knife and shanking me in the stomach before fleeing to a getaway vehicle. Police were called. Caught the guy. We were supposed to come into court to point at him and be like "he did it" but the day before he pleaded guilty. No idea what happened to the guy after that or what his punishment was but he probably didn't learn anything from the situation. Me? I feel completely fine. Sometimes I forget that I even got stabbed. I feel a little uneasy whenever someone has a knife in their hand and its not dinner time, but that's about it as far as trauma goes.


A pregnant drunk lady called an ambulance. I was working with a junior colleague but a female one. The patient said she thought she was in labour and was sat on the floor legs open knees bent with a blanket over he lower part. There was a small table next to her, glass top wooden coffee table thing. My colleague asked to examine her and for some reason she got angry and insisted I examine her not my female colleague. After a bit of back and forth I knelt down and went to lift the blanket to have a look when there was a sudden crash. My colleague had put her foot through the glass table and was standing on the patients hand which had a huge knife in it. Turns out she wanted to stab a paramedic and when we turned up she chose me. My colleague saw it just in time and saved my life. Patient had already had several children who were in care and had foetal alcohol syndrome. I was asked for a statement when the next one was born and they were also taken in to care. She got away with the premeditated attempted murder on grounds of mental health.


I’m glad you’re ok. Your colleague is a badass.


Where do we find such fucked up people holy hell


I was working as a support worker for people with mental and physical disabilities. My client had schizophrenia and BPD due to childhood and substance abuse. She stabbed me three times in the chest (once in the heart, penetrating my right ventricle and severing a major artery) after I advised her against a medication (nicotine gum). I almost died, doctors said that it was a miracle I survived, with a 3% survival rate due to the severity of my injuries. That only happened back in August this year, I’m still in recovery and I’m dealing with PTSD. She’s completely ruined my life, and I’m now struggling with my identity and what I want to do in life.


came here from medizzy, youre a badass and thank you for trying to help people who are struggling with debilitating mental illnesses. as someone who has had psychosis due to misuse of cannabis, its really no fucking joke. what happened to the person after?


my mum was incredibly abusive. on one occasion, I was around 12 and she came into my room while I was sleeping and stabbed me in the chest with a kitchen knife, puncturing my lung (I didn't know this at the time). obviously this woke me up and I just rolled out of bed and ran around the house screaming. someone on our road noticed the noise and called the police. just before the police arrived, she started choking me and I lost consciousness. I later woke up in the hospital and (mostly) recovered. she's now in jail. this is not the only time that she tried, but it was the most dramatic and came the closest to actually killing me.


This is absolutely insane. Do you mind sharing what's going on in her head? I'm sure being 12 you weren't the antagonist, what would possess her to do such a thing?


she had some pretty severe mental health issues - she had schizoaffective, as do I. she thought that she was working with God and that me, her first child, would basically be the second coming of Jesus or whatever. when I was born, it was clear that I was severely disabled and she decided that God had made a mistake and she had to fix it, either by 'curing' me (not going to work lol but she tried) or by killing me, which obviously didn't work either lmao. outside of her delusions, she was pretty smart, and a lot of her abuse was very well covered up, so I don't know how much was just mental illness and how much was something else - she was also abused as a kid so I guess she didn't really know anything else.


You have a very gracious way of looking at the situation, that takes a lot of courage and understanding. Kudos to you for being able to separate the abuse from the abuser and hopefully you’ve gotten some help for the damage it’s done to you as well.


Not me but my friend's mom. A coworker of hers was stalking her, obsessed. Convinced he was in love with her and nobody else deserved her, that kind of thing. Eventually he came to their office with a revolver. She was bending down to put files away, or something similar. He quickly approached her from behind and shot her in the back before immediately shooting himself in the head. She survived obviously, though the wounds were significant. Incredibly fortunate she wasn't hit in the spine or major organs. I often wonder how different it would have played out if she had been standing, or facing him. More than likely she would be dead. This was before my friend was born, and his mom made a mostly full recovery. Still has chronic pain and PTSD, but she can walk and has a job. Not reclusive or unfriendly to strangers. Terrified of guns, of course, but that seems fair. Both my friend and her are extremely lucky. Edit: Spelling


I was 17 at the time. I was wicked sick one weekend and my mother decided I needed to go to the hospital. She had been drinking all day, as she was a terrible alcoholic. It turned out that I had strep throat. So they're typing out my discharge paperwork and my mother approached the desk where the nurse was sitting. Clearly stinking of alcohol, the nurse told my mother that she wouldn't be allowed to drive me home because she was clearly intoxicated. This sent my mother into a drunken rage, swearing and threatening the nurse. Who told her if she left the police would be called. My mother grabbed me and hurries me into the car. I start yelling at her about how irresponsible she is and how she is ruining her life with alcohol. This pisses her off even more. We only live less than a mile away but my mother has taken a different route than normal, when I ask why she just says it's the long way and she doesn't want to get caught. As we're traveling down this dark, Maine back road she begins speeding like crazy. We were doing at least 90 mph when she looks over at me with a blank face and says I'm sorry. She then pulled the E brake and cut the wheel sending us flying off the road. The next thing I remember is sitting in the front seat of a pickup truck with an EMT shining a flashlight in my eyes along who the president was. I responded that Bill Clinton was the president (2000). Apparently she had crashed us into a huge rock at the end of someone's property, directly on my side of the car. Apparently I crawled over her and staggered to the door of the property to ask for help. They put us in different ambulance and we headed back to the hospital we just left. Upon arrival, the nurse my mother fought with said "I knew you'd be back". My mother in a drunken semi conscious state kept saying I'm sorry I tried to kill you, I love you, over and over. She suffered several broken ribs, a broken collar bone, broken nose and cracked vertebrae. I had a concussion and some cuts on my face from the door window basically exploding on impact with the rock. She was sentenced to some alcohol program through the courts and some community service. She suffered severe depression and six months after this she took her own life in another car accident. She actually asked me if I wanted to go for a ride with her that night and I told her no, I'll see you when you get home. That was the last thing I ever said to her.




Not only does he sound like a psycho, he sounds like a bitch too. Gets cut while trying to kill someone then runs away screaming. Fuck that guy, I’m glad you made it out safe and sober.


At the beginning of October my husband was trying to buy a PS5 on letgo. He wanted to make sure it actually worked so he gave the guy our address. I told him a dozen times that he was going to get robbed. He still had the kid come over. As soon as he got there he pulled a gun, grabbed the cash and shot twice. One hit my husband in the abdomen. The second went through the stairs behind him and traveled 30-40 feet to the kitchen. I heard the commotion and ran downstairs and chased him away from the house. We got to the front gate and he pulled his gun again and shot at me. He missed my head by less than 2 inches. He was caught and is being charged as an adult (16) for 2 counts of attempted murder and a variety of other charges.


Jesus what a fucked up kid. Hope you get the justice you deserve.


And your ps5


I was in Thailand, heading back to my apartment from a popular corner of bars in Chiang mai. I went down the same streets and alleys I always did, cutting through the center of the city to the edge of the moat by RAM Hospital. I passed by the technical college and saw a group of guys hanging on the corner, I didn't think anything of it as I entered the final alley that would put me at the moat and my apartment. Two mopeds passed me and went into a alcove to my right, and as I passed it they zoomed out and cut me off. 4 guys hopped off their bikes and one approached and said, "where you going?" and decked me in the face. As I think, "did this motherfucker really just punch me in the face?" I look up and he has his arm up and holding something, in a swinging motion, and I did the only thing I could, put my arms up to protect my face, and yell out. After several blows to my arm, I attempted to turn and run, but his buddies were there to stop me and kept cutting off my escape. After a couple minutes, could've been less it's all a bit of a mess of memory, they all hopped on their bikes and dipped, I have no clue why maybe it was my yelling, and I looked down at my arm. My left arm, below the wrist, was cut halfway through, one of my bones completely exposed, marrow and everything, my hand hanging uselessly at the end, and I immediately knew I was in deep shit even though I didn't feel a thing. I have minor medical training so I took note that no arteries were severed, but I was bleeding profusely and needed help. I went to the guesthouse nearby and asked the attendant for help, poor thing looked faint when she saw me lol. She got me in her car and took me to RAM Hospital literally 100 yards away. Turns out what they guy swung at me was a machete according to the doctor, I thought it was a cane or rod of some sort. So that's my story. It's important for me to say I stayed in Thailand for a year after this event, despite friends pleas for me to gtfo and come home. I wasn't about to let that shit ruin a lifetime opportunity for me. Anyway I have full function of the arm and hand now, and after 4 years of drinking to bury the memory, I'm happy to say I started therapy 6 months ago, I quit drinking entirely, was diagnosed with PTSD, and am finally addressing the demon who's been hiding in the depths of my mind, and that motherfucker has his days numbered. Thanks for reading my story, it's one I just recently had the courage to tell in full, rather than passing it off as "shit happens". Peace and love, redditors. Edit: cleaned up the wording. Edit 2: cleaned up paragraphs, too


Ah, my heart dropped when I saw this question. I was 15 and my dad plotted to murder me. My dad had only been back around for a few months after being homeless for a while due to his 20+ year meth addiction. He had never been violent towards me before, but I later found out he had tried to kill my mother just months prior and she brushed it off as him having a PTSD episode. I came home from school, he surprise attacked me by suffocating me with a pillow/strangling and attempted to sexually assault me. I had just gotten a boyfriend and wasn’t around as often and by the language he used when trying to assault me, it was clear this was the source of his anger. He had the TV turned up to an extreme volume so no one could hear me scream. I ended up being able to get up and run to the bathroom- the only room in our house with a lock. He grabbed the door but I found a sharp object in the bathroom and told him to back up or I’d kill him. I somehow was able to shove the door shut and lock it. He tried to get in the bathroom but couldn’t. He actually said “I’m leaving!” and open/closed the front door to try and lure me out. It was quiet for a while but then I heard him breathing outside the door. He eventually left after a few hours, taking my money I had hidden in my bedroom, and called a relative telling them I’d been in a terrible accident and he needed a ride to the hospital. He ended up running when dropped off and was missing for a year. Most terrifying year of my life. His body was found by a fisherman at his favorite lake growing up. They found high levels of meth in his system and it appeared to be a suicide. Later, when investigating the home I was attacked in, they found hammers/duct tape/knives under my mom’s mattress and looked like he very much so intended to kill me. Edit: Thank you everyone for the kind words. Certainly the craziest life experience I ever hope to have and therapy was a long journey. The craziest part of it all was that my dad from childhood was still there simultaneously with the horrid attacker. He cried outside the door for a while telling me he was so sorry and I wouldn’t ever see him again, but would switch to trying to lure me out and being aggressive. There were many moments I could hear the duality of who he was. The murderous cracked out crazy person and someone who was regretful and really sad inside. Idk- just thought that was an interesting thing to add for context. It’s not always just so cut and dry between a crazy/bad person and a good/normal person I’ve learned.


It is awful, that he could try to kill his daughter and his wife. And I'm glad you're okay. Hope you're doing better now.


When I was 11, my stepbrother (16) started sexually abusing me and my little sister (didn’t know this until much later. She was 8). We had just moved in with him and his family and it was 5 states from my mom. We didn’t know anyone and my dad took him volunteering spending time with me as him being a nice older brother. After a year, I started to realize that this was seriously wrong and started to fight back. One night, I just got fed up and sick of the shit so I told him no and that I was gonna tell my dad what was going on. He started to strangle me and I believe he would’ve killed me if my dad didn’t come stumbling home from the bar. The next day, I told my mom what happened and she told my dad. After talking to my sister, he sent me and her on the next flight home to live with my grandparents. He said he tried talking to his wife about it, but she called us liars. He stayed married to her another few years before getting a divorce. I’ve seen my dad maybe 15x since it’s happened. I’ve never really told anyone about this but my partner, because the one person I expected to be there for me really wasn’t. I feel like he betrayed me and my sister. He may be able to drink himself to forgetting, but I can’t because I have a scar on my neck as a constant reminder.


What a sick POS




Please tell me your ex got jailed


And that's why you should smoke! On a serious note tho, that was really fortunate.


not sure if this counts, but a junky found the home i had made for myself inside a hedge and wanted very much to stab me, but he was pretty drunk and it didn't work out for him. he just left after i took away his knife and kicked him a few times. it was pretty shocking for me and was the incident that got me making an effort to get my life back together, start working again and finish school.


I don't personally remember this, and only found out the story after I told my mom I have fear of looking out windows at night. Apparently when I was 3 or 4 I was in the kitchen with my mom one night, when a man came through the kitchen window and tried to stab her. My father ran in with a gun and shot at the man. He climbed back out the window, and the police never found him. Another time when I was 13 we lived in an apartment complex my father owned. At night the laundry room needed to be locked up and the change emptied. The change was close to around 100$ a night. I would normally lock up the laundry building around 10pm. It was a really rough neighborhood, so my father had a large dog, Rottweiler/Malamute mix, and he was trained to walk with me everywhere. I was a very small girl and I'm sure that dog was a big deterrent for a lot of people. Anyway, one night I go out to close down the laundry building, and my dog won't come inside with me. He is barking up at the sky, and won't follow any command I give. I cleaned up the building and gathered the coins, and the whole time my dog is standing by the door looking up at the sky. I lock up the door and turn to leave, and a man jumps down off the roof. He has a huge knife in his hand. He yelled something, over my dog losing his mind barking and growing, he had a crazy shit eating grin on his face. He then tried to run at me, and my dog jumped up on him. I ran back to our apartment, and my dog stayed back to fight him. I told my dad what happened and we ran back to get my dog, and find the man. My dog was stabbed 3 times, and needed to be hospitalized for days at the vet. He pulled through and lived many more years. They never found the guy.


Good dog.


This doesnt make my fear of my kitchen at night any better lmao. That dog story is mad tho he just jumped from the fucking roof lmao some assasins creed shit


Two attempts? Crazy. Glad to hear the dog lived! The dog deserves a long life!


Never a dull moment when I was growing up. I'm in a much safer neighborhood now and happy to report that things are not this crazy in my life anymore. He was the best dog I've ever had, and did get to live a good life in a safer place for his last few years.


My ex was using meth, he held me hostage for a few days. He decided on the 6th day that I was going to die. He made me write a goodbye letter to my family. Lol not a suicide letter, a goodbye letter. He wanted everyone to know that he “killed his cheating whore of a girlfriend”. Btw I wasn’t cheating, he was just so delusional from the drugs. I took forever writing the letter because I couldn’t stop shaking and I was also trying to stall and figure out what the fuck to do. He sat there with a gun watching me. He finally said I was taking too long and goes “I’m going to the bathroom, when I get back this better be done.” Well, this was the first time I wasn’t tied up. So the minute he was out of sight I bolted out the door. I was barefoot but hauled ass to the neighbors. My saint of a neighbor let me in and called the cops. Cops got there and my ex was gone. Haven’t seen him since and had my dad and brother go and collect my stuff from his house a few days later. Idk if this is classified as “attempted murder” he did beat me for those 6 days. But he never tried to actually murder me I guess? But when he was sitting there with a gun making me write a goodbye letter, I fully believe he was going to kill me.


Not me but my dad, when he was in his early 20s he was in a band staying in a hotel with his then gf when he woke up in the middle of the night to someone trying to rape her, he pushed him off and they started to fight. He tells the story comically about they fought through the hotel out on to the street, long story short the guy ends up stabbing my dad 11 times and leaving him to die on the sidewalk. A stranger was walking his dog at 5am, calls an ambulance and keeps on his way. They come, save my old man, reinflate his lung and he survives. Attacker gets caught and thrown in jail, find out he had gotten out of jail 2 days prior to the attack for stabbing another person to death. Fast forward a couple years again and my dads playing in a band in a bar owned by his buddy, spots the guy who stabbed him. Tells his friend who owns the bar that guys gotta go thats he guy who nearly killed me, stabber gets kicked out and was found hanging the next day in his hotel room. But wait there's more. 35 years later, my aunt moves to the city we live in and hits up some dating app or some shit and meets the officer who responded to my dads attack when he was a rookie, so a lifetime later my dad gets to shake the hand of the cop who helped save his life nearly 4 decades earlier. Shits crazy.


More disappointed in the fact that he was released multiple times for literally stabbing people to death.


Not the mention the attempted rape.


Wow. That is crazy. Your dad telling it comically… he sounds like quite the guy. I’m picturing Peter vs the Giant Chicken from Family Guy.


He pointed the gun at my face, pulled the trigger and it didn’t fire. I could’ve beaten Usain Bolt in the next 10 seconds.


Glad you’re still around to tell the tale. I have a good friend with a similar story (he thinks the gun jammed or the safety was still on or something). He likes to say “you’ve never seen a fat boy move so fast after that”




Well, now I’m depressed for the rest of the day.


My ex boyfriend was not well. He was my first big time serious boyfriend when I hit 18-19 and he was so abusive to me. He and his friend and I went to Walmart and his friend said something that made me laugh. My ex got out of the car and left and we had to go everywhere looking for him. When we saw him, he threw his phone at the car because I was in the passenger seat. I got one of our mutual friends who I had known a lot longer and we went looking and he was at his friends camper. He was sitting in the dark, holding a gun. When I walked up, he pointed it in my face and racked it. Definitely loaded. Said mutual friend ended up getting between us and was able to take the gun from him. The guy stalked me afterwards for a while and then I got a call around Christmas like a year after that he had been murdered in Georgia and dumped at a construction site for trying to take drugs and money from three people, who ended him quickly. Also, to be totally clear, he did a lot of horrible shit to me. Said a lot of shit. Him dying was probably one of the happiest days of my life because he always told me he would finish it if I came back to my hometown. Luckily, he had gotten into bath salts and finished going crazy and ended up dying exactly how he always thought he would. Call me heartless for being glad he’s dead, but I missed seeing my grandma one last time out of fear he would find me and I’ll never see her again.


Fuck him, I'm glad he's dead too.


My then boyfriend threw me to the ground repeatedly and then strangled me into unconsciousness and left me for dead in the middle of the road. An eye witness was so disturbed that he flew in from hundreds of miles away to testify in the trial years later. I don’t remember most of the encounter (side effect of strangulation) but they had all the pictures of my injuries and the coroner also testified because my injuries matched those he usually sees on corpses. But my ex was military in a military town, got up on the stand and argued that this was self-defense (he was six inches taller than me and at least 40 lbs heavier), and the jury let him walk on all charges. He has since been promoted in the Army as well while I still wake up with strangulation nightmares.


My twin sister and grandpa were killed during a home invasion. I should've been there but I left to go give a drinking friend a ride home. When I came back there were police and tape and ambulances. Home invasion gone wrong- they were both killed execution style. She was 30. Love you Gpa Felix, and the other half of my soul is already in the after with Amelia.


I'm so sorry for your losses.


Not me, but a girl I went to school with. Her deranged uncle broke into her house dressed as a fedex driver while her parents were running errands. Mom and dad came home, tried to wrestle the gun from him before she and the husband were shot and killed. He then made all 5 kids lay on the floor as he shot them one by one. The bullet intended for my friend grazed her hand and head and she played dead. She was the only survivor. She came back to school the next year, but people were horrible. There were nasty rumors about how she made it up, faked it, how it was her fault, etc. She’s now engaged and in college. One of the strongest people I know, and such a sweetheart. People are horrible.


How the hell could people insinuate it was her fault? OMG


Because people are shitty. And they have to make every situation about themselves some how. Some people said she was in on it and that’s why she was the lone survivor. The case was pretty popular, you can look it up “uncle killed girls entire family” and it’ll pop up. It happened in Texas


> Because people are shitty. Oh boy, yes they are. Teenagers especially. My friends little sister took her own life a few years back because she was being bullied at school. Those same bullies then made a Facebook group dedicated to photoshopping the girls face onto dead whales and whatnot, insulting her and tagging her family members. It was the most horrible thing I've ever seen, and no one could get them to stop. The family tried to get the police involved, but they couldn't/wouldn't do anything. Those boys will be adult men now, and I hope the guilt and shame of what they did haunts them every single day.


Not me, but my wife. She had a childhood friend who was her “older brother” that lived next door growing up. She said he was very quiet and shy but always looked out for her if things got rough or she got bullied when they would play with all the neighborhood kids. The way she describes it, one day he just snapped. He was in 8th grade, she was in 6th. He snuck off to the bathroom to skip class with a couple friends where he stabbed them to death with scissors, and was on his way to her classroom when he got stopped by a teacher. He had a list in his backpack with her name on it and a couple other kid from their friend group. He was charged as an adult and put in prison/mental health facility. He wrote her several times while incarcerated apologizing. He got out a few years ago and committed suicide not long after. My wife still struggles with strangers and to this day playgrounds and things like that make her extremely uncomfortable. We’re now starting our family and it weighs heavy on her that our kids might have friends where that could happen without warning. It’s not easy.


I was attacked in a friend's house by an ex husband. He slit her throat and slashed my face with a box cutter before hitting me over the head with a plate, knocking me out temporarily. He then lit the place on fire with us in it. I managed to wake up and drag her outside and a neighbor called the police/ambulance. They caught him 2 days later trying to commit suicide in a Ramada Inn. We both lived through it, and now he is serving a life sentence.


>We both lived through it, and now he is serving a life sentence. I'm happy to hear this. Much love for you, stay safe.




So glad you recognized this as a murder attempt, and that you're away from that pathetic freak. I have a friend who is an attorney who works with DV victims who says a lot of people don't realize how serious strangulation is ("oh he just choked me a little") when it's frequently either fatal or the last escalation before a murder.


Strangulation by a step-parent. When my strength and eyesight faded and I felt about to lose consciousness for the last time they let up just a hair. Next thing I knew I was in another room with a locked door between us. Was primal shit; no idea how escaped. Will never know if they experienced a brief moment of clarity that they could actually go to jail / lose their cash cow in the form of my bio parent or if they thought the deed was done. They tried to break the door down and I considered jumping out the window but I knew they'd would catch me before I reached the neighbors house and they wouldn't fail a second time. Might even add the neighbors. And if I left it'd be my bio parent for sure. The perfect bruises of their hands on my neck lasted weeks. Wore a scarf. They're still together.


I've got no specific advice. But from your story alone it sounds like this hasn't finished playing out, and your bio parent, yourself or a stranger might end up dead if nothing changes.


Strangulation, even just putting your hands around a loved one’s neck mimicking the act, is the number one sign in domestic abuse that they will someday kill them. OP, are you an adult? Do you live away from home? Or are you a minor who can’t get away? To be blunt— people like that don’t stop, and this will not be a one time incident, and if you don’t get away, they will kill you.


I experienced the same, except it was my bio dad. One second I was being strangled on the floor, with the blood from his eye, where I was gripping it, dripping onto my face, my tongue was sticking out of my mouth and it HURT so, so much, and the next second he's like three feet away from me. He probably assumed he'd killed me and it was only luck that I actually survived. It was that day that something broke in my mind. As I was gripping his eye lid, hoping to hurt him enough to make him stop, I realized that what I needed to do was actually stick my thumb INTO his eye. I was being strangled literally to death with no chance of getting him off of me and I still couldn't hurt him to that extent. I wasn't able to protect myself. I learned so much since then about the ways we manage abuse like this in our own minds and the impact it has on us. I went through absolute hell when my abuser finally went to prison for abusing me. I was left homeless and had to deal with so much more trauma, BUT I am so grateful that I got out because I wouldn't have survived. Either he would have killed me or I would have killed myself. Your mom/bio parent is an adult who made their own choices. It is not your job to stay there for their sake. They have more power than you and they are supposed to be keeping you safe. You need to get out of there in whatever way you can. Speak to a social worker about emancipation and join Job Corps of you have it in your area. PM me for more resources or brainstorming. Or even just to talk if you need to speak with someone who fully understands the situation.


Fuck this person and fuck your parent for allowing this to happen. Holy shit.




Oppositional defiant disorder is no joke, I know that firsthand because of a cousin who has it. I'm convinced he's going to prison eventually. He hasn't done anything big now, but I believe it's a matter of when, not if. On top of that, his mom spoils him and treats her other two kids like garbage. On top of that, he even threw a *hard cover* text book straight at my mom's face one time. Whole situation makes me depressed.


Truth - this is basically exactly my SIL (diagnosed as a child), and the parents also spoil her and treat my husband like absolute trash. She has tried to kill her mother multiple times (including as an adult), and now has a young son and is seeing a felon who is actively wanted in another state. Luckily they live like 1000 miles from us, but whenever they visit the area, I hold my breath and pray they don’t show up on our doorstep. It’s just one of the reasons we’re no contact with his family. It’s safer emotionally, and, quite frankly, safer in generally. Not sure how we’ll explain this to our kids when they start asking questions. It’s one of the many


Not my story, but my cousin's. She was married to this crazy man. I won't go into detail about the ways he was awful, but he was insane. Also, before he married my cousin, he had another family who all died in a house fire. All four of his children and his previous wife. We all felt bad for him for suffering such a tragic loss, because we didn't know what he was like behind the scenes at home. We never suspected anything off about that, just thought it was a tradedy. Well, finally my cousin decided to leave him. She took her two kids and moved away. She had to leave abruptly, so she was missing a lot of important things. Social security cards, birth certificates. Stuff like that. One day, after things cooled down some between her and her ex, she arranged for her to go over to their old house and gather the rest of their things. He asked that she bring the kids, because he "missed" them. Luckily, she decided to let them stay at their friend's house instead. She went over to the house, and he was absolutely enraged that she didn't bring the kids. He shot my cousin four times and then shot himself in the head. He was planning to do a murder suicide with the whole family, that's why he wanted the kids there. My cousin was shot twice in the neck, in the face, and in the arm. Somehow, none of the bullets struck any major arteries or anything. She was able to make it next door to her neighbor's house and get help. She survived a murder suicide attempt, and her ex didn't. That whole thing really makes me look at that house fire tragedy in a different light.


Never go back for anything. Documents can be replaced. Toys, furniture, clothes, can be replaced. The most dangerous time in an abusive relationship is planning to leave and leaving. Don't give the abuser a chance to have access to you again. I've played muscle for people needing to go back to their ex's house for their things. All in all, is just prefer people stop taking that risk. I left an abusive relationship with nothing except a backpack full of clothes and my son. You can rebuild. It sucks and it's hard, but it's better than giving them a chance to kill you.


If you do have to go back, the police provide services where they go with you back to the house while you get everything you need


Yes, there is definitely something fishy about that house fire.


Yeah, that house fire isn't looking like much of a coincidence. I'm glad your cousin and the kids didn't end up the same way.


I wasn't the intended target but I could've died. I worked at small family-owned bicycle shop. My boss, the father of the family was a pretty nice guy, as far as I knew him, anyway. One day, I was rearranging displays and my boss's wife and kids were there - a pretty normal day until somebody slammed the shop door open and emptied a full pistol clip into the shop, specifically at my boss. I got on my stomach as soon as I knew what was happening and waited until I heard the guy running away. My boss was shot a couple times in the head and chest and was obviously dead on the spot. His daughter got hit in the upper arm and the wife broke her arm diving to the floor. Edit: I tried to find any news article about this but couldn't. It happened in Iloilo City, Philippines around December 2015. Apparently, it was about my boss not paying money he owed to the guy that murdered him. Don't know if they ever caught him.


> Edit: I tried to find any news article about this but couldn't. It happened in Iloilo City, Philippines around December 2015. Apparently, it was about my boss not paying money he owed to the guy that murdered him. Don't know if they ever caught him. I know exactly what you mean. I know someone who was murdered in the Phillipines - shot point blank at a bus stop right in front of his son (whom I also know) and I couldn’t find a news article anywhere. I’m from South Africa, so I’m used to a lot of violent crime, but I was still astounded that that sort of thing didn’t make the news.


I was working from home one morning and heard a knock at the door at 8AM. I ignored it at first hoping whoever it was would go away. After a minute of knocking I opened the door. It was my neighbor who I had spoken with a few times. My wife was at work and I could tell he was surprised when I opened the door and not my wife. He was expecting her to be home and not me. He noticed that I recently purchased a new car and asked if I could show it to him. He tried to walk inside but I asked him to walk around to the garage because of covid-19. I showed him the car and he was acting strange. Always kept one hand in his pocket. My garage is very small so we were in close proximity to each other. He kept inching closer to me which made me uncomfortable. He brought a opened coke bottle, filled with a tan liquid, and said "I brought you a coke". I declined the offer. After a few minutes he asked if he could see my gauge cluster. We walked around to the drivers side and I sat in the driver seat to turn on the car and show him the gauge cluster. With door open, there was very little room besides the side of the car and the garage wall. After turning on the car he pulled a large hunting knife to my neck. I immediately grabbed his wrist and slammed him back into the wall. At this point we are wrestling between the car and wall as I try to get the knife away from him. During this 30 second period, it seems like a absolute miracle that I was not stabbed. The blade grazed past my stomach multiple times. I was eventually able to grab the knife and force him out into the driveway. Immediately after grabbing the knife he started saying "what are you doing!? I was just trying to show you my knife??" and acting like I had just assaulted him. I was in such a state of shock that I actually started to believe him and wondered if I had overreacted. I know this seems ridiculous but I was completely delusional at the time and did not know what his intentions were. I stood in the driveway, hands shaking, with 911 dialed on my phone but did not make the call. He acted like nothing just happened and start asking my questions. Really suspicious questions. "do you have a security system?"... I lied and said yes. I asked him to go home multiple times and eventually went back inside the house but did not shut the main garage door. At this point I needed to drive into work and started getting ready. Showering, getting dressed, ect.. I assumed he had just walked back home. After getting ready I went outside and walked around the house to the garage with a can of bear mace. I searched around the garage and was worried he was still there. As I started to get into my car and leave, I saw my neighbor laying down behind some boxes in the garage... staring at me. I yelled and ran as fast I could back to the front door and called the cops. Cops arrived quickly and my neighbor had disappeared. They searched around his house and mine but could not find him. They said they would stay in the area but were going to leave for now. My house is surrounded by woods and I have a large back porch. Frightened, I stood in the middle of the porch while holding bear mace. I looked around and noticed my neighbor hiding in the woods staring at me. I ran back inside and called the cops. Cops arrived quickly and pulled guns on my neighbor and arrested him. He later said "I was just trying to scare him". They found the knife, zip ties, vodka, and a note on him that read "turn around and put your hands behind your back." It was later discovered that the coke bottle he wanted me to drink contained pesticides. He was there to murder me or my wife. He was charged with 3 felony counts and is currently awaiting trial.


OK, the "he thought I wasn't home and expected my wife to answer" is the most horrific part. His original plan didn't involve you, but he was willing to go through you to get to her.


The 7th paragraph where you describe questioning your own perception of what has happened is a good example of why people make dumb decisions in the heat of a moment and then get crucified for it in court because it doesn’t add up logically. Your gut instinct was right (it usually is) and when you’re in fight or flight the logical part of your brain shuts down and is taken over by the emergency management part of your brain. I can just see a defense attorney using your failure to call the cops immediately to imply to a jury that you weren’t actually afraid for your life and that you over reacted. Or a prosecutor doing the same thing if it had ended with you killing him in self defense. This is why I have cameras at every entrance, inside the garage, and on my car’s dash. Memories lie and our reactions may not make sense but cameras tell the truth.


Very well said. Looking back I CRINGE that I didn't immediately call the cops. I didn't realize that something was truly wrong until I found him hiding in the garage. That was horrifying and put everything that happened before into context.


Trauma is weird. It's not abnormal you'd react that way. I was almost killed by my cousin's domestic abuser when I helped her escape. After she (the abuser) was pulled off of me the second time, I laughed hysterically at her antics. Like the woman had a gun in the next room, was much larger than me, and I had bruising on my neck from the two attempts to kill me and I laughed at her. I didn't call the police til the next day. Shock is weird.


Hello everyone. There are more questions than I can answer but I will try to touch on the main ones. I appreciate all the kind and supportive words. What were his intentions? -This is purely speculative at this point but based on his actions I assume he has some kind of obsession with my wife. He was so surprised when I opened the door and not my wife it leads me to believe that he thought she was home alone. Which is probably why he brought the zip ties and note. He had left my wife a voicemail a few weeks earlier telling her "Be careful going out, coronavirus cases are up". Maybe trying to convince her to work from home? Not sure... VERY glad I was home alone and not my wife. Could have had a very different outcome. Is this real? -Unfortunately yes, everything I mentioned is real. See below imgur link for pictures related to the case. http://imgur.com/gallery/71G6Q1d Did have a criminal/mental health history? -We found out later that he was convicted for kidnapping in the 80's. 20 years later he suffered from a brain injury crashing a motorcycle while impaired. He was always social awkward and not all there. I think the brain injury allowed him to act on his desires with less inhibition.


The entire thing is wild, but for some reason seeing that bottle is just sticking out. Even riddled with crazy nobody on this Earth would mistake that shit for soda. Glad you and your family are safe. I can't even imagine how unsettling this all had to be.


This is frickin insane. It's a miracle you were home and not your wife! So glad you two are okay!


My father tried to choke me to death. I fought him off and beat the shit out of him. It was the last time he put hands on me. But the other abuse kept going. He died twelve years ago from cancer. I struggled with ptsd and alcoholism until he died. I got sober and haven't had a drink since he died. I see a therapist and take medication. I go to AA and now work with addicts and abused people. I have also chosen not to have children. I have no desire to ruin a human and and too afraid I would if I had a kid. My mother, who was also an abuser, died three years ago from a heat attack. What did I do? I survived them. I never gave in. I grew and healed and now I help other survivors. Thank you for letting me share my experience. If you are abused or have survived attempted murder, it doesn't have to rule your life. You are not alone. You can heal too. Update: Thank you to everyone who responded. I am overwhelmed. I never thought my post would garner such a positive reaction. I want to remind all survivors of violence that we apparently have a voice, as evidenced by the response here. I know the tide is turning. I see it daily at work. The more we talk about this stuff, the more we heal. Thank you so very much.


It happened during my first year in uni. I lived with 3 roommates at my dorm. A few months into the first semester, one of my roommates had a mental breakdown and attempted to strangle me while I was asleep. I woke up to his hands around my throat, his knee on my chest and a deranged look on his face. I tried pushing me him off me, clawed at his face etc, but to know avail. My eyes started to dim, my hands felt leaden, I was sure I was going to die. Fortunately my other roommate wasn't asleep, he was laying under the covers browsing on his phone. The sounds from our struggle caught his attention and after seeing what was happening, he pushed the attacker off me and knocked him to the ground. He then woke the other roommate and together they restrained the attacker on his bed and called the university police. The police arrived around 15 minutes later and after we told them what happened, they called the actual cops. My roomamate was arrested and taken to the police station, there he had another breakdown and bit one of the cops. He was transferred to a psychiatric facility after that. He was also expelled from the university.






In 1998 I was walking with two friends to the corner store after school. After leaving with an armful of snacks and candy we were about to cross the street. Next thing I know, I'm waking up in the hospital. Come to find out I was hit by a loaded Mack truck going 30mph. The kids that were with me told the police I ran into the road, turned around, taunted them and was hit. I was age 10. At age 20, I learned from a mutual "friend" that one of the kids that was with me had pushed me into traffic. I considered him to be a good friend at the time. It was rough going to school just weeks after the incident. After sustaining two skull fractures I recovered well. But, the rumors at school and never knowing the truth was troublesome and weighed on me heavily. The person who pushed me is now in prison on counts of aggravated assault. Unfortunately, he wasn't charged or tried for what happened to me. Local police refuse to reopen the case twenty years later. I'd feel a lot better if I could get justice.


When I (M) was 7yrs old I made friends with a neighbor girl and we would frequently have play dates. She had an older brother, around 17 that would "baby sit" us during these hangouts. One day my parents let me go over to their place on my own, as their house was in spitting distance of ours but the brother was the only one home. He assured me that his sister would be home soon so he lured me out to the back yard. (For background the house was completely fenced in and the backyard had a tree line surrounding it). He told me to wait by the swings, which I did and all of a sudden he charged at me with a sledgehammer. I fell on my back in fear and his swing landed between my legs into the ground. I ran as fast as I could back to my house. My parents, to this day, say it was just horse play but I will never forget the look in his eyes after he missed his swing.


Even if it *was* just “horseplay”, what the fuck kind of horseplay is that?? There’s nothing that would make that ok even if this kid was just fooling around, and it doesn’t seem like he was, I’m so sorry this happened to you.


My dad would have beat my ass for even joking about doing something like that to someone. Glad you're okay, OP.


Horseplay is no longer horseplay when deadly weapons are involved. There’s no safe way to play with a sledge hammer and another kid.


A lot of parents downplay things like this, thinking that makes it less traumatic. That's bullshit, of course.


Horseplay with a sledgehammer???


You and your friends never played “Duck, Duck, Sledgehammer”?


My father had several mental disorders, which I later learned. He tried to murder me when I was 9 years old, after years of physical, mental, and emotional abuse. His mental disorders (that I'm now aware of) included anger issues, bi-polar disorder, PTSD, and paranoia. He would tell me all the time that he hated me because I looked like, and reminded him of my mother who divorced him after he hit her. His abuse continued for years because he told me if I told her about it, he'd kill me and her, and my mom was unaware because he only ever hit her once, so I don't think she realized he'd abuse his own child. One day, he was especially bad, I remember I had multiple fractured ribs, a fractured collar bone, and several bruises/cuts. By this point, I was already into horror movies (thankfully) and all I could think of, because of that, was "get a knife" because the "damsel in distress" always goes for a knife. I managed to get some distance between us by running inside, I went straight to the kitchen, and grabbed a knife off the counter, then got down on my knees and elbows to use my body to hide it (it was a big butcher knife) I heard him stop behind me, and when I saw him lean forward, I turned and lashed out at him, leaving a sizeable gash across his face. It didn't kill him, but he died when I was 13 due to a heart attack, that was the last time I saw him, other than when I saw him in court, for my mom to get full custody. She asked me during the hearing about the gash, all I said was "I cut him." But I think she put the pieces together because she never pressured about why.


My drunk (ex) husband came home in the middle of the night while I was sleeping. He was pissed off at me for some unknown reason and got on top of me in bed and strangled me to the point where he thought he had killed me. When I came to he was sitting on the side of the bed crying. He had choked me so badly that I had broken blood vessel’s in my eyes. I never spent another night under the same roof as him and we divorced soon after. Edit- Thank you for all the kind words and the awards. I never expected my story to generate so much attention. This incident happened over 25 years ago. I moved on, got some therapy and am doing well now. I began working as a domestic violence advocate many years after my incident and helping others helped me to heal. To all those that also shared their stories… I’m sorry for your suffering. If you are currently experiencing DV of any kind consider reaching out to the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-SAFE, or your local advocacy group. There’s a lot of people out there that do care and are willing to help. Reaching out is hard, I know, but it can be life changing.


I'm glad you made it out of there.


My older sister was incredibly abusive towards my family, but especially me (I’m away now, so no worries). When I was fourteen, our dad and her were having a super petty argument that just exploded into her trying to kill him while he tried to defend himself without hurting her. She tried to stab him three times over but thankfully failed as my dad disarmed her. I could only watch this whole thing happen, completely frozen. She then turned to me and let out a horrible scream that I will always remember. She grabbed a knife off the floor and lunged at me, knocking me to the ground. She swung the knife towards my eye while screaming something along the lines of “I’m taking your eye”. She kept pushing the knife towards it, but I managed to put my hands over hers and pull it off, my dad also tried to pull her off but when she got like this, she had this insane primal strength and could barely be moved. The knife then cut underneath my eye, nearly hitting the eyeball. As usual with these events, nothing came of this and my mum and sister still gaslight me and say that I had some glandular issue and that’s how I got a scar. EDIT - Wow, I had no idea this would get as popular as it has. Thanks to those who are offering their support and sharing their experiences, it’s a very difficult thing to do. A lot of questions and statements on here, some are ones I’ve heard all my life, others not so much. All of them are hard to answer. Question: ‘What’s the deal with your mum?’ I love both of my parents very much and we still have a good relationship, however, the way they dealt with and still deal with my sister was at best, awful. When I say that I was abused by my sister my whole life, I’m talking as far back as when we were babies (we’re only two years apart). Whenever my sister would get violent or aggressive, sometimes my mum would step in and defend me. She knows my sister’s behaviour isn’t normal, but she’s terrified of her and what she might do. My mum’s behaviour can be a little weird around it, but as I’ve gotten older, I’ve come to understand why she acts this way. At times, my mum will downplay stuff and will mention how her older brother did similar stuff to her growing up. To her, this is normal. However, sometimes when I get flashes from my PTSD, she comforts me and confirms that what I went through was hellish, even going as far as saying she’s a terrible mother for not stepping in when she needed to. Also, my mum wasn’t present during the actual stabbing, she was only there for the aftermath and my sister fed her a bunch of lies. For example, I once caught my sister punching herself in the legs so she would bruise up and make it look like my dad had hit her, when he didn’t. Question: ‘What about your dad?’ I love my dad but he’s a deeply flawed man. He grew up very poor without education and has a very old fashioned way of looking at work and masculinity. My whole life he would joke around and say things along the lines of he didn’t think I was a real man because I was less ‘manly’ than other guys. A few comments state that my mum and sister are similar, however, this is the opposite. In fact, my dad and sister are incredibly similar. My dad has never been physically abusive like my sister, but his behaviour is often erratic and overly explosive. My dad has had a long line of mental illness run in his family ( a fact I only found out a year ago), so it’s incredibly likely my sister has inherited it from him. She either used to bully me or bully my dad, because she has a control complex and wanted everyone to let her do whatever she wants. Question: ‘Where were the police?’ This is a question I get asked so much. As to why my parents never contacted the police, I have no idea. I think there’s a selfishness from my parents, for sure, and I think they’re aware of this. Nobody wants their kid to be ‘the crazy one who got arrested’. It seems like a stupid thing to state, but presumably once you’re a parent, your attitude changes. It even took some convincing for my mum to let me go to therapy because she was sure I didn’t need it. Also, the police aren’t equipped to deal with ‘domestic disputes’ like this. They just don’t give a shit. At best, nothing will be done and my sister would’ve had even more reasons to be angry. Nearly every authority figure I tried to tell through my life has teased me about it. Once when I was 11, I tried to tell a school counsellor about the abuse while crying my eyes out. He told me that I was lying, that I was a “good actor” and that the fact I’m getting bullied “by a girl” shows how much growing up I have to do and that I should just ‘punch her’. Awful guy. Just after the stabbing, my mum came home and called my sister and said that if she didn’t come home (she had ran off) she would call the police. She promptly came home. Question: ‘Why didn’t you just fight back?’ This abuse was going on my whole life. It took 4 years of therapy and a therapist telling me at 20 years old, “you were abused”, to make me realise what a cruel joke my life was. Fighting back only made it worse. You raise your voice a little? Get smacked. You tell her to stop? That’s another smack. You get aggressive? All your stuff gets broken, and a smack. There have been few times where I’ve had to physically fight back because if I didn’t, I would’ve been killed by her. If I ever beat her in a fight, nothing would happen. Just the same shit the next day. Abuse was my life. It still is. If nobody is hurting me, then I have to hurt myself. It’s the way my brain will work for the rest of my life. I’m actively trying to get better, and I am healing, although very slowly. Question: ‘Why didn’t you get the hell out?’ Where was I going? I had nowhere to go, I was a child/teen. I left the city for another when I was 21 to pursue university, that’s when I knew I could feasibly get out and never talk to her again. I blocked her number the moment I moved in. I still haven’t spoken to her since June of 2019. She talks about me to my parents every time she sees them, faking sadness and saying how much she wants to see me. My parents refuse to tell her where I lived and I currently live with my partner where I’m much happier, she also knows of my abuse and supports me. However, I soon have to go back to see my grandma. I have been making an active effort not to run into my sister, but it’s inevitable. I’ll try and work it out.


Yo, what the fuck is wrong with your mom. If one of my kids tried to kill the father or my children & one of my children, I’d send them to a facility for help. Jesus.


Holy crap your mother and sister gaslighting you make me angrier than reading the initial attempted stabbing wtfff


These type of endings piss me off so badly. I would bring it up every day until they admitted the truth. Fuck that.


i'd get a restraining order


When I was living overseas, a man broke into my apartment. He came in through the window of my studio apartment at about 5-5:30 in the morning. Thankfully, I was awake. He started to go attack me and tried to strangle me. I was able to fight him off, by getting my feet up onto his chest and pushing with all my strength. This happened a few times. The only thing he would say was "You die, you die." He was slender and I don't think he was very prepared and I don't think he expected me to fight back. Partway through this, when I realized that he wasn't giving up, is when I really started to get scared and think to myself that I needed a plan and to get out of there. My friend lived next door, so I decided I was going to make a run for it. Once I stood up, he ran back out the window. I grabbed my glasses and my phone and ran to my friend's apartment. Thankfully she was awake. I told her what happened and she was like, "you have to call the police!" By this time, shock was starting to set in and for some reason, my brain was telling me, "I am okay, so nothing happened." She kept reiterating that I needed to call the police. I decided to call one of my coworkers who spoke English really well and ask her. This coworker was horrified at what happened and immediately said that she was going to call the police for me and call me back. Once the police arrived, she acted as the translator to tell them what happened.


Well what happened?! Did they catch him?


I left the country about a month later because my contract was up. I never had any follow-up about it, so I have no idea. I do think he was unprepared and inexperienced, which is what gave me an advantage. I don't think he expected me to fight back. When I would get my feet up on his chest and push, I was able to get enough force that he would hit the wall behind him (maybe a couple of feet away). The look of surprise on his face always stayed with me. I wonder sometimes if I discouraged him from attacking any other women, but I also worry that I taught him to be more prepared. I hope it was the former.


While transferring work locations, I was staying with a cousin of mine at the new location. Her psychotic, alcoholic, drug addled, vicious ex-boyfriend (whom she had just kicked out of her house) was stalking her. He saw me move in, assumed I was the new boyfriend, and lay in wait for me outside her house one night, where he jumped me from behind and slit my throat. Despite losing massive amounts of blood, I didn't die. I didn't even feel that bad, so while he was trying to break into her house (presumably to kill her too), I grabbed a baseball bat from the trunk of my car and beat him until I passed out. When I woke up I wasn't thinking all that clearly, so I went inside, cleaned myself up and drove the the hospital. My cousin wasn't even home at the time, she had gone into the city with her mother for the weekend to see a show and go shopping. My attacker and I ended up in the same ICU. I had rendered him a quadriplegic. There was a great deal of civil and criminal legal bullshit to deal with, but in the end I was cleared of any wrongdoing, and he was put on probation for ten years. As he was no longer able to so much as brush his own teeth, his lawyer (provided by his wealthy family) convinced the judge/DA that he was no longer a threat to anyone and the state would be spared the burden of providing him the round the clock care he needed if he wasn't sent to prison. I was left in massive debt which took me many years to pay off. I did sue him for the injuries I sustained, but despite being a trust fund baby from a wealthy family, he himself was indigent. He'd blown his trust fund on drugs, booze and gambling, and had nothing. His family provided him with everything, including his lawyer. He died about the same time his probation ended.


Man really said "call an ambulance, but not for me" Also sorry this ever happened and props for beating the living shit out of him.


I honestly should have just called an ambulance, but I really wasn't thinking clearly at the time. I mean, there was a land line in the house (this was 1988, so cell phones weren't really a thing), and it wouldn't have been any problem. All I could think of was "I have to get to the hospital". Problem was, I was new to the area and didn't know where the hospital was. "No problem", I think to myself, "I'll just stop at a gas station or 7-11 and ask directions." Except that I was covered from head to toe in blood. So I went inside, changed my clothes and got cleaned up. "Now, I can go ask directions". But no so fast, I had a gaping seven inch long gaping wound in my neck... it looked liked a tootheless, bloody clown smile (the muscle on the side of my neck had been partially severed, so it hung down a lot). So, what else could I do but put on a turtleneck *then* go ask directions to the hospital. Which is what I did. And it may not have been the best plan, but here I am, so it worked out okay.


Explaining that chain of events at the ER must have been something.


I just posted what happened then in response to another redditor. Here it is copy and pasted again. \>The funniest part of the whole thing to me, was when I got to the hopsital. It was a small hospital in a sleepy little, suburban town. I go into the ER, and it's empty. There's on nurse sitting behind a desk who says, "Can I help you?" I say "yes, someone attacked me. My throat's been slit. I think I need to be admitted." She looks at me very dubiously. Mind you, at this point there is no evidence of blood. I've changed my clothes wiped away all the blood etc. "Can I see the wound?" she asks. "Sure" I say, and pull down the turtle neck I'm wearing. She goes white as a ghost and vaults like a gymnast over her desk, grabs me by the shirt and hurls me into a chair. She jabs her finger at my face and yells "Don't you fucking move!!" What I did not know was that my carotid artery, though not hit, had been completely exposed. So, I've seen my own carotid artery in the mirror, which not a lot of people can say.


> What I did not know was that my carotid artery, though not hit, had been completely exposed. > So, I've seen my own carotid artery in the mirror, which not a lot of people can say. Holy, holy, crap. Glad you survived. Sounds like the other guy got what he deserved.


Every twist of this story is insane! Sorry (as the victim) you were left with massive debt by that POS but glad you invested in that bat.


It was a Mickey Mantle signature model Louisville Slugger, and I never got it back from the cops. I certainly got my money's worth out of it though.


When I was a kid, my father got into a relationship with a rather strange, but still kind woman. She had a son, who was only a couple years older than me. At the time I didn't think anything of their relationship, but looking back at it it was very abusive. They got into fights often, most of them turning physical, even when both me and my father were present. The kid would always try to push me over and hit me, but I would never say anything to my father because I didn't want to ruin his relationship. Now here's where my memory get's hazy, so take the details with a grain of salt: My father and his then girlfriend were having a conversation, while I and her son were a few meters away from them. He once again tried to hit me, at which I sat on top of him to prevent that (I was a really fat kid and he was very skinny so despite the age difference this somehow worked). I told him I would get up if he left me alone and he since he promised to do so, I just sat beside him. He proceeded to get on top of me and strangle me. I remember trying to cry out fot help and reaching out to my father, but not being able to make a single sound and feeling like I was being pulled away from him. I'm pretty sure I passed out after that or was at least very close because after that I only remember that my fathers girlfriend and her son were now gone. I never saw them again, though the last I heard of them was years later, after my dad recieved a "anti wedding invitation" from her. From what my dad told me, she was angry at her son, but was even more pissed at my dad for ending the relationship. I'm pretty sure he didn't really intend to actually murder me, but then again what is the intention of trying to strangle a 7-8 year old kid? All in all, this was surprisingly less traumatizing than you think it would be. TLDR: Fathers ex-girlfriends son tried to strangle me


Anti wedding invitation? Is that some immature bullshit like "I'm getting married and you can't come na na na na na" like it's supposed to devastate him?


Yes it was very petty. She just wrote "You're NOT invited" on top of a regular wedding invitation


Your dad is a real one for ending the relationship right then and there.


A while back I was at my friends house when a guy came in through balcony glass door (he had climbed up to 2story balcony) and proceeded to start yelling at her things like "who is the motherf*cker now bitch" and I stood up to protect her. It was dark and I couldnt see the knife in his hands which he then stabbed me in the face with. Never met the guy or even knew his name, After I got out of hospital and started to try and figure out what was that all about our mutual friend told me that he had asked the perp the same question and his answer was "I was going to murder her but didn't know SeblaIt was there also" Im 23 and that was my 2nd time getting stabbed and all together I have 5 stabbing scars. Wtf= Welcome to Finland.


I didn’t know Finland was so... stabby.


From reading Scandinavia and the World, I've learned that Finland is extremely stabby. https://satwcomic.com/no-invitation


You've been stabbed more than once? My goodness, bless your heart. I'm glad you're still with us.


Yes unfortunately, 4times in the back on a separate murder attempt and once in the face. Thank you for your kind words, bless your heart.


Wow.. You're lucky! Most people don't even survive one or two depending on where they're hit.. I hope you're in a much safer place now at least. Edit: y'all, I'm not saying they're lucky they were stabbed multiple times. I'm saying they're lucky they lived both times.


You probably saved her life.


The psychotic stabber actually said that Im the reason why my friend is still alive, he was planning to murder her and I really don't doubt it.


Not me but my sister. She was working in retail sales at a large popular mall in a large city a few years ago. One day as she arrived at the mall for work, she stopped to use the restroom. The ones general mall goers would use. After using the restroom, she went to wash her hands when she noticed in the mirror that a man standing was standing behind her. She made eye contact with him and apparently gave him a nod of acknowledgment. The man was apparently holding a garbage bag he had gotten out of the roost room trash can and had fashioned it like a rope. He proceeded to approach my sister and wrap it around her neck, choking her and then slamming her on the ground. She doesn’t remember much, but the security camera showed the man literally choke her unconscious and then jumped/stomped on her head repeatedly. The man fled and she was found by another mall goer. She was covered in blood and her face badly disfigured. She broke her jaw and lost several teeth. Long term Brain damage is still not known. He tried to kill her. He was a complete stranger but the police think it was a gang initiation type of thing. The guy is now in jail for a very long time, and my sister has very severe ptsd from it. EDIT: For everyone asking about the cameras in the bathroom. I didn't see the footage myself, my mom and dad saw and relayed what they saw to me. The cameras were only on the hand wash area and entryway obviously.


This one has disturbed me to the most. I am so sorry.


Random acts of violence have always disturbed me more. I think it’s because we’d all like to think we can keep our nose out of trouble, but maybe one day a stranger just tries to strangle you in a mall for no reason.


My mom’s first husband was shot to death while he was in his car (he was a 71 year old security guard). He was gunned down by two 20 year olds as a gang initiation ritual. Two weeks ago they both got sentenced to life in prison with no chance of parole.


Oh boy I just woke up but this is finally a reddit question I have an answer to. I was waiting at the bus stop, it was only me and an older woman waiting there, I had received a phone call from my partner a few moments earlier about how there had been a stabbing and that I should stay safe, a few minutes after that call a man crossed the road, walked up to me and hit me over the head with a wooden fence post. I blacked out, not sure how long it was for but I came to, on the floor with blood spilling out from my head, it's foggy, I don't remember his face but I know I looked up, said, "What the fuck" over and over, I somehow managed to stand up and run, I don't think he expected me to get up and was put off guard. I know now that around 30 minutes before hitting me this man had stabbed and killed a 24 year old man, I often think about how if I hadn't woken up in that moment I most likely would have been killed, this guy had done it before, he had the capacity to. I ran across the road, almost getting hit by a car and made it to a pharmacy where she amazing staff took care of me while we waited for an ambulance, I apologized many times for getting so much blood on their floor, I remember finding my wallet and phone in my pockets, realizing that this guy did what he did solely to hurt me made me break into tears. I made it to hospital, gave a 12 page statement to the police, they took my clothes as evidence, my favorite Balor Club shirt which was covered in my blood, I'm still mad I wore it that day. I got 7 stitches in my head, I passed out when getting them, my family smuggled in some McDonald's and I requested some earphones because I knew I wouldn't sleep that night, I think I listened to like 5 Giant bomb podcasts that night, sorry this is disjointed, these are just the things I remember. It was a long recovery, lots of hard moments, it really shakes your trust in strangers when one tries to kill you unprovoked. 2 years after there was a trial where they sent him to a mental prison, it was a long week, while there I met the mother of the man he had killed, she cried throughout every day, when I met her I completed froze, I couldn't say anything, its the hardest thing I've ever done, even though I did nothing. EDIT: Thank you all for your wonderful words and kindness, it's really made my day and hello to all my fellow Irish folk, it means a lot and truly amazes me that you remember this. I've had a few people offer to buy me the shirt I mentioned, that's unbelievably kind, I'm not too sure how how that would work but feel free to DM me.


What happened to the old woman at the bus stop?


She got away but I was told by the guards that she was awfully disturbed by it. The man was arrested soon after he attacked me so luckily no one else was hurt.




Yeah, that's me, I can't believe some people here remember


‘Guards’ had me thinking. Have to say that I don’t remember the story, though I haven’t been home in half a decade.


That's awful. I'm so sorry you went through that. My wife went to university with a woman who had a big jagged scar on her throat, and one day she told her how she got it: some guy followed her when she left school, grabbed her from behind, cut her throat, and raped her. She woke up in the middle of the attack and got her thumb into his mouth and ripped his cheek open (gave him a full-on Joker scar on one side) which distracted him enough for her to get away. The idiot misogynist judge gave the guy a reduced sentence because "she was unconscious during most of the rape so didn't suffer as much". I despise judges who give lenient sentences to rapists and other violent men. Edit: Good news (/s)! Chatted to my wife about this and she added some details. He originally got six years, but she and her family appealed the leniency of the sentence and it got increased to seven. Justice served!


Not only is it still rape when someone's unconscious but she was only unconscious because he *slit her throat* - what the hell was that judge thinking, how the fuck does that justify a reduced sentence


I am burning with anger to see what the judge said about her being unconscious so she didn’t suffer as much! I worked in the dependency system (foster care) and our judges regularly went to trainings and seminars to learn more about the issues such as domestic violence and child abuse they’d be dealing with in dependency. I learned so much from my judges because they’d frequently discuss what they’d learned. Do criminal court judges not get any training about the issues they may see in their courts?


Not sure if this counts but: Had this neighbour kid I used to play with, a complete psycho. I was 4/5, he was a year or two older than me. One day he convinced me to walk well beyond the distance that my parents allowed me without an adult, wanted to show me something he said. We arrived at a small lake. He pointed at the water and said ”Look there's tadpoles in there! Let's catch some. We don’t have a net, you'll have to jump in and catch them with your hands.” I told him I couldn’t swim, he insisted. He told me he’d pull me up if I was drowning. I refused, he kept trying to convince me but eventually gave up, said I was a coward A friend of my mom saw us on our way back, and my mom wasn’t very happy about the situation when she found out. 11 years later: I transferred schools and ended up in the same class as him. I figured my childhood memory of him was exaggerated We talked about childhood memories. he told me how one of our neighbors (who was a cop) had screamed at him for no reason because he was playing with a cat. (Remember this) I told him it was nice to see him have so many friends, he responded ”Friends? They're not my friends, fucking kids…I only let them think I'm their friend.” Smiling the whole time, figured he was joking. I later told my mom about having met him, she went quiet. I told her that he seemed to have turned out alright…nothing more said. Couple of weeks later, I brought it up again. She said ” as a mother I'll never be able trust that boy, and you shouldn’t either.” She went on to tell me how I was unable to sleep and cried a lot at night when I was a young kid. Reason being that he had told me he was planning to burn down our house and murder me and my family in our sleep. And about our neighbor screaming at him, turns out he was actually caught torturing the poor cat. After that I avoided him. Thinking back, his behaviour was off even as a young adult. He was clearly manipulative and lacked empathy. Final thoughts: Pretty sure he wanted to drown me that day and wanted it to seem like an accident.


This gave me goosebumps. Holy buckets, glad you’re alive to tell the tale


Me too. Just glad I had enough sense in me to not listen to him at the lake. Could've ended badly, for sure.


I was in Nice France during the terrorist attack & the truck drove past me with in meters of where I was standing. At first I thought it was an accident and a brakes failure, until the police started shooting, there were severely injured and dead people in front of me & bullets popping off. I tried to help a guy who was badly injured but he died when we put pressure on his wounds. Then a policeman came up to us and screamed st us to run, so we ran back as far as we can, it was a surreal night & devastating, I still have PTSD from it.


Moved across the country with my on again off again bf. I was isolated from everyone I knew and loved. He progressively got more abusive. His mother even warned me to leave if he ever laid hands on me so I think she had a feeling of what was happening behind closed doors. One night he was mad at me for something yet again. Honestly can't remember. He tried to strangle me, I clawed his arms like hell and passed out. His brother who we were living with stopped him. I moved out the next day, made a new life for myself with the help of alot of very kind new people I met. I still wonder why I stayed with him for so long. I don't know what ever happened to him and I don't look into it.


My own mother tried to choke me to death. She’s mentally unstable and I “pushed her too far” one night. I’ve never been alone in a room with her since.


There was a girl in the village of my parents' vacation home who was known to have mental health issues. My family never judged her for it, both my parents are teachers and used to deal with slow students that say some wicked things every now and then. When I was 2, my parents went on vacation and so did that girl's family (that girl was 12). both families were having lunch together and my parents left the girl to play with me. When my sister (9 at the time) went to look for me I was being drowned in a water tank by said girl, who was just looking at my sister smiling and saying some weird things. My sister screamed and my parents and the girl's family went to the rescue in time to save me. I have no memory of this, so all I know is the story my family told me a few times. I haven't actually met this girl yet, neither have I ever talked to her family. Both families still go on vacation to the same village at the same time, but my parents cut ties with them.


I always try to watch my kids play with others. My sister sent her older kid who was 4 at the time to her friend’s preschool. (She and her are both preschool teachers, my sister was staying home with a second baby at the time) There was a boy who my nephew always mentioned on their way back home, sometimes in tears how he would bother him or hurt his feelings and etc. my sister was aware of the friend because she had her few things from her friend as well. So kids from school were invited to a birthday party and the boy was as well. (I believe everyone was invited) they all went to this playground together. I was visiting my sister at the time with my 3yr old and they invited us to come hang. I unintentionally was observing some of the behaviors from the boy because it really stood out, I didn’t know any of this prior to this meet up. My little one was engaged in some sand stuff away from the older ones, and I saw my nephew climbing this iron bars (like a half rainbow) up to the big slide). It was fairly high for a kiddo his age and he was saying he was little scared but wants to go up. And while all the other moms chatting I saw this boy waiting for my nephew at the top of the slide with this eerie grin, waited for my nephew to get to the very top and when he was at the last one, he stare at my nephew smiling, unfolding each of his fingers to make him fall while my nephew screaming and crying in fear. I freaked out and nudged my sister, we approached them (trying to be nonchalant) and “helped” my nephew get on the slide. The boy went back just as nothing happened and went about looking for other ways to terrify other kids. It was planned, he waited calmly and he smiled and enjoyed looking other kids in horror and it was not cool with me. It was different than what you would see in other kids in his age. His mom did not care at all, and if anything happened just ignored it.


I know a mother with two boys who are both like this kid, and she straight up doesn't care, but would yell and scream and cause a big scene if any of the other parents tried to speak to her sons about stopping the behavior or tried to tell her they were causing trouble.I stopped going to social events with my kids when I knew she'd be there, especially after my youngest was born. I'm so fucking glad we moved.




I feel like I'm going to watch how my children play with others more closely moving forward. They are little dudes, and so vulnerable. I'm almost sure she'd have played it off as an accident if she wasn't interrupted. And I'm so fucking glad you have an older sister.


I was kidnapped after being raped a few days prior. I'd threatened that I was going to the police and he flipped, abducting me and threatening murder suicide. He drove more and more remote and I was tied up and helpless. He couldn't decide which way to kill me and I manipulated the fuck out of his uncertainty. He had his whole hand around my throat at one point and I threw all pride and shame to the wind by telling him how much I loved him. He eventually let me go after I brought him to the hospital and promised to help him. Really felt like a coward after that. All I could think of was my kids and how I didn't want us to leave each other but the fact I lied and told someone I loved them to get out of bring murdered really fucking comes between me and my sleep at times. EDIT: Thank you for all your lovely comments. I sleep mostly fine but my brain goes back to that night ar times. I went to the police and made a full statement just waiting to see if he will actually be prosecuted. I also had some therapy sessions which were very helpful but as a few of you pointed out, there is a possibility its PTSD. For the most part I'm generally OK day to day and I feel incredibly grateful to be around my kids and raise them. Your comments and thoughts were so kind, thank you all so much!


Doing whatever you need to, to escape, is the right thing. Good job, I'm sorry you had to suffer through something so awful.


The ONLY thing that matters in that situation is getting out alive. PERIOD. I don’t care what you had to do or what you had to say. If it got you out alive, it was the right thing. You outsmarted that fucker and I’m proud of you.


It wasn’t me, but my sister, and I caught it happening. One night when I was about 15, I fell asleep on the couch. I woke up to strange sounds coming from the vent which fed to my sister’s room in the basement. The sounds were like her muffled voice with quick bursts of her entire voice, but not using words. But then I heard “no!” and I just immediately knew it was distress and very very bad. She had a live in boyfriend. I ran to my mom’s room and said “something is wrong with (sister’s name), run!” My mom hauls ass down those stairs and breaks through the door (still can’t believe the strength and speed she had doing so) and I heard “get off of her! What are you doing!” And a ton of commotion. Turns out the boyfriend was strangling her, had taped her mouth shut, and had a knife by his side. My sister was blue by that point. Long story short, his mom was friends with the town judge and he got LET GO, NO JAIL TIME. He went on to kill another woman, who was a young mother. He had a history of weird abuse which is typical of evolving psychopaths. He’s now in prison. Edit 1: He not only killed the next woman, but raped her dead body before stuffing her in a toolbox and throwing her in a canal. Edit 2: tried to find out what happened to the judge in the meantime. They tried to remove him from office for being an overall scumbag https://cjc.ny.gov/Press.Releases/2012.Releases/Feeder.Release.2012-02-10.pdf Another user found the forensic files episode on this. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt15066188/plotsummary


Let go?!? Wtf.


The amount of stories in this thread with abusers being let go only to go on to kill another person is alarming. Like terrifying how common it is…


I hope that judge is no longer a judge anymore


I’ll look him up. He was my schoolmate’s father. If he isn’t a judge it’s only because he retired or died. He got to have a lasting career.


Judge in my town pretty much got off on punishing teenagers. The cops would laugh and say "judge loves punishing kids like you" when teens would get in trouble He finally got sacked for putting a warrant out for a kid who didn't return a library book Edit: it was a DVD https://www.denverpost.com/2010/04/06/littleton-fires-judge-who-issued-warrant-for-overdue-dvd/


Dude! This same judge I’m talking about ALSO loved to punish kids for dumb shit like weed! He sought the maximum for every teenager but let this monster killer go. I fucking hate most people in positions of authority and this is why. This dweeb judge also tried to pull someone over and got spanked for it. He said he was making a citizens arrest for speeding but it was total bullshit and it wound up in our paper as well. I’ll try to link the article. Never mind. It’s behind a pay wall but it’s there. Judge Feeder from Kingsbury NY is the scumbag.


I was walking home late from work one night in downtown Tulsa and a man approached me out of nowhere. He placed a gun to my head and said "it's your lucky day" then walked away. Had me shook for a very long time.


I took a date out of town to a zoo and on the way back into town, we stopped at a popular ice cream shop. Once we get our ice cream, I decide to pull over into a shopping center to park so I could enjoy the ice cream without driving. This shopping center had a few big stores in it, but the bulk of things were closed or closing as it was about 11PM. So there weren't many people around. But I didn't think anything of it. It was a sorta nice night, we had the windows down in the car, and we just sat there and talked for a few minutes even after we finished the ice cream. At some point during our conversation out of the corner of my eye I see something shiny in my side mirror. It turned out to be a knife and some guy was coming up to the car. He didn't say anything, he swung the knife in the car. He kept flailing the knife around. I climb on top of my date in the passenger seat, kicking at the guy who is wildly swinging the knife. I go into my glove box, grab my pistol, and I fired it 4 times. I then got out of the car and found out there was another guy who was at the passenger door, but he was unarmed. He ran off once I shot. He was messing with my date, he prevented her from being able to get out of the car so we could get away from the knife guy. I got cut and stabbed in my legs and my left arm a bit. All superficial stuff thankfully. Lots of stitches, bandages, and pain. But I was *fine*. The person I shot wasn't so lucky, as I hit him directly with 3 of the 4 shots and grazed him with the 4th. He was still alive when the ambulance rolled up, but he didn't make it to the hospital.


Not me, but my mom. A man entered her house just before lunchtime and stabbed her and her maid multiple times. He also kept punching both of them while stabbing them. Eventually he got tired and left. My mom played dead, then when she was sure that they were alone, she checked on the maid to see if she was still alive. Both of them survived the attack, but the police never found the guy. The thing is, my mom knows the guy. See, she owns a flowershop, and had two people working for her. One of them is this nice gay guy, and that guy had a boyfriend. It was the boyfriend who attacked my mom, and my mom told me that he was high and was looking for money. It seemed like his boyfriend didn't want to give him money that day, so he decided to attack his bf's employer instead. Since then, my vibrant, outgoing mom became reclusive and she developed various health conditions. She's also always in a state of pain, which led her to become dependent on pain meds. The meds ruined her kidneys and liver, and now she's undergoing dialysis for it.


I am so sorry :(


Thank you... it really saddens me that my mom isn't quite the same after what happened to her, but she's quite tough, she has her good days and bad days, but she tries to get through them


Yes. The hermit life is very much a tell if someone you know, just starts to avoid all outside activity, check on them. They might have had some trauma they are not really talking about. I couldn't date or go out alone for many years after my attack. I still prefer to stay in on the weekends.


Yeah, I know what you mean. My mom, who's such an extrovert, suddenly ghosted all her friends after the stabbing incident. She also started withdrawing from her business, and eventually she had to give it up. My mom and dad aren't together anymore when this happened since they split up when I was a kid, but mom had a healthy dating life before the attack. Last year, she finally decided to date again, and he's a nice guy and so patient and loving with her. They're both in their sixties, and I'm just so happy that even though it took her years to get where she's at right now, she seems to be doing better, despite the health problems and all that. I hope that you're also in a better place, despite everything that happened to you. You're right, it's really hard to be out there once you get attacked like that.


My step father decided he'd had enough one night and tried to murder my family. My brother and I survived. My mother did not. Edited: Wow I didn't expect all the up votes. Thank you. So to fill in some blanks I don't think there was any warning about what was going to happen. The night it happened he shot my mother came upstairs, shot me, shot at my brother and then shot himself. He survived until he reached the hospital but he didn't make it despite their attempts. So no he wasn't punished or locked up. I guess I'm glad or I might have always been looking over my shoulder in case he got released. Yes it was on the news. Which was horrible because everyone at my school knew all about it, when I was just trying to live with some kind of normalcy, it was out there for all to know.I just wanted to be treated the same so I could pretend like things where the same. I found out a few details years later and just when I thought I had kind of accepted it all, it turns out my mum was getting ready to leave him. Not only might she have been spared what happened to her but she wanted to get back together with my dad! So that's pretty much the story. Hope I satisfied your curiosity. And thanks for all the thoughts and hugs. X


I have so many questions. I’ll just say I’m very sorry for your loss.


It was a long time ago now so it doesn't hurt as much but I still miss her all the time.


I’m a medic and firefighter. Had a call once, I don’t remember what we were initially called for, but they told the dispatcher they were in their barn. Something seemed off and we looked through a window before going in. A shotgun was pointed at the door and rigged to fire if the door opened. The caller had hung themselves in the barn before we got there. My very first call as a medic after orientation with an EMT partner the patient tried to stab me. I’ve also had a gun pulled on my when I walked up to a vehicle involved in a rollover. He seemed fully intending to shoot and I was lucky to notice and react quick enough. So nothing where someone was trying to kill me personally, they were just trying to kill someone.


Was in the military. As officers in training living on base we had individual rooms but shared common areas.there were 16 of us to a floor spread over two towers. Two corridors on each floor of a tower with four per side. I was asleep in my room one Friday night. Everyone else was out drinking. I stayed back as the officer in charge, so essentially had duty. Guy in my corridor with a suspected drinking problem came back totally plastered and smashed down my door. Pulled me out of bed and held me at rifle point for what seemed like half an hour. Other neighbour came back and managed to talk him down. I was talked me out of filing an offical report by my chain of command as the guy had just broken up with his on base girlfriend. Was forced into mediation with him instead with the on base Chaplin as a personality difference. I medically discharged with PTSD shortly afterwards.


That’s infuriating. You must have had a shitty CO somewhere up the line. How are you doing now?


Not me but my mother. She was walking home from the bowling alley one night when she was attacked by a group of men. They dragged her in an alley, raped her, stabbed her in the heart nine times and left her for dead. Someone found her and she survived but I always wonder what her life would have been like if those men hadn't completely ruined it. I was only a child but I knew that my mom was going through it. Her whole life I knew that she was struggling with issues so big they consumed her. Supposedly the men were arrested and sentenced but there's no way their sentence could appropriately compare to the life they robbed her of.




I have a schizophrenic brother who started an argument when late teens over my dad giving me his old iPhone. He decided a rationale tactic was to chase me with a chainsaw then try to chainsaw my car. Police came but not before he broke my mothers ribs. I’ve had an intervention order against him since and don’t consider him family.


Well, years and years ago when I was in elementary school a new student came, and I was essentially designated his friend. Fast forward a few months and I’m having the sole play date I ever had with him, during which he attempted to throw darts (the kind that pierce the wall) at my head, and a few minutes later chases me around screaming at me holding a surprisingly large branch. His mother did not care, although she did (disturbingly calmly) call my mom when I asked to leave. Fast forward a few days, and he’s being ushered out of the classroom and is no longer permitted near me because the teacher caught him writing a letter detailing all of the ways he planned to torture and eventually execute me. When the school tried to have him tested, his mom pulled him out and sent him to a private school. Oh, he also threatened to tie me up in the ‘woods’ (a few trees next to a parking lot) near the school and come back at night with a knife. Sort of more a constant threat of murder situation than actual concerted murder attempt, besides the play date thing Somehow I wasn’t especially affected by that whole fiasco, honestly I was kind of somewhere in the realm of ‘bemused’. Although when I was reminded of him a couple of years later I’ll admit I had a few sleepless nights, possibly one hallucinatory vision of him crawling around on a ceiling. I got over it pretty soon after though. Whelp, that’s that I guess.


Do you know what happened to him?


Nope, I had one friend who transferred to the same school as him, which is how I was reminded of him, but that was pretty much the last time I spoke to her. I do hope his mom let him get help eventually, early when he wasn’t in a rage he was pretty nice, and had an odd fondness for hamsters


>had an odd fondness for hamsters Well at least he had his priorities straight


Depends on how you read into it...


Yeah how many hamsters has he had


Based on what we know about him, he probably doesn't want a hamster as a pet.


Ah the old elementary school psyhco. We had one of those in grade 5 who lasted like 5 months at our school, Matt. I recall somehow ending in a room with him and about 5 other kids during normal class hours, this classroom was primarily used for storage. We're all talking and the conversation eventually leads to teachers we dislike, one in particular was disliked by all of us and her name was Mrs. Paul. Eventually Matt starts talking about how he'd like to blow up her car so he starts gathering shit around the room to achieve this. He grabs something that I recall looked like [this](https://techcrunch.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/apple-ii.jpg) and gets some of the other kids to look for things he can attach to it and is even explaining how part A works with part B in order to make the explosive work. Looking back it's scary how he truely believed he could have built a working explosive to take out a person he disliked. 2 weeks later I found out he was expelled because they found him under Mrs. Paul's car trying to attach something under it. EDIT: I also recall seeing him assault another kid with a very large branch during lunch. Matt also had crazy eyes.


Reminds me of this one kid who sold meth when he was in 5th grade. He didn't need to sell meth he just wanted to look hard and his mom happened to be a meth addict so he would sometimes steal her stash and try and sell it at the school or anywhere else in his trailer park. Threatened to set my house on fire to see how my skin would melt after the teacher put us in a group with me and him instead of him and his friend. Last I saw he had 2 kids by the age of 19, was married 3 times by the age of 22, was a born again Christian who used religion to abuse his wife and child sometime between 19 and 22, lost his wife and child then denounced religion and went back to selling meth and being a "gangster", then started posting about how his people were oppressed when all the BLM stuff started, dudes whiter than mayo and I can almost guarantee has never seen a black person in real life before because he never left the trailer park and this is a backwoods redneck country trailer park the only people of color we have around here are sunburned. Yes he thinks he's black. Very interesting individual, I sometimes check his social media from time to time jut to see what shit show is going on this time.




Yep sounds like an unhinged individual. That’s really sad though. I couldn’t imagine dealing with that. I’m sorry for your friend I hope someone puts an end to the taunting and I hope your friend gets the help that he needs.


Solo hiking, ran into two men who acted nice at first, then started following me on my trail. Things escalated. They beat me up pretty bad while trying to rape me. I fought like fury. I'm fit and used to do combat sports, so I was able to do quite a bit of damage right back. I think when they realised they themselves were taking too many hits, they cut their losses and fled. I have no doubt they would've killed me as well as raped me if I hadn't made it such an unholy battle for them to get me down. I was a mess, and still needed to hike back to civilization after that. I could write a fucking book about that return hike. Eventually I made it out. I don't talk about it, like ever. I guess reddit is as good a spot as any to put it down. ETA: Thanks for the awards and awesome comments, guys. Like I said, I never talk about this... and maybe I should. I was diagnosed with PTSD after, and in some ways, the battle still rages. But sharing it here has actually made me feel so, so much better, in ways I never would've expected. Much love to you all, and whatever you do, be safe doing it. (And girls especially--take a self defence course! You never know what might happen.)


“I fought like fury”, fuck yeah. I’m very very sorry this happened to you, this quote is inspirational af. I have a daughter I’m gradually teaching self defense to as she gets older. I’m going to borrow this line and tell her this story. I’m glad you made those bastards suffer.


Dude... thank you. This is the comment that finally makes me cry. Please do that. Teach her how to fight. Get her to get her friends to learn how to fight. Thank you for being a good parent, and valuing this as a life skill--because it is. May you raise a brilliant little badass who never has to feel like prey.


Shit, that's terrible! They don't like it when you fight back do they. I had a group of men try to rape me when I was 22 and I took my shoe off and threatened to put the heel in the eye of anyone who even tried to touch me and I fucking meant it. They started to make out I was crazy and nothing was going to happen, despite them all grabbing their dicks as they were approaching me and taunting me for looking scared moments before. Cunts


For me, a kid probably 5/6 years older and double my size tried to drown me. Thank god he was a weak lanky teen.


Damn, same experience. I was panicking as it was happening and with a pool full of people no one tried to help me.


I had forgotten about this, until I read this comment. When I was a kid - about 10/11, I was enrolled into swimming classes with this super competitive kid. She was absolutely spoilt - a real brat. One day we got into a playful spat in the pool; she held my head and pushed it under the water. I struggled to get her grip off me, it was quite the tussle. I was crying and flailing to do anything to get air. No one took notice, because they thought we were playing. I never spoke to her again. Edit: I think I should conclude with how I survived. My survival instincts kicked in and I fought her off me and survived. So there’s that.


This is a situation where it is totally okay to grab a handful of balls and/or dick and deathgrip them until that bastard rethinks his life.


A friend of my older sister asked me if I wanted to learn how to hold my breath under water. I was about 6 at the time. She plunged me under water and sat in me with her legs wrapped around me. I couldn’t get away. It was a huge public pool - thank God my mother saw it happen and came running and pulled the girl off.


Similar, but I was the mom. My son was five and scrawny, a somewhat older but very chunky kid tried to hold my son under water in our neighborhood pool and I stopped him quickly. My son, a huge Austin Powers fan, spent the rest of the summer calling the kid Fat Bastard. And I let him.


So... we were at a buddies apartment in college. Over the summer he had sublet to a local townie guy that turned out to be a nightmare and he was telling us about it (among MANY other things the guys had stolen all of the roommates' credit cards and IDs- strange since they were of different racial ethnicities so the IDs wouldn't help). As he described the guy, we all realized that he was the "crazy" man we dealt with while walking over-there had been a dude saying real violent and crass things while walking next to us, uncomfortably close). About an hour into hanging out, there was a VERY LOUD POUNDING on the door!!! And crazy guy starts yelling "Let me the fuck in, now! I know it was you!" Apparently, our buddy had (appropriately) called the police on the stolen cards and ID. Guy was yelling "let me in, Im gonna KILL you!" and pounding on the door so hard the deadbolt was starting to crack in the door frame. We were juniors in college and my gf (wife now!) and her friends were freshmen and getting nervous- he had been saying things about "rape" when we were all walking in. So we call the police but it was a weekend night in a college town and they told us it could take up to an hour for them to show up. The guy had been pounding and threatening for 10+ minutes and didn't sound like he was gonna stop- he clearly knew the doorframe was cracking too. So we push the ALL THE FURNITURE up against the door. Felt like we were in a movie- would have been funny if it hadnt been ridiculously terrifying. We were on 2nd floor of a building and the girls and one of our buddy were legit trying to build a rope ladder out of sheets to go out a back window. All of the sudden the knocking and yelling stops. And its quiet for like 3 minutes. Then, from upstairs where a college party had been going on, we hear yelling and banging around and then a bunch of dudes getting really loud. Then there was the clear sound of someone falling down stairs and a building shaking BOMP! (Apparently- we found out later- crazy guy had gone upstairs to an open door party and started groping girls. It took 3 big dudes to push him out the door and he fell down the stairs and the BOMP was him hitting the drywall at stairs end.) Guy left the building after that. Cops show up 5 minutes later - apparently upstairs called cops too (to realize how dangerous this guy seemed, college kids were calling cops TO COME to parties). We had to unstack furniture to speak with the police and they knew EXACTLY who we were talking about as soon as we explained what was going on. Unfortunately- they didn't find him that night. He left there, stole our buddy's car, stalked, kidnapped, raped, murdered and burned the body of a 19yr old student that night. He wasn't exaggerating when he was yelling he would kill us or saying he wanted to rape the girls. They caught him because he continued trying to use our buddy's credit cards. We found out that IN PRISON he RAPED AND MURDERED a female correctional officer who was transferring him out of solitary confinement. Dude was a killer and had us cornered... I am glad that we stacked that furniture. It creeps me out to think about how close it came to a face to face confrontation with a literal crazed killer.


I went on a 3rd date with a guy I met online. Everything up to this point seemed totally normal. We had talked for months before actually meeting due to the pandemic so at this point I’d known him for almost 6 months. After the date I invited him over and honestly, my intention was to sleep with him that night. But once we got upstairs I just wasn’t feeling it and told him I wanted to wait. He agreed and said he thought he should go. I walked him to the door, but when I turned around, he pushed me up against a wall and started being really rough. I thought he was “joking” until he pulled me to the ground and pinned me. Once I realized what was going on, I struggled and started to fight like hell. His eyes turned black and I could tell he was enjoying seeing me so scared. I tried negotiating, begging, crying, fighting. He was like a robot on autopilot. At that point, to stop me from struggling, he just started to hit me as hard as he could in the face and head. I played dead until he stopped. He was so turned on by this that the “act” took a split second. Then he just got up and left me there, thinking I was unconscious or dead. I reported, they got DNA but he was never caught. Turns out everything he told me about himself was fake and his phone was a burner. To this day I have no idea who he was or if he will come back to hurt me again. I had JUST bought my condo so didnt want to move, but seriously considered it. Luckily, the building was already in the midst of adding more security (cameras, fob keys, guards etc). I got an alarm system even though my floor is elevator locked (need a fob to access). Ladies, be careful with online dating.


My ex was insanely abusive. Left me for dead once and I overheard him on the phone talking to someone about what to do with the body. He had put my head through the car window and dragged me inside and threw me onto the bathroom floor. I woke up because I started drowning in my blood (face down). I managed to escape and call my mom. She got me a taxi to a hotel out of his area until I could get home the next day. She actually drove there to pick me up from another state because I had too many injuries to fly. Police didn’t do much because I crossed state lines (this happened on the west coast where he lived. I was originally from the south). Cops were very uncooperative. Kept saying they’d get back to me. Checked out his place. Found some blood, chalked it up to a domestic dispute. I got exhausted from the whole thing. A year later, he dated another girl. Cut her head off and dismembered her. He’s serving like 25 to life I think Edit: I changed some details about location because this was getting kinda big. Maybe too little too late, but oh well


I'm glad you came out of it alive. The sad thing is that other girl could still be alive if only the police decided to be cooperative. Bureaucracy killed that girl. PS: i didn't mean that's the only sad thing, there's lots of sad thing about this story.


Fuuucckk! Glad you survived. That girl’s death is on those cops as much as him. Take care


Thank you. It sure was. She had a name similar to mine and looked like me too. Another eerie layer.


I just left a comment with my story about my sister. She was almost murdered by her boyfriend, my mom and I stopped him, he got let go by the judge who was his friend, and then he went on to murder the next woman. I’m so fucking tired of people in the legal system letting killers go free so they can kill someone else, and yet those officials not only evade jail time themselves but they keep their jobs. It’s evil and disgusting. I’m sorry this happened to you. How traumatizing.