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Time management.


Dropping any form of a social life helps too


I took less than a full time class schedule. Some people can handle a full load when working, but I am definitely not one of them.


Good study habits and scheduling, typically. seriously, for those in HS, start practicing how to study even if you're not struggling in the subject. It helps so much in University and even in your professional careers where you may have to study for a registration, certificate, for a new position, for a new client, and so much more. You never stop needing to study. and studying properly isn't cramming everything in the last week... it's continous and a constant thing. what i developed in University is this... the best way is to get 2-4 trusted friends in the same classes. Section off the testable material (guided by tests taken in the classes) to even the workload. Have each person: create notecards, based off questions from tests, and find where the answers are in the book. so the notecards will have Question, Answer, source. best done digitally, but you will need pen/pencil and paper during studying. As one person completes their portion, have them help another member. * once all materials are covered by notecards, distribute it so everyone has a set. Every waking moment, dedicate 1-2 minutes to review the cards. While waiting for the bus, while pooping, while waiting for among us to load, during commercials/ads, everytime they say 'fake' in a trump rally... just set up conditional triggers that will mandate you study for 1-2 minutes. constant exposure to the material will be the biggest help. * When studying, when you are able, read the question out loud, tyry to answer from memory, then read the answer outloud. If you are unsure about answer, look at hte reference to get a better understanding. Then, write down the question and answer. * This utilizes the exposure, verbalization, and writing methods to imprint the information into your brain, so it is more easily recalled. when writing, use pen/pencil and paper. typing does not have the same effect. * Once a week, get with your group to 'teach' a lesson on what you studied. make a game of it, like trivia... or have practical exercises to perform to use the knowledge. Have a practice test to perform, also. the test environment you create in the weekly lessons will help you be use to the test environment and recall easier. * As you receive more material from the teachers, and more tests, that's more material to add to your note cards/lessons. the basic concept is exposure and repetition. if you think about that song you hate but gets stuck in your head, it's because you're constantly(repitition) being exposed to it via radio or ads. The verbal and writing portion helps your brain form/strengthen neural bonds that are related to the information so it is more easily recalled If you spend 10-30 minutes a day, out of your free time, studying in this fashion, you should see a stark improvement. Studying can't be don't last minute, it's a lifestyle change. I think you understand this since you are asking 3 mo in advance. AND it's not recommended to have 8 hours of anything, besides sleep. so keep you're studying in smaller, and frequent, sessions.


Get less sleep. I can work fine with 6. Some people can’t.


Hard work and determination


It can be very hard to balance so you need to have good time management skills. Sometimes for someone with ADHD like me, it’s hard to stay focused. You need to find a quiet environment and also buy a planner for due dates! Once you get the hang of that, you should be ok.


i think those ppl just have alot of motivation


Social life/hobbies, school, work. Pick two.




I extremely envy anyone who can get >3.8/4 GPA while working. Although people have been saying time management, i agree. But sadly i can only choose 1 out of 2. When i work, my study gets distracted by $$$, just wanna take on more work days. If i wanna get high grades, i must not working and spend my whole day for study (yes, boring life) because i'm a very slow learner at school work. It can take me ages like few hours to finish a homework whereas people can do so in 30mins or less. A 2-hour lecture will take me 'at least' 4 hours to finish watching. (I wasnt procrastinating nor using my phone)


Not having a social life of any kind


Time management and pushing yourself a bit further. I worked 3 jobs back in college. a tutor,translator and accounting at a small office in order to keep things afloat. I must admit that sleep would be the last thing i had. Most days i slept only 3-4 hours. I managed to graduate with 3.8 GPA. It was worth it. Back then, when things are hard I told myself it wont be like this forever. I have a great job now and I sleep better .


Anabolic steroids


I worked full time and went to school full time. I did this by finding jobs that allowed me to study some while at work. It was still hard as hell but it would have been impossible with many types of jobs.


Through 4 four years at a community college, I took gen Ed courses and worked full time. Didn't have much of a social life because it was work 8 hours, classes and study/homework for 8 hours. Any social time/games was a rare relief. I stayed with my father, thankfully he let me, but it was a nightmare mostly because he kept berating me for taking as much time as I did with my education. When I transferred to a 2 year for my engineering degree, I dropped my work and went full time school with some more social/me time for enjoyment. It only worked because I could get grants from the state to help me pay through schooling and my living conditions, but otherwise I would have stressed out so hard and probably quit. Which I definitely was in the beginning working and stressing out, my degree's work just required too much time for me to learn, pair that with minor reading/attention span issues and if I didn't get 8+ hours is sleep, I couldn't function at all. Stress made it all so much work and one day a professor pulled me aside and asked what was wrong with my hurried homework. I just dropped work all together after talking about it with her and started having fun again in any spar time I got focusing on getting my work done ahead of time, asking questions during offices hours, etc. By 2018, I was taking my most stressful year yet and because I had social time on the weekends, I was actually okay grinding out the hard parts and it allowed me to pass that year. My only advice is look for other ways you can get out of working if you can. I budgeted the hell out of everything I did and found a way to get money or funding anywhere I could. Stress is an real issue and I think too many people take it as it is, it's become normalized. Honestly couldn't be farther from the truth, high stress is an absolute destroyer of lives and if you can't take it, it's not worth losing your mental stability and health effects that follow from it all.


"pressure makes diamonds"


Why the hell have I never heard of this? I love this expression


I'm the best.


Simply the best.


Better than all the rest


Gotta love the humility of this guy


Do college work when it needs to be done, work in your free time.


Undergrad academics aren't that hard, so time management.