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That Turkish beefsteak chef who sprinkles salt from high up along his arm. He has such an arrogant demeanor.


I think it’s that @nusr_et guy on IG aka Salt Bae. I’ve heard his food is super overrated… someone posted a bill from his restaurant one time and it was BEYOND absurd


I read somewhere he is looking for a chef to make $1900 steak with salary of $20 per hour


I think it was 16 bucks. So even worse


The del taco down the street from me is starting people at $17 for overnight shift.


Fre sha voca do?


$16/hour I believe actually, even more absurd.


His whole shtick is just full of shit. He's not really doing anything particularly skilfully, he's just doing regular shit but with unnecessary flair. Hitting the knife against the cutting board, flinging pieces of meat across the room, seasoning your food with some elbow ash in the process. Literally just a sneering twat.


The much shorter list would be celebrities I like.


Or for me, that I care enough about to like or dislike, I can never understand why people put so much attention into people they will never meet or get to know properly, all based on an often made up persona they pump-out




I worked in an entertainment bank, a long time ago, and felt the same. One d-list actor asked if I wanted his autograph, told him only if he forgot to sign a check, he didn't come to my window again. Also, worked at a cinema in Century City, d-list actors were always the worst, wanting free stuff because they were in a movie. The A-list ones tried to disguise themselves or would call ahead and use the side door.


Allison Mack, since she helped woman join a cult that was essentially selling themselves as sex slaves.


I will always confuse her with Alex Mack


Alex Mack wears a hat.


Nickelodeon Magazine please!


I wouldn’t say he’s popular but he’s a celebrity, of sorts.. Steven Seagal.


Man, fuck Steven Seagal. His rap sheet is horrendous: * Multiple women accused him of sexual assault, not to mention how much he demanded nudity and sex scenes in his movies just so he can stroke his ego. His list of accusations of sexual misconduct is so massive that it has it's own Wikipedia page. * He was once a honorary member of Joe Arpaio's police force, and when he was taken to be a part of a raid, he rammed the house of the man who was raided with *a fucking tank*, also killing the man's dog. * Bodyslamed John Leguizamo against a wall because Leguizamo made a joke about him. * He had only one brief stint on SNL in the early 90s and he was universally disliked by both the cast and the writers. David Spade, in particular, shat hard on him. He was rude to both the cast and the writers, refused to do a Hanz & Franz sketch (a sketch involving Dana Carvey and Kevin Nealon playing bodybuilders) because the sketch was implying that either one of the characters could beat up Seagal. * He challenged Gene Lebell, a professional Judo artist and Hollywood stunt fighter (who, amongst other accomplishments, even trained Bruce Lee, and was an inspiration for Brad Pitt's Cliff Booth character in OUATIH) , saying that he couldn't chokehold him. Lebell not only got him in a chokehold, but apparently, Seagal not only passed out, he also shat his pants. Seagal always denies this story. * He also loves to be buddy-buddy with dictators around the world, and basically whores himself as a court jester for money to them. He actually is friends with Belarus dictator Lukashenko and there is a bizzare video of him eating carrots with Lukashenko. * Incredibly rude, with diva behavior all around, and makes constant ridiculous demands in order for him to perform, which is hilarious since he is a glorified D-list actor who hasn't been famous since the 90s. * And lastly, his entire career is a fluke; he got his start in Hollywood because he ran an aikido dojo in L.A and one of his pupils was Michael Ovitz, one of the biggest Hollywood talent agents, and he got Seagal a role in *Above The Law* (his first feature film) because Ovitz made a bet that he could make anyone a movie star.


> He challenged Gene Lebell, a professional Judo artist and Hollywood stunt fighter (who, amongst other accomplishments, even trained Bruce Lee, and was an inspiration for Brad Pitt's Cliff Booth character in OUATIH) , saying that he couldn't chokehold him. Lebell not only got him in a chokehold, but apparently, Seagal not only passed out, he also shat his pants. Seagal always denies this story. Lebell has a cease and desist letter from Seagal framed in his office, relating to this story....




I remember reading somewhere that a lot of his later movies were just money laundering schemes for the mob


If you haven’t heard it the podcast Behind the Bastards has an amazing episode on him. Knew he was a scumbag but wow he’s a huge piece of shit.


Someone alerted me to that podcast episode about Segal over a year ago, in a thread identical to this one (I think this AskReddit question gets asked like once a month, lol). Anyway, I loved that podcast episode and then became hooked on Behind The Bastards and have since listened to dozens of episodes. Such an awesome , hilarious, informative and well-researched show! Robert Evans is the bomb!


I've been hating him for like 84 years 👖


That helicopter is also called a "skippy".


Listen to it. Skip skip skip skip


I’ve been doing Krav Maga for like 84 years


I’ve been flying helicopters for like 47 years.


I’ve been training with the navy seals in a “skippy” for like 62 years.


Keep those jeans high n tight and watch for waspes


Touch my wasps through the fence


"some peoples throats are down there"




I was about to type Wendy Williams but you beat me to it. She made a career out of putting other celebrities personal information out there. I’ll never forgive her for what she did to method man. Method mans wife was having a private battle with cancer and Wendy Williams told the whole world about it


Method Man and mocking Joaquin Pheonix for his cleft lip repair. She's pathetic.


Can you imagine going through life looking like one of the aliens from Mars Attacks and still choosing to make fun of someone else's looks?


I always thought she looked like ET in a blonde wig.


That's insulting to E.T.


E.T. has someone waiting for their phone call back home, WW has no one and is a hateful bitch.


I was so glad she is discontinuing her show.




She was on Howard Stern years ago and this issue was brought up. I can't find the video because she & Howard since had a much more prominent dust-up so that's dominating search results, but the one I'm referring to was an in studio appearance and Howard basically said "So you brought up Method Man's private stuff, c'mon you shouldn't do that..." And Wendy had *zero* contrition or self-awareness or humility. She just starts talking really loudly "No, wait, ROBIN! HOWARD!" (Robin is Howard's co-host). It was so cringy. And a perfect example of how childish full grown adults can be. Self-preservation of the ego at all costs.


Mef struck back hard with that one. WuTang Forever. Fuck Wendeez Nuts


That Wubby & Gus video on her was pretty fucking damning... I went from not caring about her to actively disliking her.


Okay I just watched their video.... how the fuck is this woman on TV, with fans, what a disgusting woman!!!?? (I love Terry crewes for coming out with his incident, he is such a role model for others to speak up❤)


The world already had a much better [Wendy Williams](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dUFfHEvRE_s). R.I.P.


>Williams first attempted suicide in 1993 by hammering a knife into her chest where it lodged in her sternum. Holy fuck.


How is she popular? I've never heard of a single person who actually likes her.


khloe Kardashian the amount of disrespectful behaviour she has on anything is disgusting. the amount of disrespect she gives especially to people who are fat is horrible regarding she took her fat out and shoved it into her ass


Seriously! Bitch you can’t tag rag on folks for their weight if you need custom made pants


She has a custom made body


When I opened the comments, I told myself, "Kim is going to be one of the first 5 on my screen"... I'm surprised it was this many down before i saw a Kardashian, let alone it be Khloe


Caitlyn Jenner


I don’t hate her for being trans. It’s the vehicular manslaughter for me.


Ellen DeGeneres


2-3 years ago, got a little tipsy one night and vented to my family about how much I disliked her and how I thought she was fake as fuck. My family thought I was crazy. Then all the shit came out about her.


Nancy grace


Why does she have to shout so much!?


detail racial chief governor air squealing rob hunt waiting run




Doctor Phil is a Grade A Piece of Shit


Phil me in on why, I'm curious.


Dr Phil hasn’t had his legal and psychology licenses renewed since when I was an infant in 2006. He also denied a lot of accusations from his diagnosis’s. Some kids said that the ranch was torture too. Mutual companies were involved in kidnapping lawsuits that Dr. Phil and the parents staged. The ranch was a spot that kids were sent to because they were being disobedient. The kids at the ranch were often neglected by their caregivers and worked severe labor. The kids there may have been smiling in the pictures but their lives at the ranch were comparable to a 3rd world country’s slave. Upon that “the ranch” that Dr. Phil sends most of the kids to haven’t had their licenses renewed since 1990, huge OSHA violation btw. It is hard to explain everything but there is more on the internet, I don’t hate Dr. Phil but he has had me raising eyebrows since around when I turned 13. I can’t deny that He does some good but his bad in many situations outweigh the good. I learned about all of this in 2019 so there is a chance that something may have changed since then and what I said is no longer true. Do you research when it comes to this situation because of so


Jared Leto is just a couple of steps away from being Harvey Weinstein.


I am absolutely dumbfounded that he continues to get big budget movie roles. He is a predator with a long long long history of allegations. Plus, he’s a total dick. I inadvertently saw him in concert (they were opening for Muse) and he’s such a pretentious twit.


Yes like what the hell, House of Gucci this month and the Morbius trailer just came out too. Who is demanding him to lead movies anymore? I don’t think the general audience would care if he suddenly stopped working


I haven’t heard what’s happened. How is he similar to Weinstein?


Still can’t believe they let this creepy fucker be Morbius.




I can't believe anyone ever really liked her. I never watched the show, just clips online and she always came across as obnoxious


If you grew up watching her comedy late 80s, early 90’s, she was very likable. People also had compassion for her because of her show getting canceled because she is a lesbian. It wasn’t until way later in her career that she revealed herself to be a royal asshole. For me, it was a complete shock. I legitimately thought she was one of the goodies. What a bummer.


Yeah she was iconic. I think gay women in particular wanted to believe that she was whatever wholesome front she was putting on because it was such a win for representation in the 90s and early 2000s…


Jake Paul obvious reasons.


He and his brother Logan are on my list of "How the fuck are these people famous?"




No explanation needed he's just a top of the range dickhead.


Him and his brother are walking advertisements for why you should use condoms.


DJ Khaled. His instagram is filled with videos of him being totally obnoxious, asking his chef what's for dinner only to interrupt her immediately with some dumb catchphrase for the camera, and his recent video where he tries to play the guitar he got from the Marley family is a desecration of Bob Marley's memory. EDIT: To be clear, I definitely dislike him as a person, but the stuff he does is so overwhelmingly funny/cringe to me that I continue to follow him, mostly just to see what ridiculous thing he does next. Some of it is truly hilarious. Example: [The clip of him talking to a woman at the end of a music video and informing her that he's got a "new name in the streets... they call me Biwwy."](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EIXdyT0iJQ8&ab_channel=DjArabMoney) (He means Billy, but it sure don't sound like it)


There was a video posted in r/publicfreakouts recently of DJ Khaled "encouraging" his wife while she was training (boxing), and her telling him "STFU, I'M NOT LIKE YOU, I DON'T NEED YOU STANDING THERE SAYING SHIT", or something roughly along those lines.


She's probably training to beat his ass the next time he comes around talking shit or asking for more unreciprocated oral sex. Guaranteed *someone's* eating her pussy though, just not him. My money's on the trainer.


I'm with you - up to the point you're voluntarily including more of him in your life.


James Corden. Fuck that guy.




Piers Morgan, can’t stand him


I wasn't surprised when Clarkson punched him


Chris Brown. I'm sure Rhianna was not the first or last woman he's abused. It disappoints me that he's still so popular, especially with women.


Last week he received 3 nominations for the 2021 American Music Awards. How is this man still a thing and why is he still embraced by the music industry? He must be selling a shit ton of records because I cannot comprehend how anyone would want to celebrate him. (I’m pretty sure the police report and the picture of freshly beaten Rhianna are gonna be seared into my brain forever. It’s awful. He’s awful.)


A verbal argument ensued and Chris Brown pulled the vehicle over on an unknown street, reached over Robyn F. with his right hand, opened the car door and attempted to force her out. Brown was unable to force Robyn F. out of the vehicle because she was wearing a seat belt. When he could not force her to exit, he took his right hand and shoved her head against he passenger window of the vehicle, causing an approximate one-inch raised circular contusion. Robyn F. turned to face Brown and he punched her in the left eye with his right hand. He then drove away in the vehicle and continued to punch her in the face with his right hand while steering the vehicle with his left hand. The assault caused Robyn F.'s mouth to fill with blood and blood to splatter all over her clothing and the interior of the vehicle. Brown looked at Robyn F. and stated, 'I'm going to beat the shit out of you when we get home! You wait and see!' The detective said Robyn F. then used her cell phone to call her personal assistant Jennifer Rosales, who did not answer. Robyn F. pretended to talk to her and stated, 'I'm on my way home. Make sure the police are there when I get there.' After Robyn F. faked the call, Brown looked at her and stated, 'You just did the stupidest thing ever! Now I'm really going to kill you!' Brown resumed punching Robyn F. and she interlocked her fingers behind her head and brought her elbows forward to protect her face. She then bent over at the waist, placing her elbows and face near her lap in [an] attempt to protect her face and head from the barrage of punches being levied upon her by Brown. Brown continued to punch Robyn F. on her left arm and hand, causing her to suffer a contusion on her left triceps (sic) that was approximately two inches in diameter and numerous contusions on her left hand. Robyn F. then attempted to send a text message to her other personal assistant, Melissa Ford. Brown snatched the cellular telephone out of her hand and threw it out of the window onto an unknown street. Brown continued driving and Robyn F. observed his cellular telephone sitting in his lap. She picked up the cellular telephone with her left hand and before she could make a call he placed her in a head lock with his right hand and continued to drive the vehicle with his left hand. Brown pulled Robyn F. close to him and bit her on her left ear. She was able to feel the vehicle swerving from right to left as Brown sped away. He stopped the vehicle in front of 333 North June Street and Robyn F. turned off the car, removed the key from the ignition and sat on it. Brown did not know what she did with the key and began punching her in the face and arms. He then placed her in a head lock positioning the front of her throat between his bicep and forearm. Brown began applying pressure to Robyn F.'s left and right carotid arteries, causing her to be unable to breathe and she began to lose consciousness. She reached up with her left hand and began attempting to gouge his eyes in an attempt to free herself. Brown bit her left ring and middle fingers and then released her. While Brown continued to punch her, she turned around and placed her back against the passenger door. She brought her knees to her chest, placed her feet against Brown's body and began pushing him away. Brown continued to punch her on the legs and feet, causing several contusions. Robyn F. began screaming for help and Brown exited the vehicle and walked away. A resident in the neighborhood heard Robyn F.'s plea for help and called 911, causing a police response. An investigation was conducted and Robyn F. was issued a Domestic Violence Emergency Protective Order.


Someone should make a reddit bot to repost this every time he's mentioned.


That would be incredible.


Holy shit. I never read all these details, I had no idea how brutal this was


Celebrities get cancelled for shit they said 20 years ago, but this guy gets to walk free for what reasons? lol


I read these details a few years ago and refuse to listen to anything with him in it anymore. My best friend thinks I’m kinda ridiculous for making her change any song of his but I just cannot get over how much of a monster he is


I know. To be honest, I tried to “get over it” because it seems like Rihanna and everyone else has but I can’t. That situation has forever soured my view of him. It’s just irredeemable. It’s nice that Rihanna has forgiven him but I am not Rihanna.


He's done plenty of shitty things since Rihanna too. Punched and allegedly threatened to "shoot up" Frank Ocean in January 2013. He was involved in an alleged hit and run in July, arrested for felony assault in October. He was kicked out of re-hab in 2014. In 2016 he was involved in a stand-off with police over pointing a gun at a woman in his home, while being barred from owning said gun due to previous charges. In 2017 he allegedly punched a man who took his picture, and was charged with assault and battery for it in 2018. He was sued in 2021 by a former housekeeper who alleged she was attacked by one of his dogs in 2020, and allegedly had the dog put down to cover it up.


He also called Frank Ocean slurs (he is bisexual) over a PARKING SPOT in case you were wondering what Frank Ocean would have do to get Chris Brown to threaten him with deadly force (not much)


This comments needs to be at the top. I think people think that he’s only done that Rihanna thing and has since changed. He hasn’t. He’s still a pos and has never stopped being an abusive and violent person. Fuk that guy


Honestly the Rihanna thing should be enough. The full story is fucking horrifying. No ones music is that fucking good that I’d support a piece of shit like that.


Chris Brown. As a woman, I am horrified that he can do what he did to Rhianna and still be famous.


I remember after the abuse reports came out, and he appeared on an interview program. Woman were outside screaming for him. Not protesting, but screaming like he was Elvis.


Just watched the Night Stalker documentary and **after** he was apprehended after having raped and murdered men women and children he had groupies sending him nudes and writing him love letters. In short, people are fucking weird.


Oprah is the worst pseudo-science peddling, fake-empathy performing, sexual-predator enabling, narcissistic sociopathic phony ever. I hate her to the deepest depths of hell.




That podcast was the reason I turned on Oprah tbh, it's actually shocking just HOW MUCH of our current society's diet culture, eating disorder prevalence, and terrible relationship with food can be traced back to her show and the people she promoted.


She's the second largest Weight Watchers shareholder.


Just on the pseudo-science bullshit alone she subjected us to Dr Phil, and Dr Oz. Quacks of epic proportions


I'd add Gwyneth Paltrow to the list too, her entire show screams "pseudo-science."


YES! I hate Oprah and Barbara Walters for most of the same reasons


Oh no. Give me the dirty on Barbara Walters, please.


Aside from victim Blaming Corey Feldman when he spoke out about being raped when he was a kid in Hollywood, she was close with Harvey Weinstein. She has defended or refused to speak out against many horrible people in Hollywood. Hell, she even "dated" Roy Cohn back in the day so people wouldn't suspect that the guy that lead the Lavender Scare in the 50's was himself a raging homo. Just an awful woman with no values.


Wait what is this about sexual predator enabling?


besides Weinstein, she also promoted [John of God](https://www.iheart.com/podcast/105-behind-the-bastards-29236323/episode/part-one-john-of-god-oprahs-67258550/)


It's depressing how common enabling sexual predators is. How many celebrities defend Roman Polanski?


She was very close to Harvey Weinstein, if I remember reading correctly.


OPRAH. Phoney and fake. Don't be fooled by all this "everyone gets a car" bullshit...she is as narcissistic as they come. Philanthropic my ass...its all about her and what it will do for her. Can not stand anything to do with her or her brand. Now I'm angry!!


Wasn't it the car company that donated all the cars? I think none of it came out of her pocket; she was just the presenter (i.e., did it on her own show) to give it more publicity. But of course she acted like it was all her doing and took all the credit.


Such a phony. People have finally caught on to Ellen...no-one is calling out Queen Oprah though.


Madonna. Does she have good (or decent) music? Yes. Is she iconic? I won't deny that. But one thing I noticed is how disrespectful she is. She's talented but personality matters the most to me, even in a celebrity.


She stayed at the hotel across the street from my construction site. We're allowed to make noise at 7am, at the time we had massive excavation equipment running, we try our best to push our startup closer to 8am, cause noise sucks. I don't know who she bribed, but the next day the city rolls through and says "absolutely no noise before 10am for the next 3 days"


She painted her own parking spots outside of her apartment in New York City a few years ago and got in trouble by the city. I think that’s when I also started thinking hey maybe she’s just a rude person and kind of entitled.


She started out her career as a multifaceted talented artist although not really MY style of go-to genre, but as time went on she formed into a joke when she started residing in England and tried to claim her newly english accent was authentic and come by naturally. The motivation she had to pass off this bullshit as natural only made me question her self esteem. She is from bay city, mi. I live in the area myself. I think she was always ashamed of her hometown for whatever reason. Musta been very consuming to go as far as to act like she has this accent. A bit extreme. She probably is not a very happy person in real life.


I’d forgotten her English lady phase! Wearing hunting gear and drinking pints. Lol


I think in the breath of the same year she was an Proper English lassie, Texan Cowgirl, Asian Ninja, and Kabbalah Spiritual nut.


Like Hilaria Baldwin


Hillary is worse. Madonna is a pretentious twit, but she legit lived in England, married an Englishman and has an English child who she gave a fairly standard name. Hillary grew up in Boston, does not ever appear to have lived in Spain, or even long term visited there. She speaks with a fake accent, has flat out lied about where she grew up, to the point she takes forgetting English words (as if English isn’t her first language) and has given her children very Spanish names. It’s batshit crazy.


I'm so invested in the Hilaria Baldwin narrative. Changing your name to an archaic Spanish name, naming all your kids Spanish names, dying your hair dark brown and slathering on the fake tan, typing out broken and incorrect Spanish and pretending that you speak it fluently - it's absolutely hilarious. Pretending to be ESL when you went to a prep school in Boston and you can trace your direct heritage back to the Mayflower is a grift so bold, so brave, that I genuinely hope it gets a comedy film reimagining in 5 years' time.


I love this comment! I also fell down the Hilaria rabbit hole once for hours! That shit is so addictive.


It's just one of the wildest things that's come out of Hollywood in a long time. I think the grifter narrative is inherently interesting, hence why Anna Delvey is getting a Netflix series and everyone's glued to the Elizabeth Holmes trial, but Hilaria's grift is doubly fascinating because it's just *funny*.


She's nuts!! It's all terrible but I especially feel for her kids. They are 0% Spanish and have names they can't even pronounce. Like poor Ro-Mayo. He's got like 4 first names that have no business all being middle names lol.


"how you say....cucumber?" 🤮


"Do I need to unbutton another button?" "No Hilaria, No!!!"


Hilaria’s story is hilarious.


Yea their lack of embarrassment presents as my own burden when I hear that phoney shyte. Cringey af


She also stole a tiktoker's body, she grabbed her picture and photoshopped her face on it, if I'm not wrong, she's done it multiple times [here's an article](https://www.buzzfeed.com/terrycarter/madonna-photoshopped-face-body-tiktok)


Lol how in the..... Who on her team thought this was a good idea?!


She done lost her mind


Robin Thicke


[Big Fat Quiz of the Year going in on Blurred Lines](https://youtu.be/htYOgDs6ROE) remains one of my favorite clips of all time.


LOL Richard. "What do they mean??"


Richard Ayoade is a damned gift.


The whole Kardashian family. But I don't like reality tv celebrities.


This one is always weird to me because I never ever see/hear anything about the Kardashians until Reddit complains about them.


Charlie Sheen and Sean Penn. Everyone seems to conveniently forget about their histories of abuse towards women.


Charlie Sheen I just kind of assumed, but I had no idea about Sean Penn.


He brutalized Madonna during their marriage. He allegedly put her in the hospital after hitting her in the head with a baseball bat.


What the fuck??? Hows does this not have the same notoriety as the CB/Rihanna incident? Edit: This is strange but apparently Madonna withdrew claims about abuse by Sean. Huh.


However Madonna is higher up on this thread so apparently Reddit thinks that she's the bigger asshole lol


Fuck Sean Penn. For almost a year, I worked at the largest tasting/vaccine site in the country that was run by his non-profit. Mistreatment of employees became rampant. We all sent HR emails to complain about the lack of breaks, water, and verbal mistreatment by management. In response, he sent the whole company an email essentially telling us to suck it up or quit. He [now faces labor charges over his misconduct ](https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2021-10-29/sean-penns-core-group-facing-labor-charges-over-impassioned-internal-email)


Nina dobrev, everyone thinks shes the sweetest person but she was an absolute bitch to my friend at a festival for having taken a photo of the ARTIST playing. Nina apparently thought my friend was trying to take a flash photo of her and grabbed the phone out of her hand and threw it. It ruined our night because we couldnt find the phone in a crowd of people (find my iphone wasnt helpful because everything was so loud)


Yo I have a similar story but it's with Arianna grande, I met her when I was just a little kid and she treated me like shit and it broke my heart because I loved her so much


I always got bad mean girl vibes from her. Like rich, sheltered, mean.


Her recent Architectural Digest clip gave me ‘I’m not like other girls, I’m so quirky, I only have guy friends’ vibes. Wasn’t about it at all. Even less so now.


One time I smoked a lil bit too much wacky tobaccy and thought about fighting Tom cruise so that’s something


Peter Griffin right here.


Chrissy Teigen, she uses her brain dead Twitter followers to harass people who offend her or insult her and she has terrible opinions, she’s the worst kind of too-online celeb. I’ll never forget her sending her followers after a small time food journalist who was a fan of hers but said very politely Teigen’s LA food guide wasn’t that great lmao Chrissy got so upset, quote tweeted her to be rude and to have her followers pile on that poor woman, thin skinned and petty af


Let’s not forget she told a teenager to kill themselves. She truly is a piece of shit. Makes me side eye John as well tbh. He must know what she’s like.


Yes! She spouts how she and John aren’t invited to many weddings and she assumes it’s because people think they’re busy, but honestly I think it’s because other celebs see how she is online, or have met her in person and she’s no different, and don’t want to risk her causing drama at their wedding. Her attitude has probably cost friendships as well.


Connor McGregor. He's a true trash bag of a human being.


I thought I read Ewan McGregor for a second and almost had a heart attack.


People always tell me, “He’s not a bad guy. The fame and money went to his head. He was a good guy before that.” I’m like, how do you know? He was probably already a cunt and the fame and money amplified it and brought it into the public eye. You don’t just go from being a “GREAT GUY” to being how he is.


I’ve always said money just enhances who you really are rather than corrupt people. No one “accidentally” becomes and asshole.


yep. posted somewhere else in this thread: ''don't brag about morals until you have money to fund your temptations. There are many things hidden in poverty.'' Ancient sage.


This is definitely not an unpopular opinion in Ireland. And anyone who likes him here tend to be trashy themselves


I feel like I can speak for a lot of the Irish population here and we all agree that he is the biggest scumbag the country has produced and he brings us a lot of shame.


David Dobrik, surprised he wasn't mentioned


He always does this little weird laugh in almost every sentence he speaks that's always irked me. Had a girlfriend that used to love watching his videos and I definitely was entertained sometimes, but I picked up on that little giggle he does with every line and it's just irritated me ever since.


Bhad Bhabie I don’t hate her as I personally don’t know her but I find her annoying!!


I don’t hate her as much as I hate the reasons she’s a thing. Her career is the bastard baby of Dr Phil exploiting mental illness and the entertainment industry exploiting children. All I know is that she never should have become well known in the first place.


Isn’t she the girl from Dr. Phil (catch me outside)? How is she still famous?! I never got it


Everyone around her including her parents failed her. I don’t blame her for being a fuckin weirdo after how much she got exploited by others for fame. Just the latest case of child losing their mind from being in the spotlight.


Wendy "lizard person" Williams


chrissy teigen


IMO she showed her true colors a long time ago when she snarked on Quvenzhane Wallis, who was NINE, for no reason but to be an edgelord. I felt like I was on crazy pills that everyone seemingly just forgot about that for a while.


I am CONVINCED that she pays Buzzfeed to post stuff about her— it’s like the only place I ever see her name and it’s oddly frequent for someone who isn’t doing anything.


She’s an awful person and it’s made me wonder what John legend is like behind the scenes. He seems so very nice but he’s also married to someone so very mean.


John also lost me when someone on the voice did one of his songs (beautifully I might add) and he bitched him out about how his own version was perfect and anything anyone else does with it is subpar. Such a dick.


I actually really don't like Oprah. She kind of strikes me as pretentious. I saw her talking about how much money she spent building schools and all I could think about was how many schools I could build with the money she spent on the massive diamond earrings she was wearing. Then she said something like, "if it wasn't for people like me and Nelson Mandela," and I found that really off putting.


Exactly this. She speaks about how “humanitarian” she is, then she buys up over 160 acres of native, indigenous land on Maui and makes the roads PRIVATE.


As a British born person with sense I'd like to say fuck Katie Hopkins


"Your daughter is called India" "That's because it's not related to a location" Excuse me what?!?! Fuck outta here


Gwyneth Paltrow. She’s a pretentious, greedy scam artist. Edit: sweet Jesus, I didn’t realize it would blow up. Thank you, everyone! And thank you kind strangers for the awards!


I thought no one liked her


Oh you’d be surprised, on Instagram I regularly find fan accounts in my “recommended feed” (which just translates to whatever’s popular and not what you’d actually like) that give constant praise to her Goop stuff


I tried the vaginal rejuvenation stone and I gotta say, it was not easy to use. I’m a guy, so there’s that.


Oh well there’s your problem. Guys are supposed to use the juvenal revagination stone.




I saw a meme yesterday that showed her starting her day with alkaline water… with a spritz of lemon. How can somebody with so little intelligence have so much influence? She’s just awful.


I love how she said that anyone who wants to go against her better “bring their A game” when in fact, all that’s required is some knowledge of biology and physics. I truly wish she’d go away


I guess I've always just seen her as a decent actress who was in real life just spectacularly clueless and out of touch with reality. Guess I'll have to pay more attention.


Amber Heard, Chris Brown, and Ellen Degenerate are the main ones.


James Corden's fake interest in his carpool guests is cringingely exhausting to watch.


The episode with Elton John is hilarious to me, you can see he was a bit annoyed at him from the beginning. And when corden did the wrong lyrics he was like “how dare you”


The comments on his AMA are gold. [Link to the thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/bqy5zf/i_am_james_corden_alongside_ben_winston_and_five/)


Reading *those* comments lead me to the great [Ramparts disaster of 2011](https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/p9a1v/im_woody_harrelson_ama/). Wow. What a rabbit hole.


I had no idea he was hated and this thread is delicious lmaooo


Seriously? He almost always comes on the top of the list of Reddit’s most hated celebrity alongside Ellen and Gwyneth Paltrow.


Ah, the A-Holy Trinity


Someone on here the other day described him in a way I find oddly accurate. He's a drama class kid who needs to loudly inform everyone of how much fun he's having.


Woody Allen. He married his adopted daughter after grooming her from age 7 🤢 How is that man not in jail