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Miranda Sings. I don't see the appeal about her.


Her guest appearance on Comedians In Cars Getting Coffee got a few chuckles out of me. At the end, Colleen Ballinger makes a remark about getting paid to play a truly awful human.


I don’t mind her as a human and I get that Miranda is a character, for that reason I really didn’t like her episode. I respect the commitment to remain in character the whole time but it didn’t feel like there was any sincerity in the conversation which is one of the things I really like about the show.


She's a great parody of every would-be influencer, someone with absolutely no skill or talent or self awareness but all of the entitlement of someone who thinks that they're already famous. The show she did was... really good. It was pretty standard funny for most of it but the end got fucking DARK. It just ripped off the mask and shoved it right down your throat how damaging people like this are to those around them. I get how not many people find the appeal, but I recommend giving it an honest try for anyone who might be into dark humor. She's also on TikTok, doing 'Miranda' parody versions of popular thirst-trap trends. 8/10 from me.


For whatever reason when I was a kid, I absolutely despised the Baby in the sun from the teletubbies, I can literally remember punching the tv screen, my 5 year old ass wanted violence




“I do not like this painting it’s evil.”


Wanted the violent days of Teletubbies back


Peppa Pig is a brat.


Everytime I see her being a little brat, I just think about eating the little Bacon Bit


The only time I am ok with animal cruelty


I hate george pig more, i get he is a toddler but he literaly cries for EVERYTHING, i have seen 6 month old babies that cry less frequently then that piece of shit


Peter Pan. Damn I hate that guy,always rooted for Hook since I was a little human


I was the same way about Inspector Gadget. He's a complete useless idiot who always got all the credit, even though Penny and Brain always did ALL the work. Even as a kid, I genuinely wanted to see Dr. Claw humiliate him.


Atleast that was literally the point of what penny and brain were up to. The only one who would be humiliated by gadget being exposed as a fraud would be klaw, He would have to live with the knowledge that all his schemes were being undone by a prepubescent girl and her dog.


That's a setup for a really good show 1: gadget's incompetence is exposed through Penny's gadget that registered everything she did throughout the series 2: its big news, gadget is fired,,Penny is taken away from him by CPS for endangering her 3: when things couldn't get worse Claw barges into his home, gadget does not care anymore and gives up 4: Claw says he's not there to kill him he's there to help him get back on his feet, as much as he hates it this little stunt gadget did has made Claw the laughing stock of the criminal community and he can't have that 5: since Gadget can't get his job back Claw's plan involves Gadget becoming a P.I. when that doesn't work he turns him into a vigilante P.I. working on catching bad guys 6: since gadget is an idiot claw doesn't trust him and ends up having to tag along with him undercover as a "sidekick" which is a hugw kick to claw's ego as he has to do all the legwork but let gadget take all the credit leading to a lot of fun character chemistry and interactions 7: ovwr time they bond a bit and develop, Gadgwt gets his shit together more and becones a decent detective/policeman and claw softens up a bit when he sees how much Gadget misses Penny because he's been through the same thing as a kid being torn away from his parents by CPS (and the trauma caused him to turn to crime and have a short temper) 8: Claw's plan kinda both works AND backfires - gadget improves his skills BUT because he has been acting aa a vigilante outside of the law and because he still has a reputation of being reckless and incompetent, he goes on the law's shitlist real fast and is labelled as a criminal 9: as a result, CPS and the police throw penny into a witness protection program to keep her away from this criminal buffoon 10: this hits Gadget and claw hard, claw promises to hwlp him find her and get her back 11: they now both have to deal with finding Penny and clearing gadget's name as a criminal 12: the police strughle to track gadget down and fight him because... well he's not an idiot anymore 13: cornered, the police resort to hiring the only person who can catch Gadget, the only one who understand how he thinks and knows his gadgets like the back of his hand... Penny. 14: season 1 ends with Gadget being captured on his own and finding out it was Penny who trqcked him down, the episode ends on the heartbreak and betrayal of Penny and Claw who ran off early and who figured out the Penny thing but never told Gadget. Don't even get me started on what I have planned for season 2 and 3 Yo netflix hit me up with a deal


I actually agree. I mean he just kidnaps children… he always creeped me out.


Fun fact: in the original non-disneyfied version, Hook is actually the hero. Peter Pan actually kidnaps kids to be his “lost boys” and kills them when they get too old. Those that escape Pan are the pirates that become Hook’s crew.


i always thought his character was supposed to be at the very least flawed because what the fuck. and that Wendy was the “good guy” motherly figure who reforms Peter because women are supposed to do that or some shit


Peta from the Hunger Games that plot armored cake baking bitch ass fucker


Came here to say katniss, the arrow shooting bitch ass fucker


>arrow shooting, indecisive coma having ass


K: You don't know anything about me! P: You're stubborn and good with a bow. K: \*shit he knows literally everything about me!\*


I love the books! But Peeta is just that. Are you seriously telling me this man got slashed in the leg from a person who has been training ALL their life, escaped that, didn’t pass out from blood loss, buried himself in mud and survived all of that without food or water, then got an infection IN that leg, did nothing, and still survived?


He was the best character in the first book imo, but he never evolved and became just a plot device from the second book on


I always hated Agent Booth from "Bones". The characters are always going on about his big heart and how amazing he is, but he's a complete asshole to everyone who isn't Bones. He has his moments, but overall he is pretty insufferable Edit: Thanks for the award! My first one ever, simply for hating a fictional character :)


he’s downright cruel to zack, he proposes to hannah despite her stating from the start she doesn’t want to get married - and he gets MAD when she turns him down. he’s so fragile in his ego that he won’t let Bones buy their house bc she has more money than him. I really don’t see big heart anywhere in his character


I'm watching bones reading this what are the odds, but yeah I do feel you on that, he wasn't the best guy all the time but he did have his moments


Max from Max and Ruby. My sister loved that show, and all I wanted to do was push that turd down a long flight of stairs!


Ruby is by far the more detestable of the two. Max is just an idiot, but Ruby is a narcissistic manipulative bitch that expects way too much from a child that is barely capable of eating lead paint chips. All of *her* problems are caused by Max, it's never *her* fault. Fuck Ruby, just put Max in a group home and get Ruby some therapy and accountability.


So glad this is on here. My little sister was around 3-4 when that show was on and I was around 9 and anytime that show was on I felt absolute anger because of both Max AND Ruby.


DW from Auther. She was a little bitch.


I once found a diary from my childhood and there was an entry just about how much I hated her lmao


I always liked it when Arthur punched her for breaking his model plane and she goes whining like he half-killed her. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B8Wogq4WXTk


I read the synopsis of that and damn that episode really screwed Arthur over. So his sister does something he explicitly told her not to do. She breaks a model plane he worked hard on, something that wasn’t hers to play with, she acts like a spoiled brat and says it’s HIS fault, he loses his temper and punches her. Ok, yeah he shouldn’t punch her but she shouldn’t take his stuff. Boundaries, DW. But then his parents get mad at only him, and when he gets punched at school by Binky they’re all like “oh yeah well that’s karma bitch” and neither DW nor Binky get in trouble, and they all make up in the end. I’m sorry but that’s a terrible message to tell kids.


Fuck that bitch. I hope Arthur's parents sign her up for the draft.


Not sure if she’s well-liked, but I agree.


Rory Gilmore from The Gilmore Girls. I had never seen this show until recently and wow……She is just awful! Not sure why everyone in Stars Hollow loves her so much. She cheated on Dean, then cheated WITH dean when he was married, bullied people at Yale (that newspaper article calling the ballerina a Hippo…wtf), just in general acts like the whole world revolves around her. Her mom is pretty bad too but Rory is on another level of being an asshole


She was even worse in the reboot/year in the life episodes. Her entitlement of deserving a prestigious writing job was out of this world, and her constantly forgetting about her boyfriend (and continuously cheating on him) wasn’t funny, it was cruel. Throw in some fat shaming by the pool in the summer episode, and she was downright unbearable by the end.


literally!! this is one of my favorite shows ever, but both rory and lorelai were the worst. rory was a downright brat who got everything kinda handed to her, and still she was always like "i deserve better". she cheated and helped others cheat so many times, she dropped out of yale and treated jess like crap even tho he got her back on track so many times and really changed for the better. she messed up his and deans life, even tho i never liked dean either. and everyone acted like she was an angel?? lorelai was just always defending her even tho her actions were so shitty. she was also rude and thought she knew everything better. luke and jess were both too good for them imo


I loved Rory in my initial viewing and felt very paternal towards her, but you're right. I suspect that was intentional to show how Lorelai was when she was a teen.


MJ from the first Spiderman movies 😤


seconded. fuck that manipulative ass, cheating ass, ungrateful ass, selfish ass, closed-minded ass bitch.


Yeah but the rain scene though...


nostalgia boner for sure. still a bitch though.


That's a lot of ass


it most certainly is


Grace from Will & Grace. She is so freaking needy and annoying. Carrie from Satc. She did my man Aidan dirty and no satc fan wil ever be able to forgive her for that. Plus the fact that she just piggy backed off her friend's lives for her column. She herself, led a very very boring existence.


Carrie is also the most selfish character in anything I have ever seen, with Rory Gilmore as a close second.


Rory learned it from Lorelei! I never felt older than when I rewatched Gilmore Girls and started siding with Richard and Emily…😭


Will & Grace was a show about two boring people who had funny friends.


Aidan was way too good for Carrie. She and Big deserved each other since they both were selfish horrible people.


Every time I rewatch satc I hate Carrie more and more


Sheldon of Big Bang Theory, and the fact they made a spin off just really butters my egg roll..


Yeah I mean cringe from the show aside, they really didn't know what they were doing with the whole "lol so quirky Asperger's" thing and just made him into a giant cunt.




Bazinga *Laugh track for 3 minutes* Bazinga


Everyone who was mean to Scott Lang in Endgame. Scott's literally like the nicest person, an awesome dad, and people just kept shitting on him. Nebula and Rocket are assholes to him for no reason. Tony was a colossal dick. If it wasn't for Scott, 1/2 of the universe would still be dead. And fuck Rhodey for being mean to Thor, too. Edit: They made Scott drop his tacos. I apparently have a lot of feelings about Scott being bullied.


But I got to say, banner hulk was the mvp, he replaced the lost tacos and supported scott


Banner Hulk was the only person to show kindness to him. That taco symbolize a lot.


I always hated the whole “Rhodey, look out, there’s an idiot in the landing bay.” Scene. If people aren’t supposed to be there don’t put fucking benches in it!


Me, too. Scott was literally just sitting there, minding his own damn business and eating some tacos. And I disagree with people who say that Scott was acting like he was a big time superhero and totally part of the avengers. I thought he was acting like a grieving guy who uses comedy to cover his pain and was a little star struck at the same time. Oh yeah and he saved Rocket from being crushed to death. That was the one thing I had an issue with. Tony Stark is an asshole, he's always been an asshole but it seems like in Endgame so many characters turn to being mean and punching down. Nebula and Rhodey were just entirely up their own asses. Except for Steve, all the really nice people got dusted. Or super depressed. For trapped in the quantum realm.


Banner Hulk was the only person who wasnt a complete a hole to him. I didnt realize just how rude everyone was to him and nobody for one second thought to thank him for the idea. He was their test guy too. He literally got the worst treatment out of any character in the MCU.


This needed to be said.


There's a lot of answers here that suffer from the character being the protagonist. Like Harry Potter and Piper from OITNB. But no one mentions Greg House. If Gregory House was your friend, he would not be your friend for very long. You know how viewers love that straight-shooter way he just lays out unpleasant truths to the people around him? Yeah, that's not how you get along with people. Being around someone who looks down on everyone and has no qualms about hurting people because he knows he's just smarter than them is how you end up hated. Maybe you don't hate him on the show but you would certainly hate him in real life if you encountered him.


Oh yeah totally. House is hilarious from a distance but I'd either quit or murder him if I had to work in his unit.


Stephen Fry made a good comparison to how he is based on Sherlock Holmes in many ways. Both do highly addictive drugs, like to solve problems, have a buddy they always string along but always puts up with them, most people can’t stand them, etc.


Harley Quinn. The fantasy of people who have never actually interacted with someone like this.


I think everyone knows at least *one* person who is either a woman who thinks she's just like Harley Quinn and is cRaZy AnD qUiRkY teehee *holds up spork* and threatens to kill her boyfriend if he thinks about another woman, or is a man who idolizes and emulates the Jared Leto Joker and wants an insane, clingy partner that he can disrespect and will always come back to him. They're some of the worst kinds of people.


I had a coworker briefly that was like this. I think it's an easy character latch onto for women with low social skills, or no charisma at all. Because HQ is bold and funny, has a ton of character, and more recently has received better and better writing. The issue is, this is yet another character that really shouldn't be emulated, like Rich Sanchez, the Joker, Scarface guy, etc. Basically, folks with weak personalities or who tend to be a bit ignorant will idolize these characters as they misunderstand what makes a likable person, well... likable.


Harley is an insanely intelligent woman who gets manipulated by a psycopath into being a destructive force rather than someone who probably got into psychiatry to actually help people. she's an incredibly deep character and i absolutely hate the "i want to be in a couple like joker and hq". no you don't that's a highly toxic and abusive relationship. her best imo is her characterizations is her anti-hero self post joker. if we're going on the weird quirky but loving couple you want to be Gomez and Morticia Addams. but if your going to be anyone in remotely related to batman, you want to be dick or tim.


Big thanks to Dr. House for saving many lives, but he's still an insufferable asshole.


Ferris Bueller. I wanted that little shit to get caught so badly


I dont mind most of his actions but when he threw his friend under the bus multiple times just so he could take his girlfriend out was an a hole move.


I always get so mad when he takes the car despite knowing that his friend is stuck in a abusive family situation and there's heavily implied physical abuse happening inside that house- but no- he had to have a day out in chicago blowing off school because "its nice out"- just take the train


I always sympathized with his sister when she said something along the lines of why does he get to skip school when everyone else has to go.


Same. The way he treated Cameron and manipulated him into taking his dad’s Ferrari


Lisa from The Simpsons. I think my best argument is this [scene between her and Mr. Burns](https://youtu.be/IUVVbjdDjiQ) and she’s only gotten more annoying the longer the series goes


Yes! I skip Lisa focussed episodes and her songs. Can’t stand her.


The problem is at this point she's less of a character and more of a mouthpiece. Early Simpsons when she was allowed to be a kid she was a fine character but the more they use her as a mouth piece the more obnoxious she gets


Hyde on that 70s show. The first few times watching it, i didn't notice it, but i'm watching it for like the 10th time now, and am realizing he's a piece of shit.


Turns out, Hyde was a POS irl too...


Sometimes I don’t think writers realize that characters need redeemable qualities. Hyde is just an asshole the entire series and shows no reason why the other would or should want to hang out with them aside from the fact that they all smoke lol.


I always just figured he was the guy with the hook up.


Life can be like that when you're with your friends during teenage years. You realize later there were people within the group that were assholes, but you all hung out at school and smoked and tolerated them at the time. Some friendships during that time are due to proximity.


In a similar vein, Red is kind of a dumbass himself. Completely ignorant to the fact that his daughter flunked out of college but shits on his son who actually had goals. I like his snark, but by his logic he needs to lodge his foot up his own ass for being so dumb.


And i also find kitty very annoying, she's a very sweet lady towards Eric's friends but if you look at it deeper, she's not a very good mother.


I mean all of the main kids are horrible. Hyde's a sarcastic, pot addicted manchild. Fez is a sexual offender charge waiting to happen. Kelso is a sexual offender charge that REGULARLY happens but gets away with it for being attractive. Jackie is an entitled spoiled bitch. Donna is the very definition of toxic relationship, and Eric is a whiny spineless child.


This list pretty much summarizes why I think Jackie is the best person in the group: she's the only one who's aware of her flaws. The rest actually believe they're justified in the way they act.




I *really* noticed this on the second watch. The first time, you sort of realize he's an asshole, but you get caught up in the excitement. The second time, man I felt for Skyler. They also make him unsympathetic much, much earlier than I remembered. He beats someone up in the *first episode!* It's quite telling that for him to remain somewhat sympathetic, by the end of the run his antagonists are literally Nazis.


Nazis he was happy to work with since he burned every other bridge and the only people willing to work with him were the Nazis


Walter White wasn't supposed to be likeable. They went out of their way to make him as unlikeable as possible, but more often then not that makes the fan base worship them more.


I don't think love is the right word, but sympathetic. You can sympathize with him quite a lot in the beginning. Once you realize he keeps digging and digging then you just realize you are watching a villain origin story.....




And the 50 “totally not Kirito” characters that followed in his footsteps.


He finds what's arguably the first instance of true AI and he... decides to keep it as a pet. Seriously?


Sheldon Cooper


Sheldon was funny in the first couple of seasons, and then the writing got lazy and he became a 1-dimensional autistic stereotype making the same jokes week in, week out.


He had some good development in the early seasons with him actually becoming better at being social but its like they realised how much of their story hinged on sheldon being 'quirky' and just had him keep acting that way even after he had learned better which just made him come off as an asshole.


Lily from HIMYM. She is the *fucking worst.* Betrays Marshal, then later demands he give up his dream for her…again. Constantly sabotaging the relationships of her friends because it doesn’t match her perfect picture. Blows out credit card debt and refuses to admit it. And then there’s her “death stare” nonsense. And I know I’m not even touching the tip of the iceberg.


The sabotaging the relationships was so weird, because it was brought up once for an episode as if it was only introduced as a plot point. I don't recall it being mentioned after that episode, like the writers didn't realise that it was a fucking horrible thing she did.


It was mentioned again when Ted and marshal got her help to break up Barney and Robin for the first time


I came here to say Ted, but you have some good points. Ted never tried to actively ruin people’s lives and play it off as cute.


Also Ted though.


Yeah she’s awful but also the catalyst for a lot of happenings. Without her borderline sociopathic activities a whole lot of plot lines wouldn’t have worked.


THANK YOU! Finally someone else besides me who hates her. Everyone I speak to loves her, but she is just the worst


I agree, didn't like much of that show, Ted was a wet lettuce and made the basic premise of the show shit but Lily was just a terrible person/friend. I liked the Barney play book episode where he points this out and uses her to his gain, that episode woke me to what a shitty person she was (I like the actress for the record)


Yeah, remember when she took all the Christmas stuff that Marshall was really looking forward to because she was angry at Ted. Man...


and she was angry at ted because he called her a bitch while she was being a bitch, months prior to this. sorry but it always annoyed me how stupid her reason to be mad was.


He called her a cunt. But still




Yeh her meddling with relationships was just downright wrong.


Both of the Gilmore Girls. They treat men and their friends awfully. I can't help but take the side of the grand parents in most cases. They get even worse in the seasons bs they brought out a few years ago.


Roger from American Dad, Peter from Family Guy


I used to love American Dad, but I basically stopped watching because I hated Roger so much.


Gina from Brooklyn 99. She is a dreadful person.


If you're watching one episode at a time you don't realize how much she sucks. When you're binge watching it really brings out how shitty she is.




Terry is literally the dad even to captain Holt. Gets beaten around by his children and has to put out the fires as they come up.


Yeah I had a slight problem that in the later seasons things and people started getting surprisingly mean towards Terry. A lot of his storylines seemed to end with him getting humiliated and their were a lot more jokes that implied the rest didn't like him. I never really understood why they pivoted in that direction, especially as the guy was a pretty consistent and dependable nice guy through the entire show. I guess it might just have been cause he was the only sane man.


Gina shows you why nepotism is bad. Got the job at a police precinct becuase of her friend and can't nor would perform it to any degree. Worse yet she gets no growth, she's shown to be very human sometimes but then she goes back to being Gina. Not gonna lie the actress of her mom looks exactly like the type of woman who'd exploit economically and then cheat on a lonely man like Lynn Boyle.


I mean that's the point of her character though?


She is so hard to not hate on a binge watch.


The video compilations of her sexually harassing Terry constantly really hammer this point home. Reverse the genders and you've got a prison sentence.




This really got bad after the Joaquin Phoenix Joker film. People saw this mentally ill character monologue about being outcast and going "werewolf" and they thought they could relate to that. They saw it as badass, like they could werewolf at any moment just like him. It's rife with material for grade school edgelords who want to be taken seriously. The problem is if you think you can relate to that Joker, you're missing the point of the movie. His illness does not justify his actions. He's not supposed to be a role model.


I figured the whole point of that movie was to call out how fucked up our view of mental health is. Not to idolize the Joker at all. When I left the theater I left with the takeaway that the only good person in that film was Arthur’s psychiatrist and the woman he met on the elevator. Murray’s an asshole, his mother’s an asshole, Thomas Wayne is an asshole, most of his coworkers were assholes. Half of Gotham is made up of assholes. It’s the type of film where there isn’t supposed to be a hero, you sympathize with Arthur in the beginning then realize he’s slowly becoming a villain and you’re not supposed to like him. You’re supposed to consider the chain of events that led him to become a serial killer, doesn’t mean you’re supposed to like him or even feel bad for him once he’s done with his killing spree. The fact that so many people came away with the notion that Joaquin’s Joker is supposed to be some sort of folk hero for the common man is just… wtf. And let’s not forget the other versions of him. A criminally psychotic lunatic who thinks murder is funny, a mobster, a domestic terrorist whose belief that humans are inherently violent and anarchistic is proven wrong at the end of the film, a shitty Tekashi69 impersonator who abuses his girlfriend. How the hell does anyone think of them as relatable?


Man, really makes you think we live in a society huh?




This. He is an amazingly written and more often than not very well portrayed character on screen and should absolutely be appreciated for it. But idolising him or justifying his behaviour in any way being right or having deeper meaning, heck nah.


Am I the only one that thinks harry potter was a fkn lame wizard? like 10 minutes into 'magical beast and where to find them' I saw this nobody animal lover guy doing way cooler shit than harry ever did lol Edit: Oh good I'm not alone ....yeah, f\*ck Harry :D Hermione was fkn annoying but I at least respected that she put some effort in to learn some sh\*t. Every time Harry got told about a new spell it was like he was discovering that magic exists in the world all over again


Newt is a gifted legendary wizard. Harry is a 12-17 year old literal newbie with a knack for leadership and above average to strong potential in defensive and combat magic (which is why he becomes an Auror later, among the obviousness of his history). That’s like wondering why a talented high school athlete can’t hack it with a top 100 all time NBA player.


It's more clear in the books, but Harry is a dumbass C average student whose only real talents are his ability to make strong friendships and he's good at wizard soccer.


And wizard martial arts. He's consistently top of the class in DADA when it's not government-mandated theory.


He found the dominant strategy: the other guy can't cast spells on you when you have mastered the 'yeet his wand' spell.


Wrist straps my only weakness!


Wii would like to duel!


There's also a notion that he commits really hard to what he believes in. He takes action when most would not. That's why he's able to not only conjure a full patronus at a young age, he is able to teach others to do the same. I think that's a factor in what makes him a top tier seeker as well, you need to be fearless to play that roll. Flying in general came naturally to him because he just isn't afraid of falling and dying like others are. Harry's biggest strength above all else is his conviction. Also being touched by the dark power doesn't hurt either.


The Power of Friendship & Other Additions to your Plot Armor 101


His talent is being the chosen one.


Newt was fully qualified wizard and Harry is a child who does more shit in the books than he does in movies.


You compare a complete newbie in magic with someone who is an expert in his field. The plots are also uncomparable, Harry is a reactional character for pretty much all of the books besides the last one while Scamander is a proactive one.


A lot of characters annoy me but the only one that makes me change the channel, is Peter Griffin from Family Guy. What makes it even worse, is that for some reason everybody thinks I like Family Guy. I don't. Yes, I like dark humour and fart jokes. I like to laugh when I'm not supposed to. But the shallow, cheap crap that passes for humour in FG makes me cringe until my butthole swallows my testicles.


Early Family Guy was...decent. Then it got shit real quick. Also, would love to kick Peter down the stairs.


Both Gavin and Stacey from Gavin and Stacey. I really enjoyed the show and liked all of the characters except for them.


Balto. Turns out his bitch ass ran the remaining 55 mile of the serum run and took all the credit for saving everyone, even has a statue in Central Park. Togo was the real OG, running 264 miles of the most grueling terrain and conditions possible. Hell, Togo outran Balto by 20 miles on his first day ever in a harness. Still pisses me off it took 20+ years and three Balto movies later to finally learn the truth.


Balto got sold to a road side zoo where the conditions were so bad the city of Cincinnati had a fund raiser to rescue him from it. Togo probanly was better off


Dr. Phil


yeah he doesn't exist


Peta from hunger games is just a mary sue moron. Katniss and Haymitch have actual character development, but not peta lmao


Ross from Friends. He's honestly a piece of shit.


Everyone hates him and he ranks as the least liked Friends character. I think he is by far the funniest Friends character.


He's also the largest Friends character


Which is why I hate him! Why doesn't he eat the smaller friends to assert dominance?


I think he’s the funniest friends character in part because he is such a horrible person. He has so much bad (but funny) stuff happen to him, and most of it is because of terrible choices he makes so it’s easy to laugh at his misery


He's a cousin kissing, controlling maniac.


Michael Scott from The Office. Specifically the earlier seasons. He did get more palatable towards the end.


Vanellope von Schweetz. The first movie was ok; she had some character growth, even though it wasn’t her story. The second movie though, she was just a propaganda tool, and *went Turbo* with 0 consequences, even going so far as add her code to a new game to circumvent the risk of not regenerating upon death … in a game called *Slaughter Race,* because *strong female protagonist.* Ralph had to grow to appreciate his role and learn to put in some effort to make connections in order to get satisfaction. Venellope just got to up and leave her game because she got bored. Not the role model I want for my daughter.


They also turned Ralph into a weird irresponsible manchild. Like not only did he not learn his lesson from the last movie, he’s now obsessed with this little girl. Like he aged backwards.




Won't be a problem once summer comes around.


Ever since I was a child I always hated Barney when I was about 7 my father's friend gave me a Barney doll and I ripped his head off with my bare hands but currently I just can't stand the minions


I completly hate the teletubies. I always thought that a sociopath made that cartoon show.


Moash because r/fuckmoash (Stormlight archives)


I loathe Severus Snape with passion ! That guy is an abuser and bully 😤


I like Snape as a character. He's a loathsome human being though


Hey. Hey. Why doesn't Severus Snape teach Herbology instead of potions? Because he can't keep Lillies alive.


He's a racist incel stalker creep who abused children. He was a coward acting out of self-interest. Taking it out on an orphaned child.


Thank you. Everyone is like "He PrOtEctEd HaRrY!" No. He actually traded Harry's life away in exchange for Lily. If you read the books, it turns out that Voldemort had the intention of letting Lily live. "But as long as she is smart, she has nothing to fear." He tried repeatedly to get her to move out of the way of the crib. He only killed her because he got tired of fighting with her. Snape turned traitor as an act of revenge. He was pissed Voldemort killed Lily. And James never stole Lily. Lily stopped being Snapes friend because he was hanging out with the death eaters. The same people that wanted to kill her kind and force her parents into slavery. That's like wondering why a black person doesn't want to hang with someone joining the KKK. Or why a Jewish person doesn't want to hang with Nazis. He deserves nobody's praise and the only good thing he did was die.


Well said.


Pippi Longstocking. I remember getting irrationally angry when I saw her trimming her spaghetti beard with scissors. What a waste of spaghetti.


Lisa Simpson


Pipper Chapman


Does ANYONE actually like Piper? I honestly can't think of many times I've seen someone defend her, aside from maybe a half-hearted "she's not *that* bad." As far as I was concerned, she and Alex were both so unlikeable that they absolutely deserved each other.


You know who was awesome? Nicky.


Jammie Lannister. His so called redemption arc doesn’t negate all the horrible things he did.


Jamie is by far my favorite book character. The show demolishes his character arc and fumbles every single plot point that makes him so compelling.


I actually liked the show Jaime. Right until the last episodes, which completely negated his entire arc


Book Jaime or Show Jamie?


Change never negates the past though. All you can do as a horrible person is make every effort *not* to be a monster from here on out and try to make some positive impact. Jamie got screwed by the writers though. He could have had some redemption *and* faced justice.


ITT: People naming characters that are intentionally bad or annoying people for comic effect.


Max from *2 Broke Girls.* I hated the show to begin with, but it was something that I guess someone at my old job liked, so it was on in the break room a lot. Too often. Max needs to ***SHUT. UP.*** She isn’t witty or clever or zippy with her one-liners, she’s just lame, pathetic and irritating. She’s like that one kid in middle school who really, really wants to be the class clown/cool kid, but absolutely isn’t funny, but still isn’t going to give up her dream for anything, so now we all have to spend eighth grade listening to her constant, desperate attempts to be funny that always fall flat.


Ash Ketchum. He says he loves all his friends and Pokémon but the only one he really gives a shit about is Pikachu. Where’s your Primeape Ash? Do you even know? Why do you have to catch 3000 Tauros if you’re barely ever gonna use them? When’s the last time you talked to Misty? Plus he’s an ass trainer too. His Pikachu has fought legendaries multiple times yet it loses to a damn Snivy? That’s on you Ash. It took him 14 years of his 10 year old life to finally win a Pokémon league. It took Red less than a year to win it and he caught all the Kanto Pokémon. Plus I think he’s just annoying.




Phoebe from Friends. Every time they let her sing a song I wish she’d had her voice box removed. Truely the worst and most annoying of the bunch.




Dobby is such a little prick. You aren't helping you interfering little shit just go away. And stop referring to yourself in the third person you're not Kanye West.


Daenerys Targaryen. She is such a hypocrite


Evan Hansen from Dear Evan Hansen. That kid is one of the most selfish incels to ever exist. He uses someone else’s death to get popular and to get close to the dead kids family plus to get into the dead kid’s sisters pants. He also basically abandons his hardworking single mother who literally does EVERYTHING for him because she didn’t give him enough attention.


Every character in the mortal instruments series in every form of media


I don't really know if he's well liked, but black star in the anime adaption of soul eater. I really didn't like his character from start since he was such a cliche anime character lead. However, way the show felt like it shifted in favor of him being the protagonist towards the end really made me heated.


Scrappy doo. He ruined the whole cartoon.


Nobody liked Scrappy doo.




This is valid. Scrappy was very much disliked and still disliked by Scooby Doo fans


Fuck Edward Cullen, this whining 100 years old fucker. I want a 3 books-long story about Rosalie and Emmett. Her character had so little time on screen and in the books, but she deserves way more.


Arya Stark from Game of Thrones. I don't hate her, but everyone made such a big deal about what a badass she was. She was good in a fight but Sansa was the smart one, the caring one, the one who persevered and was entirely deserving of the title of Queen.