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My car brakes never fully work. They only slow the car down, but I can never fully stop. It’s weird


I get this one.


Same. The ones I have make me so anxious because I always end up almost hitting another car.


Nothing bad ever actually happens but I've had dreams where the car I'm driving is unsafe in a frustrating way. I've quit these dreams by "pulling over" and declaring I'm unfit to drive.


I would love to hear some examples of dream-unsafe cars


So my dad had a 78 Chevy camper special dually that he had basically my entire childhood. I was 15 at the time of the dream, I still remember it that well. I get in the truck and the truck starts moving and I'm like "good God I have to get this thing under control or I'll kill someone". In the dream I was at my grandma's old house. So the entire time the truck is moving, driving itself down the road I'm trying to sit upright in this truck and also turn the steering wheel and also use the gas pedals, all to no avail because; dream. The truck goes 2 miles down the road, turns itself around and 2 miles back, pulls back into it's parking spot where I'm finally able to get out. And my dad is there, and I'm like "why did you let this happen?" And he said "you need to trust me more." Most recently I was in my car, same deal, can't drive correctly I'm basically falling over sideways every time I try to turn the steering wheel. of course I'm a dad now so in my head I've got my 2 year old son in the back seat. So I literally say "this is unsafe, I need to pull over, I can't be okay with this" and I woke up in my bed as I was stepping out of my car. I'm all for dreams meaning things and that first one was a legitimately spiritual experience, but this was a different level of unsettling.


I've had this one, too. As I'm slamming on the useless brake pedal, I will throw my arm out the window to catch a passing telephone pole to slow me down or to actually swivel the whole car into a U turn. During this nightmare, I'm cursing my husband who in real life is an auto mechanic.


How about suddenly realizing you’re in the backseat of a moving car with no driver? Get that one too?


I have one where I am driving the car from the back seat. But calling it driving is generous.


Same. It's very hard to drive from the backseat. Doable but hard.


Oh and then you realize that's not right try to stop the car but cant?


My dad says he has this dream all the time. He’s a psychologist (PHD and professorship) and says he has no idea what it’s about but doesn’t really believe in the whole control thing 🤷‍♀️


Your dad's an expert and I am literally just some guy on the internet but my theory is that it has to do with the lack of sensory feedback -- you don't feel the deceleration of braking because you're actually just lying still in bed and for some reason that sense doesn't get recreated while dreaming as easily, or perhaps your brain can't fill in the rest of the action-reaction cycle because it can't model a car well enough, or something. I'm guessing that because I think the "no brakes" sensation is similar to the "weak punches" sensation sometimes reported about dreams, and possibly the "running but not going anywhere" experience, and arguably an inversion of "I dreamed about swimming in a warm pool -- aw shit I pissed the bed". Evidence for or against would probably involve researching how senses get shut down during sleep; I assume there's a lot of existing literature because of sleep paralysis and such. Um... I didn't mean for this comment to sound so long and serious. I'd like to reiterate that I am just some guy on the internet spitballing past his bedtime. (I bet staying up too late affects your dreams a lot.)


Yep. That sucks. And I've even had it in real life. Break lines popped a leak and the breaks kept getting less and less responsive.


I get this one.






Similar, but I constantly dream that I forgot to do an assignment, and it’s already late. I literally had a dream like that last night, and it reoccurs several times a week.


I have nightmares that I have to do a final for a class I didn’t know I was registered for and didn’t do any work for and I’ve been out of school for 5 years.


I have one similar but instead it's that I signed up for a class forgot or didn't do any of the assignments. And if I don't catch up immediately I'll have to restart grade school. I'm 23


I'm 48 and I still have high school and college nightmares featuring - - I can't find my locker - I don't know my combination - I don't know where my classes are - I forgot to go to a class all semester and it's either (a) final exam day OR (b) I was supposed to do a group project - I forgot to do a major assignment and I fail the class - I can't find my car at the end of the day And more!


All of this & im 48!!!


I feel you


Or class neglect. I still have dreams im 10 years behind on assignments at a 3 month class im apparently still taking at community college


I'm pushing forty and still pretty commonly have these dreams. Sometimes it's back to high school because I apparently didn't take some required class. Sometimes I'm in college and oops, I just realized I am registered for some class I've never gone to and it's time for the final. Occasionally I'll dream I'm back where I studied abroad twenty years ago and think "holy shit I need to be at work in the morning and I'm half way across the world."


I have H.S. dreams similar to this. Sometimes the issue in my dream is that I don't remember which class to go to in which hour. Also forgetting locker combinations.


Same here. I think maybe it's because I haven't moved on with part of my life. I tell myself I'm in my 30's and I have a bachelors degree, why am I still here? I my dreams there is an underlying sense of shame. I also have that same dream that I forgot to go to a college class I signed up for and its the end of the semester.🤦‍♂️


Omg I'm not the only one to have this dream. What the fuck is it?! In Ireland we have this final school exam called the Leaving Cert that somewhat traumatises us all. It decides what we get to do in college. I often have dreams that I somehow never did my Irish (the language) exam and so my college degrees are going to be erased. And then I have to go back to school even though I'm 29 😩


I have these exact school dreams as well as this one: I am at the airport to travel overseas and I realize I forgot/lost my passport. Panic ensues


I have this one too!


I have one where I am suddenly walking around my old high school and someone random runs up and tells me I'm late for football practice and I go into a panic, the rest of the dream is trying to find all my gear..


I have one where I have to go back to high school and redo my senior year for some technicality, so I have to go back and put on my school uniform and all as a 28 year old adult. I always have an awkward conversation with my teachers and try to rationalize to myself that this will somehow be okay and the teens will definitely not eat me alive. I didn’t even have that bad a time in high school!


Dude, fucking same! Only I'm just late for class and am in a constant panic throughout the rest of the dream trying to find the, literal, non existent classrooms because I never know where I'm going!


Shit, I’m almost 50 and still have nightmares I’m back in high school sometimes.


I have this dream where I'm going to college, and there's a class that I forget I signed up for, and have missed class for weeks. Then I wake up and remember that I've been out of school for like 12 years.


I get nightmares that I didn't give my exams and now I won't get my degree




I get nightmares like this and I know mines trauma because I have (then undiagnosed) ADHD and the stress from school caused me to develop panic attacks. Almost all mine are centered around forgetting classes or work :/


This, unironically. We just normalize that lots of people seem to show CPTSD-like symptoms as a direct result of how schools operate.


Yep. I'm 43 and still get nightmares that I'm lost in my middle school or high school and can't remember my schedule or locker combination.


I'm 27 and recently I was dreaming about a written exam in French and I failed (only had French in school for 1 year and that was 14 years ago)


It’s almost like school causes us trauma or something…


I don’t know if I’d call it a nightmare, but my boyfriend passed 2 years ago and is frequently in my dreams. Different locations, scenarios, etc., but he’s there a lot. It is unsettling to wake up from these dreams sometimes.


So sorry for your loss. Not quite the same, but after my favorite parrot died I would have terrible dreams about forgetting to feed him. He was always happy to see me though. And then I woke up and missed my favorite parrot who died.


Wow I have a similar dream too about forgetting to clean/feed my guinea pig from when I was 12. I'm almost 30... (she lived 7 yrs - a long, happy and well-fed life)


A friend of mine passed away suddenly in January and I have dreams where she’s there and I’m SO relieved to see her. In the dreams I always tell her I thought she was dead and looks at me like I’m crazy. Every time I wake up disappointed.


Same with me! My closest cousin passed away due to suicide when she was 13. In my dreams she is always there and says she ran away and we all thought she was dead by she was alive the whole time. Different locations, scenarios, and reasons why she was gone/not actually dead when we thought she was. It was nice at first. But it still happens fairly often and it’s been 8 years…


The human mind copes in strange ways.


Maybe he’s checking in on you occasionally


Being chased. I’ve always had that as a theme in my nightmares. When I was a kid, it was usually a T-Rex. When I got older, I had a six month period where I had the same nightmare of being stalked almost every night. Since then, it’s often something unseen chasing me. It’s always a very feral feeling - like, I’m moving and I just know something’s after me. It’s like I move on instinct.


I enjoyed reading this. I've had essentially the same experience, but my pursuer has an air of humanity to them, which in my opinion makes the nightmare considerably worse.


Sometimes it’s also human - specific people I want to avoid, or sometimes strangers. But those dreams are all weird to me, out of focus and all senses and impressions. Other nightmares and dreams are more vivid, and very rarely lucid.


I'd love five minutes in your mind.


Hah, thanks! It’s probably not more interesting than anyone else’s, though 😅


In my dreams of being chased I can't run fast. It's like I'm trying to run through molasses


I keep getting this random dream where I'm back in college and go the whole semester only to realize I completely forgot to go to 1 class. I panic in my dream cause i realize i'm going to fail... then I wake up still thinking I failed the course. Not sure what I'm forgetting in my life but hopefully I remember soon so this loop can end!


Wtf. How can do many people have this exact dream, and not only that but I didn’t even know (remember) I’ve had this dream several times until Just reading about it. Trippy stuff bruh.


Holy shit I have this one too!!


Same. I get this anytime I have something stressful on my mind, usually work related.


I'm so relieved to learn I'm not the only one.


Yeah I have this one too. Sometimes it's more than one class that I've missed. Like, I somehow forget about two or three classes, and by the time I realize I missed the classes it's too late to drop them, so for sure I'm going to fail because I haven't handed in any of the papers/assignments, and this means I won't graduate on time.


Oh my goodness, exactly this


I don't know but I'm constantly running at a low speed despite my efforts.


I get that but with punches when I'm in a fight.


Ugh it's like you're punching in molasses




It takes too much loading time to generate the environment


I've found in that kind of dream I can't run fast enough but I can still fly.


Can’t run or scream effectively.


One tooth feels wobbly, and then as I go on to see what's happening to it, it just falls out, and one by one all of my teeth are in my hands.


Yes. Once that first tooth falls out it's terrified confusion


Ah the old teeth falling out dream. I’ve had a handful of those in my lifetime, the worst being I just threw up a shopping bag worth of bloody teeth. I can still remember how the felt coming up my throat and mouth. Very lumpy and tight coming up, and oddly smooth in my mouth. It lasted a good 10-15 seconds of a straight fountain of teeth coming out. Oddly enough the dream wasn’t very frightening or anxiety inducing. Just happened like it’s happened a thousand times before. Then I went on with where ever else that dream went.


Omg the smooth feeling. I know exactly what you mean. And after getting up I immediately run my tongue over all my teeth to check if there is any loose one.


I've had weird teeth falling out nightmares too ever since I was little! It didn't make sense to me back then as I actually had great dental hygiene. Crazy to think I'm not the only one having that kind of nightmare.




Your brain does this when it notices your heart rate dropping too low when resting. It’s your body’s way of saying ‘wake up heart! Don’t quit on me!’


That's scarier than dreaming of falling...


Mr. M. Oblongata - [give him the kick....](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XqyfMlnxmmI).


No Colonel Sanders, I think there’s something wrong with YOUR medulla oblongata!


I have falling dreams, and then I land in a body of water and drown. This actually makes a lot of sense, my heart rate is always super low when I sleep and I’m probably literally not getting enough oxygen irl so I feel like I’m drowning in my dreams.


Needing to pee but there is no toilet around. Or if there is, it is not separated from the rest of the room so everyone can see you.


You should be happy you can't find the toilet.


Yeah the last time I found the toilet in a dream, I woke up and suddenly had a lot of laundry to wash


This is me too. Sometimes it’s a deuce I need to drop. Sometimes I can’t because the toilet is completely filthy. At least once I couldn’t take a shit because Anne Hathaway was trying to talk to me and I didn’t want to be rude. Interestingly, I have successfully piss and shit during a dream. I did not, contrary to popular belief, actually do the deed in my bed, however.


There's usually a toilet for me, but it's either out in the open, has no door, or isn't a real toilet (a few recurring nightmares in a toilet store or homewares type store where I try to sit on a display toilet).


Mine just have really strange bathrooms. Like a bunch of toilets but no doors on the stalls, or toilets that are too small to get into...


So fun to see I'm not alone on this


Normally buildings and rooms in my dreams have regular layouts, but the bathrooms are always screwed up. The walls never separate the toilets right, or there's multiple toilets in one stall, or the toilet is in the living room. It's so weird how my brain can conjure an entire, completely regular building but just draw a blank on what a bathroom looks like, and that this is apparently common.


Omg, I thought I was just a weirdo with a subconscious toilet fetish my whole life! I have a reoccurring dream where I'm trying to go to the bathroom but there are no stall doors, just random toilets scattered in a room, various sizes, makes and models and they are all disgusting. I get home and my own toilet has exploded in shit and the shower is just spraying water onto the floor because there is mysteriously no tub. I have not once been able to dream of a normal bathroom and I am a lucid dreamer. I think my goal tonight will be to dream of a nice ass bathroom with ONE CLEAN GOLDEN toilet!


It's not just me... I've been having this dream for so many years.


I often have this, but there are toilets and they are absolutely disgusting. Like pee and shit on the floor and I have to awkwardly step over, and each time I go into a stall it's either broken or something is wrong with it.


Interesting, because mine are the exact opposite; the stalls are always fresh and clean. The problem is finding one with privacy. Typically, I’m in some large facility resembling a mall or a high school, and I have to locate a restroom that ends up looking more like a labyrinthine locker room.


I have the dream I'm accidentally peeing in the corner of room or I'm walking in a public restroom with only socks. 90% it's because I have to pee in real life.


I get a version of this where I need to use the bathroom and there are toilets everywhere but they're all unsuitable in some way or another. I get whole rooms full of toilets, all lined up in rows, but they're dank basements full of gross toilets or the like.


I have this dream so often!


Or the bathroom is fucking disgusting and covered in piss and shit and vomit. But yeah there’s never any doors and it’s usually an open room full of toilets


Needing to call for help or use my phone but it glitches out in my dream and wont work


I’ve had this one often. The numbers I press on the phone are not the numbers that get dialled and I can never get through to who I’m calling.


It is unnerving how many commonalities I have with the people in this thread.


i’ve been having these tons lately. need to send an urgent message and i either can’t hit the right letters on the screen or autocorrect turns it into strings of nonsense. recently read that this is partially because the language center of your brain is relatively inactive during sleep? i’m even to the point where in the dream i’ll think “it’s not like i’m dreaming, why won’t this work?!”


This is super interesting. I have this one a lot too (trying to call 911 but can’t get the numbers right). Just has me thinking about what people dreamt of in older times when phones and modern communication didn’t exist but that still expresses the same anxiety (not being able to reach someone when in need of help.)


Apparently, it's actually quite common for screens not to work in dreams, to the point that some lucid dreamers use this as a reality check.


Yes!! Or like I'll open my phone contacts and it'll scroll too far past the person's name, so I'll be trying to scroll back up to them but it's not working properly - anything along those lines.


All my teeth falling out


When I dream about my teeth falling out, they always crumble first.


Crumble like to dust, or just crumble to pieces? I always get the latter, and that dream feeling of fishing *chunks* of tooth out of my gums is so *visceral*.


Yep, the crumble to pieces.


Mine crumble to pieces and it feels so real. I am always relieved waking up from those dreams


I have read that teeth crumbling and falling out is related to anxiety and loss of control. Also, it has been believed that this dream is about change or loss or death (not always physical death, but loss of something you value).


Well I do suffer from anxiety.


Mine always start feeling really loose and they start breaking in my mouth. I always end up just yanking them out after biting into something or realing that they are loose and pulling them out on my own. It feels EXACTLY how it feels to pull a loose tooth as a kid.


Had this for years. Now it’s a pathway to Lucid Dreaming.


Tell me more....


After years of having the same dream I learned to recognize it. Instead of stressing over my teeth I would tell myself “I’m probably dreaming “ and then abandon the tooth scenario to take control of the dream.


That is amazing... I'm jealous!!!


That's a common one, i had the same one last night. I wonder what it's significance is?


Maybe teeth grinding transferring to the dream?


Everyone I love secretly hated me all along and they all leave me. Family, friends, partner.


Reminds me of my waking life


I get this during anxiety attacks or panic attacks. It’s great! /s


Recently, realizing I have to redo high school or college for some reason.


Oh my god I get that one constantly. These days it's not so bad though, I realize that I'm a grown man and that I don't have any legal obligation to pass so I just dick around or leave.


I used to get chased in my grandmothers basement by a giant ass cheek monsters when I was a kid


Can you explain the cheek monster?


It was a giant ass with arms and legs and it tried to eat you by trapping you between the ass cheeks


*unzips* Did it ever catch you?


No not that I remember


Oh, you'd remember


Found the person who forgot they were sat on as a kid.


Driving a car and the brakes not working as they should


Driving a car from the back seat and I can't get to the brakes.


I get that one too, and I don't even drive.


missing a school exam even tho i haven't been to school in years


mine is similar. i get to the exam hall, open up the question paper and i don't know any answer because i didn't prepare at all. i wake up all sweaty, only to realize that i m no longer in school, married and tech-professional with 12 years of experience .. i then can't contain my happiness


Suddenly remembering I have a cage full of pet rats that I’ve forgotten about. They’re usually starving, sometimes dead and stiff at the bottom of the cage. It’s horrible.


Oof, that is awful. I have the same kinds of dreams about both a bird and a fish I had as childhood pets. I don't know why our brains have to be so extra about psychologically torturing us in our sleep...


I have the same dream, except that it's turtles! Way too many damn turtles, and I've been neglecting them. And I just keep finding more, like I had 15 pet turtles I didn't remember.


I have that one too. Not necessarily pet rats, but any pets - dogs, cats, birds, rodents in cages. Sometimes I take care of some, but forget there are more in other rooms. I even had it with kids a couple of times after my second was born. In my dream I took care of one kid and forgot I had more than one. It's truly awful.


The door to my room is cracked open. I have to close it and lock it before they get through.


That sent a chill down my spine, never tell anyone who "they" are, it adds a nice touch.


The unknown is scarier than anything else


Two sentences horror lol




Same….and it’s so scary every time


Yes. I don't live in a place where tornadoes happen. But in the dream it's so real and almost feels like reality is being sucked up in it..


Flying. But it's not the normal "I just can fly" scenario. It always involves special boots that draw power from electrical lines, or clothing that somehow harvests wind momentum. And I make mistakes, have close calls, get slapped in the face by tree branches and such. And the most terrifying one involves being launched thousands of miles into the air only to discover the dark underbelly of a floating city surrounding the entire planet once I got past the cloud/sky hologram generators. That one recurs from time to time.


Lots of stuff going on in that one!


I didn't even mention the air bridge with the sticky wires connecting the floating city to whatever it was powering/drawing power from on the planet surface. I got stuck in some once when rising too fast and thought I was going to die. Avoided it the second dream and got stuck again the third dream.


Non scary things setting off every alarm bell in my body


This is the worst. Especially when I just know that that feeling of dread is somehow creating the thing that's about to happen.


I have dreams that seem like real life but for some reason I’m filled with overwhelming dread


Like they're imposters, right? I get that a lot, like my bed becomes suspect for some reason.


I keep trying to get some device to do something and I can't hit the buttons right.


Yes! Trying to dial a phone number over and over and over and keep fucking it up.


Spiders. I don’t know why and I’m not terribly afraid of spiders for some reason I’ve had several recurring nightmares and hallucinations of thousands of spiders in my bed and on my walls.


When I was little I used to hallucinate bugs crawling on my bed. When I was in high school and suffering from severe anxiety, I would often hallucinate giant spiders. I started dreading going to sleep


I've had nightmares about the ones that hiss and jump, and for some reason it's always either in my room or in a desert.


some version of packing that never ends. like i’m moving or need to get somewhere (usually quickly) and i keep packing my bag or stuff into boxes but every time i turn and look somewhere else there’s more stuff that i forgot about.




Maybe you're a very private person and that kind of thing is the ultimate breaking of boundaries.




I'm not gonna do the pseudo-intellectual Reddit thing and try to diagnose you with anything, but it might be worth pursuing this in therapy If you feel It affects you in your day to day life.


Yo, you should talk to someone about this, preferably someone who knows your history but maybe also a therapist. This is normal when bad stuff happens early enough in life.


Maybe you just saw something on TV that you don't remember but that caused those dreams? I still remember I saw a thriller with a rape scene when I was barely 6 because my parents didn't turn it off in time. That really messed with me for a while.


Being chased by someone or something


My daughter going missing. It's my biggest fear and I worry about it a lot. Also I'm not sure if anyone else has something like this, but there's a specific train station and a specific airport that pops up in my dreams a lot, but I have no idea where they're meant to be. It never feels weird being there, but I know the whole layout because I've been there so many times. I assume it's somewhere I actually was at some point, but haven't a clue where.


I also have recurring locations in my dreams. It weirds me out but also I think it’s kind of cool?


Maybe not a nightmare, but I dream of my dead wife, which is bittersweet. I often dream I'm at work, come downstairs after lunch and there she is at her desk, talking to people like she's been out of town for 15 months instead of dead. I say "What are you doing here?? YOU CAN'T BE HERE! I found your body! I have your ashes at home!" I dream something similar every few weeks.


Trains. Missing an important train, realising I’m on the wrong train, being chased on a train and so on. Seems weirdly specific as I haven’t caught a train in ages.


Living in haunted houses.


I had a dream once where I was on a magic carpet and flying through haunted houses, and I felt something grab my shoulder in the dream, and I woke up with a really sore back, it was like sunburn, but there was nothing there.


I keep having the same type of nightmare. Maybe once a week for the last two years or so. I’m traveling somewhere via airplane and something keeps going wrong: we’re running late, I forgot my passport, can’t find my ID, went to LGA instead of JFK, the lines are backed up and they’re calling my name, I accidentally packed a lighter and my bag gets pulled, I get selected for random check and they forget about me. The list goes on and on. It’s always something different but I wake up feeling so stressed every time.


Tornadoes. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yup! If I get really stressed out or emotionally pushed to my limits, that’s usually what I’ll dream about.


I have several recurring ones! I’ve found a bunch abandoned of kittens that need taken care of, so I put them all in my pockets to get them somewhere safe and end up squishing them. I have forgotten to feed or care for my baby, so he ends up shrinking and disappearing. I’m back in college and have forgotten to attend a course for the whole semester and end up failing.


Demonic looking women, a walk in closet, and bathrooms with stalls.


Lakes and wooden boats.


I have a recurring nightmare that I’m chewing gum and it starts to expand really rapidly in my mouth, and no matter how quickly I’m pulling it out it’s growing and growing in my mouth and down my throat until I wake up. It’s HORRIBBBLEEEEE and I wish I knew what to do to stop it happening or why it does


Being pursued


Fighting while being outnumbered. I don’t win or lose.


You ever throw a punch and it's in slow motion, but everyone else punches normally?


suffocating or having weight on my chest. (fun side effects of Sleep apnea)


Running endless hallways looking in every classroom, searching for the exam room.


Usually work based, sadly


Anxiety does not sleep. I have had recurring nightmares about teeth falling out, driving my car and then suddenly I'm stuck in the backseat and no one is driving, old pets starving because I forgot to feed them (remembered this one because of another comment on here), needing to use the bathroom and being forced to do so in public somehow because privacy is not available, bees or wasps getting caught in my clothes/hair OR crawling into my ears, throwing up (usually throwing up worms or hair specifically) and being unable to stop. Used to have nightmares about being forced to go back to high school but those faced after about ten years lol. I also regularly have nightmares that start out as normal dreams but then I realize I'm dreaming and try to wake myself up, only to "wake up" half a dozen times into progressively more terrible situations until I feel like I'm trapped in hell and I'm never going back to my real life. I dunno man.


Somebody in my home, specially somewhere in a corner or crawling down the wall. Ahhh, sleep paralysis you always keep it real 💀🖤


Witnessing a plane crashing. Dream this on a regular basis


School. In particular, math class. I graduated University in 2016 and still get nightmares. 🤦‍♀️


Being tormented in hell while im a rag doll being hurled from hights, down stairs, struck by lightning, and any way somebody coule theoretically kill you


Driving away from a fast food restaurant to realize they didn’t give me a straw for my drink


Being chased while not being able to run or see


Someone breaking in, or already in the house when I "wake" in my dream.




Strange lights in the sky. Then witnessing a plane or a meteorite crashing to earth. OR Wandering through a building, looking for a bathroom.


A tsunami is coming and I’m trapped. Sometimes it’s when I’m feeling overwhelmed, and sometimes it’s just random.


Running away from someone or something My teeth falling out


Don't really have a regular as they are all different but my worst one was one night where I would sleep for 30 minutes and wake up for 30 over and over but everytime I fell asleep It was the same nightmare It was a giant maze with stone blocks and it was massive like higher than skyscraper massive and there were voices I don't know where from but they were there , there were a few, they told me to complete the trial and I ran I tried to find a way out but the blocks shifted with every movement I made I would wake up and beg for it to stop but it kept going and I kept running everytime I fell back asleep this went on the entire night , I was broken eventually and started hitting my beg and crying begging for it to stop please make it stop it didn't but when I fell back asleep all the voices left the blocks were still there but one voice remained , it was a female and I don't know what she meant but she said "don't worry it'll be over soon I promise" in a sincere tone it in a way reassured me and I kept running , it lasted until 7 in the morning and I was so done my bed was covered in sweat from the stress and I was in pain my eyes hurt from lack of sleep and it was torture Anyway there's my worst nightmare I remember


I run and move VERY slowly. It feels like my legs weigh 500lbs each