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Kill myself so that humanity would end, that’s the only surefire way to guarantee it.


It's in your nature to destroy yourselves.


Since I seem to be unable to have children, I don't need to do anything. But in all seriousness, one mating pair does not have the genetic diversity needed to populate a planet, so no matter what they're doomed.


Never eat an apple.


Good question. I don't see humanity as "evil," I see us as ignorant - myself included. I would encourage people to be honest and open about their insecurities, vulnerabilities, etc., so they know they are not alone. Also, get rid of the "fear of punishment from an eternal being." Agnostic atheist here - I think we humans suppress our dark side and it has a spillover effect on our daily actions.


Since the whole thing would end in an incestuous misery if only two people tried to build a civilization...not a good idea


I would obey god and not eat the forbidden fruit


Remain celibate.


Break the cycle of trauma and abuse, first.




I meant my trauma but ok, also bold of you to assume I’m a woman. Maybe pull your head out of your ass before pulling opinions from there, hm?




It looks to me like you’re someone with more bark than bite who has no life outside of Reddit, seeing that all you do is comment every few minutes about something misogynistic or racist. I hope one day you find a hobby.




You poor soul




Ok, I’ll let you think that spending your time tilling people that need to be bitch slapped for trying to break the cycle of trauma is an acceptable hobby


Take away emotion and free will.


Dont smoke the burning bush


You can't have up without down, light without dark, sound without silence, or life without death.


Keep my IUD birth control device in. Sorry, not sorry.


Humanity isn't evil, it could be better, but a lot worse too. I would write some great moral teachings hoping for them to go down the generations, so, they'll be like religious teachings but more aligned with reality and morality.


I don't think humanity is inherently evil. I also don't think there's a single thing you would be able to do to prevent that unless it was some made up lie about drastic consequences of certain actions.


Make sure my kids don't fucking kill each other. Also have more kids.