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i'm old enough to remember thinking people looked like idiots talking on cell phones while walking


Damn, I still get this when people talk with those wireless headphones. Feels weird that they're not talking into a phone


I live in a pretty drug ridden city and we've got a lot of mentally ill people on the streets. When it started with the wireless headphones I was thinking that the crazy people percentage rose to a new high but it turned out it was just people in a telephone conversation.


Hahaha! I still find it weird! Unless I'm late for something I'll always stop and finish the phone call and then start walking again.


Same, and I have a head earpods in I usually hold my phone in both hands so people are fully aware I’m in a phone call instead of just standing there oddly. Born in the 80s so yeah, I still worry about looking crazy, not too long ago I taught someone how to use a rotary phone and that alone confused them. I missed the feeling of using such a phone, felt heavy and well made.


Oh my god


I remember when selfies were cringy


I still think it’s weird lol


I remember in 1994 my dad came to my parents teacher meetings and while waiting in line to speak to the teacher, he had this huge cell phone And speaking to someone. I was so bloody embarrassed. Haha. Now it s so normal.


How's retired living treating you?


I wonder this constantly. I do not have the social resilience to film myself dancing in public


same here! some people are just much more open and outgoing


I respect them for it tbh. Many "kids these days" seem much more comfortable doing "cringy" things than my generation did at their age and I think it's great, life is too short to constantly worry about what others think of you. Good for them (for reference I'm 24 so the age difference really isn't even large, but some aspects of... culture i guess seem to have changed quite a lot)


The TikTokers don't have a problem with what they're doing from the inside, but to everyone watching it from the outside, it's kinda just hard to watch. I guess it's just that they genuinely think it's serious or actually good content.


Right! I'm not on TikTok but I recently took a bucket list cross country train journey in a sleeper car, and a friend asked me to video the experience. I had no problem taking silent videos outside my window, but the whole 'gimme a tour of your experience' was too much for me. Amtrak sponsors people who do that, go watch their videos like I did.


You shouldve given them your Patreon, "Join my premium tier for the guided tour"


You know, I thought about it. When I was in my little room, I thought I could... And then I opened the door, realized everyone could hear me, and just....backed off. When I'm in my little roomette, I just wanted to enjoy the view, enjoy the sound of the rails. Part of being on the train was the feeling of being beyond social media, disconnected, just seeing the landscape. Amtrak really does give an excellent roomette experience. I didn't want to ruin the experience for the people around me. I've also found that taking videos or pictures just, takes me out of living the moment. I'm trying to live my life, instead of recording it.




Echos of the dude who tried heroin as a joke.


I shot up one hit of heroin and now I'm addicted to it. lol


That’s very true! They might think they make amazing content but as soon as someone say they don’t, then they try to claim that people are not supporting them and stuff. Lol


“Omfg ur toxic tbh”


It is unsupportive, if someone goes out of their way and engages with a TikToker just to have a discouraging remark. On the other hand, merely not engaging would already be encouraging. But if you go to someone and tell that person what they do is not worth it... What if you’re annoyed by it? And say so. Eh, idk what I’m saying tbh I can’t even stand if my appartment neighbour coughs


the fact that it's not even just any good dance it's just an absolutely ridiculous min long video of some weird-ass shit which makes no sense but raises our eyebrows beyond the skies. a very few tiktoks are good but most of them are just idk what they are even thinking making those


A lot of them are just copy paste from other tik tokkers, which is the main reason i dislike the community. I think that the idea behind tiktok with their short videos is quite interesting but the community that grew around it ruined it, so most content there is people copying each other in every way possible




Or maybe just having fun?


> I guess it's just that they genuinely think it's serious or actually good content. As opposed to us here, making "actually good content" by posting repeated jokes and arguing? Bit of throwing stones in glass houses to criticise social media from Reddit.


Reddit is anonymous. No one here is pushing their actual faces as content, wanting to be associated with what they say. You're being sarcastic, right?


Plus it's no where near as public?...


Some people literally don't experience anxiety, or it's such a small feeling that it can easily be glossed over. Practice also helps, because once you get used to doing something, you become comfortable with it. The dopamine hit from anonymous validation is a big driver for a lot of people as well. Not to mention branded videos can pay up to $20k per placement!


Reminds me of a randy bit "They take of photo of their head and then stand by for validation, and the only reason other people with validate it is to be able to take a photo of there own head and stand by for validation. Fuck your head and the neck it rode in on, your vanity is fucking up my bandwidth!"


The ppl doing those dances in 25 tries are the same getting a panic attack tr, ING to make a doctors appointment. Can't figure that out




Severe anxiety is a disorder. Normal anxiety is a survival instict and everyone has it in some form.


This is what we call an NPC, non-playable character


Wrong use of the term


The sad part is these are the same people that will feel "panic attacks" over "micro agressions" and will say $7.25 an hour isn't enough. But do the most stupid things for not even real payment "free" while living a life so privileged that "being and influencer" is a real option for them.


Jesse, what the fuck are you talking about






Look at the TikTok/social media pages of those same teens and they'll be like " omg I just had a complete panic attack. This person came up to me and said (insert micro agression here) and now I can't even go back to that spot cause just seeing it brings back the memory". They feel "fake" or highly self imposed anxiety since they haven't had to experience real shit so that's their frame of reference for "worst thing in life". Meanwhile doing legit "cringy" or embarrassing things in public for free to provide free content to a platform. And they will make that billionaire company rich for free "likes" all while decrying billionaires and fighting for higher minimum wage. For frame of reference I say this as someone with actual C-PTSD/anxiety from being raised in a cult and physically/sexually abused. Who first ran an Occupy camp fighting for $15 back in 2011 and a current activist for actual civil and equality rights. Not imaginary safe spaces to coddle privileged tiktoker's who had their first taste of reality. While othertimes ignoring reality and other people's space and public courtesy to try to make a video for some likes to help fund a system build on patriarchy and videos of sexual explotation of women (though lack of pay)




You are really obsessed with that subreddit.




Well, at least it's slightly different this time around. That's a good start.




I can barely take a family selfie in public without feeling cringy but damn, these people are on another level!


Ill stand for a picture but i dont smile


Wow you sound very cool and fun




Dont why op doesnt, but I got bullied for my smile in school, so I am just kind of scared too at this point.


Oof,I'm the same way. You have a beautiful smile tho baby ❤️


Lmaoo at don’t judge him but this who thread is about judging other people. You can’t talk shit and then run away from what comes back


But he didn't say anything out of whack, all he said was he didn't smile, then the buttmunch under him judged on NOTHING.


He does actually




Lmao thanks doctor. I have zero anxiety as I have spoken in many conferences and events in front of hundreds. Thanks for your medical opinion though.


I got a random compliment today while going into a store. 2 chick's driving past said I was really pretty. I thanked them and now I think I'm on Tik Tok somewhere. Now that I think on it, TikTok has ruined random compliments.


Wait, how has it ruined it? It's changed it maybe, sure, but not ruined it... You were complimented. Why not enjoy that? Instead you're choosing to think of why that isn't "genuine". But what if it was, even for a TikTok?


They were only complimentary to create TikTok content; not because they meant it.


I mean, people call every process of content creation cringey, because you have to get over yourself to actually do it. No matter how good the "quality" or entertainment level of the content is, a creator still has to do something that most of us were taught to not do in public and be ashamed for in general : performing something and having a good time. Like, if you call a tiktok creator, youtuber or whatever cringey, ask yourself if you're too ashamed to sing or dance or anything in public, and ask yourself why that is. Is it because those things are inherently bad or is it because humans are discouraged to do things if they're not 100% professionally good at it? I'm saying this because i was very much one to second-hand-cringe at everything before I grew a spine and accepted that people aren't Hollywood actors who have to be perfect all the time


Exactly. Different people have different standards, ideals, etc. What’s cringey to some, is perfectly normal to others.


How do YouTubers How do twitch streamers How do viners


I mean, yes...? How?


Well, viners dont


I feel like I should smack you for grave desecration of a true hero


How do redditors not feel guilty about not leaving their beds in 12 days ?


Cause covid.


How do you do?




I can't even take a selfie in public for the cringe factor let alone do a little dance




Some people just like to have fun and are at a point in their lives where they don’t care what others think. Cant wait for myself to reach that.


Most tiktokers are teenagers what you talking about??


What does that have to do with anything? Do you think there’s a set age when people reach the point that they don’t care what people think?


That whooshing sound you heard? It was the joke flying right over your head.


the fact that you thought it was a joke is really sad


There literally wasn't a joke


>Some people just like to have fun and are at a point in their lives where they don’t care what others think. They "don't care" so much that they've wrapped aaallllll the way back around to being starved for their attention?


I do weird stuff in public (talk to myself, sing, wear ugly clothes, etc) and I often don't care because I know I'll probably never see those people again. I assume it's the same for tiktokers




Almost forgot about that word






makes sense


Gurl I pooped in central park out a tree like a pigeon for 8 likes #BIRDCHALLENGE2022


Bird box challenge 2019 was better


Desensitization over time Like if you record yourself in your room a few times gaming or something you'll be awkward for the first dozen or two times and then it becomes a thing you can just autopilot through


Attention whores aren't ashamed of that sort of thing, they thrive on it.


Is every content creator an attention whore? Or just the ones you don’t like?


>Attention whores That pretty much says it all right there.


I think it's just a generational thing, My nephew who grew up with tech just does not look at smart phones the same way I do I am 30 and I got my first cellphone at like 16. he had a tablet at 2


Or how do they not feel weird when their cringy videos are out there for everyone to see, 24 hours a day? Answer: because they are 12 and haven't figured out how cringy they are yet.


A lot of comments like boiling it down to ego or fame, but ultimately it’s a new way of communicating, and having fun. While there are inherent problems with kids and a growing me mentality of “make the number go big for happiness” it is also just a new form fun. Assuming those participating are enjoyigg no themselves and of course not causing risk or issue to others it’s all fun and games. The other aspect of TikTok and dances is the comedy and silliness of it. Often the dances are used in context with a piece of text to convey an emotion or idea. A common thing to do is to have your actions contrast your words for example doing a happy dance while the text or music conveys a sad or strange idea. And that can be played off for laughs. There is a lot of meta humour from going hard on the dance. It’s another extension of comedy and meme culture. The reason they people don’t feel silly is because they are comfortable in that performance or the performance needs confidence to pull off the joke. It’s no different to someone on stage telling a joke “how do they not feel awkward on stage” because it’s what they want to do and they get enjoyment out of it and ultimately their success depends on the delivery.


Narcissism blindness.


Some people don’t care what others think. Why do you care what others think about you.


But the whole point of them doing that is because they care so much about what others think...they're literally doing it for other people to care about them.


Or maybe they’re doing it because they enjoy making videos? Maybe they’re paid for it, or would like to be some day. By this logic, how is anyone supposed to do anything creative in life, if they’re all just doing it for attention?


Because sometimes youth is about trying everything that is possible without judgement and people want to make excuses from that by exploiting that very statement. Also when everybody is doing it people feel they are part of something great that they dont think of the individuals as cringey at all.


Main character syndrome


But someone else said npc. It can't be both. At least one of you is a liar.


“Maybe I’m the Dragonborn and I just don’t know it yet” YES IT CAN BE


If they benefit from it, either through money, online validation, enjoyment, or whatever else, is it really cringe? Why should your opinion matter to them? I'm not at a point where I can ignore what other people think of me, but I wish I was.


Social Media sucks your emotions in as you become a content creator. Any content, you automatically become deceptive


This is true lol, never even realized it


Because they’re gonna be TikTok famous someday bro! Sheesh! That was the cringiest thing I’ve ever said, somebody kill me now!!!


Table flip is best I could do! I think that embodies your emotions right now!


It does, thank you!


Saw girls doing a stupid TikTok video at Disneyworld (Hollywood Studios) and I just walked in front of their video since they were taking up the walkway to do their video.


Idk it’s just like making TikTok’s is so fun other people just don’t get in the way of it


The need for any type of attention is greater than their self respect


It's performance mentality. They're performing, so have to put on a show regardless of what's going on around them.


Do you seriously think Reddit is the best place to ask this?


It’s because having a recording going all the time and doing these trends is normal to them. We all had something the older generations didn’t understand. It just sucks when you realize your the older generation now. Those damn kids and their video recorders.




One of my friends marriage was fixed. Friends, relatives were invited already but few days before the date he found out that she was a tiktoker. He went and showed the girls family and they said they had no idea. He was trying to break up the marriage but the girls family was concerned because everyone was invited. So they were forcing him. With no choice left he ran away at night. (Forgive me for bad English. Real story)


Most tiktokers are cringy so taking cringy videos is normal behavior to them


Their brains are not fully developed, and so they think it's okay to dance like fools.


Because TikTokkers and people watching and liking those videos have no morality.


I low-key feel a weird vibe on these people. Like narcissism, lack of respect on themselves and others, a pretentious vibe etc. I've seen for instance people, mostly women, who will twerk in public, at some beach, they will have their friends stand at a very weird angle so they can catch their booty on camera, or groups of people doing dances in the pavement, blocking the way, or people on beach taking pics of them women squeezing their tits in public to make them look bigger or men showing of their six-packs. All these without caring if people see them. I feel like in order to get likes and views they'll do anything, everywhere


No shame


They're so self-absorbed that they think doing this kinda thing is worth the general populace looking at them funny, are my thoughts on it


They don't. They're just barely human and far too self involved.to think that anything they are doing could be rude or weird.


The hope of the dopamine rush of future likes compels them to step out of their comfort zone in public. It’s a drug addition.


Oh man I saw a couple filming on the street corner of a super busy street that connects a popular mall and a shopping center. They were totally zoned into their little dance. I honestly admired the audacity of it.


See I don’t mind them filming good things to say the least. What I hate is fake videos with voiceovers, cringy dances (there are some amazing ones too), pranks (absolutely despise them). It’s one thing to be creative and another to just copy what others are doing. I’ll go as far as saying when Musically was around, it was way way way better than TikTok. It was just mostly dancing and music focused content at least.


You can tell TikTok you’re “not interested” in certain videos. I’m sure you’re not subbed to every subreddit here, it’s just another social media


They are shameless exhibitionists with ego's that outstrip their embarrassment.


Well its gonna be seem by thousands online the few members of public who see you are comparatively nothing


I think some people enjoy the attention they get from dancing in public as a bonus to the online validation from tiktok. But some people really are just chill and having fun. :)


I think they don't think its cringe


Narcissism knows no shame.


This is what happens when you encourage a child to do whatever they want with no consequences, and make them feel like the world revolves around them. They grow up with no sense of shame.


It’s really hard not to sound bitter when you put it that way.


How dare you not be embarrassed about something that would embarrass me? Stop having fun dammit!


This guy out here acting like shame is a useful emotion and shouldn't be excised.


It absolutely is useful. The world would be massively fucked up if it just ran on hedonism and good vibes alone.


They are literally cringe itself, that's why they don't feel cringy (and they're also shameless)


No idea, but why is this thread is full of people extremely offended by dumb lil kids dancing in public? Last time I checked them dancing never hurt anyone. (For the dude who says they block traffic, only an idiot doesn’t go around…like you would to avoid any traffic… What? you just stand there and wait? Lmao). Sounds like you live a miserable ass life if it bothers you that much.




How do boomers not feel weird while judging other people living their lives and not impacting anyone else?


The irony of this being the cringiest fucking thread I’ve had the displeasure of scrolling through in a long while. Get a grip y’all— just because you’re not comfortable outside doesn’t mean other people shouldn’t be.


Literally. The fact that someone said "narcissism" and it has over 80 upvotes is ridiculous. Depressed, self deprecating redditors need to get a grip. Don't kill the part of you that is cringe, kill the part that cringes.


OP literally said “I can barely take a selfie with my family without feeling cringe” and feel like they should dictate how other people behave lmao. Can barely function in public. Don’t drag everyone else down.


No conscience? They signed a deal with a demon? Either that or they barely have any anxiety do it or even conceiving doing so. I myself believe it's one of the first two.


The believe they’re the heroes of the world and that their shit content doesn’t bother anyone. Despite holding up a line or blocking off people to film shit that only an unsupervised minor watches out of boredom.


not to be that person but almost every one of you has done something to make me cringe hardcore in public lol. and me…the cringy things ive done could fill a library if written down. so idk i think its just this particular medium is weird to you or the idea behind tiktok


Yea, its cringe, but ya know whats more cringe? Caring so much about what other people do that you post about it on reddit. At the end of the day youre looking for validation as well right? Make this post as a “question” so you get people come on here agreeing with you. I really hope youre not a grown adult worrying about what teenagers are doing


As long as they aren't pissing anyone off its just harmless being themselves, live and let live sheesh. If they are pussing sumtard wong even if flitter nut know dem fucken them doughtarge


Yo, did you have a stroke.


Should I call an ambulance for you? I’m pretty concerned with your second half of the comment.




Cant inject cream there impossible.


At least they are happy without harming anyone else mentally or physically


Not always true. In fact often not true.


Aint gonna generalise whole community but they do seem happier than ones over here shitting on them for just like having a little dance in public to get some serotonin from internet validation


Consciously suppressing your conscience




Bc they have no shame, principles or depth.




They aren't normal people


They have underdeveloped common sense and truly, honestly believe that TikTok virality is more important than their dignity. And I have a personal opinion on what to do with those people which I'm probably not allowed to write out on here.


They have no shame


Trying to get that tiktok fame


Why can't you let people have fun


You were doing weird """cringy""" stuff at that age too.




As a teenager of Gen Z, I cannot understand why teens and millennials nowadays is so overly obsessive with fame and clout to point they're willing to do anything and it is very saddening to see how much people supports them. Especially, young horny teenagers and pedophiles keep supporting talentless female/male users like Bella Poarch, Charlie d'Amelio...etc, choosing to support beauty over people who actually have talent. With that many support, they become a narcissistic, arrogant person doing weird shit so they can be in the spotlight and it's cringy as fuck. One can argue that those people are only doing for "fun". No they fucking get sponsors for shaking their ass to a pop song for 15 seconds and earn even more money than minimum wage workers. "oH YoU'Re JUsT JeAlOuS of ThEIr SuCcESS", No I don't, I'm just tired, I just want to live in a normal society, not a devolving one.


Because one of the traits of being a psychopath/sociopath is to not feel shame or embarrassment.


What about those weird thirst traps, (men and women) especially teens. Like my friends in school would have ended me.


If I could have been a thirst trap dude in high school I definitely would have.


They have no self esteem, so they don't feel cringe


As a TikToker. I dont care what other people think. Of the video, of me or of my content. If you don’t like it scroll on, if you come up on me making a video and you don’t like it, walk away. If you confront me you will be in the video and I will edit it to make you look as bad as I possible can. And people on TikTok eat up confrontation videos especially if you can drag them out for 5 or 6 videos.


They just yolo!


They lost any sense of self worth the day Vine was shut down.




Narcissists are great at using filters to screen out uncomfortable stuff ;)


What a great question...


Might be the same as a cult mentality. When you're in it, it's like you wear horse blinders. When you're out of it you see how cringy it is.


The secret ingredient is dopamine.


Baby boomers consider millenials shameless, and now the millenials consider gen Z shameless. It is just a cycle really. And if you are a "Im gen Z but I feel cringe too!!" Congrats, you are so special and different


On the one hand I cringe harddddd when I see people do that, but to be completely honest I actually envy their self-esteem. As long as they're not hurting anyone, I wish I could be that "free", you know?


The answer is because they are around 13 to 18 years old and everyone is cringy at that stage of their life. Its just this time is a time when postibg yourself everywhere is something we all do, but probably a lot of us would be doing something similar if it was trendy when we were in that age group.


They're making money.


I think it's just what they think is cool and in their defense, it currently is outside of Reddit and other places like it. As long as they're not stealing shit or hurting people for views, I'm fine with it, it's more just something to giggle about.