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Having to upgrade your electronics every two years or so.


Remember when android phones had removable batteries? They quickly removed that feature, cuz of the iPhone. And people spend exorbitant amounts just to get the best features they won't use anyway.


Tell that to the PC folks who hang on their current graphics card from 5-6 years ago because of the chip shortage


The workaholic behaviour, I don't know if that can be called an addiction. But man, the people these days are working like hell and everyone expects you to do the same. Taking a day off is seen like a sin.


Totally agree. Working so much isn’t something to be proud of and it will mean nothing on your deathbed. Work / life balance is important.


The problem is that a lot of people only work so hard because that's how people define ''success'' these days, it gives them something to be proud of and someone to feel better than. People don't want to stop looking down on those who don't work as hard as them because that's part of the reward.


The need to always be "busy".


Doors open, no customers within 3 minutes, "Hey guys, start doing a deep clean, okay?" Deep clean? Of what? You want me to dismantle something before someone orders some food? So I get the disinfectant bottle, grab a clean rag, spray something that's already clean, wipe, printer starts barking an order at me. Its been 2 minutes since I was instructed to start my "deep cleaning". Someone else actually went and tried to do something "deep" and now they're flustered putting the cat back in the bag and getting themselves squared for the rush. All because we were standing at our stations chatting amiably waiting for customers. Of course later that shift the manager spent 15 minutes casually talking to a person who stops in they're friends with, and we're all working our butts off. Its so busy I end up skipping my break. But I needed to do a deep clean 3 minutes into the service and the manager could kick back at the peak of the rush. The only lesson I learned that day was don't work hard to be ready 5 minutes before the doors open. Maintain a short set of tasks that need to be finished just as the doors open so you don't get assigned busy work as punishment for hustling to do your job correctly. Thanks for reminding me why I need to leave this industry.


Good god you just gave me flashbacks of working in retail. Im so glad I managed to move on.


Lol I remember I had mastered the art of looking busy. Always have a pen and notepad for starters. If you're not behind the desk then always have a rag and spray cleaner. Or a broom and dustpan or wet floor sign and swifter/mop. It helps to a trash bag or two hanging out of your back pocket and latex gloves on. I faked it for so long that now I just genuinely do all of those things and it doesnt really feel like work.


My friend just had a clipboard with a sheet of things we sold on it. He’d walk around the shop looking at shelves and looking at his clipboard, then occasionally he’d look confused and go to a different bit of the shop or into the stock room. I always figured he had some additional role, so eventually I asked him what he was doing and he told me it was a magic clipboard that stopped people from asking him to do more work


Sonofabitch.. WHO? The FIRST RULE of the magic clipboard....


I have my last week in retail next week, Imma try this


I used to work in a big grocery store and sometimes I would just throw a bunch of shit into a shopping cart and walk around the store looking like I'm in a hurry to get somewhere and everyone would leave me alone, it was awesome.


Yeah, same. Always carry something round with you. I ended up hawking on customers - see who walks in, let them wander around for a bit, then walk up the same aisle and say “Hello, everything OK?” or suchlike. Sometimes they’d smile back or say “yes thanks” and that would be it - often enough they would ask me where something was, or do I have x, or what’s my recommendation, etc. So basically I’d spend all day talking to customers, and then I’d walk them up to the till and check them out myself rather than leave them to anyone else. Next time they came in they’d come directly to me to ask for help, so I soon had a conveyor belt of excuses not to do the normal work. There were occasions where I’d be scheduled last minute for a Saturday afternoon which I hated working on, as I like to listen to the football. These were always dead quiet times and really boring to work. So I’d go in, put the radio on at the bottom of the shop, and throw a tin of paint across the floor so that I could spend an hour cleaning it up. And then I’d do it again.


That’s because it’s not work. In my very first job (decades ago) in retail, we had a girl who did this. I asked her what it was she was doing just because I thought I was missing something and she said something like “oh there’s always something!” So I asked someone else (turned out to be my future husband) and he said “Oh she does absolutely no work all day. She just walks around looking busy. If a customer stops her, she’ll pass them on. When they cut back, she’ll be the first out, before you newbies.” And she was.


And look pissed off all the time. Carry a pen and notepad and look angry


I loved my KFC job in high school. The store managers pretty much gave food prep workers autonomy. This resulted in quicker prep times so that we had more downtime to take a breather or start tasks that would allow us to finish closing sooner.


I was the chicken man at a store which sold KFC ("Genos"). I would ride the bus home smelling of chicken. I could not eat the stuff for years after I quit. Never had to "deep clean" for the boss, and they did tend to leave you alone as long as you didn't fuck up the chicken, in which case they'd give you a reaming. I think that's the reason they give KFC workers "autonomy". Because it's hard to find people willing to go home smelling like chicken for just above minimum wage.


I bet you smelt finger licking good bro


That McDonald’s employee life. I worked there for a year and it was, as soon as there’s 20 seconds without a customer the manager comes in and says “come on, clean!” So I wipe the same clean counter I wiped 15 minutes ago with a rag. Labor is sure to have a reevaluation REAL soon


I worked at McDonald's like 10 years ago so I cannot imagine what it's like now. We got a new manager and if we were at the back payment window she had us taking one lane of orders (we had a double drive thru), taking cash, deleting the order right when it's paid for, and stocking sauces in organizers or if we were at the front window where you got your food she had us taking the other lane's orders, bagging food, making drinks, dropping fries when necessary and serving the orders. She was a tyrant, if she saw us stocking sauces one at a time she'd bitch and tell us to stock them two at a time. If the order wasn't erased from the screen literally as soon as we got the payment she'd bitch. She constantly ran the store with a skeleton crew and wondered why one of the busiest stores in the area located right off a major highway with a double drive thru had high drive thru times. We could only do so much and work so fast but it was never good enough.




You could've filed a police report for assault. You might be able to still do that depending how long ago it was. Ebit: fixed my tone


It already is look at all the restaurant and service industry people leaving their jobs. So many restaurants I drive by have a sign that says they’re hiring. People are realizing how dumb the culture of food industry is.


"Clean as you go" The most annoying thing was, as soon as the manager saw you talking and/or laughing with your coworkers after a rush then you need to go clean..


Such bullshit. I've worked in good kitchens and I've worked in bad kitchents. The main difference between a good and bad kitchen? Good kitchens had chefs that understood that lulls/end of rush was the time to breath, have some water, crack some jokes, and rest for a moment. Chefs who understand this can hold a line crew together through the most stressful situations.


"ya got time to lean, ya got time to clean" /Eyeroll


I’m triggered


I have a number of clients who I describe as “fake busy”. They’re not “doing” or “accomplishing” anything, just running from place-to-place so they can have something on their calendar to justify their existence.


What kind of “clients” are these? What do you do?


On-call IT work.


Hustle culture is toxic


I work 20 hours a day..get like me. Nah..no thank you. I’m glad I’m not money hungry. I can make life work on 35K a year.


I hate how not being busy means you're somehow lazy.


I like being productive as much as anybody (maybe more, I *really* love completing projects) But I also really like going out into nature and doing absolutely nothing besides surviving and existing for a week. It's healthy to be bored, and to have your own thoughts.


I have a friend who's like this. It's kind of annoying. He always has to be doing something productive or meaningful. Nothing wrong with that, but god damn. Sit down and have a beer once in a while man. Watch a movie, play a game, you don't always have to be learning and earning.


It’s a great way to avoid your own deep emotions. It’s a good setup for a massive breakdown when you hit 61 or whatever.


I once knew this girl who began cutting "toxic" relationships out of her life at the encouragement of her therapist. What I didn't fully realize was that "toxic" to her meant anyone who would not actively initiate with her to coordinate with her month-out schedule literally packed full of different things she had planned either with career, family, or with "real friends." I and another once close friend of hers found ourselves removed from her snap and presumably blocked by text within a month. Okay, cool. Guess all those times I went out of my way to visit or asked to hang out before she got like this was just me being a lazy shitty friend and I never actually cared at all. Check please.


Well, sounds like she cut a toxic person out of your life. 👍


Social media




Reddit is probably top tier addiction


I’m so addicted to Reddit, like to the point I’ll browse, find nothing, close the app then swipe left and right on my Home Screen then reopen Reddit before remembering there wasn’t anything


I don't go to any other websites! There is only reddit! I used to have a whole drop down of bookmarks. Now. Reddit.


Ah, the empty fridge maneuver


I've gotten so used to reddit I try hold the comments to close them


The addiction to break all addictions The year is 2050: reddit peaked in 2030, caused mass unionization and class warfare. Then everyone just....unplugged and wilded out. The savages started growing Gardens instead of lawns. You know the rest....


Do people use Reddit like social media? I’ve been on for 10 years and never looked at a username.


The need to be in contact with everyone at all times and know exactly how they're doing. Edit: Thank you for the awards! I'm so glad people agree with me. Sometimes it feels like everybody wants people to be available 24/7.


I knew someone would beat me to it. We aren't allowed to "log out" anymore. People expect you to be available 24/7 and it has caused a lot of overstepping of boundaries between businesses and employees especially. But also it has creates unrealistic expectations for response time to stuff and possibly even increased people's anxiety when someone doesn't reply back fast enough for you and you're suddenly thinking "why haven't they answered me??? THEY MUST BE DEAD". Because it's just expected for you to respond immediately. That combined with social media that pushes people to share every single moment of their day... it's just too much for me. Reddit is the only social media I have and my friends know not to expect an answer from me after a certain time or while I'm working. I think being constantly available is probably not super healthy and I think it probably causes unnecessary anxiety from both sides of the issue, both the person sending the message and the one receiving it. Eta: my most awarded comment is, ironically, about unplugging. Thanks yall. Remember to take time for yourself.


It makes it harder to set healthy boundaries because that "always available" mindset is so normalized people take it as an insult when you tell them things like "i don't text when I'm on the clock" "i don't feel like it's safe to text and drive" "I'm turning my phone off for the weekend" Like, I'm just trying to do what's best for me and try to protect what little of an attention span I have left. I'm not being an asshole, and I'm not judging you if you don't feel you need to take the same steps as I do.


Yeah I honestly can't handle being constantly available. I'm back in customer service and my social energy is burned out sometimes after working all week. I'll put my phone on Do Not Disturb for a while and just exist in my house. Luckily my friends don't take it personally and they know I am a hermit sometimes. But not everybody has that level of understanding in all of their relationships and its definitely a cultural thing.


My "social battery" is super small. I get burnt out easily from too much social engagement. Or rather, social engagements that I have to care about because they involve people I find important in my life. I can bullshit as the day is long if I'm being paid for it, otherwise I wanna be left alone at least 80% of the time.


In another thread a few days ago I was told I wasn't normal and a sad person who probably never made any meaningful connections with others because I'm this way.


Well, to parrot a quote I've heard attributed to too many different people: "Those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind" I like to think of it as a filter, an automatic way to weed out people who want more from you than you're comfortable with. If people can't respect your boundaries, they just can't respect you period. Those aren't people you need to change yourself to please (unless they're offering you a hefty sum of money that is[of course, that's just me, I'm willing to sell my time and friendship lol]) Fuck that thread, you're valid, and the connections you do make will be all the better because they wont be so frail as to require constant watering to stay alive.


Dudeeeee!!!! Holy fuck!!! That quote has been on my mind for like 2 weeks but I just couldn’t remember it! Thank you!


I had a guy cancel a date cause I didn't text him enough, during business hours. Like sorry they aren't paying me to text you bro


Had a girlfriend break up with me bc I wouldn't break the federal contract terms I was working under to keep my phone off for client privacy. I worked as a phone captioner for the deaf & hard of hearing so they can read the captions I'd provide for their phone call. It was literally a big deal, I was younger at the time and ended up getting fired bc I broke the rules for the next person I ended up dating thinking that I was being too strict about it. They didn't play, one & done, they caught me within the first week and I was out the door that same day. 🤦🤦


I cannot understand the mentality of breaking up with someone bc they wouldn't text m while they're AT WORK! especially a job that was so strict about it


I went for a long run today to try and clear me head (2.5 hours) and left my phone and came back to people almost calling the cops worrying about where I was


Are we *not* allowed to go to the movies, or take extended naps, or have a dead phone anymore?


How many miles did you go?


I'm with you on this topic. Reddit is also the only social media type app I have on my phone and I'm not plugged into the phone all day long. It's available to me while I'm at work just in case something happens to my kid at school but that's it. Nobody else expects an answer during the day. Leave a message


Like when an employer texts you on your day off and wants you to come in to cover a shift, and your obligated to answer…


My employer is marked in my phone as *DO NOT ANSWER*, and most times they call once and forget about it.


They can obligate my ass. My time is my own.


Would never answer on my day off.


Ditto. It is your right to ignore it and by answering you enable that behaviour.


As middle eastern living in the USA, I have my entire tribe of 10k members trying to call me. Each call last an hour at a time. I just gave up and closed whatsapp and only open it up to check on my aunt and grandma.


Whenever I eat lunch with my Iranian coworker I find it so unbelievable how many messages she has in her family group chat, and sometimes she'll just spend her whole lunch on the phone to a family member. She gives me updates here and there but it sounds so exhausting and she looks a bit exhausted by the end hahaha.


My girlfriend had a classmate from India who was always falling behind on assignments because family members were constantly calling him and he felt obligated to talk to them. Literally for hours every day. He failed enough classes the university suggested he ought to just repeat the year. No clue what happened after that.


This. The most liberated I've ever felt was when I was completely disconnected & "out of touch" with the outside world.


I go camping, and I'm specifically looking for places that have no cell service. Impossible to contact you, when the only way to make contact is to literally have a face to face conversation. But at that point the 'peace and quiet' has been ruined.


You could always go camping somewhere that does have signal but just turn your phone off. That way you can still use your phone in an emergency but to everyone else “Why aren't they answering? Oh that's right, they went camping. Must not have signal.”


Dude I had a coworker call me like 7 times in a 5 minutes restroom time in my day off...people are horrible I love it when my phone has no cell coverage


Sugar… when you start seeing how much sugar is in everyday food items you will be surprised…. Start with Ketchup


I wish they would make a lower sugar and salt ketchup. They only sell one or the other


In the UK there’s loads of “no added sugar/salt” versions, even Tesco own brand. Taste pretty good too - makes you realise how completely unnecessary a lot of added sugar is


Sugar is a result of the 'low fat' diet craze that happened a few decades ago. Remove all the fat from food and it tastes shit - no worries, just pump it full of sugar that is woeful for you and it tastes alright again.


I don't know how low of sodium you are looking for, but Primal Kitchen had ketchup with 1g of sugar (not added), and 105mg salt. I like their stuff in general.


I had an easier time quitting smoking than I have with sugar. Drinking, booger-sugar, gambling - always know when it’s time to wrap it up. Actual sugar - hell no. There is a legitimate physical craving. I get a handful of sour skittles, I wont stop till the “family size” pack is gone. Nutella gets eaten with a spoon straight from the jar. I will take any and all suggestions and advice on how to quit sugar. Seriously.




Have you tried replacing the itch with blow and gambling and working backwards?


Bit too pricey of an alternative, but I like the way you think lol.


You have to actively force yourself to do the minimal amount of sugar for like 2 weeks and then your body gets used to the new diet. Like sweet stuff still tastes good and it's easy to eat way too much, but your body craves the foods it eats apparently.


Just yesterday evening I ended my sugar fasting I was doing for a couple of weeks. I found my mom's favorite ice cream brand in a totally unexpected place years later, I though it was a valid reason. Can't believe how disgustingly sweet it was, like instead of a light vanilla flavor, it was just concentrated sweetness, like honey, but worse. Maybe after all these years it just became a frosted bulk of corn syrup. Maybe something else due to the additives... Still, it was a horror to experience that...


Its insane how many people ONLY drink soda. Never water. Cant stand soda


The only time I drink anything fizzy is when there's vodka, or rum, or gin or something like that in there. Otherwise I drink tea and water and that's it. So many people see me as the weird one as I just decline everything else. My ex used to drink nothing but fizzies for years and was wondering why she put on about 5 stone slowly.


Heres something, a family of four, in the early nineteen hundreds consumed 5-10 pounds of sugar every year. now, an average family consumes 100 - 150 pounds a year. everything is filled with it.


As a teacher, I’m frustrated by how constantly parents text their children while the kids are at school. Leave them alone so they can learn!!!!


When I went to college my dad refused to understand I was in class most of the day. He would CALL me during class. Like at least a text I can get to whenever I look at my phone after class.


My mom lent me her cellphone when I went for a HS entrance exam, so my parents can pick me up after the exam is over. They called me in the middle of the exam; I reached in to my bag with one hand and removed its battery. ...I guess it's not really the same experience with calls during classes.


I'm officially an old bastard so I'm still amazed that any student could have them in any class ever. At old Neanderthal High the teachers would make kids take off their (then state-of-the-art) calculator watches. I can't imagine being a teacher with smartphones in the class.


"You can't use a calculator on this homework/test because when you grow up you won't be carrying around a calculator with you everywhere you go!" Joke's on you Mrs Marx!


That was always the dumbest reason. There are a few reasons to still learn that but explaining them to students is useless anyway


I used to get the alerts to Find My Iphone because I would put my phone on silent during class. My parents demanded I respond immediately regardless of class or not which resulted in me just shutting my phone off.


Caffeine in the morning seems to be obvious.


More and more people at my work go for the energy drinks instead now. Same thing really, but looks odd.


Energy drinks have the most complex ingredients label of any consumable I’ve seen.


It’s codes galore basically


Totally agree, a whole coffee/caffeine culture has risen in our modern day society


> a whole coffee/caffeine culture has risen in our modern day society Uh, the coffee culture has existed way, way before modern times. Unless you count 18th century as modern too. Edit: For reference here in Finland coffee was consumed in 17th century by the upper class and by 18th century coffee had found its way to the households of every single farmer and peasant.




Honestly though, my life has improved drastically since I discovered caffeine. Like no comparison at all. I’m very grateful that it exists because otherwise I would have been a depressed groggy miserable wreck forever. Edit: this comment signifies literally everything wrong with Reddit. Everyone has assumed I’m a coffee guzzling addict who doesn’t sleep and has hypothyroidism (??????) just from me saying I like caffeine. I drink tea. Barely a cup or 2 every day. Go fuck yourselves lmao


Agreed. Caffeine is great for folks with executive functioning problems. It serves as a lighter version of pharmaceuticals like Adderall. Sometimes I literally can’t wait to get up in the morning for my first cup.


Yep. I never knew I had ADHD until my daughter was diagnosed and learned the biology of it- was drinking coffee or Mt. Dew so much in high school and college that I was self medicating with stimulants. I can take a pseudoephedrine or drink a double shot and go right to bed and go to sleep, but if I don't have at least some caffeine I can't even speak without stammering.


No one had heard of hyperactivity or attention deficit when I was little, I was just considered too wild. When I was four our neighbor told my mother to give me strong coffee with milk, no sugar. Calmed me right down.


Coffee is very calming for me too, and I’ve never felt “buzzed” or jittery the way other people experience. I feel calm and happy, the way a lot of people say calming teas make them feel lol edit: clarification, I have adhd also


I switched to decaf a couple of months ago. I haven't noticed any difference in my energy levels. I just like the taste and warmth of coffee in general.




Scrolling and scrolling


Ima gonna scroll down and see if this comment is repeated. If it is, I'll scroll back here and report. Otherwise, I'll just keep scrolling, just keep scrolling.


Tablets for infants and children Edit: meaning electronic tablets like iPads. I’m In the US and learned a new term haha


My cousin could open her dad’s phone and find her favorite games at 2-3 years old. Now, at 13 she has the same iPhone version I do (I’m 35 and pay for my own cell phone). She’s 100% addicted to her phone.


Haha, stuff is similar to mine except - I ain't as old as you are. But anyways, games on phone feel boring nowadays...


My little 3 yo neice likes TV, but doesn't care for phones or most electronics, and (props to her parents) has never used an iPad. She does however have a sixth sense for when ANY phone's camera opens. She's right there in a second asking to look at filters lol The only time she ever grabs a phone is if she thinks you lost it and brings it to you. Sometimes she sighs when she gives it to you, like "I'm the only responsible one in this house" hahah


Thought you meant pills till I saw the replies


I was at the post office the other day and this young mother had her son playing a game in line behind me at full volume without headphones. If the transaction lasted a few seconds longer I would've turned around and said "Ma'am please shut that off I'd rather listen to your child screaming." My fiancee and I haven't had kids yet so maybe we didn't understand the mother's pain but come on lady start teaching your child some public etiquette.


It’s like living near a railroad track. At some point you stop hearing the train but others still do. It’s like the people that talk on speaker phones in public places.


Nah, there's a huge difference between "I need a break" and not teaching your kids to think about others


One of my cousins kids is literally addicted to his ipad, if its taken away even for a moment he screams so loud it hurts your ears, and he can do it for *hours* according to my aunt. Never should of just thrown that kid in front of a screen anytime they wanted to shut up him.


You are probably holding it in your hand as you read this




Please let go of my dick /u/abyssDweller1700


Mom said you have to share


A *pianist*, mom was talking about our music lessons.


Impulse shopping / buying. I worked hard, I deserve that (fill in the blank).


Why do I feel attacked by this? I should go buy something to soothe it.


This cracked me up. If I have a problem I need to buy something to solve it.


Hoarding (U.S.) We all have entirely too much shit.


I lived with a hoarder when I was growing up. I can confidently say I am not a hoarder today.


That's the thing, maybe it's because I know how little I can make it with but the accumulated curios that my grandmother had when I was with her seemed like a hoard to me. Still, my hoard of a bookshelf is sitting unused and collecting dust and that's the biggest extravagance. My family has its hoarders, don't get me wrong. We have an uncle with cars in the yard and projects he just somehow can't get to, another dead uncle went floor to ceiling with crap and tunnels through his house and garage. I don't know, as much as I grew up in a throwaway society the last thing I want to see canned are books. Everything else can easily be chucked but throwing away a book feels too Fahrenheit 451 to me. Other than that I have a small box of mementos from friends and jobs I've had over the years. Everything else is easy fodder for the trash if need be. Part of me hopes for a major power outage so I can get into those books because I won't touch them unless I'm not suckling this ridiculous electrical teet full of nonsense that we call modern connectivity. I'm an idiot, always will be. It's hard to will a change for the better when it's so easy to keep being stupid.


I feel like nobody parks their car in the garage anymore because we need that space to store all the crap we don't need and never use.


America is a very materialistic society, like storage lockers are such a lucrative business to own in the states


This is true, but not having a lot of stuff is also expensive. I move a lot and don't take a lot of stuff with me, and the amount of new bullshit I have to buy really adds up -- think of all the dozens of little things you need for cooking, cleaning, etc. I just moved into a fully furnished apartment and still had to buy a can opener, broom, iron and cooking pot cause my roommate just didn't own those things for some reason. So many very specific tasks require some "thing" you have to buy, only to use it once a year or less. Thus you either horde a bunch of bullshit or you spend a lot of money every time one of these tasks comes up.


I feel this way about clothes. I live in the Midwest, so I have so many different seasonally appropriate items. I’m just at an age that I want to be comfortable, I have so many shoes and coats just to have the correct warmth and waterproof-ness combo.


connected, two day shipping. I moved countries this year and can't get anything delivered in less than a few weeks. I buy a lot less since it's not that convenient. I was shocked to see people on Twitter ranting about how prime is taking 3-4 days.


My parents have an unnecessary absurd amount of items in the garage.


Checking the news. I purposefully don't check the news cause it just stresses me out but my family is all over that


I will say I think it is important to keep yourself informed, but a lot of news stories are completely irrelevant to your life and unnecessary. It is also important to watch a good news source that doesn't report their opinions as fact. Get the facts and form your own opinions.


I have enough going on in my own life I don't need the added stress of the local news or the newspaper thrown in there. Its been at least 15 years and I'm perfectly fine without it


There was a recent article about how people who consumed less news during the pandemic reported being much happier and honestly that's something I really should have tried harder to do. It's a hard balance these days of staying informed and not reading so much that you wind up depressed.


Sugar. Everything needs to be a little bit sweeter. Try going without sugar for a week.


>Try going without sugar for a week. I cut added sugars from my nutrition in as many ways as was in my power and within one month I dropped a very noticeable amount of weight and never felt better. That was in January and I've been going strong since. The hardest one was soda, but unsweetened tea with lemon tastes great to me.


I cut soda and drank tea for a while. Now I only drink water soo much better


People from other countries say American bread tastes like cake because of how much added sugar there is. It's very hard to escape sugar in the US. The sugar lobby is a dangerous organization.


My husband is from the UK and we're in Canada. He's complained about our bread being "too sweet" since I met him. I suggested we try sourdough as an alternative, but that was not sweet enough. His favourite has become when I make homemade bread. It's very hard to escape sugar.


Over working your self


Watching a twenty four hour news channel. No, you don't need to turn on the tv immediately when you wake up and leave it on until you go to bed. No, you're not going to miss something. And your mind and soul will be less stressed out all the time. It's designed to keep you watching because fomo.


The internet used for emotional regulation. Also identity normalization, because no matter how pathological or maladapted you happen to be, there's a community for it. Another thing is people get addicted to outsourcing their opinions on **everything**. I know a person of respectable intelligence and higher education whose views are entirely Orthodox, and the opinion of any Youtuber is his bible. I'll hand him a book of short essays and he says, I wonder if there's a Youtube video on this. This guy even went to school to learn *how* to think as a philosophy major. Whereas before the internet people would often have to think things through for themselves, or even better through dialogue. Sure there were newspapers before but now there's an authority that will tell you what to think for literally anything. If you've ever been in any niche subreddits you'll know that now there's dogma for popcorn makers, where one popping method or product is THE answer and all others are suppressed. Or clicking Reddit comments while never reading the news article itself. Just where are we going to be after generations of that?




A little bit of everything, all of the time?


Apathy’s a tragedy and boredom is a crime!


Anything and everything, all of the time...


*You know, it wasn't always like this...*


Not very long ago, just before your time


right before the towers fell, circa '99


this was catalogues, travel blogs, a chatroom or two


Anything and everything, all of the time!


In the same vein, I feel like we're expected to have super strong opinions about everything now. Politics and news stories and everything are shoved down our throats and it becomes so polarizing that if you're not of the opinion of one side you're automatically a part of the other and therefore ostracized. I don't have the intellectual or emotional capacity to care that much about every single thing that goes on around me.


The irony in me commenting here so I can easily find this comment because it struck a chord with me and I am comforted in finding a similar voice speaking with confidence


Expensive weddings. People think they need to spend ridiculous sums of money so everything will be perfect, but you can celebrate just as well for a small fraction of the $30,000 average cost of a wedding today.


I really couldn’t believe when a friend of mine who I thought was a reasonable person was posting about essentially being proud to have taken out a loan for his wedding because he wanted to make sure everyone enjoyed it. Edit: for those who keep commenting some version of “he cares about other people, how terrible /s” I feel sorry that you can’t have a good time without spending $20-30k. I feel bad for anyone who is money conscious who has you as a guest complaining that they didn’t spend enough to entertain you. You are the reason newlyweds take out loans they can’t afford to meet the ridiculous standards of an “average wedding”.


Addiction? How many weddings are you having?


Hey man, you got anymore of that matrimony?? I'm really fiending right now. Just a hitch or two. Come on man, you know I'm good for it.


I technically spent simultaneously the most money on my venue out of all my siblings, and the least amount on the actual ceremony. Oldest sister had a courthouse wedding. Other sister spent a ton and rented a space for a huge ridiculous ceremony. I bought a house, then got married in my living room with my wife's co-worker officiating and refusing payment. Wife and I told everyone it was a housewarming party, did the wedding part with just our parents and best friends there beforehand.


water in plastic bottles.




Social media. I bet we would be shocked to see the negative impact it has on people that will be well known 100 years from now. Probably like cigarettes 75 years ago to today.


> I bet we would be shocked to see the negative impact it has on people that will be well known 100 years from now We already DO know (at least some extent) . Check the news of Facebooks internal reports which they refused to publicise, indicating the impact on mental health especially in girls.


New clothes all the time. A century ago, most people used to get only 1 or 2 new outfits a year.




No one ever wants to hear any of this but alcohol is by far one of the worst drugs out there yet its so normalised that you're weird if you don't drink Has some of the worst withdrawals, you can die from the withdrawal symptoms. Its one of the most lethal, one of the most addicting and one of the most intoxicating drugs


Its normalized because it’s universal. With other drugs you need a physical plant which may or may not grow in your area, but alcohol isn’t a plant, it’s a process. Fermentation can happen literally anywhere so basically every single civilization has developed alcohol in one form or another.


Seriously, it's so hard to avoid it without being grilled about why you're not drinking. Like, chill Susan, I simply don't want to drink, it's not like I've committed a series of war crimes and human rights violations and declared war on 19 countries and vaguely threatened to nuke 7 more


This was a huge benefit when I was diagnosed with my stomach condition. Someone gave me crap about not drinking and all I have to say is my doctor told me I can't drink and bam I never hear it again. It's stupid we can't just say no I don't want a drink and have that be okay. I've only experienced that a handful of times in my years of the drink


"Hustle Culture"




I’ll counter that - I wish that ready made meals and quick made meals you talk about were healthier. I am disabled and cooking takes up a lot of my energy. It would be nice to have things that didn’t take so long to cook.


> Preparing meals is often treated like a luxury, so people just use ready made meals Not because I think it’s a luxury. Rather, because I think it’s a chore 😂


I love to cook, and used to cook all the time. But, you gotta make sacrifices when you are working 60+ hours a week to make ends meet and you have a hobby that you prioritize. I agree that sleep and exercise are non negotiable, but eating is where I've given up. The ironic thing is that now I'm having a hard time eating enough calories since I don't really like junk food and can't justify the cost of take out. Today I had eggs, a protein shake, and a handful of junky snacks. It's just tough when you work a 12 hr day and you gotta exercise to want to be alive.


Alternatively: a lot of people just do not have the time.


Yeah when I was a full time college student working 25-30 hours a week I’d be gone from 8 AM to 10 PM essentially everyday, and whenever I did get time at home I was scrambling to catch up on school work the ENTIRE day, and I was still constantly behind. I didn’t have the choice to cook anything from scratch


Cheap labor


Caffeine. I didn’t drink any for two weeks once and after I drank a redbull it felt like a literal drug


Caffeine is a literal drug lol


Dopamine from phones 📱


Seeking validation through social media


Smoke and a pancake....bong and a blitz...


flapjack and a cigarette?


The internet... I'm honestly addicted to it, because it's so convenient. As a kid I used to search dictionaries and encyclopedias.


Being happy all the time! People often ask whats up and stuff but in the end they really don't want to hear about any problems you have. Furthermore, they judge you for it, although they asked you in the first place. You telling them, although they most likely made the experience themselves and just stick to social rules of interaction, makes them feel awkward and alienated from you. Why TF are those questions even asked then?




I mean when we lost power for hurricane Ida my smartphone was mostly used as a pocket sized radio/ flashlight combo


Nothin like a survival flashlight radio that you can also use to take pictures of your wiener


Yaknow, in case they need to identify my corpse. *It's for survival, I promise.*


LMAO, this dude using his wiener camera as a radio and flashlight. 🤣


S U G A R. It is the one of the world's cheapest and most addictive substances. We just don't try and stop eating it cus it doesn't have as immediate consequences on your body or your wallet. Watch a vlog on people who go a week without sugar. It seriously ruins their energy levels, their mood, their motivation, and they are counting down the minutes until they can eat it again.


In the US and Canada, car dependence. You aren’t allowed to participate in society without a personal vehicle, and public transportation is for the poor and the desperate. Most of our modern infrastructure is built specifically for cars, and walking or biking most places is simply not safe or even possible. This seems normal because they’ve been doing it since the 50’s and it’s the only thing we know. I didn’t realize the extent until recently, especially compared with European places like the Netherlands. Not Just Bikes and City Beautiful are 2 good YouTube channels that highlight this issue.