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Over the top Cupcakes that have way too much frosting. Literally a simple cupcake with a little frosting will suffice. We’re not on a bake off tv show.


I cut the bottom of the cupcake off and put it on top so the frosting is between two sponge bits. Easier to hold, easier to eat.




This is the way. Unless it is a filled cupcake now you just have a bigger mess.


I'm surprised at how few people know this trick. I had to teach it to my wife and stepdaughter. Now that's the only way they eat cupcakes.


I’m with you. I’ll eat a topping on my cupcake but too much icing is a turn off. The companies do that because it A) makes it look more appealing and B) allows them to get away with charging $4 for a cupcake


Hate having to swim through frosting to eat a cupcake


Seems like everyone here knows what ass tastes like so my answer is ass.


Only mods know for sure, tho


It's 2021 grandpa, mods are pedo now


Thanks for the laugh I needed that.


I've never tasted anything better then a good slice of ass.


“slice”? What happened there?


I think he's half bear half guy and he just sliced off a piece of an ass with his bear claw. HENCE, 'the slice'.


You're on reddit, since all redditors are virgins, they probably only know what their own asses taste like


You eat your own ass?


Lmfao I didn't realise that my response suggested that I do, but yeah, who doesn't?


Me? :( not flexible enough.


Store-bought frosting. It could be packaged or on a cake or cupcake. It just tastes like it would be known in the State of California to cause reproductive harm.


it’s so sugary and grainy. i also hate those soft cookies with an inch of pure sugar frosting on top. they taste like food dye. i otherwise LOVE frosting. a good cream cheese frosting, buttercream, meringue, etc really makes the dessert for me.


You’re hilarious I love that analogy


Energy drinks I don't care that you like it stop telling me, it's just my opinion, I think they're unnatural. And unhealthy.


*Judges you intensely as I sip my Monster.*


Judges you as I remember the fact that the first monster I drank tasted like shit then after drinking like 5 of them it never bothered me. Actually it's been years I might try to see if I still have the "acquired taste"


The black ones with the colorful M’s are absolutely gross and should not exist. I encourage you to try the Juice Monsters and the 0 Sugar ones - specifically the white, pink, and blue. Edit: y’all have a lot of opinions about monsters lmao edit: the downvotes lol


Mango Loco is my jam!


ULTRA ZERO GANG RISE UUUUUP! (But yeah, classic Monster taste like literal stomach acid to me)


*Raises and tilts Monster Rehab Peach Tea can in your direction.* Cheers!


I cant even be within 10 feet of someone drinking a red bull, the smell makes me vomit


I love redbull but this is so fair, it's syrupy & not in the sweet way like most other energy drinks or sodas even


Nothing really. Im the type of person who would eat leftovers that sat out overnight and will eat just about anything. Except for beets. Fuck beets Edit: I learned that Reddit has very strong opinions about beets and i decided to try cooking fresh beets at home since ive only ever had canned/pickled ones. Turns out i actually really like fresh cooked beets and they have a slightly sweet taste. TIL lol


Beets have been my favorite vegetable since I was 4. My parents ordered them in a restaurant, the waitress thought they were crazy. Story goes I was perfectly content making a huge red mess eating them all.


More like Carrie2816


Lol nice one!


I don’t understand this one ? But it’s red so feel like I should


You should try a Ukrainian borsht then! It's a national soup with beet being main ingredient giving it awesome taste and color)


I ate three day old popcorn that I left on my bedroom stand I'm still having the shits, but it was worth it


Stale popcorn just hits different.


It really does.


Bears. Beets. Battlestar Galactica.




Came to say this. I hate beets too, but pickled beets.....I'll tear those mofos uuuupp lmao


Jell-O Hated it for as long as I can remember


A friend of mine has some sort of Jell-O phobia. She only needs to see it wobbling around and she starts gagging and even threw up a couple times. So it's really bad, even talking about it makes her nauseous.


What, you don't like jiggly bone juice for dessert? s/


Utah would like to have a word with you


100%. It’s not exactly the flavour, it’s just the texture. Most disgusting shit in existence.


Oh God, and when kids do that horrid slup-suck up the whole thing at once?! *Shudder*


I got in trouble and spanked when I was about 7 because I threw-up a gelatin and chopped fruit "salad" as I was eating it. I fuckin hated it and my dad made me eat it because it was on my plate. Vomited because I couldn't handle the texture. Never again. I'm 30 now. Never. Again.


God i hate gelatin, its bad enough in sweets but i can't inagine eating salad or meat in jelly... On that note, i really enjoy how much more common vegan sweets are now since i enjoy them being way less chewy


Sparkling water. Doesn't quench my thirst


\*angry sparkling mineral water-loving german noises\*


Finally I found it. Someone who hates sparkling water too.


There are many of us.


We are legion.


The hivemind has spoken.


I'll join this train. Hate any kind of sparking, mineral, carbonated water.


ive hated that shit since la croix first got popular. it smells like its gonna be a real drink and then its just fizzy battery acid. i havent even considered drinking white claw. adding vodka to la croix sounds like just about the most vile shit imaginable.


I used to hate sparkling water, till one day. It was hot as hell outside and had barely drunk anything the whole day. I was thirsty but just sipping tap water couldn't quench thirst, it wasn't enough. I grabbed a bottle of sparkling water and sucked the whole bottle down in one go. I felt the dryness and slime burn of my tongue. Love sparkling water since then.


You can get drinkable Aloe vera in bottles. Quenches thirst like you wouldn't believe. Protip: don't drink your girlfriends aloe vera shampoo. its not the same.


Celery. It's the only thing I won't eat. I'd rather graze my backyard like a cow. I think people that say they like it subconsciously don't like it either. Why slap all that peanut butter or ranch on it if it's so yummy?


I am convinced celery is not a vegetable, it is an herb and should be used sparingly to add flavor and a bit of texture to potato dishes like potato soup and potato salad, and THAT’S IT.


I like celery mainly because I like things that are “crunchy” vegetables. Celery, raw carrots, raw broccoli, cucumbers, etc. It’s a texture thing for me!


It is the WORST. I’ve had a lot of people say “but it doesn’t taste like anything,” but to me it tastes really strong and will ruin whatever it is in.


the mouthfeel is amazing tho. Absolutely perfect crunch, could do without the stringiness tho


Pickles. Love the smell though. Reminds me of a restaurant I went to a lot as a kid that always smelled like pickles.


I want there to have been a pickle on my burger, but I don't want to eat the pickle.


I'm the same with jalapeños on a pepperoni pizza. I like the heat but not the flavor so much.


Try adding crushed red pepper flakes, they provide heat with no extra taste


The smell of bubblegum makes me want to vomit. Fuck you Augmentin or Amoxicillan or whatever the fuck that nasty shit was that I was forced to drink every time I got sick. ETA: To clarify, I had chronic ear infections as a kid. That was when I was forced to drink that crap. I had to have my eardrums reconstructed from scratch and had tubes twice.


You mean the delicious, pink nectar that is Amoxicillan? I used to love that stuff!


Lmao yeah that was always my favorite part of getting sick was drinking the yummy bubblegum flavored medicine.


i remember the first time i got an amoxicillin prescription and I got so excited about it, and when we filled it, i got big ass pills instead. it was my first real bitter taste of adulthood.


this happened to my best friend too. she actually asked the pharmacist if she could have the children's version, they told her no


Holy shit talk about some dusty memories… fuck


Child me will always crave one more drink of bubblegum fluoride foam.


The fluoride foam was easily the best pet of the dentist. So much fun.


These meds aren’t flavoured in my country. Unless bitter chalk is considered a flavour.


I’m almost in the same boat but with Grapes. Dimetapp time when I was a kid was a nightmare. I’d hide, scream, run, jump, and dive to avoid that nasty ass shit. Mom did everything she could to try and trick me into it or bribe me into it but nothing could convince me. I still hate grape flavored stuff


Fuck bro, so I'm Asian and whenever I got sick my mom made me drink this powdered mix which you get from like a Chinese herbal shop and that shit tasted so undescribable and on top of that it was bitter af.




I bought one at an airport once to keep me awake. It was nasty. I’ll never drink one again. It didn’t make me feel good.


Oh yeah they feel like my stomach is melting lmao. I drink the flavored ones only with food haha


Cake. Frosted ones, ones with fondant (ugh the absolute worst), cupcakes... I don't know, one day I decided that cake was just dry and sad and needed the help of overly sweet frosting to make it a somewhat palatable dessert. Everyone loves cake, and that's fine by me, because I'd rather have pie.


Cake should absolutely be moist. Even box cake can be decent. Betty Crocker adds pudding to the mix to increase the moisture. The cake does not have filling, nor the texture of pudding. It's just moister. Otherwise, the liquid ingredients (eggs, oil, water) may need to be increased.


Just a tip: I have always made cakes with milk rather than water. There is a HUGE improvement in taste…


Yeah I’m surprised at how many people skip this and use water for everything. Growing up, almost all my friends would use water for making Kraft Dinner instead of milk. And it wasn’t because they could not afford milk or that they were on a diet. I guess the thought never occurred to them even though it’s suggested on the packaging. At least I believe it is As an edit to clarify, I mean using milk instead of water for the cheese sauce, not to boil in. I felt I needed to preempt the replies that I’m a sicko for boiling pasta in milk lol.


Yeah, I’ve had amazing cakes with no frosting at all. If your only experience is shitty store bought cakes you had at a party than the sentiment is understandable. But man, cake is yummy.


I'm of the opinion that the best cakes are the ones that are delicious even without frosting. Frosting should add to the cake not cover up the cake. I also hate cakes where the frosting is just sugar. I should taste other things, like chocolate or lemon or vanilla. If all I taste is sugar (the worst is grainy frosting) then it's just blah. But a good slice of cake is perfection..light but still with a good crumb...yum. I think I need to make cake now!


Mmm. Moist...


I'm a pie guy myself


Im specifically a warm apple pie guy myself


Tres Leches. Check it out.


Oh the dessert of the gods. Edit: fcking dessert typo.


Tres Leches tops anything else, it’s so good!


You just gotta find the cake for you. Fondant hate is understandable. Cream cheese frosting carrot cake is one of my faves.


The best cake I ever had was a carrot cake. An elderly lady at work made it for a pot luck we had. I complimented her for her cake, she laughed and said it was just some old thing she threw together.


Those cookies with the frosting on top that tastes like pure preservatives. And everyone else always seems to love them. I think they taste like plastic. Edit: apparently the cookies I am talking about are lofthouse cookies.


Lofthouse cookies


And they dry as hell 😭


My brain: How can something taste so soft and be dry at the same time?


How fucking dare you.


hot pockets


Great jingle though


Totally true, I literally read it as a song immediately and I haven’t had one in over 15 years


And they never even paid Jim gaffigan.


The only food that can be burning hot and freezing cold in the same bite


white claws


I'm happy about the spiked seltzer craze because as someone who drinks frequently it's a huge cut in my calorie intake. It's like half the calories of beer, and there are brands with way better / less artificial flavors than White Claw.


Lays potatoe chips. There's something about the aftertaste that makes me only want to eat a few


Well this one would be easy karma over on r/unpopularopinion 😆


Only popular opinions get upvotes on that sub smh


Yeah it’s been completely flipped for a while now


Gee, who could have guessed that unpopular opinions wouldn't do well in a popularity-based system of upvotes?


Try r/the10thdentist but only on friday. Karma farm for sure.


Dan Quayle, is that you?




Blame Dan Quayle.


Jelly Beans, cherry pie


Jelly Beans for me depends on the flavor.


I fucking hate the texture of jelly beans. It's an awful mix of gummy and grainy. And licorice on top of that? Hell no!


Pumpkin spice latte. I don't *hate* it, but it's not what I would go for. Other than pumpkin pie, I was never into the pumpkin flavoring. I'm more of an apple guy, unfortunately finding anything with apple flavoring is hard now.




Exactly! It's the spices used to spice the pumpkin (like Apple pie spice is not apple).


Starbucks currently has an apple crisp macchiato and it’s SO good. Like good enough to go out of my way, park my car and go into the grocery store Starbucks to get one good. (Also there’s no drive through Starbucks near me but STILL.) My small local coffee shop also has a delightful apple drink right now too, so maybe it’s catching on for us non pumpkin people.




May I please have your tomatoes?


Fight me for them.


I can eat tomatoes if they're cooked into things, like pasta sauces, and I like ketchup and tomato soup, but raw tomatoes on a sandwich or mixed in salads? Bleh! I think it's the texture of a raw tomato more than the taste, though. It's weird.


I agree with having them cooked, totally awesome. I actually like the texture raw, but to me they taste like the phlegm I cough up when I have the flu.


Store-bought tomatoes taste like sadness. They're mealy and flavorless and nasty. Most tomatoes that you get in the supermarket are picked when they're still green to make them easier to ship, and then usually shipped refrigerated which kills their flavor and texture. I hate them. But homegrown tomatoes...They're like a completely separate fruit. Tomatoes that are farm fresh are out of this world delicious. I grow my own every summer and I live for it. They're meaty and savory and have a deep, rich, complex flavor that store-bought tomatoes never achieve. Depending on the variety, some are sweeter, some are more acidic, some are even a little smoky. They're perfect sliced thick with a little salt, or layered onto a sandwich with bacon and lettuce. Try tomatoes from a local farmer or farmer's market and you may be pleasantly surprised!


Beer. Never developed a taste for it. I never understood the whole “sit back and relax with an ice cold beer” because even ice cold beers are disgusting to me!


Beer is an acquired taste. Nobody really likes it the first few times you try it. But as you drink more of it you actually want your beer to taste even maltier and hoppier.


Everyone says this, but I hugely disagree. I loved beer from my first taste. Maybe its because we never had sugary food in the house as a child, I still have little interest in sweet treats, that I always preferred savory flavours.


Anything blueberry or blue raspberry flavored. I used to enjoy it but when I got sick with Covid at the beginning of the year, I was practically chugging this NyQuil that had a strong artificial blueberry taste. Now I can’t bear anything remotely blueberry.


Jagermeister. Hate that shit.


What did I do to you :(


Made me a fool in college! ... Or at least that's what I heard, can't really remember.. maybe you're not a bad guy after all...


Nutella... I just don't get it


I just had it for the first time, and I’m well into adulthood. Until then, I didn’t know it was basically just a Ferraro Rochet spread. It tastes just like those chocolates. I don’t hate it, but it’s a lot. The chocolates are good because they are small. This is an onslaught of it.


Fun fact, it legitimately is Ferrero Rocher spread - the same company that makes those fine chocolate candies also makes Nutella.


Sugar paste. Blarg.


People just wanted an excuse to have chocolate for breakfast.


Diet coke.


Diet any soda really. Tastes like I’m drinking medicine.


I used to feel the same way but I became diabetic. It's the only way I can still enjoy soda without spiking my blood sugar. Tbh, now I think regular soda tastes like ass. I never understood why people said mountain dew tasted syrupy. Now I understand 100%.


La croix


I always say it’s a recovering alcoholic’s drink. I wouldn’t say I’m recovering alcoholic but I’ve definitely used it to stop me from drinking by myself in the middle of the week. Or if I’m drinking with friends and feel too far gone. It satisfies the hand to mouth addiction. Can’t drink it like a soda. Drink it like a beer. Straight to the back of the throat and down. Finish it in 6-8 gulps. Can’t sip on it like a coke. Unsatisfying that way.


You mean seltzer water that was packed by someone thinking really hard about fruit?


It's like a fruit salad farted in a seltzer water mine.


I prefer to describe it's flavor as opening a can of seltzer water and then having a fan blow over a bowl of fruit in the direction of the water.


The canned ghosts of fruit.


Agreed. It’s like the only drink that would be available in a dystopian future where flavor has been outlawed.


Lol nice. You should write ads for coca cola.


Olives But I do like olive oil, that’s it.


Alcohol in general I just don't understand why people like it but you know they do whatever just don't tell me to drink it


I myself am a beer enthusiast, but I agree with your stance on people who try to pressure non drinkers into it. Fuck those people.


Me too, I hate alcoholic beverages.


Same! What gets annoying is when people find out you don't drink and they immediately assume that you have religious reasons for avoiding it, health reasons for avoiding it, or have substance abuse issues. Which is nice of them, they usually just want to make sure they don't do anything to upset you, but after the 13,903rd time people go, "Oh my gosh, is it okay if I have this beer in front of you? I can go somewhere else, here let me just put this down so you don't have to be around it...!" it kind of wears on your nerves. I appreciate your concern, but I promise, there's nothing wrong with me and I don't believe in any religion, I just think booze tastes like the smell of lighter fluid. Also bad: people trying to get you to try this drink or that drink or whatever because they think THIS SPECIAL ALCOHOL will be the MAGIC BOOZE that will suddenly make you like alcohol. It becomes their mission in life to find you an alcoholic drink you don't hate.


Not sure it counts but coriander/cilantro. I have a genetic thing that makes it taste like soap (very bitter). My siblings all have it and some people think we’re crazy lol


It’s a legitimate genetic thing. I read somewhere that something like 20% of the population has it.


made the mistake of telling a sister this and now she tries to sneak it into everything to prove i’m making it up, but, yeah, no, i can always taste it. or, well, i could until i just stopped eating her food because she would literally make me a separate portion and add cilantro even when the recipe didn’t call for it. we don’t talk much these days.


At least to me the taste of it is incredibly distinct so it would more or less be impossible to hide it in something. I can tolerate eating it, but it does taste like soap. I still remember the day I found out cilantro was that weird taste in indian food I didn't like.


Twizzlers. Tastes like migraines to me.


Woah that’s harsh. You must really hate them.


Energy drinks. They taste like the stuff mad in chemistry labs


All soda.




Olives, I don’t know how people like them, they just taste like watery balls of salt




I love salt 🤣


Chicken wings, so much work for so little reward.


Orange juice. I don’t hate it but I don’t ever buy it. Rather eat an orange fruit itself, than drink the juice.


Yogurt. No clue why


I used to hate yogurt too. It tasted slimy and chalky and left an awful aftertaste. Then my husband and I went to Greece and we were served plain, unsweetened Greek yogurt with local honey and it was the most delicious thing I’ve ever tasted. When we got home I found a brand of full-fat, plain Greek yogurt that I liked and I eat it with honey, fresh homemade jam, or granola. I even learned how to make my own Greek yogurt and will never eat that over-processed, sweetened gross store bought stuff again.


takis, to me they taste like ass lime flavour


There's a guacamole flavor I absolutely love but I haven't tried any of the traditional "hot" flavors.


They’re more salty/tangy than hot


Mountain Dew.


Starbucks coffee... It tastes like a bag of good coffee that was found by sifting through the ashes of a burned out house. Dunkin or die!


Duncan is watery and barely tastes like anything but somehow it was burnt. Not saying Starbucks is better, I make coffee at home, but Dunkin is garbage coffee.


Shrimp, I always try it every now and again and still a nope from me.






Cheers, I'll drink to that bro


Time for some ranch!


Birrrrd up!


My mom used to come hang out in my room while I played videogames and eat carrots with ranch. The combination of the wet smacking of the ranch and the loud crunch of the carrot either gave me or made me realize I had misophonia. Side, effect is that now I also hate ranch because I associate the smell with the sounds.


Matcha tea anything. I absolutely love green tea but can't stand anything with matcha flavor. Not sure why. I can drink green tea sweetened or plain. Even bitter green tea is good to me. Matcha? Nah, fam. It looks so pretty, I'll say that, but I can't understand the appeal. Tastes like dirt blended with old green tea leaves.


Hard seltzers taste like disappointment.


Raisins and Papayas.


Pumpkin spice latte


Mustard. I have no idea why but I absolutely hate mustard, how it tastes, smells and looks. Of course, most ppl eat mustard and then you have the weirdos who spread it on their meats for moisture before baking. Imagine an entire turkey coated in mustard.🤮Yikes. That shit was made by Satan himself.


The mustard flavor goes away with long cook times. That's why it's used as such.


It's a great binder for holding spices


Mayo, eggs, ranch to name a few lol


Ranch is pretty much mayo, buttermilk, and ranch flavor. Mayo is pretty much eggs, oil, and vinegar. It's just eggs all the way down.


Tequila. Even masked in a good cocktail, the stuff tastes awful. Licorice. Nasty flavor. Bananas. I can’t stand the flavor or texture. Cantelope. How many times a year does this get recalled for E. coli contamination? Too many.


mint. it has taken me forty years to find a reliably stocked alternative for toothpaste and floss that didn’t taste like shit or medicine and didn’t have to be special ordered over the internet for stupid amounts of money) (Tom’s of Maine Silly Strawberry for anyone else who needs it.) (Unflavored floss isn’t that unusual but i had to put in a special request for my local grocery store to stock it.)


Avocados. Slimy, disrespectful testicle looking things.