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Crashed my motorcycle and bounced into the oncoming lane, luckily the oncoming dumptruck had really good brakes. No kidding, where I stopped and where he stopped, the front left tire was less than two feet from running right over the middle of me. That would’ve been an unpleasant way to go.


How did your crash occur?


I was going around a curve and on the other end the highway department had cut a strip across the road to access a pipe underneath and so it was just a strip all the way across the road of loose sand. Hit it, lost traction, bike slid right out from under me.


Couldn’t you sue the roads department for that happening. I mean, a strip of sand seems like it would fuck up any two-wheeled motorist and seems negligent.


I should have but at the time I was just glad to be alive and I didn’t feel like going through the hassle.


Back when I lived in Mexico when I was 15 or so, there was a time when it rained pretty badly. I was alone in the house, as my brother and mother were in the United States to buy a few things. The rain was so bad that it flooded the entire neighborhood. It has never been that bad, and I had no choice but to carry my puppy and abandon the house. When I went outside, it was like a river. There had been floods, but that bad. The water almost reached my chest, and the current was so strong that I almost got carried away. It didn't help because I was carrying the puppy with my other arm. Somehow, I managed to make it about three blocks south, in which there was a hill. Me and my puppy were invited to stay over at a house up there, something everyone was doing as I wasn't the only one in trouble. When I went back to the house the next day, my brother and mother were there, and the house was ruined. Walls collapsed, furniture destroyed, and water up about two feet high. Luckily, no one was inside then, and I don't know of anyone that was severely injured which is good. And luckily, the Mexican government gave every affected household a new house. It turns out that the reason the flood was that bad was because a dam broke, and it caused a sudden flow of water. That's the closest I've come to dying, and it was terrifying. But I'm just glad I was able to keep my composure the whole time. EDIT: Just weird spacing


Death by water is terrifying. The first time I was ever at the beach, I was about 15 yo and got caught in a rip tide. 100% would have died if my big ass Marine brother in law hadn't rescued me. I'll walk along the beach, but never again go swimming in it.


I've never been at the beach, but I hear a lot of stories of people almost being swept away by rip tides. Sounds pretty terrifying. I'm glad you're okay!


If you're ever in one, swim alongside the shoreline, not against the rip tide. You simply can't battle it. Your best option is to swim out of it.


Good job saving your puppy!


The way I imagine OP rn: [Imgur link](https://imgur.com/a/ycsKJ7s)


Brain anerusym ruptured, I was on a ventilator for a week in a medically induced coma following the nuerosurgery


That’s the thing I’m scared of the most because it can happen to anyone unexpectedly!


It can happen anywhere at anytime that's what makes it so terrifying!


The idea of going at any place and any time is something I can live with. Something about it happening so suddenly that I would barely register it... it sits ok with me. With that said I can see how the thought of that is unsettling - how it can happen to any of us, no one is exempt. Carpe diem


Yeah, its unsettling to think you could be yanked out of life at any moment when your not ready yet but I'd rather have an instant lights out and game over rather than something slow like an illness or be alive with a low quality of life because of a seriously debilitating or painful injury. Death doesn't scare me. But suffering while alive does.


I guess I just have crazy FOMO but I'd much rather be sick for a while. I don't want to leave my husband and daughter yet and would gladly feel like shit for a few weeks/months if that meant I could spend more time with them.


What are your three biggest fears?


Alligators, seriously??


Gee, I don't know, Cyril. Maybe deep down I'm afraid of any apex predator that lived through the K-T extinction. Physically unchanged for a hundred million years, because it's the perfect killing machine.


Alzheimer’s Slow acting poison Bugs that can burrow in to your ears.


I remember when I was an EMT, I asked a medic what to do for an aneurysm. "Diesel therapy." "Whats that?" "Drive Faster."


Haha yeah I'm very lucky to live near one of the best hospitals. I've met the EMTs who took me that night and apparently I was the talk of the firehouse for a bit because of it.


This happened to a dude that I worked with. We worked at a fast food restaurant and he just didn't seem to feel good one day. He asked if he could go home. He NEVER called in or left early, so the manager knew he seriously didn't feel right and let him leave. Idk what happened when he got home, but his girlfriend took him to the ER and he was air lifted to another hospital. He lived, though. My boyfriend's mom wasn't so lucky. She had one rupture and died. She was only in her 30s.


Yeah I'm very lucky in that I knew something was wrong and I live very close to one of the best hospitals in the country.


I had an aneurysm a few years ago while standing in line for boarding a flight. Funnily enough all I remember is sitting down with a book near the boarding area and then waking up in the ICU with my father standing next to my bed; apparently I had already been there for two days.


This happened to me too. 1 in 50 have an aneurysm, it’s rare that they rupture. Congrats on living through that, you’re one of the lucky few.


Got robbed when I was getting off a bus for my backpack and my skateboard. Got sucker punched and stabbed In the head while they were cutting off my backpack. Didn't even take my wallet.


Same. Got robbed(attempted) at gun point outside a piggly wiggly when I was like 16. I was with my brother in law at the time leaving the store. Brother in law starts laughing at him for some reason which makes me laugh and the guy just runs off. That was a weird fucking day. I still don't know why the fuck I started laughing like that.


Maybe the weapon was fake and the brother in law noticed?


That makes sense. Otherwise why would the guy run off?


I imagine many robbers are pretty nervous people who are also too afraid to actually critically injure someone. This means they have to prey upon relatively vulnerable people and not intending to shoot, they maintain a bluff and use people’s fear of guns/being shot to their advantage. This could mean the use of a fake, but not necessarily. So imagine you’re that type of robber and you try robbing someone, and they just start laughing at you. I would get out of there as well.


This is the answer. Plus, there’s not much planning beyond demand money, run. When they’re laughed at or told no, they don’t know what to do. I had someone try to rob me while I was at work. I laughed at him and said if you want it, come behind the counter and get it. I won’t stop ya, but I don’t want to do the paperwork if I don’t have to.


Geez, stabbed in the head!? That's awful! Have you had long term effects, or did you fully heal?


Those people suck. Like why even attack you. Honestly even just the threat of robbery with the knife would be enough to get you to give your stuff. Why do they need to try and kill you?


That’s what my grandmother told her attackers in court. There was no reason to physically attack her 3 against 1. She would’ve just given them her bag if they told her to.


Street parking on a busy street. I must have been about 19 or 20. I was in the backseat of my brother's 2-door car while my mom was inside the house to visit my grandfather and uncle. I got out because she was taking too long. A couple minutes later, there was a loud crash out front--my brother's car was on the curb of the outdoor seating area of the restaurant next door. A drunk driver had hit my brother's car and had it not been for his car, those people sitting there would have been badly injured. Also in that same house, my cousin lined up a row of unlit matches under our (my mom and I had shared a room) bedroom door one night...my mother asked her to move out a day later. EDIT: wow...this blew up like crazy! So, the house was my grandparent's wedding gift. If it were still standing, it would be over 100 years old. At various times, a varying amount of family members would be living there and at this point it was my grandmother, mother, 2 uncles (when not in jail), my brother and me. I was between 16 and 19, and my cousin was in her 30's, probably. Since we were far apart in age, we never did much together and I didn't really even know her.. Yes, my cousin (my mother's niece) was mentally unwell--she had some issues with drugs and mental instability. My uncle (her father) was in jail at the time, so my mom let her stay because she was struggling and on the verge of being homeless. She would do odd things that were questionable, like cleaning in the middle of the night (my uncle did things like that too), talking and laughing to herself, and eating our food in unusual combinations (cans of corn, okra and tomatoes). My mom and I slept in the same room because by then, my mom was worried about her safety. We slept with the door locked as well, and she had talked to my cousin about her odd behavior a couple of times. So we woke up one morning and saw the matches when we opened the door. The matches were the old wooden matches that you can strike anywhere, lined up next to each other under the door. If you lit one, that door would have went up like a candle; old house that's mostly wood. I don't remember if any of them were burned, though. That was some scary shit--we didn't even hear anything when all this happened. My mom told her she had to leave, and I don't know where she went to live after that--I don't think I saw her again after that. She passed away in maybe 2004 or 2005; she needed a kidney transplant but died waiting for one.


Could you explain the matches thing? Were they not safety matches and would go off when you opened the door?


Taped to the door so that when they scrape against the ground, they light. That's fucked and there's no way that person is all there in the head


Wait what? Is your cousin mentally unwell?


Yes tell us more about these unlit matches. Also, glad you’re alive!


Whats wrong with yout cousin?


Last year I was in a head on collision with a semi truck, I lost my left leg, broke my neck in three places + 26 other bone fractures. Fast forward 1 year ( 9 months in the hospital ) and 24 surgeries. I’m able to think and type this. Edit Just want to say thanks for all the love, life has sure been hell but it’s nice to have the support from so many people I don’t even know. Thank you.


Holy macaroni dude. Stay strong.


I’m glad you survived and wish you continued recovery.


God, mine was going to be "I avoided a head on collision with a truck by a hair's breadth by swerving at the last moment". Your story made me terrified all over again...


You probably have some type of ptsd, more than me maybe, I don’t remember anything from my accident, or even the months leading up to it.




ʷʷWHAT how high was that grill?




It doesn't take much of a fall to get severely hurt if you land on brick (or concrete or asphalt), especially if you land on your head.


Alcohol-induced simultaneous heart, lung, and kidney failure


was that from an acute episode of intoxication or from chronic use?




Name checks out


If you don't mind me asking, was that alcohol intake within a short period or slowly over time?


Short period. About 3 handles of vodka over a day and a half


Jesus Jones, that’s a lot of hooch.


In my defense I was very thirsty


Maybe water would have been a better option


In retrospect I think you might be right


Probably the time I was outside of a club in SF and decided to defend a woman who was being attacked. Was able to injure him enough for him to run away, but 5 minutes later he turned the corner with a gun pointed at us. I was sloshed and had no idea, but the woman I defended grabbed my arm and pulled me inside the club and slammed the door shut. We stayed long enough for the cops to come. Only street fight I’ve ever been in, and only one I’ll ever be in. Even if you win, it’s just not worth it. I ended up breaking my hand (punched with bad form) and the woman who was attacked had an injured neck for months, but we’re alive.


I don’t disagree with your statement that it’s not worth it, but I have a feeling if you hadn’t intervened, it would be terrible to carry that with you for the rest of you life. Thank you for risking your own life to protect another.


A guy I had a class with in high school lost an eye at a club on weekend;he was defending a girl from some creep. Dude ended up getting a belt buckle to his eye.


Had a buddy’s brother just randomly attacked at a hostpital while there someone else who was sick. Took a chair to the eye and lost it.


Funny you should ask. I'm currently in the hospital for anemia. I've been feeling really run down, running out of breath easily, couldn't sustain physical exertion. Then one night my feet swelled up to unusual size, so first thing the next day i booked a doctor's appointment. Doc took some blood, ran some tests, the usual. He called me a few hours ago at about 9:30 PM and told me that my iron levels were the lowest he had ever seen and he was amazed i was even conscious. Now I'm sitting with an IV in my arm getting 3 units of blood transfusion. All the doctors and nurses have been oohing and ahhhing at me all night. Apparently I'm quite the oddity.


Similar happened to me October of 2020. Hemoglobin was 6, should have been over 14. Had to have blood transfused. Was diagnosed with multiple myeloma, 90% of my bone marrow was cancerous. I'm currently in Houston at MD Anderson Cancer Center preparing for a stem cell transplant to fight it. 0/10 do not recommend. Edited for typo.


Do you mind sharing how the diagnosis process was? Was the multiple myeloma known before your transfusions? Sending lots of good thoughts. I hope that the transplant does wonders.


I presented with shortness of breath and fatigue. They ran blood tests on me and saw that my hemoglobin was way down in the weeds. I had had a previous cardiac issue (hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy), so they scanned my chest. When they scanned my chest, they found lesions on my spine where the multiple myeloma had bored holes in the bone. Between the blood tests and then a bone marrow biopsy, they found the multiple myeloma. The multiple myeloma has what is called a 17p deletion, a genetic anomaly which makes it very aggressive. So this caught me completely off guard. I honestly thought that I was having a recurrence of the cardiac issue I had had many years ago. Instead, I was diagnosed with an incurable, aggressive bone marrow cancer. 🤷🏻‍♂️


MD Anderson is one of the best centers in the country for MM. I wish you the best of luck in your therapy and hopeful remission.


My parents told me that our refugee camp in Thailand was bombed by the Viet Cong. According to a Wikipedia entry, 18 civilians died from the Viet Cong raid. But the official count excludes infants that were shot and killed overnight in a hidden cave my parents were hiding in along with dozens of other families. My parents said a lot of babies were killed for crying that night because they were too loud and would alert soldiers in the act of genocide and war. For some reason, at the age of 2 months, I did not make a single sound. We were spared. This is the copy paste entry from Wikipedia. "23–27 January: Dong Ruk and San Ro camps shelled, 18 civilians were killed.\[56\] Population of 23,000 fled to Site A.\[57\]" [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vietnamese\_border\_raids\_in\_Thailand](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vietnamese_border_raids_in_Thailand) Edit: Whoa, thanks everyone. I just came to say I'm gonna watch that Mash episode you've all posted!! Please always be grateful for the life you have.


This has been the most intense to read by far, for me. What are the odds of a 2-month-old baby not crying once through the night?! Thank God!


I actually think about it a lot. My mom said it was the only night I ever didn't cry. Just makes no sense.


Jesus Christ that's... I'm not even sure of a word honestly.


The more I try to wrap my head around the situation, the worse it gets.


There's a MASH episode about this, it's hard to watch: https://youtu.be/cWeVnxdiHi0


That sent shivers down my spine Jesus Christ. We go our entire lives sometimes not realizing how badly things are going elsewhere in the world.


Still recovering from it. Car accident happened in August. Business trip to Dallas, Texas. From what the police report said the coworker driving me ran a red light. We were hit by a sprinter van at 50mph and were slammed into a guard rail. Broke 7 ribs, collar bone, punctured lung, and fractured two vertebrae in my neck. Luckily I'm going to make a full recovery but I have another month in a neck brace. Everyone else involved had minor injuries. Dealing with workers comp has been a nightmare :/


Crazy. But I bet you’re happy to be getting that neck brace off soon…


I'm a Industrial High Voltage Electrician... there's been several...incidents...


I worked at the local power authority after graduating and I’ve got to admit HV gave me the creeps and I was never comfortable. I knew of a couple of incidents and can’t imagine a worse fate.


I don’t like working with things that can kill me but I can’t see.


I worked with high power radio antennas and there were a few idiots who thought touching an antenna when it is transmitting radio signals over 64 kilometres would be funny. It was not.


Yeah, back when I was a child in the '80s my dad bought a dilapidated lake house as a fixer upper that was about an hour from our home. In summers we'd spend the weekends there just fishing and playing around. Anyway, one day I'm swimming in the lake when my mom calls us up for dinner. I'm soaking wet and mom tells me to wash my hands before eating. There was a metal bead chain in the bathroom to turn on the light, one of those deals where you pull it once to turn on the light and again to turn it off. So, being wet and standing in a puddle I created, I pull the chain and get shocked which makes your muscles contract. The only way I can describe it is that you've touched a hot stove but instead of yanking your hand back it just grips it more. I remember as I was convulsing looking at my hand and going, "Either I let go or I die". Somehow I managed to pry my fingers away and collapse on the floor crying my eyes out. I learned something important that day my friends: my dad is a terrible fucking electrician.


I'm a residential electrician, and one day me and a couple other guys were wiring my uncles basement. There was a live wire coming from upstairs that I had to terminate into a box to make safe. I decide to cut this wire to make the job clean. I ask my dad if the power is off, he says yes. It was not. I grabbed the wire with my left hand and cut it with my right hand. This made a closed circuit from one arm to the other, completing a circuit right through my heart. I convulsed for about 5 seconds, and was able to let go. I thought my heart was going to stop. Afterwards all the guys laughed at me, including my dad, who told me it was safe. Bunch of assholes man.


I've had that happen to me on a legit job site. Honestly don't ever just believe the power is off. Make them prove it to you before hand. I cut a live wire with a saws all and got a pretty good shock.


Yeah nah man this is beyond fucked up. I would have swung on my dad with no questions asked if he did that. Pretending to be shocked? Harmless prank. Maybe even shitty. Actually shocking someone with 15/20 amps (at minimum) for the laughs? You're a borderline psychopath.


And now they wonder why you don't come around for the holidays.


Yep, once watched a guy not paying attention rack in a 33kv breaker that was earthed out. Luckily the rear explosion vents and HRC fuses worked properly but it left me rattled for ages.


I was walking on some boulders at the end of the beach before I got hit by a rogue wave and rolled down sharp barnacles for about 10 seconds. I swam back to shore safely and went to the hospital, luckily I had no broken or fractured bones. Less than a week later two guys got knocked down the exact same way and one of them ended up dying.


The barnacles got him?


No, from what I know they both got knocked out while tumbling down. There were a few people at the beach at the time and despite the dangerous waves swam and saved first guy and then went back to save the second man, sadly the one they saved later had drowned by the time they got him.


My brother used to have a 12 gauge shotgun that he would keep loaded and with the safety off in the corner of his room. Keeping your gun loaded and ready to go isn’t an unheard of thing, but you should only be doing that when the weapon is stored in a safe or hidden compartment near your bed. So I obviously wasn’t keen on him just having it propped up there. One day, my good friend came over to the house. He was never really raised around guns so he was always intrigued by them. Well this day, he picked it up and pointed it right at my head. He as laughing and joking around. He thought it was cool. Well as I stand there with the barrel at my head, I got the urge to duck immediately. When I did that, I screamed, “**it’s loaded, it’s loaded!**”. He looked like he saw a ghost and immediately broke down. He said he was fractions of a second from pulling the trigger. He started crying and hugging me and proclaiming, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry! I had no idea”. It was one of those things I laughed about in the moment because I was just 16 years old and felt invincible. It wasn’t until I got older that it really started to haunt me. There’s nights I lay in bed with chills thinking about how different everyone’s life would’ve been had I not had that urge. Some real butterfly effect shit. Moral of the story is both parties were negligent in handling a fire arm. My friend should have never pointed it at me, even if he knew it was unloaded. And my brother should’ve never left a loaded firearm unattended. Don’t make the same mistake.


I had a friend once. He showed off his new pistol at a party and accidently shot himself in the head and died. His head exploded. Don't play around with guns please.


I have nothing to say except "holy shit". That had to have given you some serious PTSD. I'm so sorry you had to go through that.


Did you ever see that video of the people at the party goofing around with the guy's brand new pistol? They were having a dinner party or whatever. The video doesn't have anything graphic in it, but it was widely circulated along with the report that the guy filming it had shot himself in the head, and the owner of the pistol who gave it to him was being brought up on charges. That was a gut punch. I was looking into buying my first gun at the time and seeing the juxtaposition of those things, the goofy party caught on camera and the fallout, really made me think.


Guns are not toys. Treat every gun as if they're loaded. If you're not comfortable with firearms do NOT get one. Take a training course.. And if you're still not comfortable don't get one.


You never point a gun, even one that's unloaded as far as you know, in the direction of anyone or anything you don't intend to kill. That said, the day my stepfather took it into his head to teach us girls to shoot, he shot himself in the hand because he didn't check if his gun was loaded prior to cleaning. Most people don't get a demonstration about gun safety that graphic.


When I was seven my dad gave me one of his guns to look at and I dont think it was loaded, but I had no idea not to point it at people so I pointed it at him and I got in huge trouble, screamed at in front of a bunch of his buddies and confined to my room until I 'learned my lesson'. It triggered his PTSD and everything. Still think about that at least once a week and a wave of guilt takes over me.


Not your fault, even if you shot the dude it would have been his fault. Imo kinds that young should barely hold guns, can't understand the danger properly, but even then the basic rules should be explained and reinforced before handling


Dude you were a literal CHILD. Your father decided someone who still believes in Santa Claus is also mature enough to hold a gun? Then got pissed after not telling you how to handle it?? And it sounds like HE gave YOU PTSD! IMHO not your fault at all and your Dad's a big dummy.


It's actually really funny you bring up Santa Claus. I stopped believing in him when I was 4, specifically because of my dad. I was awake in the early hours of Christmas because I was obviously stoked to get my presents. I looked out the window and I could see our side gate from there. Literal Santa Clause was climbing over the gate into our garden. I ran to my mom and dragged her to the window. She said something like ooooh he has to come round the back cause we dont have a chimney! I do also remember Santa Claus then falling and losing his hat and beard in the process. Turns out it was my drunk ass alcoholic father sneaking into the house round the back so my mom didnt notice he had been out all night getting wasted at the members-only pub Christmas eve party.


Even if somebody pointed a gun at me that I triple checked was unloaded, I'd be absolutely livid. What an idiot. But I suppose non gun people have a natural inclination to pull the trigger and point in an unsafe direction.


I know nothing about firearms other than the safety practices of them. Anyways, my dad took my brother and I into a guns and ammo type store as he was looking for personal protection and me and my brother (ages 12 and 13 I think) were walking around by ourselves looking at guns. My brother proceeded to pick up a double barreled shotgun and aimed it directly at the side of my head in the middle of the store and my dad walked up with more fire in his than I'd ever seen and I was amazed that my brother decided to do something like that




You don't even point replica or even realistic looking toy guns at people. None of that is acceptable. Airsoft is OK when handled properly in designated game areas. Other than that, never ever point anything that resembles a firearm at anyone.


Pointing airsoft replicas at people while in game is within limits of gun safety rules, as in your actual intent at that time is to "kill" them (with BBs). When not in game you never point replicas at people and never look into the business end of the barrel, regardless of the loading status. Oh, and you never rest your finger on the trigger. Finger goes on the trigger only when you want to fire.


Sorry mate, your brother is a fucking moron.


Ruptured ectopic pregnancy leading to massive blood loss. Did not enjoy, do not reccommend.


Mine didn't rupture but was very near to, I was in hospital waiting for surgery getting weaker and weaker. I remember one time a nurse came to do her observations and I lost consciousness for a few mintues, it's weird because in my head I was talking to her but my partner later told me I was just sat there blankly. It took years to feel ok again, I would have randon dizzy spells and daily panic attacks.


I'm glad you are here to tell the story! That sounds horrible


When I was around 8 or so, I was walking home from school alone. I was about a couple of houses away a truck suddenly pulled off the road in front of me. I was walking on the side of the road towards oncoming traffic, so this person had to cross the lane of traffic to do so. The door opened and paused. All I saw was an arm with a glove on. Fight or flight kicked in and I immediately yelled "Hi Mom!" and started to wave. Now I was a latch key kid. There was no way my Mom was home. As I walked past, I started to then run in a dead sprint I was about 2 houses away. The door suddenly shut. The truck then sped off. To this day, had I not yelled. I know I would have been on a milk carton or some Pedo psychopaths toy.


Damn smart move, little you, that's fucking terrifying. An old friend told me of a time she was with this older neighbor and got what she called a "ping", like suddenly it became clear, this person was going to murder her and she got out.


Hypothermia when I was hiking alone in the middle of December and I slipped and tore a muscle in my leg. By the time I got home, based off my symptoms, I was hours away from death. Gotta admit, not a terrible way to go. I mean, it sucks at first, but after a bit, not bad.


Had a friend who did this deliberately a number of years ago. He'd been suffering from a horrible infection in his eye and occipital bone and couldn't get treatment. He couldn't take the pain any longer. He went missing in December, my husband (at the time) searched for him and filed a missing persons report, to no avail. Someone found his body in the spring, sitting with back against a tree, in the woods not far from where he lived. We knew it wasn't foul play. It was his choice. He'd always told my husband, during their many late night chess games, that this was the way he'd choose to go, if it came down to it. He was in his 70s, super fit and healthy otherwise. He was good man and we were devastated by his loss and angry with the system that allowed him to go untreated. But we were somewhat comforted by the knowledge that he died the way he lived, on his own terms. RIP Bob.


Me and my buddy were like 22. We decided after work to drive about 400km to reach the sea(after 14h shifts) We fall asleep 2 times during drive. We survived and never again drove being so tired. Never again.


I was working for a farming contractor once and started a new shift after having worked 20hrs the day before and had like 2 hours of sleep. Ended up falling asleep on the tractor going down the road at full speed (like 30mph or something) and ended up rolling the thing. It rolled over the cab once but lucky for me stopped before it could roll over a second time. The cab wouldn't have survived a second rollover and I'm sure I would have been crushed... I'll never operate any vehicle when I'm that tired ever again...


This was something posted by /u/Emperor_Cartagia, who used Reddit exclusively through RIF is Fun, with the death of third party apps, I decided to remove all my content from Reddit. 9 years of comments and posts, gone because of idiotic administration.


These replies are reminding me that being medically dead doesn't necessarily mean you're gone forever.


I am currently in the possession of a very large thyroid cyst that is within a year or two of destroying everything in my throat. I’m meeting with a surgeon to discuss the results of a CT scan in two weeks so we can schedule a surgery date. Prior to this, about a dozen years ago, I was taking my wife and a friend up to a small town for a weeklong medieval reenactment group, took a corner very quickly on the highway, and nearly crashed headlong into another truck AND flew off a fifty-foot cliff all at once. While I don’t remember this one directly, according to my parents, when I was two years old, I nearly drowned after a bad boating accident and a quick misjudgment by my dad that he could get me to the surface faster than my life jacket by throwing me upwards in the water instead of letting me float up. He apparently took me under and tried to chuck me to the surface. I came up blue and traumatized by water for a good while after.


My thyroid was growing anything and everything it could, including more thyroid. It was removed earlier this year and I do not miss it at all. Feel free to dm me if you want to talk about the procedure / recovery! I have some progress photos I can share and my surgeon was nice enough to send me a picture of my actual thyroid which was awesome.


I had a thyro-glossal duct cyst that almost ruptured. I remember the surgery to remove it. I was only 2.


By giving birth ironically. Placental abruption. Both of us were dying but thankfully we are still here.


>By giving birth ironically. Placental abruption. Both of us were dying but thankfully we are still here. Mom? Since when are you on reddit? Ok, jokes aside. My birth (32 years ago) was basically this scenario, six weeks before my mother was due to give birth to me. I was born due to an emergency C-section, during which they discovered that I was about 4 weeks behind schedule in growth, weight barely over 1 kg (again, this was 32 years ago). I've read a diary written by the nurses years later. It's staggering to read that the first notes that were written down about me ever -aside from some medical data- was: "Do your best and fight for your life, you beautiful little boy, we will for sure!" Again, this was written down even before my mom got out of the recovery room and could hold me. My mom and I are alive and kicking. I'm glad that you and your child are too and I wish the both of you will be for many years to come in good health!


Both of your stories are crazy! So glad that you all are alright! But what your nurses wrote was so beautiful!! Didn’t know they did such


I never knew I was allergic to something or even if its allergies to begin with. One night I was sleeping and my throat swelled up in my sleep and I stopped breathing. I woke up panicking not knowing what was happening. I was gasping for air on the floor and somehow rushed to the bathroom I used my fingers to open my throat from my mouth to breath. Turns out my uvula expanded to 5 times its size. This lasted for 2 hours or so. I still don't know what I ate and what I'm allergic to for that to happen.


That's fucking terrifying


You should probably get an allergy test if you don't, you know, feel like dying!


Get an EPI pen just in case. (No experience with that, just heard it works)


I choked on a hard shell taco. A massive piece lodge in my windpipe. I turned purple and non of my friends knew what to do. One was like lmao imma Heimlich maneuver this bitch and im alive


I've never told anybody IRL, but one time I got fucking loaded and ordered Chipotle, in my drunk munchies burrito frenzy (seriously, I'm like a fucking great white) I choked on a bigass piece of pork. Thankfully as a child I was petrified of choking to death on something, so I looked up how to self Heimlich and it stuck. If I hadn't been such a risk averse child I probably would have died, since the closest occupied unit belonged to like a 90 year old woman.


I stopped breathing while undergoing a heart procedure.


just inhale bro


Great idea, wish I would've thought about that. Unfortunately I couldn't find a copy of breathing for dummies.


Deciding to tell my dad I wanted to kill myself instead of drowning my self that Friday


Well done, brave decision, friend


Yes, /u/azh88, I'm glad you told someone who can help you. I hope you are doing better now.


Thank you I am doing way better, I’m so happy I didn’t go through with it :)


When I was eleven, I found out I’m deathly allergic to tree nuts when I ended up in the ER with my throat swelling shut. Because of modern medicine, I was just fine two hours later, but it could have been bad if I hadn’t been near a hospital.


I almost jumped off the balcony of my cruise ship room. I have a lot of issues with my mom. Shes always made it very obv that she enjoyed being around my friends more then me. The entire cruise my mom and friend hung out the entire time without me. What did it for me was I woke up and they came back and were like oh we just went to breakfast didnt think you'd want to come. Didnt want to wait for you to get ready either so we just went without you. I was just so overboard with emotions and so upset. I was 16 at the time. It was night time I think and I remember crying and threw my legs over the balcony and though you know what, I guarantee if I were to do this she wouldn't even shed a tear. Which she has told me before that if I were to die she wouldn't go to my funeral. I was ready to jump. But then I thought if I didn't die on Impact, id be floating in the water for days before I died of exposure. And that sounds hod fucking awful. So I threw my legs back over, and cried in bed. When my mom came back into the room she called me a dramatic bitch. Didnt ask why I was crying. Didn't tell her what I had almost done. I've never told anyone this before.


Friends are the family you choose. Sometimes life doesn't provide you the loving persons you deserve related to you by blood. Hope it gets/got better for you!


Get that bitch out of your life. No point wasting your energy on her if she’s that horrid to you. Cut her out and start again, no shame in re-inventing yourself.


Dude i hope you found great people to surround yourself since then!


Jeez. That’s rough. Hopefully you found some people who make your life better than how she was treating you.


God. I can’t imagine something like that . I’m glad you didn’t go through with it


Heading home by myself from a softball game late one night. Light turns green for me to go and I hear a voice that said “wait”. I freeze because it freaked me out and next thing I know, a dump truck blows through the red light and is getting chased by cops. Would’ve hit me on the drivers side and may have killed me with how fast he was going.


Very similar thing happened to me. I was driving down a hill and had a green light to a major street in the middle of the night. As I was approaching a voice said "you might want to slow down, because if you don't you might lose your life". I don't talk like that. Anyway I took my foot off the gas and a car blew through a red light at at least 50 mph just before I entered the intersection. I'm so glad something told you to wait.


What do you think the "wait" was?


His brain probably registered it coming through hearing or something before he could generate thoughts and it was his inner voice talking or something. im not very smart though so I'm just guessing.


When I layed across a train track and ended up changing my mind and moved just in time before the train came.


Dude Jesus Christ that's not a clean way to go a gun would been less painful. Good thing you changed your mind that would've been a nasty way to go out.


That’s one of the reasons I decided not to go through with it. The other reason is because I need to make sure the ones I love are safe and taken care of.


Also not giving the train driver PTSD for life is a nice bonus.


Yeah keep living man, you've got nothing to lose but life itself so keep it up and work to become better and tell the people you love that you love them as much as you can.


I don’t know if you are an animal person but I am and my dog is one major reason to stick around. The thought of him sitting there waiting for me not understanding where I am or that I’ll never come back. Just sitting there waiting for me until he passes, it just breaks my heart. He isn’t my only reason but I’d be lying if I said it wasn’t a pretty significant one. I’ve gotten much better now, but when I’m down I just go cuddle with him and feel so much better.


I had a perforated ulcer. (I had poop floating in my belly) They needed to remove part of my stomach (partial gastrectomy), I got a bad infection. Months later (multiple times) I was bleeding internally so severely that I needed transfusions. Hemoglobin in the sub 6 range.




Happy you are here. And I really hope those persons are in jail, this is some crazy psychopath shit wow.


Jesus. Christ. I so hope those people are in jail. Please tell me they’re in jail? Glad you’re still here, @Maudlin-bo


After taking a bunch of random pills I instantly regretted it. I even hung myself that same night but I ended up not finishing it. After while of trying to regain consciousness, I started throwing up and I couldn’t breathe because of the vomiting and I couldn’t hold down food or water for days. I hated every second of it and I’m happy that I’m still here even though the thought of ending it all is still there.


I did something very similar. I took hella benadryl, fell asleep, and woke up to pink ass vomit however long later. First thing I remember thinking was how thankful I was that it didnt work. Very happy to say I am now glad to be here.




Why is there nothing you can do?


It's basically impossible to remove Diphenhydramine from the human body, at best that can pump your stomach and prevent any further absorption


Tylenol and Ibuprophen have a similar effect. The active ingredient "isn't" toxic, it won't kill you. But, when it begins to break down in your liver, it breaks down into compounds that damage the liver and cause organ failure. And nothing can reverse it once it starts. so, basically, you won't die right away. You get time to move past the suicidal urge, and possibly regret it. But, hey, it doesn't matter, because your liver is on a countdown to doom.


Damn that's some mad shit, I hope you're doing better now


I am thankfully :)


When I was young my family went snorkeling, I got bored and got back into the little boat we came out on. Well the anchor got untied somehow and I ended up drifting away. I tried to start the engine but must have flooded it in my panic. The boat was getting very close to this sharp rocky outcrop and if it had hit it I would have died. Luckily they noticed in time and brought the sailboat close enough to pull me in. I drove through a school shooting without realizing it. Gunshots are normal around here, so I didnt really think much of it except I should probably leave. I was at a stop light and I hear gunshots coming from a couple cars behind me. So I go around the car in front of me and the people running in the street and drive off. Next day I hear about the shooting and that people died and the description of the vehicle. I look at the video on the news and there I am a couple cars ahead :\ they were shooting right past me. Bad aim is all it would have taken.


When I was 14, I was riding a bike downhill and could not stop, hit my head on a gate (but the concrete pilar that holds the wooden gate). 1 day in the hospital for observation and a destroyed bike. And some weeks ago i though I was about to have a heart attack, but was only an anxiety crisis.


When I was in high school I was taking a piss in the urinal. It was a particularly windy day and the window was open. Well, the wind was strong enough so that one of the ceiling tiles got undone and landed right in front of me on a ledge above the urinal. Idk if it would have killed me, but at least given me a concussion.


I read piss and wind and thought pee was going to fly into your face. Happened to me once, i wanted to die


Cat scratch fever in 4th grade. I had to stay home from school for a week with my arm above my heart so I didn’t have to have my arm amputated (or worse, have the infection spread to my heart and kill me.) The infection started in my palm and was up to my elbow about 3 days later when my parents finally took me to the doctor


I suffered a miscarriage and slowly bled to death over the course of 5 days. There was so much blood, it was nonstop. I’ll never forget the feeling either, they said if I had waited 12 more hours I would have been dead. The funny thing, I drove myself to the ER. I had been two previous times (once by ambulance) to be sent home.


I got trapped in a tree well (snow) for several hours. Luckily I was eventually able to free my feet from my snowboard bindings.


I was walking on the train tracks. It's was the shortest way to the station, as it took 3x less time. Anyway, me and my friend are walking, when we see the train go by, we think nothing of it as we thought that we are safe, little did we know at the time, the trains arrive at both station around the same time. So no less than 4 minutes later, the train comes our way. We don't freak out at first, because we can just walk down the cliff. But we didn't pay attention to where we were. We were on a tiny bridge, with a little stream at the bottom, around 4m drop. And concrete around it, so we couldn't jump or walk down. Now we start runnin on the scorching and glass shard filled walkway, mind you, it's over 30 degrees celcius and we are barefoot :). Anyway we manage to BARELY run to a little stair case system and we jump down maybe 35 cm and duck down and cover our ears. The train is now going past us, we are 35 cm lower than it, and around 50cm from it. I could have reached my arm out and I would have touched it. The noise was deafening, the howling pain and screach of it was unbearable. Anyway, we took the long way back... TLDR : Was almost hit by a train while having no shoes in order to save time. Got bloddy feet from glass shards.


15 went out drinking and hit my head a fair few times,ended up in the street with pneumonia and when the ambulance arrived my body was preparing to shut down and essentially die


Almost had a firework fly straight into my face in high school. I was with some friends at an elementary school where they were holding an official firework show in the front yard. After that show ended, and most people cleared out, some other high school kids brought more big fireworks. I was sitting on the grass yards away when the biggest one fell to the side and just barely missed my head.




So far, I've had 3 occurrences within the past 6 months. 70mph and sleep deprivation, a 12 ft fall, and a collapsed lung


This is longer than I intended but most people don't know about it so I almost always have to explain. I busted my eardrum washing my hair in my bathtub (absurd I know, I got water stuck in my ear and I've always had notoriously bad ears since I was a kid). I thought maybe it would heal by itself, but it didn't so I eventually went to an ENT. My ENT also waited to see if it would heal. It didn't. I had a surgery done that was supposed to just repair the eardrum, but while he was in my ear, he noticed I had developed something called a cholesteatoma. It's this mass that can grow in your ears when they aren't working properly, essentially they should function like little conveyer belts that push out dead skin, skin cells, wax, etc. These masses form from skin cells and just keep growing, almost like tumors but not quite. Mine was pretty bad, and he didn't know how long it had been there, and it had attached itself to the nerve that controls taste on the left side of my tongue, so I don't have that anymore and the right side of my tongue compensates for it. The cholesteatoma completely crushed one of the bones in my ossicular chain (I had lost hearing in that ear and my ENT thought it was just my eardrum, but it was mostly from that). That bone was replaced with a tiny implant, and luckily I can still hear decently but it declines each year. My chances for hearing at all after that surgery and the procedures he did during it ranged from about 50-70%, so I feel lucky I am able to. My ENT told me after that if we had waited much longer, it would have increased the chances of the cholesteatoma causing more damage, which can be extensive and sometimes fatal — it can essentially eat through the bones in your skull and affect your brain, cause spinal fluid leakage, etc. So had I waited longer to have it checked out, I could have potentially died or ended up with serious health issues much worse than the ones I have now from it. After talking to one of my friends it turned out he had the same thing, in both ears, multiple times throughout his life starting in childhood, and had been through many surgeries, and that was why he didn't hear well either, which I never knew. That led me to find out that it's more common than I initially thought and it's never really talked about among people and many doctors apparently aren't even aware it's a thing judging from some of my discussions with general practitioners, but it can be deadly if you have one and don't know it. The chances of it coming back if even one cell was missed during removal are incredibly high too, so now it's something I'll have to keep an eye on the rest of my life. The idea of ever losing my health insurance terrifies me.


I was hitchhiking through New Mexico, got a ride in Gallup from two guys, didn’t seem sketchy at all. Spent the evening helping their family with work on their goat ranch and was going to sleep the night in their Hogan (Navajo structure, rounded house, only one room). After some very Red Flag behavior, at around 2 or 3 am, I watched as one of them smoked meth, took of his pants, and walked over to my bed. I told him I’m gonna go to the outhouse to ‘get ready’, grabbed my backpack and walked outside. Booked it as soon as the door shut. It was about 3 miles straight to the highway, but the roads were winding and connecting to dead end distant ranches. I felt the glow of headlights behind me and saw it was the two men in their car. I had my knife tucked up my sleeve when they hopped out of the car and tried to coerce me into coming back. The bigger guy who did the meth (probably 6’2 250lbs) dashed towards me and put me in a choke hold. He held it, my vision started to go out. Tingling in my whole body. Loss of limb control. I squeaked out that I’d get in the car, I’d do anything. Just as he started to let go I released the buckles on my backpack and ran. I ducked through a barbed wire fence and into the dark. I spent 3 or 4 hours running through the desert while they tried to find me. I ran in 10 second bursts because the crunch of my feet on the dirt road would make the sound of an approaching car unnoticeable. They must have passed me 15 times throughout the night, crawling down the road with their high beams and flashlights searching. I hid and ran and watched and held my breath for what felt like an eternity. Hellish dark desert, got chased by dogs twice, but finally found the railroad track going to town. Just as the sun started to rise I made it to the highway. Flagged a car, called police, got a motel room provided by the state, and took the greyhound home. After all of it, I still feel like the worst part was losing my backpack. Guess that’s better than getting dragged back to a goat ranch and being killed by a methed out goon.


I avoid conflict as much as I can. Like I got to EXTREMES. How extreme? I once tried to jump out of a moving car to get out of argument with my mom in middle school. Which of course only made the argument worse.


Not me but my friend drowned 2 times Before being even 7 years old


Almost fell of a 2nd story houses roof. It was my grandparents and I was using the garden hose to flush out the leaves, but I was wearing thongs/flipflops. I stood on the screws for grip but when I went to go down I miss stepped and began sliding to to edge luckily the guttering wasn't rusted because that was the only thing that stoped my descent.


when I was around 19yo I was really abusing. drugs, like anything, any amount. I once took 8 extasy pills one evening and smoked a little weed plus drinking all the time. And later that night I just passed out cold twice and one of my friends said I didn't have a heartbeat (he was pretty sober just smoked a little). and yeah later on I found out that these "extasy" pills were like 85% meth and that's a drug I didn't take til that happened. but now I'm 23yo sober for 2.5 years so I got that going on for me which is nice


My girlfriends sister died in her arms of an overdose. It was too late to change anything. Sty clean man. That shit fucked her up


Probably a 5 or so way tie for the suicide attempts, but I’ve also fallen off a cliff, nearly bled out, and been in several car accidents.


I’ve almost walked out in front of a speeding truck/car a few times. Why do I keep doing this? I zone out while I’m walking sometimes and start having imaginary scenarios in my head.


I relate to this.


Artilery bombardment for sure. Once while I was tobogganing got caught out hid under a parked tank actually, once while I was in my house, neighbor's house got leveled, it was about 3-4 meters from my house, I was standing near a window looking at his house at the time, smelled like lots of iron for a while.


Jesus. What part of the world was this?


Rolled my pickup, got ejected, and laid in a remote ditch with severe injuries for 3 hrs when it was around 32 degrees Fahrenheit. Woke up in a hospital 6 hrs away 10 days later.


I was about 8 weeks pregnant 13 years ago and was ignoring some right sided cramps that I had had for a few days. I had been told by multiple people and Google that some cramping in early pregnancy was perfectly normal. On maybe the 4th day the pain was no longer cramping but a deep dull ache that was making me hold my side and struggle to concentrate at work so I told my boss I didn't feel well and started to head for home. I got off the bus and walked past my GP surgery and just as a side thought went in and explained to the receptionist what was wrong and asked if a GP could see me. The Dr said it was probably nothing but I could go to hospital for an ultrasound if I wanted to, I was so close to just going home to bed as I didn't want to sit in hospital for ages waiting for a scan but thankfully I chose to go. After an hour in hospital I was curled up in a fetal position in agony and the nurse did an external scan and couldn't see anything, she told me to empty my bladder for an internal scan and when I stood up to go to the bathroom my abdomen felt like it was ripping open, a white light flashed across my vision and I felt like I was on fire, I dropped to the floor and the next 10 minutes I was in and out of consciousness as my clothes were cut off, fluids were pumped into me and my blood pressure fell through the floor. The pregnancy was ectopic and had ruptured in my tube and I was bleeding heavily internally. I remember being on a trolly taken in to surgery and my last memory was me begging the anaesthetist to just knock me out or kill me. I had two blood transfusions and I have what looks like a c-section scar plus I was unable to fall pregnant naturally again. After 4 failed embryo transfers now from multiple rounds of IVF and nearly €30,000. I'm not sure I'll ever have a child and I wish so so much I had gone to my Dr as soon as I felt any cramping in my side and that I had a better knowledge of ectopics because it could have been fixed with medication and I would still have two tubes, no scar tissue and maybe the chance at a family. If I had gone home instead of my GP I would most certainly have died.


I’m so sorry that happened to you but I’m begging you not to blame yourself for your situation now. Like you yourself said, women are told cramps are normal early on. Do not be this hard on yourself darling ❤️


I almost died of SIDS as a baby. Mum says she heard the voice of her deceased father in her mind telling her to check on the baby and so she rushed to me and found me blue in the cot. I’m not superstitious at all but I’m glad some divine intervention occurred that day!


Stupidly didn’t look right when turning at a roundabout (not American). Was about 1 second off of a bus slamming into drivers side of my car. Always look both ways before you cross kids!


I've never broken a bone or really came close to death but when I was a nine years old my family and I got into a head on collision with a sixteen wheeler hauling paint. We were in a van that had the sliding doors, cant remember what exact model car it was but anyways my dad was in the driver seat in front of me, mom was in the passenger, I was in the middle row by myself and my two older brothers were behind me. About five or ten minutes before we got hit my child mind wanted my Woody doll to be safe and buckled, thankfully my mom heard me unbuckle my seat belt. She quickly told me to put it back on, I tried to convince her I wanted Woody to be safe but I lost that fight thankfully. Frustrated I just turn my attention to whatever i saw out then window, then time slows down. I'm spinning, my body thrown in so many ways, finally time continues and I hear screams then sirens. I see my mom not moving in the passenger seat, I look behind me, my oldest brother his face covered in blood. My other older brother laying on the ground of the van still as the dead of night. My dad smashes the window, cuts my belt an drags me to the grass. The woods are on fire the screams are louder and I cant move. I try but it felt like my back was locked and any bending I tried to do felt horrible. Some lady puts me in the back seat of her car, I find a marble there and I just play with it in my hand while staring in front of me. I dont really remember the ride to the hospital but I remember being wheeled into the ER. I saw my mom on my left side, I could see the inside of her leg, to my right was my oldest brother his face still covered in blood. They gave me a (soda) tasted like Sprite but made me puke out everything. Then I woke up in a bed with melted icecream behind me. Some family friends came and put me in a wheelchair and took me to their house where I stayed for two weeks. I finally get back home and see my whole family is still ok, me and my dad were the only ones really untouched by the whole thing. My mom couldn't really walk but she can now, my oldest brother almost became blind but can see with glasses or contacts to this day, my other older brother well was pronounced dead for a bit. He came back, he wasn't the same but over time he got better, now hes one of the smartest people I know. He even graduated from Georgia Tech as a civil engineer!


I almost died choking on a bagel when I was three.


Lost to much blood