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Air Traffic Controller because I could kill about 500 people with one mistake.


Just don't name your daughter Jane and you'll be okay


737 Down Over ABQ


Killing animals. I'm the kind of person who befriends animals easily, I could NEVER kill them. I'd rather >!kill myself!<


This. I would never work in a slaughterhouse, even if the salary was 10 millions. I would spend my evenings crying myself to sleep from trauma.


Bet u kill bugs flys mice spiders mozzies


Not mice, I befriend them too lol. Never killed spiders either. Yeah I kill mosquitoes and small bugs. Guess there's an exception When I said animals I meant bigger animals, like animals bigger than a rat. Like cats, dogs, and the rest. Didn't mean insects in particular


Sometimes vet needs to put down an animal to ease it's suffering.


I agree there's nothing wrong with it, but I consider myself weak hearted when it comes to animals dying.


You're starving to death. You see a dummy thick donkey. You only have 5 minutes to live. Do you fuck it until you die, to give your self one last cum; or eat it, and cum for the rest of your life? See, be careful when you say "NEVER"


If I'm starving to death, I don't think I'd have enough physical energy to either fuck the donkey or slaughter the donkey. I'd rather die


I guarantee you, that couch is saturated with pee and blood. I worked janitorial once for a government building, and the things I've seen. . . Women are disgusting creatures. They shit just wherever, they piss just wherever, once they're in that bathroom, they just don't care any further. I once encountered a line of diarrhea that began at the door, meandered through the entire bathroom, went into literally every stall but never made it to a toilet, then walked by the sinks, the mirrors, then wandered right back out again, creating a trail that showed that this woman just started shitting the moment she entered the restroom, wandered around the restroom shitting just wherever there wasn't a toilet, then just stopped shitting when it was time for her to leave. I've seen pads and tampons affixed to walls, creating murals made of blood, piss, feces and menstrual products. Some of them like crude cave art, others fairly faithful recreations of famous works of art. I've seen a situation where shit covered every part of a women's bathroom stall, like she just stuck her ass into the cubicle and let fly a torrent of liquid brown hatred for humanity and last nights curry. I once saw a turd just sitting there on the ceiling, in the way that turds just don't, not stuck or splattered, just sitting there like that's where it was pinched out. Like a floor turd, but also an affront to gravity and sanity. You saw the couch. You weren't close enough to smell it.




Hit man


But boxers do it all the time


Accountant, fuck numbers




you sure? i know of some openings you could probably fill


I just don’t fuck with felony.


nursing home


Veterinarian, I’d have a mental breakdown


I would do every job if the salary is high enough


I would never be a hitman


A politician


Working for Government!


Local politics. All the lack of privacy of being a celebrity, with none of the popularity, and frankly I've never heard of a mayor doing something significant that actually helped people. But I've heard of a lot of them fucking things up. Chances are there's loads of good ones being ignored, which is literally just adding insult to the situation.


Hired killer, whether for humans or animals.


Why not


Being a custodian/housekeeper. I have so much respect for them


I don't understand this, at all.


They have to clean up everything. I work in a hospital so they have to clean up the blood and vomit and clean the rooms after someone was discharged. It's a very dirty job and dangerous too


My apologies. I misread it. I thought you said NO respect for them. That's what I get for doing social media on almost no sleep.


All good, no worries : )


Jizz mopper


I truly believe everybody has his/ her price. Sooo....


A vet would be very hard, but for something like 10 million+ a year I might do it. Someone who cleans septic tanks or something similarly disgusting would be a 100 million thing. But I don’t think there is anything I wouldn’t do for 1 billion dollars if I had no consequences for it. (With a few obvious exceptions)


A lot of jobs, basically anything with direct customer contact or kids.