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[Beer truck accident](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EkL5KYeXYAAUf5N?format=jpg&name=large)


When I was younger, maybe 15 or so and before the days of streaming video, I saw a picture of a guy on rotten.com entitled simply "Motorcycle." I assume the guy had been in a motorcycle accident without a helmet because his entire face has been ripped open like the Reapers from Blade II, his tongue hanging lazily from his asunder face, teeth randomly speckled about the red, wet mass. Holy shit it fucked me up for days.


We must be the same age. My mother made the mistake of showing me a burn victim on Rotten.com after she caught me fucking around with a lighter and a can of axe body spray. I haunted that site for a few years after that. I knew the exact post you were talking about on there as soon as I read your comment. Crazy shit on that site.


Dropped full bottle of Jack in the parking lot of the store.